HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 07/17/2017 - City CouncilRE VISED AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street Monday, July 17, 2017, 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Public Comments: Consent Agenda Items or for items not on the Meeting Agenda. 5. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items: A. Recommendation to forward the Pearl Street Commons plan, a 25-unit housing development proposed at the northeast corner of Richmond Road & Pearl Street, to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration; B. Pay Application #16 to Williams Brothers Construction in the amount of $554,325.84 for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; C. Waive bidding requirements and approve a blanket purchase for water meters from Midwest Meter, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $65,000; D. Revised Block Party Application: Temporary Closure of a portion of Hemlock Drive from Arbor to Plumrose in the Riverside Hollow subdivision for a Block Party on August 5th from 11 AM to 7:00 PM; E. Approval of June 5, 2017 City Council meeting minutes: F. Approval of June 19, 2017 City Council meeting minutes; G. Approval of July 3, 2017 City Council meeting minutes; H. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $1,081,578.56; and I. Payment of Bills in the amount of $447,864.80. 6. Individual Action Item Agenda: A. Motion to approve a 25-foot Fence Variance at 4938 Abbington to allow a fence to be located 5-feet from the property line on the required front yard setback. B. Motion to adopt an Ordinance approving a Final Plat of Subdivision to Heidner Properties Subdivision aka Ricky Rockets, and approve a variance from the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Sec. 6.13, requiring above ground structures along the perimeter of a new subdivision to be buried. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. July 17, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting Page Two C. Motion to approve an Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 2 Administration adding Article IX Economic Development Commission creating a City of McHenry Economic Development Commission. D. Motion to approve a Professional Services Contract for the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation project to Bollinger Lach and Association, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $17,650. E. Motion to approve a Professional Services Contract for the Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project to HR Green, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $32,311.40. 7. Staff Reports. 8. Mayor and City Council Comments. 9. Executive Session. A. Motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of 5 ILCS 120(2)(c)(2) Collective Bargaining. 10. Continuation of Individual Action Item Agenda. Anticipated motion for approval of a Labor Agreement between the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 and the City of McHenry for the term of May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2021. 11. Adjourn. Any member of the public wishing to address the Council is invited to do so by signing it at the meeting entrance and, when recognized, stepping to the podium. Opportunities for public comment are provided under Public Comment and for each Individual Action Item. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.ci.mchenry.il.us. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. The proceedings of the City Council meeting are being video and audio -recorded and every attempt is made to ensure that they are posted on the City of McHenry, IL "YouTube" channel within twenty-four (24) hours of the meeting adjournment. NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), this and all other City Council meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional accommodations are needed, please call the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT FOR: July 17, 2017 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development RE: Pearl Street Commons Housing Project at Pearl and Richmond Road ATT: 1. Location Map 2. Community Development Committee Meeting Minutes dated February 8, 2016 3. Narrative of Proposed Project Submitted by applicant BACKGROUND: Many different types of land uses have been proposed on the subject property, northeast corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street, in the past. In 2005, Advance Auto Parts proposed an approximately 6,900 square -foot freestanding building, and in 2006 a strip mall consisting of 14,000 square feet, anchored by Cardinal Fitness was proposed. Advance Auto Parts received a negative recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and did not proceed to the City Council. The proposed strip mall received a positive recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission but was not approved by the City Council. The most recent request was for a Thorntons fueling station in 2013 however, the project was withdrawn. In addition to the aforementioned proposals, multi -family developments were also considered at the subject property but did not come to fruition, primarily due to costs/funding required for the projects. In February 2016 Full Circle presented a development concept to the Community Development Committee (minutes attached) consisting of: a three-story affordable apartment complex including a total of 47 dwelling units (12 two -bedroom and 35 one -bedroom units) which would be dedicated to individuals with mobility and sensory impairments and some of the units will be specifically targeted to veterans. The applicant applied for federal tax credits for the aforementioned project twice and was unsuccessful both times however recently another funding source was opened for projects E Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us geared towards the population Full Circle was targeting however, the bung could contain no more than 25 dwelling units. Full Circle scaled their project back to 25 units and was awarded funding for the 25-unit building (see applicant's narrative describing project). Since that time staff, as well as Mayor Jett, Alderman Schaefer and Administrator Morefield have met with the applicants to discuss the project and process. While the initial scope, mainly size (47 dwelling units to 25 dwelling units) has changed since the initial committee meeting in 2016, the remainder of the project has remained consistent including: target population; partners, etc. Due to the limitation of the funding on constructing one 25-unit building the applicant would like the opportunity to continue to apply for funding to construct another 25-dwelling unit building at some point in the future. However, they need to move forward with the first building to ensure they can utilize the funding, which was awarded. As a point of information, the working name of the project is now "Pearl Street Commons." At the 2016 Community Development Committee meeting the initial 47-unit project was well received and a motion to move the project forward to the City Council was made and passed by the Committee. Discussion ensued on the process and scope of review at the City Council meeting due to the project being required to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing. As a result, Staff is now presenting this project to the City Council on July 17 for direction to go to Planning and Zoning Commission in August. Additionally, it is the applicant's intent to meet with the neighbors after the July 17th City Council meeting and before the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in an effort to alleviate/address any initial concerns they may have. Following the August Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the project would come back to the City Council for additional review and approval. RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs, it is recommended that a motion be made that the Pearl Street Commons project be directed to go the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration at its August 16, 2017 meeting. 2 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMA4UNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT February 8, 2016 McHenry Municipal Center In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Economic Development Martin and City Clerk Jones. Also in attendance: Alderman Glab Helen Glab Charles "Chip" Eldridge III (Banner Apartments) Lindsey Haines (Full Circle Communities, Property Manager) Eric Huffinan (Over the Rainbow) John Colomer, 312 Shepherd Hill, McHenry, IL 1. Call to Order: Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Chairman Alderman Condon welcomed Mr. Ross Polerecky, newly appointed Director of Community Development. Mr. Polerecky stated that he is excited about his new role as Director of Community Development and looks forward to working with the Council and Staff moving forward. 2. Public Input: None. 3. Motion to approve the November 30, 2015 Special Community Development Committee Meeting Report Chairman Alderman Condon requested the November 30, 2015 Special Community Development Committee Meeting Report be approved. Motion by Peterson, second by Santi, approving the November 30, 2015 Special Community Development Committee Meeting Report. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. 4. Presentation of Conceptual Development Proposal for Pearl Street Apartments Director of Community Development Martin informed the Committee that many different types of land uses have been proposed on the subject property, which is located on the northeast corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street. In addition to commercial entities, proposals for multi- LI Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us family developments have been considered, but have not come to fruition, primarily due to cost/fimding requirements for the property. Director of Community Development Martin presented a proposed development by Full Circle Communities, in partnership with Over the Rainbow and Transitional Living Services (TLS Veterans) for a three-story affordable apartment complex including a total of 47 dwelling units (12 two -bedroom and 35 one -bedroom), which would be dedicated to individuals with mobility and sensory impairments and some of the units would be specifically targeted to veterans. The applicant is applying for federal tax credit equity as its primary financing source. Director Martin reiterated to the Committee that both Banner Apartments and TLS have previously applied to do a project in the City of McHenry. Banner Apartment initially presented a conceptual development plan for the southeast corner of Illinois route 120 and Crystal Lake Road (formerly the site of Portable Tool). The project was considered at the November 21, 2006 Community Development Committee meeting and is similar to the current proposal in that the proposed housing would be going to be affordable with a percentage reserved for people with special needs. Major concerns expressed at the time by members of the Committee regarding the redevclopment included: (1) appearance of the fagade on the first floor; (2) providing additional landscaping and open space; (3) the high density and height and mass of the building along Crystal Lake Road; and (4) configuration of the proposed building on the site. The project did not move forward following the initial presentation to the Community Development Committee. Subsequently, Banner Apartments presented another project to the Community Development Committee on April 30, 2013, which consisted of a 7.75 acre site with frontage along Bull Valley Road and Ridgeview Drive. The project consisted of two 24-dwelling unit buildings and one 22-unit building. The buildings were three stories and consisted of a total of 70 dwelling units composed of 22-one bedroom units, 124wo bedroom units and 3&three bedroom units. The project, similar to the project currently proposed was relying on tax credit equity from the Illinois Department of Housing Authority (IDHA) as its primary source of financing. The project, while well received by the Committee, did not proceed because Banner Apartment was not awarded the necessary tax credit financing from the IDHA. Director Martin reiterated that TLS also applied to do a project at the southeast corner of Ridge Road and Illinois Route 120, however, TLS was constrained by regulatory/funding challenges due to utilizing well and septic, as opposed to City water and sewer, and the project did not proceed. This project was exclusively dedicated as housing for veterans. In 2013, Council approved a Use Variance to allow construction of three eight -unit apartment buildings and a Variance to allow multiple principle buildings on one zoning lot. Some concerns pertaini Vng to the project expressed during the approval process involved proximity to public transportation and that the project was so far from any shopping. Director Martin introduced Ms. Lindsey Haines, Project Manager of Full Circle Communities (Full Circle). Ms. Haines informed the Committee that Full Circle Communities is please to 5 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us present the proposed project, The Pearl Street Apartments (Pearl Street). The proposed project would create 47 units of universally designed service -rich housing at the corner of Pearl Street and Richmond Road. All the units would include design features enabling tenants with mobility impairments to live independently and also for seniors to age in place. Ms. Haines introduced Mr. Eric Huffman, Executive Director of OTR. Ms. Haines stated that Full Circle is a non-profit owner, developer and manager. Full Circle's mission is one of expanded access to quality, affordable housing through preservation and development, thoughtful design and the provision of significant, targeted supportive services to residents and the surrounding community. Full Circle utilizes 75% of all project economics to fund resident services on site. Full Circle currently owns over 700 units in Illinois and Florida. Full Circle currently manages Towerview Apartments in the McHenry and is slated to begun construction on a senior project called Creekview in Richmond, Illinois in March 2016. Ms. Haines informed the Committee that nearly 24,000 persons with disabilities currently live in McHenry County, over 2,000 live in the City of McHenry, according to Census figures. Pearl Street would be designed with the needs and challenges of this population by incorporating smart design and on -site case management. Units would have kitchens designed for wheelchair access and roll in showers. Full Circle's main service provider partner is Over the Rainbow Association (OTR), a non-profit dedicated to housing and services for persons with disabilities. Ms. Haines stated that OTR is also experiences locally, operating the Northern Point Apartments in Harvard. Ms. Haines informed the Committee that the Pearl Street project intends to target units to local veterans; working with TLS veterans, a service provider partner on the Creekview project. Ms. Haines outlined the Pearl Street Project informing the Committee that the building would be four stories of masonry and fiber cement panels, incorporating on -site community areas and recreation space. The project would be Enterprise Green Communities and Energy Star Certified. If financing for the project is approved construction could begin in the spring of 2017 and completed in winter/spring 2018. Services on -site include: • Case management; • Coordination of medical care; • Therapist visits; • Transportation coordination; and • Resident activities. Ms. Haines stated that the project would bring accessible housing to the community and provide the residents easy access to transit, shopping and recreation. It would also revitalize vacant land, add to the downtown consumer base, generate property tax revenue and create jobs in the community. Director Martin informed the Committee that obtaining tax credit financing for this type of project is extremely difficult and the process is lengthy and competitive. He stated that the City of McHenry's Comprehensive Plan designates the site as medium -density residential (4 to 9 t� Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www. ci. m e he n ry. i l. us units per acre} and the Core Downtown Sub -Area Plan, adopted by the Council on August 31, 2009, states the subject property should be redeveloped as residential. The proposed apartment land use is located in close proximity to downtown shopping and restaurants; public transportation; assembly uses; and, public gathering places (i.e., Veterans Memorial Park). The project would provide affordable housing for persons who need it and many residents would not drive, therefore, there would not be a large amount of traffic generated to and from the site. Director Martin informed the Committee that the subject property includes 1.42 acres. While the gross density is high, the project is not a typical apartment development. The project is more institutional in nature in that residents are provided on -going services. Director Martin stated that in order to proceed with their funding application to the IDHA the developer needs a consensus and recommendation from the Committee. Director Martin stated that the recommendation does not denote final approval of the site plan, building elevation or zoning, which would require application to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and ultimate approval by the full Council. The applicant is simply, at this time, seeking comments pertaining to the land use at the location and general comments, questions and/or concerns from the Committee regarding the Preliminary Site Plan and building elevation. Alderman Santi opined that the comer of Richmond Road and Pearl Street is a challenging location. He stated that he likes the project, as presented for this particular area. Alderman Peterson inquired about screening for residents in the surrounding vicinity. Ms. Haines responded that the developer is willing to provide whatever screening the Council requires. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's inquiry regarding whether OTR is a privately funded enterprise, Mr. Huffman informed the Committee Thal OTR is anot-for-profit. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that her primary concern is for traffic congestion. She opined that the I acility would provide a wonderful service to the community and she supports the project. Motion by Santi, second by Peterson, agreeing to the proposed ]and use, density and general conceptual proposal in concept, to move the project forward, with the recommendation that the project be reviewed by full Council and the normal protocol of the Planning and Zoning Commission and a Public Hearing.. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Mr. John Colomer, the property owner, thanked Ms. Haines for her thorough presentation. He stated that everyone is excited about the project and that he Uelieves the project will be good for the community and the people in the community of McHenry. 7 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding the review of a project. Director of Community Development Polerecky informed the Committee that usually a project comes before the Community Development Committee, then goes before the Planning and Zoning Commission for a recommendation to go to Public Hearing and then the project would come before Council. Director Martin stated that the protocol is not carved in stone and the project could go before Council prior to submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Public Hearing. Director Martin said the protocol is done both ways, neither is incorrect. A discussion ensued regarding the correct protocol and procedure. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she would like to see a specific protocol in the future regarding what is required to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission and what may or may now have to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and in what sequence, in order to avoid any confusion in the fiiture. Director Martin, Ms. Haines, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Eldridge aid Mr. Colomer departed the meeting. 0 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CITY COUNCIL 7/17/17 -APPLICANT NARRATIVE Pearl Street Commons (PSC) is a 25-unit housing development that revitalizes the vacant lot at the northeast corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street, near downtown McHenry. The units are targeted to and designed for veterans and persons with a disability and will consist of 22 one - bedroom and 3 two -bedroom units. In addition to the units, PSC will also feature extensive amenity space including a community room, laundry room, library/computer room, resident storage space, and patio. The building will have an elevator and the units will be accessible or adaptable for a person with a disability, with features such as wide doorways, roll -in showers, and removable base cabinets. PSC will also achieve "green" certifications through Enterprise Green Communities and Energy Star, and will utilize permeable pavers in the parking lot and native plantings as part of the storm water drainage response. Full Circle is partnering with TLS Veterans and Over the Rainbow Association, local service providers for veterans and persons with a disability respectively, to make tenant referrals and provide services to the residents at no extra cost. The development is fully financed through capital funds from the Illinois Housing Development Authority, a McHenry County housing grant, an Illinois state energy efficiency grant, a veterans housing grant, and an anonymous donation. PSC is sustainably financed and does not rely on ongoing state operating grants. Development of PSC will result in 3 new permanent jobs and approximately 40 temporary construction jobs. Full Circle will provide long-term professional property management Cl"d will maintain on -site property management and maintenance staff. Full Circle is seeking a rezoning and will bring the development to the Planning &Zoning Commission at their August meeting and then return to City Council for final approval. s] Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2017 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Pay Application #16 ATT: HR Green Pay Application Recommendation AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to approve pay application #16 to Williams Brothers Construction in the amount of $554,325,84, BACKGROUND: Williams Brothers Construction is requesting $554,325.84 for work performed as of May 31, 2017 on the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. HR Green has reviewed the pay application, partial waiver of lien and certified payroll and found all documents to be in general conformance with the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan requirements. HR Green and city staff recommend approval of pay application #16. SRF loan procedures require City Council to approve this pay application prior to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ([EPA) disbursement of funds. Once the city receives the SRF loan disbursement, the city will pay Williams Brothers Construction's request for pay application #16. As of April 30, 2017, pay applications total $22,5431460.67. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve pay application request #16 to Williams Brothers Construction for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements in an amount not to exceed $554,325.84. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. D420 North Front Street I Suite 100 I McHenry, IL 60050 Main 815.385.1778 Fax 815.385.1781 HRGreen June 28, 2017 Mr. Jon M. Schmitt Director of Public Works City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 RE: McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Pay Application Request #16 HR Green Job No.: 86130341.03 Dear Mr. Schmitt, HRc�E�N.corn Attached is Pay Application #16 from Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project. Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. is requesting an amount of $554,325.84 for the work performed as of May 31, 2017. HR Green has reviewed the remaining documents in this submittal (partial waiver of lien and certified payroll) and found them to be in general conformance with the SRF loan requirements. HR Green has also reviewed this application with City Staff which is in agreement with our findings. M this time, HR Green recommends the City approve this Pay Application in the amount of $554,325.84 which leaves a balance of $ $5,866,540.52 on the project. Upon approval, the pay application will be sent to the IEPA for approval and disbursement of funds from the City's SRF loan. After approval, please sign on the application on the "Owner" line and return the documents to me for processing at the IEPA. If you have any questions, please call meat (815) 759-8346. Sincerely, HR GREEN, INC. ( U J. twoof Chad J. Pieper, P.E. Project Manager SF/CJP/ Attachments cc: Mr. Russell Ruzicka —City of McHenry Mr. Steve Frank, HR Green, Inc. Mr, Ravi Jayaraman, HR Green, Inc. Hrgmhnas:110:186130341.03\Construction\Pay RequestlPay Request #1511tr-051117-Recommendation of approval PayAppl5_cjp.docx McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation el Contractor`s Application For Payment No. 16 Application Period: Application Date: May 3 Y, 20I7 May 11 2017 to May 31, 2017 To (owner): From (contractor): Williams Brothers Construction Inc Via (Engineer) City of McHenry P.O. Box 1366 HR Green, Inc 1415 Industrial Drive Peoria, IL 61654 McHenry, 115nois 60050 Project Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: NlcHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolid ion 86130341 Application far Payment Change Order Summary Approved Change Qrders Number Additions Dedu LOM { I Gantractar's GerEiification The undersigned Contractor certifies that (1) all previous progress paymerr's received from Owner on account of Woek done under the Contract have been applied cn account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by priorApplicatiors for Payment (2) title or all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Paymentwill pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to Owner indemniWg Owner against any such Uenss security interest or encumbrances); and (3) all Woek covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE Net change by Change Order CURRENT CONTRACT PRICE (Line 1 t 2) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (On Progress Estimate} .._.. _. $ 6 5 RETAMAGE a. 5 % X s 24,313,459.48 Work Completed AMOUNT ELIGIBLE TO DATE (Line 4 - Line 5e) ..... LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS (Line 6 from prior Application) 8 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION Payment of. is recommended by. Payment o£ is approvers by. Payment of: is approved by: $ 30,I80,000.00 0.00 30,180,000.00 24,313,459.48 $ 1,215,672.97 $ 23,097,786.51 $ (22,543,460.67) $ 554,325.84 $554,325.84 (Line 8 orother-attach explanation of atheramounl) {owner} �554,325.84 (Line 8 er other- attach explanation of other amount) Funding Agency (B applicable} (Date} (Date) (Daft) McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 1 1 2 Application Period: 3 4 ........................: May 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017 A 0 Application Application Work Completed C dry Number, Date: D <:iea 16 May 3132017 E F 'teeda.S#oK'.. yRX. .R. G Item ...: :...:..: •::. �.�:�:........................:..:... ..... :.a Y� f 'tr • 5 c so i? •.:::.,.::,.::.:::.,,::::: •.�:::::.].:.::...... . ,:see ........:..,: >:: .Cx9... :.. t�z1l :`Cikit t�? `.i�riist�^:. rid OMM . lief 7 0.00 60.56% 8 9 Division 1-General CondiSons 10 r Bonds and Insurance Williams Brothers Const Inc. 300,000600 300,oQ0.00 3007000490 100.00% 0.00 15,000.00 Mobilization Williams Brothers Const Inc. 660,000,00 6501000.00 650,000.00 1OD.00% 0.00 32,500.00 Demobiluatlo 1 Williams Brothers Const Inc. 75,000.00 0,00 0.00 0.00% 75,000.00 U01 Overhead and Profit Williams Brothers Const Inc. 2,970,745; 00 21336,587.10 56,700.00 2,393287.10 80.56% 577,454.90 119,664.36 U602 Temporary Wastewater Diversion System Williams Brothers CConst Ina 85,000.00 0.00 21250.00 21,250400 25.00% 63,750.00 1.062.50 0.00 D vision 2- Existing Cond i ons Demo0on IIIWilliamsBrothers Constlnc. 64,930.00 58,438AO 5894UAO SUO% 6,491,60 2OS21,92 Division 3- Concrete M CIVIC Rebar 307.000,00 3a7,000.0Q 307.000.00 100.00% 0.00 15,350.G0 19 03 2000 Conrete Reinforcing 19 032000 Conrete Reinforcing L Gateway Construction Company 4271500,00 4189942.50 418,942.50 98.00% 8,557,50 20,947,13 M Super Mix 495,135.00 8.0 487,650 4870658.00 SSA9% 7.477,00 24,382,90 20 Ready Mix Concrete 0.00 21 033000 CR Pump Station 8,910.00 100.00% 0.00 445,50 22 03 3000 Footings L Williams Brothers Const lnc 8,910,00 8,910.00 L Williams8rothers Constlnc. 305,475,00 305.475.001305,475.Q0 100.00% 0.00 15,273.75 23 033000 Walls 15,500.00 100.00% 0.00 775.00 24 I 03 3600 Base Slabs L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 15,5o0A0 15,500.00 Stab Grade L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 23,855,00 22,65225 22,662.25 95,00% 1,192.75 1,133.11 25; 033000 on L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 3,000,00 1,99o.00 1,980.00 66,00% 1,020.00 99.00 26 03 3000 Mechanical Pads Suspended Slab L Williams Brothers Const Ina 21,850.00 21,850,00 21,850.00 100,00% 0.00 1092.50 27 0600 28 033000 aOSeeondaryTreatmemt 61600.00 100.00% 0.00 330.00 29 03 3000 Footings L Williams 8roiheis Const. inc. 6,600.00 6,600.00 L Williams Brothers Constlnc. 940,000.00 84Q.00O.00 840*000,00 100.00% 0,00 42,000.00 30 03 3000 Walls 300D Base Slabs L Williams Brothers Conri inc. 88,740.00 88,74G.00 881740,00 100,00% 0,00 47437/00 31 03 L Williams Brothers Const Ina. 29,200.00 26,790,00 26,790.00 95.00% 1,410.00 15339450 32 03 3000 Slatr on Grzde L Williams Brothers Const Ina 88,5504 53,130.00 53,130A0 60.00% 35,42Q.00 2,656.50 33 033000 Suspended Slab o.Qo 34 033000 50 S Tertiary Fccbngs L Willams Brothers Const Inc. 54080.00 51080,Q0 54080,00 100*00% O,CO 254,00 35 033000 L Williams Brothers Const lna 2,275,00 2,275.00 2,275,00 100.00 % 0.00 113,75 36 03 3000 Pads L Williams Brothers Const Inc, 445j128,001 445,198.00 445,198,00 100.000/6 0,00 22,259.90 37 03 3000 Wails Base Slabs L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 621310,00 I 62v3104001 62,310.00 i00.00% 1 0,001 3,115,5o 38 03 3000 Slab Grade L Williams Brothers Const inc. 627760A0 62,760.00 1 62,760A0 1OOt00%1 0,001 34138400 39 03 3000 as 3000 on Suspended Slab L Williams Brothers Const inc 330770,001 33,770400 33,770.00 1OOv00%1 O,OO 1,688.50 40 411 033000 60 S Solids0.00 03 3000 Footings L Williams Brothers ConsL Ina 4,757.00 4,757,00 41767.00 '100.00% 0,00 237,85 42 L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 3.420.00 11710,00 50.00% 1,71Q.00 86.50 43 033000 Pads t Walls L Williams Brothers Constlnc, 32,970,00 32,970.00 2,90.00 3,70.00 100.60% Q.00 1,648.50 44 033000 Slab Grade L Williams Brothers Const, Inc. 21270.00 21,270.00 21270.00 t00.00% 0.00 11063.50 45, 033000 on 0,00 46 033000 70MicroscYeen 47 033000 Footings L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 1,495.00 1,495.00 1,495,00 100,00%I 0.00 74,75.. 0,00 343475, ae 033000 Walls L Williams Brothers Const. Inc. 64875.00 66875.00 6,875,00 100.00 a 49 033060 Slab on Grade L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 11242.00 19242.00 1,242.00 100.90% 0.00 62.10 0.00 50 033000 75 SSR Feed 51 032000 Walls L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 57,550,00 57,550.00 57,550,00 100.00% O.OQ Z,BT/.59 52 03 3000 Base Slab L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 5200.00 5,200.00 5200.00 100.00% 0.00 260.06 531 Q33000 Suspended Slab L wpllams Brothers Cart Inn. 10,530.00 10,530.00 10,530.00100.00% 0.00 526.50 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 2 1 2 Application Period: 3 i 4 May 1, 201710 May 31, 2017 A 6 Application Application Work Completed C Number-, Date: D 16 May 31. 2017 E F G Item tk x:x£ma's i� S%dI:1iEZS'i'ofi'2'•ii}i�EEii?i;%�•. i st"al; ; '?t;i';i:' �kal? o ' .e6:a iESto a�:. i 5 c no. : i3 vA R 3f LYt t(0 .4ei$5.. .. 5.. y. af7. 4''i D o0 54 Site 551 Sidewalks L Williams Brothers ConsL Ina 8,575.001 4s287,501 44287,501 50,000% 4,287.50 214,38 561 Pavement L Williams Brothers Const, Inc, 267*520,ODI 570504400 57,504,00 20.000h 23D,016.00 2.875.20 571 1 Electrical Duct Bank L Williams Brothers ConsL Inc. 44,750.00 42,512,50 42*512,60 95.00% 2237.50 2,125.63 561 1 034100 Precast Structural Concrete M Mid -States Concrete Industries 38,000.00 38,o00.00 38,000,00 100.00% o'W 1,900.00 59 t 034100 Precast Structural Concrete L MI&StatesConcrete industries 31,000,00 31,tltl0.00 31,D0D.00 100.00°h 0.00 1,550.00 0000 61)1 1 Division 4•Masonry 0100 0.00 621 1 Masonry 63 Structure 20 M Diamond Masonry 39,510,00 22,349,50 22,349.50 56,57% 17j160,501 1,117.48 64 Structure 20 L I Diamond Masonry 70*500.00 22,485.421 22,486.42 31,89% 48,014658 1112427 651 Structure 40 M Diamond Masonry 33,890.00 33,890.00 33,890.00 100,00% 0,00 1,694.50 66 Structure40 L Diamond Masonry 994511woo 52,279.56 360200,00 89,179.56 89.62% 107331,44 4,458.98 I 57 I Structure 50 M Diamond Masonry 3,920.00 3,920.00 39920.00 100,00% 0.00 196,00 681 Structure 50 L Diamond Masonry 20,450400 20*080400 20,080.00 98,19% 370.00 1,064.OQ 69 Structure 60 M Diamond Masonry 11830.00 0.001,830.00 0.00 70 Structure 60 L Diamond Masonry 9,343.00 0.00 0100 0.00% 9,343.00 1 0400 71 Structure 70 M Diamond Masonry 8,301.00 84301.00 8,301.00 100400% 0.00 415.05 72 Structure 70 L Diamond Masonry 21,745,00 21,745.o0 21745.00 100A0% 0.001 1.087.25 0.00 73 Division 5-Metals Metals M Trtan Industries 208,880,00 844540.50 64,540,50 40.470/5 11214.339.501 4,227,03 74 Metals L Joliet Steel & Construction 117,120.00 52,704,00 234424.00 768128,001 65,000% 40PS92,001 3.806.40 75t 76 Pre -Engineered Metal Building M Nucor Building Systems 221.754.00 214,60e.00 2141606.00 96,78% 7,148,00 10,730.30 77 Pre-Engineared Metal Building L Joliet Steel & Construction 18B4O00,00 182,000.00 182.000.00 96.61 % 6,00o.00 1 9,100.00 0.00 78 Division 6-Wood, Mastic and Composites 79 061000 Bolted Plates and Blocking MIL• Williams Brothers Const, Inc, 47,300.00 41730,00 41730.00 10.00% 42,57D.00 236,50 80 0574713 FRP Grating M Harrington Industrial Plastics 51745.00 0.00 0.00 0,00% 5,745.00 0900 81 0674713 FRP Grating L Williams Brothers Const Inc, .00 10,000 0.00 4.00 0,00 % 10,000.00 0.00 82 SIPS Comics Work Kale Construction 11,700.00 O.OQ 0.00 0,00% 11,700.00 0.00 0.00 83 Division 7.7hermal and Moisture Protection 84 075323 EPDM Roofing M Sterling Commerical Roofing 17,500,00 14,000400 14,000.00 80.00 % 31500.00 700.00 851 075323 EPDM Roofing L Sterling Commerical Roofing 28,570,00 22,856.06 22,856.00 80.00% 5,714.00 1,142.80 85 076000 Flashing and Sheetmetal M Sterling Commerical Roofing 2,SD0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00% 24500,00 0.00 87 r 076000 Flashing and Sheetmetal L Sterling Commerical Roofing 7,43100 0.00 0.00 0,00 % 7143000 0,00 0,00 88 Division 8-Doors and Windows 89 081613 FRP Doors and Frames M Doers Inc 30*840*00 30,1340,00 30,840.00 100.00'% 0.001 1,542.00 90 081613 FRP Doors and Frames L Williams Brothers ConsL Inc. 15,000,00 750,00 750,00 5.00% Y4,250,00 37.50 91 08 3300 Overhead Coiling Service Doors M House of Doors Inc 67,900.00 0,00 0.06 0,000/. 67,900.00 0,00 083300 Overhead Coiling Service Doors L House of Doors Inc D.00 j9�2, 083113 Floor Hatches M Nystrom 20,406.00 16,123.00 164123,00 79401% 4283.00 806.15 94 083113 Floor Hatches L Williams Brothers Const. Inc. 104400,00 74800*00 7,800.D0 75,D0% 2,600.00 390,00 95 086200 { Unit Skylights M Exarc Skylights 12,150,00 2,500,0o 2,500,00 20,58% 9,650,00 125,W 96 ` 066200 Unit Skylights L Williams Brothers Const, Inc, 81300400 80300.00 8,300,00 100.00 % 0100 416,00 97 087100 Door Hardware M Doors Inc 14,060,00 140060,00 14,060.00 100400% 0.00 703,00 98 087100 Door Hardware L Williams Brothers Const, Inc. Included in Don and Frames 0.00 99 I 668830 N100 Glass Glazing East Moline Glass 11725,00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 1,725.00 0.00 0.00 Division 9-Finishes McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 3 7 Application Number, 16 21 Application Period: May 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017 Application Date: May31, 2017 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C D E F G 141 .. t red ery5. tH a, or.:::.. :?rts1. P•.rese. J a�.::,.: ,!aOW5ion'` % r . I [::o"' til t?Fe liots•'N>i:V. :.su . . ...: r>:� �: r..:. ....,,...,....... ...,........:........... .. ....... ...... ................... '�Si#p } s to •fE* Sic, . i• 101 099000 Paints and Coatings 102 8uilding20 M G.P. Maintenance Services 6,000400 600.001 600.00 10.01)% 5,400*00 30,00 103 Sullding20 L G.P.MalntenanceSenrices 24,000,00 2140D.00 2,400.00 10.00% 21,600A0 120.00 104 Suilding 30 M G.P. Maintenance Services 900.00 100.00 100600 1111% 800.00 S.oQ 105 Building 30 L G.P. Maintenance Services 9,o00.00 900.00 900400 10.00% 8,100.06 45,00 106 Building 40 M GIP. Maintenance Services 61200,00 3,400100 31400/00 54.84% 20800,00 170100 107 Suilding 40 L G.P. Maintenance Services 571000100 314350,00 314350/00 55,00% 25,650,00 1,567050 108 Building 50 M G.P. Maintenance Services 900,00 900.00 900.00 100400% 0400 45.00 1091 Building 50 L G.P. Maintenance Services 94000.00 91000,00 91000.00 10040% 0.00 450000 110 Building70 M I G.P. Maintenance Services 500.00 500,00 500.00 100,00% 0,001 .00 111 Building 70 L G.P. Maintenance Services 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 100.00% 0.00 225,00 1121 1 1 Building 75 M G.P. Maintenance Services 8OO= 800,00 800,00 100100% 0.00 40,00 113 Building75 L G.P. Maintenance Services 6,200.00 41650.00 40650,00 75.00°% 1,550.00 232,50 114 095100 Acoustical Ceiling Work M Central Ceiling Systems 11272.00 0.00 0.00 0,00% 1,272.00 0.00 115 096500 Resilient Floor Tile M Johnson Floor Company Inc 194644001 0.00 0.00 0. .DQ D.00 116 1.01vislon 10Specialties 0.00 117 101400 Sgnage M Williams Brothers Const. Inc, 2,100,00 0,00 0.00 0.00% 24100.00 0,00 118 101400 Signage L Williams Brothers Const, Inc. 800.00 0.00 D,00 0500%1 800,00 0.00 1191 102813 Toilet Accessories M Williams Brothers Const Inc, 735.001 0,00 01001 040o% 735.00 0,00 1201 102813 Toilet Accessories L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 450,001 0,00 0,4101 0.000/ 450,001 0100 1211 Division 22-Plumbing 0,00 122 Exterior Mechanical O'er 123 Overhead and Profit G. A. Rich 349,S65.00 342,573.70 342,573.70 95,00% 6,991.30 17,128,59 124 Mobilization Go A. Rich 1 20.000.00 20.000.001 201000/00 100,00% 0400 1,000.00 1251 Process Pipe M Go A, Mich 433,587,00 433,587,001 433,587,00 100.D0% 0.00 21,679.35 126 Process Pipe L G. A. Rica 1,103,787.00 1 1,092,74913 14092,749.13 99.00% 11,037.87 54,657*46 1271 Storm M Go A, Rion 127,160,00 127,160.00 127,160.OD 100600% 0.00 6*358,00 128 Storm L Go A, Rich 281,061,00 281,061.00 2814061,00 loo.oQ%1 0.00 140053,05 1291 Water M G. A. Rich 88,338.00 88,338,00 88,338.00 100,00%1 0.00 41416.90 1301 1 Water L G.A.Rich 174,188.00 17070424 170*704.24 98.00% 3,483.76 8,535.21 131 Gas M Go A. Rich 2,000.00 0,00 MOO 0,00% 2,000.001 0.00 1321 L G, A. Rich 7,258.00 4$54.W 41354.80 eO.00% 2,903,201 217,74 133 Grinder Pump M G. A, Rich 330,00 33tl.tl0 330.00 100,00% 0.00 16,50 134 Grinder Pump L Go A, Rich 10,998000 10,998*00 10,998.00 100.00% 0.00 549,90 t 135 i Valves M G. A. Rich 51,728.00 51,728.00 514728/00 100.00% O.OQ 2,586.40 136 Valves L G. A. Rich 30,000600 301000.00 30,000000 100600% 1 0000 1,500.00 137 Interior Mechanical 0.00 138 ; Pre Construction Hayes Mechanical 30,000.00 30,000100 30,000400 100.00% 0,00 1,500.06 139f Mobilization Hayes Mechanical 15,000.00 154000,00 15,000,00 100,00% 0.00 750.06 140 De Mobilization Hayes Mechanical 5,000,00 0400 0.00 0.00% 6,000.00 0,00 J 141 Valves M Hayes Mechanical 320.000.00 256*730.50 256,730.50 8023% 63,269.50 12,836453 142 DI Piping M Hayes Mechanical 520,000.00 3839305,47 21,618.97 4040924644 77,87°/ 115,075.56 20,246.22 143 Pipe Supports M Hayes Mechanical 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000000 1DO=10 0900 2,500.00 144 Misc Plumbing and Piping Material M Hayes Mechanical 65,000.00 52,351,18 5,727.23 5e,078,41 89,35%1 6,921.59 2,903192 145 Pipe Line Insulatlon M Hayes Mechanical 90,000000 187000000 181000.00 20.009A 1 72,000.00 900.00 146 Building 20 L Hayes Mechanical 371600,00 33,500.00 33,500100 1 89.33% 4,000.001 1,675.00 147 Building 30 L Hayes Mechanical 7200.06 4,320.00 4,320.00 6D.00% 2,880,00 216.00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 4 Application Number. i6 1 2 Application Period: May 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017 Application Date: May 31, 2017 3 A B Work Completed C D E F G 4 Item .............................................::.::.:..,.....:::,:::.:: ,::::::::.:::::.:.:. ::::::•:. �::::. �.:::::::. :. �:..:, �. .;:::: <a•:t• ::;:r::�; tsda 2ct Su tun, or,..,,.,:...,:..... �::;.::::'•;v:;>: •ai:: t•• ::>o-v:;a: x::>;;, :::.,;;:::.;;::,::;:.::r::;x; x;;. ...,.:... ....::::<•:.;•..:•. k re±.do 'IMSPettod...... �tfltst.E?, k#5:,:.... ter: i>;'•>•: i'<'=<:•=k>': i ^::: :. '• r:•:;:>::; :alit: i::<: y:;o::<: .: :;^::•;•xi':y •.: ?:L-:•S, 'r:;r:::::x . �:•>:::::a>:::�+': �. : pi.`'•ii i ?=:T�?:IitJA�'�}i : .. .._..:..............................• ....,•..,.. ,•, :::.... .fer>?5.. ........... ......:.::.sdlec�tl...:.. .:.::.. ..i8�k�£dr:. .:...... .. ............. • `��lx�1L • liGdGitz't fiUfaf�ti; tiatikf i! �j::i` `<3"13.. '� :., .. ................ 6 L fOf+ :�{xu•:,::�:iSii>R�.r::;�r::.:::-;:•sm,;;;:=:.r-o;r:rs,::n:r:::>:a>:».::.0>:<:5s�::::>::::"::�:a:::rtf:>:<:s.a.:>::o-;::•.r:... ....�::::..:c.::.::::�•:.�:.�:::..,:•::...::.:.... ::.... 148 Building 40 L Hayes Mechanical 270,000.00 1397500000 32,000.00 171,500400 63.520/. 98,500,00 8,575.00 1491 Building 50 L Hayes Mechanical 80,000,001 75,000,00 4,000,00 79,0006001 98,75% 1,000,00 3,950.00 150 I Building 6D L Hayes Mechanical 62400D.00 %790,00 5,000,40 174790,0028.69% 44,210,00 889,50 151 Building 65 L Hayes Mechanical 3,000.00 31000,00 31000,00 100.00% 0.00 150,00 152 Building 70 L Hayes Mechanical 27,000.00 27,000400 27,000.00 100,00% 0.00 1,350.00 153 Suilding75 L Hayes Mechanical 184000,00 1e,000,00 16,000.00 88.89% 2,000.00 800,00 0,00 154 Division 23-HVAC 155 Central Pump Station 20 0,00 156 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services InL 1V500900 0,00 0.00 06000/0 16500,001 0100 157 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 2,600.00 0,00 0.00 1 0.000/0 2,500,001 0,00 1531 Duotaom Complete Mechanical Services Inc 4,000,00 4,000.00 41000,00 100.00%1 0,00 1 200.00 1591 Centrifugal Fans Complete Mechanical Services Inc 4,400,001 4,440,00 4,400,00 103.00% 0,00 220,00 1601 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1 7250,00 7125Q600 7t250.001 100.00% 0.00 362.50 1611 1 Terminal Heat Transfer Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15,000400 15,000.00 154000,00 100*00% D.00 750600 1621 AC Units Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15,800.001 15,8DQA0 15.800.001 100.00% 0,00 790,00 163 Material Complete Mechanical Services Inc 2,000.00 OA0 0,00 D.00% 2,000.00 0400 164 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 9,500,00 0.00 0,00 0.00% 9,500.00 0.00 1 D,00 1651 1 SP Secondary Treatment 40 166 Test and Balance Complete MechanicatServices Inc 1,500.00 O.OQ 0400 0.00 % 1.500.00 0000 167 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 54500,00 0.00 0,00 0,00% 5,500,00 0.00 168 Ductwork Complete Mechanical Services Inc 5,000.00 5,000.00 S,000.QD 100.00% O.OQ 25Q.OD 161 Centrifugal Fans Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1,500,00 1,500,00 19500.00 100400/0 0,00 75.00 170 Power Ventilators Complete Mechanica€ Services Inc 14500.00 1,500.00 11500,00 100.00% 0.00 75.00 171 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical services Inc 34000,00 31000,00 31OOO.00 100.00°A 0100 150.00 172 Fuel Fired Unit Heaters Complete Mechanical Services Inc I,600,00 1,800,00 1,800A0 100.00% 0,00 90,00 173 Make Up Air Unit Complete Mechanical Services Inc 61100,00 6,100,00 61100,00 100.00 % 0,00 305400 174 AC Units Complete Mechanicat Services Inc 15,800,00 15,8OD000 15,800,00 100.00% 0100 79D,00 175 1 Material Complete Mechanical Services Inc; 7,000.00 3,o0Q00 3,000.00 42,860/. 4,000,00 150600 1761 1 Labor Complete Mechanics! Services Inc 17,000.00 12,OOO.00 120000,00 70.590/61 5,000.001 600.00 0.00 177 ; SP Tertiary Building 50 1781 1 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services Inc 14500.00 0,00 0,00 0,00°A 1,500.00 0.00 1791 1 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1 16,500.00 7,500400 70500400 45.450/D 9,000.00 376.00 180 Ductwork Complete Mechanical Services Inc 6,000,00 6,000.001 64000,00 100.00% OAO 300400 181 Centrifugal Fans Complete Mechanical Services Inc 71500,00 7,500.00 71600,00 100.000/0 0.001 375,OU 182 Ins and Gluts Complete Mechanical Services Inc 3,480.00 31480,00 34480.00 100.00°1° 0.00 174.04 183 Fuel Fired Unit Heaters complete Mechanicai Services inc 99000.00 9,000.00 91000401 100,00%1 0,00 1 450.00 1S4 AC Units Complete Mechanical Services Inc 8.400.00 8,400,00 8,400.001 100.00% 1 0400 420,00 185 , Materia[ Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7.000.00 1 5,000.00 5100040 7143°A 21000,00 250,00 1861 Labor Complete Mechanical Services inc 15,000,00 12,000.00 12,000.00 60000% 3,000.06 600900 0,00 1671 SP Crying Building 1881 1 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services Inc 11500000 0.00 0000 0,00% 1150D,00 0.00 89 ` Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 8,000.00 7,000.00 7,D60.00 87.50% 1,000.00 350.00 190 Ductwork Complete Mechanical Services inc 35,000,00 354000400 350000.00 100000% OAO 19750.00 191 Centrifugal Fans Complete Mechanical Services Inc 11,500.QD 11500.00 11,500.00 100400% 0.00 575,00 192 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services Inc 11,000,00 114000.00 11,000,00 100*00% 040 550,00 93 Heat Exchangers Complete Mechanical Services Inc ee,00D400 600000400 504000,00 100.00% 0.00 3,000.OQ F:::11S4j Make Up Air Units Complete Mechanical Services Inc 18,360.001 18,36D.00 18,360A0 100.00% QA0 918.00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 5 1 Application Number, 16 2 Application Period: May 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017 Application Date: May 31, 2017 3 A B I Work Completed I 4 C D E F G Item •:::.. :::.:y r :.. :..:::.: .. .. .:::• :,.:::;: <� v; ••: ...r.;;e:2??tc;%::%:tr..sf:.a..5.4.:.%.t.5..:.y.:';........;E..s...>.;.;.:•.:.:.:.:....:: : Sc.+....I.., . ,::.:.:. �:.a-•.:: ;s;: : _:::;,::: :.:.:. f5 • .:.:;:...::. . rE:ic .2•,'f.i? C.'a0::;: :F;��•T:p;dAt31:-t , tit i< ' +'• it CN? .:R2<s;ri:i>;<::::<>r>%;:'i ?Ss::4:�a.:;<,;2::::.:a<t<;�:s::�s::::�::.:::•::::::::.� ::..:..:....::..:.... �:.:::::::::: :,: ::::. ::.: r.<.. 1951 Material Complete Mechanical Services Inc 20*000,00 20,00D,00 - 20,000.00 100,00 % 0,00 1,000,00 196 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 35,DO0.00 354000,00 350000A0 100.00% 0.00 14750,00 0400 197 SP Microscreen Building 70 198 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services Inc; 11500,001 0.00 0100 0,00% 10500.00 0.00 199 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 2,400.00 1,20o,00 1,200,00 50,00% 14200,00 60.00 200 Ductwork Complete Mechanical Services Inc 66310,00 6,310.00 61310*00 100,00% 0,00 315,50 201 Power ventilators Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7ZO600 7,2OD.00 7,200.00 100,00% 0.00 360,00 202 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services (no 7*800.00 71800,00 7,8Q0.00 100-00% 0,00 1 390400 203 Terminal Heat Transfers Complete Mechanical Services Inc I 35,000.00 35,000.001 35,000.00 100400% 0.00 1,750.00 204 AC Units Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7,400.00 7*400,00 7,400.00 1o0A0% 0.00 370,00 205 Material Complete Mechanical Services Inc 69000.00 2,500,00 2,500.00 50.00% 2,500.00 125.00 206 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15,000,o0 160000,00 15,00040o 100,00% 04001 750.00 0.00 207 Division 25.1ntegratedAutomation 208 251516 Boxes, Panels and Control Centers Advanced Automaton & Controls 165,000,00 41,250,D0 41,250,001 25.00% 123,750.00 2,062.50 209 253100 Remote Instruments Advanced Automation & Controls 75,000,00 0000 0.00 0.000/6 75,000A0 0,00 r 210 255100 Instrumentation and Control intefration Advanced Automation & Controls 2,135,300,00 111231589,73 149,473.68 1,273,06$Al 59.62% 862,236,59 63,653.17 2111 259100 Wastewater Plant Control Advanced Automation & Controls 194700400 0+001 04001 0.00 % 19470OPCO 0.00 212 252922 Variable Frequency Motor Controllers Advanced Automation & Controls 109,000.00 6,000.00 60000.00 5.50% 103,000.00 300.00 0400 1. 2131 Division 26-Elect6cal 2141 263213 Packaged Engine Generator and TransrerSwitches M Cummins N Power Inc 780.000.00 576,882.84 676*8$2*841 73,96%1 203,117.16 26,WA4 0,00 215; 216 Mobilization HemesteadSecricalConstracting L 25,000.00 25,000,0D 25,000400 100,00%1 OAO 1 1250.00 217 PM Time-Submlttals Homestead Elecdcal Contracting L 3o,0oo,00 304000.00 3010OD,00 100.004/0 0.00 1,500,00 ` Site M Homestead Elecrical Contracting Ll 1454000*00 145.000,00 145,O00.100 100.00% 0.00 7,250.00 218 219 Site L Homestead El ec cal Consiractng L 75,000.00 75,000,00 75,t100,00 100.00°/a 0.00 3,750,00 220 Building 20 M Homestead Elecrical Contracting Ll SQ0N= 14,650.00 14,650.00 29.30% 35,350.00 221 Building 20 L Homestead Elecrical Constracting LI 68,000.00 11,300400 4,900,00 16,200.00 1 23,82%1 510800.00 810,00 222 Building 30 M Homestead .1ecricai Contracting t 27,000,00 2,500.00 2,500.00 9.26% 24,500,00 125.00 i 223 Building 30 L ' Homestead ElecricatOontracting L 25.000A0 5,500,00 - 6,600,00 12,000.00 48.00% 13,060.00 600.00 224 Building 40 M Homestead Elecrical Constracting Lil 85,000.001 31,350,00 31,350.00 36,880/01 53,650.001 1.567.50 225 Building 40 L Homestead Elecrical Contracting Li, 10a,000*001 61,250,00 61,250,00 56,19% 1 47,750.001 3,062.50 226 Building 50 M Homestead Elecrical Contracting t 77,000.00 69,630,00 7,370.00 77,000500 100,00%1 0100 3,850.00 227 Building 50 L Homestead Elecdcal Constracting L 92,000,00 75,510.00 12,000000 87,510.00 95.12% 4,490.00 4,375,50 22B Building 60 M Homestead Elecdcal Constracting L11 70,000,0o 348275.Q0 34,275000 48.96% 36,725.00 1.713.75 229 Building 60 L Homestead Elecrical Contracting 94,500.00 604810*00 60,810.00 64.35% 33,690500 30040.50 230 Building 70 M Homestead Elecrical Contracting L11 55,000.00 55,o00,0o 55,000.00 100.00%1 0,00 27750#00 231 Building 70 L Homestead Elecrical Contracting Ld 1o5,000,o0 1050000,00 1050000600 100400% 0400 5,250.00 232 Building 75 M Homestead Elecrical Contracting L 29.000.00 a,000,00 21900,00 10?900400 37,6s%j 187100,00 1 54 M 233 Building 75 L Homestead Elecrical Contracting L 48,000.00 4,500,00 12,500.00 - 17,000.00 35,42%1 31,000.00 860,00 234, Gear Homestead Elecdcal Contracting LL 1620000,00 100,105400 61*895,00 162,000,00 100,00/ 0.00 8,100.00 2351 1 Lighting Homestead Elecrical Contracting Ll 108,500,00 70*958,00 37,542,00 108,500A0 100400% 0.00 51425POD 2361 1 Divisional -Earthwork 0.00 0.0o 237 j 2381 31 1000 Strip Topsoil Williams Brothers Const Inc. 154000,00 15,000,00 150000.00 100,00 % Q,00 750.00 239 31 1coo Respread Topsoil Williams Brothers Const, Inc. 15,000000 2,2S0,00 2,25040 15.00% 50. 12,700 112.50 24C 311000 Remove Asphalt Paving Williams Brothers Const Inc. 321245,00 67449400 6,449.00 ZO.00Y° 25,796.00 1 $22.48 241 31 1000 Tree Removal Homer Tree Service 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 100,00°!e 0.00 700,00 i McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation 1 i Application Number. 16 2 Application Period; May 1, 2D1710 May 31, 2017 Application Date: May 31, 2017 3 A B Work Completed a I Item G D E P G 1 c�'o:::;•;^:;;:•:::::-::.�::c.�z::a:oiN:;::;:::'r:}:.:>x:.:oifv;:+.t:�:�•::a�:p�S>i5:o::u:a,;:;:,:cas:'r::::p..'..>........:....:.:�..�:.�.�:.;.................:. :..:: ••: •:: :: .: ., :vj:.: .. y .. ... :...... ....... .... . ..... .... ...... ......,.,.....,.... ... :::::.: ...... :. ......,.. ,... .f R e .•. �.,..:�nQ�EG<. ::cStR•:.::cc:a•:8��ne�: Gi�=ii �$.� . re•ao �::�t €. : ' .41ed,, ,... 1! i5z3r4otr�auot..::::::.�:.�:.:.:.. Ye..... ;r.•omF.?. sts...:.... 7k�Petiod.......,. .. ..�1;me•Itat�,i?.es�.k .::��: ....................................................:..• ,.,, •;:::�dte4u........ , .... .... .Y. ..��'i ..TziE�atE. ..fin`'''.• 242 312200 Grading Williams $roiheis ConsL inc, 41,000.00 12,300,00 12,300,00 30,GO% 1 28,700.00 615.00 243. 312316 cut and Fill Williams Brothers Const inc. 180,135,00 136,6Q3.25 136,60125 75,83% 43,533,75 6,830.06 244 312316 Mass Excavation W Sllams Brothers ConsL tna 654,600.00 664,600.00 6S4,6OOA0 100,00% 0.00 33,230400 245 31 2316,13 Trenching WlOams Brothers Const {na 133,500,00 126,825.00 126,825A0 95,00% 6,6751G0 6,341,25 246 312319 Dewatering Kelley Dewaterin and Construction T889300,00 188,3Oo,00 188,300600 100,00% 0.00 96415400 247 3125CO Sift Fence Williams Brothers ConsL Inc, 15,000.00 12,000.00 124000.00 80000"/ 31000,00 6o0.O0 246 31 500 Excavation Support and Protection Williams Brothers Const Inc, 475,35040 475,350,00 4754350A0 1 00.00% 0,00 23,767.50 249 DMsion 32- Exterior lmprovemants 0.00 250 321216 Asphalt Paving M Troch•McNeil Paving Co 78,725000 6,000.00 6,000.00 7.62% 72,725.00 300.00 251 321216 1 Asphalt Paving L Troch-McNeil Paving Cc 91,775d10 6*000400 6VS00600 7452% 84PS75.001 345.00 252 321113 Chain Link Fences and Gates M Northern Illinois Fence 14,866.00 0,00 0.004100('),00010 14,866,00 0,00 253 323113 Chain Link Fences and Gates L Northern Illinois Fence 10,765,00 0400 D,00 10,765,00 D,00 254 3292T9 Seeding WiliamsBrothers Constlna 8,000.00 0,00 0.00 8,000.00 0,00 255 . Division 33- U616es 0.00 256 333216.13 Packaged Grinder Pump Station M Gasvoda and Associates 23000,00 23,000000 23,000,00 D_QO 1,150.00 257 33 3216,13 Packaged Grinder Pump Station Start Up Gasvoda and Associates 1,053.50 0.00 0,00 1005245G 0,00 258 33 3216413 Packaged Grinder Pump Station L Hayes Mechanical 5.000,00 5,000.00 6,000,00 0.00 250,00 2591 Division 3$- Waterway and Marine Construction 0400 260 35 2016,29 Fabdcated Metal Slide Gates M R, W Gate Company 1 280,030.00 =,OZ - Q 260,G30.00 100.00% 0.00 14+001*60 261 35 201629 Fabricated Metal Slide Gates L Williams Brothers Const inc, 142,000.00 i06,500_e0 71100.DO 113,600,00 80.000/. 28.400.00 5,680.00 Division 47-Material Processing and Handling Equipmen 0,00 J26�L2 412223.19 Cranes and Hoists Sievert Crane and Hoist 17,30D.00 17,300,00 17,300.00 100.60% D.00 855.00 Division 43• Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purirrcati n, and Storage Equipment 0.00 2651 431123 Rotary Positive Displacement Aeration Slower M , LAI Ltd 49,000.00 49,0004C0 493000,00 1004000/ 0,00 f 2,450.00 256 431123 Rotary Positive Displacement Aeration Blower L Hayes Mechanical GV000.00 5,000.66 11000,001 66000,00 100.00% 0,00 300400 2671 432114'j Rotary Lobe Pump Equipment M Peterson and Matz, Inc 60,000100 0100 47,500.00 47,500•00 79.17% 120500.00 2,375.00 266 432114 Rotary Lobe Pump Equipment -Start Up Peterson and Matz, Inc 5,000.00 0400 0,00 0,00 % 5,000400 0.00 269 432114 Rotary Lobe Pump Equipment L Hayes Mechanical 6.000600 0.00 0.00 0.00°k 6,000.00 0.00 270 432139 Submersible Solids Handling Pump Equipment M LAI Ltd 799,000400 IS9,750,001 1g9,750.00 25.00% 599,250,00 91987,50 271 432139 Submersible Solids Handling Pump Equipment L Hayes Mechanical 42,000.00 21 R461,531 21,461,53 51,10% 20,538.47 1,073.08 272 43 2143.01 Sump Pump System L Hayes Mechanical 4,000.00 0.00 0,001 0.000/0 41000,00 0,00 273 433259 Odor Control System M LAI Ltd 47,000400 47,000.00 47,000400 100.000/0 04001 2,350.00 274 433259 Cdor Control System L Hayes Mechanical 10,000.00 04M uo 0.000A 10,000.00 0400 275 433263 i Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment M Xylem Water Solutions USA 276,000.00 2751000,00 275,000= 10o_D0°lo 0.00 13,750.00 276 4$3263 Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 61000.00 4120000 1 11200,00 51400.00 90.00%1 600.00 270.00 277 434113,01 HydropneumaticTank M LAI Ltd 29,000,00 2%000,00 29,000.00 100,00% 0,00 1045Q00 278 434113,01 Hydropneumatic Tank L Hayes Mechanical 18000.00 1,000.00 10000.Oo 100.00°/ O.Oo 50.00 279 434116 Bulk Chemical Storage Tanks M Peterson and Matz, Inc 120.000.00 1204000.00 120.OG0400 100.00% 0,00 6,000.00 280 434116 Bulk Chemical Storage TanksStart Up Peterson and Matz, Inc 5,000.00 0.00 0,00 0.00% 61000,00 0.00 201 434116 Bulk chemical Storage Tanks L Hayes Mechanical 5,000.00 5,000.o0 5,000.00 100,00% 0000 250,00 252 Division 44- Polffution Control Equipment 0,00 283 444000 j Composite Samplers M Gasvoda and Associates Inc 1 G,000.00 104000400 100000,00 100,00% 0.00 SOD.00 284 i 444000 Composite Samplers Start Up Gasvoda and Associates Inc 11053650 0.00 0.00 D.OR % 11053050 0.00 285, 444000 Composite Samplers L Williams Brothers Const. Inc, 1,000A0 O.OD 0.00 0.00 % 10000,00 0,00 286 444,100 Sequencing Batch Reactor Treatment System M Xylem Water Solutions USA 745,000400 745,000.00 7454000.00 100,00% 0,00 37,250.00 287 444100 Sequencing Batch Reactor Treatment System L I Williams Brothers Const Inc. 204000,00 21000400 61000,00 81000,00 40.00'/o 124000,001 400.00 288, 444100 SSRT Pump, Blowers and Mixer L Hayes Mechanical 69,300400 6,000,00 160000400 22,000AO 1 31,75% 47,300.001 1,100,001 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 7 1 2 Application Period: 3 q • :- May 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017 A B ,24 • :,;i+i2i � ute....... Application Application Work Completed C oYii...t��GkkSS��<i Number, Date: D ifi!i#} ..., :, .: 16 May 31, 2017 E F kak. �A..... G LO• .�lliit . Item :s:,::. <:r:'v< 1 .. o°r:°r.:aa:e: far .. ... .:....:.:....::::.::.:<.::..:�»:;:•:::;<:c•>°>x?•>:>i::::.::; :. ...,.. .. .. :-:".�t1 �:., ............. .'/,isi . ' Rcxi'gn d= € zt3 s'132t 'i'.( 6.lky M IAI Ltd 64,000,00 64,000.00 64,000,00 100.00% 0.00 3,200.00 299 44 4256.01 Vertical Turbine Pumps 290 444256.01 Vertical Turbine Pumps L Hayes Mechanical 80000.00 80000,o0 8,000,00 100.00% 0.00 400,00 291 44 4256.09 Submersible Pumps M LEALtd25,000.00 0.00 0.0D 0.00% 25,000.00 0.00 2921 444256,09 Submersible Pumps L Hayes Mechanical 3,000,00 0.001 3,000.00 0.00 0'00 2931 1 Division 4& Water and Wastewater Pquipment '2941 4e 2151 Mecnanial Screening Equipment M Hydro -Dyne Engineering 373,850.00 0.001 0.o0 0.000/6 37-3.850.001 0,00 295 462151 Mechanial Screening Equipment L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 26,000,001 O.DO 0,00 0.00% 26,000-00 0.00 296 462200 Mechanical Screening Equipment (RBFS) M Hydro International 9014692000 201,892.00 901,89100 1=00°% 0900 459094.60 297 46 =0 Mechanical Screening Equipment (RBFS) L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 22*000*00 22,000,00 22,000.00 100,00% 0AO 11100,00 298 464123 Submersible Mixing Equipment Xylem Water Solutions USA 904000,1301 90,000,00 901000400 100400% 0,00 4,500-00 0.00 299 464123 Submersible Mixing Equipment 300 464123 Submersible Mixing Equipment L Hayes Mechanical 64000,00 0.00 0,00 0.00% 6,000.00 0.00 30i 464324 Digester Cover M RIDS Engineering Inc 143,000.00 0.00 O•DO 0.00% i43,000.00 0.D0 02 464324 Digester Cover L Williams Brothers Const Inc, 600000,00 0,00 O,DO 0.00% 60,000.00 0.00 P330S 465133 Flexible Membrane Diffused Aeration Xylem Water Solutions USA 65,000,00 65,000,00 65,000.00 100.00% 0,00 3,250.00 0,00 04 465133 Flexible Membrane Diffused Aeraton 465133 SEE305 Flexible Membrane Diffused Aeration L Hayes Mechanical 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 15.00t3.00 0.00 306 465200 Biological High Rate Treatment System M 307 Mixers 1,Kruger Inc 1 267,651.001 257,e51.00 257,651SOO 100,00% 0,00 12,882.55 308 Micro Sant Pumps and Submersible Coagulant Pu p I, Kruger Inc 328,055.00 100.00% 0,00 16,402.75309 Sludge/Sand Gear Drive and Scraper Assembly 1. Kruger Inc t323,055.00328,055.00 367,00 230,367,00 230,367.00 100.00 % O.DO 11,518.35310 Hydrocyciones t. Kruger Inc 815,00 126,815.00 126,815.00 100.00% 0.00 6,340.75 311 Lamella Settling Equipment I. Kruger Inc 30,329,00 0,00 0.00 O.Oq % 30,329.00 0,00 Fabricated Equipment i. Kruger Inc 133,536.00 133,536.00 1330536,00 10o,00% 0.00 6,576.80 EfEE Valves I. Kroger Inc 45242.00 O.DO 0,00 0.00°h 45,242.60 0.00 PLC Control Panels 1. Kmger Inc 113,379,00 113,379+00 113,379,00 100.00% 0.00 5,668.95 315 Process Instrumentation I. Kruger Inc 97,503.00 97,503.00 97,503,00 100.000/0 0.001 4.875.15 316 Liquid Polymer Processing System I. Kruger Inc 96*086,00 96,086,00 96,086.00 100.00% 0,00 4,804.30 317 Coagulant Metering Pumps I. Kruger Inc 64,057,00 64,D57.00 64,057.00 10D.00% 0.00 3,202,85 318' 1 Microsend & Polymer 1, Kruger Inc 184101*00 0,00 0.00 0.00% 18,101,00 0,00 319 Spare Parts 1. Kruger Inc 15,879.00 0,00 0.00 0.00% 15,879A0 0.00 320 46 5200 Biological High Rate Treatment System L Williams Brothers Const. Ina 100000,00 0,00 D,00 Q.00%l 10,000.00 0,00 321 46 6130 Disk Filtration System M 322 Disc Filters I. Kruger Inc 580,985.00 580,985,00 580,985.00 100.00% 0.00 29,049.25 323 PLC Control Panels 1. Kruger Inc 72,315,00 72,315.00 72.315.00 100.00°l0 0,00 3,615.75 324 Drum VFDs 1. Kruger Inc 14,500,00 1$500A0 14,500.00 100.00 % 0.00 725.0C a25 466130 Disk Filtration System L WliIamsBrothersConstInc, 14,000,00 14,000400 14,000.00 100,00% O.00 700.00 46 7653 Sludge Drying System M Komline Sanderson 0.00 329 Dryer M Komline Sanderson 1,156,130.00 1,156,130.00 1,156,13Uo 100,00% 0.00 57,806050 330 Live Bottom Hopper M Komline Sanderson 169240,00 169,240.00 1 169.240,00 100,00% 0,00 8146100 331 Sludge Pump M Komline Sanderson 26*260,00 26,260.00 25,260.00 100900% 0,00 1,313.00 332 Smarter M Komline Sanderson 21,62D.00 21,620.00 21,6'1tl.00 100.00% 0.00 1.081.00 .... ......... ............ n nn a cam. nn McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation �ID Application Number, 16 2 Application Period; May 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017 Application Date; May 31, 2017 3 A B Work Completed 1 I 4 Item C D E F G ::•: .::. t 'i > CYlOttS ii irC19:; ..::. •:;..:. .r:.::::2$u leri5' �ptkaetGi>ta<s:<s:c;:?;: ;E#>:.eQ4.l.. 11 ... .. .0" .......:... .. S::g:;fs:�ii:?:��:tX::;.f::,c�:..:R:;¢:;;{:;::;:::�:�5;�::;y:;r;si::;>:;:•s:;�::::::.::::::<;::::::::.•::<eo>.:<•> ,x:ca�:: ra: ::^r:,. :i$�C C1ii$`ETk'S 336 Off Gas Compressor M Komline Sanderson 49,740.00 49,740,00 49,740.00 100,00% 0.00 2A oOD 337 Utility Air CompressodAirDryer M Komline Sanderson 14,350.00 0.0o O.OD 0,00% 104350,00 0,00 338 Coarse Bubble Diffusers M Komline Sanderson 14,990.00 14,990,00 14,990.00 100.00% O,DO 743.50 3391 j Off Gas DucifFabricated Items M Komline Sanderson 40*450.00 40,450.00 40,460.00 100.00%1 0.00 Z022450 340` Looal Instrumentation M Komline Sanderson 409210,00 0000 0.00 D,OD%I 40,210.00 0400 341 Automatic Valves/Rotery Valves M Komline Sanderson 27,B30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00°/ 27,830,00 0.00 342 Anchor Bolts M I Komline Sanderson 12A70.00 0.00 0.00 0,00% 12,470,00 0.00 343 Dryer Control Panel M Komline Sanderson 90,980600 90,980.00 90,980,00 100,000/0 0.00 4,549.00 344 Start Up/Commissioning Komline Sanderson 56*700#00 0,00 0.00 0.00% 56,740.00 0.00 345 467653 Sludge Drying System L Wi liams Brothers ConsL Inc. 112,400,00 44,960.00 44,960,00 40,00% 674440.00 24248.00 I 346 467653 Sludge Pump and Compressor L Hayes Mechanical 58000,00 0100 0,00 0.00% 5,000,00 0,00 347 467655 Sludge Conveying System M LAI Ltd 229,000.00 229,000.00 229,000.00 100400%1 0.001 11,450.00 348 46 7655 Sludge Conveying System L Williams Brothers Const, inc, 5,000.00 0.00 0,00 0.0001a 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 3491 1 Unit Cost 350 1 Water Main 2" 25 LF at$$O LF 750,00 0,00 0.00 0600% 750.00 0,00 351 2 Water Main 4'• 25 LF at$32 LF 800.00 0.00 0.00 0900% $00.00 0,00 362 3 Sanitary Sewer a" 25LFat$45LF 1,125= 0,00 0000 0.00%1 1,125.00 0.00 $53! 5 Storm Sewer 126 25 LFatS20 LF 500.00 0.00 0,00 0.00%a 500.00 O.00 3541 7 1 Trench Backfill 1OOCY atS9 CY 900.001 0.00 0.00 0.00°% 9=00 0.00 3551 8 Flowable Fill 1OOCY at $35 CY 3,500.00 0100 0,00 0400% 3*600.00 0.04 3661 1 9 Pipe Casing for Water Main and Sewer Crossing 25 LF at $14 LF 350.00 0,00 0.00 0,00% 350.001 01001 357 10 Telecommunication Cable and Conduit 25 LF at S7 LF 175.00 0.00175.00 0.00 358 11 Electrical Cable and Conduit 25 LF at S10 LF 250,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 % 250900 O.00 359 12 Gas Lines 2" 25 LF at S15 LF 375,00 0,00 O,OO 0.00%1 375.00 0100 350 13 Hot Mix Asphalt 50tons atsi00ton 5,00o,00 0,00 O,OD 0.00% 5*000,00 0.00 361 14 Removal and Disposal of Unsuitable Materials 100CY at $70 CY 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 7,000.00 0.00 0,00 3fi2 363k 364 355 3661 Total 30,180,000.00 23,729,958.80 j 683400488 04001 24,313,459.48 80.56% 52866t540.52 11215,672.97 367 Work Change Directives 368• 3591 RFP 01 Work Change DlreoUve No.1 (31498,30) 0.00 -0.000/0 (31498,30) 0.00 3701 1 Work Change Directive No.2 (800.00) 0.00 -0.00% ($00.00 0.00 3711 j Work Change Directive No. 3 625,001 0.00 1 0,00%1 625,001 0.00 3721 f Work Change Directive No. 4 (1 Lo"0001 0.00 -o.OD% I (1,044.00 0000 3731 Work Change Directive No, 5 374 High Flow Pump Revisions (1171972,00 0.00 -0000°/ (1171972.00 O,OO 375 SouthWWTF SwitchgearRevisions 376 Homestead 288,231.75 0,001 D.00% 288,231,75 0.00 377 Cummins i (274,736.00 0,00 •0.00% (274*736,OOJ 0.00 378 Titan $50.00 0.00 O.OQ% 350.00 0.00 $7911 WSCI 11625,26 0.00 0,00% 1062525 0.00 380 Work Change Directive No, 6 4.850.00 0.00 -0.00% (4,850.00 0.00 381 Work Change Directive No. 7 13,301.00 0.00 0.000/0 13,301.00 0.00 362 Work Change Directive No. 8 (6,231.00 0,00 -0,00% (61231.00 0.00 ~ 363 Work Change Directive No, 9 9,996,00 0,00 0,00% %996,00 0,00 384 Work Change Directive No, 10 5,257.00 0000 0,00%] 5.257,00 0,00 365 I Work Change Directive SR 6,231 too 0.00 1 0,00%1 6.231.00 O,OO 386 j Work Change Directive 11 11995,00 0.00 0.00% 1,995,00 0400 3871 Work Change Directive 12 3,703.00 0.00 0.00% 3,703.00 0.O0, McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation 1 Apptication Number: 16 2 Application Period: May 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017 Application Date; May 31, 2017 3 A B Work Completed a Item C D E F G ......''r'3:?;:fld..Ckt. .:::•::.:..:;:.:...::.::.:�::::::::.:: ' P e�ioUS�ii:=s� ski(,5i#yet304�dE:"•.��'`3`•.isii': i%!lali0'fsx� r" eceatur s 1 r >'FOYt1. e , -:.:::.:::, :..........:...:::. . ... . i�ef . '•�Aeaiiii%�. ;;1:>::#:::%::'ssid:R::;R:;::ig::Si:SsF�:Y-is�R'G.::;<?;:b::c.';:;rc::;:>;t:i:ic;>k>:i ::iyx::�::;: r>:•:; :;. ,; :.,: <::::..; ..r,»r.�::a;•:•.:<:rs:, t•.. :.. 388 Work Change Directive 13 (11,754.00 0,00 -0,00% (11*754.00 0,00 389 Work Change Directive 16 9,227,00 0100 0.00% 6,227.00 Q0o 390 i Werk Change Olrective 17 19,862.00 0,00 0,00% 194362*00 0,00 391 Work Change Directive 18 17,086.00 O,OD 0.00% 17,086,00 0,00 392 Work Change Directive 19 (8,610.75 0,00 -O,ec% t ,610,75 o,00 393 Work Change Directive 20 (21250*001 SR396 0,00 -0.00% (2,250.00 0.00 394 Work Change Olredve 21 10,423.00 0,00 0400% t01483.00 O.QQ 395 Work Change Directive 22 10,582.00 0000 0100% 10,582,00 0.00 I WOit Change Directive 23 3,218,00 0.00 -0,00°O (3218,00 0,00 397 Work Change Directive 24 f (2,632,75) 0,00 4,00010 (20632.751 0.00 398 i work Change Dlrective 25 2.000.00 0,00 0,00% 2,000.00 0.00 399 Work Change Directive 27 2,875.00 0,00 0.00% 2,875,00 0.00 400 Work Change Direct ve 28 954,00 0.00 0,00 % 954.00 0.00 401 Work Change Directive 29 (231.25) 0,00 -0.00% (231*25 0.00 402 Work Change Directive 30 6,468,00 0,00 0,00% 6,468.00 0,00 403 r 404 Balance 27,076.05 27,076.05 405 406 407 408 1 Total 30,180,000.00 237729,858460 583,500.88 1 0600 24,313,46BAS 81%-L 52866,540.52 11215,672.97 409 1 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 10 1 Application Number: 16 2 Application Period; May 11 2017 to May 31t 2017 Application Date: May31, 2017 3 A B Work Completed 4 ' Item C. D E F G ::.t;�ar: t•::•:<: c: - 'Y 4.6 Y:: :.i y::S:`�' '�XqA :'.. �`yy qSummary 410 by Subcontractar/Su plier 411 Advanced Automation E Controls 21504,000.00 11170083973 1496473668 O.00 1,320,313.41 52.73% 1,183,686.59 66.015.67 412 Central Ceiling 1,272,00 0000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,,00% 10272.001 D.00 413 CMC Reber 307,000.00 30740OOoDO 0.00 0,00 307,000.00 100.00% 0A0 15,350.00 414 Complete Mechanical Services 490,000.00 435,300.00 O.CO 0.00 435,300.00 88.84% 54,700100 21,765.00 415 Cummins N Power 780,000.00 576,882,84 0,00 0.00 576,882684 71 203,117.16 28,844,14 416 GP Maintenance Services 1250000,00 591100.00 0,00 0,00 59,10040 47.289k 65,900.00 2,955,00 417 Diamond Masonry 309,000600 185,050.48 364900,00 0,00 2214950448 71.830/. 87,049.52 11,097.52 418 Doors Inc 449900400 441900.00 0,00 0.00 44*900,00 100.00% 0,00 2,245.00 419r East Moline Glass NNNNNN 17725.00 0000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00% 19725400 0,00 420 Exarc Skylights Inc 12,150.00 20500.00 0.00 0.00 21500.001 20,58% 91650*00 125.00 421 Gasvoda and Associates 35,107,00 336000600 0,00 0.00 33,000.00 1 94.00% 21107,00 1,650.00 4221 Gateway Construction 427,500.00 418,942.50 0.00 0100 418.1942*50 93,00% 8,557450 20,947.13 423 Harrington Industrial 51745,00 GGD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 5,745.00 0.00 424 Hayes Mechanical 1,785,00D.00 1,164,958,68 88,346.20 0.00 11253,304,88 7021% 531,695,12 62,665.24 425 Homestead Electric 1,480,000.00 985,338,00 145,607.00 0,00 1,1304945600 76A2% 349*055*00 5fi,547,25 426 House of Doors 67,900,00 0.00 0,00 0.0D 0.00 0,00% 67,900.00 0.00 427 Hydro Dyne Engineering 373.850.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 O,OD% 373,850400 0,00 4281 Johnson Flooring 19464,00 0,00 O.Oo O.00 0.00 0,00% 1.454.00 0900 4291 Joliet Steel and Construction 305,120.00 234,704,00 23,424,00 0,0D 258,128.00 84.60% 46,992.00 12,9C6,40 430 Kelley Dewatering 188,300,00 188,300400 0.00 0,00 183,300.00 100.00o/a 0,00 91415.00 431 Kole Construction 1i7700A0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00% 11,700.00PNI 0.00 432 KomlineSanderson 2t000,000.00 1,8a4,080.00 0.0C 0,00 1,844,080.00 92.20% 155,920,00 94204,00 NINNINNIN,433 2,224,800.00 2,115,249.00 0,00 0.00 21115,249.00 95.08% 109,551400 105,762.45 Kruger 434 LAI Ltd 1,242,000.00 617,750,00 0.00 0.00 6171750,00 49.74% 624,250,00 30,867.50 435 Hydro International 901*892,00 9011892400 0.001 0000 9011892,00 1Oo,00% 0.00 459094,60 436 Mid States Concrete Industries 694000,00 69,0013,00 04001 0,00 694000,00 100,00% 0100 31460,00 437 Northern Illlneis Fence 256631.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00% 25,631,00 0.00 438 Nucor Building Systems 221,754,00 2141606.00 0,00 0,00 214,606.00 9678% 71148,001 10,730.30 439 Nystrom 200406.00 16,123.00 0,00 0.00 164123.00 79.01"/e 4/283600 806.15 440 Peterson and Matz 190,000,00 120,000.00 47,500.00 0,00 167,500.00 88.16% 22450C.00 8,375.00 , , G.A. Rich 2,680,000.00 24653,583,87 0.00 O,OD 2,653,583,87 99.O1No 26,416.13 132,679.19 441 442 RPS Engineering 1437000.00 0,00 O.Nocl 0,00 0,00 o.00o/ 143,000.00 0.00 443 I RW Gate Company 2801030,00 280,D3D,00 0.00 0.00 280,030,00 100100% 0,00 14,001,50 4441 Sievert Crane and Hoist 174300.00 17,300.00 0.00 0.00 17,3DD,00 100,00 % 040 865,00 445 Sterling Commercial Roofing 56,000,00 36,856,00 0.00 0.00 36,856.00 65,81% 19,144*00 1,842.80 446 Super Mix 495t135.00 487,658.00 0,00 0.00 4871858.00 98A9% 7,477.00 24,382.90 4471 1 Titan Industries 208,880.00 84,540.50 0,00 0.00 84,540.50 40.47% 124,339.50 44227.03 4481 :7roch-NcNeil Paving 170,500,00 121900,00 0.00 0.00 12,90Q00 7.57% 157,600.00 645,00 449 Xylem Water Solutions 1,175,000.00 1*1754000400 0,001 0,00 1,175,000A0 100.00% O,OOI 58,750.00 450 Williams grothers Construction 8,801,939.00 7276,574.00 92250.00 0,00 1,368,824.00 83.720/a 1,433,115.00 368,441.20 461 Total 30,180,000.00 23,729,958.fi0 583,500.88 O.00 2413131459148 80,56°Jo 5,866,540,52 1,215,672.97 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page t1 1 Application Number. 16 2 Application Period May 1.2017 to May 31, 2017 Application Date: May 31, 2017 3 I A $ Work Completed Item 4 C ❑ E F •G <. .. .�:. P ......:.. d4#t...:....... ................................................. .,. ...... 5u PaG .................... . �riSutoktt.. of .................:.: .:.. ...: •:`.:`. ..... eCltte.....:.ro17t.P. Sctt.. :.u.:: sr s i '. :.. '::;:::• e ktt5...,.:. :.: •�."6" : ,tom'' • 2Xpp ...,,..,:..:,r tS Pedos£s :,..:.:.::.:.:......:, a ........ ••...:• . . ,......... ra ta':ir'iz ..:.:::::.:::Y'':'i5".'y";;:?i4(a`'asis??'::.r,.::•::;;,,•:ii'...A:...;; L ?...................... ire' ', i ':�1•jCi .>:,: r.l; ,,.. 452I�y...�.:. McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation ma Partial Waiver of Lien ATE oi� Ii✓LrNOIs} } Ss. ORIA COUNTY } TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: os/a2/2o 17 WHEREAS, we the undersigned, WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC. have been employed by The City of McHenry to furnish labor andldr material for the building Known as: McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Situated on Lot: 3306 Waukegan Road and 222 South McHenry Ave McHenry, Illinos in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the undersigned, for and in consideration of Five Hundred Fifty Four Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Five and 84/100 $554,325084 Dollars, the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged, do hereby waive and release any an all lien, or claim, or right of lien on said above described building and premises under the "An Act to Revise the Law in Relation to Mechanic's Liens," approved May 18, 1903 in force July 1, 1903 together with all amendments thereto and all the lien laws of the State of Illinois, on account of labor and materials, or both, furnished or which may be furnished by the undersigned to or on account of the said City of McHenry for said building and premises through May 31, 2017 GIVEN under our hands and sealed this 2nd day of June , 2017 WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC. {SEAL) sy: line Smi#h, Treasurer McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 1 `-W McHenry WWiP Amounts requested on ourApplication No, 13 McHen Illinois Scheduled Previously net amount Total waivers additional Waiver w!A I#9 w1A I#10 w/A 1#11 w/A I#12 Vendor Value Corn Ito date retention earned submitted waiver due attached note f Summary by Subcontractor/Supplier 0900 0•oo 0400 O.Op Advanced Automation & Controls 21504,000,00 9511437,62 47,571,88 903,866,74 196,528,99 1297014475 53,675.00 38,000,00 86Y,191.74 42,674,00 42,674.00 Central Ceiling 11272,00 0.00 0600 0.00 0,00 CMC Reber 307,900.00 3077000.00 15,350400 291,650.00 489.00 I 302,489.00 I (10,839.00) Complete Mechanical Services 490,000.OD 410,300.00; 20,5154001 389,785.00 95,950,00 52,250.00 45,505,001 357,200,001 32,585,001 38285.00 Cummins N Power 780,000.00 1 576,882.841 28,844.14 548$038*701 Deductive CC 281,242,41 281,242.41 266,796.29 Deductive CO GP Maintenance Services 125,OooXo 20,470,001 1,5236501 267946.501 0,00 I 28,946.50 28,946.50 Diamond Masonry 309,000.00 129,019700 6,450.951 M,56B4O51 29,821.50 36,269.10 94,634.30 27,933,75 264277,00 Doors Inc 44,900.00 4419OG400 2,245.00 42,655.00 I 42,655.00 0.00 East Moline Glass 1,725.00 0.00 O.OD O,OD O.00 Exarc Skylights Inc 12,150400 2,500.00 125.Op Z375400 0.001 2,375.00 Gasvods and Associates 35,107400 33,000.00 1,e50.0O 31,350.00 22,012,09 22,012,09 9,337.91 91500,00 Gateway Construction 427,500,00 418,942.50 209947413 3973995.38 83,789,99 169245000 2,030.62 406,766424 (817700864 13,444,87 Harrington Industrial 5,745.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Hayes Mechanical 1,785,000.00 994,920.14 49,746.01 945,174,13 164,323.31 43,811.99 48,561.99 1477530.93 919,523.12 25,651.01 Homestead Electric 1,480,000.00 668,679.00 43,433.95 825,245.05 289,511.55 266,397.10 106/782485 24,884,30 996,283.05 (171,038.00) 61,674.20 House of Doors 67,900.00 0.00 o.00 p.00 0.00 Hydro Dyne Engineering 373,550.00 0,001 0.00 O.Qo 0.00 Johnson Flooring 1,464.00 0,00 0400 0.00 0.00 Joliet Steel and Construction 3D5,120.00 182,000.001 91100,00 1721900.O0 741100.00 1 34,200,001 172,9004001 0.00 1 26,702.60 Kelley Dewatering 168,300.00 188,300,OD 9,415.00 178,885.00 4,750.00 188,384.98 {9,499.98 Kole Construction 114700mOO 0.001 04001 07001 1 0.00 Komline Sanderson 2,000,Oad.pO 1,703,360.OD 85,168.00 1,618,192,00 1,267,661,00 1,267,661,00 350,531.fl0 3509531.00 Kruger 2,224,800,00 1,758,273400 874913.65 1,670,359.35 883.854.351 7869505,00 1 t670t359t351 o•o0 3AI Ltd 11242,000,001 617,750.00 30,887.50 586 852.50 60480W)O 68,400,00 65,550,00 3841512,50 202,350,00 1 217,55O.00 Hydro International 901,892.00 901,892,00 45,094.60 ;356,797.401 856,797,40 0.o0 Mid 5ta#es Concrete tndustrias 69,000400 48,300.04 2,415.00 45,685.00 21897.50 42,987.50 421987,50 i Northern Illinois Fence 25,6314001 0,001 0,00 1 04001 0.001 1 10,424435 Nucor Building Systems 221,754,00 1 2141606.D0 10,730.30 1 203,875.701 128,418.00 j 212,656,00 I (8,780,30 Nystrom 201406400116,123,p0 806,151 15t316,851 16,123,00 (806.15 Peterson and Matz 1901D00.00 120,000.00 6,QO0.00 114,000.001 1 114,000,001 114 OOO.Od I 0,00 G.A. Rich ( 2,684, OUO 2,653,583.87 132,679,19 2,520,904,681 306,060.751 1 147,477.821 1 2,712,085.78 (191,181.10 RPS Engineering 1434000,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.001 RW Gate Company 280,030,00 280,O3tl.00 14,001.50 266,028.50 266,028950 0,00 Sievert Crane and Hoist 17,300,00 17$00.00 i 865.00 16,435,00 j 21,280.001 211280,00 (4,845.00 Sterling Commercial Roofing 56,000.00 0.00 0.001 0,00 0.00 Super Mix 495,135,00 487,658,00 p 24,382.90 463127510 32,446.D0 29,967*681 81268,50 1 1,574.00 535,75T61 (721482.S1) 10,448.00 Titan Industries 208,880,00 844540,50 4,227.03 80,3Y3.48 9,143.75 16v9574501 80,304.93 8.55 Troch-NcNeil Paving 170t500.001 12,900401 645,00 12,255,00 12,255,00 12,255.00 0,00 Xylem Water Solutions 1,175,000.DO IJ75,000,001 58,750,00 1,116,250,00 261,250.OD F 852,86250 1,114,112.50 2,137.50 PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM g477i8: State of FLO le )SS WHEREAS, the undersi.gred, Advanced Eli L.omation an>r.F; Brothers Construction Inc; to furnish labor and;or materials i.rctuding ill 4X..J:a ::ocl; (.iric_udin,,a ,:otn oral or written chant 4e orders', according to plans anti special::-„i.ons, as cllay navei::ees� amended orally or in writing, for the prelrlises and project: rnUvin '5: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry , County of P4cEienry and State of T,i.linois (i.:hc "Projr'cr"� ,a(' which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THER)vl'ORI, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that hclshe is authorized to gave and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of *42* thousand *674* dollars and no cents $42,674J90 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive arid release: (a) any and all lien or cl ailrl or i-i ght of iiert under the Etat+ l r3s the State of Illinois rei.auing to Liens Against Public funds on the monies, :.ponds or warrants due or about to become clue from the owner on account of; labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or. machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable, This Release shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar am/o'unt. Given under our hand and seal this ` l 11/!day of ! 20 L(—' advanced Aut-oma State County oE��._ subscribed 1 sworn to b,pfore m,ti... t rotary Public ��,?�� DQR4TtiYE6EZi ': A1YCt)hilAISStOtd1>ECyG42G899 { f 1��, � oqt�� Badr.4Tirvs3udpit! o1�xySttv(art s PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND QAYMENT BOND CLAIM State of % 45 } _ )ss County of TO ALL WiIOM TT MAY CONCERN: 9�178486 WHEREAS, the undersigned, Complete Mechanical Services( has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders){ according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Sllinois {the "Project:") of which City of. McHenry is the owner. NOW THE$FFOR.E, THE TINbERSTGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration *38* thousand *285* dollars and no cents $38,285.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of'Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is appJ;icab'le.. This Release shah. apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar amount. Given under our hand and seal this �� day of /fiijt 7 20 17 . lw County.of ��� And sworn to before me this Subscribed Complete Mechanical% Services, Title. f s��ry 'Public aI:FICIRL SEAT. • . . .. .. JA1iEi pEL PERCIO.. . LRY PUBLIC, STATE OF ILLINOIS mmission Expires Sep 14, 2019 of PARTIAL WAIVEROFMECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9955486 State of (( )ss County of�y) ) TO ALL WHOM IT MA`l CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned,Gp Maintenance Services, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including bothl oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue uocated at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NUW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien arid Payment (pond Claim for and in consideration of *28* thousand *946* dollars and 50 cents $28,946.50 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc, covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. This Release shall "apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar amount. Given under our hand and seal this day of 201�7 County of!� Subscribed and sworn to before me this Gp Ma'n enan e Services, Inc. By: Title • =NOiARY PUBLIC My Comma son Exp[res011/08/17 PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9597486 state of�:t )ss County of ( ,u P) t TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Diamond Masonry of IL, Inc, has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry , County of McHenry and State of Tllinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Clain; for and in consideration of *26* thousand *277* dollars and no cents $26,277.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises;'and (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. This Release shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar amount. - Given under our hand and seal. this ._ j• gLj`� day of 20 n' Diamond Masonry of IL, Inc. Ti• State o County of D SubRr. z Rd and sworn to beforeMel this N to y Public... - ( � OF�iCIAL. SEAL _ v ELIZABETH A. �tI�YNEI� '. . e '. I { Notdry: Public, -State af.11tinoia '.. My Commission Expires 02/06/18 PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9455486 State of jw}jIy) s s ounty of �) TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Gasvoda and Associates, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (includi.ng both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City•of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bohd Claim for and in consideration of Nine thousand five hundred dollars and no cents $9,500,00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the ironies, bonds or Warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b) any.and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. I • This Release -shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid_as recited above and not for any other dollar amount-. ' Given under our hand and seal this `f� day of `t , 20 ' Gasvoda By; t County of in Subpribed ai7f worn +to before me this Vt ary >'uXp1J-c KI.MBRLY D JIMENE2 OFFICIAL SEAL 11 :�10tary Public, State of Illinois {Ny-Commission Expires :March 07, 2021 .aSSS�r l;a;,• rile. c PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM Lllinois State of } Cook County of TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: )ss 9970486 WHEREAS, the undersigned, Gateway Construction Co. Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry , County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/sne is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration *13* thousand *444* dollars and 87 cents $13,444.87 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b).any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is appl-i.cabYe. This *Release shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid As recited above and not for any other dollar amount. Gi ven under our hand and seal this state of County of Illinois Cook May ].7 J.Sth day of 20 M Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . N�7tary put�lfe, . � h4v C;arrc+; cGsEon of fi1)in�fis_ of PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM State of is County o TO ALL WHOM 11' MRX COL�CERN 945'7486 WHEREAS, the undersigned,Homestead Electrical has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry , County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of. which City of McHenry is the owner, NOW THEREFORE, Z'HE IiNDERSiGNED, who represents that ha/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration. of *61* thousand *674* dollars and 20 cents $61,674.20 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release (a) any -and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, .taterial, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. This Release shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not .for any other dollar amount, } 1/j�) Given under .our hand and seal *this 42 day of !((G , 20 / 7 State of County of Subscribed and sworn to before -me this OFFICIAL, SEAL watw Public - Slate of II[[noW, j My conmmissionEx Ira; .... , ...t �• • June 27. 207U ' r;. . Homestead Electrical tle Ti. PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9539486 State of \ )ss County of�� TO ALL WHOM IT NJA., CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned,Joliet Steel & Construction has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Iocate4.d-` at .MaEienry ,. County of McHenry and State of Illinois k Lhe "P1.oject") of iahich City: of McHenry,am is ahe ow __ _ ner.> who: re xesenis::ttiar, he/she is authorized to give and `NOW. iHERE9]�E:. THE UNJERSGNEI?, p m. ;e .cute .this,.Partial Waiver' ner of _iMe hac ics .I ieri 'and. L'ayment .Bond Claim for and .in consideration or * * o `sand *7msmm02#=:'dalaxs;: arid. 60. serif°s :`: $26;702 60 Im 26,.-..th u - "ocid :arid` valua3�le; consxderatans; :the: receipt:_ wYiereo is hereby acknowJ led' dam _arid`; :oche .. g . aYve. and:'relea`s'e`is:'•::;: __.:, >;:::: ._';;: >','.:: ; °'.: <.`am :: .:does. lies eby..w t.•. .. t; :; ;. _.:.:;g at ;(a),.;:ariy: and . a11.'; lien or-- 1 a:xm or..right.:; of lien under :the': Statutes` of :the.:..... S.fate .oa .111inois.: reiatarig:to'.Lzens Against. Public ..4...i. .... i.. tlre; monies, bonds `or ':' out: t*b :-.become:. due= fxaxn: the; :owner::: on_ :aecotint?..of: aal�or or services1:<.::;:::: ;•:: t' . a:ma JI amY .. warrants....due.: or . ab aa "•'`- `.: s.' :a ar.atus'.r..e ux ment<?ox,;:mach�iex: :heetofare:'furnished by:thd material, -fixture r. PP r. P.' -:.. :. f .:.:.. ; ve_ esc xiaed:: rems.es:r:<:ar?d;<:::;<i:;::: :,::<:°;::'.z;;' :: ... ens ned far_:;the,. abo. :. d ..:.: x.:....::.:.....I?. ,. vd �. _ am g..... ... ... .........:.....: �. .(b.) _any:: and all' claims..: or ,x2ghts under ;any parent .bon a. >r:... s-.;r �'lainsrBoth'ers GonstrUCtzon:,..Ina cpyerxng said project or unc3er:th .. :::...:: .:..:::•.,. ended- .to-aYze:: extent;saxd ::: >: "r.:-.:::=::: >:i:a:...: ;':.::. :.: t-;.,,:,, Bond:::l�ct; as.;<riacr>:.or he.eafter., am r•.:-..._ nstru t�.oiz r:.. 1 e:=:;Co = - P. a ,:.:.._. ub. ...... PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECFIANICS LIEN A.ND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM State of Illinois ) )ss County o.f_ McHenry ) TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONGER%}; Wi•IEREAS, the undersigned,Komline Sanderson Corp has been employed II Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as; McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry , County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE IINDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of *350* thousand *531* dollars and no cents $350,531.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a} ariy and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of I11ino�_s relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or ,:arrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment band .furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois =Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. This Reieaseshall. apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar amount. Given undex our hand and seal this ].2th day of May � 20 ].7 TComline Sanderson Corp Scott E. Cardinal Title: Controller State of I�Tew .lets County of�W Morris Subscribed�..•ai-rd orn t before me this _ 12th of May 2b17 Not y Public NOTARY FaUB�IC t�F NEW. 3EFiF,EY C.�mmissRon Expi�s Jars. ��, 202.E PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND State oft�lilt�J ) / )ss County of TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 946148G WHEREAS, the undersigned,LAI, Ltd. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry , County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the ")?roject") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of *217* thousand *550* dollars and no cents $217,550.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to miens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and ' (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. This Release. shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar amount, Given under our hand and seal this day of , 20jJ • LAI, Ltd. Title:b�e' County of Subscribed and sworn to before me this -O�— e ,T_Q Arc rc �Q� ' l NotarfNPubli4c' O )MARY S MEALY Offteiaf45eal Notary Public • State of Illinois ;: `.y;Commission Expires Jul 28, 2020 ARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN .AND PAYMENT 33OND CLAIM State, of �� ) County of TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 949648G r WHEREAS, the undersigned, Mid -States Concrete Industries has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project"} of which City of McHenry is the owner, NOW THER)aFOR>;, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of *42* thousand *987* dollars and 50 cents $42,987.50 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and (b) any and all, claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. This Release shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar amount, j Given under our hand and seal this f<J day of , 20 l�• Mid�St tes Concrete Industries 11 �� r By; Title: CLC County of tip, 2S Y j'-N Subscribed and�aworn to before me this Notary Public ... DEANNA HARVEY Ctficia! Seal Notary Puhiic -State of Illinois My Commission Expires Dec 2, 2020 PARTIAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9468486 u State of L 1 00) S ) )ss County ot__., . \Vc 0 � ) `TO AhL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Northern Illinois Fence, Inc. has been employed by Williams Rrothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois {the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW --THEREFORE, THE fJNDERSTGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Partial Waiver of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claiirz ioi and ii, consideration of *10* thousand *424* dollars and 35 cents $10,424.35 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is lereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release: (a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises, and (b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc, covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. This Release shall apply only to the extent of consideration paid as recited above and not for any other dollar amount, Given under our hand and seal this day of t ' a , 20 . Northern Illinois f='ante, Tnc. Title: C�(� State of ��•,�� �_ _ �'� County of D @ Subscribed aj�id sworn to before me this Notary Public r'Sj�•• '' AMANDA BAKpS �ti OI:FfC1Al StnAL ``` u' t Notaryp�bfic,.5lh.itial,lhr,o,s l iViy ('Dflliil lS$I01I k X111105 PARTIAL. WAIVER OF LIEN STATE OF iLLINOIS COUNTY OF MCHENRY TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS the undersigned has been employed by WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. to furnish READY MIX MATERIAL for the premises known as MCHENRY WWTP, 222 S MCHENRY AVENUE, MCHENRY, IL of which CITY OF MCHENRY Gfy Loan # is fhe owner. The undersigned, for and in consideration of TEN THOUSANr? FOUR HUNDRED FORTY EIGHT ANn NOt100 ($ 10144&00 } Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby waive and release any and all lien or claim of, or right to, lien, under the statutes of the State of Illinois, relating to mechanids liens, with respect to and on said above -described premises, and the improvements thereon, and on the material, fixtures, apparatus or machinery furnished, and on the moneys, funds or other considerations due from the owner, on account of labor, services, material, fixtures, apparatus or machinery, partially furnished to this date by the undersigned for the above -described premises, INCLUDING EXTRAS.* QATE APRIL 6, 2017 COMPANY NAME POINT READY MIX, LLC �A DRESS 543 BULL V LLEY RD, STE 130, MCHENRY, IL 60050 SIGNATURE AND TITLE ./�xoJ OFFICE MANAGER kEXTRAS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO CHANGE ORDERS, BOTH ORAL AND WRITTEN, TO THE CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOlS COUNTY OF MCHENRY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE UNDERSIGNED,(NAME) SHELLY DENKOV AND SAYS THAT HE OR SHE IS (POSITION) OFFICE MANAGER (COMPANY NAME} POINT READY MIX, LLC CONTRACTOR FURNISHING READY MIX MATERIAL BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSESmo LOCATED AT MCHENRY WWTP, 222 S MCHENRY AVENUE, MCHENRY , IL OWNED BY CITY OF MCHENRY WHO !S THE WORK THE BUILDING ON That the total amount of the contract including extras is $ on which he has received payment of pri to this payment. That all waivers are true, correct and genuine and delivered uncondittonaAy and that there is no claim either legator equitable to defeat the validity of said waivers. 7l iat the fallowing are the names of ail parties who have furnished material or labor, or both for said work and all parties having contracts or sub contracts for specific portions of said work or for material entering Into the construction Ehereof and the amount due to each, and that the items mentioned include all labor and material required to complete said work according to plans and ALL MATERIAL FROM FULLY PAIb STOCK AND DELIVERED IN OUR TRUCKS. DATE APRIL 6, 2017 S[GNA �+� �ocnn�ncn n�rn o1117hoAt Tn QCCf'1pC rvAt= T4rIC FTI-i n{AY f1F APRII 7n97 Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2017 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Water Meter Replacement Program AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider a blanket purchase order for water meters from Midwest Meters, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $65,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: In December 2001, the City began installing Badger Meter "Trace" transponders, which had a 10- year battery We expectancy, and allowed the meters to be read via radio technology (drive -by). In 2006 Badger Meter discontinued "Trace" and produced "Orion" which is still a "drive -by" technology, but with a greater battery life expectancy of 20 years. Trace units have reached and are surpassing their battery life expectancy. Originally 3,875 units needed to be replaced. There are approximately 1,600 "Trace" units remaining in circulation. In the past year (2016) approximately 1,200 units have been replaced. The cost per unit is between $150-$200. In addition to transponder change outs, it will be necessary to replace the meter bases when required. In January 2014 the USEPA amended the Safe Drinking Water Act (No Lead Law) as it relates to lead in manufactured brass products, therefore existing meter bases may no longer be rebuilt and must be replaced with meter bases manufactured with no lead. Midwest Meter, Inc. is the local distributor for Badger Meters and the sole provider for the City's meter reading software and equipment. The 2017/18 Public Works Water Division Operating Budget will fund the $65,000 for this purchase of water meter replacements. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended that a motion be made to to waive the bidding requirements and approve a blanket purchase order for water meters from Midwest Meter, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $65,000. Office of the City Administrator Derik, Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator FOR: June 19, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Revised Block Party Request ATT: Application and Location Map Agenda Item Summary: Revised Block Party application. The original request was approved by the Council on June 19th. The homeowner is requesting approval of a date change from July 22nd to August 5th Hemlock Drive: Application submitted by Mike Hennelly on behalf of the residents who live on Hemlock Drive in the Riverside Hollow subdivision to hold a Block Party on Saturday, August 5th from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. The Hennelly's are requesting the temporary closure of Hemlock Drive between Arbor and Plumrose. Background: The City of McHenry allows block parties on all residential streets. They must not block intersections, cul-de-sacs or other roadways. To schedule a block party, city residents obtain a permit application online or at the Municipal Center and return it to the City Administrator's office. There is no fee for the permit. Once approved, only moveable barriers (sawhorses) dropped off and picked up by Public Works, may be used to control traffic. Blocking streets with vehicles is prohibited. Anal�is: The only change from the request previously approved by the Council is the date of the block party; time and location remain the same. As proposed, it will not adversely affect the neighborhoods. Recommendation: If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the block party request as presented. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, busir:esses, and visitors with the hig/test quality of programs arrd services in a custon►er-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible uranner. BZwk .P&H Pami 1,AMMeNr f 47F6. lipp. M4LWu 5WU4Mvd p,; # NOM �r,rauusn,rt�xc�u►• 71 a a.�'pxa�os C�lPai�Cs3. ��G_11�i�:S3 #.♦54,�/M1KV I ��wf �% � ��. �Fr� �51V12ii���aa�V4� ^ M+1"(�2 I hereby certify y all. persons in my aei&bbfhoa4 impacted bly the oSm of INS stred We beft AD1tM!1 TRAT16NOli`R` a 333SOMUGAZINSTMT MCIUNRY COMM AMOVAL +[7W o MCHIMY POIACE PL CJ t To3JgN`'.TZ7C1 aAPPLPAW.� \2S� Nn �H?IM ID Mir a f `�''~N - REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 2017 Mayor Jett called the regularly scheduled June 5, 2017 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 pm. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Condon, Devine, Mihevc, Curry, Schaefer, Glab and Santi. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Deputy Chief of Police Birk, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance LynchCity Attorney McArdle and City Clerk Nevitt ,. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Jett read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PRESENTATION OF MAYORAL PROCLAMATION DECLARING DUNE 4 2017 AS NATIONAL GARDEN CLUB WEEK IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY Mayor Jett read aloud the proclamation declaring the week of June 4, 2017 as National Garden Club Week in the City of McHenry. Susanne Yazel, President of the McHenry Garden Club thanked the Mayor and introduced the Garden Club members in attendance. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one spoke at Public Input. CONSENT AGENDA A. Budget amendment in the amount of $65,088 from the General Fund balance to the Capital Equipment Fund, and waiver of advertising for bids and accept proposal from Althoff Industries in the amount of $65,088 for replacement of Municipal Center Cooling System Rooftop Unit #1; B. Adoption of an Ordinance Ascertaining Prevailing Wages in the City of McHenry (8201LCS 130); as determined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois as of June 5, 2017; C. Issuance of a Special Event Liquor License to the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce for the Downtown Uncorked event on September 16, 2017; D. Issuance of a Special Event Liquor License for outdoor beer sales to the McHenry VFW Post 4600 for the McHenry Baseball Association Family Day Picnic fundraiser on June 3, 2017 from 11-6 PM; E. Authorize Mayor's execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Ringwood, McHenry Township Road District, and the Village of Johnsburg for the completion of Ringwood Road Improvements; F. Waive bid requirements and purchase a 2017 4x4 Extended Cab Truck with 6-foot bed and Snowplow for Parks Maintenance from Gary Lang Auto Group, McHenry, IL not to exceed $40,527; and, purchase a 2017 4x4 Regular Cab with 8400t bed and Snowplow through the State Purchase Contract from Landmark Ford, Inc., Springfield, IL not to exceed $35,229 for Public Works Street Division; G. Award of bid for the purchase of Road Salt to Compass Minerals America, Inc., Overland Park, KS, for an amount not to exceed $83,610 (1,500 tons @ $55.74/ton); H. Award of Bid for 2017 Hot Mix Asphalt (FOB) Materials to Curran Contracting Company in the amount of $36.50/ton for HMA Surface Mixture and $34/ton for HMA Binder Mixture; I. Pay Application #15 to Williams Brothers Construction in the amount of $622,040.55 for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; J. Parks Facilities /Special Use Picnic Permits; K. March 20, 2017 City Council meeting minutes; L. Payment of Bills in the amount of $563,955.50. Mayor Jett announced items A, B and D would be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on as separate items. Motion by Alderman Curry, second by Santi, approving Consent Agenda, as amended, Item C, and Items E through L: Voting Aye: Curry, Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Mihevc, Devine, Condon Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda Item 7-A Mayor Jett pulled Item A from the Consent Agenda items because an opportunity arose to move up the installation of the roof top unit from 8 weeks to 4 weeks for additional $4,8000 Motion by Condon, second by Schaefer approving amended Consent Agenda Item 7-A: Voting Aye: Condon, Schaefer, Devine, Mihevc, Curry, Glab, Santi Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda Item 7-B Alderman Condon expressed her concern with feeling strong-armed into approving the prevailing wage set by the Department of Labor but it is a necessary step for the City of McHenry. Alderman Santi stated that if the City Council does not approve the prevailing wage that the City would still have to abide by the State Statue. Alderman Curry stated that in reading the State Statue the City Council is not required to approve the ordinance for prevailing wage but if they fail to do so they still have to abide by the State Statue. Alderman Glab stated to look into the family household income median to see where the City of McHenry stands in comparison. Glab also stated from that information, pay what the City can afford to pay instead of what the County pays. City Administrator Morefield responded to that by stating that the City could speak to the Illinois Department of Labor to see if other communities have done studies to ascertain local prevailing wage. Alderman Glab asked to make a motion to amend the motion to postpone until the next City Council meeting. Motion by Glab, second by Curry, approving Consent Agenda Item 7-B, as amended. Voting Aye: Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Santi, Mihevc, Devine Voting Nay: Condon. Absent: None. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda Item 7-D Alderman Mihevc stated that the affidavit was unsigned and wanted to be sure it was signed before the Council approved. Alderman Schaefer stated that the problem is the request for approval came to City Council after the event had occurred. Alderman Glab stated the party requesting the Special Event Liquor License needs to follow procedure and not have this come to City Council after the event already occurred. Deputy City Administrator Hobson stated the requesting party was notified and reminded multiple times. Mayor Jett added they are on notice and this will not happen again. Alderman Schaefer expressed it is a great event but the rules needed to by followed. Alderman Condon agreed with Alderman Schaefer and Alderman Glab that it is a great event. She also stated that it is shameful and disrespectful to the community and the City's standards need to be upheld by everyone. Alderman Curry sought clarification on the motion, approved if the affidavit was complete. Motion by Mihevc, second by Santi, approving Consent Agenda Item 7-1), if complete. Voting Aye: Mihevc, Santi, Condon, Devine, Curry, Schaefer, Glab Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. MOTION TO APPROVE THE TRANSFER OF THE CLASS F3-6 LIQUOR LICENSE FROM MtMART0 INC. D/B/A MCHENRY MARATHON LOCATED AT 4508 W. CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD TO JOG GASOLINE, INC. d/b/a JOG GASOLINE, INC. Mayor Jett stated that JOG Gasoline, Inc. reworked another gas station at Meadow and Route 120 and had no violations while doing that project. Alderman Glab expressed they did a nice job at the gas station on Meadow and Route 120 and think they will do great at this location. Motion by Glab, second by Santi approving the transfer of the Class F3-6 Liquor License from McMart, Inc. d/b/a McHenry Marathon located at 4508 W. Crystal Lake Road to JOG Gasoline, Inc. d/b/a JOG Gasoline, Inc. Voting Aye: Glab, Santi, Condon, Mihevc, Schaefer, Curry, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. MOTION TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE MCHENRY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WATER AND SEWER RATES. Financial Director Lynch discussed the rates and changes of the water and sewer rates. Mayor Jett asked if there was anyone from the public that would care to comment and there was none. Alderman Curry asked if they were the same rates discussed during the budget. Alderman Schaefer questioned if the City still had past rates for the public to see. Alderman Glab stated the increase total was way above inflation. City Administrator Morefield explained there was a change to the way the study was conducted, and there would be a yearly analysis of rates for water and sewer and set utility rates based on that study. Alderman Curry commented that there was an increase in sewer and a decrease in water not an increase all the way across. Alderman Glab expressed concern with pool issues and stated that it needs to be looked at again. Motion by Curry, second by Mihevc approving an ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 26 of the McHenry Municipal Code relating to water and sewer rates. Voting Aye: Curry, Mihevc, Sant., Glab, Schaefer, Condon, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried, ISCUSSION ITEMS 10-A CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FORMAT/MEETING PROCEDURES Mayor Jett stated that he met with each Aldermen one-on-one to obtain their opinions on the Council agenda format and meeting procedures. Mayor Jett then distributed to the Council a proposed revised agenda format. Alderman Curry said he noticed the City of McHenry Mission Statement was taken out of the agenda. Alderman Condon questioned why the Mission Statement was removed. Mayor Jett responded by stating that others had asked about it. Alderman Condon stated that she wanted to keep it and that it should be read aloud at each meeting as, it is a good reminder of why City Council is there. Alderman Schaefer also expressed that he wanted the mission statement read aloud as it is more for the citizens and the audience. Alderman Santi stated that the City Mission Statement is on the website and printed and feels it does not need to be read aloud. Alderman Santi also referred to Item number 7 on the draft agenda, when acting on an item a staff member will present the item followed by any public input, then Council discussion and then a motion will be made, asking if Council is discussing with Staff/public going back and forth or just discussion. Mayor Jett responded to the question by stating it is just discussion. Alderman Glab expressed that having the City Mission Statement on paper and read, the people with be able to retain it better. Alderman Glab also referred to number 7 on the draft agenda stating that Council should have discussion first then public input and any other discussion brought forth by the public input. Mayor Jett suggested, the procedure may work for bigger agenda items and could be changed for those items. Alderman Glab expressed that there should be consistent procedures followed throughout the entire agenda. Alderman Condon expressed that Robert's Rules of Order should be checked to see if that type of exchange is allowed; did City Council adopt Robert's Rules? City Attorney McArdle responded to the question by stating City Council is Home Rule. Alderman Condon stated that Council should consider adopting a set of rules. Alderman Curry expressed that he feels strongly about having the ability to respond to the public's input and with the way the draft agenda was laid out there is no chance to do so. Alderman Mihevc questioned when public input would happen for Consent Agenda items, would it be number 5 or number 7 according to the draft agenda. City Attorney McArdle responded to the question stating the public would have their chance for input on number 5 according to the draft agenda during the Consent Agenda items portion. Alderman Condon expressed she agreed with adding number 10 to include the City Council comments. Alderman Glab said he feels anyone and everyone is part of the discussion and there should be a format to stick to for discussion. 10-B CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES Mayor Jett stated he listened to all of City Council's input and he understands there are concerns about the committee structures. Alderman Glab expressed that he likes three (3) Alderman to a committee for working purposes but felt more comfortable with five (5) Aldermen on a committee. Alderman Curry stated he is in favor of five (5) Alderman to a committee for more involvement in the committee. Alderman Condon expressed her concerns with five (5) Alderman per committee. Alderman Schaefer stated he was for three (3) Alderman per committee. Alderman Santi stated he was open to all options for committees. Alderman Devine stated he was in favor of five (5) Alderman to a committee for more input and benefit the committee. Mayor Jett polled the Alderman to see if they were for three p) or five p) Aldermen per committee. Mayor Jett then stated he would put the committees together and present it at the next City Council meeting. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORTS None. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. STAFF REPORTS Deputy City Administrator Hobson reported the Soap Box Derby and the Miss McHenry Pageant is being held Saturday, June 24, 2017. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Condon explained why she voted no to prevailing wage. Alderman Santi questioned if Woodstock voted against prevailing wage before and City Administrator Morefield responded yes they have in the past. Alderman Glab stated Geraldine Davis passed away earlier in the day. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Glab, second by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 pm Voting Aye: Glab, Santi, Condon, Curry, Mihevc, Schaefer, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm. Mayor City Clerk REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 2017 Mayor Jett called the regularly scheduled June 19, 2017 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7#00 pm. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Mihevc, Devine, Condon, Santi, Glab, and Schaefer. Absent: Alderman Curry. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Jones, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, City Attorney McArdle and City Clerk Nevitt. PRESENTATION OF MAYORAL PROCLAMATION HONORING HOME OF THE SPARROW 30T" ANNIVERSARY Mayor Jett read aloud the proclamation recognizing Home of the Sparrow's 30th Anniversary. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one spoke at Public Input. CONSENT AGENDA A. Award of Bid for 2017 Sidewalk Cutting Program to Hard Rock Concrete Cutters, Inc. for the amount not to exceed $11,700; B. Resolution of Support for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) Technical Assistance Grant to be submitted by the McHenry County Department of Planning & Development and a Contribution of $5,000 towards the study as part of a required local match; C. Special Event Liquor License request from Zion Lutheran Church, 4206 W. Elm St, for Hawaiian Luau Fundraiser on July 15, 2017; D. Temporary Closure of a portion of Washington Street between Green & Court Street from 8- 5:00 PM for a Block Party & Special Event Liquor License request from St. Patrick Catholic Church, 3500 Washington Street, for Imabridge Africa Fundraiser on July 30, 2017; E. Block Party Applications: Temporary Closure of Conway Circle between Dundalk and Cashel on July 8th and Temporary Closure of Hemlock Drive between Arbor and Plumrose on July 22 from 11-7 PM F. Parks Facilities/Special Use/Picnic Permits; G. April 3, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes; H. April 17, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes; I. April 24, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes; J. May 15, 2017 Council Meeting Minutes; and K. Payment of Bills in the amount of $344,360.29. Mayor Jett stated that Item B would be removed from the Consent Agenda and voted on as a separate Item. Motion by Santi, second by Schaefer, approving Consent Agenda, as amended, Item A and Items C through K. Voting Aye: Sand, Schaefer, Mihevc, Devine, Condon, Glab Voting Nay: None. Absent: Curry. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda Item 6-B Alderman Glab expressed his concern of what the city was getting into. Director of Economic Development Martin responded by stating that he recommended five thousand but the match is projected to be twenty thousand to twenty-five thousand. Motion by Condon, second by Schaefer, approving amended Consent Agenda Item 6-B Voting Aye: Condon, Schaefer, Santi, Glab, Mihevc, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: Curry. Motion Carried. INDIVIDUAL ACTION ITEMS A) MOTION TO AWARD BID TO PETER BAKER AND SON COMPANY OF LAKE BLUFF, ILLINOIS TO COMPLETE THE 2017 STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM FOR THE AMOUNT OF $1,082,839.64 (ACTUAL AMOUNT MAY VARY BASED ON QUANTITIES USED). Director of Public Works Schmitt presented this item to the City Council. Alderman Condon stated that it was nice to see Peter Baker come in under the bid. Alderman Santi agreed with Alderman Condon and added it was good to see the bid awarded to Peter Baker as they have done projects for the city before. Motion by Glab, second by Devine, approving Individual Action Item 7-A. Voting Aye: Glab, Devine, Condon, Mihevc, Schaefer, Santi Voting Nay: None. Absent: Curry. Motion Carried. f3 MOTION FOR THE CITY COUNCIL TO DEDIGNATE THE CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE STRUCTURE -THREE (3) MEMBERS OR FIVE (5) MEMBERS Alderman Glab stated the consensus of the Council from the last meeting was moving forward with five (5) members. Alderman Glab also expressed concern about the city ordinance and if it would have to be amended if the City Council structure went to five (5) members. City Attorney McArdle responded by stating the way the ordinance reads now is that there is three (3) members unless City Council shall provide otherwise. Alderman Schaefer asked if the committee assignments would be the same or would change. City Attorney McArdle responded, stating that the previous assignments are standing through the last administration; now that there is a new Mayor, the committees will be reassigned. Alderman Condon expressed that she preferred three (3) members to the committees for various reasons. Alderman Schaefer stated that in his 12 years as an Alderman there have never been any situations with the Open Meetings Act and does not feel it needs to be changed. City Attorney McArdle clarified what the majority would be for three (3) member committees and when a violation would occur. Alderman Santi expressed no objections to committees with three (3) members; only concerns are with the Open Meetings Act and would like to avoid any situations that might arise and leaning more towards five (5) committee members. Alderman Devine expressed his concern of what was discussed in the last City Council meeting about the committees having three (3) or five (5) members, and was not sure why it had come up again on this meeting's agenda. City Attorney McArdle explained that the last meeting was just a discussion of the City Council and no actual vote was taken. Motion by Glab, second by Santi, to designate standings committees be comprised of five (5) members. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion Failed. Glab, Santi, Mihevc Schaefer, Devine, Condon, Mayor Jett Curry. Motion by Santi, second by Glab, to move to five (5) committee members for a designated time frame of one (1) year and be reviewed after a year. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Mihevc Voting Nay: Condon, Devine, Schaefer, Mayor Jett Absent: Curry. Motion Failed. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. STAFF REPORTS City Administrator Morefield stated the eblast went out about the Parade Marshall event coming up. Lacey's Place dropped off menus, and they have been approved from McHenry County Health Department to sell sushi. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Jett reported that included in the Agenda Supplement are the appointments for the three (3) member committees. Alderman Glab expressed that the vote for standing committee structure should have been delayed because not all of the City Council members were in attendance, the absent Alderman was scheduled to be out of town for this meeting. He also stated that before anything moves forward with 1st Midwest Bank there should be a consensus from City Council. Alderman Glab also expressed that he does not see any support for the gas station at that location. Mayor Jett responded by stating he was unaware that the Alderman would not be present at the meeting until the day before. Alderman Glab also expressed that he would like to know more about the project before the bank is turned into a gas station. Alderman Devine stated he agreed with Alderman Glab about the gas station, it is a very hard location to enter and exit and does not think it is an appropriate location for a gas station. Alderman Condon said she agreed about the gas station but stated that it is up to the property owner to contact the City Council for their input. Alderman Schaefer directed a question to the Director of Economic Development, asking if the property was already approved for zoning. Whereas Director of Economic Development Martin stated it is currently zoned C 4 and would need to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Alderman Schaefer said he is not in favor of a gas station at that location and there are other location opportunities in McHenry that would be better suited for a gas station. Alderman Glab expressed there should be a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss redevelopment of the downtown area. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Santi, second by Devine to adjourn to Executive Session. A. To discuss collective negotiating matter pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2). B. For discussion of probable litigation against the City pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) and prior criminal investigations to be discussed between the City Council and the Deputy Chief of Police pursuant to 5 ILCS120/2(c)(14), at 7:42 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Devine, Mihevc, Schaefer, Condon, Glab Voting Nay: None. Absent: Curry. Motion Carried. Motion by Condon, second by Santi, to return to Open Session at 8:28 pm. Voting Aye: Condon, Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Mihevc, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: Curry. Motion Carried. Council returned to Open Session at 8:28 pm. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Santi, second by Schaefer, to adjourn meeting at 8:30 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Condon, Glab, Mihevc, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: Curry. Motion Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm Mayor City Clerk REGULAR MEETING JULY 3, 2017 Mayor Jett called the regularly scheduled July 3, 2017 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 pm. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Mihevc, Devine, Curry, Schaefer, Condon, Glab, and Santi. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Jones, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, City Attorney IAcArdle and City Clerk Nevitt. CALL TO ORDER A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PRESENTATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $44,627,642*006 Mayor Jett called to order the Public Hearing for the presentation of the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Appropriation Ordinance in the amount of $44,627,642.00 at 7*05 PM. Director of Finance Lynch presented the item for public hearing and there was no public comment. Motion by Schaefer, second by Condon, to close the Public Hearing for the Presentation of Fiscal Year 2017/18 Appropriation Ordinance in the amount of $44,627,642.00 at 7:07 PM. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Condon, Devine, Mihevc, Curry, Glab, Santi Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. MOTION TO ADOPT THE FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $44,627,642.00. Motion by Curry, second by Santi, to adopt the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Appropriation Ordinance in the amount of $44,627,642.00. Voting Aye: Curry, Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Condon, Devine, Mihevc Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Adoption of an Ordinance Ascertaining Prevailing Wages in the City of McHenry (820 ILCS 130); as determined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois as of June 5, 2017; B. Award of Bid for 2017 Supplemental Sanitary Sewer Lining Program to Visu-Sewer, Inc. for the amount of $269,403.45 (actual amount may vary based on final measured quantities); Co Snowplowing Services for Fegers Subdivision for the 2017/17 winter season at a per -pass fee per snow/ice event for the rate of $152 per -pass based on overtime charge of $82/hour, dump truck w/snowplow $54/hour, and road salt $16/pass (300 lbs./lane, mile); D. Adoption of an Ordinance authorizing the disposal of non-functioning inventory property owned by the City of McHenry; E. Request from the Polish Legion of American Veterans for temporary closure of a portion of Park Street between Route 120 and 300 feet south of Pearl Street and Special Event Liquor License for outside sales of Beer in conjunction with their annual Post Picnic on Sunday, August 6th from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM; F. Block Party Applications: Temporary Closure of a portion of Eisenhower Blvd in the Liberty Trails subdivision for a Block Party on August 12th from 11 AM to 12:00 AM and Temporary Closure of a portion of Pyndale Drive in Fox Ridge subdivision on September 16th from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM; G. Parks Facilities/Picnic Permits; H. Payment of Bills in the amount of $268,828.69. Mayor Jett announced Consent Agenda Item A will be pulled and voted on as a separate item. City Attorney McArdle clarified, Item 7-D, stating it is up to the City Council to decide if the items being sold are surplus. Motion by Santi, second by Schaefer approving the Consent Agenda Items B through H. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Condon, Glab, Mihevc, Devine, Curry Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda Item 7-A Alderman Condon expressed her frustration about having to approve the prevailing wage, and thinks there are different things that could be done to be fairer to the constituents. Alderman Curry expressed appreciation to staff for finding out more information on prevailing wages and that he is not in favor of passing the ordinance but understands that the City must abide by the State statue. Alderman Glab stated he would not be voting for it because it is like an unfunded mandate that the city has to abide by with no compensation from the State, to which he has difficulty supporting. Motion by Condon, second by Mihevc, approving amended Consent Agenda Item 7-A. Voting Aye: Condon, Mihevc, Devine, Schaefer Voting Nay: Curry, Glab, Santi Absent: None. Motion Carried. INDIVIDUAL ACTION ITEMS: A) MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A REDUCTION FROM THE REQUIRED SIDE YARD BUILDING SETBACK OF 2.5-FEET FOR A PROPOSED GARAGE ADDITION AT 318 WINDHAVEN COURT. Director of Economic Development Martin presented the Item to City Council. Alderman Glab expressed hope for drainage studies in the City of McHenry, stating that with residents adding patios, sheds, pools, etc., that affect drainage could cause long- standing problems in the future. Motion by Condon, second by Schaefer, approving Individual Action Item 8-A, adopt an Ordinance granting a Variance to allow a reduction from the required side yard building setback of 2.54eet for a proposed garage addition at 318 Windhaven Court. Voting Aye: Condon, Schaefer, Santi, Glab, Devine, Mihevc, Curry Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. B) MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A USE VARIANCE TO ALLOW A TATTOO PARLOR AND ART STUDIO AT 3405 WEST ELM STREET. Director of Economic Development Martin presented the Item to the City Council. Alderman Glab stated that he has never voted yes to a tattoo parlor in the past, but appreciates that all his concerns were addressed from previously being presented to the Council. Alderman Glab expressed the sign is very tastefully designed and it shows it is more than just tattoos. Alderman Santi thanked the potential owners of the business for continuing to work with the City of McHenry, expressed that he is much more comfortable with the new location, and expressed concern for where potential clients would be parking. Applicant Cory Murov said the tenants upstairs have designated parking spots behind the building, and parking spots to the west of the building are open. Alderman Condon stated that she loved the artwork and thinks that they have a very viable business. Alderman Glab said he would like to know where the location of the sign would be. Mayor Jett responded stating it would be on the wall. Alderman Glab suggested they consider an overhanging sign or a sidewalk sign in the future. Alderman Curry expressed the issue he had previously was with the location and that he liked this location much better. Motion by Santi, second by Condon, to adopt an Ordinance granting a Use Variance to aHow a Tattoo Parlor and Art Studio at 3405 West Elm Street. Voting Aye: Santi, Condon, Devine, Glab, Curry, Mihevc Voting Nay: Schaefer. Absent: None. Motion Carried. DISCUSSION ONLY ITEMS: A) PRESENTATION FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN FOR CHAPEL HILL GOLF COURSE, Mr. Bill Wiltse and Mr. Rick Swanson, partners in the proposed redevelopment of the Chapel Hill Golf Course were introduced to the Council and announced their plan is to help adults and families with autism and create an inclusive environment. Director of Economic Development Martin explained the gentlemen were present this evening to determine if the City Council was in favor of seeing this project move forward in the city's development process. Alderman Curry asked if the vocational center would be open to anyone in the community that needed it. To which Mr. Swanson responded yes, it would be open to anyone in the public that needed it, not just in McHenry but the entire County. Alderman Curry asked if the chapel located on the property was under separate ownership. Rick responded by stating yes the chapel is separately owned and they would keep open space near to be respectful. Alderman Condon said thereneed for this service in our community. She also asked if they had reached out to the McHenry County Mental Health Board. Mr. Swanson responded not yet however, they intend to speak with them. Alderman Santi questioned if the company had ever done a project like this before. Mr. Swanson stated the company had not done a project like this before. Alderman Curry asked if the vocational center would be doing constructive projects to help within the community. Mr. Swanson answered that is what they would like to see done. Alderman Curry asked Director of Economic Development Martin if the properties to the east of Chapel Hill Golf Course are in the City of McHenry and would there be any problems with the zoning of those properties. Director Martin responded that he does not believe there will be any problems. Alderman Condon suggested adding extra parking throughout the property for guests, instead of parking on the streets. Mr. Swanson responded the roads would be built to accommodate street parking. Alderman Glab asked if the streets would be dedicated roads, Director of Economic Development Martin responded at this time that has not been discussed. Mr. Swanson expressed he is very sincere about this project and wants it to feel like home and anyone would be comfortable living there. He wants everything to blend on the property so it feels like it belongs to the community. The presentation concluded and Mayor Jett thanked the Mr. Wiltse and Mr. Swanson for their attendance. STAFF REPORTS Deputy City Administrator Hobson reported Fiesta Days will begin July 13 at Petersen Park. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL COMM Mayor Jett announced that several Council members told him they want to follow the standard city procedure regarding the revolving loan application submitted by Smith's Central Garage and therefore it will be presented first to the Revolving Loan Committee. Alderman Glab said he is glad to see that the Council is following routine. Alderman Curry stated there would be a Finance Committee meeting coming up, date to be determined. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Schaefer, second by Santi to adjourn to Executive Session, for the purposed of the semi-annual review of Executive Session minutes pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21), at 8:10 pm. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Santi, Glab, Condon, Curry, Mihevc, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. Motion by Curry, second by Santi, to return to Open Session at 8:15 pm. Voting Aye: Curry, Santi, blab, Mihevc, Devine, Condon, Schaefer Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. Council returned to Open Session at 8:15 pm with the following Aldermen in attendance: Condon, Curry, Devine, Glab, Santi, Schaefer and Mihevc. INDIVIDUAL ACTION ITEMS (CONTINUED) MOTION TO PASS A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND/OR RELEASE OF MCHENRY CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES AND DESTRUCTION OF ANY EXECUTIVE SESSION MEETING RECORDINGS THAT EXIST MORE THAN 18 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE THE MEETING WAS RECORDED, PURSUANT TO 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(21). Motion by Curry, second by Santi, to pass a Resolution approving a) Executive Session meeting minutes as presented; b) authorizing the release of Executive Session meeting minutes as presented; and c) destruction of any Executive Session meeting recording that exist more than 18 months prior to the date of the closed session. Voting Aye: Curry, Santi, Glab, Mihevc, Devine, Condon, Schaefer Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Santi, second by Glab, to adjourn meeting at 8:20 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Condon, Schaefer, Mihevc, Devine, Curry Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. Mayor City Clerk 100 100-01-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 357,96 04/30/2017 100 100-01-6940 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 92,33 04/30/2017 100 100-02-6940 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 148,75 04/30/2017 100 1 00-23-621 0 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 43,85 04/30/2017 100 10047-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 241.92 04/30/2017 210 210-00-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 359.92 04/30/2017 610 610-00-5960 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 91,61 04/30/2017 100 100-33-6270 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 551,39 06/02/2017 100 10041-5310 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 100,00 06/02/2017 100 10044-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 35,00 06/02/2017 280 28041-8800 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 288,03 06/02/2017 400 400-00-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 27,86 06/02/2017 510 510-35-6270 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 551,38 06/02/2017 100 10041-5110 BRAUN, ANN MARIE 100,00 06/02/2017 510 510-31-5510 COMED 32073 06/02/2017 510 510-32-5510 COMED 487,52 06/02/2017 100 100-33-5520 COMED 9,08 06/02/2017 100 100-33-5520 COMED 116,79 06/02/2017 100 100-00-3410 COVALT, KELLY 30,00 06/02/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY 106,60 06/02/2017 510 510-35-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY 190.52 06/02/2017 510 510-35-6110 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 395,00 06/02/2017 620 620-00-5430 GREVE, AARON 1187,00 04/30/2017 100 100-22-5430 IDEOA 930,00 06/02/2017 620 620-00-5110 IN TIME SERVICES INC 5100,00 06/02/2017 100 10041-5110 MATTESON, PEGGY 100.00 06/02/2017 100 100-2180 MIDWEST OPERATING ENGINEERS 77,78 06/02/2017 510 510-31-5430 NORTH SUBURBAN WATER 80,00 06/02/2017 100 10042-5110 NORTHERN ILLINOIS SWIM CONFERENCE 562.50 06/02/2017 100 10045-5110 RIDGEVIEW ELECTRIC INC 3120,00 04/30/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 SEILER INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURING CO 6410,00 06/02/2017 510 510-35-6110 SEILER INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURING CO 6410,00 06/02/2017 100 100-22-5370 ADVANCED PUBLIC SAFETY INC 115,75 04/30/2017 100 10043-5320 AT&T 353.81 06/09/2017 100 10045-5320 AT&T 411,94 06/09/2017 510 510-31-5110 BAXTER & WOODMAN 575,00 06/09/2017 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 164,85 06/09/2017 100 100-33-5520 COMED 805.42 06/09/2017 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 626,99 06/09/2017 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 165.67 04/30/2017 100 10042-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 520,54 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 32.43 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5380 DELL MARKETING LP 465,36 04/30/2017 100 100-01-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 111.96 06/09/2017 100 1 00-22-61 10 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 77,16 06/09/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 933,20 06/09/2017 100 100-33-6270 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 205.05 06/09/2017 100 10045-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 738443 06/09/2017 400 400-00-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 164,36 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5375 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 385,00 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5380 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 106.38 06/09/2017 510 510-32-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 93,02 06/09/2017 510 510-35-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 175.86 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5410 ILLINOIS RURAL WATER 51,50 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5410 ILLINOIS RURAL WATER 51450 06/09/2017 610 610-00-5980 JIMS MCHENRY AUTO BODY 2552,78 06/09/2017 100 100-2200 MCHENRY COUNTY CLERK 16333,91 04/30/2017 100 10045-6110 MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE 108.16 04/30/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC 621,60 04/30/2017 440 440-00-8800 MURDOCK SUPER SECUR 3123*00 04/30/2017 100 100-01-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 3,44 06/09/2017 100 1 00-02-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 58,44 06/09/2017 100 1 00-03-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 27,50 06/09/2017 100 1 00-04-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 85,94 06/09/2017 100 1 00-22-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 37,82 06/09/2017 100 1 00-30-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 37,82 06/09/2017 100 10041-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 27,50 06/09/2017 510 510-31-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 34,38 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 30.94 06/09/2017 100 100-01-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 223,91 06/09/2017 100 1 00-02-531 0 RESERVE ACCOUNT 56,32 06/09/2017 100 1 00-03-51 10 RESERVE ACCOUNT 356,86 06/09/2017 100 1 00-04-531 0 RESERVE ACCOUNT 1746,08 06/09/2017 100 1 00-22-531 0 RESERVE ACCOUNT 613,26 06/09/2017 100 1 00-30-531 0 RESERVE ACCOUNT 14,77 06/09/2017 100 10041-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 12179 06/09/2017 510 510-31-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 596,37 06/09/2017 510 510-32-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 23.07 06/09/2017 510 510-35-6110 SEWER EQUIPMENT OF ILLINOIS 166,00 04/30/2017 100 10045-6110 TEAM REIL INC 1629,00 04/30/2017 100 100-33-5370 TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 599.34 04/30/2017 580 580-32-8500 WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC 759915,07 06/15/2017 100 100-41-3637 BOONE, PATRICIA 70,00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3636 BOSWELL, JAMIE 70,00 06/16/2017 100 100-014220 BRUNKALLA, MARTIN 225,00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 BURNS, LAURA 40.00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 CARSTENS, DEANNA 40,00 06/16/2017 100 100-334510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 149.51 06/16/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 149,54 06/16/2017 510 510-324510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 769,35 06/16/2017 620 620-00-5110 COMPUTER POWER SYSTEMS INC 5386*73 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 62,23 06/16/2017 510 510-31-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 3968,72 06/16/2017 510 510-31-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 12588,40 06/16/2017 510 510-32-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 37656*38 06/16/2017 510 510-32-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 588,17 06/16/2017 620 620-00-6210 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC 89.00 04/30/2017 100 1 00-42-61 10 FUN EXPRESS LLC 62,70 06/16/2017 100 10043-6110 FUN EXPRESS LLC 62,70 06/16/2017 100 100-2200 GARCIA, FRANCISCO 25,00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 HARRISON, SHANNON 55.00 06/16/2017 100 1 00-03-51 10 HRGREEN 516,00 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 732,00 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 344.00 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 344,00 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 86.00 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 278,50 06/16/2017 510 510-32-8500 HRGREEN 34437630 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 1646,00 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 452,00 06/16/2017 740 740-00-5220 HRGREEN 86.00 06/16/2017 510 510-35-8500 HRGREEN 759475 06/16/2017 440 440-00-8200 HRGREEN 3572,50 06/16/2017 100 100-22-5430 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ACADEMY 201.24 06/16/2017 100 100-014220 JOHNSON, SAM 100,00 06/16/2017 100 100-01-4220 JONSSON, PETE 225,00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 KOSTUCH, ERIN 55,00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 LUCIUS, VALERIE 55.00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 15,00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 34.50 06/16/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 330,40 06/16/2017 100 100-33-6270 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 653,80 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 8,20 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 22,25 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 31,00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 15,00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 20.00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 412,00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 180,50 06/16/2017 100 10045-6110 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 133,64 06/16/2017 100 100-01-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS 120.00 06/16/2017 510 510-31-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS 200.00 06/16/2017 510 510-32-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS 600,00 06/16/2017 100 100-01-5110 MIDCO 827,00 06/16/2017 400 40040-3650 MOCOGNI, PEGGY 50,00 06/16/2017 100 100-00-3330 MUGGLE, MIKE 24,00 06/16/2017 100 100-22-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 1292*99 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 812,88 06/16/2017 100 10045-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 583,23 06/16/2017 100 10045-6110 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 123.57 06/16/2017 510 510-32-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 142,93 06/16/2017 510 510-32-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 40,49 06/16/2017 510 510-35-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 263,17 06/16/2017 100 100-014220 NIEMO, CHERYL 225.00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MACK INC 45029 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MACK INC 866,72 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MACK INC 273,32 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MACK INC 217.51 06/16/2017 100 100-2200 NOVAK, AIMEE 25,00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 OEFFLING, BRAD 55,00 06/16/2017 100 1 00-22-51 10 PROSHRED SECURITY 53.00 06/16/2017 100 100-2200 REED, RACHAEL 25,00 06/16/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 178,36 06/16/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 92,90 06/16/2017 100 10045-6110 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 52.20 06/16/2017 100 10042-6110 RODRIGUEZ, GRACE 12.89 06/16/2017 100 100-014220 RUNTY, THOMAS 500,00 06/16/2017 100 100-01-4220 SARNWICK, KEVIN 450,00 06/16/2017 510 510-32-5375 SHARE CORP 734022 06/16/2017 100 10045-6110 SIGNS BY FRY 419,00 04/30/2017 100 10045-6110 SIGNS BY FRY 606.00 06/16/2017 100 100-41-3637 SILVESTRI, GREG 100400 06/16/2017 100 100-00-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 68,43 06/16/2017 100 1 00-04-621 0 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 13,99 06/16/2017 100 10041-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 61,95 06/16/2017 100 1 00-23-621 0 SURESOURCE 83,39 04/30/2017 100 100-03-5370 TEST GAUGE AND BACKFLOW SUPPLY INC 95.00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 TEXAS REFINERY CORP 383,64 06/16/2017 100 100-01-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 3,34 06/16/2017 100 100-01-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 2.53 06/16/2017 510 510-31-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 149,70 06/16/2017 510 510-31-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 84472 06/16/2017 100 100-01-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 5,61 06/16/2017 100 1 00-22-531 0 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 2.19 06/16/2017 100 100-41-3637 VAN ALSTINE 45,00 06/16/2017 400 400-00-5210 VISABLE OUTDOOR ADS INC 975,00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 WENDT, NANCY 250.00 06/16/2017 100 10041-3637 WIEDMAN, KATIE 30,00 06/16/2017 100 100-33-5370 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 120,00 06/22/2017 510 510-314510 ARAMARK 14,06 04/30/2017 100 10047-6110 BSN SPORTS INC 140,12 04/30/2017 280 280-00-6990 CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 2776,00 04/30/2017 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 561.67 06/22/2017 510 510-35-8500 COPENHAVER CONSTRUCTION INC 42987,00 06/22/2017 100 1 00-23-61 10 FIRST CHOICE COMMUNICATIONS 170,00 06/22/2017 510 510-32-5410 FOX VALLEY OPERATORS ASSOCIATION 140,00 06/22/2017 100 100-00-6210 IMPACT NETWORKING LLC 265.00 04/30/2017 100 10041-6210 IMPACT NETWORKING LLC 265,00 04/30/2017 510 510-31-5410 IRWA 51,50 06/22/2017 100 10046-6110 MCHENRY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 156 200,00 04/30/2017 510 510-31-6110 MIDWEST METER INC 707,75 06/22/2017 100 100-014220 ROSENBERG GERHARD 139,92 06/22/2017 100 100-04-5330 RYDIN DECAL 4026.25 04/30/2017 100 10042-5110 SEA 538,00 06/22/2017 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE / POLICE DEPT 95.00 06/22/2017 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE / POLICE DEPT 303,00 06/22/2017 510 510-32-5370 TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 390.98 04/30/2017 100 100-01-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 114,40 06/22/2017 100 100-03-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 102,83 06/22/2017 100 100-22-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 1155,94 06/22/2017 100 100-30-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 55,97 06/22/2017 100 10041-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 3,56 06/22/2017 100 10045-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 35,35 06/22/2017 100 10046-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 1,59 06/22/2017 620 620-00-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 40,25 06/22/2017 510 510-31-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 55,58 06/22/2017 510 510-32-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 26,97 06/22/2017 510 510-35-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 76,02 06/22/2017 510 510-32-6110 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 2643,64 06/22/2017 100 10041-3637 WIEDMAN, VALERIE 30.00 06/22/2017 620 620-00-5110 AT&T 2159040 06/30/2017 100 100-23-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 1353,43 06/30/2017 100 10047-5110 BELLAS BOUNCIES 1849,60 06/30/2017 510 510-31-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 849,50 06/30/2017 510 510-32-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 1260,00 06/30/2017 100 1 00-33-51 10 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 2563,75 06/30/2017 100 10041-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 9183,00 06/30/2017 610 610-00-6940 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 125,00 06/30/2017 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 136.63 06/30/2017 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 115,18 06/30/2017 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 72,78 06/30/2017 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 124.90 06/30/2017 100 100-33-5520 COMED 99,38 06/30/2017 510 510-31-5510 COMED 129.82 06/30/2017 510 510-32-5510 COMED 185449 06/30/2017 100 10046-6110 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY 1215,00 06/30/2017 100 100-01-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ACADEMY 189,00 06/30/2017 100 1 00-03-51 10 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ACADEMY 27.00 06/30/2017 510 510-31-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ACADEMY 27,00 06/30/2017 100 1 00-33-61 10 IMPRINTABLE MEMORIES 347,88 06/30/2017 100 100-01-5110 LAKESIDE PEST CONTROL SERVICE INC 121.00 06/30/2017 100 100-01-5110 MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATIOP 2946408 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-621 0 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETW, 807,30 06/30/2017 100 100-01-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 28,33 06/30/2017 100 1 00-02-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 28.33 06/30/2017 100 1 00-03-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 28,33 06/30/2017 100 1 00-04-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 28,33 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 28.33 06/30/2017 100 1 00-30-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 28,33 06/30/2017 100 10041-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 28,33 06/30/2017 510 510-31-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 28033 06/30/2017 510 510-32-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 28,33 06/30/2017 100 100-01-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 35,73 06/30/2017 100 1 00-02-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 35073 06/30/2017 100 1 00-03-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 35,73 06/30/2017 100 1 00-04-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 35,73 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 35073 06/30/2017 100 1 00-30-531 0 PITNEY BOWES INC 35,73 06/30/2017 100 10041-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 35073 06/30/2017 510 510-31-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 35,73 06/30/2017 510 510-32-5310 PITNEY BOWES INC 35473 06/30/2017 620 620-00-5110 QUEST 1500000 06/30/2017 100 10042-6110 REC PLEX 558,00 06/30/2017 100 100-03-5430 REGNER, WILLIAM J 15,00 06/30/2017 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE 95,00 06/30/2017 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE / POLICE DEPT 303.00 06/30/2017 100 1 00-03-51 10 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 48,75 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-51 10 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 438,75 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-61 10 SYNCB/AMAZON 49,72 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-61 10 SYNCB/AMAZON 22231 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 38.89 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 326,64 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 15,48 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 67.80 06/30/2017 100 1 00-23-61 10 SYNCB/AMAZON 264,32 06/30/2017 100 1 00-23-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 18,00 06/30/2017 100 1 00-23-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 54,08 06/30/2017 100 1 00-23-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 54,44 06/30/2017 280 28041-8800 TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS 33685*07 06/30/2017 100 1 00-33-51 10 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 73,00 06/30/2017 510 510-31-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 73.00 06/30/2017 510 510-32-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 73,00 06/30/2017 510 510-35-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 73,00 06/30/2017 100 100-01-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 311a00 06/30/2017 100 1 00-22-51 10 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 225.00 06/30/2017 100 100-22-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 38,01 06/30/2017 510 510-31-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 115.02 06/30/2017 510 510-35-5320 VERIZON WIRELESS 76,68 06/30/2017 200 200-00-5110 VISIT MCHENRY COUNTY 12000,00 06/30/2017 100 10046-5110 WITT, CINDY 1180,25 06/30/2017 TOTAL 1081576, 56 McHenry, IL Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Vendor: ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17A 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17A 07/17/2017 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 6-25-17A 07/17/2017 Vendor: AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICAN RED CROSS 22028322 07/17/2017 AMERICAN RED CROSS 22028322 07/17/2017 AMERICAN RED CROSS 22028322 07/17/2017 AMERICAN RED CROSS 22028322 07/17/2017 AMERICAN RED CROSS 22028322 07/17/2017 AMERICAN RED CROSS 22028322 07/17/2017 Vendor: AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC 108283 07/17/2017 AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC 109255 07/17/2017 Vendor: BARROWS, DEXTER BARROWS, DEXTER INV0004076 07/17/2017 Vendor: BARTH, PATTY BARTH, PATTY 167013 07/17/2017 Vendor: CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT INV0004077 07/17/2017 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 192415 07/17/2017 Vendor: CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 1 07/17/2017 Vendor: COMED COMED 6111 07/17/2017 COMED 7-17 3528 07/17/2017 Vendor: COMED COMED 353107-17 07/17/2017 COMED 353107-17 07/17/2017 Expense Approval Register LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7-1747 Description (Item) Account Number Amount SUPPL 100-01-6110 47.38 SUPPL 100-01-6110 47.38 SUPPL 100-22-6110 48.94 SUPPL 100-33-6110 44.96 SUPPL 100-42-6110 431.68 SUPPL 100-43-6110 696.50 SUPPL 100-44-6110 5.39 SUPPL 100-45-6110 707.37 SUPPL 100-46-6110 94.57 SUPPL 100-47-6110 22.97 SUPPL 400-00-6110 74.14 SUPPL 510-31-6270 593.51 SUPPL 510-32-6110 994.31 SUPPL 510-35-6110 181.62 Vendor ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY Total: 31990.72 CERTS 100-42-5430 19.00 CERTS 100-46-5430 27.00 CERTS 100-46-5430 81.00 CERTS 100-47-5430 27.00 CERTS 100-47-5430 81.00 CERTS 400-00-6130 27.00 Vendor AMERICAN RED CROSS Total: 262.00 POOL SUPPL 100-42-6110 31882.65 SVS 100-42-5110 782.03 Vendor AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC Total: 41664.68 UNIFORM REIMB 100-23-4510 193.28 Vendor BARROWS, DEXTER Total: 193.28 REFUND 400-40-3650 50.00 Vendor BARTH, PATTY Total: 50.00 PERMIT FEE REF 260-2381 Vendor CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Total: LECHNERSCREENS 610-00-6940 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: SUPPL 510-32-4510 Vendor CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 Total: UTIL 100-33-5520 UTIL 100-33-5520 Vendor COMED Total: UTIL 510-31-5510 UTIL 510-32-5510 Vendor COMED Total: 1800.00 , 1,800.00 75.00 75.00 341.04 341.04 31.47 2,798.71 2,830.18 1,529.12 1,540.93 3,070.05 7/12/2017 11:33:27 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00865 - 74747 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY .0497 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-33-5520 21702,74 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 3565 7-17-17 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-33-5520 221004.29 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 35657-17-17 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-42-5510 843.41 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 35657-17-17 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-44-5510 1.32 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 35657-17-17 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-45-5510 466,27 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 35657-17-17 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-46-5510 26.94 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 35657-17-17A 07/17/2017 UTIL 510-31-5510 39.49 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 35657-17 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-44-5510 21.34 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 26,105980 Vendor: DIXON ENGINEERING INC DIXON ENGINEERING INC 17-2203 07/17/2017 RET PERS 740-00-5220 950.00 Vendor DIXON ENGINEERING INC Total: 950.00 Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE 390201 07/17/2017 MATER 100-01-6110 161.50 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total: 161.50 Vendor: DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES 91461338 07/17/2017 DAYCAMP 100-46-5110 343.96 Vendor DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES Total: 343.96 Vendor: EDER CASELLA & CO EDER CASELLA & CO 20800 07/17/2017 FEES 230-00-5110 22,000.00 Vendor EDER CASELLA & CO Total: 22,000.00 Vendor: ERB, STEPHANIE ERB, STEPHANIE INV0004078 07/17/2017 UNIFORM REIMB 100-22-4510 68.91 Vendor ERB, STEPHANIE Total: 68.91 Vendor: FUN EXPRESS LLC FUN EXPRESS LLC 684512794-01 07/17/2017 SUPPL 100-42-6110 48.31 Vendor FUN EXPRESS LLC Total: 48.31 Vendor: GILLESPIE DESIGN GROUP GILLESPIE DESIGN GROUP 17-032-01 07/17/2017 SVS 100-42-5110 11318,98 Vendor GILLESPIE DESIGN GROUP Total: 1,31&98 Vendor: GMIS INTERNATIONAL GMIS INTERNATIONAL 300003903 07/17/2017 DUES - LARSON 620-00-5410 300.00 Vendor GMIS INTERNATIONAL Total: 300.00 Vendor: GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 325431 07/17/2017 SUPPL 100-44-6110 335.85 Vendor GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS Total: 335.85 Vendor: HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 505376 07/17/2017 SUPPL 100-42-6110 334.75 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 505497/96 07/17/2017 SUPPL 100-42-6110 774.34 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 505603 07/17/2017 SUPPL 100-42-6110 38.00 Vendor HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY Total: 11147.09 Vendor: HODGES BADGE COMPANY INC HODGES BADGE COMPANY INC 17021049 07/17/2017 SUPPL 100-47-6920 168.50 Vendor HODGES BADGE COMPANY INC Total: 168.50 Vendor: HOUCK, ALEX HOUCK, ALEX INV0004095 07/10/2017 SUPPL REIMB 100-46-6110 55.88 Vendor HOUCK, ALEX Total: 55.88 Vendor: HRGREEN HRGREEN 112189 07/17/2017 SVS 290-00-8900 11393,22 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 11393.22 Vendor: IMPACT NETWORKING LLC IMPACT NETWORKING LLC 860315 07/17/2017 SUPPLIES 100-00-6210 530.00 Vendor IMPACT NETWORKING LLC Total: 530.00 7J12/2017 11:33:27 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00865 - 747-17 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: JIMS MCHENRY AUTO BODY JIMS MCHENRY AUTO BODY 6143 07/17/2017 REPAIR 610-00-5980 1,631.96 Vendor JIMS MCHENRY AUTO BODY Total: 1,631.96 Vendor: JOSEPH, MARIA JOSEPH, MARIA INV0004079 07/17/2017 UNIFORM REIMB 100-23-4510 81.14 Vendor JOSEPH, MARIA Total: 81.14 Vendor: LANG AUTO GROUP, GARY LANG AUTO GROUP, GARY INV0004080 07/17/2017 SALES TAX INC ADV 100-04-6945 100,000.00 Vendor LANG AUTO GROUP, GARY Total: 100,000.00 Vendor: LEISTEN, RICK LEISTEN, RICK INV0004081 07/17/2017 UNIFORM REIMB 100-33-4510 147,23 Vendor LEISTEN, RICK Total: 147.23 Vendor: MAZIARZ, RICHARD MAZIARZ, RICHARD 166228 07/17/2017 CXL SOCCER 100-41-3637 160.00 Vendor MAZIARZ, RICHARD Total: 160.00 Vendor: MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW INV0004085 07/17/2017 LEGAL FEES 100-01-5230 5,175.00 Vendor MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK Total: 5/175400 Vendor: MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 156 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH INV0004083 07/17/2017 FY 15/16 & 16/17 OP FEES 260-2360 55,888.00 Vendor MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DIST 156 Total: 55,888.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST #15 MCHENRY COMMUNITY INV0004082 07/17/2017 FY 16/17 OP FEES 260-2360 75,376.00 Vendor MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST #15 Total: 75,376.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF 2-27 07/17/2017 MTHLY 100-01-5110 2/946408 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION Total: 2,946.08 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 06/17 07/17/2017 FEES 100-01-6940 160.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 6-17 07/17/2017 REC FEES 510-31-6940 100.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 6-17 07/17/2017 REC FEES 510-32-6940 220.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 480.00 Vendor: MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY INV0004084 07/17/2017 FY 15/16 & 16/17 OP FEES 260-2380 4,200.00 Vendor MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY Total: 47200.00 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 88592 07/17/2017 SIGNS 100-01-4220 45.52 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 45.52 Vendor: NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0004091 07/17/2017 PARTS 100-03-5370 207.13 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0004091 07/17/2017 PARTS 100-22-5370 441,47 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0004091 07/17/2017 PARTS 100-33-5370 69237 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0004091 07/17/2017 PARTS 100-45-5370 5038 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0004092 07/17/2017 PARTS 510-35-5370 98.01 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC Total: 1,489.36 Vendor: NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J INV0004086 07/17/2017 PLRENT 740-00-6960 500.00 Vendor NEUMANN JR, EDWARD 1 Total: 500.00 Vendor: NIABPA NIABPA INV0004089 07/17/2017 SMALE TR 100-03-5430 125.00 Vendor NIABPA Total: 125.00 Vendor: NICOR GAS NICOR GAS INV0004087 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-42-5510 440.56 NICOR GAS INV0004087 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-43-5510 30.43 NICOR GAS INV0004087 07/17/2017 UTIL 100-45-5510 98.35 7/12/2017 11:33:27 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00865 - 7-1747 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date NICOR GAS INV0004087 07/17/2017 NICOR GAS INV0004088 07/17/2017 NICOR GAS INV0004088 07/17/2017 Vendor: PALMA, LOUIS PALMA, LOUIS 168533 07/17/2017 Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC PETROCHOICE LLC 10186643 07/17/2017 Vendor: PITEL SEPTIC INC PITEL SEPTIC INC 14100 07/17/2017 Vendor: RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 155683 07/17/2017 Vendor: ROGERS, MATT ROGERS, MATT INV0004093 07/17/2017 Vendor: SEMROW JR, HARRY H SEMROW JR, HARRY H 7-3-17 07/17/2017 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 7-3-17 07/17/2017 Vendor: SHAW MEDIA SHAW MEDIA 1407045/1421519/1402049 07/17/2017 SHAW MEDIA 1407045/1421519/1402049 07/17/2017 SHAW MEDIA 1407045/1421519/1402049 07/17/2017 SHAW MEDIA 1433436 07/17/2017 Vendor: TRANE US INC TRANE US INC 38136279 07/17/2017 Vendor: UPS STORE, THE UPS STORE, THE 60X485267 07/17/2017 Vendor: VALLEY VIEW ACRES VALLEY VIEW ACRES 16829/828 07/17/2017 Vendor: WITT, CINDY WITT, CINDY INV0004094 07/17/2017 Vendor: WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS 12427 07/17/2017 Description (Item) Account Number Amount UTIL 100-46-5510 20.77 UTIL 510-31-5510 1,004.30 UTIL 510-32-5510 702,01 Vendor NICOR GAS Total: 2,296.42 RENTAL CXL 100-41-3633 50.00 Vendor PALMA, LOUIS Total: 50.00 FUEL 100-45-6250 520.50 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: 520.50 PET FARM 100-45-5110 325.00 Vendor PITEL SEPTIC INC Total: 325.00 MTG SUPPL 610-00-5960 26.31 Vendor RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP Total: 26.31 REIMB 100-33-4510 125.00 Vendor ROGERS, MATT Total: 125.00 LEGAL SVS 100-03-5110 63.75 LEGAL SVS 100-22-5110 573.75 Vendor SEMROW JR, HARRY H Total: 637.50 ADS 400-00-5210 296,00 ADS 400-00-5210 300,00 ADS 400-00-5210 74.00 WAGE ORD 100-01-5330 57.90 Vendor SHAW MEDIA Total: 727.90 MAT & INST 440-00-8200 55,340.00 Vendor TRANE US INC Total: 55,340.00 SHIPPING 100-04-5310 17.84 Vendor UPS STORE, THE Total: 17.84 LESSONS 100-47-5110 1,000.00 Vendor VALLEY VIEW ACRES Total: 1,000.00 REIMB SUPPL 100-46-6110 65.04 Vendor WITT, CINDY Total: 65.04 EAP SVS 100-01-5110 450,42 Vendor WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS Total: 450.42 Grand Total: 382,032.17 7/12/2017 11:33:27 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00865 - 74747 AP CKS Fund Summary Fund 100 - GENERAL FUND 230 - AUDIT EXPENSE FUND 260-ANNEXATION FUND 290-TIF FUND 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 440 -CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 510- WATER/SEWER FUND 610- RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 620- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 740 - RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW Grand Total: Expense Amount 154,386.20 22,000.00 137,264.00 1,393.22 821.14 55,340.00 7,344.34 11733,27 300.00 1,450.00 382,032.17 McHenry, IL Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Vendor: ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 803777 07/17/2017 Vendor: ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND 17-2668 07/17/2017 Vendor: ALPHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICE INC ALPHA BUILDING 17450CM 07/17/2017 ALPHA BUILDING 17548CM 07/17/2017 ALPHA BUILDING 17638CM 07/17/2017 ALPHA BUILDING 17727CM 07/17/2017 Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 279827 07/17/2017 Vendor: BRENNAN, DAN BRENNAN, DAN 6-12 07/17/2017 BRENNAN, DAN 6-23 07/17/2017 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 5026544 07/17/2017 Vendor: CABAY &COMPANY INC CABAY &COMPANY INC 57214 CABAY &COMPANY INC 57225 CABAY & COMPANY INC 57382 CABAY & COMPANY INC 57586 Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC JFV6371 Vendor: CENTURY SPRINGS CENTURY SPRINGS 6-17 Vendor: CONCENTRIC INTEGRATION CONCENTRIC INTEGRATION 193204 Vendor: CPS CPS 301C014502 Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE 390266 Vendor: ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 21867-1 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 21867-1-17 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 7-12186 Expense Approval Register #2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 747-17 Description (Item) Account Number Amount springs 161 100-45-5370 383.60 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RATotal: 383.60 Repair and maintenance 510-32-6110 7,822.69 Vendor ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC Total: 71822.69 1415 Cleaning 17450 CM 100-33-5115 500.00 1415 Cleaning 17548 CM 100-33-5115 500.00 1415 Cleaning services 100-33-5115 500.00 1415 Cleaning 17727 CM 100-33-5115 500.00 Vendor ALPHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICE INCTotal: 21000.00 tires 161 100-45-5370 401.60 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total: 401.60 Mowing fees 100-03-5110 665.00 Mowing fees 100-03-5110 890.00 Vendor BRENNAN, DAN Total: 11555.00 mirror527 510-35-5370 59.02 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 59.02 07/17/2017 City wide paper products 100-01-6110 368.30 07/17/2017 Materials &Supplies 100-45-6110 47.66 07/17/2017 Municipal Center Materials & 100-01-6110 117.40 07/17/2017 Supplies for1415 57586 100-33-6115 254.74 Vendor CABAY & COMPANY INCTotal: 788.10 07/17/2017 Adobe Acrobat Standard 620-00-6270 137.56 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INCTotal: 137.56 07/18/2017 Lab water 510-32-6110 51.00 Vendor CENTURY SPRINGS Total: 51.00 07/17/2017 Invfi0193204 -See Attached 510-31-5110 5,426.54 Vendor CONCENTRIC INTEGRATION Total: 5,426.54 07/17/2017 sway bar link 318 100-22-5370 8.76 Vendor CPS Total: 8.76 07/17/2017 City wide cleaning supplies 100-01-6110 266.75 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total: 266.75 07/17/2017 inspection 633 510-32-5370 43.00 07/17/2017 inspection 425 100-33-5370 65.50 07/17/2017 inspection 563 100-33-5370 65.50 Vendor ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP Total: 174.00 7/12/2017 12:08:31 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00868 - 7=17=17 RE CT INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS 201603725A 07/17/2017 Materials & Supplies Admin 100-42-6110 652.19 Vendor ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC Total: 652.19 Vendor: FASTENAL FASTENAL 22215 07/17/2017 Hardware for Hemlock lift 510-32-5380 226.81 FASTENAL 22340 07/17/2017 Marking Paint 100-33-6950 30.92 FASTENAL 22668 07/17/2017 Misc Stainless Hardware 510-32-5375 227.99 FASTENAL 22734 07/17/2017 Misce Hardware -Hook Lift tail 510-32-5380 484.31 Vendor FASTENAL Total: 970.03 Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH FISCHER BROS FRESH 8364 07/17/2017 READY MIX #101117 100-33-6110 858.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH 8412 07/17/2017 READY MIX #101192 100-33-6110 11146.00 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 2/004400 Vendor: FOX WATERWAY AGENCY FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 206-IN 07/17/2017 pulverized top soil. vendor 100-33-6110 50.00 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 221-IN 07/17/2017 pulverized topsoil. vendor 100-33-6110 50.00 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 7/17 07/17/2017 pulverized top soil. vendor 100-33-6110 50.00 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 7-1-17 07/17/2017 pulverized top soil. vendor 100-33-6110 50.00 Vendor FOX WATERWAY AGENCY Total: 200.00 Vendor: FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 52233 07/17/2017 DS75straw blanket. vendor 100-33-6110 789.00 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total: 789.00 Vendor: G & E GREENHOUSES INC G & E GREENHOUSES INC 170798 07/17/2017 Materials & Supplies 100-45-6110 276.00 Vendor G & E GREENHOUSES INC Total: 276.00 Vendor: GESKE AND SONS INC GESKE AND SONS INC 38399 07/17/2017 HMA surface N50. vendor 100-33-6110 130.14 Vendor GESKE AND SONS INC Total: 130.14 Vendor: HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC 947595 07/17/2017 parts cleaner tank 510-32-5370 177.04 Vendor HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC Total: 177.04 Vendor: HRGREEN HRGREEN 112188 07/17/2017 Gen Consult Millstream 112188 510-35-5110 1,032.00 HRGREEN 112197 07/17/2017 CMOM Plan 510-32-5110 315.00 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 11347.00 Vendor: IN -PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC IN -PIPE TECHNOLOGY 16585 07/17/2017 Monthly service fee 510-32-5110 7,750.00 Vendor IN -PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC Total: 7,750.00 Vendor: JIG UNIFORMS INC JG UNIFORMS INC 21340 07/17/2017 UNIFORM ORDER-TORKELSON 100-22-4510 21.40 Vendor JIG UNIFORMS INC Total: 21.40 Vendor: DIMS MCHENRY AUTO BODY JIMS MCHENRY AUTO BODY 6178 07/17/2017 Vehicle Repairs 100-45-5370 738.86 Vendor JIMS MCHENRY AUTO BODY Total: 738.86 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST I<IMBALLMIDWEST 5698545 07/17/2017 stock 100-33-5370 199.32 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWESTTotal: 199.32 Vendor: LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 707352269 07/17/2017 CM-11 wash stone. vendor 100-33-6110 110.40 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 707385924 B 07/17/2017 GRADE #9 GRAVEL 100-33-6110 104.01 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 707385924 07/17/2017 Grade 9120888314 510-35-6110 205.37 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 707385924A 07/17/2017 Grade 9 510-35-6110 103.88 Vendor LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA Total: 523.66 7/12/2017 12:08:31 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00868 - 74747 RE CT INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW 7-5-17 07/17/2017 Tree Removal 100-33-6950 3,000.00 Vendor MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP Total: 3,000.00 Vendor: MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11038697-1 07/17/2017 WOOD STAKES 100-33-6110 80.35 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC Total: 80.35 Vendor: MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & 700 07/17/2017 Administration: Contractual 100-01-5110 21600,00 Vendor MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC Total: 2,600.00 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 187707W 07/17/2017 4" Stainless Flange Kits 510-32-5380 251,60 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 187768W 07/17/2017 6" couplings 510-35-6110 23200 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 187815W 07/17/2017 Fittings 510-35-6110 21195,42 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 188124W 07/17/2017 Clamps, Diamond Blades 510-35-6110 467,00 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 3,146.02 Vendor: MIDCO MIDCO 31230 07/17/2017 Annual Support Gold Package 620-00-5110 51621,11 Vendor MIDCO Total: 5,621.11 Vendor: MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS M20050 07/17/2017 nozzle 100-33-5370 39.99 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS M20119 07/17/2017 fittings444 100-33-5370 150,60 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total: 190.59 Vendor: MIDWEST WATER GROUP INC MIDWEST WATER GROUP INC 9101 07/18/2017 Static Mixers 510-35-6110 60,00 Vendor MIDWEST WATER GROUP INC Total: 60.00 Vendor: MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 3541809 07/17/2017 Dell Toner 671-12T 620-00-6210 158A5 Vendor MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INCTotal: 158.45 Vendor: MULCH CENTER, THE MULCH CENTER, THE 27828 07/17/2017 Materials & Supplies 100-45-6110 42.00 Vendor MULCH CENTER, THE Total: 42.00 Vendor: NCL OF WISCONSIN INC NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 391193 07/17/2017 Lab Supplies 510-32-6110 657.08 Vendor NCL OF WISCONSIN INC Total: 657.08 Vendor: OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC 1005054 07/17/2017 bolts 449 100-33-5370 41,00 Vendor OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC Total: 41.00 Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC PETROCHOICE LLC 10186617 07/17/2017 Fuel 10186617 510-35-6250 443.70 PETROCHOICE LLC 10186641 07/17/2017 Fuel 10186641 510-32-6250 237,01 PETROCHOICE LLC 10186642 07/17/2017 Fuel 10186642 510-31-6250 126.20 PETROCHOICE LLC 10186644 07/17/2017 Fuel 10186644 100-33-6250 1,023.00 PETROCHOICE LLC 10194181 07/17/2017 Fuel 10194181 510-35-6250 268.99 PETROCHOICE LLC 10194203 07/17/2017 Fuel 10194203 510-32-6250 352.48 PETROCHOICE LLC 10194204 07/17/2017 fuel 10194204 510-31-6250 186.41 PETROCHOICE LLC 10194206 07/17/2017 Fuel 10194206 100-33-6250 612.85 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: 3,250.64 Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F 172460 07/17/2017 UNIFORM ORDER - PAUL 100-22-4510 100.95 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P F Total: 100.95 Vendor: REBARS & STEEL COMPANY REBARS & STEEL COMPANY 71145 07/17/2017 EPDXY REBAR 100-33-6110 145,00 Vendor REBARS & STEEL COMPANY Total: 145.00 7/12/2017 12:08:31 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Vendor: RUCHE'S PLUMBING SEWER RODDING CORP REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 5-9-17 07/17/2017 Vendor: REINDERS INC REINDERS INC 1691922-00 07/17/2017 REINDERS INC 1692662-00 07/17/2017 REINDERS INC 1692694-00 07/17/2017 Vendor: RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4200709 07/17/2017 RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4204663 07/17/2017 Vendor: SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC SCHOPEN PESTSOLUTIONS INC 74021 07/17/2017 Vendor: SCOREBOARD SERVICE COMPANY SCOREBOARD SERVICE 118857 07/17/2017 Vendor: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 8334-7 07/17/2017 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 329835 07/17/2017 Vendor:TAPCO TAPCO 1568218 07/17/2017 Vendor: THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPECTION SERV INC THOMPSON ELEVATOR 17-2117 07/17/2017 Vendor: UNITED LABORATORIES UNITED LABORATORIES 194105 07/17/2017 Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK 289267 USA BLUEBOOK 291903 USA BLUEBOOK 292106 Vendor: VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 48749 Vendor: WILSON NURSERIES INC WILSON NURSERIES INC 312292 WILSON NURSERIES INC 312439-IN Packet: APPKT00868 - 74747 RE CT INVOICE Description (Item) Account Number Amount Plumbing repair 510-31-5110 Vendor REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER RODDING CORP Total: pilot spacers 100-45-5370 spacers kit 100-45-5370 belts 100-45-5370 Vendor REINDERS INC Total weed whip 510-35-5370 cable 100-33-5370 Vendor RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT Total Contractual-Parl<s 100-45-5110 Vendor SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC Total Materials &Supplies 100-45-6110 Vendor SCOREBOARD SERVICE COMPANY Total: hydrant paint 510-35-6110 Vendor SHERWIWWILLIAMS CO, THE Total: Cyan toner for plotter 329835 100-33-6115 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: Safety Town 100-41-6110 Vendor TAPCO Total: 1415 Ind chair lift inspection 100-33-5115 VendorTHOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPECTION SERV INC Total: wipes 100-33-5370 Vendor UNITED LABORATORIES Total: 07/17/2017 3"x3"Sch80 PVC flange 510-32-6110 07/17/2017 Hard hats -with safety visors 510-32-6110 07/17/2017 2 Landyards - Inv#292106 510-31-6110 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 07/17/2017 4000 gal ferric chloride 510-32-6110 Vendor VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANYTotal: 07/17/2017 Landscape supplies 100-45-6110 07/17/2017 Landscape Supplies 100-45-6110 Vendor WILSON NURSERIES INC Total: Grand Total: 160.00 160.00 84.11 78.13 81.55 243.79 215.00 18.43 233.43 90.00 90.00 550.00 SS0.00 444.28 444.28 59.00 59.00 65.44 65.44 75.00 75.00 237.64 237.64 53.85 357.64 221.22 632.71 8,730.72 8,730.72 236.97 127.20 364.17 65,832.63 7/12/2017 12:08:31 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00868 - 747-17 RE CT INVOICE Fund Summary Fund 100-GENERAL FUND 510-WATER/SEWER FUND 620- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 7/12/2017 12:08:31 PM Expense Amount 20,330.26 39,585*25 5,917.12 Grand Total: 65,832.63 NI�NT O► TNC I[ gIVtN Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: July 17th Regular City Council Meeting RE: Fence Variance for 4938 Abbington Drive ATT: Fence application, plat of survey, abutting property notification, aerial view AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY; The Community Development Department received a fence variance request from 4938 Abbington Drive to allow a fence in the required front yard of the home. Due to the configuration of the home on the lot staff feels the homeowner has a hardship and there is no detrimental impact on the neighboring properties or vehicular traffic. BACKGROUND: A fence variance request was received to install a 6' "dog-eared" style fence on the property located at 4938 Abbington Drive in the required front yard. The property owner is requesting the fence be located 5' from the property line on Sandburg Lane extending to the east 70' then turning south and returning to the front corner of the house. This is a corner lot and by zoning definition the front yard faces Sandberg, however the house and driveway face Abbington giving the false sense that Abbington is the front yard. The area on the lot to the north of the house is rather large and the homeowner will be placing the fence in a fashion that will still leave the corner of the property open for pedestrian and vehicular site lines. Staff has no concerns with this variance request and recommends approval be notified of the variance request (attached) The ordinance requires neighboring properties and sign off that they received notice of this meeting. A similar request was granted to a property at 4907 Dartmoor in 2010. RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs it is recommended that a motion fora 25' fence variance be granted for 4938 Abbington Drive to allow a fence to encroach on the required front yard setback. City of t4rcftenry f t Community and Economic Development PROPERTY ' f ADDRESS: % 93 Residential Minor Permit Application Wn ekr µ ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION:_ 141/00 Existing Use: IdSingle Family ❑ Multi-Fafnily ❑ Air Conditioning ❑ Deck/Gazebo ❑ DelnoIition ❑ Detached Garage ❑ Driveway ❑ Electric X Fence ❑ Furnace ❑ Othel: ❑ Hot Tub ❑ Lawn Irrigation ❑ Pool (Permanent) Over the Counter ❑ Re -roof ❑ Siding ❑ Retaining Wall(over4°}� ❑ Water Heater ❑ Retttodel/Alteration ❑ Shed ❑ Sidewalk/Stairs ❑ Stone/Brick Veneer ❑ Water/Sewer Repair 24-Hour Review ❑ Pool (storable) ❑ Windows/Doors PERMIT NO 7�16�0OD Community & Economic Development 333. S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 E-mail: ced@ci,mchenry.il.us (815) 363-2170 Owner: G1 >z a�Sr � ,� ,,,• Phone: Address: 111%3e A 0 bhr *n o(.f Unit #: City: me4 E-mail: iak�laboct�rQYah�.cr,�rr Contractor: 11sroe cwne r A Phone: ( _} Electrical Contractor: E-mail: OFFICE USE ONbY Zoning Dist: Township/Pin. �J1 Development JUG � �017 City of NtcHerlry PERMIT FEES Building: o Plumbing; Bond: Misce f' Submit a copy of an electricaln license with this applicatio, SSS(v _ e: Zip: (�oSrO Plumbing Contractor: �� Submit t11e following: better of intent on plumbing contractors Ietterhead (with corporate seal, or notary seal) stating that tbey are doing this job, copy of State plumbing license; copy of certificate of State registration. Roofing Contractor, Phone: �) Submit a copy of a State of Illinois roofing contractorlicense with this application. Phone: Notes: Be sure to visit the Cit web site w�nv.ci.mchenl •.il.us and review the hautiouts found under Permits A licatimis & S�orms All information provided herein is tie and correct and all ordinances and codes ofthe City of Mcllenry shall be complied w7th. I hereby represent and agree that, in considera- tion of this peril; being issued, only tiie work herein applied for will be done and that the premises being worked on will only be used for the purposes set forth herein. I undeo- stand and hereby acknowledge it's the property owner's responsibility to ascertain ifthere are any existing private covenants, conditions and/or deed restrictions, which may further regulate and/or prohibit work forwhich this building permit from the City has been obtained. I further acknowledge it's the property owner's responsibility to obtain required written or other permission or follow any other private approval process from any such home, property owner's or other association, if applicable, prior to commene- ing work on my property even if a building permit is issued by the City. I hereby indemnify the City, its officials mid employees from any and all liability for damages, law= suits, attorneys fees and injuries, including death sustained by anyone or damage to any property, including surveying errors and encroachment liability which accrue against tile City. SIGN>JD:��G� Approved By Name. 64 FOROFt7CE Issued Date: (ar� Expiration Date: Scarred (ReO /IS} is41 .IVIPSec�Ivti = 3 d s `. 10vh,0�h•i:o 45 Non th, ?ange 8s . 61rzA� 000 f' ' `/te 3/t�. %.111. so : OF a so 9 `i accvading lv • lip gala :lhenev� necr�nd� I11arf !!j 1977A to,,: a.� ot% ao»�t� 79�TI%saJ. ;,' +Its 111cflat/ttf if%Ultt� L(,(Cr2U{/�1 _t it ,a, iFAA '44, ,.. ' • 1•,.'. 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' ^xhls'surveyhas been made for use In connection with a ittis ditgage loan ttansaction and is not to be used fop any.iither pu;poses I We 1;":''`� Lost y.. ) ,: 1 7� =60 Vk (A/ SGwwwxrjt K tlLliverro4 by . ion`url �lld' t •�; f war Y�{ rtr i IF City of McHenxy Abutting x'►�oi)erty O�vne></Currel>.t Resident If'ence Va>t'ialtce Notification An ortghral copy of ilds completed form amsi be rtlarntti !o Chy of hicIIcory, Cmanuudiy and i:cmtoatic AcvNopntcai Dg)arhnent a Ill in of oac-sreek prior to the fence )•arinace le Pig presented to City Caancm infonnatimf an properly rcgncsihtg fenct: valance, q/r f ll�Cl.Sr GlirJr) nt Mine)Gl✓f !,! �•r r if s: rFr G (14i (Iel3' h�,rr�f �F wt£ drL�r�,v ,G lr t�c,s d (*)_r'17 (Address) (Phone) City Cauucil Dtceilug baler .1`�\y 1") . 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City tSign2turcot Applicant)Applicant) of McHenry,Community and E±conotific Devefopntent Dd>,�iunclN (815)363-2170 (8I5)363.2173 fax (hate) 333 S. Gran Streci,ls1cHcnry )Ilbtois e-n)ail: cnsCd'ei.nuhenry.iLus '1'a the best of lily knowledge I have provided written uotifica fan to all property owi)crs or cufrent residents living adjacent tool abutting 1ny property wil6 the date, tinge and place of the City Council meeting where n)y fence variance is to be considered. 1 also provided a general description of the work proposed, including style, height and location of lily proposed fence ifnprovement. City tSign2turcot Applicant)Applicant) of McHenry,Community and E±conotific Devefopntent Dd>,�iunclN (815)363-2170 (8I5)363.2173 fax (hate) 333 S. Gran Streci,ls1cHcnry )Ilbtois e-n)ail: cnsCd'ei.nuhenry.iLus i ►j .r i ��f' cent or Tnc �AW AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FOR: July 17, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 RE: Final Subdivision Plat for Heidner Properties Subdivision and Variance from the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Section 6.13 requiring above- ground structures along the perimeter of a new subdivision to be buried along Chapel Hill Road ATT: 1. Location Map 2. Unapproved Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes dated June 21, 2017 3. City Council Minutes dated October 17, 2016 4. Ordinance approving Final Plat of Subdivision for Heidner Properties Subdivision and Variance from the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Section 6.13 requiring above -ground structures along the perimeter of a new subdivision to be buried along Chapel Hill Road 5. Application Packet AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: The Council is being asked to approve the Final Subdivision Plat for Heidner Properties Subdivision and a Variance from the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Section 6.13 requiring above -ground structures along the perimeter of a new subdivision to be buried. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: On October 17, 2016, the City Council considered and approved the development of the subject property, which includes a fueling center, car wash; convenience store and additional retail building, including a preliminary plat of subdivision (see attached minutes). The applicant is currently requesting Final Subdivision Plat approval and a Variance from the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 ANALYSIS: Attached is the Final Plat of Subdivision for the subject property. Staff has reviewed the plat, spoken to the City Engineer, and believes the plat to be in substantial conformance with all city ordinances relating to a final plat of subdivision. Additionally, the applicant is requesting a variance from Section 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance, which requires all new subdivisions to bury existing utility structures. The ordinance states: "Variations from the provisions of these regulations may be authorized by the City Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordance with the provisions of this Section, if it finds an extraordinary hardship or practical difficulty that results from strict compliance with these regulations and/or the purposes of these regulations may be served to a greater extent by an alternative proposal." Statement of Justification. In applying for a variance from these regulations, the subdivider or developer shall demonstrate in writing that: 1. The granting of the variance is in keeping with the overall purpose and intent of these regulations, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare; and, 2. The conditions on which the request is based are unique to the property for which the relief is sought and are not applicable generally to other property; and, 3. The granting of the variance will alleviate a practical difficulty or particular hardship due to the physical surroundings, shape or topographic conditions of the specc property involved; and, 4. The granting of the variance will not negatively affect adjacent properties. The applicant has included a narrative addressing these points. Staff believes the variance is justified particularly due to the planned future roadway expansion (Chapel Hill Road). While this expansion will occur, as part of an overall plan McHenry County has -there is no definitive timetable. Burying the power lines and then having to relocate them in the future does not sense and impractical. Staff supports the requested variance. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: At its June 21, 2017 meeting the Planning and Zoning Commission considered and recommended approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision of Heidner Properties Subdivision prepared by Vanderstappen Surveying Inc. with a latest revision date of June 8, 2017 and Variance from Section Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance to allow above -ground structures along Chapel Hill Road subject to the following conditions (see attached minutes): • Compliance with all revisions and comments pertaining to site engineering by Staff, City engineer, McHenry County Highway Division and State of Illinois; • Plat must be recorded within six months of City Council approval by ordinance and; • A stormwater permit, along with a stormwater pollution prevention plan, shall be submitted and approved by the city engineer and staff prior to construction or any site work being completed. RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs with the Planning and Zoning Commission it is recommended that a motion be made to approve the attached ordinance for the Final Plat of Subdivision of Heidner Properties Subdivision prepared by Vanderstappen Surveying Inc. with a latest revision date of June 8, 2017 and Variance from Section 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance to allow above -ground structures along Chapel Hill Road subject to the following conditions: • Compliance with all revisions and comments pertaining to site engineering by Staff, City engineer, McHenry County Highway Division and State of Illinois; • Plat must be recorded within six months of City Council approval by ordinance and; • A stormwater permit, along with a stormwater pollution prevention plan, shall be submitted and approved by the city engineer and staff prior to construction or any site work being completed. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 LOCATION MAP { 111 •• - 1 f:4l l y�+ [I� `.14 : tw Subject Property (Outlined in Red) ;h No (�TaJG Fi' t IL Fl` AN low M iY \ 5 t Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 CITY OF MCHENRY UNAPPROVED PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES DUNE 21, 2017 Vice -Chairman Thacker called the June 21, 2017 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:32 p.m. In attendance were the following: Meyer, Miller, Thacker, and Walsh. Absent: Doherty, Sobotta, and Strach. Also in attendance were: Director of Economic Development Martin, City Attorney Cahill, and Administrative Assistant Wolf. File No. Z-912 Final Plat of Heidner Properties Subdivision and Variance from the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Section 6.13 requiring above -ground structures along the perimeter of a new subdivision to be buried along Chapel Hill Road In attendance was Troy Paionk, Manhard Consulting, 900 Woodlands Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL 50061 who was acting on behalf of the applicant, RR McHenry, LLC, 5277 Trillium Blvd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 regarding the final plat and variance for the Heidner Properties subdivision. He is asking for approval of the final plat of the subdivision and variance from the requirement to bury above -ground utilities along the perimeter of the subdivision along Chapel Hill Road. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Commission with the Staff Report regarding this matter, stating in 2016 the Planning and Zoning Commission considered and recommended approval of the development of the subject property and subsequently it was given City Council approval. The ordinance grants a conditional use permit to allow an automobile fueling station and drive- in establishment associated with an automobile wash; a conditional use permit to allow adrive- in establishment as part of a multi -tenant freestanding retail building; a variance from the off- street parking and loading requirements; a variance to allow multiple principal buildings and land uses on one zoning lot; (convenience store and automobile Washing Facility); a variance from the minimum spacing requirement between service stations and a variance from the parking screening strip requirements. The Final Plat of Subdivision for the subject property was presented. Staff has reviewed the plat, spoken to the City Engineer and believes the final plat is in substantial conformance with the preliminary plat approved last year. Director Martin stated he has spoken with the owners of Riverside Chocolate Factory and they are excited and elated for this project to be built. He was Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 CITY OF MCHENRY UNAPPROVED PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES DUNE 21, 2017 contacted by a resident as to why a silt fence was being installed. Director Martin explained it was to protect endangered species Blandings Turtles. Letters from the McHenry County Division of Transportation and State of Illinois providing their comments on the project were presented. The city engineer recently met with the applicant's engineer and minor changes to the site engineering and plat are being made however, the city engineer and staff are comfortable these changes will not impact the site layout or plat. Staff has found the plat to be in substantial conformance with all city ordinances relating to a final plat of subdivision and would recommend the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the final plat. Additionally, the applicant is requesting a variance from Section 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance, which requires all new subdivisions to bury existing utility structures. A project narrative was presented which explains and provides justification for the variance. Staff believes the variance is justified particularly due to the planned future roadway expansion (Chapel Hill Road). While this expansion will occur as part of an overall plan McHenry County has, there is no definitive timetable. Burying the power lines and then having to relocate them in the future does not make sense and is impractical and Staff supports the requested variance. The applicant would like to begin construction in late summer 2017. Director of Economic Development Martin stated staff recommends approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision: Heidner Properties Subdivision prepared by Vanderstappen Surveying Inc. with a latest revision date of June 8, 2017 and Variance from Section 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Section to allow above -ground structures along Chapel Hill Road with the following conditions: 1. Compliance with all revisions and comments pertaining to site engineering by Staff, City engineerI McHenry County Highway Division and State of Illinois; 2. Plat must be recorded within six months of City Council approval by ordinance and; 3. A stormwater permit, along with a stormwater pollution prevention plan, shall be submitted and approved by the city engineer and staff prior to construction or any site work being completed. Vice -Chairman Thacker opened the floor to questions from the commissioners. There were no questions from the commissioners. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 CITY OF MCHENRY UNAPPROVED PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES DUNE 21, 2017 Vice -Chairman Thacker opened the floor to questions and comments from the audience. No one signed in for input to Public Comment. Motion by Meyer, seconded by Miller, to recommend to City Council the Final Plat of Subdivision: Heidner Properties Subdivision prepared by Vanderstappen Surveying Inc. with a latest revision date of June 8, 2017 and Variance from Section 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Section to allow above -ground structures along Chapel Hill Road be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with all revisions and comments pertaining to site engineering by Staff, City engineer, McHenry County Highway Division and State of Illinois; 2. Plat must be recorded within six months of City Council approval by ordinance and; 3. A stormwater permit, along with a stormwater pollution prevention plan, shall be submitted and approved by the city engineer and staff prior to construction or any site work being completed. Voting Aye: Meyer, Miller, Thacker and Walsh. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Doherty, Sobotta, and Strach. Motion carried 4-0. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 17, 2016 MOTION TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE FOLLOWING FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ROUTE 120 AND CHAPEL HILL ROAD (EXCLUDING THE RIVERSIDE CHOCOLATE PROPERTY), AS REQUESTED BY THE CONTRACT PURCHASER, BLUESTONE SINGLE TENANT PROPERTIES: • A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN AUTOMOBILE FUELING STATION AND DRIVE-IN ESTABLISHMENT ASSOCIATED WITH AN AUTOMOBILE WASH; • A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DRIVE-IN ESTABLISHMENT AS PART OF A FREESTANDING MULTI -TENANT RETAIL BUILDING; • A VARIANCE FROM THE OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS; • A VARIANCE TO ALLOW MULTIPLE PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS AND LAND USES ON ONE ZONING LOT (CONVENIENCE STORE AND AUTOMOBILE WASHING FACILITY; • A VARIANCE FORM THE MINIMUM SPACING REQUIREMENT BETWEEN SERVICE STATIONS• • A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM PARKING SCREENING STRIP REQUIREMENT AND ANY OTHER VARIANCES REQUIRED TO DEVELOP THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH THE SITE AND LANDSCAPE PLANS AND BUILDING ELEVATIONS SUBMITTED FOR THIS PETITION; AND • APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION. Director of Economic Development Martin informed Council the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to: 1. Allow an automobile fueling station and drive-in establishment associated with an automobile wash; 2. A Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-in establishment as part of a freestanding multi -tenant retain building; 3. Variance from the off-street parking and loading requirements; 4. A Variance to allow multiple principal building and land uses on one zoning lot (convenience store and automobile wash facility); S. A Variance from the minimum spacing requirement between services stations; and 6. A Variance from the minimum parking screening strip requirement and any other variances required to develop the subject property, in substantial accordance with the site and landscape plans and building elevations submitted for this Petition; and, 7. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision Approval. Director Martin explained that various land uses have been proposed on the subject property over the past 15 or 20 years, however, one of the major impediments for each of the proposed past developments has been the lack of access to the municipal water. The applicant, as part of the proposed project, plans to extend the City's watermain from its terminus, approximately 160 feet north of Illinois Route 120 on Adams Drive, along the south side of Illinois Route 120, approximately 2,042 feet east and north of the City's sewer main on the south side of Route 120, to service the proposed development. Director Martin provided Council with details regarding applicant's proposed construction plans for the site. Director Martin informed Council the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval, by a vote of 6-1, of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an automobile fueling station and drive-in establishment associated with an automobile wash and Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-in establishment as part of a freestanding multi -tenant retain building, subject to the conditions outlined in the Agenda Supplement and included on the Ordinance being considered at the October 17, 2016 Council meeting. Director Martin introduced Mr. Rick Heidner, President of Heidner Properties, Inc., stating Mr. Heidner is available to address any questions regarding the project. Robert Hunter, owner of Riverside Chocolate Factory asked and to address the Council. Mr. Hunter thanked the City of McHenry and Council for the support he has received over the years. Mr. Hunter informed Council that he has been in business at Riverside Chocolate Factory Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 17, 2016 for 30 years and he fully supports the Ricky Rockets development moving forward and believes the property would be a wonderful asset to the City of McHenry and surrounding businesses. Mr. Rick Heidner addressed Council, answering multiple questions regarding the project. Mr. Heidner stated that he looks forward to establishing a presence in the City of McHenry and becoming part of the community. Responding to concern expressed by Alderman Schaefer regarding U-turns that might take place from the property, Director Martin stated that the applicant is working with McHenry County personnel and IDOT personnel to address the issue. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab, Director Martin stated the property is zoned C-5. Mayor Low stated the project has been professionally thought out and the applicant has been cooperative throughout the process. Motion by Santi, second by Schaefer, approving the Ordinance granting the following for the property located at the northwest corner of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road (excluding the Riverside Chocolate Factory property), as requested by the Contract Purchaser, Bluestone Single Tenant Properties: 1. A Conditional Use Permit to allow an automobile fueling station and drive-in establishment associated with an automobile wash; 2. A Conditional Use Permit to allow adrive-in establishment as part of a freestanding multi -tenant retain building; 3. A Variance from the off-street parking and loading requirements; 4. A Variance to allow multiple principal building and land uses on one zoning lot (convenience store and automobile wash facility); 5. A Variance from the minimum spacing requirement between services stations; and 6. A Variance from the minimum parking screening strip requirement and any other variances required to develop the subject property, in substantial accordance with the site and landscape plans and building elevations submitted for this Petition; and, 7. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision Approval, Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Wimmer, Peterson. Motion carried. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 ORDINANCE NO 17- AN ORDINANCE GRANTING APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF HEIDNER PROPERTIES SUBDIVISION AND A VARIANCE FROM THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE SECTION 6.13 REQUIRING ABOVE -GROUND STRUCTURES ALONG THE PERIMETER OF A NEW SUBDIVISION TO BE BURIED IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, RR McHenry, LLC, 5277 Trillium Blvd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 ("Owner") is requesting approval of a the Final Plat of Subdivision of Heidner Properties Subdivision and a Variance from the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance Section 6.13 ; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the final plat and requested variance at a public meeting held June 21, 2017 and provided a written record of this meeting and its recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the approval of the final plat and variance are conformance with the Ordinances of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That the Final Plat of Subdivision of Heidner Properties Subdivision prepared by Vanderstappen Surveying Inc. with a latest revision date of June 8, 2017 and Variance from Section 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance to allow above -ground structures along Chapel Hill Road are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: • Compliance with all revisions and comments pertaining to site engineering by Staff, City engineer, McHenry County Highway Division and State of Illinois; • Plat must be recorded within six months of City Council approval by ordinance and; • A stormwater permit, along with a stormwater pollution prevention plan, shall be submitted and approved by the city engineer and staff prior to construction or any site work being completed. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 SECTION 2: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided bylaw. PASSED THIS AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: nr•���c•�n�lce� APPROVED THIS CITY CLERK DAY OF DAY OF MAYOR 2017 2017 ORDINANCE IN 0 Ott11"i.6-It3I4 Oltl<)INAIYCC GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLi) AN AUTOMOBILE FUELING STATION AND DRIVE-IN ESTABLISHMENT ASSOCIATED WITH AN AUTOMOBILE WASH; 2) A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DRIVE-IN ESTABLISHMENT AS PART OF A FRE, M4 1 I'ANDING 1VIUL'I'141+ PANT RK"FAIL BUILDING; 3) A VARIANCE. FROM THE OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING RE QUIRE, MENTS; 4) A VARIANCE TO ALLOW MULTIPLE PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS AND LAND USES ON ONE 70NING LOT (CONVENIENCE STORE AND AUTOMOBILE WASHING FACILITY) S) A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM SPACING REQUIREMENT BETWEEN SERVICE STA'I`IONS; 6) A VARIANCE; FROM THE, MINIMUM PARiC_ING SCREWING STRIP REQUIREMENT AND ANY OTHER VARIANCES REQUIRED TO DEVELOP THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IN SUBSTAN'ITIALACCORDANCL+' WITH `I`l[K SITE AND LANDSCAPE PLANS AND BUILDING ELEVATIONS SUBMITTED FOR THIS PETITION; AND, 7) PRLLIMINAIZY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL I;ORR THE PROPERTY LOCATED GENERALLY AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OIL' CHAPEL BILL ROAD AND ILLINOIS ROUTE 120 IN THE CITY OF MCIIENRY, 1VICHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS �VIIEREAS tl►e City of Mckleiny, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home nile nitnnicipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home 14111e powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by Bluestone Single Tenant Properties (BSTP), 11C, Wrigley North `Power 410 N Michigan Avenue, Suite SSO, Chichgo, Illinois 60611 (Contract Purchaser) for: 1) Conditional Use Permit to allow an automobile fueling station and drive-in establishment associated With and automobile wash, 2) Conditional 1Jse Permit to allow a drive-in establishment as pall of a freestanding inulti-tenant retail building; 3) Twenty-one (21) space parking Variance lion► off-street parking and loading requirements; 4) Variance to allow n ultiplo principal buildings and laud uses on one zoning lot (coatvenionce. store all automobile washing facility); S) Variance from minimum spacing requirement between service stations; 6) Variance from 10-foot parking screening; strip requirement (for the southenst corner of the site parking adjacent to Riverside Chocolate Factory); and, 7) Preliminary Subdivision Plat approval for property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, the SUBJECT PROPERTY; and WHEREAS, sa public hearing on said petition was held before the Planning and Zoning 70"Inl ssion on August 24, 2016, in the manner prescribed by Ordinance and Statute, and as a result of said hearing, Planning and Zoning Commission dirt recommend to the City Council the granting of the requested Conditional Use Permits, Variances, and Approval of the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the evidence and recommendations from tl►c Planning Gild Zoning Coann►ssion and finds approval of rcciucsted Conditional Usc Pcrtnits; Valances and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision is consistent with the objectives of the City of Mcllettry Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety, morals anti general welfare of its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY G%AVNtAIR %IS, `I`IIE CITY OT 1VICHENRY, MCH NRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS VOIXONVS: SL%CTION is Tlie SUBJL+k' l P1t.C)l'I•att'1'Y is it; ly granted a Conditional Use Permit to aHow an automobile fueling station and drive-in establishment associated with and automobile wash and Conditional Use Permit to allow a d►ive4n establislunent as pant of a freestanding multi-tcuant retailUuildhrg sutliect to (lie following conditions as amended The project is developed in accordance with the rminovenient Flaus prepared by Mfanhard Consulting L.T.D dated 6/14/16 with a Latest revision datu of 9/29/16 consisting of 13-pages, Building Elevations prepared by Corporate Design + Development Group, LLC. dated 5/31/16 with a latest revision ditto of 6/14/16 consisting of tort, (13) pages, collectively (the Site flan) attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit Be + There skull be no vehicular access to Country Lane and no paved vehicular access to Country Lane from the sut iect property; • The existing barn shall not be razed without review by the City of McHenry Landmark Commission and property owner shall work with City of McHenry Landmark Commission to walk -their tic barn; s There will be no overnight parking of commercial trucks nor tiny truck stop amenities such as showers or a laundry facility; • With the exception of the proposed pedestrian bath, tiro hvo lots on either side of the existing water tower shall be utilized solely for parking if required in the future and if utilized for parking, must comply with all applicable City of McUenry, ordinances, rules and regulations and a permit must be submitted prior to the construction of any parking on culler ofthese two lots; • As much of the natural vegetation as practicable shall lie maintained along the northern property line adjacent to Pastwood Manor Subdivision; Compliance and/or disposition statenrcnt(s) to the comments submitted by HR Green and City Staff (in letters to Mr, Douglas P. Martin elated 6/28/16 consisting; of eight (8) pages, and dated 8/16/i6 consisting of nine (9) pages), as they relate to planning, zoning and preliminary plat and engineering issues prior to being presented to the City Council for preliminary Subdivision Plat approval (many comments have been addressed by applicant in a letter submitted by Steven M. Shanholtzer, project Manager Munhard Consulting, lAd. In a letter to Mr. Douglas Martin dated 8/8/16 and consisting of eleven pages and resubmitted to the City Fnginccr); • The developer will work with McHenry County Department Of Transportation on no U- Tram or No Turn -Around signs being added in the noighborluood at Country Lane; • There will be added signage restricting deliveries overnight and restricting other delivery times so as not to disturb the abutting neighborhood; and + There will be a parking sign adder to the property restricting parking of commercial vehicles to a 3-hourtime limit. SECUON,14 In granting said Conditional Use Pernut, the City Council finds that tine requirements of Table 31 of tine Zoning Ordinance have been nict in that: 1. Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flog not Otherwise typical in tlic zoning district has been minimized. 2. Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockag of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the vouing district, have been appropriately controlled, 3. The proposed use will fit harnnoniously with the axisting natural or man-ntade cliaractor of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious offcct oil the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood cliaracter already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in tlrc district. 4. The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that nornially expected of per nutted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for now services or facilities, in such it Wily as to place undue burdens upon existing development in tine area. S. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity. The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibillty pertinent to the Conditional Use and its particular location. SI';CTIUT! 3; The SU13J1�G"1' i'ItC?PER'I'Y is hcrcvy grunted rite following Variances: • 11 Vaariancc of tverrty-ono (21) spaces front fife oft=street parking. and loading requirements; A Variance to allow multiple principal buildings and land uses on one zoning lot (convenience store an automobile Washing facility); • A Variance from the mininium spacing requirement between service stations; and • A Variance front the ten (10) foot parking screening strip requirement (for the southeast corner of the site -parking adjacent to Riverside Chocolate Factory). Subject to the followi»g conditions • A hedge row of low growing evergreen shrubs be planted along the Illinois Rotate 120 and Chapel hill Road frontage for the 8,400 square -foot retail building, to screen headlights unto Illinois Route 120 from vehicles utilizing the drive-thro and parking lot as opposed to ornamental plantings; and • Board -on Board fence shall be extended along the entire length of the northern properly line. Slt".'1'1(JlJ 4, In granting said Variances the City Council finds that the requirements of Tirble 32 of the Zoning Ordinanco have been met in thats 1. Special circumstances exist that zee peculiar to the property for which the variance Is sought and that do not apply generally to other properties 0n ilte same zoning district. And, those circumstances are not of so general or recurrent a nature as to make it reasonably practical to provide a general regulation to cover them. 2. The speeat circumstances referenced herein rebate only to the physical character of the land or building(s) for which the variance is sought, such as dimension, topography, or soil conditions. They do not concern any business or activity the present or prospective owner. or tenant carries on, or seeks to curry on, therein, not to the personal, business, or fillaneial circumstances of such owner or tenant or any other party with interest in the property. 3. The spccia►l circurnstonccs that are Cate basis for the vatriamce have laot resulted frolic any act of the applicant or of any other party with interest in the property. 4, The strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in unnecessary fiord undue hardship Capon the applicant, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, 5, A Variance is Necessary for the applicant to preserve and enjoy a substantial property right possessed by other properties in the same zoning district and does not confer a special privilege ordinarily denied to other properties in the district. h. The grouting of a Variance is necessary not because it will increase the aapplicant's economic return, although it may have tins effect, but becouse without Cite variance the applicant will be deprived of any reasonable use or enjoyment ofthe property. 7. The granting of a Variance will not alter the essential character of the locality nor substantially impair environmental quality, property values, public safety or welfare in the vicinity. 8. The granting of a Variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and of the Comprehensive Plan of the City, as viewed in light of any changed conditions since their adoption. 9. The Variance requested is the tniminum required to provide the applicant with reasonable use and enjoyment of the property. SI;CTIt<7N St The Preliminary i'lat of Subdivision � Hcidner Properties Subdivisiota prepared by Vi llderstappell I.01K1 Snl'veying, 1110. bearing the date of SeptetubLog 27, 201fi consisting of three (3) sheets attached hereto and incorporated herein as Iaxhibit C, shall be hereby approved, with the following conditions: • Final flat of Subdivision must: be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a firtnre date fohowiug incor�ioratliou of all comments made by the Iilrois l�epartnlent of Transportation; HR Green; City Staff and the McHenry County Division of Transpol'tation and to ensure Final Plat of Subdivision is in substantial conformance with the preliminary plot submitted herein; this will also follow City Council review of the preliminary plat; o Reference to Nundaa Township must be eliminated and Plat labeled Preliminary and not Final; a Compliance and/or disposition statement(s) to the comments submitted by Hit Green anti City Staff (in letters to Mr, Douglas P. Martin dated 6/28/16 consisting of eight (8) pages, and dated 8/16/16 consisting of nine (9) pages), its they relate to planning, zoning and preliminary plat and cligincering issues, prior to being presented to the City Council for Preliminary Subdivision flat approval (many comments have been addressed by applicant i:u a letter submitted by Steven M. Slratilroltzer, Project Manager Manhard Consulting, Ltd. in it letter to Mr. Douglas Martini dated 8/8/16 and consisting of eleven pages and resubmitted to the City Engineer); • Compliance and/or disposition statement(s) to comments submitted by McHenry County Highway Division ( far at letter to Nfr. Michael A. Wertiunann, P.B. dated 7/28/16 and consisting, of three (3) pages); • Cross Access and Parking Easement Language, referenced for the benefit of Lots 1 and 2 on the proposed Final Plat Subdivision Heldner Properties Subdivision, shad be Included on a revised preliminary plat and reference the Riverside Chocolate factory site in addition to proposed Lots 1 and 2, and Submitted prior to City Council consideration of the Prelianinary Subdivision Pint; • Interior directional siguage plan shall be submitted. (Directional si$ats shard be placed at locations to the north and south and adjacent to the car wash to direct traffic coming from Chapel Hill Road and Illinois R:outc 120 in and out of the car wash, as well as other internal directional signs for parking adjacent to the Riverside Chocolate Factory). SrC'1'1C)N (i All C)rdittances or parts thereof ilt conflict with tare terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SEC.TIC)N 7: This Ordiaraacc shall he puUlished in pamphlet form by and render the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. surrION 8: This Ordinance shall be in fill force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. I'ASSflD .and .APPROVED this Gaq day of September 2016. Voting Aye, CC)NDON, CUItI.LY, SCNAEFER, GLAB, SANTI Voting Nay: NONpf Abstain igc NONE Not Voting: NONE Absent: WIMMER, PETERSON Mayor ATT1?s•��: cxilr�I�r �. That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15 znd L•he Northeast QIlarter of Section 36, all in Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third principeij. Meridian described as follow.: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Section 25; thence South 0 degrees 51 minutes 51 seconds est• along the East: line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 36, 278.26 feet; thence South G6 degrees 57 minutes 43 seconds West, 189.65 feet to the Northeasterly line of Circ uit: Court Case No. 9?.Ed7 filed ;larch 26, 1996; thence Northwesterly 364.35 feet along a curve to the left: having a radius of 23,955.19 feet, bearing North *10 degrees 01 minutes 37 3000nds West fox a distance of 364.39 feet; thence continuing Northwesterly 426090 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 11224,01 feet, bearing North 80 degrees 27 minutes 16 seconds West for a distance of 424.74 feet; thence South 89 degrees 33 mi.nuter 14 seconds hest, 20. 92 feet to a line 11 58. 0 feet Gast: of and parallel with t°he East right of way litre of Hillside Lane; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 oconds West along said parallel line (as measured at right angles to said Nast right of way line), 237.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 serondn Jolost, 258. 00 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Wen t, 53.00 feet to the South lines of Eastwood Manor unit No. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded August 17, 1956 as document no, 111472, in Book 12 of plats, gage 02., In McHenry County, Illinois; Thence North 90 degrees 00 rninutes '00 seconds East 258.00 feet along said South line of Eastwood Manor Unit No. 21 to the Southwest'. corner, of Lot ",A" in laastwood Manor Unit No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded August y !i, 1955 as document: no. 296453, in Book 12 of Plats, Page 45, In McHenry County, Illinois; thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes 46 seconds Vest 167.80 feet along the West line of said Lot "A" to the Northwest: corner A said Lot "A"; thence Northeasterly alone( a curve havi.ng a radius of 719.219 feet, as said curve is convexed to the Southeast, an are distance of 26.64 feet to the point of reverse curvature ; thence; Easterly along 7 rurve havinu a radius of 2.47.27 feet, as said curve is convexed to the North, an arc distance of. 81.05 feet; thence South 0 degrees 04 minutes 46 seconds East along the West line of the East 45 feet of the West 140 feet of said Lot "A", 189.85 feet to the South line of said Lot "A"; :hence Easterly along a curve having a radius of 1,496 feet, as said curve Ls convexed to the North, all are distance of, 45.09 feet; thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes 46 seconds West alone the: East line of the West 140 feet of said Lot "A", 109.40 feet to the North line of said Lot "A"; thence. Easterly along a curve having a radius of 247.27 feet, as said ;orve is convexed to the Northy an arc distance of 46,55 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 70 degrees 0 minutes 53 seconds Cast along the North line of said Lot "A", 75.02 feet to the most t4ortheasLerly corner of said Lot "A"i thence South 6 degrees 28 minutes p8 seconds West, 163.55 foot to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot "A"; thence souttheasterly along a curvo having a radius of 1496 foci:, as said curve is convexed to the Northeast, at) arc distance of 316.20 feet to a l?oint of compound curvature; thence Southeasterly along a curve having a radius of 29,000 feet, an are: distance of 39.90 feet. thence South 89 degrees 09 minutes 56 seconds Fart along the South line of said rastwood Manor Unit: No. 1, 379.31 feet; thence South 0 degrees 45 minutes 55 seconds West alone the East. )]no of said Southeast Quarter, of. Section 25, 2.7.70 feet to the Place of Beginning, in McHenry County, Xllinois. ... for I'OUTE 120 AND CHAPEL HILL ROAD STAYCARD ��Ql.$ Wm am _ — s i ^ m Y -..._ Y Man MT a Saab y R �a�i w'TK.w �� T i.r.rr y Yma�u y'car>.0 J iu ma �1 M w+Ks w W7•. Y Gc.Gvpxur s.vr.nr „y�r .o�aue JL YAL' v �L oy •a EWE; � do� _ YC.1[C C^..d1;:: W 1'.:1 M MT l0R7Gi' .'W flt LFTr p• .W .IqY ;T Oti <Y A- L16�IJG11:h YF. YR. O K :A:.:�wz�cax b h'rC.tRILIOL wa +wr belt :..7T s. Irnn ..1.6.w.'q.(Q >7r4:JL W�4.. 5'G n.�7• iG+ OKn¢t 1N... • M� 1C.^: !a!y .`YI 1L".m 9C'r11Cff C. �Gi104 LLC .5 IL ]Z YJ% Ci UG MAN O7 9C1'.0 Gl uILT.4t:nr� 21T2'�M1fEST ROUTE 120 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS M�nh�arc�. °'► )WSULT3WC LaTgwV4 iNQ�X aF SHEETS Coma Colwa G —%AMT SZ 31r_7C2X& Jo PAX14 PJN — •J= G STC "••'v •� i;tx&%* PJ4%— rjoWv fqM e =JN p"s 4 ;J"A Y 6""M UN a> a^'i �o avw Fax - =" CWW" F:.W - LA:. 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V �:3 1 j `UANNINA VVNAAAAaha, `'� IL _= 1 i p's A, A lie Na ad" VAN a MIAMI VON I AAA, Nor Am '�• s`yss�•..}� '. r'�� •� 1 •i' rr' 1i7• fs__ "' �A.. t� +�,. .r .....}A '� 1'�. I �♦ ..'r•' �1,1 0i-0•i Jr �r?'ii.Y I ANN �.NAN� NOV ,,AN POPVON AN �i x �.,n �• ,�,J CC `` . _. _ _ Ji _ POP iy+V'igti •.l' •"' 7z•.-rr =�'.�Cr COVINA.` -'`t 1' ,, ' : `tom " NAPPI VAN _ , a" i Pie 11" y'�•-{ 'y5, MIAMI, am" '.Am :"• .ti •'}`� -`'� .'�¢�ANNAI VAN �1:� -u' "'^r.. J1 No � POP.1 //''``'',�"�',.,s A.:1 4 CA amid, �'li+p 'p L..•'"x!' f+ I O OMAN POP _+VP aANANNAS `~ `. o•`r7^�i1 s+b'^„•NIMP �.nmr !a `PIN -NA �' �,�Am w' As ZM' 1 AV �t r / / `j. 6 r 11��'/� .� "AmVIA, 4 } ^p PAP it "ANNIANANNANNAN 1 PAN A NO ..V -AN�`\? -. A •-�w' = C . ` ^• v �� , �/ri �' t' a -.r, f .1 �°. - VAN, v.°�.•rn o o `o ��� : �� _ �-.0 -.� 'y=-K �AMID am AN NAWVAAANA� �c -307 q' pep? c� ` �t - fjr:On jr,1r S �ti �„ I Now h/ 11 l,� � a I f A. �� ti �'+ ;AN yam.%�,2i �� ����AP -ow'•�y.�VIA III VA., Im � y 7`�,F . Na ' •dry. 1 1 f�IN, IN IN 14 ANIF j r ?' _m "AVON or AN 1.ram 1�• ��M, 7`\Q54; ` \. �T{i.4y �M. .''Y`\• \•�_ •� "� J •� rd It 1. ,iAIIA ��,PAP�' C AN I AN \' y �C AN 3�17AVAV.P ^a \_ •},^y�,�tr`�•��.` - icy b�% v:-f. 'r AN i AV POP VON xam •.�Am •�. •V \.: �r+s' �: ~ r �� r'1\,. .w �.�,�,,^ 6 &a ,yam f A. T .�^�V/ am , • +>• POP fr. 'T ` " , J 'C.• '�'ti me am a VIVO AN ANNANNIAN, VAN `emw�mmwmvms 1.� `•VAN"�AN ...�je �,l ��i 'P { ^�,.}7.! VAN PO <VAPPICI AVIAN 11411. Am^`�{ ANN —A VAN'may �. ��y'. do �' ri 0�}y _fr r�W Nq � wur Wrwlrh ,lML 7:A4 asaarw .. w rs au. naas`rlus a raa r ` "r"r 'K a ommilblonde —___o III* Aw 66 pro" + II` Lam. sxrJwnl�aMTlccm ..lf arA.�N�Yr ifaR y^r r+ wl 1� r�a.arY rY Na \ r1a tlr si rlIiwa r�ir.�n• ' F� Qii�. � �.wc�ew• tea': �alr 1`t 7 Y ''i���11.;, SirYri YaWlrr.l�Ra a !L ROME 1: IV VVVVVT od —� t' — I i 544 ! �I e `1 N �., ti41141%,__; M1` �+C-� _ `__—_ _ I Vb,,VIEW ---`_--__ - - ��'1�„�`=-� VIVO r a1� .'oz - AREA. �4 � y�� 4 ANSI MIAMI M.4a1~ �.I \2 row VI � � V a+„ 4q� r`t a. `-r • � M50,pV!t��0 � r.•nw+s�a•s +c• I I Ir ?�'�`? fO.q[i. i•QCW'YS•41uM i•ID•uL•i ,I. •• lmnal 4lC ••f• i - :1 J .1 4 1 r+ 11 �� � f�t' J1' •,L� AA VIA Ant, AV AII offir AM, om 4 / 'At,`= ` 9 1 III moo Now � :� •�„� cam. % ! ` A, SAW it ��'.••.f "rv�T!y ib �o�. ti� i.J VIVMt w �.a.Lru•.,rm nn. u..�:r rrc a•vtarYl As AV, r_w MIA AV pppxir.`..��. w.v SRI y p MAI mi �7�7 Alto va'7r� LL .F 9�i�aNl[iv�iCrG fJ•w.s.•n AV III sommovor otoommI L Y awnu w �a•Aei[/mot. �JLq ,_ t� si�rJW,"�si-:I�w 7n im INI o ��3 J Q�� G Cry M a iv+m w.a+.t D i•� Y4'Y1 �wu ele�Ir.10 I.n....fas+c.e.wr...rs 4sY.Mo. r►�t �ol+� ��`� � !1 �'>�ar �w�rewn..re wr.�+�i4uu"�, gGr•rua_r Q+LL�PSWYi I •.II �' +�+Kalwl e' �-rtK: .l�• etM ea o r .011}PKI r. -`-.r...-�-.I, w wr m waw o.Y :k v weo rrrr rr�a I`I _ py�-�w n�.w ��..� 7f �W�•iOiYO>11 .1 �WwYr. IO.O�M�Mi K-9 t'1PK IC sew OM�WV.�Kww>O.�YA ai WM'4 iA.IQ ` r}Y•YLtiS1VKa Lary M'J-1 �_��� �SG'�srCf�1M._w'a yy I '.• �iP._tia 'Y wV L M.�l9w � F aa0 rY rypY4.�+1rt. s ww� ��� 0.fYu) w"M+ C�M1M K1 M �l�il!-•• d iK .�.•.r rO 5NA C /MlilM.Yw'�.9i1 I ] I' 14 I �.11t�errr 1y Wei L.OS/'r�`GiiJY IOVF.n�s c�i?��rliwruNR %�1M fe.[�4L'. i aKap Y� � ���C7.}e. 1 . i�r`�w Mate+µ. nt�r�V v6 u V ✓n � �..�•'� �.a . �"iw� Q er Y rl4 �rflr+. w'�o fY t r.wo i i +RlM rt ar w.0 is rac I•'•,`� v .w.aw. w`�_.r+.rw m.a. wuw..r.�w..0 ranlcC..u�`.s.s...l. - .�ovz: Vw.oa. arvIs�siGA'1 .kwJoa.� rrAM= emu .; 11 j r®vl:l.Ixwre w...e+. w re.ws • a uc.uao..t...:n r aalr} onw a "yar.. r rlwal} n taep 1 trio w.mn ej It It r- TIC -I'-s•- �—)a- :—�� r- a-?-- i...- >.'-r`�''-'�'— :�'`i--om r����;.'' ---- = �f °y' i t II i t, i c .`ice �+ 5"�—�""`� ' It IMP ---`� -. ��It I 1 ILr U10,011 . �r`� '�- 1 �Yam......... oI` { ; f� i '`� xr"wa e a der I�'.wcy�� f� � ` ��•.`�'~��.`• �_ .r:'_c,s'`V bbb It • 'I I-�"aa"""Oo.pia..�Gj '!�1� k f„ 4'�we.. to OZPR a % A 6 1 F�l .. I.Jl_.�J-�I` 7 r. IV•�.M.'-JI '? =1l'1� •�: `~1`�lIts, 1r • I I{ 1VVi I ; • ti I ncstti- w�.; FC ti C G(/ �� r ' *"mow" I i 1 Iyr I ? •o®xsr.'m �.-J 1;00i' II �� 4 f�C cif It 49 ='C l I w 0516 �!Ir! 1 I.1 iIt 1 3_ Q j• t t 'I S tr A�_a�.-�..,..\•I ��j�-'' rr cef. 01.r . ivti%Zt'f , 'It It- Nt I` two RMIL �. tmA f` ah- All, tillo AM took It N'toll, all, 64 411111111k IL ROIILE 12a - - ----- 1 L ' - - ! ��y 4 �IIP1 - _ I I p _� --- --c=r.__.=. �•r_+�v_a�+osc�.r a� lam' tommommotc tImiw IT -.►_-.,-y ~ III " I milk ORION,ti + `.,,or . �„aY. �-W _ `=�,`_ Z4 III' tal"'RiI I,I t�{ �-'i .-w --t - •* --t .�.w.�-. _`„ ty ti ry ` - L i y� 1..` 1 - _ ; Y_J tt RI tta` Ia _ o I `I AAA, •� AM AM I now, A r• f �'',� -•�.M—•ems-=+•l!yAAO ,. � 1 i i to isA'may rt' Aw All�� 111116 Iw %ti As rc+uw.cxAt_ Y t Y , , iMIDWTi�I1f __!--_—_• Ism 44 As, "".t-+4••..,iva ; ice'. t f r vi r�e .•' 1 t^"r 7 t ,(- € t """''"'"" • pe"rt'Aw,t""a IN + ^t txr�tss�arr. r r f : 1 rnaa rooarsraa. t nc�n-1+• t F i rr i:..''cwa-r r< "`ie i;i •:I'` w.. Yr d `r• •• �y�,.,ura?"41 1 1 „ �.�.t aa.�rt+•Ica�t a.>r:.ruae _ ,4t �% v -•.,R( rrr V Fl j. �:._ !;wwra ra .c.a: cs ft memo 7{�{%% r p3 t��,,,,� � fr'0j\.i J ':. y + ..; is vn r+,tr•+r..<cww +•1�"....rs+'wca.'w Ism !rgf :+"' rr ..��,-fY ," '. 1"^r'. !"'ti st g es+.rro wanr•.e'w"c.w*.w os "ev 2 +L� max I ' �� �T j 1 !1` /) tf!1. r wa.n.Wrsr a+na7e+aars s�-v �x ' d V r`r0"ti .f" : i� j r ' ,?-fir T �� I 4 1 a: ewuea ..u.. .w+." ..e.c �CiIC �� �n ,WA ✓w AIf _ ntJ M.nCf ..aarsnvw ta••*M�c > +"ff "" :� ~� r '�j•'��,�'wr m a� �*r r F` Ie �• S'1. "^"' ,n�",,, '.m" .N� 4 1 �" 6.t� so �1 Jh ' As low '—t li 1. ` t � .�o.•eew•sivro�ww w+ =i so Is_`ol ` �J t - J t 1 akcs ac ncros,a aca. �. IF ) p :. rIII AAAAA rrkAs q 4447 ` 1�,,, C� 1 f'r ,� " r _ �i..�..�c.�aw`�'rnuer..woi +� �'�"``` r; ,"I;.r� — I:Z� �' �a,c.urrs wrt raNw v:s "a aN F ANN �. r 1� i � .� t �€ 'ti 1 t Pry rr��rr . , w " 1,1� waiac,Jc:uLul. u..+a,.�w+o ..+"p J ustso�c. sommossoosso NAPa.oesmo.••We o = MIAMI _ .� , -- rr ter. Au. INAMPI I•� rq• 's . 1 �4 m, • "� 1 g $( SS, na7rwti '^uM rr4�a. o rtwlNiiC --,,,.. "n ..•t. ; AIIILI "IF �'2'r"•'0.,y-�•;�."•..,. '`� i } Wf ( w•: �...,.nr m...arsW�n. �vs. W T . cl _% ^y� MAO �p NAP -tom MAIN �$'_w ,�'�ti ` �`1,1 r ��,,/ d I wc"mmaa=0;'ww G60v uativ... W r �:-.~.x..,��,# o,r 4 ��d"� 0 .. 'I'•,,., �'hiyy "IY j$ '.`...". I.Ru .w _� wm are[s ra z� V `t 1+ \ssms. ,�� .. a w"v, N'k,y'� .: �., -�.y. 1.�, - •. r' " t}� l "1 0I ( (� .r.m•on.:r. w. '� 'cKY r[ `c •\ r 1.r '' f 1 j1!. • n�•t�:'®iAtMM.9+RYA.MLi ✓'J w N -t. _�•n•v�•o`1c� �Q,r.,z.r4`; V•, e, ;y",,, r �-, 1Riv.sl�:.wr.as�... "o t •°'pa..\. "'r` ` ... `�r ' • .1. ; 13.. t "t;'�e.,o "`.Ns.' a'd`zv.nxa �.eor,r i �C p „`•�..••,�,. I•� .Any ti 4R^"t,", 1�v'� ♦ �.\. •• :11 efwCwa v.waw �aim..0 iar t.. 1G i. -`10- ..� s:•.'�jF'.r�".r,. •^..�'\ >:.wrsr.: rssrocyw.x.w•a Woof AM 40% AA f:NML Aso 0 Aso ti� t op A so Am. AAA' . a <a v . 'tip ! �. ` Z..y` 4�so"I� , e ..1 _1 e I e _1 _ 4 _ ... _. .. .. .. , Do stir a 1 : w,s.:mtwo yY •MYi �•�[rI!•F•r A is, t •C/Y. •Y,: If J%vI l'.A wla iI �• u /•�-1,T'�^ u- _IYYM 1 L'P' T Vlc Msixntr.[,Y. — "r �i'--•i++ a yl rMrr� v"io.wuu.�oc+r'a s iY~AWYwL lF 0" DID �swwtwl: rr ••tY'�wiM.G.�..awJa Miss •.�'vr7.:+e1"m Der .nrmMrx f. g �+wMaMr/Mv.n,a "I" ,�+^..'c'"� +c �,:c.a'InSY::•ri i� as ..amrwY..ury �»+ a+ nIW�T +.7 ta+>Maaw vM�w ue I:: dF'J". �C,tiE v—T► ... '.s...c"vn.....ti«e..•.a ; misman,f;or AM a to so do ovis" id �'YV1 powfvN,�x.—Jz; `Z t1 M.s= V �i Emw� �1, '�` Jam•., Onto Is, r— s-- T it �— a-�. • _y y ��---r—s—'v- r-- . r r0" , AD T-• i 'f*"Y +Po -it Ie � ,�'- f' I +f� 1-• r IF . 'h e.. Aa so Milken, 5tar Ali 4119 tvoi VI as I Ion ississe I.+ 11 AirP g. •} 1. fir.. _ �i .. I ; ; ���±rrnCC7�p--''� 1 : 1r�`I-1'�`_- '•s-Y`^ 4 -.T-a ... 1 .f � •� •J �7 1 `.7' t S'Fjc ; r ` ',y-4 'v " \\t r AR d � o iz, 1 ^4 0 lz�: zo In 0-1/� 14 L II!A � II S q X SMI too MAP U 1..r. isr+l rr II Are`ter' I- ff ~� r 1 �� nt ` Fell,fr F• yr, 3 !.�' ' ;f'` f AI 19 If _ __-fjms__�r j_:� _ r,.V� I. r'_ Tit 'c 11 1 �k' -`im �M, wF .i ice.--_ A}w �~ ''L y S pN Illinois, 111 .r: _ _ C R1WT¢sip 12G _ _ +T - y. _ 4^� - _ , �T - y v 1� ' : �'�•J 5 ,• �" _ -4 _- =�' =-s ,�` J 'z�+_= -� r--.,a'-� _ l jy -�{`'�` (tidy . I....ft' J ¢ -'w+,�p `~� �`'„" ', - — - __ _ `-�,. :ram - ; �- _ y,y a;p 'IF ov do 0.1 AS es two avivionip sit fy- •I '.. toot •� so Is -A'-�-".'.�`�+1.r��1As"_^� '+C' '•�'r wrisist eIf too 41 46 +�` % - . a o '--�; ! 1WIFFN NONNI Ago- U,44 Dim Is No IN loo .1:A ,. ` { I / a 1 r f.�j .till •v / I. y'•�- T..� _ lglow�C_�'�. 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W y 1d rI rr a of of rff sv or. aim—Nr_._..�to rrl ax•aK•M 1•Tm:an rverww Ilal PMRM1•I) 1•arti.1 Lflw •- . fiaTirs via ti�r{y, FAA" ire" vuurtw pt"a viva Ar aar.j/al ar f-+ariaS.am 1. RKnfnr4({Ytftitl 1f\rY wn 1 avTf Y W{aa+)1, WF+ 1 fN IfM S � u\af. v4iwf 1t i Y rw!\galiw\�Y ��4 I��a��as 2u �+r Pra Rl.•a. yy�.!T�M•/ Aim Fai•9n•I I afl ♦ k' W�,n�1�2 ;N 111+11� hWf. iTa`"vliaawiraa•+�,a' "ii."f.rL'i.�ifa>-r .nan,lrn. Y•-rill q �i++li U 41-t.: PIM d (. pb aI e•f:.Tr YnRiae l9Y UI\.••{wliLf 2iM `2N a+N p+tirP �. uilYJ�.i'Vat w%' ow F�Le-2• `IT tl�fla/•.a1��!� i lowI.wiarvatr"yi��of a•,.��(.a.�U aY E6i L�. rA�•.Ir wt. % JM}aMa• ni a/nrrvtralan.+4 r.r C .a.f pwa a..umv/Y i N•'I �faaaij In�ti Mao lv I+f•W W 4ar.r/v�1i.T[•TIRS•rvatl i. fU w •r ww1/1 a• M /F\'•I \! alr�rr V Ifta/kl� m �ryIY Ia� 7r'I al rrt.•V as F +•:,4h�' rrla aa.y. akr N=4 rrw*q*TV p1NIPTv-ii v1.'Ix YU•.} 44 yyyl•\ A r +YM /I flglnVW Ir.sTa�s ••uwa••K'9MIN as ft"`= we amiaiaw /.Y..d•9My..��If. aM v �+wl �r f��Mrvyif'r.-r� .Y Mcsi~ c;o M swu ram �ilrbal� a.. wor AN of �Mpfa�zw pJa fra�ial00 ar.a,...a •.r.. r•»a.r•n a•. r � rIrlr 01•j.�• •� i.l 11. Fr .rw� +r•.�iad•a`iLw..fl�ir McHenry County Division of Transportation Joseph R. Korpalsiti, Jr., P.E. Director of Transportation/County Engineer Ricky Rocket's Fuel Center Intersection of IL Route 120 at Chapel Hill Road — Route #V40 May 30, 20I7 Mr. Steve Sharilnoltzer, P.E. Mardiard Consulting LTD 900 Woodlands Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Dear Mr. Shar>Inoltzer: The McI-Ienry County Division of Transportation (MCDOT) is in receipt of the following electronic documents, all received on April 26, 2017: • City of McIIenry approved Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, dated 9/27/2016 • Final Plat of Subdivision, dated 4/19/2017 • IDOT Hydraulic Checklist, dated 4/18/2016 • Engineering Plans for Proposed Improvements to Chapel Hill Road, dated 4/14/2016 • Engineering Plans for Ricky Rockets Retail Development, dated 4/13/2017 • Engineering Plans for Proposed Improvements to IL Route 120, dated 4/14/2017 • Copy of IDOT review comments and responses, dated 4/18/2017 • Chapel Hill Road Truck Turn Exhibit, dated 4/18/2017 On behalf of the MCDOT, following are revietiv comments. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION 1. Acceptable. The County Engineer would not sign the Preliminary Plat. FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION 1. Acceptable, 2. When ready, please drop off the Final Plat of Subdivision at MCDOT to obtain County Engineer's signature. You will be contacted when the plat has been signed for your pickup and routing to others. 3. Once tine Final Plat is recorded, provide a copy of the "recorded" plat to MCDOT. �.G111 Nelson Road •Woodstock • IL • G0098 Phone (815) 334-49G0 •Fax (8�.ti) 334-4989 May 30, 2017 Page 2 of 4 SITI'; PLANS 1. The design and details for the temporary construction entrance are unacceptable. The MCDOT does not allow use of gravel construction entrances on or along County Highways for this type of development construction traffic. 2. The design also shows the construction entrance beginning at the edge of the new entrance/right-oPway line. This temporary construction entrance would be built before any of the permanent roadway improvements on Chapel Hill road. Therefore, the construction entrance should be designed to begin at the edge of the existing highway pavement. 3. The temporary construction entrance shall be revised to include 50 foot radii and be constructed of a hard surface material for a minimum of 100 feet from the edge of the existing highway pavement in order to reduce the effects of sediment and other debris from reaching the County highway. 4. Signage to indicate "TRUCKS ENTERING AND EXITING HIGHWAY" shall be included on the plans and erected in each direction on Chapel Hill Road at 500 feet in advance of the entrance. 5. The temporary construction entrance material sliall be removed in its entirety and replaced with the permanent pavement section. Include notes accordingly. 6. A temporary culvert will be necessary to convey stornnwater in the existing ditchline while this construction entrance is in place. Culvert shall be of a material to withstand the heavy constr•ucthon traffic anticipated to use the entrance and be of sufficient length to allow construction of temporary shoulders beyond the radii. Revise accordingly. 7. The existing roadway sign, currently at station 504+63.82, will need to be relocated to the south of the construction entrance. The sign should be placed at station 503+30.44 to match the permanent relocation (see comments for Chapel Hill Road Plans). 8. Reference the Permit Procedures Detail No. PPD3 found in the Permit Procedures and Requirements Manual, available on our website at www.mchenrycountydot.org for details on the construction entrance. 9. A separate Highway Access Permit application, $300 application fee, $5,000 bond and certificate of insurance are required in order to issue approval for this temporary construction entrance. Tile application can be found on our website at www.mchenrycountydot.org. Make checks payable to "McHenry County Division of Transportation". Please include with the application the revised sheet and details showing this construction entrance, CHAPEL HILL ROAD PLANS 1. Sheet 5 of 19 a. COUNTRY LANE IS MISSPELLED as COUNTY LANE. b. The sawcut full depth line needs to capture the removal of the existing edge lines. c. The existing westerly edge line pavement markings from station 508+30.15 to Country Lane need to be addressed. The current proposed saw cut limits do not address removal of these lines. The edge line currently extends from station 508+30.15 to wrap around the corner at County Lane. May 30, 2017 Page 3 of 4 2. Sheet 9 of 19 a, The limits of existing pavement removal appear to be incorrect. The existing shoulder . area will be part of the new turn lane taper and must be removed and reconstructed to allow for fitll depth pavement from station 508+30.15 to the radius at Country Lane. b. There are existing pavement markings on Chapel Hill Road at this same location that will be in conflict with the proposed pavement markings and have not been addressed. c. Given the widening to construct the turn lane taper, the existing shoulder beyond the taper edge will not be of sufficient width. A paved shoulder is required parallel to and beyond the edge of the turn lane taper in this same area. 3. Sheets 10 and 11 of 19 a. Correct the misspelling of DECTECTABLE in the warning plate note. It is currently shown as DECTABLE. 4. Sheet'11 of 19 a. The sidewalk connections to the main entrance shall be designed using side flares, rather than side curbs. Due to the existing utility pole at the northwest corner it is understood and agreed this would use a side curb. However, the other sides of both sidewalks can be designed to use side flares. Please preference IDOT standard 424001- 06 (Romp in paved area setback > 5') to view how the side flares could look. 5. Sheet 14 of 19 a. For each `location with existing signs be also indicate they are existing and inctude a note "to remain". For example, EX. STA. 501+34.59 31.92' RT SPECIAL - NO PARKING TO THE LEFT SIGN (TO REMAIN). b. Relocate the existing SPECIAL. — LANE DIRECTION SIGN, currently at station 504+63.82, to station 503+04.82 LT. c. Relocate the new R3=5R sign, currently shown at station 506+85 LT to station 507+10:92 LT. 6. Contact with the. propenrty owner's along Chapel Hill Road that are affected by tl.is auxiliary lane and drivetivay construction must be made to ituform them of true proposed improvements, Has this been done? Please be advised that once. the Above engineering details have been resolved resolved and accepted by MCDOT, and the Tiznal Plat has been submitted, reviewed and signed by tlne County Engineer, tlie following documents will be required, per Ordinance, to obtain a written permit approval fi om MCDOT for access to Chapel Hill Road. A. (1) paper cony of the "Recorded" Final Plat. B. (2) paper co}�es of engineering plans G. (I)electron' copy of engineering plans D. Engineers Cost Estimate (for constriction. within highway rightwof-way only). Reference the McHenry County Access Control and Right -of Way Management Ordinance and the Permit Procedures and Requirements Manual for details. May 309 2017 Page d of d E. Performance Guarantee in the amount of 1507o of the Engineers Cost Estimate (note: estimate must first be reviewed and approved by MCDOT). F. Certificate of Insurance, with tine following language added: "McHenry County, the McHenry County Division of Transportation, its employees and agents are listed as additional insured parties". G. Resident Engineer Letter (reference the Ordinance and Manual for details), Please review the above comments and provide u written disposition of comments with your• next submittal. Future submittals should be sent electronically and may result in additional review comments based on resubmittals. Please be sure to provide MCDOT with copies of any City or IDOT review comments. DISCLAIMER STATBMENT: — In accordance with Chapter 3, Section 3.8 of the McHeruy County Access Control and Right -of --Way Management Ordinance (effective January 1, 2009) "Art application for any permit under this Ordinance will be considered inactive if rto response is provided by the applicant or !heir representative, including any engineers involved with the submittals, within six (6) months fi•oiu the (late of the last ivrilten r•evlenv comments received from the McHenry County Division or Transportation. ythat time period has lapsed, the application u17111 be considered invalid and the applicant ►utrst reapply and comply nvilh any and all neiv conditions, policies, standards or Ordinances that may be In effect at the time of the re-strbrniltal. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to contact the Mcllemy County Division of Ti•ansporlation to determine the status of any permit submittals. " As always we look forward to working with you on this and finture projects. If you have any questions about any of the above comments please feel free to contact me at (S 15) 334-4972 or by a -mail at rdbects a,co.nnchenry.iLus Very truly yours, c --1 Ray Beets Pernut and Developer Projects Manager c: Eric Grabowski, Heidner Properties, Inc. Milce MacKinnon, Bluestone Single Tenant Prop., LLC Doug Martin, City of McHenry Tom Gal lenbach, IDOT Area Permit Engineer Bob Hunter, Riverside Chocolate factory Project File June 08, 2017 Ronald and Glenda Malcolm 1109 Chapel Hill Road McHenry, IL 60051 Attn.: PropertyOwner of 1109 Chapel Hill Road (PIN 09-25-479-027) RE: Proposed Construction Activities along Chapel Hili Road To Whom It May Concern, Ricky Rockets is pleased to announce that the construction of the new Ricky Rockets Fueling Facility located at the northwest corner of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road (excluding the Riverside Chocolate Factory property) is planned to commence in late summer of 2017. As part of the constru property. Also, included curb and gutter. These i interruptions to access throughout construction. the enclosed engineeri imps 3ments made to Chapel. Hill Road: rill occur along the frontage of your a new storm drainage system and property. While there may be brief taken to safely maintain access ser to construction. Please refer to scope of the Chapel Hill Road If you have any further questions regarding the proposed Chapel Hiil roadway improvements, please feel free to contact me at t630) nts-t3550 or via email at mike@bluestonestp.com. Yours truly, Bluestone Single Mike Mackinnon Enclosures Tenant Properties, LLC Cc: McHenry County Division of Transportation Doug Martin --City of McHenry CAAPMr FCAIL (MMO OVERALL PLAN i • � a o .i is EP KNITS Location: IL Route 120 at Chapel Hill Road, Ricky RockeCs Fuel Center Reference No; 0564V47 March 6, 2017 Mr. TroyPaionk Manhard Consulting 900 Woodlands Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60001 Dear Mr. Paionk: We have completed our review of your engineering drawings for the proposed Ricky Rocket's Fuel Center at the subject location, Our comments are marked in red/blue on the enclosed plan set. This marked set must be returned with your next submittal. Additionally, we offer the fiollowing comments: Bureau of Programming Hydraulics Section Comments: (Please see attached comments).. Bureau of Traffic Permits Section Comments: 1. The set of plans must be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer. 2. The right-inlright-out island must be 24 feet minimum and must be aligned with the turning lane edge of pavement. 3. Provide 100 feet minimum storage at the left turn lane to Charter Fitness, 4. Revise median nose at the proposed full access and match existing barrier type. 5. Revise all sidewalk to 1.5% cross slope. 6. Show the travel slope of the sidewalk on the plans. 7 Provide profile of the curb and gutter and edge of payment. 8. Provide superelevatlon transition table per BDE. 9. There will likely be ponding between stations 81+00 and 81+50. Typically, slope/fall is 0.33 inches minimum in 100 feet. Please revise. 10. Complete and submit the attached Municipality Sidewalk and ADA Acceptance Letter. 11. Provide a copy of this letter and a disposition of comments with your next submittal. location: IL Route 120 at Chapel Hill Road, Ricky Rocket's Fuel Center March 6, 20V Page 2 Please revise your drawings/plans in accordance with the above comments and resubmit two (2) copies of your revised plans to continue the review process. If you have any quesEions regarding this matter, please contact Yeleina Haydel at (847) 70541456 Very truly yours, Anthony J. Quigley, P.E. Region One Engineer y. �,. Thomas G. Gallenbach, P.E. Traffic Permit Engineer cc: City of McHenry Reading File !M 2 Form F PLAIMEVELOPiVIEIN I APPLICATION City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60450 Tel: (815) 3G3-2170 Fat: (8 t5) 363-2173 1 Name of Applicant RR McHenry. LLC Tel 630-89�1-0099 Address 5277 Trillium Blvd Hoffinan Estates IL b0192 Fax 2. Name of Property Owner Same Tel (If other than Applicant) Address Fax 3. Natne of Engineer (If represented) Address 4. Name of Attorney Of represented) Address 5. b. Manttard En ing eet_in� Tel 630-925-1033 Fax Tel Fax Common Address or Location of Properly NWO Chapel Hill Road &Route 120 Requested Action PrelnYi»aty Plat X Final Plat Development Provide a brief description of fife Requested Action. Far example, indicate the number of lots and. the type. of subdivision (single-family, towfihonie, commercial, industt•ial, etc.) or include a description of the development project; Final plat approval pursuant to Ordinance ORD464814 approving the preliminary plat for the subject ro ei FORM F Page 1 of 3 7. Current Use of Property Vacant 8. Current Zoning Classification of Property, Including variances or Conditional Uses of an automobile wash and Conditional Use Permih for a d1ve n establishment as 12art of a 9. Current Zoning Classification and Land Use of Adjoining Properties Noi�h: Unincorporated McHeiuv County -Residential South: C -5 / Unincoruorated McHeni County - Vacent East: West: C-5 -Retail l0. Required Attachments -Please refer to the attached checklist. 11. Disclosure of Interest The party signing the application shall be considered the Applicant. The Applicant must be the owner or trustee of record, Ernst beneficiary, lessee, contract purchaser, or option holder of the subject property or his or her agent or nominee. Applicant is Not Owner If the Applicant is not Eire owner of record of the subject property, the application shall disclose the legal capacity of the Applicant and the fill name, address, and telephone number of the owners). In addition, an affidavit of the owners(s) shall be filed with the application stating that the Applicant has the authority from the owners(s) to make the application, tf the Applicant, owner, .contract purchaser, option .holder, or any beneficiary of a .land trust is a corporation or partnership, the application shall disclose the name acid address of the corporation's officers, directors, and registered agents, or the partnership's general partners and those shareholders or limited partners owning in excess of five percent of the outstanding stock or interest in the corporation or interest shared by the limited partners. Applicant or Owner is a land Trust [f the Applicant ot• owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address, telephone number, and extent of interest of each beneficiary shall be disclosed in the application. FORM F Page 2 of 3 12. Certification I hereby certify that l am aware of all code requirements of the City of McHenry that relate to this property and that the proposed use or development described in this application shall comply with all such codes, l hereby request that the City process this application in accordance with the codes and ordinances of the City. Signature ofAaplicantls) Print Name and Designation of Applicants) RR McHenry, LLC By. Rick FORM F per, its President Page 3 of 3 Development Narrative Variance Request NWC Illinois Route 120 & Chapel Hill Road RR McHenry, LAC is hereby requesting a variance from Section 6.13 of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance requiring existing above -ground structures along the perimeter of a new subdivision to be buried along Chapel Hill Road. Please find below the statement of juscations for this request: 1. The granting of the variance is in keeping with the overall purpose and intent of these regulations, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare. Response: The above -ground lines will be consistent with the existing condition. and neighborhood located north of the subject property. The health, safety, and general welfare of the public will in no way be impacted by this variance. 2. The conditions on which the request is based are unique to the property for which the relief is sought and are not applicable generally to other property. Response: McHenry County DOT is planning to expand Chapel Hill: Road.: If the utilities were buried today, it is likely that the lines will need to be relocated upon final design of the intersection. The burying of the lines will be better configured if this were deferred until the final design and construction of Chapel Hill Road. 3. The granting of he variance will alleviate a practical difficulty or particular hardship due to the physical surroundings, shape or topographic conditions of the specific property involved. Response: The variance Is requested to allow for'the appropriate placement of the utilities when Chapel HiI1 Road is re -designed. 4. The granting of the variance will :not negatively affect adjacent properties. Response: The variance will not create any negative impacts to adjacent property owners, and will maintain the existing condition of these utilities for the interim. LTAT.A T. DT A rr ^*V OT Mrf TSTTOT^XT tawn ar.erny )1:u dNa IMM Mm r Mm M.. landw K Me r(yMy�}b..(aal wrq.Ww brm orK m"W4 Nod r viaww mm rw.. �«.M a 000 mwtl.Y w nwrUm w a a.; wU a w hat dwrl .. ramwww.r rr-, 'ws.Unarmwrr ywd«rrw..r, w.wr.w a wa-M.r�.m W s w.m.e.rwMWp►.+.w ra rw m... w urarwuw r �a h om 6 aw.pea wwrM ftW 0 W.wM.r..wneabK m tlrl Mr'wIP mlrr M r I...n. Y r .WIdM.mmM PwmN' wrp.wprgq wmbw w.Ub.Mw M IaNWrr wmw r W.vtl)A.ar rRrrY O►ImwrM w.rwrw d MHM�Wbr NUw+. rw 1lw)rr awaea r wr Wl aM.(d d %M ld eb__mya, ALx� 110! MW111ilCgl. 'nnc v uwa ), yy CM 0f WMM ) ♦ UUMr h.rw r a .M Cw.0 N w aft ok"ft ft br.r bwra.l mopwr Now. a 1. w YW d —�— 4m mtlnrMMwryaw.ma m a sa�:m wMsw .w..nw w... wauD.i r...ptl`.Mwir wwr Wmm"Or p:wr aw..mara rwgrwrw mM 04 aw NIr.tl mawY r dmil w.rlwr wwM rbiwar arr wwsuw r r. wu w.r.a wrr a W wnwV.Vw M M uw r oaernw r wppwwr oyr rw �w. r .riry wnr w w w. r waNy r Mr.r a wY ww.r.. W aw MM+W eMr r Mggr wam M7 r "OrMMWr�Lod .A.S_. .dwrraw MY of m" [WW.. pRRMRMaIwrOl saxaurm ): marts vraw.rr ).) �. rwM.Iwarwrfrayrbrwe.Ww. m_ r r rr.ar a w. uhrwM� N.M. n.w.r _wwrpwarc.rwrrnr rrw nw.rwNwr'raw A.mpnf w�`N Oly:0�F1YfP) rw nwwwrlYmrnr r Inrr r r r war rMwwr. .►_wrr w.�.. a.a w+.wrramMwrM wm ff W ) ca vwm.rt))60' ft0wMm rrw�iVrwrRryY.r�aftvwwrw wmw..b f r ar MldraN.pt Yrlmrr M.r AMm Y�Mr r� A. wNwOilwMtwrOwl W ia.AgmR SMR AA{MS 6aayr YMYa1 ). )'21 f Mwarbwy Nrr M�MMWr.�r rk wr w..„a rw wl.. fwtra«MMaW wwrtlwf frl.rWMr Mwer. «.Yr+gwr..ww.�� ..w `w�M 1nr.iwr mom ww.rf W .Nw. ww W wa _ rwWMWIw.Aa..m 1pl aMrYa.rwP �+w+. Yr w rhWf���•� i ram. �wuw w:w.. ammo r) moor rnr.+ma.w a Ur FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION HEIDNER PROPERTIES SUBDIVISION mwwM�wnm.wrwam xrAx amm ) ..w rwrr MwwwMw w�`im�' m�y.m#� 01.1 mrM s� w w9w wM. taw rr rMwMr M.rWI wrf M rsrew n w w.w K� wa«..rr r � rw tir • a.rA 1r. Y.wwb.rpM w+rK r.mr. wrrr rr a w. Arrr M.aM.r,rw Y�.wrr �r M wa.IIM1y Ow mssrum i mwnwba�rj�� l ar"�.awarf #Y..6 � +wb� w Mwww «rmM. oa11 r was w..�i..r rrr...w err r m.. rw m#rimw.Mw rrr rM.r.or w w.K se.dwrgrwwrw.y MY _wra a. wy rw.. AM .►MMma�a.MMm.n.uMen - rm.rr w.11y r#Yrw Mwlnjw.ww «rw m"pf Ymwmt tlXU.«. U Mvs w Ywww mwwbn nMi grr•r.t Y.w .wr rwrwrwww rrl n�nr�i.wr`v aN:.�w+r+r.wawm+rwena.anr r r.lw} Mwr..rw a A wrt a rr wlwR wwYarw M rrrwnw+ awr�rM a dual` n.WN.wm.w.. rr.ad. Rr. { ar.w+rmrww P.m.. . W.IW ..tlr wi fl MMawObr aN�r, wurr�b. �mWmfwlw mn. /Mb YrLpr W�wFaNY rrw rrar �`wyarww..wwww wa. �rrw.a:W.r.Mur rwW..pfr..w Y. Syr mom. uaw.w.awaraawawwwwwmNwawrwaa# i 1Cwm� ))= tlo4r/sMxonir) wwrwr�Mma M..�.rr rr+rrww..r wrr u.w..w r wayw rwwv eM.�i ww� �r+e.w�t amw wwwnwna b.aawr. wrmM wm.w.+. yrwm fwwmw .unarm mmrMw[ 1rwWnMM mroan bmW abb., m aUirIWU r-.rm w lmjw N.. fAO.Mn w wawlnalw anr4 m6mA wmrb r mpwk#r M Ma .Myrna .W� Ar7:aw tioCM b�Yr Ary'MY rMM rYla. tw.wrM rwertVry..mlW .nn.r'rM.l dawN # fMW wM/Maa bw m.rrlMw4 i0 M Immix L( M; wwwrrarewrown..am. saxs uym ') aw+newM►7� aN rwwrW wiw.Y_wyf •o. �a YOYdr rmrwaYYbw Or/wwwt�o rM#w�i AwN M.w9ww. worm+N a• mR: ra.ww4af ldrr.4 4rawwa r tM w tl..arl.riwr w►wmr r ww r mr r r r r rr r M war..arey row oa.M r annww...r rf.�..r rvw. r.t w Ywwy Myldrpwrwrsww�aw. Mw WCraybprf. :foal prrw. owlrwrMrlq N ..wMms mM CMNr a4 ad !� 1.UwM1?i d M WmN uM.M/ a.n a r wNw) r wp'n.r b r+wa «ww r r rmww wr Mow. IMay r M PIr rM.waw r bwr.. f wbr rtlw . dorm r u NN mw r r w. ar mws.w.w a wy Mv.r amy rnpwaMMjpwy rwyjma umr 4 b rwM HM 1 Mr. wa1MN��rHy MrrM y OIPibm wq.r'IM a.dr.rm..nr.wt r wwnrM #w�`r M MNa r� d w ..MI'MOXmM.11R/r M W N.1' QMH MmWNUprlrf6.wrtlVRr M. w>rw[ A.rrr w .wM.w. wl wp pnwa ra wnw .nr, ..nur w.rr Wwwrrdkma.M.w M1W Nrr w+w sward Ytllp.r. Ir4 r..s. r wlwnr M14 arnw.Yla� wNUn wr r wlMw dpltlw mrr wrNw..n.r r vr.mWw N: ww..rar. rw.r .i.. M M.N. N W rrarV rwn w M.pN..BAn M n.w m►r r MW11d VVIxr 4.w:fCU4YW r tlr ow Vr4 ►rler V.A ar111w 1W wo rww�`itl1 w` wraWir.MMrr .dar 1. M dtAmlaai awr w MW a rUwmrww WlWy lxdrW wwwn 6d A NwM w Nr►am ps" m.wl/btl gMM4 U r wr PM a/ MY.w. WftbrAMRy7QMW�qr M mddyk*r.hw.1 a aw m.wrf./rM1.4-14.W t` 4%ftwYwM M+M rapes ma" M MW CM `~ war MmM p4M,wft rmr r r a r M a.ar .Mw m&%n wrutl r M.M ft*cwmm.fl(F wlalymf A r my P" dry In«rMr.N M' 1�VMrm YNINM C rU�4- WAIM.man om r PW w rwbd Mwb.w. Nrw..nr w waUw (aw aw wW «. wap.) ww M M*%w u�ytor cwww n *m*s w .a mow a 0 = Nkw «rMr gip"Nye my q 4."Pon" 4 doomN 9MI.ww�wb r MMt r ilMgm M piN{ Ilrw, w NNMam, rM.IronMwwM1rMwr r►M aaryM.r wwdnw as wnNw7 r aTW /►NMwa.. wahTwM+r.aa..+aw.arwe. wMwrr wman. b aY a UUfaryNM"mwrra ,tlwMummM M.Uw pmn b r wawa w 4rm e.. M mMrp "W wU/«Ypoywryea✓m.WUrrnwmapMw A.rlrrM aft" wlft mayyrdma►mosm"W"I"m AVy pYt Mtl rMwry M WM mmatt ar.m.�Mw..rMMwwp .�.✓•aM r�r P..mr.wl M iw a.PpYlrwwwoowl W sllaw G.a.WfwWMPOIMi ..eniv .fin asriru�0w ua iub�`nl••� wr...�w.a s�rr M bw'C.wwa CmwdC ✓M Mr M w*rq M AMaM Mri omw N M caM.rMm rgwr M:Orybr 706 UO WO/Z r rnrdr.-hw. \M b b.a M 1..•wwmbw w mr.f Y.INa w m M. w.r� «.wm d �.wpn/.Mr.UeY .+rwpwrdMhryY b wtl. M r w mma.wr+w r M wwmW ....I �.Yw«b r Mr MYw M.rrM.. rrwwr,.w..wwm r rr.lw Miy.ar m b+ � 41MM Man wW'NM11 i'(Mmw Wmrt'ww qwP. 4rw wtlwn Mwr: •prry; r:.....a ...: nb. la.��mu.ww Arwwi M wmmw Gawb'MWwrr Mow b YIrV Mlwgm M ww.y# at mwlM .Yw� i�q w i.M0.-M�rPon I.�n4 «tl�ird#kY tart d kdMlw.milr..r bdaW+d wa mf annbrM ow., mw .mw wa.a. Ono aaw,�wawm�w# m.n ara.o,y,, Yr pwm.ywr�rwt#.r.. MrwNq., w o.w aWbrw �:�wGyrrw�w.rMy�wdwb.�� 1}.Mw/�Ma Un.aUr.�u..M wabaww,r rawb /w.w. Wlwiw.wr aw wIPMYb n M.wnw d W K w wlwMa M r Mrmr A eaMw wmw A...wr #w rw w. wrw. w w ra.+p.��y wr wwMbnwlWflpNAFLiyo iNw Mww�a �Un M NI (w�.rrl iw4ir Sam JMIiS mrM r waY rgnq N ..li. JIMI #. W N MtlrnlYwA IMda r.bbp. MX.a Y ]a. wraNn..rw i1A. mn1 �'NCAffmM1D 91.1L1N0 ML.Y N rmamwoerumue ) ) 6S a w.MYwrIMM1rIMV1R. a.s4 N w 11.sN 011n r MNwl.aRi M M wY�tlrN . a �.dU.a�U. rd aw.d w wnwwr U.bvs fwwb r.mr.r ..INtlaYMamrRMlm#Ya.pITwM waa�`b �arp�w rww{�fwil'wb w.MMrr.Mw•. Mw Mwr.Yn �.M.w ' M Mwlnm?�'Imarrnwa l« /ww rw.w al�rrf rrrnrr.r wasnrr II�y4.Or �wi'�'4 wwwrrarewrown..am. saxs uym ') aw+newM►7� aN rwwrW wiw.Y_wyf •o. �a YOYdr rmrwaYYbw Or/wwwt�o rM#w�i AwN M.w9ww. worm+N a• mR: ra.ww4af ldrr.4 4rawwa r tM w tl..arl.riwr w►wmr r ww r mr r r r r rr r M war..arey row oa.M r annww...r rf.�..r rvw. r.t w Ywwy Myldrpwrwrsww�aw. Mw WCraybprf. :foal prrw. owlrwrMrlq N ..wMms mM CMNr a4 ad !� 1.UwM1?i d M WmN uM.M/ a.n a r wNw) r wp'n.r b r+wa «ww r r rmww wr Mow. IMay r M PIr rM.waw r bwr.. f wbr rtlw . dorm r u NN mw r r w. ar mws.w.w a wy Mv.r amy rnpwaMMjpwy rwyjma umr 4 b rwM HM 1 Mr. wa1MN��rHy MrrM y OIPibm wq.r'IM a.dr.rm..nr.wt r wwnrM #w�`r M MNa r� d w ..MI'MOXmM.11R/r M W N.1' QMH MmWNUprlrf6.wrtlVRr M. w>rw[ A.rrr w .wM.w. wl wp pnwa ra wnw .nr, ..nur w.rr Wwwrrdkma.M.w M1W Nrr w+w sward Ytllp.r. Ir4 r..s. r wlwnr M14 arnw.Yla� wNUn wr r wlMw dpltlw mrr wrNw..n.r r vr.mWw N: ww..rar. rw.r .i.. M M.N. N W rrarV rwn w M.pN..BAn M n.w m►r r MW11d VVIxr 4.w:fCU4YW r tlr ow Vr4 ►rler V.A ar111w 1W wo rww�`itl1 w` wraWir.MMrr .dar 1. M dtAmlaai awr w MW a rUwmrww WlWy lxdrW wwwn 6d A NwM w Nr►am ps" m.wl/btl gMM4 U r wr PM a/ MY.w. WftbrAMRy7QMW�qr M mddyk*r.hw.1 a aw m.wrf./rM1.4-14.W t` 4%ftwYwM M+M rapes ma" M MW CM `~ war MmM p4M,wft rmr r r a r M a.ar .Mw m&%n wrutl r M.M ft*cwmm.fl(F wlalymf A r my P" dry In«rMr.N M' 1�VMrm YNINM C rU�4- WAIM.man om r PW w rwbd Mwb.w. Nrw..nr w waUw (aw aw wW «. wap.) ww M M*%w u�ytor cwww n *m*s w .a mow a 0 = Nkw «rMr gip"Nye my q 4."Pon" 4 doomN 9MI.ww�wb r MMt r ilMgm M piN{ Ilrw, w NNMam, rM.IronMwwM1rMwr r►M aaryM.r wwdnw as wnNw7 r aTW /►NMwa.. wahTwM+r.aa..+aw.arwe. wMwrr wman. b aY a UUfaryNM"mwrra ,tlwMummM M.Uw pmn b r wawa w 4rm e.. M mMrp "W wU/«Ypoywryea✓m.WUrrnwmapMw A.rlrrM aft" wlft mayyrdma►mosm"W"I"m AVy pYt Mtl rMwry M WM mmatt ar.m.�Mw..rMMwwp .�.✓•aM r�r P..mr.wl M iw a.PpYlrwwwoowl W sllaw G.a.WfwWMPOIMi ..eniv .fin asriru�0w ua iub�`nl••� wr...�w.a s�rr M bw'C.wwa CmwdC ✓M Mr M w*rq M AMaM Mri omw N M caM.rMm rgwr M:Orybr 706 UO WO/Z r rnrdr.-hw. \M b b.a M 1..•wwmbw w mr.f Y.INa w m M. w.r� «.wm d �.wpn/.Mr.UeY .+rwpwrdMhryY b wtl. M r w mma.wr+w r M wwmW ....I �.Yw«b r Mr MYw M.rrM.. rrwwr,.w..wwm r rr.lw Miy.ar m b+ � 41MM Man wW'NM11 i'(Mmw Wmrt'ww qwP. 4rw wtlwn Mwr: •prry; r:.....a ...: nb. la.��mu.ww Arwwi M wmmw Gawb'MWwrr Mow b YIrV Mlwgm M ww.y# at mwlM .Yw� i�q w i.M0.-M�rPon I.�n4 «tl�ird#kY tart d kdMlw.milr..r bdaW+d wa mf annbrM ow., mw .mw wa.a. Ono aaw,�wawm�w# m.n ara.o,y,, Yr pwm.ywr�rwt#.r.. MrwNq., w o.w aWbrw �:�wGyrrw�w.rMy�wdwb.�� 1}.Mw/�Ma Un.aUr.�u..M wabaww,r rawb /w.w. Wlwiw.wr aw wIPMYb n M.wnw d W K w wlwMa M r Mrmr A eaMw wmw A...wr #w rw w. wrw. w w ra.+p.��y wr wwMbnwlWflpNAFLiyo iNw Mww�a �Un M NI (w�.rrl iw4ir Sam JMIiS mrM r waY rgnq N ..li. JIMI #. W N MtlrnlYwA IMda r.bbp. MX.a Y ]a. wraNn..rw i1A. mn1 �'NCAffmM1D 91.1L1N0 ML.Y N rmamwoerumue ) ) 6S a w.MYwrIMM1rIMV1R. a.s4 N w 11.sN 011n r MNwl.aRi M M wY�tlrN . a �.dU.a�U. rd aw.d w wnwwr U.bvs fwwb r.mr.r ..INtlaYMamrRMlm#Ya.pITwM waa�`b �arp�w rww{�fwil'wb w.MMrr.Mw•. Mw Mwr.Yn �.M.w ' M Mwlnm?�'Imarrnwa l« /ww rw.w al�rrf rrrnrr.r wasnrr II�y4.Or �wi'�'4 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT FOR: July 17, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development RE: Amendment to the Municipal Code Establishing an Economic Development Commission ATT: 1. An Ordinance Amendment Chapter Two of the Municipal Code Establishing an Economic Development Commission I Application to be on a City of McHenry Committee, Commission or Board AGENDA SUPPLEMENT SUMMARY: A priority of Mayor Jett, as well as one expressed by other Councilmembers, has been the creation of an Economic Development Commission, which would be responsible for reviewing policies and procedures relating to the economic development and making recommendations to the City Council, similar to the Planning and Zoning Commission or Landmark Commission. Attached is an ordinance amending the City of McHenry Municipal Code creating an Economic Development Commission. An Economic Development Commission was created many years ago, in the late 1980's, for bringing business to the McHenry Corporate Center. This group was not a formal Commission of the City although there were members of the City who participated at the meetings. This group eventually disbanded and, since that time, the City has not had a group charged with providing input on economic development -related activities. ►a1►Ell VM 1�5 While initial thoughts included the creation of an economic development advisory body separate from the municipal structure, this presented some potential issues related to scope/direction, accountability, the Open Meetings Act and budgeting/expenditure of funds in implementing economic development initiatives. Therefore, Staff has reviewed the structure 1 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 of Economic Development Commissions in other communities —including Mundelein, Lake Villa, and Crystal Lake — and is proposing a format similar to these. As proposed, the Economic Development Commission would consist of nine members appointed annually by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. This is similar to the other Commissions/Committees of the Council. However, included as part of the nine members would be the Mayor and at least one sitting Alderman. The commission would meet at least quarterly but could meet more often; the meetings would be open to the public, include public input and meeting minutes taken similar to all other meetings. Generally, the duties of the commission are as follows however, the commission could establish specific goals and objectives once it is established. • Review and provide advice to improve the business section on the City's website as well as other forms of marketing which could assist the City in carrying out the primary functions of the Economic Development Commission; • Discuss opportunities to carry out primary functions through use of focus groups; business retention visits; and other potential gatherings with a designated sector of the business community; • Perform an annual review and update of business informational materials and new business welcome letter or other materials; • Mail recognition letters to noted business successes and/or other forms of business recognition; • Provide an annual report to the City Council that would include a summary of activities/accomplishments of the previous year and goals for the upcoming year, to be completed at the end of the City's fiscal year; • Additional special projects to be conducted annually, as needed, or as directed by the City Council. Examples may include surveys, business recognition events, seminars and/or newsletters, etc. Another specific project could be the review and update of the City's Revolving Loan Program, creating objective criteria and potentially seeking opportunities to expand the program. The goal of this Commission is to have members representing the entire City, geographically, as well as all types of businesses and others integral to successful economic development. If Council concurs with this ordinance and adopts the attached ordinance, the next step would be to solicit members (see -attached application) and present them to the City Council in the near future for review and approval. 1►.1 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs, it is recommended that a motion be made to approve the attached ordinance amending Chapter Two of the Municipal Code establishing an Economic Development Commission be approved. I;? Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 ORDINANCE NO. MC-17- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF MCHENRY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 2 ADMINISTRATION -ADDING ARTICLE IX ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That Chapter 2 Administration of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Article IX Economic Development Commission consisting of the following language: "ARTICLE IX ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 2-205 Creation and Term 2-206 Qualification 2-207 Organization 2-208 Powers and Duties of the Commission 2-209 Compensation and Expenses 2-210 Budget 2-205. Creation. There is hereby created an Economic Development Commission which shall consist of nine membersI all of whom shall be appointed annually by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. A Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall also be appointed on an annual basis by the Mayor with advice and consent of the City Council. Any vacancy on the Commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. 2-206. Qualification Members of the Economic Development Commission shall reside within the City or within one and one-half miles thereof, or shall be either a commercial or industrial property owner, or an owner, officer, or a managing executive of a business or industry located in the City. All appointees to the Economic Development Commission shall be persons dedicated to the goals Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 of the commission and the best interests %J the City. Members shall represent a wide range of industry sectors and geographic locations within the City. A minimum of one sitting City Council member as well as the Mayor shall be included as part of the nine member commission. Additionally, City staff are not voting members but shall serve solely in an advisory capacity to the commission. 2-207. Organization. The members of the Economic Development Commission may elect any other officers that they deem necessary, shall hold such meetings and establish such rules and regulations as said commission shall deem necessary and proper for carrying on its functions. The commission shall meet, at a minimum, quarterly, however all meetings of the commission shall be held at the call of the chairperson and at such other times as the commission and/or City Council may determine. The presence of five members shall be necessary for a quorum. All meetings shall be open to the public. The Commission shall keep minutes and records of its proceedings and record votes. Public input shall be provided for at each meeting and all other requirements of the Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act shall be followed. Expenses incurred by the commission in performance of official duties are to be itemized and shall be borne by the City. 2-208. Powers and Duties of the Commission. The Economic Development Commission shall endeavor to attract business and industry for the City. The commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council on matters related to the business community. The commission shall have such additional powers and duties as maybe assigned to it from time to time by the Mayor and City Council. The primaryfunctions of the Economic Development Commission can generally be divided into three categories: business communication, business attraction, and business retention and expansion. In order to carry out the primary functions, the Economic Development Commission prepares an annual work plan/outline, which varies annually but generally includes the following projects: • Review and provide advice to improve the business section on the City's website as well as other forms of marketing which could assist the City in carrying out the primary functions of the Economic Development Commission; • Discuss opportunities to carry out primary functions through use of focus groups; business retention visits; and other potential gatherings with a designated sector of the business community; t,7 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 • Perform an annual review and update of business informational materials and new business welcome letter or other materials; • Mail recognition letters to noted business successes and/or other forms of business recognition; • Provide annual report to the City Council including goals for the upcoming year, to be completed at the end of the City's fiscal year; • Additional special projects to be conducted annually, as needed. Examples may include surveys, business recognition events, seminars and/or newsletters, etc. 2-209. Compensation and Expenses. The members of the Economic Development Commission shall serve without compensation. 2-210. Budget. The Economic Development Commission shall prepare a budget for each fiscal year and shall submit such budget to the City Council for review. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authores of the City %J McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication in pamphlet form as provided bylaw. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2017 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS ATTEST: CITY CLERK Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 DAY OF , 2017 7 Mail or Deliver to_ Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 Citt• of McHent;t• 1pplication for Committee, Commission or Board Office of the Ni<1yor, City of McHenry, 333 South Green St, McHenry IL 60050 Application for Appointment to blame: Address: Phone: Home Work City Resident Since: 2. In this Section please use P for Presently; F for Formerly: Elected or Appointed Positions Held: Member of Organizations (list offices held): Occupational Background: Formal Education: Spouse: Mobile Conuuittee/CommissionBoard_ 3_ Do you or any of your close fanuly or business connections own, hold stock in, serve as director of or work for any btuiness which provides prodiuts or services to: City of McHenry . Other Government Entity. If yes, please identify and explain: 4. Do yrou or any of }roar close family or btuiness connections serve on any Conunittee, Commission, Bo<ud or otherwise with an orgwization or agency which has, or may have, any business or personal transactions with the Committee, Commission or Board to which you are malang application? If ' Ntes'" please identify and explain: 5. Are you generally fauuliar n7th the fiwctions and workings of the Conmuttee/Commission/Board to wlsich you are n><�kina application? Have you attended meetings of this body? What prompted you to apply for consideration of appointment to this position? What studies, responsibilities, accomplishments, publications or community projects have you participated in or initiated which you feel may qualify you for this position? Older comments: Other information you would like to include maybe attached to this application_ The Mayor, being responsible for appointments to CommitteeslComnussionsBoardwlll inten7ew each applicant personally_ R�hat days and times are you available: Signed: The �Irrpor mrd the Cifi of lieHenr;t• u•islr to tlrnnk �•ou for3•our interest It is nppreeinted! Date Recei�ed: Date Considered: Revised: 3/16105 Date: Action: Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2017 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation ATT: Professional Engineering Services Request for Proposal Submitted Proposals Professional Services Contract AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider awarding a Professional Services Contract for the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. BACKGROUND: The existing sidewalks and concrete fascia on the Green Street Bridge are failing and are in need of replacement. In order to perform necessary maintenance and rehabilitation of the sidewalks and other structural elements of the bridge, both the water main and bridge railing will need to be re -mounted on the bridge as a part of the sidewalk replacement improvements. Included in the FY 2017/2018 Budget, $25,000 was allotted for professional engineering design services for the rehabilitation of the Green Street Bridge. The selected firm will provide a preliminary Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost (EOPC) by December 1, 2017 to be incorporated in the M18/19 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for consideration of funding and construction in the 2018/19 budget year. City staff solicited proposals for Professional Engineering Services for the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project from the City pool of prequalified firms. The Request For Proposal (RFP) was distributed to all five (5) firms prequalified in the Municipal Engineering Transportation category. ANALYSIS: Five (5) firms submitted a proposal, a scope of services and a project schedule that met requirements set out in the RFP. Sealed proposals for Professional Engineering Services for the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project from the following firms were opened on June 28, 2017: • Baxter &Woodman, Inc. o $33,950.00 • Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. o $17,650.00 • Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. o $24,521.00 • Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. o $48,766.00 • HR Green, Inc. o $26,935.00 Proposals were examined for conformance with the conditions of the RFP and evaluated based upon the criteria identified in the RFP. Staffs recommendation is to proceed with the awarding A the Professional Services Contract to Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $17,650.00, RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve the attached Professional Services Contract for the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project to Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $17,650.00, Response Due Date: June 28, 2017 Submit Sealed Proposals to: Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director City of McHenry Public Works Department 1415Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 City of McHenry Public Works Department REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Professional Engineering Services Notice to Firms The City of McHenry is requesting proposals for professional engineering services for the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project. The included Preliminary Scope of Services provides anticipated items which may be required to perform all necessary engineering work associated with this project. This project is to be constructed in accordance with the IDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as well Bureau of Bridges and Structures and Local Roads Standards. The City intends to begin work immediately upon execution of the contract with the selected consultant. It is the intent of the City to complete all design and bidding work by April 30, 2018. This timetable will allow for a timely contract award and construction of the proposed improvements in the 2018 calendar year. Project Description The Green Street Bridge is a historic structure which lies within the heart of the City of McHenry Riverwalk. The bridge is a 3-sided rigid frame structure constructed in 1949. Due to age and weathering the concrete fascia and concrete sidewalks which are attached to the superstructure are failing and in need of repair. Other deficiencies include minor spalling of concrete on both the underside of the deck superstructure and various substructure locations. The City recently consulted out an Abbreviated Bridge Condition Report to explore several maintenance options for the structure. Options ranged from minor structural repairs of sidewalks and fascia to full replacement. The City is financing improvements through general funds as the structure is not currently eligible for federal aid for rehabilitation or replacement. The Abbreviated BCR is attached for reference as Attachment B. It is the intention of the City to pursue Maintenance Option 2 which is detailed in the report and includes sidewalk replacement, rehabilitation and reuse of existing railing, rehanging of attached water main, minor structural concrete repairs, and other incidental and necessary work. 2'City of McHenry Preliminary Scope of Services The Preliminary Scope of Services identifies a potential list of services required to successfully perform all required professional engineering services in order to complete the proposed project. Each firm will include with their proposal a Final Proposed Scope of Services "Services", which shall include any notable exclusions. 1 � Perform site measurements and collect necessary survey data for preparation of plans and contract documents. 2 � Review of existing structural drawings, bridge inspection report, and bridge condition report for consistency. 3 � Perform necessary structural calculations for proposed improvements. 4 � Completion of necessary permit applications and provide assistance to City Staff in the submittal of such applications. 5 � Prepare construction plans and prepare contract documents on IDOT BLR forms. a. Plan preparation to include pre -final submittal, review of pre -final submittal by City Staff, and responses provided for City review comments. 6 � Preparation of engineer's estimate of cost. A preliminary estimate of cost will be completed by December 1 of 2017 for FY 18/19 Capital Improvement Program and Budget updates. Final estimate of cost will be due prior to bidding. 71 Provide responses to requests for information and assist with issuance of addenda during the bidding phase. All other bidding services shall be performed by City Public Works Staff. 81 Provide construction support including: provide responses to contractor requests for information and review shop drawings if necessary. Resident Engineering Services are not included in the scope of services. 91 Attend Meetings as necessary. Final Submittal Requirements 1 � All proposals must be signed by an authorized official. 2 I Proposals shall include a brief project understanding of not more than one page. 3 I A Final Proposed Scope of Services "Services" shall be included with each proposal. 31City of McHenry 4 I An itemized schedule of costs "Compensation" shall be included with each proposal. 5 I Proposals shall include a proposed "Project Schedule". 6 I Proposals shall also include a proposed project team chart. 7 I All proposals shall be submitted to the City of McHenry, no later than 3:00 PM, June 28I 2017a 8 Proposals must be submitted in the following formats: One Original Proposal Document, one hard paper copy, and one electronic copy (CD or USB Flash Drive). 9 � Proposals must be submitted in one sealed envelope and must be plainly marked with the title "Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation, Engineering Services". 10 � All proposals must be shipped to or dropped off in person at the following address. City of McHenry Public Works Department ATTN: Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director 1 115 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Selection Criteria Firms will be evaluated based upon the following criteria: 1 Completeness of project understanding and proposed scope of services 2 � Ability to meet project schedule 3 � Proposed project team and availability of such team 4 1 Overall not to exceed costs Schedule 6/5/17 RFP Made Available 6/14/17 Deadline for Request for Information (RFI) 6/21/17 All RFI's Closed, All Addenda Issued 6/28/17 Deadline for Submittal of Proposals 7/5/17 Final Consultant Selection 7/17/17 PSA Approval by City Council & Notice to Proceed 41City of McHenry Conditions Agreed To All conditions included in the original Request for Qualifications shall be considered as part of this RFP. By means of their prequalification it is understood that prequalified firms shall adhere to any and all conditions required by the original Request for Qualifications process and document. Professional Service Agreement Upon selection of a Firm the City and selected Firm shall enter into a contract for Professional Engineering Services. The City's standard Professional Services Contract is included as "Attachment A" shall serve as the agreement between the selected consultant and the City of McHenry. The selected Firm 's Final Proposed Scope of Services "Services", proposed "Project Schedule", and itemized schedule of costs "Compensation" shall be inserted into the Professional Services Contract and shall become a part of the contract. Questions and Addenda All inquiries regarding this RFP shall be submitted via a -mail to Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director, at jschIII itt(a,ci.mchenry.il.us no later than June 141 2017. The City of McHenry reserves the right to not respond to any or all inquiries. Responses will be provided in a written addendum with both inquiries and responses, without stating the source of the inquiry via e-mail not later than June 21, 2017. 51City of McHenry Request for Proposal Certification I hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Signature: Title: Firm: Date: HRGreen "Attachment B" Abbreviated Bridge Condition Report Boone Greek January 2017 Prepared by: Steve Schwarz, SE, PE Date Inspected: January 9, 2017 Proposed Letting Date: Fall 2018 HRGreen Project No: 160351 Prepared For: City of McHenry I. Administrative Data REGION: 1 DISTRICT: 1 COUNTY: McHenry ROUTE: Green Street SECTION: N/A JOB NUMBER: N/A PROPOSED LETTING DATE: Unknown STRUCTURE NUMBER: 056-6601 LOCATION: Green Street over Boone Creek II. Roadway/Structure Data Roadway Classification: ADT (2016): ADTT (2016): Inventory Rating: Operating Rating: Sufficiency Rating: Urban Major Collector 6582 329 0.695 (H20) 0.945 (H20) 78.9 Construction /Reconstruction /Repair History: • This concrete rigid frame three -sided structure was originally constructed in 1948 under Section 213-CS. • It consists of a 61.5' span with 20' approach slabs on each end. The original light standards are still present on the north end of the bridge but have been removed on the south end. An asphalt overlay has been applied at some time in the past, along with an added deck drain near the southeast corner. III. Structure Condition Data Inspection History (NBIS Ratings) Year: Deck Super: Sub: 2016 N/A 5 6 Deck and Substructure: The top surface of the concrete sidewalks on both the east and west sides are spalled and have been patched. The bottom of the arch exhibited some spalling of the concrete which has led to some of the steel reinforcement being exposed. This reinforcement is now rusting. There is about 280 square feet of delaminated concrete with another 80 square feet of spalled concrete on the underside of the arch. In addition to the spalls and delaminated concrete, about 70 feet of cracks were observed on the underside. The fascias on both sides show rust stains and cracks with leaching. There is about 220 square feet of cracked concrete with leaching, 35 square feet of spalled concrete and another 30 square feet of delaminated concrete. Delaminated concrete will quite likely spall off in the next few years. Since the deck and approach slabs have been overlayed with asphalt, the condition of the top sides of the concrete rigid frame could not be determined. IV. Discussion and Recommended Scoge of Work Option 1, Do nothing The least expensive option is to do nothing and wait until the bridge deteriorates enough to be eligible for federal funding. The bridge is currently structurally adequate for vehicular traffic and load restriction posting requirements are not anticipated in the near future. Sidewalk and railing conditions may be a liability, but they do not affect the sufficiency rating or load rating. There is no cost for this option; however, ongoing repairs will be required over the remaining 10 years of useful life. Option 2, Patching This option includes completely removing and replacing the sidewalks, removing, cleaning, painting and resetting the existing railings, Epoxy Crack Injection and Structural Repair of Concrete, <533. This work would consist of replacing the sidewalks which require the railings to be removed and replaced. The railings would be cleaned and painted before reinstallation. The water main will need to be temporarily supported or shut down and rehung on new brackets which the city already owns. All unsound concrete underneath the arch and on both sides would be removed, and then patches would be formed and cast. There is currently between 600 to 700 square feet of Structural Repair of Concrete, <5", needed on the sides and underneath the arch. Between 70 to 100 feet of cracks would also require Epoxy Crack Injection. This option would not remove the existing asphalt overlay and it is anticipated that this work could be done without any road closures. The sidewalks would require closures. This will extend the remaining useful life to 10 — 20 years. The Opinion of Probable Cost is: $ 344,000* Option 3, Bridge Rehabilitation This option includes all the work in Option 21 with additional work being done to the roadway. The existing asphalt wearing surface would be removed which would expose the original concrete deck. The top 1" of the concrete (assumed to be saturated with chlorides) would then be removed. A thorough inspection would then take place to determine the areas which need patching. After patching the deck and approach slabs, a new concrete wearing surface overlay would be applied. This work would require the sidewalks and parking areas to be closed, and some minor traffic lane rerouting so that staged construction could be used. Staged construction allows traffic to flow in both directions through the work zone while construction activities are taking place. This option will extend the remaining useful life to 25-30 years. The Opinion of Probable Cost is: $ 575,000* Option 4, Complete Replacement This option includes complete removal of the existing bridge and replacement with a new precast concrete 3-sided arch structure. This option could be done using staged construction techniques but would be done faster if the road was closed during removal and replacement. This option would result in the longest lasting solution, but is also the most expensive option. A new bridge will have a useful life of approximately 75 years. As the condition of the bridge worsens the sufficiency rating will decrease to a point that will make the construction costs eligible for federal matching funds. Use of federal funds will be contingent on completion of a Phase One engineering study (Project Development Report). The Opinion of Probable Cost is: $ 1,872,000* * Includes budget engineering costs ATTACHMENTS Attachment A. IDOT Master Structure Report Attachment B. Bridge Inspection Report Attachment C. Cost Estimate Attachment D. Structure Photos Attachment E. Abbreviated Existing Plans J:\2016\160351\Design\DeliverablesWbrevBCR-011317.docx �'AC H IVY �� ��9 T A IDOT Master Structure Report Illinois Department of Transportation Date: 01/20/2017 Structures Information Management System Page: 1 Structure Summary Report Structure Number: 056=6601 District: 1 T zI .,•( S,. , 4 f 4. t,,.r,. , , rt 3 Inuento •, , ,Data, I, z .:I.. 4,ur ,»t.:,.N, ,.,.,:,n, ., .I�...,t�»,>~ >a4.t.�,11a,5�; ,�..t, >»:. _., __ ..:..,>h r .,..�. e , ,,, : .»,.: l (,.r.�,.: s..,_., a:r4>i :. I , ,..:nc .rN1..4 ,t,<,,,,,,. »r.t., .., >r., .. ,r,�, .I -I,,ter ».,, ..lF t Facility Carried: GREEN STREET Bridge Name: GREEN STREET BRIDGE Sufficiency Rating: 81.5 Structure Length: 59.8 Feature Crossed: BOONE CREEK Location: A M S 120.2 M E 31 HBP Eligible: No AASHTO Bridge Length: 54.0 Bridge Remarks: Replaced By: Length of Long Span: 56.5 Bridge Status: 1 OPEN ,, NO RESTRICT Status Date: 04/1988 Replaces: Bridge Roadway Width: 50.0 Status Remarks: Last Update Date: 07/05/2012 Appr Roadway Width: 50.0 Maint County: 056 MCHENRY Maint Township: 12 MCHENRY Parallel Structure: None Deck Width: 64.0 Maint Responsibility: 04 MUNICIPALITY Multi -Level Structure Nbr: Sidewalk Width Right: 7.3 Service On/Under: 1 HIGHWAY 5 / WATERWAY Skew Direction: N None Sidewalk Width Left: 7.3 Reporting Agency: 4 MUNICIPALITY Skew Angle: 0 D Navigation Control: 0 No Main Span Matl/Type: 1 CONCRETE / 07 FRAME -RIGID & 3-SIDED Structure Flared: No Navigation Horiz Clear: 0 STRUCTURE Nbr Of Main Spans: 1 Nbr Of Approach Spans: 0 Historical Significance: No Navigation Vert Clear: 0 ***Approaches*** Border Bridge State: Culvert Fill Depth: 0.0 Near #1 Matl/Type: / Bdr State SN: Number Culvert Cells: 0 Near #2 Matl/Type: / Bdr State % Responsibility: 0 Culvert Opening Area: 0.0 Far #1 Mat[/Type: / Structural Steel Wt 0 Culvert Cell Height: 0,00 Far #2 Matl/Type: / Substructure Material: Culvert Cell Width: 0,00 Median Width/Type: 0 Ft. / 0 None Rated By: 2 IDOT Rate Method: 0 FIELD EVALUATION AND DOCUMENTED ENGINEERING JUDGEMENT Guardrail Type L/R: ONone / 0 None Inventory Rating: 0.750(27) Load Rating Date: 01/05/2017 Railroad Crossing Info Toll Facility Indicator: 0 No Toll Operating Rating: 1.250(45) Crossing 1 Nbr: Latitude: 42,34398320 S Longitude: 88,26715772 S Design Load: 04 H2O Crossing 1 Nbr: Deck Structure Type: A CIP CON NRMLLY FORM Deck Structure Thickness: 22.7 SD: N FO: N RR Lateral Underclear: 0.0 Sidewalks Under Structure: 0 None RR Vertical Underclear: 0 Ft 0 In _!. ,. „r:. ,4 .. !. .,. ,r. r L. , r �, l:. ,. � I r. I :.t, a , } t , I . 1 I ,.:. ,.r ( e,., 3: v, ,, i Y , . I I! r { . 7 $ } .,. II t,. s t .,. ,.4, t s, ...,- ,.,,. t ..s... Y :.4 ,} ..a.... .{ s.. I � ,. S '. . ,. <.. r , , 4,. l , .:., .. t, , Ke .Roulte:,lCnder Datat , 4.,: ! Bata ! l t _, l ,. » , Ke Route On ,. r':: ,. 4, �..:.. 1 I'Yt , t .., r S 4 ... v. t... t .1. ..,, ,.:,} { :. ....... .4 .... 4, l...r .. I. 1� ..r.r , t ,. : .,. t.. ,i t f. ., t. r.l ,. , t...„, ,..:. r. _.. .:., , £. .. „ t £ I 4 .,. f ,.r t .:: �1..4..1, 1 t4.... . , r.l.. ....... 044 3. a I .I 4 ,.,. { 4 ., 1 1. k... t,,. )..... ., .,. I ..£ ,., , . { .. .4 ..:, {,t -t. �,»,..r�.�.y.4 ,,.,..-1,.w:.,larws:.�...y:a��, �:», d�� ,.».»�..:,�.� t„,..:,,-�y»��� �,i�,�.,as:�:�.u_,..LL..,.,�.,.�._u:._.�.._�.�� 4 4»,w,h��.t„»„�.�:.�,�....,�.......,.:,_...,,,�.�..,�,v.,.,.. >..�s,� t.__..»».�,y..,��,�,.»�.,.,t_,�.,�rJ,,.�4d,� Lsus ..»iai. Key Route Nbr: FEDERAL -AID URBAN 0087 Station: 0,2200 Station: Appurtenances Main Route 00000 Segment: Segment: Inventory County: 056 MCHENRY Linked: Y Linked: Township/Road Dist 12 MCHENRY Natl. Hwy System: Not on NHS Natl. Hwy System: Municipality 3405 MC HENRY Inventory Direction: Inventory Direction: Urban Area: 1051 1051 Curr AADT Yr/Count: 2013 / 6050 Curr AADT Yr/Count: / Functional Class: 5 MAJOR COLLECTOR Est Truck Percentage: 5 Est Truck Percentage: ** CLEARANCES ** South/East North/West Number Of Lanes: 2 South/East North/West Number Of Lanes: Max Rdwy Width: 50.0 One Or Two Way: 2 Two -Way One Or Two Way: Horizontal: 52.0 0.0 Bypass Length: 0 Bypass Length: Future AADT Yr/Cnt: 2032 / 8575 Future AADT Yr/Cnt: / Designated Truck Rte: NONE Designated Truck Rte: Lateral: Special Systems: No Special Systems: D NI ` rkedt �r4RI o�ute°;,Uab,!a»t7a3�w,a,.1x"i, .=v4Yw{ £ ,,, 41 Designation Kind Number Designation Kind Number Route #1: 1 Mainline 8 Other Route #2: 1 Mainline Route #3: 1 Mainline Illinois Department of Transportation Structures Information Management System Structure Summary Report Structure Number. 066-6601 District: 1 Date: 01/20/2017 ~ Page: 2 Routine NBIS: 24 MOS Underwater: 0 MOS One Truck At A Time: 0 Combination Type 3S-1: Tons L Legal Load Only Special: N Single Unit Vehicles: LL Tons Combination Type 3S-2 Tons Inspection Date: Deck: Superstructure: Substructure: Culvert: Channel and Protection: Structural Evaluation: Deck Geometry: U nderclearan ce-Vert/Lat.: Waterway Adequacy: Approach Roadway Align: Bridge Railing Appraisal: Approach Guardrail: Pier Navig Protection: Inspection Date: Temperature: 05/20/201ti Inspection Temperature: 55Deg. F N NOT APPLICABLE 5 FAIR CONDITION - MINOR SECTION LOSS, CRACKS 6 SATISFACTORY CONDITION - MINOR DETERIORATION N NOT APPLICABLE 7 GOOD CONDITION - SOME MINOR PROBLEMS 5 BETTER THAN ADEQUATE TO BE LEFT IN PLACE 9 SUPERIOR TO PRESENT DESIRABLE CRITERIA N NOT APPLICABLE 8 EQUAL TO PRESENT DESIRABLE CRITERIA 8 EQUAL TO PRESENT DESIRABLE CRITERIA N N/A 111 Does Not Exist Does Not Exist Does Not Exist N N/A Inspection Method: Deck Wearing Surf: Deck Membrane: Deck Protection: Total Deck Thick: Last Paint Date: Appraisal Rating: ** Actual Posted Limits ** Single Unit Vehicles: Tons Combination Type 3S-1: Tons Combination Type 3S-2: Tons One Truck At A Time: 0 G BITUMINOUS OVERLAY Last Paint Type: F NONE J NONE 23.7 Analysis Date: 04/04/1995 Microfilm Data Recorded: No r: r {.,: s .:I 1 3 +.:t :,. .<� 'i' 7f L r ri., i; •.i I i'. .: a .Co structlon3.lnformatlon Route: Section Nbr: Contract Nbr: Fed Aid Pr#: Built By: 1948 Original A. S. 2 26-CS Sta: 6+45.00 00000000000000 4 CITY Reconstructed Sta: ATTACH����N � B Bridge Inspection Report Illinois Department Of Transportation SN: 056-6601 District: 1 Spans: 1 Appr. Spans: 0 Skew: 0 ADT: 6050 Truck Pet: 5 ADT Un: Mt. Co; MCHENRY Twsp: MCHENRY Status: OPEN - NO RESTRICT Facility Carried: IGREEN STREET Feature Crossed: BOONE CREEK Location 1.1 M S 1202 M E 31 Munlcipality: MC HENRY Team/Sub: / [nsplRte; Bridge Name: IGREEN STREET BRIDGE IMaterial & Type: CONCRETE/FRAME-RIGID & 3-SIDED STRUCTURE Insp. Intervals Routine: 1 24 1 Fracture Critical:1 0 jUnderwater 1 0 Special: I NIA lEfemeniLevel. 1 24 90 - Inspection Date: 1 5 / 20 116 90C --Temp. (°F) 55 90131 - In -Depth Is Delinquent: E Reason: 90A - Agpncy Program Manager: R. Davies 90A3 - Consultant Program Manager: R. Davies 90A1 Team Leader: I S, Schwarz 190A2- inspector: I S, Schwarz 906 _ Inspection Remarks: Arch underside and fascia concrete deteriorated. No footings found N o 0 '� ar d N a. c ARCH UNDERSit3E AND FASCIA CON'ERETE DETERIORATED. TOP OF FOOTING PROBED TO AT'BOTH ABUTMENTS. Resources Time to Inspect (H:M): 1:0 1 1: 00 ITraffic Control; I I jBoat: I B TB Waders; I I Isnooper: I I 1E Ladder: Manfftt: Bucket Truck: I I 10there Peewee Inspector's Appraisals Prev I New OWN Comments 58 Deck Condition: I N IN 3 —Superstructure Cond: 5 -5 ltil�ii�tilElm l' .---M0---- �111 '.. Pier Navig Protection: 1 N I N 90B - lnspectar Remarks: No footings or undercut were found when probing 6bth abutments a BBS-BlR (Rev. 43104/14j Sheet'[ 01 4 Routine inspection Report Structure Number: 0566601 Additional Inspection Data Prev New Bridge Railing Adequacy: N N Rail Types: Prev I New New New APON pproach Guardrail Adequacy; 36B -Transitions: ' y 1 36G - Guardrail: IFJ11 36D - Ends: N 1 108A •-Wearing Surface Type: G: � If "L-Other" Describe: 108E -Type of Membrane: F If "E-Other" Describe: 1080 - Deck Protection: J ) If "1•-Other" Describe: 108D-Total Deck Thickness (in): 23,7 23 59G --Utilities Akkached: 35N 3 5 N Goior: Fascia - Inter, - Railing If "B-Other" Describe: Prev I New Weight Limit Posting: 7UA2 — Single Unit Vehicles: Tans 70B2 —_Combination `fype:3S-1 (3 `r'r 4 a+,xd6S)& a Tons 70C2 -Combination Type.3S=2 (ti'ormore axles):. Tons 70D2 - Orfe* Truck at a Time: a0 . Joint Openings (in.) 90121- Inspector Remarks.Continued: s •. i (Rev. Signature Date Inspection Team Consultant Program Manager: t7 l � .Agency Program Manager:BEISmBIR - : - 03/04/14) Sheet 2 of 2 Illinois Department.... of Transportation Structure Number: 056-6601 90 — Inso, Date 061 20 / 2016 05 / 02 / 2008 05112 / 2010 05/ 10 / 2012 05120 / 2014 90A — Insp. Team LeadeuMalincation Schwarz/ HR Green / 3 R.Davies/SEC / 3 . Harding/SEC 12 . Harding/HRG / 2 R. Davies/ HRG / 3 Bridge inspection Year:16 08 10 12 14 fridge Inspection Report (MI) Maintenance County. MCHENRY Tem . Township: MCHENRY 055 Municipality: MCHENRY Q72 Fac Carried: GREEN STREET 048 Feat Crossed: BOONE CREEK 065 Location: .1 MI s. OF 120 0.2 MI E. OF 31 080 Mat/Type/# Span: CONCRETE/ 3-SIDED/01 Team Sect, _ Sub -Sect: — Appraisals Comments (A(1 commenfs must be dated.) 58 -Deck Conon: 5 6 6 5 5 Wearing Surface 2 2 2 Parapets / Bridge Railings: 2 2 2 Curbs: 2 2 2 2 Payerr►ent and walks assumed on fill over arch. {2016) A few transverse cracks and cracked at joints. (2016) Bottom rail loose at 3 loc. each side (2016) Spailing and cracking. (2016) Median: Sidewalks: 2 2 2 2 Spails, scaling and map cracking over most of sidewalk surfaces. Drain System: 4 4 4 4 Drain plugged full. May have damaged structure. {2016) Light Standards: Expansion Joints. 1 1 1 . Openings (In.): Covered with Bituminous Superstructure 59 - Superstructure Cond: 5 5 5 1.5 115 See additional notes`(2016) Bearing Devices. Girders / Beams / Stringers: Diaphragms / Braces: Trusses / Portals / Bracing: Rivets / Bolts: Paint: 60 -Substructure Cond: / Columns !Piles: / Columns /Piles: Fender Systems: Paint: Several vertical cracks. (2016} Concrete at NW wingwall 'ts breaking up around joint. (2016) BBS-BIR-1 (Rev, 10101} Sheet 1 of 5 Structure Number:056-6601 Bridge Inspection Year: 16 08 10 12 14 - . Appraisals Comments (Alf comments must be dated.) C•dv�rt 62 — Culvert Condition Top Sfab /Soffit: Side Walls /Arch: Bottom: Headwalls: Wingwalls: UVaterway and Channel 61 -Channel Condition: 7 7 7 7 7 Local Scour at storm sewer outlets (2016) Streambed: 3 3 3 3 Opening reduced by silt and debris (2016) Slope Walls & Rlp-Rap: J Concrete wall failing at N bank, D.S. (2016) Stream Banks: Spur Dykes &Jetties; 71-- 72 — Appr. Rdwy Allgnmetit: Riding Quality: 4 4 4 4 Structural Condition: 4 4 4 4 Settling at NW corner. Deteriorating at bridge joints. {2016) Relief Joints: Not visible under pavement. (2016) . 111 -- Pier Naviq. Protect'n: I NI (N I I NI f N I I N Inspection Remarks Year I#em 90B — InspeC#Ion Remarks (287 characters maximum.} Underside and fascia concrete has further deteriorated. Top of footing was probed to for north and south 0 N a N N N111111 abutments. Arch underside and fascia concrete has deteriorated. Top of footing was probed ko at both abutments. Arch underside and fascia are deteriorated. No footing or undercut found when abutments probed. , Sidewalk has tripping hazards. BBS-BlR-1 (Rev. 10/01) Sheet 2 of 5 nP, ridge, Inspection Report 36A - Bridge Railing Adequacy: Approach Guardrail Adequacy: Deck Thickness 59C -Utilities Attached: Additional Inspection Data Raii Types: 366 - Transitions: 1 1 1 36C - Guardrail: Structure Number:056-6601 36D II-"' FndS: Railing - BEack We#ght Limit Pasting o70A2 - Single Unit Vehicles: FT] • I Combinations: 70B2 - 3 or 4 Axle: I ' ! 70C2 - 5 or More Axle: 7 70D2 One Truck at a Time: 93C —Special Inspection Date: / / ! / I / 1 / ! / Signature Block - Signature Date in i - D - 05/14/2012 a IIIIII It ro 0. Additional Comments: 2016: The slab underside and sidewalks have continued to deteriorate. On the underside there is about 280 SF of delaminated concete, 50 SF of spalled concrete, and 2T of exposed reinforcement. There are also a few hairline transverse cracks full width near the midspan of the bridge. Both fascias show rust stains, 220 SF of leaching with 35 SF ofspalled concrete, 30 SF of delaminated concrete and 62' of exposed rebar. The sidewalks show many patches and trip hazards. The railings have 3 loose connections, both sides. Frosin at NW wingwall. 2010: The underside of the slab has further deteriorated from previous inspections. There is approximately 105 square feet of delaminated concrete, 25 square feet of spalled concrete, and 25' of exposed reinforcement. The east and west fascias exhibit significant rust stains and leaching with areas of spalled concrete. Diagonal cracks ;. on the underside will continue to be monitored. The sidewalks are deteriorating presenting a rough surface for pedestrians. A sink hole was observed in the south bound pavement behind the north abutment. (continue commen#s on page 4} r� `ac�z:,: idge Inspection Report Structure Number:056-6601 Additional Comments: 2012, The underside of the slab, sidewalks, and scour have further deteriorated from previous inspections. On the underside there is approximately 280 SF of delaminated concrete, 50 SF of spad concrete, and 25` of exposed reinforcement. There were also a few hairline transverse cracks the full width near the mid -span of the bridge. The transverse and diagonal cracks on the underside will continue to be monitored, The east and west fascias exhibit significant rust stains, 220 SF of leaching with 35 SF of spalled concrete, 30 SF of delaminated concrete, and 60' of exposed reinforcement. The sidewalks have further deteriorated presenting a rough surface for pedestrians and asphalt patches have been placed. It appears the sink hole in the southbound pavement behind the north abutment continues to receive asphalt patches. The railing is missing at the SW corner and should be replaced. The top of footing for the south abutment was probed to 5' deep with 1' of slit on top, only at the SE corner. The top of footing for the north abutment was probed to 5' deep with 1' of slit on top and 2' down along the face of the footing for 10' from the west fascia. 201�: The underside of the slab, sidewalks, and scour have further deteriorated from previous.i is approximately 280 SF of delaminated concrete, 50 SF"of and 25` of ex reinforcement: There were also a few hairline transverse cracks the full width near the mid -span of the bridge. The transverse and diagonal cracks on the underside wilt continue to be monitored. The east and west fascias exhibit significant rust stains, 220 SF of leaching with 35 SF of spalled concrete, 30 SF of delaminated concrete, and 60' of exposed reinforcement. The sidewalks have further deteriorated presenting a rough surface for pedestrians. It annears the sink hole in the southbound pavement behind the north abutment continues to receive asphalt patches. The raising is missing at the SW corner and should be replaced. 3 loose bottom rails on each side, connections rusted thru. Loose railing at NW approach. Two 1" trip hazards at settled sidewalk at NW corner. The top of footing was 5' down with 1'-2' of slit on to both abutments. Erosion around end of sheet pile by NW wi Concrete retaining wall along north bank, downstream of bridge, are tipping into creek. (Coniinue comments on additional pages as needed) Bridge inspection Report Structure Number:056-6601 Additional Comments: 0 �ia^+n v+'r1r�l/• iVdl�e4 q sr d04 y ff ��s I �t�fl� fin �' q e { !Gast ". r!�,ss ' � r i� •lt �O S WO' T+�i eart S (ccttlty 7 - PIP 1 �f SFv'A1 St+rf,�,� • Chi xille4fn.A.4p ma rr off, nix Nt, x4lrrtc-4 S#/A SIM 6" �Iml I y� xAGtllG�tas Ga/c+�e tklaaw'Irdi4t • , II OOfudlST�f�r�f �L�r/1f r.�t/ 1' ! iNt�'If+YFS A°JYC ���lPz'C,�7�S SPA<41 I Xlmr4trfs 4/.C., &"XIr (Continue comments on additfanal pages as ne�dadj Sheet 5 of 5 Illinois Department of Transportation Structures Inforr, )n Management System Inventory Turnaround. (S405) Structure Number: 056-6601 gate• 41/23/2016 Na �. ,JSzaNS District: 1 Maintenance County: MCHENRY Municipality: MC HENRY Bridge Status: OPEN _ NO RESTRICT Maintenance Township: MCHENRY Status Date: 0411988 Key Route On: FEDERAL -AID URBAN 0087 Sta: 0,2200 Seg: Spur/Alt: Main Route Sufficiency Rating: 78.9 Key Rt Under: Sta: Seg: SpurlAlt: HBP Eligible: No *****xxxx•,r:a*xxxx:<xxtxxxx:x::rxx x ,att*xt*t *v*xxxtr **** *** Screen 1 *******,***********x*****xxx***********xxt** Item No.1 Name Existing Values Revisions Item No.1 Name Existing Values Revisions (7) Faciility Carried: GREEN STREET (101) Parallel Designation: N _ (6) Feature Crossed: BOONE CREEK Parallel SN: (9) Location: A M S 120.2 M E 31 (8E) Replaced By Struct Number: (7A) Bridge Name: GREEN STREET BRIDGE (81)} Replaces Structure Number: �- (3$) Maintenance County: 056 (49) Structure Length (Ft.): 59.8 (3131) Maintenance Township: 12 (112) AASHTO Bridge Length (Ft.): 54.0 (21) Maintenance Resp: 04 (51) Bridge Roadway Width (Ft.): 50.0 _ Other Resp: (32) Approach Roadway Width (FL): 50.0 _ Other Sec Resp: (52) Deck Width (Ft.): 64.0 _ (42) Service OnfUnder: 15 _ (1071A) Deck Type/Thickness (In.): A 2247 1 Other Service On: Other Deck Type: — ,.. Other Service Under: (48) Length of Longest Span (Ft.): 56.5 _ (22A) Reporting Agency: 4 (46f6) NbrSpans Main/Approach: 1 0 Other Reporting Agcy: A •{43A1B) Main Span Material/Type. 1 07 (20) Toil Facility: 0 ._OtherSpan Material: (35) Structure Flared: 0 -Other Span Type: (31) Design Load: 44 = (44ANBN) Near Appr Span Matrl/Type #1: (31A) Struct Steel Weight (Lbs.): 0 (44ANBN) Near Appr Span Matrl£fype #2: / (60A/B) Substr Matri: (44AFBF) Far Appr Span Matrl/Type #1: (8A1) Bridge Remarks (Existing): (44AFlBF) Far Appr Span MatrlIType #2: Bridge Remarks (Revised): Item No.1 Name Existing Values Revisions Item No.1 Name Existing Values Revisions (34A) Skew Dir/Angle (DEG): N 1 0 `/ (202) Traffic' Permits Rte Sec Nbr: (33) Bridge Median Type: 0 (8B) Multi -Level Structure Number: (33A) Bridge Median Width (Ft): 0 (62A) Culvert Cells (Count): 0 (38) Navigation Control: 0 (62B) Culvert Cell Width (Ft.). 0.00 (39) Navigation Vert Clear (Ft): 0 (G2C) Culvert Cell Height (Ft.); 0.00 .� (40) Navigation Horiz Clea (Ft): 0 (62D) Culvert Opening Area (Sq. Ft.): 060 (50A) Sidewalk Width On - Right (Ft): 7.3 (62E) Culvert Fill Depth (Ft.): 0.4 (50B) Sidewalk Width On - Left (Ft): 7.3 (16) Latitude: 4224398320 (50C) Sidewalks Under Structure: 0 _ (17) Longitude: 88 26715772 (36E) Guardrails On - Right: 0 (98A) Border Bridge State Number: Other Guardrail Right: (98B) BorderBridge Adj State (% Resp): 0 (36F) Guardrails On - Left: 0 (99) Border Bridge Number Existing: Other Guardrail Left: Border Bridge Remarks (Existing): (8C) RR Crossing Numbers: (55B1) RR Lateral Underclearance (Ft.): 0.0 (54B3) RR Vert Underciearance (Ft. - ln.): 0 - 0 Cost Estimates Client: City of McHenry Job Name: Green Street over Boone Creek Job No.: 160351 Date: 1 /26/2017 SN 056-6601 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST OPTION 2 - REPLACE SIDEWALK AND REPAIR ARCH ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST 42001300 Protective Coat S . Yd. 40 $20.00 $800.00 50102400 Concrete Removal Cu. Yd. 34 $450,00 $157300.00 50300255 Concrete Superstructures Cu. Yd. 34 $600,00 $207400.00 50800205 Reinforcement Bars, Epoxy Coated Pound 3000 $1.75 $51250.00 59000200 Epoxy Crack In'ection Foot 100 $70.00 $77000,00 X7010216 Traffic Control and Protection (Special) L. Sum 1 $57000,00 $5,000,00 Z0016200 1 Deck Slab Repair Partial S .Ft. 350 $150,00 $52,500,00 Z0012752 IStructural Repair of Concrete = < 5" . Ft. 700 $120,00 $84,000,00 Remove, Blast, Paint, Reinstall Railing LFoot 200 $100000 $15,000,00 $20,000.00 $15,000,00 Tem ora Support, Rehan Watermain Sum 1 SUBTOTAL $2257250.00 Mobilization 6% L. Sum 1 $13,515,00 $131515,00 SUBTOTAL $238,765.00 Minor Items Not Included Above 20% $47,753.00 Construction TOTAL $2863518.00 Phase II Engineering 10% SUBTOTAL $28,651.80 Phase III Engineering 10% SUBTOTAL $281651.80 Construction & Engineering Total TOTAL $3433821a60 Client: City of McHenry Job Name: Green Street over Boone Creek Job No.: 160351 Date: 1 /26/2017 SN 05&6601 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST OPTION 3 - SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT AND ARCH REPAIR ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST 42001300 Protective Coat S . Yd. 156 $10.00 $1,560.00 44200071 Pavement Patching, Type IV, 6 inch S . Yd. 80 $20.00 $17600,00 50102400 Concrete Removal Cu. Yd. 34 $450,00 $157300,00 50300255 Concrete Superstructure Cu. Yd. 34 $600,00 $207400,00 50800205 Reinforcement Bars, Epoxy Coated Pound 3000 $1.75 $52250,00 59000200 lEpoxy Crack Injection Foot 100 $70.00 $72000,00 70400100 Temporary Concrete Barrier Foot 100 $30.00 $31000.00 70400200 Relocate Temporary Concrete Barrier Foot 100 $15.00 $1,500.00 X7010216 Traffic Control and Protection (Special) L. Sum 1 $151000.00 $15,000,00 Z0004556 Hot Mix Asphalt Surface Removal Deck S . Yd. 556 $20.00 $11,120.00 Z0006014 Bridge Deck Latex Concrete Overlay 2 1/2" S . Yd. 556 $100.00 $55,600.00 Z0016200 lDeck Slab Repair Partial S .Ft. 800 $150,00 $1207000.00 Z0012752 Structural Repair of Concrete = < 5" S . Ft. 700 $120,00 $84,000,00 Remove, Blast, Paint, Reinstall Railing Foot 200 $100.00 $203000.00 Temporary Support, Rehang Watermain L. Sum 1 $15,000,00 $15,000.00 SUBTOTAL $376,330.00 Mobilization 6% L. Sum 1 $225579,80 $22,579.80 SUBTOTAL $398,909,80 Minor Items Not Included Above 20% $79,781.96 Construction TOTAL $478,691.76 Phase II Engineering (10%) SUBTOTAL $47,869,18 Phase III Engineering 10% SUBTOTAL $47,869,18 Construction & Engineering Total TOTAL $574,430.11 Client: City of McHenry Job Name: Green Street over Boone Creek Job No.: 160351 Date: 1 /26/2017 SN 056-6601 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST OPTION 4 = BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Staged Construction ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST Bridge Replacement Sq.Ft. 63000 $200,00 $1,200,000,00 Minor Items Not Included Above 20% $240,000.00 SUBTOTAL $124403000,00 Phase I Engineering (10%) SUBTOTAL $144,000,00 Phase II Engineering 10% SUBTOTAL $144,000,00 Phase III Engineering 10% SUBTOTAL $144,000.00 Construction & Engineering Total TOTAL $1,8723000000 ATTACHMENT F-4 ATTACHMENT D Structure Photos '.11, ll m A 1 Il_ Il: LIl ,�' r� . aimk AL IV scan '� Lit � N � - _ - - ,. is /J .LI Il��p let y 1 ed Y. L x�•, _ Green Street over Boone Creek Bridge Condition Report SN 056-6601 Spalls/delamination on underside of arch Spalls/delamination on underside of arch Stains/delamination on east fascia Green Street over Boone Creek SN 056-6601 Stains/delamination on east fascia Bridge Condition Report Stains delamination on east fascia Stains delamination on west fascia Spall at deck drain penetration �3a lot WIFIFAk +rl Lyra :b' Proposal For , - _ CITY OF McHENRY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT June 28, 2017 MENLO �TA NINE All SAM * + 1 or Mcpp"m Certification I hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Timothy J. Hartnett Signature: Title: V.P. Governmental Services Midwest Firm: HR Green, Inc. Date: June 28, 2017 P 420 North Front Street I Suite 100 i McHenry, IL 60050 Main 815.385.1778 + Fax 815.385.1781 HRGreen June 28, 2017 City of McHenry Public Works Department Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Re: Proposal for Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Professional Engineering Services Dear Mr. Schmitt: i i1RG"EL14.COM HR Green, Inc. (HR Green) is pleased to submit a proposal for the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Engineering Services opportunity. We are well-informed as to the current condition of the Green Street Bridge over Boone Creek based on our findings submitted in our Abbreviated Bridge Condition Report in January 2017. We are sensitive to the importance and historic significance of this structure as well as the timeliness for immediate maintenance and repair. Our team is uniquely qualified for this scope of services due to our familiarity with the bridge, IDOT requirements and the McHenry Public Works Department. HRGreen would be honored to further our relationship and address this imperative need efficiently and in accordance with your budget limitations. If you have questions about our proposal or would like additional information about HR Green, please contact Chad Pieper at 815,759.8346 or Tim Hartnett at 815.759.8328. Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. We look forward to continuing our work with the City. Sincerely, HR GREEN, INC. Chad Pieper, PE Municipal Services Manager Governmental Services: Midwest r � l.� timothy J. artnett Principal/Vice President Practice Leader - Governmental Services: Midwest Project Understanding In January of this year, HR Green, Inc. (COMPANY) completed an Abbreviated Bridge Condition Report (BCR) for the City of McHenry. This BCR included recommendations of four different options that would address maintenance issues on the bridge. This project consists of preparing plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of the sidewalks, relocation of the existing water main with new hangers and minor patching of the bridge as indicated in Option 2 of the BCR. Specifically, this option includes: • Sidewalk replacement on the bridge with new connections to the existing sidewalk off of the structure; • Removing, repainting and reinstalling the existing metal railings; • Patching the concrete on the underside and wing walls of the bridge; • Filling existing cracks with an epoxy material to prevent water penetration; and • Supporting and rehanging the existing watermain on the new brackets, currently in the City 's possession. It is the intention of the City to have this project ready to bid by April 30, 2018, to coincide with City's fiscal year. In -Stream Work It is our understanding that no in -stream work will be performed and therefore no outside agency permitting is required (ALOE, IDNR, ]EPA, McHenry County Stormwater Commission). Historic Classification We understand the changes are minor and will not change the appearance of the bridge. Additionally, though referred to as "historic," the Green Street Bridge is not designated as historic by the State of Illinois. We have, therefore, assumed coordination with IHPA will not be required. Design Guidelines The plans and specifications are to be developed in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, the Bureau of Bridges and Structures standards, and the Bureau of Local Roads standards. Utility Conflicts Based on the information provided in RFI #1, there are City owned electric cables for the existing roadway lighting and AT&T owned telephone cables running through the sidewalks in existing conduits. These utilities will need to be addressed during the design phase of the project. Our assumption is the sidewalk replacement will include new ducts similar to existing. COMPANY will need to coordinate with AT&T at the start of this project as this utility has been known to have a long lead time in moving any existing utilities. Traffic Control All of the work on the bridge will be able to be completed by blocking off parking stalls and staging traffic with daily lane closures. No complete closure of the bridge is anticipated. Professional Engineering Services �> Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation HRGreen PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 1 Proposed Scope of Services COMPANY proposes to perform the following work in order to produce the Final Plans and Specifications for the City to use for bidding purposes. 1. Data Gathering/Survey Topographical pick-up survey will be performed on the existing structure, as necessary to assess the existing locations and elevations of items including the existing railings and sidewalks. This information along with detailed field measurements will be used to supplement and confirm existing drawings, photographs, inspection reports and the most recently completed BCR. 2. Project and Utility Coordination COMPANY will coordinate a project kick-off meeting with the City upon receipt of the notice to proceed. COMPANY will review the City's preferences for materials, proposed locations for any utility relocates and anticipated project schedule. COMPANY will provide meeting minutes. COMPANY will coordinate with the owners of the existing dry utilities located on the bridge early in the project. The phone utility is known to have long lead times in relocating their cables. COMPANY will coordinate with City staff for relocations of the existing street lighting power cables. 3. Structural Design COMPANY will perform the necessary structural calculations relating to the rehabilitation and reuse of existing pedestrian railings, rehanging of the attached water main onto the City's new brackets, and all necessary sidewalk reinforcement. 4. Engineering Plan and Specification Preparation COMPANY will prepare construction plans and contract documents on IDOT BLR forms. Plans submittals to the City are anticipated at 60% design, 90% design and a final submittal. A design review meeting will be held at each stage with City staff. After said meeting the City will provide COMPANY with review comments in a reasonable time period, which will be established at each meeting. COMPANY will provide meeting minutes. Each plan submittal is anticipated to consist of: • Cover Sheet with SE signature and seal; • General Notes and Summary of Quantities; • Sidewalk Replacement Plan, sections and details with Bill of Materials and Bill of Bars; • Railings Plan, sections and details; • Water Main Rehabilitation Plan and details; • Patching and Crack Filling Plan and details; and • Traffic Control Plan and details. COMPANY will provide three (3) full size (22"x34") plan sets and three (3) project manuals at each review stage with a PDF copy available upon request. COMPANY will prepare a project manual which will contain all necessary bidding documents, project procedures, and any necessary special provisions. COMPANY will prepare an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Costs (EOPC) for the anticipated construction costs associated with the work. An EOPC will be provided at each stage of review, understanding that the preliminary EOPC must be submitted by December 1, 2017, for City planning and budgeting purposes. Professional Engineering Services � Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation SCOPE OF SERVICES ( 2 HRGreen PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES CONTINUED 5. Bidding Services and Construction Support As stated in the RFP, the City will advertise the project, distribute plans to prospective bidders, collect the bids, and open the bids. COMPANY will assist City staff, as necessary, with providing responses to information requests and issuance of Addenda during the bidding phase of the project. It is understood that the City will provide all other necessary bidding services. COMPANY will provide Shop Drawing review as necessary during the construction phase of the project, anticipating reinforcement drawings, patching material submittals, railing paint submittals, and wiring submittals. COMPANY will assist City staff with providing answers to contractor's requests for information during the contraction phase of the project. It is understood that the City will provide construction observation services per the RFQ. COMPANY will attend meetings as necessary, anticipating two (2) meetings for the project coordination during construction. COMPANY will provide two (2) staff members, as necessary, for each meeting anticipating one (1) hour for each meeting. No travel time is necessary. COMPANY will provide meeting minutes for attended meetings. Project Schedule Notice to proceed July 17, 2017 Kick-off Meeting July 19, 2017 Data Gathering Complete August/September 2017 60% Design Review Meeting and submittal October 6, 2017 60% Comments due from City October 13, 2017 Utility Plan submittal ON or before October 20, 2017 Preliminary EOPC submittal ON or before December 1, 2017 90% Design Review Meeting and submittal December 20, 2017 90% Comments due from City January 5, 2018 Final Submittal February 1, 2018 Compensation Professional Engineering Services �-= Green Street Dridge Rehabilitation HRGreen SCOPE OF SERVICES, SCHEDULE AND COMPENSATION 13 Project Team Chart Our proposed staff are available to provide the required scope of the professional engineering services needed to support the Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation. All of the staff proposed operate out of our McHenry office, located just one mile from the City of McHenry's City Hall and from the Green Street Bridge. Chad Pieper, PE HR Green, Inc. PROJECT ENGINEER 14 Steven Schwarz, PE, SE HR Green, Inc. Mike Fischer, PLS Robert Davies, PE, SE Jack Melhuish, PE HR Green, Inc. HR Green, Inc. HR Green, Inc. Professional Engineering Services l> Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation HRGreen TEAM CHART 4 ❑'IY OF �cHe-_- �r�y ooa X F A X To E T X E E O A R I Y Prepared for: City of McHenry Attn: Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Submitted by: Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. (HLR) 380 Shepard Drive Elgin, Illinois 60123 Ph. (847) 697-6700 Fax (847) 697-6753 Questions can be directed to: Randy Newkirk, PE, CFM Design Engineering Manager Ph. (847) 697-6700 rnewkirk@hlreng.com KlR June 28, 2017 Mr. Jon M. Schmitt Public Works Director City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. Civil Engineers • Structural Engineers • Land Surveyors • Environmental Specialists www.hlrengineering.com RE: Request for Proposal —Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Schmitt: The City of McHenry is a bustling community offering a wide variety of living, working, and leisure opportunities. The Green Street Bridge is located in a historical downtown that has significant upgrades occurring, including outdoor dining and recreational opportunities. The proposed bridge improvements must be a continuation of the upgrades occurring within the neighborhood. With that in mind, we are excited about the opportunity to provide McHenry with professional engineering services that will aid in extending the lifespan of the Green Street Bridge. We have a highly qualified, ready, and eager team available for this project, and can offer the following benefits on these improvements: ■ Well -Rounded Expertise: We are afull-service firm and can offer all the requested services in-house, particularly the structural engineering required for this project. Our team consists of NBI Qualified Program Managers and Team Leaders with inspection expertise, who are also Licensed Structural Engineers. Our Structural Engineers each have 20+ years of design experience providing repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction plans. They have successfully completed projects with municipalities throughout Chicagoland, taking into account the individuality of each community. ■ Stakeholder Communication Experience: Our team brings years of experience on similar municipal improvements, along heavily -traveled roadways where businesses, residents, and first responders required constant coordination. We realize that community outreach is one of the most important aspects of what we do. This ensures all issues are considered during design, and safety is a top priority during construction. In particular, businesses rely on the ease of both motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic to draw business. We will focus on the businesses nearby the Green Street Bridge to ensure that the project allows for mobility of both cars and pedestrians. ■ Permitting Assistance: We have successfully provided permitting assistance for many similar projects. We will start and develop the plans in accordance with permitting requirements so that review times and comments can be reduced. Our continued working relationship with permitting agency staff will help expedite the process. Since permitting can often delay construction projects, we will look at ways to reduce the review times to keep your project on schedule. We have read and understand the scope of services for this project and agree to the terms and conditions listed in the RFP. We look forward to continuing to develop our relationship with the City and the opportunity of working together to make this project a success. If you should have any questions or comments regarding our submittal, please feel free to contact me at 847-697-6700 or dhhinkston@hlreng.com. Yours truly, HAMPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC. David H. Hinkston President/CEO 380 Shepard Drive 6825 Hobson Valley Drive, Suite 302 3085 Stevenson Drive, Suite 201 323 W. Third Street, P.O. Box 160 Elgin, Illinois 60123-7010 Woodridge, Illinois 60517 Springfield, Illinois 62703 Mt. Carmel, Illinois 62863 Te1.847.697.6700 Te1.847.697.6700 Te1.217.546.3400 Te1.618.262.8651 Fax 847.697.6753 Fax 847.697.6753 Fax 217.546.8116 Fax 618.263.3327 GREEN STREET BRIDGE REHABILITATION Table of Contents Appendix A: Signed Certification SECTION I: FIRM INTRODUCTION 1`l For over 40 years, we have been working with communities to design vibrant places for people to live, work, and play. Our team is full of smart, driven people with an impressive range of experience, achievements, and backgrounds. When it comes to engineering, we understand that every project is unique, and believe every client deserves their own solution. If selected for this contract, our team will work with City staff and stakeholders to understand your needs, the goals of each project, and figure out the best way to bring it all to life without a cookie -cutter approach. Below, and in the following pages, we have provided additional details on who we are, what we do, and how we excel: Management Structure We are an employee -owned firm based in Elgin, Illinois. It was incorporated in Delaware in 1965. David Hinkston, PLS, currently serves as the company's President/CEO. Because our employees are our owners, we have an added sense of responsibility to ensure that our clients' needs are met and they are satisfied with the results. Office Locations We have four office locations throughout Illinois, making us big enough to handle the largest projects, yet small enough to never lose sight of the personal relationships we make. 380 Shepard Drive ` 6825 Hobson Drive, #302 Elgin, IL 60123 Woodridge, IL 60517 4el. (847) 697-6700 Tel. (847) 697-6700 Fax (847) 697-6753 Fax (847) 697-6753 3085 Stevenson Drive, #201 Springfield, IL 62703 Tel. (217) 546-3400 Fax (217) 546-8116 323 West 3rd Street Mount Carmel, IL 62863 Tel(618)262-8651 Fax (618) 263-3327 License and Certifications HLR meets the appropriate state licensing requirements to practice in the State of Illinois as well as Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Iowa and is also prequalified by the Illinois Department of Transportation ([DOT) in 21 categories. We have provided a copy of our IDOT prequalification letter and State of Illinois license on the following page. Insurance HLR carries Professional Liability Insurance as well as General, Auto, Workmen's Comp &Employee Liability coverage. A sample certificate will be provided upon request. No Conflicts of Interest HLR does not have any personal or organizational conflicts of interest with the City of McHenry. Additionally, if selected for this contract, the firm will forgo contracting engineering work for any future non -municipal -funded development projects in the City for the duration of the agreement. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 1 SECTION I: FIRM INTRODUCTION IDO I Pre -Qualification Letter and State of Illinois Professional Design Firm License: III'mois Department of Transportation 2300 South Dlrksen Parkway/ Springfield, Illinois I S27e4 November 48, 2076 Subject: PREUh11NARY ENGINEERING ConsutlanI Unit Prequallficalian File David Hinkston HAhIPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC. 380 Shepard Dove Elgin, IL 60123 Dear David Hlnkston, We have completed our review of yoru'Smtemenlof Experience and Flnandal Contlibon' (SEFC) whlGn you submitted for the Oscan year ending Dec 31, 2D15. Your firm's total annual transportation fee capacity will be SMA00,000. Your fum's payroll burden and (rings expense rate and general and administrative expense rate totaling 147.00% are approved on a provisional basis. The rate used to agreement negotiations may be verified by our O(fica of quality Compliance and Review In a pre -award audiL Your firm Is required to submit an amended SEFC through the Engineering Prequalilicallon &Agreement System (EPAS) to This office to show any additlons or deletions of your licensed professional staff or any other key personnel that wnutd affect your firm's prequalifieation In a particular category_ Changes must he submitted within 16 =lender days of the change and be submitted through the Fngineodng Praqualifi=llon and Agreement System (EPAS). Your firm Is ptequallfed until December 31, 2016_ You will be given an additional six months from this data to submAt the applicable portions of the "Statement of Experience and Financial Condition' (SEFC) to remain prequalified. Sincerely, Maureen hL Addis Aching Bureau Chief Bureau of Design & Environment � McHenry, � SEFG FREQUALIFICATIONS FOR HAMPTON, LENLNI AND RENWICN, INC. CATEGORY STATUS Specal Stuefies- Location Drainage X Structures - Highway. Simple X Hydraulic Reports- Waterways Complex X Special Services - Surveying X Special Studies- Signal Coordination & Timing (SCAT) X Lxation Design Soirees - ReconstructicnMajo Rehabilitation X Sirurduras - Highway. Advanced Typical X Speciat Studies - Safety X Hydraulic Reports - Waterways Typical X Spec'W Services -Construction Insperbon X Spxial Studies - Feast ity X Hydraulic Reports - Pump Stations X Special Shxf'ies-Traffic Signals X Feglrways - Roads and Streets X Location Design Studies- New Construction/Major Reconstruction X Spacial Studies - Traffic Studies X Special Services - Elecuid Engineering X Location Design Studies - Rehabilitation X Emiecrvnernal Reports - Environmental Assessment X H'yhxap - Freeways X SPnucWres - Highway Typical X % PREDUALIFIED A NOT PREgUAUFlEO, REVIEW THE COMklENTS UNDER CATEGORY V�vV FOR DETAILS W EPAS. S PREOUALIMED, BUT WILL NOT ACCEPT STATEMENTS OF INTEREST tale 4f �YYiliOt� Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Division of Professional Regulation LICENSE NO. Td•c . nm.d, mmdn�.non d.,.. non nb>dnoe r.smwrederm EXPIRES 184.000959-0014 ioaw°wne°.m'e"e%m .m wamn.nrn.erw.ma 04/30/2019 035,003302 x. DESIGN FIRM - LS/PE/SE a s. HAMPTON LENZINI AND RENWICK INC 380 SHEPARD DR ELGIN,IL 60123-7010 Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 2 SECTION I: FIRM INTRODUCTION Services Provided In -House We offer a wide range of services to meet our clients' needs on a variety of projects from streetscape and multi -use path upgrades to utility and native area enhancements. Our team regularly works with municipalities and IDOT Local Roads to coordinate agency projects and deliver improvements to local communities. The following is a list of services we provide in-house: Preliminary Engineering Feasibility Studies Public Involvement Intersection Design Studies Federal -Aid Documentation/Reports Grant Applications & Assistance Bridge and Retaining Wall Rating Evaluation and Planning Structure Design Building Structure Forensics Reservoir/Elevated Tank Inspections Asset Management Utility Mapping System Modeling Database Design Training Roadway/Stormwater Improvements Lighting Evaluation & Design Development Plan Review A)A-Compliant Design and Planning Pavement Evaluation/Maintenance Traffic Signal/Interconect Design Optimization/Re-Optimization Signal Coordination and Timing Temporary Signal Timings Traffic/Speed/Safety Studies NPDES Documentation Native Area Management Wetland Delineations/Permitting Green Infrastructure Design/Build CCDD, Air, and Noise Analysis Construction Observation Public Relations/Coordination Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Layout/Verification Documentation/ICORS/eFieldReporting Topographic/Route/Boundary Surveys Right -of -Way Surveys and Plats ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys Drone Surveys Appraisals and Negotiations Ground/Surface Water Source Design Treatment Plant/Collection Systems Hydraulic Distribution Modeling Telemetry & Control System Design Pump and Lift Stations Firm Resources We are fully staffed and equipped to provide all design and construction -related services for any project. Our staff consists of a team of engineers with extensive experience working directly with many jurisdictions, municipalities, and counties within Illinois. Our technical staff currently includes: ■ 26 Licensed Professional Engineers ■ 4 Licensed Structural Engineers ■ 9 Licensed Professional Land Surveyors ■ 3 Professional Traffic Operations Engineers ■ 8 Designated Erosion Control Inspectors ■ 4 Certified Floodplain Managers ■ 5 Certified Wetland Specialists 2 Professional Wetland Scientists ■ ■ 3 Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control ■ 2 Certified General Appraisers ■ 1 IDOT-Approved Negotiator ■ 3 Certified Arborists ■ 14 Certified IDOT Quantity Documentation Inspectors ■ 3 Certified Public Infrastructure Inspectors Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 3 SECTION II: PROJECT UNDERSTANDING As part of one of the fastest growing counties in Illinois, the City of McHenry is consistently looking for ways to enhance its community. Finding a fiscally responsible method to prolong the lifespan of its infrastructure, including repairing bridges, is one way to ensure public safety and wellbeing of the community. We understand the City is now seeking a firm to provide design engineering services for the Green Street Bridge rehabilitation. We will adhere to your deadlines and maintain continual and open communication with City staff, as we believe these are the essential components of any project. Critical Proiect Components Our team reviewed the Bridge Condition Report and walked the project site to gain a better understanding of potential challenges. We have identified the following important items: ■ Structural Repair Limits Structural repairs of delaminated and spalled concrete can extend the lifespan of a bridge by removing the deteriorated concrete and protecting the existing reinforcement bars. The reinforcement is cleaned and incorporated into the formed concrete or shotcrete repairs. Our team utilizes a hands-on inspection to determine the limits of the repair areas and investigate the potential depth of repair. Areas of delamination are sounded, and unsound concrete is removed to determine depths of repair. This reduces potential issues during construction when repair depths and sizes can increase. Particular consideration will be made to the east face of the bridge to evaluate the areas of concrete repair next to the suspended watermain connections. Options for relocating supports will be evaluated to potentially avoid water main shut downs. ■ Permitting Coordination and communication with regulatory agencies is essential to successful project implementation. For the rehabilitation to the Green Street Bridge, we anticipate permitting with the following agencies: Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), McHenry -Lake Soil Water Conservation District, McHenry County Stormwater Department, and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). Submittal of the permit application will be required during the plan development. Our team is experienced in permit preparation and best management practices. In addition, our in-house staff is experienced in wetland delineation. ■ Locally Funded Project Our design team has vast experience designing for locally funded projects and working directly with the decision makers. We understand that coordination throughout the project with the City's staff will reduce your review time and ensure that the final product meets the desires of the community. Throughout the project, we will update you on the project schedule and our progress with plan development. In addition, as the rehabilitation plans are developed, we will prepare a cost estimate for your budgetary purposes, keeping in mind the December 1 deadline. If alternatives are discussed, we will provide costs to assist with the decision -making process. ■ Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Green Street provides both pedestrian and traffic access across Boone Creek and connects to recreational pathways in McHenry. In addition, parking spaces are available in both directions of traffic. Our proposed work sequencing will be to provide at least one open sidewalk during the rehabilitation. Using the parking spaces for work zone, we will design for maintaining traffic in both directions. Our team will discuss special events and construction scheduling with the City staff to minimize impacts to your community. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 4 SECTION III: SERVICES Scope of Work Our team has significant experience on bridge improvement projects. We can perform all services outlined in the RFP. We anticipate the following steps needed to complete this project on -time, within budget, and with the least impact to residents. We look forward to working with City staff to fine-tune this approach and meet your exact needs. l�H� %,-y Kick -Off Meeting We will participate in a kick-off meeting with the City discuss desired outcomes, potential issues, and schedule. Preliminary Inspection We will investigate the abbreviated Bridge Condition Report (BCR), inspection reports, and existing plans. Ahands-on inspection will be performed to accurately determine the areas of delamination and spalls that will need to be repaired on the bottom and faces of the superstructure. All cracks to be repaired will also be documented. The existing condition of the water main brackets and connections will be photographed and documented. The inspection notes will be the basis of the repair plans. The rehabilitation scope will be confirmed during this phase. Environmental Studies and Permitting For the rehabilitation of the Green Street Bridge, the following environmental studies and permitting will be required: IDOT Environmental Survey Request (ESR) ■ Illinois Historic Preservation Agency for cultural resources ■ IDNR for State -listed threatened/endangered species ■ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Federally -listed threatened and endangered species Wetland Screening and Delineations: As this project involves Boone Creek, a tributary to the Fox River, our environmental team will perform the wetlands and Waters of the U.S. delineation and prepare a report. If no impacts are proposed, we will submit a Letter of No Objection to the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). If impacts cannot be avoided (such as scour protection or construction disturbance) we will prepare the appropriate wetland permits for submittal to the USACE. Erosion Control Plans: The USACOE wetland permit will require coordination with the McHenry -Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District (MCSWCD) for review and approval of the soil and erosion control plans. Preliminary Environmental Assessment: A PESA will be prepared per ]DOT requirements to determine the presence of any Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs). United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Permit: USACE Regional Permit 7 for temporary construction activities for the repair of the superstructure. McHenry County Stormwater Permit: The project will likely not disturb over 5,000-square-feet, wetlands, or floodplains located within the project limits, therefore a stormwater permit is not anticipated. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR): The project will likely be considered maintenance and therefor will not require a floodway permit under the IDNR-OWR 3708 regulations. If changes occur that necessitate a floodway permit, HLR can assist the City. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 5 SECTION III: SERVICES Pre -Final Plans and Bid Documents Structural repair plans will be created for the replacement of sidewalks, restoration and reinstallation of the railings, and concrete and crack repairs to the superstructure of the Green Street Bridge over Boone Creek. The construction plans will be coordinated with the existing suspended water main. It is anticipated that the plans will include: ■ Cover Sheet ■ Summary of Quantities and General Notes ■ Traffic Control for Sidewalk and Railing Restoration ■ Structural Repair Plans indicating Concrete and Crack Repairs ■ Sidewalk Replacement Plans including Utility Details ■ Railing Details ■ Water Main Coordination ■ Erosion Control Plans Quality Assurance/Quality Control We will perform necessary Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) throughout the project. QA/QC will be performed by a senior staff member to ensure there are no errors and project goals are met. This is a crucial step, as many mistakes can be eliminated before field changes, schedule impacts, and material/cost overruns occur. Final Plan Delivery We will deliver the plans/specifications and bid documents to the City oI McHenry by the agreed -upon letting date in the required format. 111�3 if It Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 6 SECTION We KEY TEAM MEMBERS Hely / We assign staff to a project based on their prior experience and technical expertise in the scope of work anticipated. Once assigned to a project, he/she will be involved in that project from beginning to end. By utilizing the same personnel throughout the process, we can maintain continuity with the City and effectively communicate during the improvements. The following organizational chart illustrates HLR's proposed team for these improvements. Resumes for key staff have been provided in the following pages. Resumes for all additional listed staff will be provided upon request. Steve Megginson, PE, SE swmegeinson @hireng.com Structural Engineer, 27 years of experience as a designer, project manager, QC/QA reviewer; permit and aid specialist. Springfield Office Structural Design Engineer Tenn Anderson, PE, SE janderson@hlrena.com Bridge design; existing substructure rehabilitation; aesthetic design components; overall project design. Elgin Office McHe ®2 l ` x< . or ur iax RIVIA Erica Spolar esoolar@hlrene.cam Environmental review; erosion control plans; wetland delineation; permitting. Elgin Office Andy Underwager, PE, SE a underwa aer@ hlrena.com S[mctural Engineer; 25 years of experience; permit and aid specialist; regulatory agency and team collaboration expert. Elgin Office Luke Potthast, PE loottha st@hlren¢.com Bridge design; existing substructure rehabilitation; plan detailingand specifications. Springfield Office loe Frazee, PE iwfrazee@hlrena.mm Hydraulic review and design; erosion control and scour protection; municipal road design. Springfield Office DirkYuill dvuill@hlrene.com Municipal road design; highway a nd ornamental street lighting design. Elgin Office Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 7 SECTION IV: KEY TEAM MEMBERS Andy is Senior Structural Engineer with over 25 years of experience in transportation -related projects. His responsibilities include preparing contract plans, specifications, and cost estimates for bridge structures, performing bridge inspections, and preparing Bridge Condition Reports and bridge type studies. He takes time to thoroughly understand a project, then searches for cost- effective innovative solutions. His hands-on approach and dedication to constant communication is an asset on every project, putting clients' minds at ease and making for a smooth, transparent project completion. Representative Proiects Coombs Road over the DM&E RR, Elgin Township, Project Manager and Structural Engineer Licenses and Certifications on this Phase I and Phase II project to replace the three -span structurally deficient precast Structural Engineer, Illinois, prestressed deck beam bridge with a steel beam and concrete deck superstructure. Regulatory t081-006218 Agency Coordination and Permitting through IDOT, Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), City Professional Engineer, Illinois, of Elgin, Kane County DOT, Kane-DuPage SWCD, the DM&E RR, and CPRR. M62-053211 Representative Projects (prior to joining HLR) Education Bethany Road Improvements, including Bridge over Kishwaukee, City of DeKalb. Lead B.S., Mathematics, Structural Engineer for the widening of Bethany Road from North First Street to Illinois Route 23, Western Illinois University, IL a distance of approximately 56004eet, including replacement of the structure over the Kishwaukee River. The project included replacement the existing three -span PPC Deck Beam B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Structure (SN 0194704), with a three -span PPC Deck Beam Superstructure (SN 019-6107) Chicago, IL including a separated bicycle/pedestrian path and approach slabs. Phase II included data review, utility coordination, roadway and structural plans, specifications and estimates, hydraulic analysis, permitting and environmental coordination. Illini Bridge over Klein Creek, Village of Carol Stream. Project Manager and Structural Engineer on this Phase I and Phase II project to replace the two -span Illini Road Bridge over Klein Creek. Phase I engineering included a comprehensive preliminary engineering study, which included a Project Development Report, bridge inspection and Bridge Condition Report, environmental survey, stream hydraulic analysis, geotechnical investigation, preliminary design survey, and stream survey. French Road over Burlington Creek Bridge Replacement, Kane County, IL. Project Manager and Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I and Phase II engineering for the replacement of French Road Bridge over Burlington Creek. The project involved widening and raising the existing two-lane roadway with a new two-lane bridge with a wide flange steel beam superstructure supported on a reinforced concrete pile bent abutments to meet current roadway standards and meet hydraulic requirements. Phase I engineering included a comprehensive preliminary engineering study, which included a Project Development Report, bridge inspection and Bridge Condition Report, environmental survey, stream hydraulic analysis, geotechnical investigation, preliminary design survey, stream survey, right-of-way survey, plats and legal descriptions. Illinois Avenue over the Fox River, City of Aurora. Lead Structural Engineer responsible for the design and preparation of contract plans, specifications, and cost estimates for rehabilitation of the two contiguous structures spanning the Fox River. Scope of work included removing the existing concrete T-beam superstructures and replacing with a cast -in -place concrete deck on steel wide flange beams and substructure widening. The rehabilitated four -span continuous west structure measures 296'-8" and the two -span continuous east structure measures 146'-3" back- to-back of abutments. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 8 SECTION IV: KEY TEAM MEMBERS Steve is currently responsible for leading all IDOT, Tollway, and local agency bridge projects as well as the growth and performance of our structural department. Through his practical approach, Steve works closely with our clients to deliver quality projects. He also serves as Program Manager for NBIS bridge safety inspections and condition evaluations for local agencies. Steve is known for integrity, work ethic, and undivided commitment to the public. f {itt V�i'!l r� r,rf r�°fL � - - • • 1 )�I f, r r/ l�\��� •Gougar Road Bridge • •n, Will County Departmentof • Project Man. • - L, and Structural Engineer for this contract. This bridge rehabilitation consisted of a three superstructure replacement and channel stabilization to improve a deteriorated PPC deck beam Licenses and Certifications bridge in Manhattan Township. HLR developed the preliminary BCR, Hydraulic Report, and final Structural Engineer, Illinois, designs. A USACE regional permit and sediment control plan for stone riprap scour •1: 11.1.E countermeasures _ re required, Professional Engineer, Illinois, Newberg Road Bridge Maintenance, City of Belvidere. Project Manager and Structural #062-50051 Engineer for the inspection, planning, and design of bridge maintenance measures to improve Education the condition of the superstructure and safety of the bridge. Improvements include replacement B.S., Civil Engineering, of expansion joints, painting WF beams, bridge rail replacement, scour countermeasures, and University of Illinois the approach guardrail at the bridge parapets. Urbana -Champaign, IL Price Road &Hinckley Road Bridges, Big Rock Township Highway Department. Project Manager and QAQC Review Engineer for these Phase I and Phase II projects which include evaluation of PPC deck beams and in -place foundations under scoured conditions for each bridge. Prepared a BCR, PDR, and final contract plans for replacement of Price Road bridge and the superstructure and pier replacement for Hinckley Road Bridge using STR-HBP funds. Jenn is a Structural Engineer with 20 years of experience in the transportation industry. � Throughout her career, she has worked on a variety of state and municipal transportation improvement projects. Prior to joining HLR, Jenn worked as both a Project Manager and Structural Engineer. Licenses and Certifications Structural Engineer, Illinois, #081-005858 Professional Engineer, Illinois, #062-056349 Education M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign, IL B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign, IL Representative Projects Hoffman Boulevard over CN Railroad Parapet Rehabilitation, Village of Hoffman Estates. Prepare structural plans for replacement of north parapet with a decorative bicycle parapet. Coordination with CN Railroad. Representative Proiects (prior to HLR) 43rd Street Diversion Structure Rehabilitation, MWRDGC. Reviewed structure rehabilitation contract plans for a multilevel diversion structure. Rehabilitation included reinforced concrete beam repairs, concrete floor repair, and miscellaneous structure wall repairs. Bridge Maintenance Engineering, Chicago Department of Transportation. Provided engineering services on a task order basis to prepare maintenance plans for repairs to the City's inventory of bridges. Defects requiring attention were noted in the City's biannual bridge inspection program. Tasks included: Columbus Drive North of the River, expansion joint removal and replacement, full depth deck repair, and traffic control. East Wacker Drive, concrete repairs to parapets, sidewalks, and curbs; expansion joint repairs. State Street North of the River, partial and full depth deck repair, joint replacement, and steel stringer repairs. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 9 SECTION V: SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE 1k Past performance is the best indicator of how a team will perform. From major -scale engineering projects to the beautified turn of a public street, we are known for delivering improved infrastructure and design solutions that create better -functioning communities and a healthier environment. The information below highlights our firm's experience in relation to the scope of service items listed in the RFP. We encourage you to contact our references for these projects. We are proud of our contributions to these improvements and their many benefits to the community. The Division Street Bridge over the historic I&M Canal had been structurally -deficient for a number of years with traffic reduced to one lane. Our team provided complete planning, design, and construction engineering services to replace the deteriorated structure. After evaluating the site, HLR recommended utilizing a single -span steel wide -flange beam bridge. The preliminary bridge design was centered around the traffic and bicycle/pedestrian needs of the area. The project improvements included drilled sockets for pile foundations, scour protection beneath the bridge to eliminate erosion potential, and coordination of watermain and utilities suspended from the bridge deck. Project challenges included significant site constraints, coordination with multiple regulatory agencies, and a limited time frame. Services Provided: Wetland delineation and Tree survey Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) Project Development Report Preliminary bridge design and hydraulic report Phase II design Phase III construction management services Reference: Ms. Amy Wagner, Director of Engineering City of Lockport 17112 S Prime Boulevard Lockport, Illinois 60441 (815) 838-0549 x2315 / awagner@lockport.org HLR is the NBIS Program Manager for the Village of Hoffman Estates. After completion of the bridge and culvert inspections, reports are prepared to provide both short term and long-term repair and rehabilitation options. The Hoffman Boulevard Bridge was inspected in 2016 and replacement of the north parapet was recommended. Attached to the north parapet is aluminum railing and overhead light fixtures. The railing will be replaced with a taller decorative railing providing a 54-inch railing adjacent custom painted to match the existing. The light fixtures will be removed and replaced. The proposed parapet will feature an ashlar form liner. Construction is planned for Summer 2017. Services Provided: NBIS Program Manager Structure repair design Canadian National Railroad coordination Aesthetic features Lighting removal and reinstallation Specialized traffic control plans Reference: Mr. Alan Wenderski, Village Engineer Village of Hoffman Estates 1900 Hassell Road Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60195-2308 (847) 252-5802 / alan.wenderski@hoffmanestates.org Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. 1 10 SECTION V: SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE Tazewell County requested an evaluation of the superstructure and deck condition necessary for the rehabilitation of this bridge. Our team developed a plan focused on improving the bridges load capacity, deck width and extending the lifespan while minimizing cost. The rehabilitated bridge is 30.0-inch-wide and 4534eet long with 1264eet main spans over the Mackinaw River. Major improvements to the bridge include a new concrete deck, making the steel beams composite to increase their load capacity, steel beam repairs, cleaning and painting the steel beams, new expansion bearings at the abutments, substructure repairs and adding riprap at the abutments. Roadway improvements include improved side -slopes and up-to-date guardrail. HLR provided funding documentation, Phase I Project Development Report, Bridge Condition Report, preliminary bridge design and scour analysis, TS&L plan, environmental coordination, final roadway and structure plans, traffic control plans, specifications, estimates of cost, and shop drawing review. To gain approval for the project, HLR coordinated with regulatory and permitting agencies including the Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Construction was completed in 2016. Reference: Mr. Craig Fink, County Engineer Tazewell County Highway Department 21308 Illinois Route 9 Tremont, Illinois 61568 (309) 925-5532 / cfink@tazewell.com lyiT ITH III HLR helped improve the long-term condition of this 233- foot multiple -span bridge, which is a major link in downtown Belvidere. The deteriorated features were rehabilitated with targeted improvements to preserve the condition and extend the life of the structure. Our inspection found the concrete deck to be severely cracked and delaminated. The leaking expansion joints were causing corrosion on the steel girders below. Construction recommendations included hydro - demolition of the original deck surface and installation of a concrete overlay. A latex modified mix and construction procedures for curing the overlay were required from the contractor to minimize deck cracking. The remaining concrete slab underwent structural repairsI and reinforcement was sandblasted clean and reused. Early coordination designated that in -stream work would not be permissible. These requirements were included in the contract plans, resulting in an accelerated process by eliminating environmental studies/permits for the project. The traffic control plan and work with adjacent utilities was coordinated with the City Public Works Department, IDOT, and all utilities. Reference: Mr. Brent Anderson, Public Works Director City of Belvidere 401 Whitney Boulevard, Suite 200 Belvidere, Illinois 61008 (815) 544-9256 / banderson@ci.belvidere.il.us Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 11 SECTION V: SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE HLR is completing the maintenance, rehabilitation, and NBIS inspections for this bridge for over 20 years. We on the original deck in 2000. After biennial NBIS inspections, we recommended deck patching. recommended a microsilica concrete overlay and patching Inspections indicated that the cracking in the deck overlay was due to additional delaminations in the original slab and was allowing chlorides to further infiltrate the deck. The Villages wanted to maintain the integrity of the slab and steel beam superstructure and allocated the funds for 2016 maintenance repairs. The project required an extensive traffic control plan utilizing adjacent Lake County and ]DOT routes. The project was scheduled within a short window to avoid traffic delays to the nearby high school. HLR also completed the construction observation for the projectI This work involved coordination with both Villages during the contract letting, pre -construction meetings and with IDOT and LCDOT regarding the detour plan. Early coordination designated that in -stream work would not be permissible, which was included in the contract plans. This results in an accelerated design and construction process by eliminating environmental studies and permits. The project was successfully completed on schedule and under budget. Reference: Mr. David Brown, Director of Public Works Village of Vernon Hills 490 Greenleaf Drive Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061 (847) 367-3726 / daveb@vhills.org The Village of Northbrook needed cost-effective bridge improvements after bridge inspections showed consistent deterioration in the concrete decks of these framed structures. The Cherry Lane and Meadows Road bridges are along heavily -travelled local downtown streets. HLR recommended a latex -modified concrete overlay, deck patching, and other maintenance improvements. These deck rehabilitations preserved the integrity of the original structures while improving the ride quality and condition of the deck surface. These projects required an extensive traffic control plan within the downtown Northbrook business district. Each deck improvement was scheduled within a very short window of closure to avoid traffic delays. Each deck was closed separately as a part of the traffic control plan. The project was designed to avoid instream work by avoiding debris removal and construction runoff into the deck drains and streams. These requirements were specified in the contract plans. This results in an accelerated design and construction process by eliminating environmental studies and permits for the project. Reference: Mr. Kelly Hamill, Director of Public Works City of Northbrook 655 Huehl Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 (847) 272-4711 / kelly.hamill@northbrook.il.us Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 12 SECTION VI: PROJECT SCHEDULE afkp$cHe We have developed a project schedule identifying key milestones associated with this project. We understand that the City will need the pre -final cost estimate for inclusion in the budget by December 1, 2017 and that a letting is desired for April 2018. Once the agreement is approved, we anticipate the following schedule to complete engineering for the Green Street Bridge improvements: Task Completion Date Authorization to Start — Kick -Off Meeting July 17, 2017 Review of existing plans and reports July 2017 Complete Structure Inspection and Wetland Delineation July -August 2017 Structural Design Fall 2017 Submit Environmental Survey Request, Wetland Report to IDOT Fall 2017 Submit Erosion Control Plans to and US Corps of Engineer's permit Fall 2017 Pre -Final Plan Preparation Fall 2017 Pre -Final Project Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates to City of McHenry December 1, 2017 City Review Process December 2017 Comment Disposition to City of McHenry January 2018 Final Plan Preparation February -March 2018 Letting April 2018 On -going throughout duration Coordination with CityStaff of the improvements Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 13 City of McHenry Not -To -Exceed Cost Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation 2017 Hourly Rates Employee Classification STIR STIR ENV ENV Task Description E6 E4 E2 T2 Al Direct Cost Hours Fee 2 1 2 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIN 1. Field Review and Data Collection Prepare and attend kick-off meeting with City Staff 4 4 $ 680,00 I 4 I 4 $ 432,00 Utility Coordination --- - _ 8 12 12 32 I $ 3,836.00 Bridge Inspection 2, Design Engineering _VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4 I 4 I $ 680.00 Repairs Recommendations Construction Plans 8 4 12 $ 1,384.00 Cover Sheet, General Notes, Summary of Quantities 11 4 4 8 $ 784,00 Traf11 fic Control Plans Repairs Plans - Concrete 40 20 60 $ 6,920,00 Sidewalk Replacement Plans - I 16 10 I - - �-- 26 $ 3,108.00 _..-.. — — --- - — — 2 8 10 $ 920,00 Railing Details 2 2 I $ 340,00 Utilityon Coordinati 8 6 14 $ 11884,00 Watermain Details 10 8 18 I $ 2,004.00 Erosion Control Plans 10 12 22 I $ 21792,00 Quantity Take off and Estimate of Probable Cost AIR 16 16 6 38 $ 41554,00 Specifications/bid document Permitting LV Environmental Survey Request I - n- --- _ -.LL_. �. — _ _ _ _ . — ._. _ 10 36 $ 31602,00 Wetland Delineation and Report 2 4 20 .m m. Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (Not Anticpated) CCDD Form 662 (Not Anticpated) 34 $ 31488,00 2 22 10 USACE Permit I 4 4 8 $ 696.00 MCSWCD soil and erosion submittal - — — - 4 I 4 $ 220,00 IDNR/ECOCAT NPDES Permit (Not Anticpated to be over 1 acre) Wetland Impact Evaluation Forms (WIE) McHenry County Stormwater Permit (Not Anticipated) Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 14 City of McHenry Not -To -Exceed Cost Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation 2017 Hourly Rates Employee Classification STIR STIR ENV ENV Task Description E6 E4 E2 T2 Al Direct Cost Hours Fee 2 1 2 1 3. Submittal for Review, to City P Pre -Final - repare and Submit Plans, Bid Documents, and other document s for review ST 12 6 26 $ 3,290.00 100% - Prepare and Submit Plans, Bid Documents, and other documents for review/approval 8 8 4 I 20 $ 2,428 00 Prepare and Attend Progress Meeting (1) 4 4 8 $ 1,320 00 4 Design Protect Administration and QA/QC Project Administration and QA/QC I 2 10 12 I $ 2,020.00 _ ::: _,..,.... mma �.� ,. _ .. _m ., . TITIM 5. Bidding Assistance Prepare Response and Addenda as needed I� 2 2 $ 340.00 Requestfor Information / Shop Drawing Review I 4 4 I 8 I$ 1,044.00 Sub -Total 10 10 18 112 128 54 46 28 6 $ 412 $ 48,766.01 TOTAL NOT -TO -EXCEED COST $ 48,766.00 NOTES/ASSUMPTIONS -All permit applications will be paid by client. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 15 Certification hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: David Hinkston Signature: Title: PresidentlCEO Firm: Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. Date: June 27, 2017 CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD. 9575 West Higgins Road Suite 600 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 TEL (847) 82M500 FAX (847) 82M520 June 28, 2017 City of McHenry Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Attention: Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director Subject: Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Proposal for Professional Design Engineering Services Dear Mr. Schmitt: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) is pleased to submit this proposal for Professional Engineering Services to the City of McHenry in response to the Request for Proposal for Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation. We have carefully reviewed the Scope of Services and have included a thorough response to the scope items. CBBEL has the experience, staff and resources to address each scope item listed. CBBEL was founded 30 years ago and we have been a leader in transportation related projects of all types. Our Structural Department has extensive experience in repair, rehabilitation and design of bridges. Ourstaff has provided an award -winning design of arch bridge rehabilitation. We are currently the IDOT Bridge Inspection Program Manager for 18 municipalities and regularly monitor the condition of and recommend repairs for 87 bridges. CBBEL is also at the top of the field in environmental and permitting matters. We are often sought out to handle these issues for other consultants. CBBEL is committed to delivering accurate, timely and cost-effective solutions for a wide range of engineering challenges. We take pride in our staff's responsiveness and providing engineering services on a personal level. Below is our Understanding of Assignment, Scope of Services, Estimate of Fee and Proposed Schedule. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of McHenry intends to rehabilitate the Green Street Bridge over Boone Creek. The City plans to complete concrete repairs to the underside ofthe arch and sides ofthe bridge in the form of epoxy crack injection and structural patching. The concrete sidewalks on either side of the bridge will be replaced; this work will also include removing, cleaning, painting, and reinstalling the existing railings. The existing watermain mounted on the east end of the bridge will be maintained and reattach as part of the project. This project will be locally funded through the City's general funds. The City is seeking Design Engineering Services, bidding support, and construction support. The City is not seeking Resident Engineering Services. CBBEL will prepare the construction plans, contract documents, estimate of cost, and bidding documents using IDOT BLR forms, as well as, obtain the required permits. The project will be completed in accordance with the IDOT Bureau of Bridges and Structures and Local Roads Standards. CBBEL will provide responses to requests for information and assist with issuance of addenda during the bidding phase. CBBEL will provide responses to contractor requests for information and review shop drawings as necessary during construction. To save costs, CBBEL recommends use of a drone supplemented by site photographs to collect any required survey information. The use of a drone survey results in 80%savings from traditional methods and will provide the level of detail necessary for this project. CBBEL will work with existing plans and information to minimize the need for new survey information. CBBEL has visited the project site to gain a better understanding of the project. Based on our prior experience inspecting and monitoring bridges with similar deficiencies and repair measures, CBBEL does not anticipate a significant worsening of condition from what the City provided in the January 2017 Abbreviated Bridge Condition Report (BCR). During our site visit, CBBEL determined that at several locations surrounding the bridge, the river depth is 44eet or more. At these locations, the river is too high to use waders for inspection. Unless the river is frozen, special equipment is required for a detailed inspection; ideally a snoopertruck would be used which would increase the cost of this project beyond the intended budget. Therefore, CBBEL intends to utilize the existing bridge assessment as a basis to create repair plans and the associated cost estimate. CBBEL inspectors will use waders where possible to confirm the BCR assessment. Repair quantities will be confirmed during the construction phase. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1-Data Collection and Review: As stated above, CBBEL will work to minimize costs by using the existing bridge plans and drone survey, as necessary, to gather information required to prepare design plans. We do not feel that a full, traditional survey is required for the level of detail needed for this project. CBBEL will coordinate with the City and utility owners to retrieve atlas information as necessary. As required to complete repairs, CBBEL will assemble utility atlases from the City and perform coordination with private utility companies. We will send preliminary plans with potential conflicts identified, and set up meetings to discuss necessary utility relocations or plan adjustments as required. Task 2 —Bridge - Assessment: CBBEL will perform an inspection to confirm the assessment and quantities provided in the City's 2017 Abbreviated BCR. To minimize costs, CBBEL inspectors intend to use waders to complete the assessment without additional special equipment. Information collected during CBBEL's inspection, in conjunction with existing drawings and reports, will be used to complete the construction plans and engineer's estimate of cost. Repair recommendations will be field verified during construction. Page 2 of 6 Task 3 — Repair Recommendations: Based on our observations and the information provided, we anticipate shotcrete structural concrete repairs and epoxy crack injection along with sidewalk replacement to extend the service life of the bridge. Shotcrete concrete repair is the preferred method because it eliminates the need for concrete form work, simplifies construction operations, and saves costs while providing the protection and structural strength required for the project. as 4 — Permttine: If concrete repairs are to be done to the abutments below the water line, cofferdams will be used to access these areas. This work requires a USACE Section 404 Permit and IDNR Floodway Construction Permit; CBBEL Environmental and Water Resources Staff will prepare the Permit Applications for this project. The following services for a wetland assessment and report are proposed to comply with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance: • Field Reconnaissance: An investigation of the project site will be completed to delineate the limits of wetlands and waters of the United States present. The delineation will be completed based on the methodology established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Also during the site visit, wildlife and plant community qualities will be assessed. The limits of the wetland community will be field staked so that they can be professionally surveyed by others in relation to the project coordinate system. We also will locate the delineated boundaries using a submeter accuracy handheld GPS unit. • Letter Report: The results of the field reconnaissance will be summarized in a letter report. The wetlands' generalized quality ratings, according to the Swink and Wilhelm Methodology (1994), will be included along with exhibits depicting the approximate wetland and project boundaries, National Wetland Inventory, Soil Survey, floodplain, USGS topography, site photographs and their locations, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Routine On -Site Data Forms. If the delineation is field surveyed, that will be used as our base wetland boundary map, otherwise we will use the best available aerial photograph. • U.S. Army Corps of Eniineers Application: CBBEL Environmental Resources Staff will prepare the USACE Permit Application. This information will include the required exhibits, speccations, data and project information. This information will also be compiled and assembled for placement in a permit application package to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. • McHenryCourtty Wetland Submittal: If necessary, CBBEL Environmental ResourcesStaffwill assist the project engineer in preparation of the wetland, waters and buffer portions of the Stormwater Management Permit Application. This information will include the required exhibits, specifications, data and project information. • Wetland Review A�encyCoardination (if necesseryl: Before and during the permit review process, we expect to have meetings with the regulatory agencies, project engineer, and client. We also expect to prepare responses to comments received during the review process. We have budgeted Page 3 of 6 for attendance at two meetings and include budget to cover the cost of submittal of two responses to comments. If additional meetings, or responses to comments, are required they will be billed on a time and materials basis. Task 5 — Construction Plans at Contract Documents: CBBEL will prepare construction plans and specifications for the determined repairs, staging, and maintenance of traffic. CBBEL will use IDOT BLR Forms to prepare contract documents. The preliminary engineering plans will include: • Cover Sheet • General Notes and Summary of Quantities • General Plan, Profile, Elevation, and Section • Concrete Repair Plans • Sidewalk & Railing Repair Plans • Repair Details • Maintenance of Traffic • Construction Details CBBEL will perform all structural calculations required forthe proposed improvements. The bridge will remain open to traffic during construction and CBBEL anticipates keeping one sidewalk open to pedestrians throughout construction. CBBEL will use IDOT standard pay items or Village standard special provisions where applicable. Otherwise, project -specific special provisions will be written as needed. CBBEL will submit pre -final plans to the City for review and provide responses to the City's review comments and revise plans according. Task 6 — CiAfQCt CBBEL will provide Quality Assurance and Quality Control reviews throughout the design engineering phases to ensure a high -quality deliverable is being generated and submitted for review and bidding purposes. Task 7 - Engineers Opinion of Frobab[e Construction Cost (Ef;PCCi: CBBEL will prepare an EOPCC and submit to the City for review and approval prior to letting the plans for bidding. TaskB— Bidding & Canstrucfiiort Assistance: CBBEL will address requests for information and prepare necessary addenda during bidding phase. Other bidding services will be performed by the City. CBBEL will respond to contractor's requests for information during construction and reviewingshop drawings. Task 9 -Coordination: To save costs, CBBEL anticipates only two meetings with the City. If additional meetings are required they will be billed on a time and materials basis. Coordination with utilities will be done to the extent necessary to complete the project. ESTIMATE OF FEE See attached spreadsheet for itemized fee estimate. Page 4 of 6 PROPOSED SCHEDULE It is CBBEL's understanding that the City intends to complete all design and bidding work by April 30I 2018 with construction to be completed in the 2018 calendar year. The following schedule reflects the project timetable. Design Ensineerin� Notice to Proceed Data Collection &Bridge Assessment Pre -Final Plans City Review Final Plans Permitting Approvals Letting July 2017 August 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 February 2018 April 2018 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation City of McHenry Page 5 of 6 We are proposing Gary Rozwadowski as the City's Main Point of Contact with regards to this project. Gary has 30 years of Municipal Engineering experience. Gary can be reached at 847-823-0500 or rozPcbbel.com. We do not take any exceptions to the City's terms and conditions. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me or Gary. Sincerely, Christophf President SCE City of McHenry - Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Engineering Services Fee Estimate June 26, 2017 Engineer Engineer Engineer V IV III Engineer 1/11 Survey Survey III II Admin Total Hours Total Labor Cost Direct Costs Total I Data Collection „. f 41 41 8 $1,056.00 $1,056.00 (Utility Coordination 5e 5 $765.00 $765.00 (Bridge Assesment 8 8 1 16 $2,632000 $2,632.00 ,Army Corps Permit 8 261 201 10 6 70 $90918.00 $90918.00 IIDNR Floodway Permit 10 24 10 44 $5,922.00 $5,922.00 (Meetings & Project Coordination 8 8 $1,528.00 $11528.00 (Pre -Final Plans 9 30 26 65 $8,693.00 $250.00 $8,943900 laA/QC 4 41 8 $11372.00 $1,372.00 'Construction Cost Estimate 21 8 10 $1,254.00 $1,254.00 (Final Plans/Bid Docs 51 1 131 10 28 $3,839.00 $250.00 $4,089.00 Bidding & Construction Assistance ( 81 1 81 16 TOTAL 5211 4gF 103 64®� 278 $2,632.00 $250.00 $2,882.00 $39,611.00 $7500001 5u bconsu Ita nts $40,361.00 $0.00 otal Cost $40,361.00 Army Corps & IDNR Permits not required if underwater concrete repairs are not done, resulting in: -$15,840:00 Total Cost ��1 5241521.00 CITY of MCHENM Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Professional Engineering Services cHen ^ BAXTER WOODMAN -%�.i�i `�O, Consi.I li �:� Engineer Submitted by: Baxter & Woodman, Inc. Consulting Engineers www baxterwoodman.com June 28, 2017 BAXTE OODMAN Consulting Engineers 8678gefield Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois 6001: June 280 2017 Mr. Jon M. Schmitt Public Works Director City of McHenry Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subject: City of McHenry -Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Schmitt: The goal of rehabilitating the Green Street bridge is to proactively maintain the safety and condition of your infrastructure. Baxter & Woodman has crafted a strategy that will help you accomplish these goals and places the City's interests at the forefront. We will deliver success by providing you with: • Collaborative Approach and Solution -Focused Engineering - Our approach incorporates elements to improve safety and extend the structure's useful life while working with the City to reduce maintenance and future construction costs. • An Experienced Team -Your project will receive hands-on attention from municipal engineering professionals whose expertise aligns well with the City's needs. Project Manager Brandon Buzzell has more than 19 years of experience producing quality designs for bridges of all sizes. He has helped numerous communities and agencies find cost effective solutions for bridge improvements, including Waukegan, Round Lake, South Elgin, and the McHenry County Division of Transportation. Project Engineer Brian Bromley is a long-time City of McHenry resident who brings local knowledge and a personal interest in successful rehabilitation of the Green Street bridge. • A Commitment to Meet Your Schedule -Our experience with bridge rehabilitation allows US to suggest ways to facilitate permitting and reduce potential construction delays that could impact your intent to construct the improvements in 2018. Your project team is available and ready to immediately begin work on the Green Street bridge improvements. If you would like additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me at 815- 444-3261 or lhaussmann@baxterwoodman.com. Sincerely, BAXTER &WOODMAN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Louis D. Haussmann, PE, PTOE Executive Vice President/COO LDH/BLB:se I .i. �reen Street Bridge Rehabilitation 1706744.10 CONTENTS Project Understanding &Approach.......................................................4 Scopeof Services.........................................................................5 Compensation............................................................................8 ProjectSchedule. a 0 2 0 0 0 M a a 0 ff 0 0 M a 9 0 0 A 0 1 a 0 N 0 0 N a 0 a M A 0 a 0 0 0 A N a V 0 0 0 0 M I P 0 0 0 a a a a 0 C 0 S a P 0 0 9 Project Team & Availability..............................................................10 CertificationForm. . P 0 0 K a a a K 0 ff 9 9 0 V 0 A A 0 N a 0 0 0 0 d a 5 a 0 0 0 d a 9 0 1 K 0 0 5 0 0 0 C 0 a A C * d 0 M 5 0 A A 9 a P 0 0 a 0 a a P A 0 0 16 The strength of Baxter &Woodman is our people and our purpose. Building community value with ip every project we do is the force that drives us, and our fundamental core values are the principles we live by .. . City of McHenry ��., BAXTER°�`�MIOODMAN green Street Bridge Rehabilitation ®170674.10 `--- �,ca�� �� e���,_.-rs PROJECT UNDERSTANDING &APPROACH The Green Street bridge is a valuable part of McHenry's infrastructure, and the City is proactively taking action to repair structural defects, improve safety, and extend the useful life of the structure. Based on our recent experience with similar structure repairs, here are some project specific ideas we look forward to discussing with you: Sidewalkreplacementdetafls should allow for unknown slab conditions The condition of the slab directly under the existing sidewalk is unknown, but with road salts concentrated in the flowline, it is likely that some depth of the slab will need to be removed and repaired. Dowel bars for the new sidewalk should be detailed with additional embedment depth to account for this possibility. Permitting effort can be decreased by reducing in -stream work The contractor will need access to the waterway to complete the proposed repairs/maintenance of the underside of the slab. The use of a temporary causeway may be needed for equipment access during construction. If it is determined that a temporary causeway is required, then additional permitting (such as the IDNR-OWR and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) may be required during the design phase; otherwise, the City risks delays associated with a contractor -obtained permit. If additional permitting is required, hydraulic modeling of the temporary causeway likely will be required. The City may choose instead to restrict in -stream work to The sidewalk replacement detail would be similar to the example shown above. Embedment depth of the dowels should be verified in the field once removal of unsound concrete is completed. To avoid affecting the waterway opening, the outside edges of the bridge could be accessed from the top side using a snooper truck, and the central portion of the slab could be accessed via barge or scaffolding, depending on flow depth. barges and non -disruptive equipment only. These actions could increase unit costs, but would likely save the City time in permitting applications, while keeping the project on schedule. Early utility coordination will prevent unnecessary construction delays The roadway lighting wiring, located inside conduits embedded within the sidewalks, can be removed and protected during construction, while installing temporary roadway lighting. The AT&T conduits located in the east sidewalk will require added coordination if they are to remain in service during construction. We see three alternatives that should be discussed with AT&T at the outset of the design: 1. Reconstruct the west sidewalk first, then relocate the AT&T facilities into the west sidewalk anA reconstruct the east sidewalk. 2. Remove the cables from the conduit and relocate them temporarily, either to an aerial line or attached to a different portion of the bridge. 3. Keep the conduits in -place, and coordinate directly with the contractor during construction operations to avoid damage. All three methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so we will need to raise the issue with AT&T early in the process to achieve agreement on which method is optimal. City of McHenry BAXTE OODMAN 3reen Street Bridge Rehabilitation o 170674.10 *Consulting Engineers SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Early Coordination and Data Collection Data Collection: Obtain, review and evaluate the following information provided by the City for use in design: • Utility Atlases • Existing Roadway and Structure Plans with Inspection Reports • ROW, GIS and Property Data Field evaluation: Perform a field evaluation of the condition of the existing slab, sidewalk, and railing conditions to confirm conclusions of previous inspection reports. Observe and photograph the project area and immediate surroundings. Obtain measurements of pertinent elements for later use in design. Z. Utility Coordination Street Lighting: Review routing of existing conduit and wiring to establish feasible options for maintaining lighting during construction. Identify necessary locations for temporary lighting, if needed. AT&T: Contact AT&T for all available information on existing conduit locations and wiring, discuss requirements and alternatives during construction. Water Main: Review proposed pipe support locations and details of City -owned pipe supports. 3. Permitting Contact various permitting agencies, such as IDNR-OWR and US Army Corps of Engineers, to confirm submittal requirements and establish review schedules. Determine the potential impacts of in -stream work on the permitting process and make a final recommendation to the City. Assist City with necessary permitting applications. 4. Preliminary Design Create schematic details of proposed repairs, including any alternatives with recommendations, for City review and concurrence, including: • Water main support layout and construction sequencing • Sidewalk edge and overhang details • In -stream work alternatives • Maintenance of Traffic concepts • Utility protection/relocation during construction f� City of McHenry BAXTE �`�NVOODMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 �� Consul[ing Engineers 5. Structural Design Perform necessary structural calculations for the following: • Sidewalk anchorage to slab • Water main anchorage and spacing • Rail post anchor depth 6. Plan Development Pre -Final Plan Submittal: Prepare Pre -Final (95%)plans for reviewby City and applicable permitting agencies. Submit plans to City for review and comment. Anticipated plan sheets include: • Cover Sheet • General Notes, Commitments • Summary of Quantities • Maintenance of Traffic Details • Utility Plans • Structure Plans 0 General Plan (incl. notes, bill of materials) 0 Removal Plan 0 Sidewalk Replacement Details (incl. utility notes) 0 Concrete Repair Details 0 Water Main Support Details 0 Pedestrian Railing Details 0 Existing Structure Plans (information only) • Standard Details (if applicable) 0 City Details 0 IDOT Highway Standards 0 IDOT District One Details 0 Standard Erosion &Sediment Control Details Final Plan Submittal: Address comments from Pre -final plan submittal with a written disposition. Provide a complete set of hard copy plans, specifications and estimates for the City's use. Provide electronic files as applicable. 7. Engineer's Estimate of Cost Prepare a preliminary estimate of cost for the City's FY 18/19 budget by December 1, 2017. Prepare a pre -final estimate of cost for inclusion with the pre -final plan submittal. Prepare a final estimate of cast for inclusion in final contract documents. City of McHenry BAXTE OODMAN C6'een St�eet bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 Consulting Engineers 8. Bidding Assistance Provide responses to bidder questions and issue addenda as necessary. 9. Construction Assistance Provide support during construction, including responses to contractor requests and shop drawing review, as needed. 10. Meetings Two meetings are included: • Project kick-off meeting with City staff • Pre -final plan review meeting Exclusions: 1. It is our understanding that the City owns the proposed water main supports as stated in the Bridge Condition Report, so new supports will not be designed. 2. Load rating calculations for the existing bridge will not be prepared since the loading conditions are not being significantly altered. 3. Condition of bridge foundations and any potential scour issues will not be reviewed. 4. Hydraulic modeling of existing structure opening or any construction, such as a causeway, will not be performed. If it is determined that modeling is required to meet permitting requirements, then modeling will be completed during the design phase for an additional fee. The City will provide a certification statement that the existing structure is not a known source of flood damage, if requested by a permitting agency. 5. Shop drawing review includes review of pedestrian railing anchor details and water main support details. Cit of McHenr %� v v BAXTER����WOODMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 � ' �,. c��-�ic��;, engineers COMPENSATION CITY OF McHENRY GREEN STREET BRIDGE REHABILITATION Project Fee ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL TASK COST Early Coordination & Data Collection $560 Utility Coordination $760 Permitting $3,080 Preliminary Design $2,720 Structural Design $1,800 Plan Development $20,240 Estimate of Cost $1,360 Bidding Assistance $1,100 Construction Assistance $680 Meetings $1,650 TOTAL $33,950 PROJECT NOTES: 1. Temporary support of the water main, followed by a separate permanent installation in the same location, may not be the most cost effective way to maintain service. We would like to explore the possibility of staging the sidewalk construction. The permanent hangers would be installed first in discrete locations, followed by removal of the existing hangers and construction of the sidewalk. Such a plan would require a detailed look at the City's proposed hangers and the existing water main, but potentially could save a significant amount of money by not requiring a temporary support system. 2. While permitting has been identified as an item in the scope of work, it is the level of in -stream work that may impact the project's schedule or cost. The proposed repairs to the underside of the slab could be completed without in -stream work requiring a permit, but this would require placing restrictions on the contractor that could increase unit costs. Allowing a causeway to be built for access would keep construction costs to a minimum, but hydraulic modeling of the temporary condition is usually required by IDNR to confirm a flood hazard will not be created. Cit of McHenr ��� v v BAXTE f��.�1V00DMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 �==`�con�ic��� e�sn,e�-:; PRUIEUT SCHEDULE City of McHenry Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project Schedule Design Submittal _ _ _ .Agency Review Key Date Task zo�� Zo�a July August September October November December January February March April Phase I Engineering Awarded at City Council Meeting jisl'r-C; _Project City Kick-off meeting Early Coordination, Data Collection Utility Coordination Permitting Preliminary Design, Structural Design Pre -Final Plan Development, Estimates of Cost City Review & Comment City Progress Meeting Final Plans, Specifications & Estimates 7 Bidding Assistance Bid Project City of McHenry BAXTER���¢WOODMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation 170674.10 Consultlnq Engineers r�.i, ti`(.i' f- ,c� �_ d�,rP�R;iP,°7 4•�6` PROIECT TEAM & AVAILABILITY Baxter & Woodman is committed to serving the City of McHenry. We understand the importance of being responsive to your needs, and meeting your budgetary and schedule goals. Workload responsibilities of all proposed team members have been reviewed, and the team presented in this statement can fully accept the responsibility of your project. We are happy to provide additional detailed workload information on specific team members at your request. NlART OF TN! FU% RIYCK LOU HAUSSMANN, PE, PTOE Principal in Charge CHUCK BRUNNER, PE, SE QA/QC - Structural BRANDON BUZZELL, PE, SE Project Manager DAN SCHUG, PE QA/QC - Transportation STRUCTURAL TRANSPORTATION/ STORMWATER/ Brian Bromley, PE, SE TRAFFIC CONTROL PERMITTING Adam Stec, PE, SE Adam Woods, PE Adam James, PE, CFM City of McHenry BARTER � OODMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 `~�''"�'� consu�tlrr E���n->:rs i BRANDON BUZZELL, PE, SE - Project Manager • 19 years of structural engineering experience • B.S., Civil Engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana -Champaign • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Licensed Structural Engineer: Illinois • NBIS Certified Program Manager, Member ofACEC-IL IDOT Bridge Committee • Completed training courses in Highway Bridge Design, Concrete Superstructure Design, Fracture Critical Inspection, and Inspection of In - Service Bridges CITY OF WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Mathon Drive Bridge Reconstruction 2017 APWA Project of the Year Award Winner Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I Report and Phase II Design for a superstructure replacement with a Group II Categorical Exclusion. The Grand Avenue structure consisted of a four -span, continuous steel girder bridge approximately 70 feet wide and 3S0 feet long. The bridge spans a rail yard with 9 sets of active railroad tracks. Coordination with local agencies, including IDOT, Illinois Commerce Commission, and the Union Pacific Railway, was ongoing throughout the project. McHENRY COUNTY DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION, ILLINOIS Union Road Over South Branch Kishwaukee River Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I and Phase II design services for the complete replacement of an existing PPC deck beam structure with a new two -span PPC I -Beam structure with integral abutments and solid wall encased pile bent pier. Lawrence Road Over Lawrence Creek Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I and Phase II design services for the complete replacement of an existing PPC deckbeam structure with a new single -span PPC I -Beam structure with integral abutments, using staged construction. Graf Road Over Lawrence Creek Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I and Phase II design services for the complete replacement of a two -span PCC deck beam structure. Graf Road Over West Branch of Piscasaw Creek Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I and Phase II design services for the complete replacement of a single -span prestressed concrete deck beam bridge. City of McHenry Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 BAXTER����WOODEM,AN ".1 7 n ti,r ii BRIAN BROMLEY, PE, SE - Structural Engineer Page I • 22 years of structural engineering experience • B.S., Architectural Engineering from Milwaukee School of Engineering • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Licensed Structural Engineer: Illinois • NBIS Certified Program Manager for 8 Illinois communities • Long-time City of McHenry resident, provided structural services for various City water treatment plant remodeling, wastewater treatment plant expansion, and elevated storage tank repainting projects VILLAGE OF ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS MacGillis Drive Bridge Replacement Structural Engineer for replacement with a single -span PPC Deck Beam bridge. Coordination with local agencies, including IDOT, Army Corps of Engineers, and Lake County Stormwater Management, was included in the project. VILLAGE OF PARK FOREST, ILLINOIS Thorn Creek Drive Bridge Replacement Structural Engineer for removal of the existing structure and installation of a 3-cell cast -in -place concrete box culvert. The pavement cross section was improved to include 12-foot lanes bordered by concrete curb and gutter. McHENRY COUNTY DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION, ILLINOIS Union Road over South Branch Kishwaukee River Structural Engineer for Phase I and Phase II design services for the complete replacement of an existing PPC deck beam structure with a new two -span PPC I -Beam structure. Integral abutments and solid wall encased pile bent pier. Lawrence Road over Lawrence Creek Structural Engineer for Phase I and Phase II design services for the complete replacement of an existing PPC deck beam structure with a new single -span PPC I -Beam structure with integral abutments, using staged construction. VILLAGE OF PRAIRIE GROVE, ILLINOIS Justen Road over Unnamed Fox River Tributary Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I/II engineering for design of the replacement 3-cell box culvert. The pavement cross section will be improved to include one lane in each direction with a 22-foot rural pavement width. The project is utilizing federal funding with processing through the IDOT District 1 Bureau of Local Roads and Streets. y of McHenry ��, Cit, BAXTER��:�;WOODMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 %Z-y�os�Itin� E�s��Lrs EEL Page 13 ADAM STEC, PE, SE - Structural Engineer • 14 years of structural engineering experience • B.S., Civil Engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana -Champaign • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Licensed Structural Engineer: Illinois • Provided structural services for the City's South and Central wastewater treatment plant expansions, and Elevated Storage Tank No. 4 design KANE COUNTY DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION, ILLINOIS Tanner Road and Thatcher Road Bridge Replacements Structural Engineer for Phase I/II engineering to replace existing bridges with two -span reinforced concrete slab structures on pile bent abutments and piers. In both cases, the spans were laid out asymmetrically to reduce potential for local scour and debris blockage. CITY OF WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Mathon Drive Bridge Reconstruction 2017 APWA Project of the Year Award Winner Lead Structural Engineer for Phase I/II engineering for a superstructure replacement with a Group II Categorical Exclusion. The Grand Avenue structure consisted of a four -span, continuous steel girder bridge approximately 70 feet wide and 3S0 feet long. The bridge spans a rail yard with 9 sets of active railroad tracks. Coordination with local agencies, including IDOT, Illinois Commerce Commission, and the Union Pacific Railway, was required. VILLAGE OF ITASCA, ILLINOIS Maple Street Bridge Replacement Structural Engineer for replacement of the existing bridge with a 3-sided precast concrete structure and sheet pile retaining walls placed within the floodway. Water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer relocations are also required for this project. Permits from DuPage County Stormwater Management Commission, Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District, IEPA, and the Army Corps of Engineers were obtained. McHENRY COUNTY DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION, ILLINOIS Union Road over South Branch Kishwaukee River Structural Engineer for Phase I/II engineering for the replacement of an existing PPC deck beam structure with a new two -span PPC -Beam structure. City of McHenry BAXTER� k�NV00DMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 � ��c�-��r�s E�����5 ADAM WOODS, PE - Transportation Engineer • 7 years of transportation engineering experience • B.S., Civil Engineering from University of Iowa • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Served as Transportation Engineer providing design services to the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority for the widening and resurfacing of the Elgin O'Hare Western Access, which included rehabilitation with overlays and widening of 8 existing bridges VILLAGE OF SOUTH ELGIN, ILLINOIS McDonald Road Bridge over Otter Creek Project Engineer for design of a single -span, concrete thru girder bridge, two multi -use trail routes (at grade and below the new structure), compensatory storage basins, wetland mitigation, and roadway and guardrail improvements. VILLAGE OF PARK FOREST, ILLINOIS Thorn Creek Drive Bridge Replacement Project Engineer for removal of the existing structure and installation of a 3-cell cast -in -place concrete box culvert. The pavement cross section was improved to include 12400t lanes bordered by concrete curb and gutter. ADAM DAMES, PE, CFM -Stormwater Engineer • 20 years of Stormwater management and permitting experience • M.S., Civil Engineering from University of Illinois, Chicago • B.S., Civil Engineering from University of Illinois, Chicago • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Certified Floodplan Manager: Illinois • Assisted in development of seminar content and delivered presentations on "Drainage Submittals for Local Roads Projects" (ACEC-IL/IDOT) McHENRY COUNTY DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION, ILLINOIS Oak Grove Road Bridge Replacement Phase I/II Drainage and Permitting Engineer for replacement of the Oak Grove Bridge over Drainage Ditch (S.N. 056-3035) with a PCC Triple 10-foot by 7400t box culvert. Coordination with IDOT, McHenry County Planning and Development Department, IDNR-OWR, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was necessary. VILLAGE OF ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS MacGillis Drive Bridge over Squaw Creek Phase II Drainage and Permitting Engineer for the removal and replacement of a single -span slab bridge. Permits from regulatory agencies including IDOT, Army Corps of Engineers, and Lake County Stormwater Management, were obtained as part of the project. c'tvofMcHenry BAXTE ���WOODMAN Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 �-���<<�-��s ens�,�=� Page 15 CHUCK BRUNNER, PE, SE - QA/QC Structural • 34 years of structural engineering experience • B.S., Civil Engineering from Purdue University • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Licensed Structural Engineer: Illinois • NBIS Certified Program Manager • Povided structural services for City water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, elevated storage tank, and bridge inspection projects McHENRY COUNTY DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION, ILLINOIS QA/QC Reviewer for Phase I and Phase II design services for the complete replacement of four County bridges: Union Road over South Branch Kishwaukee River; Lawrence Road over Lawrence Creek; Graf Road over Lawrence Creek; and Graf Road over West Branch of Piscasaw Creek. DAN SCHUG, PE - QA/QC Transportation • 11 years of transportation engineering experience • B.S., Civil Engineering from Marquette University • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Served as Project Engineer for Phase II Design Engineering projects for the IDOT Bureau of Design and Environment in District One • Coordinates the delivery of transportation engineering services for McHenry projects VILLAGE OF SOUTH ELGIN, ILLINOIS McDonald Road Bridge over Otter Creek Project Manager for design of a single -span, prestressed concrete girder bridge, two multi -use trail routes, compensatory storage basins, wetland mitigation, and roadway and guardrail improvements. LOU HAUSSMANN, PE, PTOE -Principal in Charge • 20 years of client service and transportation engineering expertise • M.S., Civil Engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana -Champaign • B.S., Civil Engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana -Champaign • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Certified Professional Traffic Operations Engineee" • Performs municipal engineering management services for McHenry, Bull Valley, Fox River Grove, Glenview, Grayslake, and more CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS As Principal in Charge, Lou oversees the delivery of engineering services to the City. He has the authority as Chief Operating Officer and an Executive Vice President of the firm to commit staffing and other resources as required for the successful completion of the City's project. City of McHenry �INOODMAN BAXTE�� Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation • 170674.10 consulring engineers Cer%MICA I hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Signature: Louis D. Haussmann Title: Executive Vice President/COO Firm: Baxter &Woodman, Inc. Date: June 28, 2017 Proposal Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Professional Engineering Services City of McHenry June 28, 2017 CONSULTING � � ENGINEERS � I Bollinger, Lach &Associates, Inc. CONSULTING ENG1N&BRS p Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. • ILLINOIS E) 333 Pierce Road, Suite 200 • Itasca, IL 60143 . INDLANA 630 438 6400 ■ FAx 630 438 6444 • wwwbollingerlachcom ■ WISCONSIN June 28, 2017 Jon M. Schmitt Public Works Director City of McHenry Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Re: Proposal for Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Professional Engineering Services Mr. Schmitt: Bollinger, Lach &Associates, Inc. (BLA) appreciates the opportunity to submit our qualifications to provide professional engineering services to the City of McHenry. BLA has the experience and expertise necessary to service the City since we have worked on similar projects and have the local staff available. BLA has demonstrated the ability to work with the community, contractors and municipal officials to accomplish projects on schedule and within budget. One of our biggest strengths is our designers working hand in hand with our construction staff. Having our construction staff involved in the design process means a better and more efficient design. Our designers also visit our construction projects in order to learn more about how their design affected the construction. We are always looking for the best way to do things This was even evident on our recent Miller Road and IL 31 project that we constructed for the McHenry County Division of Transportation. We saved the City of McHenry money by moving less watermain than what was shown in design which saved the City money. This was done even though the City was not our client on the job! We understand the Green Street bridge is in the middle of the central business district of the City of McHenry and the Riverwalk path runs adjacent to the bridge. Our staff will III sure these items are taken into account during the design so that construction will not interfere with them. Our firm would perform this work out of our Itasca office. Our mailing address and contact information is presented below: Corporate Office 333 Pierce Road, Suite 200 Itasca, Illinois 60143 Phone: 63043&6400 BLA has no exceptions regarding the RFP. Craig A. Lukowicz, P.E. President &Chief Executive Officer clukowicz@bollingerlach. com 63043&6400 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal to the City of McHenry and look forward to answering any questions you may have to further clarify our submittal. Sincerely, Bollinger, Lach &Associates, Inc. X Craig Uiukowicz,"P.E. President & Chief Executive Officer Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Section Description 1........................................................................................................................................Project Understanding 2.............................................................................................................................................................. Services ................................ Additional Services 3.................................................................................................................................................... Compensation 4.................................................................................................................................................Project Schedule 5......................................................................................................................................................Project Team 6..............................................................................................................................................Certification Form Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Project Understanding General Engineering work will begin immediately after execution of the engineering contract. A preliminary cost estimate will be submitted by December 1, 2017 to update the FY 18/19 Capital Improvement Program and Budget. d Plans and contract documents will be prepared utilizing IDOT Bureau of Local Roas forms. BLA will prepare and assist the City with permit applications if any are necessary. The scope of work for plan preparation for rehabilitation of the Green Street bridge will be generally limited to that identified in the Option 2 scope of work. Plans, specifications and cost estimates will be completed and the project advertised and bid by April 30, 2018. BLA will provide the City with bidding assistance and construction assistance for the project. Construction will be completed in 2018. Plan and Specification Preparation BLA will conduct a site inspection to gather data sufficient for rehabilitation plan preparation. Maintenance of traffic plans will be prepared for each stage of construction for vehicles and pedestrians. This will include indicating the locations for necessary temporary pedestrian fences, construction fences and traffic barriers. Plans will include details for designated contractor staging areas. Plan will include details for removal of the existing bridge railing and for having it cleaned, painted and reinstalled. This will include details for new rail post anchorages installed in the new sidewalk. Plan details will include removal and replacement of the existing bridge sidewalks. This may also include some sections of the approach sidewalks along with re -anchoring the loose pipe handrail at the northwest edge. Removal of bridge sidewalks will include removing and replacing a strip of asphalt overlay along the face of the curb necessary for forming the new curb and because the existing curb curves under the existing overlay. The existing watermam is to remain. The watermain will require temporary support while the adjacent sidewalk is replaced. New watermain supports will be designed and included in the plans. Plan details will include concrete repairs (patching and crack sealing) for substructure and superstructure defects as indicated in the Abbreviated Bridge Condition Report and identified in BLA's field inspection. Project Understanding Page 1 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Services BLA's general approach to this project will be to make the necessary repairs to the bridge that are consistent with the goals of the City. Site Inspection and Field Measurements BLA will conduct a detailed site investigation to identify, measure and record repairs that are necessary as part of the scope for this project; this will include concrete defects on the underside of the bridge. We will include measurements for bridge sidewalk and approach sidewalks that are to be replaced. We will use this information to prepare the repair plans. For repair projects, we will always take our plans back to the site and verify the repair areas and repair locations with a plan -in - hand inspection. Utility Coordination From our site visit, we could see that the City's electric for street lighting is located in the bridge sidewalks. Utility coordination will occur throughout the design process beginning with the design stage JULIE locate. BLA will prepare potential conflict lists to be delivered to each utility company within the project limit at each submittal. BLA will verify any potential locations provided by the utility. While AT&T is located in the east sidewalk, our primary focus will be to identify all utilities that may still be located in the bridge and adjacent to it. New Watermain Supports BLA has done a preliminary design for the new watermain support brackets. Our design is different than the existing (and other designs) in that the brackets do not have to be attached to the sidewalk. This means that we can eliminate the installation and cost of the temporary watermain support. The BLA designed bracket can be installed while the existing brackets are in place and supporting the pipe. After the new brackets are installed, the old brackets can be removed. The watermain will be supported independently from the sidewalk. BLA Designed Watermain Support Top of Existing Existing Insulation Sidewalk Existing 8" Pipe 1"x9"xll" Plate ' Pipe Roller W6x15 Stand 2-7/8" Anchor Verify in Field Bolts, typ. 1" 1'-8" Services Page 1 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Another option is to still utilize the temporary support for the watermain. Concept plans with design loads will be prepared for temporary watermain support. Temporary support details for the watermain will be prepared and submitted by the contractor for approval. Sidewalk Replacement Plans The original sidewalk provided an eight inch curb at the roadway which we plan on replicating. The existing sidewalk has a six inch reveal at the top outside face of the walk. Our plan is to provide a single vertical face at the outside face of the sidewalk, but the reveal can be recreated if the City desires. Based on the markings observed at the site, the electric for decorative lighting adjacent to the bridge is running in the bridge sidewalks. Any other utilities identified through our utility coordination will be accommodated in the sidewalk plans. Railing Details An important part of the work for this historic bridge will be the removal, painting and reinstallation of the existing bridge railing. As part of our work, we will work with you and provide options for selecting a paint color for the railing. The existing railing paint may contain lead; that can be addressed with a plan note so that the contractor and subcontractors are all aware. The contractor will be required to field measure existing rail post spacing for installation of the new anchorages that we will design. See our railing discussion in the Additional Services section. Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) While MOT is often on the "back burner" in the design process, our staff believes that MOT is a top priority and can make or break how the public perceives the project. In the case of the Green Street bridge rehabilitation project, the MOT is especially ROAD critical because it needs to accommodate both vehicles and pedestrians. When WORK developing a MOT plan, our design team consults with our construction staff for constructability, safety, personal experience and recommendations. This AHEAD collaboration allows different aspects of engineering specialties to analyze the plan, providing the most complete and efficient plan. BLA will make early contact with the Landmark Elementary School, McHenry East Community High School and the City of McHenry to coordinate events and activities which may be held during construction. This would allow BLA to write specifications to include time sensitive provisions to mitigate direct conflicts between City/School events and construction activities. The MOT plan for Green Street has an added layer of complexity because of the need to accommodate vehicular traffic as well as pedestrian traffic. BLA has visited and observed the site and has a preliminary plan for providing a MOT plan which addresses both the vehicles and pedestrian concerns: Services Page 2 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Vehicular Traffic The existing parallel parking lanes on the bridge provide a benefit in developing the MOT plan and in the ability to maintain two-way traffic during construction. The approach to construction is to perform the work on half the bridge at a time. Using this approach, it would be BLA's recommendation to restrict parking on the side where the construction is to be performed and utilize that space as a work zone and safety barrier. This allows the existing two lane traffic pattern to be maintained. Black Out Tape is an option which would be placed over existing pavement markings during construction so pavement marking grinding on the bridge deck can be avoided. The tape would be used over the pavement markings for the existing parking stalls and the centerline if the lanes require reduction to allow maximum work room for the contractor. The existing width of the bridge allows the lane widths to be reduced while still accommodating one row of parking throughout construction. It is not anticipated that reducing the widths would affect the existing sidewalk bump -outs on the east side of — a the bridge. Pedestrian Traffic STATE Safety First is the approach BLA takes when developing a MOT plan and this project is no LAW exception. The proximity of the Landmark Elementary School and McHenry East Community High School heightens the importance of the MOT. The Riverwalk also runs adjacent to the bridge and crosses Green Street at the bridge. The students of the elementary school utilize the bridge and their safety is of extreme concern during construction. TO Providing continuous pedestrian access across the bridge throughout construction is a must and BLA has investigated potential solutions. The _ WITHIN pedestrians will be directed to utilize the sidewalk CROSSWALK on the opposite side of the construction zone, but the key is getting them across Green Street safely. It is anticipated that the existing pedestrian crossing north and south of the bridge is to be maintained, but the safety measures are to be increased. Detailed elements such as pedestrian accommodations during construction which are addressed during the design phase reduce questions and confusion during construction. Providing a high quality MOT plan is a substantial benefit to the public as well as the overall project. The project may look great when completed, but the public will not forget if the construction process was horrendous. While construction is always a nuisance, selecting a consultant with the experience and knowledge such as BLA to provide a detailed MOT, will reduce the inconveni Mence of construction for all parties involved. The success of the Green Street bridge rehabilitation project will be defined by the final product, but also by how we got there. Fiesta Days Parade Route ��, f' EN?�.• The Fiesta Days Parade route includes the Green Street bridge. We IEs1believe that the parade route can continue to use Green Street during py rehabilitation of the bridge. BLA can include provisions in the contract documents that would require the contractor to be off the <u N "'S site on the day of the parade. We would also require the contractor to verify that the site is secure at this time. We recently completed the Wise Road proj t f Schaumburg hich was needed for their Se temberFest Parade In this ecor w p case, we made sure the contractor had the parade area clean and safe for the parade and onlookers. Services Page 3 14 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Pace Bus Route Pace Bus Route 807 does use this portion of Green Street as part of the regular route. There is also a bus shelter located outside of the Old McHenry City Hall. Our maintenance of traffic plan will not disrupt this route, but we will coordinate with Pace in advance to notify them of potential scheduling concerns. Construction Schedule Options A scheduling option the City may want to consider is to complete the project before school starts again near the end of August. School lets out at the end of May. The period from the end of May to the second last week in August should be enough time for the contractor to complete the project. Permits BLA anticipates we may have to submit for a Letter of No Impact from the USACOE for the contractor's operations in the water. We may also submit plans and an application to McHenry County Planning and Development so that they can track the project. Existing Railing Mounted Planters The existing railing mounted planters on the bridge can remain without the need for replacement. As part of our work, we can include provisions for the contractor to relocate the planters to the construction staging area or another area designated by the City while each railing is being refurbished. If relocated to the construction staging area, we can also make it the contractor's responsibility to water the plants until the planters are remounted and that side of the bridge is opened back up to the public. Prefinal Review Comments BLA will submit plans and specifications which are at least 90% complete to allow the City to conduct a prefinal review. Following receipt of your comments, we will prepare a written disposition of comments to ensure that the plan details are all within your expectations and that they provide a clear means of communication with the contractor. Note that BLA will also be preparing preliminary plans as part of our work. The preliminary plans will be submitted to the utilities as part of our utility coordination effort. We can also provide the preliminary plans for the City's review if desired. Services Page 4 [a Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Meetings Meetings will include kick-off and post preBnal submittal review comment meeting. Meetings also include field inspection and a later plan -in -hand meeting at the site. BLA will also attend meetings if required for McHenry County Planning and Development or other agencies. Bid Documents Plan Content ✓ Title Sheet ✓ General Notes and Standards ✓ Summary of Quantities ✓ Maintenance of Traffic Plans ✓ Roadway Removal and Improvement Plan Special Provision Content ✓ BLR 12200 ✓ BLR 12200a ✓ BLR 12230 ✓ BLR 12325 ✓ BLR 12326 ✓ BC 57 ✓ BC 261 ✓ Bridge General Plan and Elevation ✓ Deck and Substructures Repair ✓ Sidewalk Removal and Replacement Plan ✓ Watermain Support Plan Elevation and Details ✓ McHenry County Prevailing Wage ✓ Check Sheet for Recurring Special Provisions ✓ Index for Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions ✓ Check Sheet for Local Roads and Streets Recurring Special Provisions ✓ BDE Special Provisions ✓ Guide Bridge Special Provision Index ✓ Special Provisions Bidding Assistance BLA will provide plans, specifications and bid documents in the required format ready for City staff to advertise for bidding. BLA will respond to any requests for information during the bidding phase. If necessary, we will make changes to the bid documents and provide revised copies for reissue by the City. Construction Assistance Our construction assistance services will include responding to the City for requests for information from the contractor. BLA understands that repair projects are not always straightforward once the contractor starts work and additional clarification of plan details and intent may be required. Guidance may also be required for parts of the structure which are not visible at this time, but will be once work starts. For example, this may be the case when the existing sidewalks are removed and the existing conduits are exposed along with the top of the deck. Notable Exclusions from Services ✓ Cofferdam or causeway design ✓ Field topographic survey and drawings ✓ Determination of right-of-way and right- of-way services ✓ Environmental survey ✓ Work related to threatened and endangered species ✓ Permitting or coordination with IDNR Services Page 5 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Additional services for the City's Consideration This section of our proposal presents suggested items which the City may want to consider for inclusion as part of the project, but are not required for successful completion of the project and not included in the Services or Compensation. Railing Repair BLA has worked on other historic bridge projects where a unique railing design was incorporated into the original structure. Sometimes these railings were missing pieces or had suffered impact damage. The northeast railing on the bridge has impact damage. We have contracted with companies like Weldone Ornamental Iron in the past to do decorative railing repairs and painting and could include a provision in the bid documents to require an experienced subcontractor for this work. Fence at Southwest Corner of Bridge Another improvement that could be considered is to provide a fence that spans between the existing bridge rail and the existing metal railing at the southwest corner of the bridge. This area is not usable for boat docking and therefore safety would be enhanced by closing this gap in the existing fence and railing. This would also be a consideration if the Riverwalk is to be extended to the west in the future. Enhanced Pedestrian Crossin When we were at Green Street, we did notice that northbound vehicles seem to be moving faster than the speed limit and the approach to the construction zone is on a curve. The crossing visibility can be increased from simple enhanced striping and additional signage to flashing pedestrian signs at the crossing to activated rapidly flashing beacons on the pavement. These items could be included as part of the construction project and then left in place as permanent safety features. Services Page 6 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Riverwalk Pavers in Bridge Sidewalk An enhancement that could be considered for the bridge would be to . extend the Riverwalk pavers across the bridge in either the east sidewalk or both sidewalks. This could be done by pouring a concrete curb on the roadway side of the sidewalk and separate curb on the outside of edge of the sidewalk that could be used to remount the existing bridge railing. Then the pavers can be installed between the curbs similar to the rest of the Riverwalk. Public Meeting in Gazebo To facilitate the community's understanding of the project and impacts on traffic and parking, BLA could host an informational public meeting at the gazebo located at the southeast corner of the bridge. Ashley Newton and Dave Bottcher from our office have performed similar community outreach as part of our work on McHenry County DOT'S Miller Road project. Color and Appearance of Concrete To maintain the historic look of the bridge, the City may want to consider the use of colored concrete for the new sidewalks. The intent here is to have the concrete match the remaining subdued art deco pilasters at the north end of the bridge. Another aesthetic enhancement that could be considered for the project is to Services Page _/, Compensation ITEM 11 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. FEE Meetings/Field Checks/ Inspection/Coordination......................................................................................$2,400 Permits...........:..........................................................................................................................................$1,600 -� USACOE -Letter of No Impact ($800) McHenry County Planning and Development ($800) Utility Coordination (Conflicts, Analysis/Verification)..............................................................................$800 Estimate of Cost (Roadway and Structural, Two Submittals)..................................................................$1,600 Traffic Staging Plans (MOT), Two Stages...............................................................................................$2,400 StructuralPlans....................................ate ..................................................................................................$51650 Special ProvisionsBid Documents...........................................................................................................$2,400 Bidding and Construction Assistance.........................................................................................0660000000000..3800 TOTALFEE..........................................................................................................................................$17,650 Compensation Page 1 ® Bollinger, Lach ® & Associates, Inc. Project Schedule November 2017 Letting Contractor bids may be more competitive with a November letting. SEP OCT NOV DEC ram Notice to Proceed (07-17 2017) Exploratory Engineering preftnal plans Plan Preparation - PreFinal Plan Preparation -Address Comments final plans, bid dots Utility Coordination j Project Letfing (Nov2018) Construction (Apr 2018-Aug 2018) April 2018 Letting Project Schedule Page 1 14 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Project Team All staff in the Organization Chart is available to serve the City of McHenry. The personnel shown will be assigned to the project based on the requirements and need for their engineering expertise. City of McHenry Project Manager and Structural Engineer joel Ihde, PE, SE Civil Project Engineer Dan Bruckelmeyer, PE Constructability Bob RollingsI PE Public Relations Ashley Newton Constructabilitynnd Public Relations Dave Boucher, PE Project Team Page 1 Request for Proposal 6 Certification I hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Signature: Title: Firm Date: Craig A Lukowicz G, President and Chief Executive Officer BLA Inc. DBA Bollinger, Lach &Associates. Inc. . une 27, 2016 CONSULTING ENGINEERS D Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. Office Locations 333 Pierce Road Suite 200 Itasca, IL 60143 (630) 438-6400 Fax (630) 438-6444 N 1977 Schaitel Road Unit 300 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (262) 249-0900 Fax (262) 249-5670 Indianapolis Office 8720 Castle Creek Parkway Suite 329 Indianapolis, IN 46250 (317) 842-4500 Fax (317) 842-4506 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Professional Services Contract Between The City Of McHenry And Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services For Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Professional Services Contract Between The City of McHenry And Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services For Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE1. THE SERVICES........................................................................................................ l 1.1 Intent........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Services. . 1.3 Project Time............................................................................................................1 1.4 Term; Extensions.....................................................................................................1 1.5 Other Contracts........................................................................................................1 1.6 Responsibility of Consultant to Perform.................................................................1 1.7 Financial Ability to Perform. 9 6 0 & & * 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 a a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 * 02 ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT...................................................................... 2 2.1 Pricing Schedule...................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Monthly Payment; Invoices.....................................................................................2 2.3 Taxes........................................................................................................................2 2.4 Final Payment..........................................................................................................2 2.5 Deductions..............................................................................................................0 3 2.6 Use of Deducted Funds........................................................................................... 3 2.7 Keeping Books and Accounts................................................................................. 3 ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES............................................................................3 3.1 Standard of Performance......................................................................................... 3 3.2 Correction of Defects............................................................................................... 3 3.3 Risk of Loss............................................................................................................. 3 3.4 Opinions of Probable Cost....................................................................................... 4 Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 3.5 City Responsibilities................................................................................................ 4 3.6 Time of the Essence. 5 3.7 Suspension of Services............................................................................................ 5 ARTICLE 4. SERVICES CHANGE ORDERS; DELAYS...........................................................0 5 4.1 Services Change Orders..........................................................................................5 4.2 Revision Notices................ 0 * 0 0 0 6 & a & 6 & a a & 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 4 0 0 & a & 6 0 * a 0 * 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 & * 0 * 0 * 0 a 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 6 0 & 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 4 9 * 0 0 a a 0 8 6 0 05 4.3 No Change in Absence of Services Change Order .................................................. 5 4.4 Delays...................................................................................................................... 5 ARTICLE5. &........................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Insurance.................................................................................................................. 6 5.2 Scope of Coverage; Minimum Limits of Coverage.................................................6 5.3 Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. 6 5.4 Additional Requirements......................................................................................... 6 5.5 Verification of Coverage......................................................................................... 7 5.6 Sub -Consultants and Suppliers................................................................................ 8 ARTICLE6. INDEMNIFICATION............................................................................................... 8 6.1 Agreement to Indemnify.......................................................................................... 8 6.2 No Limit Based on Insurance.................................................................................. 8 6.3 Withholding Payment.............................................................................................. 8 6.4 Limit on Duty to Indemni 8 ARTICLE7. ARBITRATION........................................................................................................ 8 7.1 Arbitration............................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE8. TERMINATION....................................................................................................... 9 8.1 Contract is At -Will. 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 a 4 0 a 6 0 & a a 0 a 0 0 * 0 * 4 0 0 0 6 6 a 6 0 & 0 0 & * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a 6 6 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 & 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 * * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 4 9 0 9 0 0 & * 6 a 0 6 0 * 9 8.2 Termination by City for Breach............................................................................... 9 8.3 City Remedies.......................................................................................................... 9 8.4 Termination by Consultant for Breach. 9 ARTICLE 9. LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................... 9 Vol Consultant as Independent Consultant.................................................................... 9 9.2 Compliance with Laws; Communications with Regulators .................................... 9 9.3 Permits and Licenses.............................................................................................10 9.4 Safety; Hazardous Materials..................................................................................10 9.5 Ownership of Data and Documents.......................................................................10 9.6 Notices. . 10 Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 9.7 No Waiver by City................................................................................................010 9.8 No Third -Party Beneficiaries. . 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a a a 0 a 0 * a 0 6 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 8 0 0 0 6 8 a 6 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 & 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 6 0 8 0 a 0 0 a * 11 9.9 Survival of Terms.................................................................................................011 9.10 Assignments. 0 0 * 8 a 0 0 0 4 6 0 * 0 * 0 a 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 * 0 a a a 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 0 a * * 0 * a 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 g 0 0 a 0 a & 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 9.11 Amendments..........................................................................................................11 9.12 Governing Law. ......................................................................................................11 9.13 Compliance with Laws, Grant Regulations...........................................................11 9.14 Representation of No Conflicts.............................................................................11 9.15 No Collusion. . 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 * * M a 0 * * a 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 a a a 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 6 a & 6 0 & a a * 0 * 0 4 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 a 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 6 a 6 a a 6 0 & 0 11 Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Professional Services Contract Between The City of McHenry And Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services For Green Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project This contract (the ."Contract") is dated as of July 17t"9 2017 (the "Effective Date") and is by and between the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation, (the "City") and Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. (the "Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.1 parties. 1.2 "Services'): ARTICLE 1. THE SERVICES Intent. It is the intent of the parties that this Contract govern the relationship of the Services. The Consultant will perform for the City the following services (the Proposed Scope of Services is identified on Pages 1-7 of Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. "Services" section included in attached Proposal. 1.3 Project Time. The Services will be performed according to the following schedule ("Project Schedule Proposed Schedule is identified in Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. "Project Schedule" section included in attached Proposal. The Services will be completed on or before April 30, 2018 (the "Completion Date"). The Completion Date shall be effective for substantial completion all design services. Bidding Services and Construction Support shall be completed after the date of substantial completion in coordination with construction of the project. 1.4 Term; Extensions. This Contract commences on the Effective Date and terminates on Apri130, 2019 unless terminated earlier pursuant to Article 8 of this Contract (the "Term"). All terms of this Contract, including without limitation pricing terms, are firm during the Term, unless as embodied in an amendment to this Contract in accordance with Section 9.15. The Parties may extend this Contract for two additional one-year periods (each an "Extended Term"). Pricing terms may be adjusted by written agreement at the beginning of an Extended Term. 1.5 Other Contracts. The City may enter into agreements with other consultants, pursuant to which the City may award work from time to time at the City's discretion. -1- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 1.6 Responsibilily of Consultant to Perform. The Consultant must provide all personnel necessary to complete the Services. The Consultant must perform the Services with its own personnel and under the management, supervision, and control of its own organization unless otherwise approved by the City in writing. All sub -consultants and supplies used by the Consultant in the performance of Services must be acceptable to, and approved in advance by, the City. The City's approval of any sub -consultant or supplier will not relieve the Consultant of full responsibility and liability for the provision, performance, and completion of the Services in full compliance with, and as required by or pursuant to, this Contract. All Services performed by any sub -consultant or supplier are subject to all of the provisions of this Contract in the same manner as if performed directly by the Consultant. If any sub -consultant or supplier fails to properly perform any Services undertaken by it in compliance with this Contract, then the Consultant, immediately on notice from the City, must remove that sub -consultant or supplier and undertake the Services itself or replace the sub - consultant or supplier with a sub -consultant or supplier acceptable to the City. The Consultant will have no claim for damages, for compensation in excess of the Compensation, or for delay or extension of the Project Schedule as a result of any such removal or replacement. 1.7 Financial Ability to Perform. When executing this Contract, the Consultant represents and declares that it is financially solvent, has the financial resources necessary, has sufficient experience and competence, and has the necessary capital, facilities, organization, and staff necessary to provide, perform, and complete the Services set forth in this Contract in full compliance with, and as required by or pursuant to, this Contract. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT 2.1 Pricing Schedule. As compensation for the performance of the Services ("Compensation"), the City will pay the Consultant the following amounts and in the following manner: Proposed Pricing is identified in Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. "Compensation" section included in attached Proposal. Except for the Compensation, the City will have no liability for any expenses or costs incurred by the Consultant. 2.2 Monthly Payment; Invoices. The Compensation will be paid in monthly installments. The Consultant must submit to the City, on a monthly basis, a written invoice for payment for completed work. The City may specify the specific day of the month on or before which invoices must be filed. Each invoice must be accompanied by receipts, vouchers, and other documents as necessary to reasonably establish the Consultant's right to payment of the Compensation stated in the invoice. In addition, each invoice must include (a) employee classifications, rates per hour, and hours worked by each classification and, if the Services are to be performed in separate phases, for each phase, (b) total amount billed in the current period and total amount billed to date and, if the Services are to be performed in separate phases, for each phase, and (c) the estimated percent completion of the Services and, if the Services are to be performed in separate phases, for each phase. 23 Taxes. The Compensation includes applicable federal, State of Illinois, and local taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the services provided by the Consultant and all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or other similar benefits. The Consultant will never have a claim or right to claim additional -2- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract compensation by reason of the payment of any such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees. 2.4 Final Payment. The Services will be considered complete on the date of final written acceptance by the City of the Services or the relevant phase of the Services. Services related to a submission of the Consultant will be deemed accepted by the City if the City does not object to those Services in writing within 30 days after the submission by the Consultant of an invoice for final acceptance and payment The City will make final payment to the Consultant within 30 days after final acceptance of the Services, after deducting therefrom charges, if any, as provided in this Contract ("Final Payment"). The acceptance by the Consultant of Final Payment will operate as a full and complete release of the City by the Consultant of and from any and all lawsuits, claims, or demands for further payment of any kind for the Services encompassed by the Final Payment. 2.5 Deductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the City may deduct and withhold from any payment or from Final Payment such amounts as may reasonably appear necessary to compensate the City for any loss due to (1) Services that are defective, nonconforming, or incomplete, (2) liens or claims of lien, (3) claims against the Consultant or the City made by any of the Consultant's sub -consultants or suppliers or by other persons about the Services, regardless of merit, (4) delay by the Consultant in the completion of the Services, the cost to the City, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, of enforcing the terms of this Contract. The City will notify the Consultant in writing of the City's determination to deduct and withhold funds, which notice will state with specificity the amount of, and reason or reasons for, such deduction and withholding. 2.6 Use of Deducted Funds. The City will be entitled to retain any and all amounts withheld pursuant to Section 2.5 above until the Consultant either has performed the obligations in question or has furnished security for that performance satisfactory to the City. The City will be entitled to apply any money withheld or any other money due to the Consultant to reimburse itself for any and all costs, expenses, losses, damages, liabilities, suits, judgments, awards, and reasonable attorneys' fees (collectively "Costs") incurred, suffered, or sustained by the City and chargeable to the Consultant under this Contract. 2.7 Keeping Books and Accounts. The Consultant must keep accounts, books, and other records of all its billable charges and costs incurred in performing Services in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, consistently applied, and in such manner as to permit verification of all entries. The Consultant must make all such material available for inspection by the City, at the office of the Consultant during normal business hours during the Term and for a period A five years after termination of this Contract. Copies of such material must be furnished to the City at the City's request and expense. ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES 3.1 Standard of Performance. The Consultant must perform the Services in a manner consistent with the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances in the Chicago Metropolitan Region ("Standard of Performance"). The Consultant is fully and solely responsible for the quality, technical accuracy, completeness, and coordination of all Services. All plans and other documents furnished by the Consultant shall be endorsed and stamped with professional seals when such seals are required by law. -3- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 32 Correction of Defects. The Consultant must provide, for no additional Compensation and at no separate expense to the City, all work required to correct any defects or deficiencies in the performance of Services, regardless of whether the defect or deficiency relates to the work of the Consultant or of the Consultant's sub -consultants or suppliers. 33 Risk of Loss. The Consultant bears the risk of loss in providing all Services. The Consultant is responsible for any and all damages to property or persons arising from any Consultant error, omission, or negligent act and for any losses or costs to repair or remedy any work undertaken by the City based on the Services as a result of any such error, omission, or negligent act. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the Consultant's obligations under this Section 3.3 exist without regard to, and may not be construed to be waived by, the availability or unavailability of any insurance, either of the City or the Consultant, to indemnify, hold harmless, or reimburse the Consultant for damages, losses, or costs. 3.4 Opinions of Probable Cost. The Parties recognize that neither the Consultant nor the City has control over the costs of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished by others or over competitive bidding, market or negotiating conditions, or construction contractors' methods of determining their prices. Accordingly, any opinions of probable costs provided under this Contract are considered to be estimates only, made on the basis of the Consultant's experience and qualifications, and those opinions represent the Consultant's best judgment as an experienced and qualified professional, familiar with the industry. The Consultant does not guaranty that proposals, bids, or actual costs will not vary from the opinions prepared by the Consultant. 3S City Responsibilities. The City, at its sole cost and expense, will have the following responsibilities: (a) To designate in writing a person with authority to act as the City's representative with respect to the Services. In the absence of a written designation, the City's representative will be the City Administrator. The City's representative will have the authority to act on behalf of the City except on matters that require approval of the City Council. (b) To provide to the Consultant all criteria and information about the requirements for the Services, including, as relevant, the City's objectives and constraints, schedule, space, capacity and performance requirements, and budgetary limitations. (c) To provide to the Consultant existing studies, reports, and other available data relevant to the Services. (d) To arrange for access to, and make provisions for the Consultant to enter on, public and private property as reasonably required for the Services. (e) To provide, as relevant, surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations, and utility locations for the Services and the services of other consultants when the services of other consultants are requested by the Consultant and are necessary for the performance of the Services. (fl To provide structural, mechanical, chemical, air and water tests, tests for hazardous materials, and other laboratory and environmental tests, inspections, and reports required by law to be provided by the City in connection with the Services, except the extent such tests, inspections, or reports are part of the Services. -4- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract (g) To review reports, documents, data, and all other information presented by the Consultant as appropriate. (h) To provide approvals from all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Services when requested by the Consultant, except the extent such approvals are part of the Services. (i) To provide, except as provided under Article 5 and Article 6 %J this Contract, all accounting, insurance, and legal services as may be necessary from time to time in the judgment of the City to protect the City's interests with respect to the Services. To attend meetings related to the Services. (k) To give prompt written notice to the Consultant whenever the City observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of Services, except that the inability or failure of the City to give any such a notice will not relieve the Consultant of any of its responsibilities under this Contract. 3.6 Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence for the Services and all activities with regard to the performance of the Services. 3.7 Suspension of Services. The City, at any time and for any reason, may suspend work on any or all Services by issuing a written work suspension notice to the Consultant. The Consultant must stop the performance of all Services within the scope of the suspension notice until the City Erects the Consultant in writing to resume performance. ARTICLE 4. SERVICES CHANGE ORDERS; DELAYS 4.1 Services Change Orders. The City, from time to time, may issue a written order modifying or otherwise changing the scope of the Services included in a Services Change Order (a "Services Change Order"). Any Services Change Order in an amount exceeding $10,000 must be approved by the City Council. The Services Change Order will be generally in the form attached to and by this reference incorporated into this Contract as Attachment A. The Consultant may request a Services Change Order based on a claimed material change to any Services performed under this Contract. A Services Change Order may include additions to and deletions from the Services and will include requested equitable increases or decreases to the Compensation. 42 Revision Notices. Within three (3) days after the date of a Services Change Order, and in any event before the Consultant begins work on any changed Services, the Consultant must notify the City in writing if the Consultant desires a revision to the Services Change Order (a "Revision Notice"). The Revision Notice must clearly state the Consultant's requested revisions and the reasons for the revisions. If the City agrees to any revision, then the City will issue a revised Services Change Order in a form acceptable to the Parties. If the Consultant does not submit a Revision Notice within the (3) -day period, then the Consultant will be deemed to have accepted the Services Change Order and the Services Change Order will be final. 43 No Change in Absence of Services Change Order. No claim for an adjustment in Compensation or Project Schedule will be made or allowed unless it is embodied in a Services Change Order signed by the City and the Consultant. If the Consultant believes it is entitled to an adjustment in the Compensation or Project Schedule terms that has not been included, or fully included, in a Services Change Order, then the Consultant may submit to the City a written request -5- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract For the issuance of, or revision of, a Services Change Order including the desired adjustment. The Consultant's request must be submitted before the Consultant proceeds with any Services for which an adjustment is desired. 44 Delays. If a delay in providing Services results from one or more causes that could not be avoided or controlled by the Consultant, then the Consultant may be entitled to an extension of the Project Schedule for a period of time equal to that delay, or an adjustment in Compensation For extra costs related to the delay, or both. The Consultant must notify the City in writing within 3 days after the start of the delay and again in writing within 3 days after the delay has ended (the "Delay Period"). The first notice must state the cause or causes of the delay and the impact of the delay on providing Services. The second notice must state the cause or causes of the delay, the length of the day, the reasons why the delay disrupted performance of the Services and the Consultant's request, if any, for a change in Compensation or Project Schedule. If the Consultant fails to submit notices as provided in this Section 4.5, then the Consultant will be deemed to have waived any right to an adjustment in Compensation for the Services. ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE 5.1 Insurance. The Consultant must procure and maintain, for the duration of this Contract, insurance as provided in this Article 5. 5.2 Scope of Coverage; Minimum Limits of Coverage. (a) Commercial General Liability. Insurance Services Office ("ISO"), or reasonable equivalent, Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001, with the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents named as additional insured on Insurance Service Office (ISO) Additional Insured Endorsement CG 2010 (Exhibit A) or CG 2026 (Exhibit B). Coverage must be at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and for property damage and $1,000,000 per occurrence for personal injury. The general aggregate must be twice the required occurrence limit. Minimum General Aggregate must be no less than $2,000,000 or a project- contract specific aggregate of $1,000,000. (b) Automobile Liability. Insurance Service Office Business Auto Liability coverage form number CA 0001, Symbol Ol "Any Auto." Coverage must be at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (c) Professional Liability. Indemnification and for injury or damage arising out of negligent acts, errors, or omissions in providing professional services, including without limitation: (i) preparing, approving, or failure to prepare or approve maps, drawings, opinions, report, surveys, designs or specifications and (ii) providing direction, instruction, supervision, inspection, or engineering services or failing to provide them, if that is the primary cause of injury or damage. Coverage must be at least $1,000,000 each claim with respect to negligent acts, errors, and omissions in connection with all professional services to be provided under this Contract. (d) Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability. Workers' Compensation as required by the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Illinois and Employers' Liability insurance. Coverage must be at least Workers' Compensation Coverage with statutory limits and Employers' Liability limits of $500,000 per accident. 53 Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either the insurer must reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self4risured retentions with respect to the City and its officials, -6- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract officers, employees, and agents or the Consultant must procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration, and Consultant defense expenses. 5.4 Additional Requirements. The insurance policies must contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (a) Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage. The City and its officials, officers, employees must be covered as additional insured as respects: liability arising out of the Consultant's work, including without limitation activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and automobiles owned, leased, hired, or borrowed by the Consultant. Coverage must contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City or its officials, officers, employees, and agents. (b) Primary Coverage. The insurance coverage must be primary with respect to the City and its officials, officers and employees. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents will be excess of the Consultant's insurance and will not contribute with it. (c) Severability of Interests/Cross Liability. The insurance must contain a Severability of Interests/Cross Liability clause or language stating that the insurance will apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's ability. (d) Umbrella Policies. If any commercial general liability insurance is being provided under an excess or umbrella liability policy that does not "follow form," then the Consultant must name the City and its officials, officers and employees, as additional insured under the umbrella policy. (e) Occurrence Form. All general liability coverage must be provided on an occurrence policy form. Claims -made general liability policies are not acceptable. (f} Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Coverage. The insurer must agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents for losses arising from work performed by the Consultant. (g) Professional Liability. If the policy is written on a claims -made form, the retroactive date must be equal to or preceding the effective date of this Contract. If the policy is cancelled, non - renewed, or switched to an occurrence form, then the Consultant must purchase supplemental extending reporting period coverage for a period of not less than three years after the date of substantial completion. (h) All Coverage. Each insurance policy required must have the City expressly endorsed onto the policy as a Cancellation Notice Recipient. If a policy is canceled before the expiration date of that policy, then notice must be delivered to the City in accordance with the policy provisions prior to the expiration date. 01 Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance must be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A-, VII and licensed to do business in the State of Illinois. Waiver of Limitation. The Consultant hereby agrees to waive any limitation as to the amount of contribution recoverable against it by the City. This specifically includes any limitation -7- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract imposed by any state statute, regulation, or case law including any Workers' Compensation Act provision that applies a limitation to the amount recoverable in contribution, such as Kotecki v. Cyclops Welding. Each sub -consultant also must agree to this waiver. 5.5 Verification of CoverajZe. The Consultant must furnish the City with certificates of insurance naming the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents as additional insured and with original endorsements affecting coverage required by this Article 5. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy must be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements may be on forms provided by the City or may be ISO Additional Insured Endorsements CG 2010 or CG 2026, or reasonable equivalent, and in any event must be received and approved by the City before any work commences. The City reserves the right to request a full certified copy of each insurance policy and endorsement. 5.6 Sub -Consultants and Suppliers. The Consultant must include all sub -consultants as insured under its policies or must furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each sub - consultant. All coverage for sub -consultants are subject to all of the requirements stated in this Article 5. ARTICLE 6. INDEMNIFICATION 6.1 Agreement to Indemnify. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Consultant hereby agrees to indemnify and, at the City's request, defend the City and its officials, employees, agents, and representatives (collectively the "Indemnified Parties") against all injuries, deaths, loss, damages, claims, patent claims, lawsuits, liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses, including attorney fees incurred by the City (collectively "Claims"), that may in any way accrue against the Indemnified Parties or any one of them arising in whole, or in part, or in consequence of the negligent or intentionally tortious performance of any services by the Consultant or its employees or sub - consultants or that may in any way result therefrom, except only Claims arising out of the sole legal cause of the City. In addition, Consultant hereby agrees to indemnify the City with regard to any damages, costs and expenses, including attorney fees incurred by the City for any failure by the Consultant to comply with insurance reporting provisions of any Consultant insurance policy adversely affecting coverage provided to the indemnified parties. Al No Limit Based on Insurance. The Consultant expressly acknowledges and agrees that any performance bond or insurance policy required by this Contract, or otherwise provided by the Consultant, will in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify and defend the Indemnified Parties or any one of them. 63 Withholding Patent. To the extent that any payment is due to the Consultant under this Contract, the City may withhold that payment to protect itself against any Indemnified Claims until all claims, suits, or judgments have been settled or discharged and evidence to that effect has been furnished to the satisfaction of the City. 64 Limit on Duty to Indemnify. The Consultant is not required to indemnify an Indemnified Party to the extent a Claim resulted solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Party. -8- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract ARTICLE 7. ARBITRATION 7.1 Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Construction Industry Arbitration Rules or JAMS Dispute Resolution, as determined in the exclusive discretion of the City, at 333 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The parties agree that an arbitration award by default may be entered upon the party failing to appear or defend itself in any arbitration proceeding. In the event of any arbitration or litigation of this Contract, the non -prevailing party, as determined by the arbiter or court, shall pay all expenses incurred by the prevailing party, including, but not limited to (a) attorney's fees, (b) filing costs, (c) witness fees, and (d) other general expenses of arbitration or litigation. ARTICLE 8. TERMINATION 8.1 Contract is At -Will. This Contract is at -will and may be terminated by the City at any time at the City's convenience, without reason or cause. If the City terminates this Contract without reason or cause, then the Consultant will be entitled to Compensation for all Service performed by the Consultant up to the date of termination. The Consultant is not entitled to any consequential damages, including without limitation for lost profit, for any Services not performed by the Consultant. 82 Termination by City for Breach. The City at any time, by written notice providing Consultant with 10 days' to cure any alleged breach hereof, may terminate this Contract of breach by the Consultant and of one or more terms of this agreement. "Breach" by the Consultant includes (a) failure of the Consultant to adhere to any terms or conditions of this Contract, (b) failure of the Consultant to properly perform Services, (c) or failure of the Consultant to maintain progress in the performance of Services so as to endanger proper performance of the Services within the Project Schedule, (d) failure of the Consultant to have or maintain adequate resources to complete any Services. 83 City Remedies. If the City terminates this Contract for Breach by the Consultant, then the City will have the right, at its election and without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law or equity, to pursue any one or more of the following remedies: (a) The City may recover from the Consultant any and all costs, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the City as the result of any Breach or as a result of actions taken by the City in response to any Breach. (b) The City may withhold any or all outstanding Compensation to reimburse itself or pay for any and all costs, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the City as the result of any Breach or as a result of actions taken by the City in response to any Breach. In that event, the City will pay any excess funds to the Consultant, if any, after all of the City's costs are reimbursed or paid. If the Compensation withheld by the City is insufficient to reimburse the City for, or pay, all costs, then the City will has the right to recover directly from the Consultant a sum of money sufficient to reimburse itself, or pay, all remaining costs. -9- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 84 Termination by Consultant for Breach. The Consultant at any time, by written notice, terminate this Contract on account of failure by the City to properly pay the Consultant and failure of the City to cure the breach within 10 days after that written notice or such further time as the Consultant may agree, in the Consultant's sole discretion, in response to a written notice from the City seeking additional time to cure. ARTICLE 9. LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Consultant as Independent Consultant. For purposes of this Contract, the Consultant is an independent consultant and is not, and may not be construed or deemed to be an employee, agent, or joint venturer of the City. 9.2 Communications with Re ulg ators. Any written communication by Consultant directly with applicable governmental regulatory agencies with regard to Services shall be copied to the City. 9.3 Permits and Licenses. The Consultant must obtain and pay for all permits and licenses, registrations, qualifications, and other governmental authorizations required by law that are associated with the Consultant's performance of Services. 9.4 SafetX; Hazardous Materials. (a) Protection of Health, Environment. The Consultant's personnel must be experienced and properly trained to perform the Services and must take adequate precautions to protect human health and the environment in the performance of Services. (b) Notice of Hazardous Conditions. If the Consultant observes a potentially hazardous condition relating to the Services, then the Consultant must bring that condition to the attention of the City. (c) Hazardous Materials. The Consultant acknowledges that there may be hazardous substances, wastes, or materials as defined by applicable Law (Hazardous Materials") at a project site or otherwise associated with Services, and the Consultant under those circumstances must take appropriate precautions to protect its employees, sub -consultants, and suppliers. 9.5 Ownership of Data and Documents. All data and information, regardless of its format, developed or obtained under this Contract (collectively "Data"), other than the Consultant's confidential information, will be and remain the sole property of the City. The Consultant must promptly deliver all Data to the City at the City's request. The Consultant is responsible for the care and protection of the Data until that delivery. The Consultant may retain one copy of the Data for the Consultant's records subject to the Consultant's continued compliance with the provisions of this Article. The City hereby indemnifies the Consultant for damages caused by the City's misuse or reuse of Data not originally intended. 9.6 Notices. Any notice or communication required by this Contract will be deemed sufficiently given if in writing and when delivered personally or upon receipt of registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, with the U.S. Postal Service and addressed as follows. -10- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract If to the City: City Administrator City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 If to the Consultant: with a copes Public Works Director Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 with a coRY to: or to such other address as the party to whom notice is to be given has furnished in writing. 9.7 No Waiver by City. No act, order, approval, acceptance, or payment by the City, nor any delay by the City in exercising any right under this Contract, will constitute or be deemed to be an acceptance of any defective, damaged, flawed, unsuitable, nonconforming, or incomplete Services or operate to waive any requirement or provision of this Contract or any remedy, power, or right of the City. 9.8 No Third -Party Beneficiaries. This Contract is for the benefit of the City and the Consultant only and there can be no valid claim made or held against the City or the Consultant by any third party to be a beneficiary under this Contract. 9.9 Survival of Terms. The following sections will survive the termination of this Contract: 2.7, 3.2, 6.1, 8.4, 9.7, 9.8, and 9.9. 9.10 Assignments. The Consultant may not assign or transfer any term, obligation, right, or other aspect of this Contract without the prior express written consent of the City. If any aspect of this Contract is assigned or transferred, then the Consultant will remain responsible to the City for the proper performance of the Consultant's obligations under this Contract. The terms and conditions of any agreement by the Consultant to assign or transfer this Contract must include terms requiring the assignee or transferee to fully comply with this Contract unless otherwise authorized in writing by the City. 9.11 Amendments. This Contract may be amended only in writing executed by the City and the Consultant. 9.12 Governing Law. The validity, construction, and performance of this Contract and all disputes between the parties arising out of or related to this Contract will be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to choice or conflict of law rules or regulations. 9.13 Compliance with Laws, Grant Regulations. All Services must be provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all applicable governmental permits, licenses, or other approvals and authorizations, and with applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Consultant also must comply with applicable conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by the City with respect to this Contract. The Consultant will be solely responsible for any fines or penalties that may be imposed or incurred by a governmental agency with jurisdiction over the Services as a result of the Consultant's improper performance of, or failure to properly perform, any Services. -11- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 9.14 Representation of No Conflicts. The Consultant represents that, to the best of its knowledge, (1) no City employee or agent is financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the business of the Consultant or this Contract, (2) as of the Effective Date neither the Consultant nor any person employed by the Consultant has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Contract, and (3) neither the Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with the Consultant may at any time during the Term obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Contract. 9.15 No Collusion. The Consultant represents that the Consultant is not barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of (1) a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Consultant is properly contesting its liability for the tax or the amount of the tax or (2) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E4 or Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/22E4 et seq. The Consultant represents that the only persons, firms, or corporations interested in this Agreement as principals are those disclosed to the City prior to the execution of this Contract and that this Contract is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation. WHEREFORE, the City and the Consultant have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date. CITY OF MCHENRY By: w Bollinger Lach and Associates, Inc. By: Name: Title: -12- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract ATTACHMENT A SERVICES CHANGE ORDERNO0 In accordance with Section 4.1 of the Contract dated , 20 Consultant, the Parties agree to the following Services Change Order: 1. Change in Services: 2. 3. 20 4. Change in Project Schedule (attach schedule ifappropriate): between the City and the Change in Completion Date: All Services must be completed on or before: Change in Compensation: ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT REMAIN UNCHANGED. CITY [City's project representative] 20 Date CONSULTANT Signature Name (Printed or Typed) Date If compensation change greater than $3 500 then City Administrator signature required. City Administrator Date 20 If compensation change greater than $10 000 then City Council approval and Ma�si�nattire required. Mayor Date 20 -1- Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2017 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue, Water Main Replacement ATT: Professional Engineering Services Request for Proposal Submitted Proposals Professional Services Contract AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider awarding a Professional Services Contract for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project to HR Green, Inc. BACKGROUND: The existing 4" ductile iron water main on Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue is in need of replacement. Both locations have a long history of water main breaks as the existing water main has deteriorated due to corrosion, age, settlement, etc. Additionally the 4" diameter main is no longer compliant with current standards for size and capacity. Approximately 2,450 lineal feet of water main is to be replaced and sized up to 8" diameter Included in the FY 2017/2018 Budget, $50,000 was allotted for professional engineering design services for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project. The selected firm will provide a preliminary Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost (EOPC) by December 1, 2017 to be incorporated in the 2018/19 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for consideration of funding and construction in the 2018/19 budget year. City staff solicited proposals for Professional Engineering Services for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project from the City pool of prequalified firms. The Request For Proposal (RFP) was distributed to all five (5) firms prequalified in the Municipal Engineering Water and Wastewater category. ANALYSIS: Five (5) firms submitted a proposal, a scope of services and a project schedule that met requirements set out in the RFP. Sealed proposals for Professional Engineering Services for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project from the following firms were opened on June 28, 2017: • Baxter &Woodman, Inc. o $46,800.00 • Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. o $381074.00 • HR Green, Inc. o $321311.40 • Robinson Engineering, Ltd. o $38,287.00 • Strand Associates, Inc. o $52,000.00 Proposals were examined for conformance with the conditions of the RFP and evaluated based upon the criteria identified in the RFP. Staff's recommendation is to proceed with the awarding of the Professional Services Contract to HR Green, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $32,311.40. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve the attached Professional Services Contract for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project to HR Green, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $32,311.40. Teti IIVY • • i Fit +.,,. r`•;. ►i iiiiii AM Request for Proposal MAIM Notice to Firms The City of McHenry is requesting proposals for professional engineering services for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project. The included Preliminary Scope of Services provides anticipated items which may be required to perform all necessary engineering work associated with this project. Water Main Replacement is to be constructed in accordance with the City of McHenry Municipal code, current AWWA Standards, and the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction in Illinois. The City intends to begin work immediately upon execution of the contract with the selected consultant. It is the intent of the City to complete all design and bidding work by April 30, 2018. This timetable will allow for a timely contract award and construction of the proposed improvements in the 2018 calendar year. Project Description The existing 4" ductile iron water main on Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue is in need of replacement. Both locations have a long history of water main breaks as the existing water main has deteriorated due to corrosion, age, settlement, etc. Additionally the 4" diameter main is no longer compliant with current standards for size and capacity. Approximately 2,450 lineal feet of water main is to be replaced and sized up to 8" diameter. Fire hydrants, valve vaults, new service lines, and b-boxes are to be installed per current standards. The approximate location of the proposed improvements is shown below with project limits between Dale Avenue and Green Street. 2�City of McHenry Preliminary Scope of Services The Preliminary Scope of Services identifies a potential list of services required to successfully perform all required professional engineering services in order to complete the proposed project. Each firm will include with their proposal a Final Proposed Scope of Services, which shall include any notable exclusions. 1 � Preliminary site investigation for existing conditions including location of existing utilities, topographical survey, and soil borings. 2 � Investigation of possible water main alignments and final recommendation. 3 � Prepare construction plans and project manual for bidding purposes. a. Plan preparation to include pre -final submittal, review of pre -final submittal by City Staff, and responses provided for City review comments. 4 � Preparation of engineer's estimate of cost. A preliminary estimate of cost will be completed by December 1 of 2017 for FY 18/19 Capital Improvement Program and Budget updates. Final estimate of cost will be due prior to bidding. 5 � Completion of necessary permit applications and provide assistance to City Staff in the submittal of such applications. 6 � Provide responses to requests for information and assist with issuance of addenda during the bidding phase. All other bidding services shall be performed by City Public Works Staff. 7 � Provide construction support including: provide responses to contractor requests for information and review shop drawings if necessary. Resident Engineering Services are not included in the scope of services. 8 � Attend Meetings as necessary. Final Submittal Requirements 1 All proposals must be signed by an authorized official. 2 � Proposals shall include a brief project understanding of not more than one page. 3 � A Final Proposed Scope of Services "Services" shall be included with each proposal. 4 I An itemized schedule of costs "Compensation" shall be included with each proposal. 5 Proposals shall include a proposed "Project Schedule". 31City of McHenry 6 I Proposals shall also include a proposed project team chart. 7 I All proposals shall be submitted to the City of McHenry, no later than 3:00 PM, June 28/20174 8 I Proposals must be submitted in the following formats: One Original Proposal Document, one hard paper copy, and one electronic copy (CD or USB Flash Drive). 9 I Proposals must be submitted in one sealed envelope and must be plainly marked with the title "Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue, Water Main Replacement, Engineering Services". 10 I All proposals must be shipped to or dropped off in person at the following address. City of McHenry Public Works Department ATTN: Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Selection Criteria Firms will be evaluated based upon the following criteria: 1 I Completeness of project understanding and proposed scope of services 2 I Ability to meet project schedule 3 I Proposed project team and availability of such team 4 I Overall not to exceed costs Schedule 6/5/17 RFP Made Available 6/14/17 Deadline for Request for Information (RFI) 6/21/17 All RFI's Closed, All Addenda Issued 6/28/17 Deadline for Submittal of Proposals 7/5/17 Final Consultant Selection 7/17/17 PSA Approval by City Council &Notice to Proceed 41City of McHenry Conditions Agreed To All conons included in the original Request for Qualifications shall be considered as part of this RFP. By means of their prequalification it is understood that prequalified firms shall adhere to any and all conditions required by the original Request for Qualifications process and document. Professional Service Agreement Upon selection of a Firm the City and selected Firm shall enter into a contract for Professional Engineering Services. The City's standard Professional Services Contract is included as "Attachment A" and shall serve as the agreement between the selected consultant and the City of McHenry. The selected Firm's Final Proposed Scope of Services "Services", proposed "Project Schedule", and itemized schedule of costs "Compensation" shall be inserted into the Professional Services Contract and shall become a part of the contract. Questions and Addenda All inquiries regarding this RFP shall be submitted via a -mail to Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director, at ischmitt(aci.mchenry.il.us no later than June 14, 2017. The City of McHenry reserves the right to not respond to any or all inquiries. Responses will be provided in a written addendum with both inquiries and responses, without stating the source of the inquiry via e-mail not later than June 21, 2017. 51City of McHenry I CITY OF Myc�=� �e_� wry oop Q H E A R T 0 I t N E F 0 X R I V E R Proposal Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Engineering Services City of McHenry Public Works Department June 28, 2017 s� Robinson ®/r 1w V I " ro = n f PIV tuw " Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment, 5ince 1937 26575 W. Commerce Drive, Suite 512 Volo, IL 60143 ph. 815-806-0300 f. 815-806-0301 Frankfort, IL Itasca, IL Kankakee, IL South Holland, IL Volo, IL Merrillville, IN g�,: Robinson c/�ENOINEERING Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. Aaron E. Fundich, PE Direct Line: (815) 412-2701 e-mail: afundich(a)reltd.com June 28, 2017 City of McHenry Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Attention: Mr. Jon M. Schmitt Public Works Director RE: Request for Proposals Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Dear Mr. Schmitt: Robinson Engineering, Ltd. (REL) is pleased to submit this proposal to the City of McHenry for its Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project as described in your June 5, 2017 Request for Proposal (RFP). We are honored to serve over 55 Chicagoland communities as their appointed village/city engineers, including 28 we've served continuously for a half -century or more. Our long history with these communities affords us a unique familiaritywith alltypes of municipal engineering, planning, construction and funding issues. We are confident that this volume of municipal experience can be utilized to benefit the City of McHenry during its upcoming water main replacement project, which is expected to face many A the similar challenges to which our staff is accustomed in addressing. Over the past fifteen years, we've designed and managed numerous annual water main replacement programs throughout Chicagoland. Many of these range in size from a couple blocks, similar to your upcoming project (as we did last year in WonderLake), to multi -million dollar projects like one we received bids for this past month in Tower Lakes. Our design and construction teams are attuned to the details that will matter most to residents affected by the construction, particularly at times when construction is occurring adjacent to homes, and water service is temporarily impacted. We are also well -versed in the public relations intricacies of these types of projects that affect local property owners in a very personal fashion. If selected by McHenry, we would perform all work with in-house personnel and not utilize any subconsultants (outside of soil borings if authorized), so we will readily exert all project management controls to meet your objectives. The project would be managed through our Lake/McHenry County office in nearby Volo, by one of our key team members who is a McHenry resident. This proximity will aHow our engineering team members to be readily accessible to City staff throughout the project duration. 26575 W. Commerce Drive, Suite 512 � Volo, IL 60073 G (815) 806-0300 � Fax (815) 806-0301 w4VLV. RE LTE�.C+� Ivl We thank you for the opportunity to submit our Proposal, we look forward to the opportunity to serve McHenry during this important endeavor. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (815) 412-2701. Very truly yours, ROBINSON ENGINEERING, LTD. Aaron E. Fundich, PE Executive Vice President AEF: pc Encl. Municipal Ezp ertise. Commun'ty Commitment. . 1 � t CONTENTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTENTS SECTION NO. Cover Letter ......................................................................................... . Project Understanding &Scope of Services 1 Project Schedule 2 ......................................................................................... . Project Team 3 ......................................................................................... . Team Chart ......................................................................................... . Team Resumes .......................................................................................... Compensation & Schedule of Costs 4 .................................................................................... . Addendum Acknowledgment A ......................................................................................... . Project Understanding &Scope of Services Y f Lp,,s ►3 ` _ �► Rob insonP r---- ---� ,� Municipal Expertise, Community Commitment. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project outlined in the City of McHenry's Request for Proposal (RFP) calls upon our core skills and wealth of experience as municipal engineers. Due to the disruptive nature of the proposed project in an established residential neighborhood, strong project management and attention to those details which most affect property owners will be critical during the design and construction phases to ensure that this project proceeds smoothly. Our vast experience with similar design and construction projects in residential neighborhoods has heightened our sensitivity to critical details that can sometimes be overlooked such as driveway access, water service to homes, sequencing of various construction activities, resident notification for construction activities/utility shut -downs, landscape restoration, maintenance of mail service, and dust control, to name but a few. It will be important to maintain positive public relations through flyers, newsletters and meetings, keeping in mind that the affected residents will be living with the construction in a very personal fashion. The project involves replacement of approximately 2,450 lineal feet of 4-inch diameter water main with 8-inch diameter water main to improve system reliability as well as hydraulics for water supply delivery and fire flows. The existing water main has a long history of water main breaks due to corrosion, age, settlement, etc. New water main, fire hydrants, valve vaults, service lines, and b-boxes will be installed. Based on our site visit, it is likely that the new water main can be installed once again in the parkway area of the right- of-way. We reach this conclusion based on the relatively few obstructions located in the parkway and the apparent width of the right-of-way. This will be confirmed when the topographic survey is completed, the locations of other utilities are determined, and the right-of-way limits are established. Verification of certain design elements would be discussed at an initial Kick-off meeting. Some of these include whether new services are to be open cut or trenchless, watermain pipe type, valve and hydrant manufacturers preferred by City, etc. If water services are open cut, there may also be consideration as to whether or not streets affected by the water main construction would be resurfaced as part of the project. (3 LA V4 ►� i Robinson ' � v n ra Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. Robinson Engineering prides itself on providing expert staff for every aspect of the projects we undertake, and is fully able and qualified to complete all required aspects of this project utilizing in-house staff. If necessary, we would partner with our sister company, GEOCON Professional Services, LLC to perform soil borings and geotechnical SCOPE OF SERVICES analysis if desired by the City. Due to the relatively modest depth associated with water main construction, however, most municipalities don't perform borings forthese projects unless they desire to have advance notice of potential Clean Construction & Demolition Debris (CCDD) issues that could potentially affect material disposal costs during construction. The following outline includes the envisioned scope of engineering services for preliminary and final design, permitting and bidding, and construction engineering services for implementation of each phase of the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project. Preliminary En�ineerin� Phase • Project kick-off meeting. We will meet with City staff to review the general scope of the project, supplemental design criteria, and to obtain the City's input regarding scope and schedule expectations, as well as other potential City concerns associated with the project. Another prime objective of this meeting will be to clarify the City's desired communications protocol for all aspects of the project, not only in the project management, but with residents that will be directly involved in the project. Other pertinent data and information that would be collected and reviewed are the City's water and sewer atlases, Public Works standards, City of McHenry's municipal code, available rights-of-way/easement information, and private utility information in the various project areas. We would seek to clarify as much 'local information' as we can during such an initial meeting, and couple this meeting with a joint walk-through of the initial project phase with City staff. A.bta Roy �,finson Municipal Expertise, Community Commitmen!. 7. SCOPE OF SERVICES • Topographic Survey. A detailed topographic survey will be performed at project locations as necessary to prepare an accurate set of high quality engineering design plans. This survey will be performed under the direction of an Illinois -licensed surveyor by an experienced survey crew utilizing state-of-the-art GPS surveying units for control establishment, and Trimble total station surveying equipment for detailed topographic data. Electronic field data will be processed utilizing commercially licensed AutoCAD software. Specific tasks will include but not be limited to the following: o Perform level circuit, with detailed topography shown as needed with one -foot contour intervals throughout the described project area. o Verify alignment and ties using NGVD 29 for Vertical Datum and USGS NAD 83 for Horizontal Datum. o Establish reference and/or base lines paralleling rights -of -way (ROW) where possible, stationing from south to north and/or west to east. o Locate and identify all above ground structures (i.e., mailboxes, utility poles, driveways, culvert headwalls, culverts, sidewalks, curb, creek centerline, creek banks, sump pump outlets, etc.). o Locate all landscape materials (i.e., bushes, trees, flower beds, landscape borders, flagstone paths or walls, brick pavers, etc.). o Field locate (horizontal dimensions) all marked utilities, including gas, electrical, telephone, water main, sanitary sewers and storm sewers. Rim/invert elevations, pipe and conduit sizes of drainage culverts, manholes, inlets, valve vaults will also be collected. No verification of utility elevations is proposed via excavation. o Base drawings shall utilize standard drafting symbols and line weights, and shall include structure and other relevant information via leaders. Intersection of lot lines, lot numbers and common addresses will be shown. o Verify existing right-of-way based on identified field monumentation (i.e, iron rods, nails, etc.) and/or County tax maps, and drawing of same on base sheets. o Prepare base drawings at 1" = 30' scale or as desired by City. %Robinson Municipm Expertise. Community Commitment. IF, LAu1�ai SCOPE OF SERVICES • Initial Utility Coordination. At the onset of the project, we will contact all known private utilities in the project area, including pipelines, gas, electric, phone and cable TV facilities within proposed project limits. • Soil Borings. If the City elects to proceed with this scope, we will obtain six soil borings to a depth of ten feet along the anticipated water main alignment. A geotechnical report will be prepared from the laboratory analysis of the soil encountered, and recommendations will then be provided for construction of the water main. • Preliminary Design. Develop preliminary water main alignments and profiles for review by Public Works staff, along with an inventory of remaining design conflicts to be resolved. Design Engineering Phase • Develop detailed design drawings: o Cover sheet o Quantity sheet &general notes o Plan and profile sheets o Erosion control & SWPPP sheets o Water main details o Restoration details o Project specifications complying with the City of McHenry and IEPA standards • Prepare and submit preliminary and final itemized construction cost estimates. • Submit pre -final plans to affected utility companies to ensure that conflicts are identified and minimized during the design. • Prepare and assist City staff in submitting all permit applications for required design improvement permits. Anticipated permitting includes an IEPA permit application for water main construction. • Submit initial plans at the 50% and 95% completion levels for City review and comment. Undergo internal Robinson Engineering, Ltd. process for QA/QC at each stage. • Progress meeting with City staff to review 50% submittal. • Provide recommendations for temporary and/or permanent easements (if required). Coordination with property owners, easement plats, and legal descriptions shall be provided by the City. • Public meetings with City officials as directed by the City. e�4rn Y %Robinson Municipal Expertise. Communi ty C ommi tment. Bidding Phase Services • Respond to questions from prospective bidders. • Issue addenda as may be required. Construction Engineering Phase • Respond to contract requests for information. • Review shop drawings. P LA uV4 EXEc.vre. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) —Robinson Engineering will adhere fully to its in-house QA/QC policy during the design of the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project. Our internal QA/QC program involves various parts of our organization, including: two technical engineering reviews; a field check and constructability review by a seasoned resident engineer; a municipal review conducted between our project manager and the City's liaison; and a final review by our Director of Engineering prior to issuance of final construction plans and documents to bidders. Our internal policy also requires our staff to conduct QA/QC reviews at various points as the project progresses (as opposed to just near the end) so that the City's project schedule is met without late surprises. As a final check, our administrative staff is not authorized to proceed with plan reproduction tasks until our Director of Engineering verifies that all plans and documents have undergone our rigorous internal QA/QC process. These internal reviews, coupled with the City's review of all plans and contract documents, ensure that the design plans and contract documents meet all applicable standards of care prior to the bidding process taking place. Our experience has shown that rigorous reviews on the front end of projects significantly minimizes the need for costly change orders or schedule delays during construction. We will dedicate the necessary staff and resources to comply with the City's schedule. We will submit plans for IEPA permitting by mid -October, and deliver a construction cost estimate by December 1, 2017 for the City's FY 18/19 Capital Improvement Program and Budget updates. We anticipate having design, contract books and permitting completed by January5, 2018. If the City chooses to bid the project in January and award the project in February, then the construction could feasibly be completed by July 2018. �� Robinson Project Schedule CITY OF MCHENRY TIMOTHY LANE AND CLOVER AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENTS Project Kickoff Meeting 0 days. Mon 7/17/17 Mon 7/17/17f � ..... 7/17 ------ ------------- Too P '------- - - 4wks——.__—_ Mon 7/17/17; Fri g/11/17t...... ......... ............... .... ..... ...... .. .. ......._....... ......... . .. .. .. .. ....... ... .... .... ................... .. ....... ..... ........ ................... .... Fri 9/8/17I ..........................................................._..................................................................._..................._........................................._......................................_......._...._...................._..... ........................ __..._Collect&Process Draft Topo/Plans 4 wksl. Mon 8/14/17 .._.._.. .......... ... ................. ... .. . .. ... .. .. ... .. ... ....._..... ....._.... _ ..... .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ........ ... ... .._........ ... ..... ..... ... .. ... ... ... .......... :rono uesign compienomrrenminary �sumarn of i nw; �w ��; � �CosUIEPA Permit Submittal ; ' 195%Z Design Completion%Pre-Final Submittal to City � 1 monl> Mon 11%6/1T. Fri 1 ;Response to.City Oomments%REL QfVQC'._._._.........................3 wks.. - �Mon124%1T- Fri12 IEPA Permit Review I .___.__...._.___;- 3 moos' Mon 1b/g/17 .__..___ Fri 1F �.100 % Design Completion 2 wks. Mon 12/25/17' Fri .BID i 3.4 wks: Thu 1/16/18; Fri Advertise Project �------------�� --- - ---..r. .....__._..__. 2wks_�,.__ ___. . Mon 1/8/18!__ ---Fri Fri 1 'Construction Task Progress Summary � External Tasks Split v Split , , , � , , , � � � � � � � � � Milestone ♦ Project Summary �� External MileTask 0 Page 1 �? Robinson Project Team Robinson , ®® ENGINEERING Municipal Expertise, Community fommitmen t. If selected by the City of McHenry to provide professional engineering services for the Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project, Robinson Engineering, Ltd. (REL) will effectively lead a highly qualified team of dedicated professionals who will be fully accessible to City staff throughout the duration of the project. We are confident in our project team's direct experience and abilities to serve the City of McHenry at the highest possible level for this project. Mr. Steven G. Zehner, PE, LEED AP will serve as our Principal -in -Charge. PROJECT TEAM Steve, Lake/McHenry County Office Manager, has 25 years of progressive professional engineering experience, and is an industry and technical specialist with an extensive background in environmental protection. Steve was integral in the development of the Du Page River Salt Creek Workgroup (the model watershed agency in USEPA Region 5), and is adept in environmental law and policy. Steve has served as the City Engineer for Wood Dale, and as interim Director of Public Works for Bensenville and Hainesville. He will be responsible for coordinating contract negotiation and administration, overall performance of the project team, and he will be on hand as needed to ensure that the City's goals and expectations are met. Mr. Paul R. Ruscko, PE, will serve as Project Manager, ensuring compliance with project milestone deadlines, coordinating client communication, and confirming that all necessary resources are allocated. Paul is an industry expert with 18 years of experience specializing in municipal water and wastewater systems. He has served as a Project Manager and Project Engineer for numerous client projects. Paul has held the position of Director of Public Works for two municipalities; therefore he understands municipal water systems from the perspective of operation, maintenance, management, and design. Mr. James M. Czarnik, PE, Water and Wastewater Department Manager, will serve as our QA/QC Engineer and will also be available to provide technical guidance. Jim has a passion for water and wastewater design, which is demonstrated by the multitude of water and wastewater infrastructure projects he has designed over his 20-year career, including: over 10 complete or partial water and wastewater treatment plant rehabilitation projects; 20 water, wastewater, and stormwater pump station improvement projects; over 20 water and wastewater infrastructure evaluation studies; and over 5 miles of water main, sanitary sewer, and force main installation. Jim understands the intricacies of residential water main replacement projects (limited construction area, parkway obstructions, resident coordination, and water service impacts), and effectively manages these projects to minimize the construction impact to the neighborhood. Mr. Greg A. Kamplain, PEI will serve as our Water Main Design Engineer, performing computerized water system modeling as may be required to verify replacement water main sizes, as well as preparing design plans, specifications, contract documents and cost estimates. Greg has more than 16 years of professional engineering experience to complement his Master's Degree in environmental engineering, and has performed design and construction engineering work for well over $10 million in water main distribution projects. 1*4xi Robinson ENO Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. Mn Richard A. Leber, will serve as Permitting Engineer. Rick is an industry professional with over 40 years of operation and maintenance management, construction management, facility planning, evaluation, corrective strategy, and design for water and wastewater facilities, ranging in size from 5,000 gallons per day to 30 million gallons per day. With top licenses as both a Class 1 wastewater and Class A water system operator, Rlck is currently overseeing operation, maintenance, and management of 32 wastewater and water systems for municipalities and private clients. All CADD drawings will be prepared by a dedicated team of technicians under the direction of our CADD Department Head, Mr. Andrew P. Gulden. Andy has been our most proficient CADD technician for more than 22 years. Andy will ensure that all final plan drawings meet the appropriate technical and quality standards for submittals to the City, permitting authorities and utility companies. Mr. Randell E. Gann, PLS, Survey Department Manager with over 25 years of experience, will provide and oversee surveying services and resources. Numerous other technical experts throughout the firm will also assist the team as needed, including experienced professionals from our field, survey, GIS, CADD and administrative departments that work "behind the scenes" to ensure all project topographic/survey data are processed accurately and that the quality of all design drawings and project exhibits meet the highest possible standards. A project organizational chart is below, and snapshot resumes of our proposed project team members can be found on the following pages. �`� City of McHenry Proposal For Professional Engineering Services For Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Principal -in -Charge Project Manager QA/QC Engineer Steven G. Zehner, PE, LEED AP Paul R. Ruscko, PE James M. Czarnik, PE Lake/McHenry County Office Mgr. Senior Project Manager Senior Project Manager Water Main Design Engineer Permitting Engineer Greg A. Kamplain, PEI - Richard Leber Project Engineer Senior Project Manager CADD Services Field Services Land Surveying Andrew R Gulden -- Douglas E. Breshock - LRandell E. Gann, PLS Chief CADD Draftsman Field Superintendent Chief Land Surveyor Robinson ENO STEVEN G. ZEHNER, PE, LEED AP Municipal Expertise. community Commitment. Senior Project Monoger EDUCATION Mr. Zehner is an industry professional and technical specialist with an Bachelor of Science extensive background in environmental protection. He has managed internal departments (Environmental, and Industrial), and countless client projects, Southern Illinois University working closely with elected officials, residents, industries and contractors. Mr. Zehner has developed and managed numerous Pretreatment Programs PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS and Pollution Prevention Programs. He has also served as the City Engineer Professional Engineer for the Wood Dale and as an interim Director of Public Works for Bensenville and Hainesville. Illinois, Wisconsin PRE-TREATMENT ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Mr. Zehner has been involved with the Federal Pretreatment Program since Certified Hazardous Materials Manager 1987 serving as the identified Pretreatment Coordinator for the Village of (CHMM) Itasca. He currently serves as the Pretreatment Coordinator for Itasca, Wood Leadership in Energy and Environmental Dale and Romeoville as well as assisting numerous other communities with Design Accredited Professional smaller programs. This role has served as a basis for numerous wastewater (LEEDAP) treatment plant work involving NPDES permitting, sludge disposal and industrial user interaction. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS His environmental background includes surface and groundwater hydrology; DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup water/wastewater pretreatment; industrial wastewater treatment systems, (DRSCW) groundwater remediation technologies, watershed issues, and hazardous Illinois Water Enviroment Association waste site closures. Well versed in the Impaired Waters and Total Maximum (IWEA) Past Watershed Chair Daily Loads (US EPA Clean Water Act) Has tracked progress of the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) process in the State of Illinois to assist US Green Building Council (USGBBC) numerous clients with discharge to Salt Creek and the DuPage River. Served Water Environment Federation (WEF) as Project Manager or had extensive involvement in these representative Central States Water Environment projects: u Pretreatment Program Development Various $400,000 annual PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS & Management "Spray Irrigation: Not Putting the "E" o Wynstone Spray Irrigation System North 2008-2010 in NPDES After All?", IWEA Annual Redesign & Construction Barrington $8,600,000 Conference (2010) Wastewater Treatment Plant Itasca $2,100,000 2007 Expansion "Towards Illinois' first point -source c, Water System Expansions Various N/A N/A expansion in an urbanized watershed with a TMDL in implementation", WEF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING TMDL Conference (2009) Was integral in the development of the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup, "Understanding Sustainability and its j the model watershed agency in USEPA Region 5. Has provided numerous impact on Municipal Budgets", Illinois environmental site assessments to identify green solutions that include Municipal Treasurers Association Annual energy efficiency incentives, loan programs, and grant funding (e.g. LED Conference (2008) lighting, control system improvements, variable frequency drive evaluations, energy recovery, renewable energy evaluations, high efficiency pumping and EMPLOYMENT HISTORY wastewater aeration energy efficiency improvements). Adept in associated Robinson Engineering, Ltd. environmental law and policy. 2011-Present 3 Phase I & II Industrial & commercial environmental property assessments for numerous municipal and industrial clients. Baxter & Woodman o Wastewater treatment upgrades 1987-2010 Underground Storage Tank & Hazardous Waste Site Closure Projects for over 30 clients in both the private and public sectors M ECO 1986-1987 MUNICIPALENGINEERING u Assisted with the development of 5-year capital improvement plan o Project Manager for daily engineering operations, including design and construction oversight for all infrastructure projects o Liaison between City and multiple consulting engineering firms W4c% Robinson Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering University of Illinois Urbana -Champaign Associate of Engineering Science College of Lake County PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Registered Professional Engineer Illinois PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS IEPA Wastewater Treatment Works Operator, Class 4 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Public Works Association (APWA) Illinois Water EnvironmentAssociation (IWEA) Central States Water Environment Association (CSWEA) Fox Valley Operator's Association (FVOA) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Robinson Engineering, Ltd. 2017-Present HR Green, Inc. 2015-2017 City of Woodstock 2013-2015 Village of Lakewood 2007-2013 Baxter &Woodman, Inc. 1999-2007 Abbott Laboratories (Internship) 1998-1999 PAUL Ke RUSCKO, PE Senior Project Manager An industry professional with over 18 years of municipal experience, Mr. Ruscko has served as Director of Public works for two municipalities, as well as a Project Manager and Project Engineer, specializing in municipal water w & astewater systems. CITY OF WOODSTOCK (2013-2015) Served as Public Works Director, implemented and managed short and long- term capital projects to provide reliable municipal infrastructure. Responsible for developing and overseeing $9M budget and 48 employees Active participant in the McHenry County Council of Mayors and the Public Transportation Advisory Committee VILLAGE OF LAKEWOOD (2007-2013) Served as Public Works Director, reorganized the department, improving water & wastewater treatment supervision. Instituted annual water main and water service valve maintenance program to ensure that equipment would function properly in an emergency situation F Acquired federal funds (CMAQ) to build bicycle lanes along a heavily traveled thoroughfare R Implemented BMPs for a low lying zoning district to reduce the release of storm water and pollutants to neighboring properties and public waters Developed and implemented 14 public works and special service area budgets PROJECT MANAGER &PROJECT ENGINEER Professional Engineer and Manager for numerous client projects and internal departments HR Green, Inc. o Collaborated with four consulting firms to complete a $61M wastewater treatment system consolidation Senior Project Manager, providing engineering and project management for client projects Served as Manager and mentor for engineers and construction technicians Baxter & Woodman, Inc. Oversaw $11.3 M wastewater treatment plant expansion, completed on time Led all phases of municipal infrastructure planning, design, and construction; taking projects from concept to completion e Submitted applications and obtained permits/authorization/releases from USACE, IEPA, IDNR, IHPA, CMAP, McHenry County, etc., as required for each project Supervised and coached new project engineers and field engineers Rob��� Enson Municipal Expertise, Community Commitment, EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Registered Professional Engineer Illinois, Indiana PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Illinois Water Environment Association (IWEA) Water Environment Federation, Member (WEF) American Water Works Association (AW WA) Illinois Section American Water Works Association (ISAWWA) Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Provisional Sustainability Professional EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Robinson Engineering, Ltd. 2002-Present Andrews Environmental Engineering, Inc. 1997-2002 JAMES Me CZARNIK, PE Senior Project Manager With over 20 years of professional experience, Mr. Czarnik serves as the manager of Robinson Engineering's Water & Wastewater Department. He is responsible for the design and construction of water and wastewater infrastructure, including treatment plants, wastewater lift stations, water pump stations, sanitary sewer conveyance systems, and water distribution systems. Mr. Czarnik also performs sanitary sewer modeling. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING Serves as the firm's Municipal engineer for the following communities, both of which continue to utilize Robinson Engineering, Ltd. e Merrillville Conserv. Dist. 2009-present o Sauk Village 2005-present MASTER PLANNING Preparation of the following master planning efforts to assist clients in prudent development of their water and wastewater infrastructure. E Far West Infrastructure Feasibility Study Minooka / Channahon 2014 Water System Improvements Project Sauk Village 2014 Downtown Wastewater & Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements Study WASTEWATER MODELING Hobart 2012 Modeling of existing sanitary sewer infrastructure to determine current capacity, and plan capital improvement projects for system expansion. Sanitary Sewer System Capacity Evaluation Aqua Illinois 2013 Main Street Improvements Hobart 2012 WATER DESIGN Design and management of components of water infrastructure, including water treatment plants, pump stations, water mains, and permitting. Water Treatment Plant Improvements Sauk Village $4,200,000 2015 Wells 13 & 14 with Water Treatment Plant Frankfort $4,100,000 2015 North Reservoir Water Pump Station Alsip $2,900,000 2013 t Water Bond Water Main Replacements Midlothian $2,600,000 2012 WASTEWATER DESIGN Design and management of all components of sanitary sewer infrastructure, including wastewater treatment plants, lift stations, force mains, sanitary sewers, and permitting. WWTP Blower Replacements Romeoville $354,000 2015 `. RobinsENGINEERon Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. GREG A. KAMPLAIN, PEI Project Engineer Mr. Kamplain is a project engineer with over 16 years of experience providing EDUCATION civil engineering to municipal clients. He has experience in all project aspects including management, design, specifications, permitting, contract Master of Science, Environmental '� administration and as a field and project coordinator for construction phases Engineering and has expertise in preparing municipal water system designs and modeling. Bradley University IEPA STATE REVOLVING FUNDS LOAN PROGRAM C� Project Engineer for numerous [EPA funded projects. Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering i Water Meter Replacement Dolton $4,099,995 2015 University of Illinois ) Manhole Rehabilitation Bridgeview $737,600 2014 118th Street Water Main Replacement Merr. Park $347,000 2014 Associate of Science, Engineering j Water Treatment Plant Sauk Village $4,900,000 2013 Danville Area Community College Elevated Tank Repainting & Ground Blue Island $1,200,000 2011 Storage Reservoir Elevated Tank Painting & Pump Station Merr. Park $928,000 2011 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS ! Modifications Lift Station Upgrades & Sewer and South Palos $3,900,000 2010 Professional Engineer -in -Training Lateral Lining Township SD Illinois SW Quadrant 1 MG Elevated Tank & Frankfort $2,700,000 2009 �Ii Water Main Extension WATER & SEWER PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS I Project Engineer for numerous water main (WM) and sanitary sewer American Water Works Association relocations, including design, estimate, bidding, and construction guidance. (AWWA) { Bernice Road Water Main Replacement Lansing $724,600 2015 Blackhawk Dr. & Amherst Ln. Sanitary Aqua $63,700 2015 South Suburban Water Works I) Sewer Replacement Association (SSWWA) Fire Hydrant Cleaning &Painting S. Palos SD $11,300 2015 1 80th Ave. 1MG Elevated Storage Tank Frankfort $21600,000 2014 131st. St. 12" Sanitary Sewer Replace S. Palos SD $ 200,000 2014 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY potable Water Wells Drilling & Testing Frankfort $ 257,000 2013 Robinson Engineering, Ltd. ! Water Main Replacement (various sites) Midlothian $757,000 2012 2007-Present !� Rte. 30 WM & Sanitary Sewer Replace Frankfort $1,000,000 2011 Foth Infrastructure &Environment, LLC OFCC Water Main Replace & Extension Oly Fields $1,300,000 2011 19,99 - 2007 j 1 MG Elevated Storage Tank & 12" WM Frankfort $ 2,400,000 2010 MASTER PLANNING STUDIES & ANALYSES Project management for various clients' master planning projects. 1 c) Elevated Tank Operation & Water System Berkley $18,000 2015 Evaluation _ Far West Feasibility Study Channahon $37,500 2014 & Minooka Water Distribution System Analysis Posen $15,000 2012 Water Distribution System Analysis for Oly Flds & OF $14,000 2010 Olympia Fields, Country Club C-Club Master Distribution Study Lynwood $25,000 2009 Master Water and Sewer Study Peotone $35,000 2008 PROJECT DESIGN & MANAGEMENT Design and project management of more than $10 million in local water and wastewater (WW) infrastructure projects. c Joe Orr Rd. Lift Station Improvements Chicago Hts. $550,000 2012 Water Pump Station Improvements Bridgeview $1,300,000 2009 e New Water Pump Station Calumet City $2,600,000 2009 Centennial Drive Water Treatment Plant Peoria 2/500,000 2007 Robinson Oils ENO 0 N E E R f N C! RICHARD LEBER Municipal Expertise, Community Commitment, Senior Project Manager EDUCATION Mr. Leber, an industry professional with over40 years of operation, maintenance Bachelor of Science, Environmental i' management, construction management, facility planning, evaluation, Engineering,'' corrective strategy, and design for water and wastewater facilities, ranging in Washington National University ++! size from 5,000 gallons per day to 30 million gallons per day. He has managed coating projects for water and wastewater treatment facilities, including PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS evaluation, specifications and inspections. Arizona Grade 4 Water Operator WATER AND WASTEWATER Arizona Grade 4 Wastewater Operator ;! Water and Wastewater & Coating professional: manages numerous projects, evaluates water, wells, storage treatment and distribution systems. i? IEPA Class I Wastewater Operator i Currently overseeing operation, maintenance and management of thirty-two !! (32) water and wastewater systems for municipalities and private clients. IEPA Class A Water Operator I Creation, construction oversight, and management of water production and IEPA Industrial Wastewater Treatmenttreatment system for numerous communities in Illinois. Works Operator Managed operations, maintenance, management, and headed the rebuild/ NACE Level 3 Certified Coating Inspector expansion of 9.0 mgd wastewater treatment facility for the Northwest (N/W) (CIP) #17379 Regional Water Reclamation Facility. Wisconsin Class 1 Water Operator Facility planning for the creation and the expansion of wastewater treatment facilities for the following municipal clients, mostly in Illinois: Wisconsin Class 4 Wastewater Operator a Clifton Harvard n Richmond • Ferndale, CA Johnsburg Spring Grove PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION : Fox Lake Paddock Lake, WI Wonder Lake American Society of Civil Engineers cl Managed coating projects on water and wastewater facilities, including National Association of Corrosion elevated and at -grade storage tanks, wastewater lift stations water booster Engineers stations, and wastewater treatment plants for the following clients: Society for Protective Coatings o Hainesville Itasca Terra Cotta Industries Harvard Manteno Tower Lakes AWARDS J Island Lake Matteson Volo 2009 R&D 100 Award for Bio-Methane . Production Project with Argonne ! WATER AND WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT & DESIGN National Laboratory Manages and designs water and wastewater systems. Representative projects: Safety and Operations Award Harvard -Well #9 and Watertower #3 o Designed a 1.0 MG elevated storage tank and a 1,200 GPM well and new EMPLOYMENT HISTORY well house for the City system Robinson Engineering, Ltd. Oswego -Well #8 and Well House, Radium Removal. Federally funded 2013 Present Design and specifications for 1,000 GPM deep well and well house with Manhard Consulting, Ltd. chemical feed and standby power. 2004-2013 Designed 5 radium removal systems retrofitted to existing wells and Smith Engineering Consultants treatment facilities. 1995-2004 Richmond -Well #4 and Well House Design and construction observation for a 500 GMP production well and N/W Regional Water Reclamation Facility well house with chemical feed 1985-1995 Volo-Well House #1 and Wells # 1, 2, & 3. Fast track permitting through IEPA North Shore Sanitary District o Design, permit, construction, observation, and project management. 5 MG 1981-1985 elevated storage; 5 deep wells; 2 softening systems; 2 well houses Round Lake Sanitary District o 1 MG set-up user ordinance and rate studies 1974-1981 Wonder Lake -Wells# 4 & 5, Well House a Design and construction for 2 350 GPM wells & .5 MG at -grade Storage Tank Robinson Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. ANDREW Fe GULDEN CADD Department Manager, Engineering CADD Technician EDUCATION Mr. Gulden has 22 years' experience as a Computer Aided Drafting and Design Associate of Science, (CADD) Technician. He has served as the Assistant Department Manager, and Computer Aided Design is currently the CADD Department Manager for Robinson Engineering. Mr. Joliet Junior College Gulden handles all facets of department business, while also heavily involved in his own CADD project workload. His projects include road reconstruction, site development, stormwater management, as well as site design for building CERTIFICATIONS additions. Autodesk Land Development Desktop (ALDD), Certified COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN -TRANSPORTATION Autodesk Civil Design for Roads (ACDR), Prepares and oversees plan design for numerous large road reconstruction Certified projects for clients, meeting Federal/State guidelines, working closely with municipal engineers. Autodesk Civil Design for Site Halsted at 174th Street E. Hazel Crest 2016 Development (ACDSD), Certified 183rd St. &Oak Park Ave. Roundabout Tinley Park 2015 y Joe Orr Rd -Torrence Ave. to Burnham Ave. CCDOTH 2O14 Q Center Street Reconstruction Harvey 2014 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY o Knotiingham Subdivision Roadway Robinson Engineering, Ltd. Reconstruction and Watermain Replacement Downers Grove 2012 1994-Present= 183rd St. Reconstruction (US Rte. 45 - 80th Ave.) Tinley Park 2009 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN -SITE DEVELOPMENT Prepares and oversees infrastructure design plans for all aspects of site development/redevelopment projects, which include drainage/stormwater management, lot development, streets, sidewalks, water mains, etc. Also involved in site design for building additions. c, Glenwoodie Golf Course Improvements Glenwood 2009 School District 168 Site Improvements Sauk Village 2008 building additions, 3 schools Town Center Redevelopment South Holland 2006 Barretts Pond Tinley Park 2005 DEPARTMENT MANAGER (2009-present) Serves as Robinson Engineering's CADD Department Manager, overseeing staff, coordinatingprojectschedulesand assignmentsandtimelinesfordepartmentprojects, including coordination with Field and Engineering Departments during construction. Handles all facets of department business, including budgeting, hiring, reporting, and resource allocation. ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT MANAGER (2000-2008) Served as Robinson Engineering's Assistant CADD Department Manager, overseeing ge projects and assisti ngth e department manageron related business on a daily basis. was Rob Robinson DOUGLAS E. BRESHOCK, CESSWI, CPII Municipal Expertise, Community Commitment. Field Superintendent EDUCATION Mr. Breshock, Field Superintendent, has over 41 years' experience with Robinson Engineering, Ltd., serving in numerous capacities. He has worked his Civil Engineering Technology Program way through the ranks from field crew member to Field Manager, managing Purdue University a staff of 21 Engineering Technicians, Resident Engineers, and 5 survey field crews. He has vast experience in construction management, inspection, and documentation, including countless FAU projects and Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) CERTIFICATIONS & TRAINING projects in Illinois and Indiana and over 40 federal aid highway projects. Fed. Highway Administration Safety Bridge Inspector Certified STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Provide observation/oversight for storm sewer aspects of transportation IDOT Documentation Certified 14-0321 projects. Representative project experience includes: 0 Kostner Avenue Alsip $1,500,000 Enviro Cert International, Inc., Certified o Main Street Glenwood $2,100,000 Erosion Sewer & Stormwater Inspection * Rathje Road Peotone $11800,000 (^ 168th and State Street South Holland $2,400,000 INDOT Technician Program, Certified TRANSPORTATION I DOT Technology Transfer Program Provide construction observation for related projects that include pavement Certifications: reconstruction, traffic signals and bridge construction. Has extensive Work Zone Safety transportation experience as both a resident engineer and supervisor. IDOT Standard Earth Density Representative project experience includes: Drainage Structure Const. Inspection Kostner Avenue Alsip $1,500,000 Pavement Maintenance c 127th Street Lighting Alsip $650,000 fa Main Street Glenwood $21100)000 SuperPave * Ridge Road Lansing $960,000 Construction Staking o Rathje Road Peotone $1,800,000 Pavement Construction Inspection 168th and State Street South Holland $2,400,000 Highway Engineering Principles BRIDGE INSPECTIONS CEC/IDOT Enlisted by local municipalities to conduct bridge inspections to fulfill 2002 Construction Services Seminar inspection requirements (two to four years based on conditions), in accordance with the National Highway Institute's National Bridge Inspection Standards. Certified Safety Bridge Inspector with the Federal Highway American Public Works Association Administration. Certified Public Infrastructure Inspector (CPII) FIELD SUPERINTENDENT Manages the full 30 member field crew of engineering technicians, EMPLOYMENT HISTORY resident engineers, and survey field crews responsible for coordinating all construction management projects. Robinson Engineering, Ltd. 1976-Present MANAGEMENT & COORDINATION Manages 5 field crews, overseeing topographical surveys and construction staking, troubleshoots any issues relating to construction projects and staking, works closely with municipalities throughout the construction process. Schedules, manages, and mentors 21 Resident Engineers and Inspectors. Dyer Central Park Dyer $30,000,000 Munster Centennial Park Munster $28,000,000 Robinson *CW7 ENOINEERI rO Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. RANDELL to GANN, PUS Manager, Land Surveying Department Mr. Gann has more than 25 years of experience, including over 7 years EDUCATION of field experience in all phases of land surveying, including public and private clients (e.g. school districts, municipalities, subdivisions). He Bachelor of Science, Land Surveying has completed several federal aid and state projects for land surveys, Purdue University land title surveys (ALTA), plat of highway and other right-of-way (ROW) West Lafayette, Indiana ; documents, including horizontal and vertical controls, research of recorded documentation, reviewing and writing legal descriptions, drafting plats, client ki communications and interaction and Quality Assurance & Control (QA/QC). PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS 3' FEDERAL AID AND STATE SURVEYS Professional Land Surveyor ,l Handles various facets of land surveying as related to land boundaries, existing Illinois, Indiana it ROW determinations new ROW acquisitions, street ROWs, easement limits, and engineering topographyfor local route and state projects, including those g� g p 1 g for the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS a Vollmer Road @ Western Ave Existing ROW Cook County In progress Illinois Professional Land n Smith Road @ Gougar Road Manhattan In progress Surveyors Association (IPLSA) o Illinois Route 22 New & Existing ROW [DOT In progress i c US Rte. 14 New & Existing ROW IDOT 2015 Indiana Society of Professional ! -v Illinois Route 83 @ US Route 6 Existing ROW Calumet City 2014 Land Surveyors (ISPLS) o Wolf Road (at 183rd St.) New & Existing ROW ]DOT 2011 el IL Rte. 173 @ Nippersink Creek IDOT 2010 National Society of Professional Existing ROW Determination Surveyors (NSPS) c• US Rte, 30 Existing New & Exist. ROWs IDOT 2010 II SUBDIVISION SURVEY AND RIGHT-OF-WAY Oversight and responsibility for all facets of land surveying related to the SURVEYING EMPLOYMENT HISTORY determination of existing land boundaries, plats of subdivision, determination Robinson Engineering, Ltd. :I of existing ROW and the creation of new ROWS or easements necessary for 1991-Present ! engineering and site improvements. o GC America Topographic ALTA/ACSIVI Alsip 2016 _• First National Bank of Illinois Various Locations 2013 Knottingham Subdivision Roadway Downers Grove 2011 Reconstruction & Watermain Replace o Norfolk Southern Railroad Properties Survey Manhattan 2010 o Re -subdivision Butternut Ridge Manhattan 2010 Town Center South Holland 2008 SITE AND ROUTE SURVEYING MAPPING Oversight and responsibility for land surveying related to the determination of land boundaries for large scale projects related to the installation of utility infrastructure consisting of several hundred parcels adjacent to both state and rural routes where right of ways were both existent and non-existent. � Lake, Porter, &LaPorte Indiana Surveying LAMAR Advertising Ongoing �' Pleasant Ridge Wind Farm (Invenergy) Livingston County 2015 Enbridge Line 78 (QP$ Engineering) Cook, Kankakee, & 2014 W]II County LAND SURVEYING DEPARTMENT MANAGER (MAY 2012-PRESENT) ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT MANAGER (1999-April 2012) Handles estimating, budgeting, and reportingofdepartment tasks for Robinson Engineering. Oversees project QA/QC, performs survey calculations, and coordinates field and office surveying activities necessary to verify adherence to scope of services, client satisfaction and standard field procedures. m � Robinson ,s�„E�a,��o Compensation &Schedule of Costs >r 61Y lic* Robinson -ER IN 0----� ; ,,I Municipal Expertise. Community Commitment. COMPENSATION PROPOSED HOURS AND FEES Based on our understanding of the project, the above scope of services, and experience with similar projects, REL estimates the following hours and fees: Design En�ineerin� Lump sum design fee of $32,061 to include permitting and bidding services. Soil borings / geotechnical report fee of $4,500. See the attached schedule of costs. Construction En�ineerin� Not to exceed fee of $1,726. See the attached schedule of costs. Note that REL will not charge time for attendance at the public meetings relating to this project. This is in accordance with REL's standard practice of not billing time for public meetings, which we always consider within REL's scope as an expected and necessary service for our municipal clients. Schedule of Costs Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement City of McHenry Department:. ENGINEERING CAD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ADMIN SUBCONTRACTORS Send Summary to Accounting N �y ME o - E y a LLI of `om �' U c z E❑ c0 m U P m'o+ E o m m € W E Work Classification;'. w 2 w ,� a w U U u. cc w ]% < u. a Employee Bill Out Rate:; $180,00 $166.00 $130.00 $103-001 $129,00 $102.001 $146.00 $126.00 $108.0011 $71,00 2 24 125 5 6 82 2 1 3 20 10 Subtotal Hours i Total Hours I Subtotals Totals Phase Description 1 24.00 $2,712.00 21 Conduct Field Topography 2 2 20 24.00 $2,712.00 Project Site Survey 20.00 $2,148.00 22 Draw Topography 4 16 20.00 $2,148.00 Draw Topography 212.00 $30,519.00 30 Final Design 7.00 $775.00 Utility Coordination 2 5 GEOCON $ 41500,00 0.00 $4,500.00 2 4 12 11 1 2 21.00 $2,855.00 General Project Administration 3 8 11,00 $1,206.00 Cover Sheet 2 4 6,00 $668,00 Notes and Quantities Sheet Plan and Profile Sheets 3 16 48 67,00 $7,474.00 4 4 6 14.00 $1,796.00 Details 2 20 4 26,00 $3,216.00 Specifications 2 14,00 $1 t702.00 ]EPA Permitting12 Coordination and Meetings with Client- Kickoff and 50% Meetings 5 10 15.00 $2,130,00 Quantities and Probable Construction Cost 1 B 9.00 $1,206.00 QA/QC and Subse uent Edits 4 14 1 3 22,00 $2,991,00 $1,162,00 40 Bidding& Negotiating10.00 4.00 $520.00 Respond to Contractor Questions 4 4 2 6.00 $662.00 Issue Addenda 0.00 $0,00 12.00 $1,726.00 50 Construction 1 8 8.00 $1,206.00 Responses to Contractor Requests for Information 4 4.00 $520,00 ShopDrawingReview 0.00 $0.00 Total Number of Hours by Work Classification: 2 24 125 5 6 82 2 3 20 10 0 4500 � t L N c _ : U > o N 'Q - m E o m `o m c U v c U E z -- 0 •o, °' o o. 'H 'rnE E Estimated Total i w U U m w i ¢ i Amount $ 38,287,00 $ 38,287.00 w w o N iL w Proposal Total Value by Work Classification: $3160.00 $3,984.00 $16,250.00 $515,00 $774*00 $8,364,00 $292.00 $378.0D $2,160.00 $710.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 Total CHECKS CHECKS $38,287.00 $211109.00 $9,138.00 $2,830.00 $710.00 $4,500,00 Total Value by Group: I 1 0 Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Request for Proposal (RFP) Addendum #1 Upon Receipt of this addendum please sign and return a signed copy of the addendum via email to tstrange2ci.mchenry.ilms. Firm: Z u b ITI Contact: �)e Signature: �� Zrod Lo, tot 12��7rZ Proposal Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Engineering Services June 28I 2017IP.M. 40 t p It :yt Xk W4 IL �r `..'. tj ter,='l►'S.+ MS. i i • }� � ' 71 'Y It AM41 1 1 AL „OW.IF im7p Kkj{ t;, - Owl -," .• •- - 1 r 'Ii h H 0 y. t f d.i tT( KIL Expertise. Responsiveness. Integrity. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. Civil Engineers • Structural Engineers • Land Surveyors • Environmental Specialists www.hlrengineering.com June 28, 2017 Mr. Jon M. Schmitt Public Works Director City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 RE: Request for Proposal —Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement, Engineering Services Dear Mr. Schmitt: Water main replacement provides an opportunity to better serve residents and reduce long-term expenditures by reducing breaks and emergency repair by public works staff. We understand that the City is seeking qualified firms to provide design engineering services for the water main replacement between Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue. We have a team of professionals who are fully prepared to serve your community throughout the design process. We believe our qualifications and experience will result in a successful project that the City and residents will be proud of. We invite you to consider the following which we believe differentiate us: ■ Dedicated Team: Our team will consist of engineers with substantial design experience to ensure the City's expectations are met. Dirk Yuill has over 30 years of experience and will serve as Project Engineer. He will provide the final design and obtain the necessary permits from the IEPA to ensure the project is completed on time. ■ Direct Bury and Directional Drilling Experience: We have experience in providing engineering services for both direct bury and direction drilling water mains. We will evaluate the best method for this project that will reduce construction cost. We recently completed the Country Club Water Main project for the City of Crystal Lake and Midlothian Water Main for the Village of Mundelein, which involved directionally drilled water mains. We have also completed similar water main designs for the DeKalb, Glen Ellyn, and Lockport. Thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal. Our team looks forward to continuing our great relationship with the City and contributing to the success of the community. If you have any questions or comments regarding our submittal, please contact me at (847) 697-6700 or dhhinkston@hlreng.com. Yours truly, HAMPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC. David H. Hinkston President/CEO 380 Shepard Drive 6825 Hobson Valley Drive, Suite 302 3085 Stevenson Drive, Suite 201 323 W. Third Street, P.O. Box 160 Elgin, Illinois 60123-7010 Woodridge, Illinois 60517 Springfield, Illinois 62703 Mt. Carmel, Illinois 62863 Te1.847.697.6700 Te1.847.697.6700 Te1.217.546.3400 Te1.618.262.8651 Fax 847.697.6753 Fax 847.697.6753 Fax 217.546.8116 Fax 618.263.3327 TIMOTHY LANE AND CLOVER AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT `` ;:,, Table of Contents VI ISO �qwd, I Ed Im 3 1 ..J� ♦Y L N IN - 4 3 'r SectionI: Firm Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 1 SectionII: Project Understanding....................................................................................................................................................0 4 SectionIII: Services......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 SectionIV: Key Team Members.................................................................................................................................................... 17 SectionV: Similar Project Experience.............................................................................................................PEON........................... 18 SectionVI: Project Schedule....................................................................................................................................................... 18 SectionVII: Compensation.,,,.,. ........ 1.,4 4 ........ a a I ............... as .... 6646SE04 ..... &d.hE&44E ......... "Ill., ....... a a a a P P ........ ''I'll ..... 6 6 a a a P .... I.Sal "1',, 10,114,111, 18 SECTION I: FIRM INTRODUCTION MYOF McHeAryW&0#� For over 40 years, HLR has been working with communities to design vibrant places for people to live, work, and play. Our team is full of smart, driven people with an impressive range of experience, achievements, and backgrounds. When it comes to engineering, we understand that every project is unique, and every client deserves their own solution. If selected for this contract, our team will work with City staff and stakeholders to understand your needs, the goals of the project, and figure out the best way to bring it all to life without a cookie -cutter approach. Below, and in the following pages, we have provided additional details on who we are , what we do, and how we excel: Management Structure HLR is an employee -owned firm based in Elgin, Illinois. David Hlnkston, PLS, currently serves as the company's President/CEO. Because our employees are our owners, we have an added sense of responsibility to ensure that our clients' needs are met and they are satisfied with the results. Office Locations We have four office locations throughout Illinois, making us big enough to handle the largest projects, yet we're small enough to never lose sight of the personal relationships we make. 380 Shepard Drive 6825 Hobson Drive, #302 Elgin, IL 60123 Woodridge, IL 60517 Tel. (847) 697-6700 Tel. (847) 697-6700 Fax (847) 697-6753 Fax (847) 697-6753 3085 Stevenson Drive, #201 323 West 3rd Street Springfield, IL 62703 Mount Carmel, IL 62863 Tel. (217) 546-3400 Tel (618) 262-8651 Fax (217) 546-8116 Fax (618) 263-3327 License and Certifications HLR meets the appropriate state licensing requirements to practice in the State of Illinois as well as Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Iowa and is also prequalified by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in 21 categories. We have provided a copy of our IDOT prequalification letter and State of Illinois license on the following page. Insurance HLR carries Professional Liability Insurance as well as General, Auto, Workmen's Comp &Employee Liability coverage. A sample certificate will be provided upon request. No Conflicts of Interest HLR does not have any personal or organizational conflicts of interest with the City of McHenry. Additionally, if selected for this contract, the firm will forgo contracting engineering work for any future non -municipal -funded development projects in the City for the duration of the agreement. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 1 SECTION I: FIRM INTRODUCTION IDOT Pre -Qualification Letter and State of Illinois Professional Design Firm License: j Illinois Department of Transportation 2300South D:rksenParkway /Springfiield,Illinois 162784 November 18, 201fi Stabled: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING Consultant Unit Prequallficatian File David Hlnkston HAMPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC. 380 Shepard Drive Elgin, IL 60123 Dear David Hlnkstan, We have completed our review of your'Statement of Experience and Flnandal Cendltlon' (SEFC) wNch you subm8ted for the Oscal year ending Dee 3t. 2015. Vour firm's total annual transportation fee capacity will be $30,400,000. Your flm's payroll burden and fringe expense tale and general and administrable expense rate totaling 147-00% are approved on a provisional basis. The rate used H agreement negotiations may be verified by our Office of Quality Compliance and Ravlew In a pre -award audit Your firm Is required to submit an amended SEFC through the Engineering Prequalification &Agreement System {EPAS) to this a81oe to show any adrgUons or deletions of your licensed professional staff or any other key personnel that would affect your firm's praquallftcation In a particular category. Changes must be submitted within 16 calendar days of the change and be submitted through the Erlgineoring Prequati0cation and Agreement System (EPAS). Your firm is prequatified until December 31, 2016. You will be given an additional six months from this date to submit the applicable portions of the "Statement of Experience and Financial Condition" (SEFC) to remain prequalified. Sincerely, Maureen M. Addis AUimS Bureau Chief Bureau of Design & Environment CATEGORY STATUS Special Studies - Location Drainage X Stnxtures - Highway. Simple X Hydraulic Reports - Waterways Complex X Speciat Services - Surveying X Special Studies - Signal Coordination & Timing (SCAT) X Lxafion Design Studies - Rec inseuctiordMajor Rehabilitation X 6truUurea - Highway. Advanced Typical X Special Studies -Safely X Fiydraullc Reparts - Waterways: Typical X 5peciat Services-Constmdion Inspection X Special Studies - Feasibility X Hydraulic Reports - Pump Stations X Special Studies -Traffic Signals X Highways -Roads and Streets X Location Design Studies- New ConshuctionfMajcr Reconstruction X Special Studies - Traffic Studies X Speolet Services - Electrical Engineering X Location Design Studies -Rehabilitation X 6rviarvrrental Reports - Environmental Assessment X Highways - freeways X SWdures -Highway Typical X e of �)iit�oi� Department of Financial and Professional Regulation D(vlsion of Professional Regulation LICENSE NO. rn.a�se,.enn.e,caws+uan.nor �..oe.a,. e.w+s.d;n.asw �.u.d.;v, IXPIRES: is m,.cy�d 184.000959-0014 04/30/2019 035.003302 DESIGN FIRM - LS/PE/SE HAMPTON LENZINI AND RENWICK INC 380 SHEPARD DR ELGIN,IL 60123-7010 BRYAN A SCHNEIOFA SECRETARY us M dJa Boarw Barr M JESSICA BAER onsciaa Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 2 SECTION I: FIRM INTRODUCTION Services Provided In -House We offer a wide range of services to meet our clients' needs on a variety of projects from streetscape and multi -use path upgrades to utility and native area enhancements. Our team regularly works with municipalities and IDOT Local Roads to coordinate agency projects and deliver improvements to local communities. The following is a list of services provided by HLR in-house: Feasibility Studies Public Involvement Intersection Design Studies Federal -Aid Documentation/Reports Grant Applications & Assistance Bridge and Retaining Wall Rating Evaluation and Planning Structure Design Building Structure Forensics Reservoir/Elevated Tank Inspections GIS Services Asset Management Utility Mapping System Modeling Database Design Training Design Engineering Roadway/Stormwater Improvements Lighting Evaluation & Design Development Plan Review ADA-Compliant Design and Planning Pavement Evaluation/Maintenance Traffic Engineering Traffic Signal/Interconect Design Optimization/Re-Optimization Signal Coordination and Timing Temporary Signal Timings Traffic/Speed/Safety Studies Environmental Services NPDES Documentation Native Area Management Wetland Delineations/Permitting Green Infrastructure Design/Build CCDD, Air, and Noise Analysis Construction Observation Public Relations/Coordination Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Layout/Verification Documentation/ICORS/eField Repordng an Surveying and Acquisition Topographic/Route/Boundary Surveys Right -of -Way Surveys and Plats ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys Drone Surveys Appraisals and Negotiations Ground/Surface Water Source Design Treatment Plant/Collection Systems Hydraulic Distribution Modeling Telemetry & Control System Design Pump and Lift Stations Firm Resources We are fully staffed and equipped to provide all design and construction -related services for any project. Our staff consists of a team of engineers with extensive experience working directly with many jurisdictions, municipalities, and counties within Illinois. Our technical staff currently includes: ■ 26 Licensed Professional Engineers ■ 4 Licensed Structural Engineers ■ 9 Licensed Professional Land Surveyors ■ 3 Professional Traffic Operations Engineers ■ 8 Designated Erosion Control Inspectors ■ 4 Certified Floodplain Managers ■ 5 Certified Wetland Specialists 2 Professional Wetland Scientists ■ ■ 3 Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control ■ 2 Certified General Appraisers ■ 1 IDOT-Approved Negotiator ■ 3 Certified Arborists ■ 14 Certified IDOT Quantity Documentation Inspectors ■ 3 Certified Public Infrastructure Inspectors Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 3 SECTION II: PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Based on our initial review of the improvements and similar project experience, the following items will be important to consider during design and construction. Critical Protect Components: ■ Utility Coordination: We will work with the Village, using GIS information, to resolve water main conflicts with existing sanitary and storm sewer lines. There are likely other buried private utilities within the existing right-of-way, including ComEd, Comcast, and AT&T. We will request design locates from all private utilities within the area, which we will include in the base drawings. We will work with the utilities to determine if relocation will be necessary. Since relocations can often delay a project, our team will act on the City's behalf to ensure they are completed prior to construction. ` Meese.... ■ Pipe Corrosion Protection: Pipe corrosion protection will be examined to determine if special precautions are necessary to prevent a reduced lifespan of the water main. To prevent corrosion, it will be necessary to protect the proposed water main pipe from similar physical conditions that caused the corrosion. One of the most cost-effective and efficient methods is a polyethylene encasement of the proposed water main. This will help to inhibit oxidation of the metal pipe caused by the current discharge from the metal to an electrolyte (soil, in this case). If Public Works prefers an alternative solution, a magnesium anode can be used to achieve similar results. ■ Pavement Preservation: All precautions will be made to reduce impacts to existing roadways and driveways. To reduce the construction cost, the contractor will be required to minimize the trench width. It is also vital to have clean, sawcutjoints in the pavement, ensuring that as much of the existing pavement can be salvaged as possible. A carefully -worded, special provision in the bid documents stating payment limits for water main construction and service connections will ensure that the contractor does not significantly disturb the existing pavement structure to reduce overall cost of the project. ■ Traffic Control and Public Safety: Maintaining driveway access for residents and emergency vehicles during construction will be essential. The preferred location of the water main will help define how the contractor can stage the construction while still allowing local traffic to use the roadway. It is anticipated that it will be necessary to use flaggers, lane closures, and barricades throughout the project to help direct motorists around the active construction area. If requested, we can provide frequent updates via e-mail, text notifications, and/or website posts, regarding the proposed location of work for any given day. This will limit unnecessary interaction and questions between construction crews and residents. ■ Permitting: Based on our review of the project, we anticipate the following permits will be necessary: — Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Water Main Construction Permit: Since the existing water main will be upgraded within the public right-of-way, an IEPA construction permit will be required. Based on a design compliant with the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction in Illinois", we will submit a permit application to the IEPA, along with the required permit application fee. Our team regularly submits these permit applications and understands all requirements necessary to obtain quick approval. — Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD): The selected contractor will need to dispose of the construction debris (HMA, aggregate, soil, etc.) necessary for the water main installation at a dump site, which requires special permitting. We have environmental specialists trained in gathering the required information and coordinating the laboratory testing needed to receive clearance from CCDD dump sites. We maintain relationships with these dump sites and understand what information they require. Ideally, an IEPA Form 662 will be the only documentation necessary; however, we are also familiar with the requirements for IEPA Form 663 and Waste Management profiles for contaminated soil disposal. To reduce project costs, we will not conduct any unnecessary laboratory tests. Because CCDD testing results are only valid for 12-months, we will strategically schedule CCDD testing once the letting date has been established, ensuring that testing results remain valid throughout the entire project. — IEPA Notice of Intent (NOI)/Notice of Termination (NOT): Although it is not anticipated at this time, this project can potentially disturb over one acre of land. If this one -acre threshold is exceeded, it will be necessary to complete land -disturbance exhibits and forms for signature by City officials and online submission. An application fee of W50 will need to be sent to the IEPA. This should be submitted a minimum of 30-days prior to commencement of the project so that both threatened and endangered species and historic preservation clearances have occurred. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. 1 4 SECTION III: SERVICES Scope of Services We are prequalified by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in over 21 categories including Highways — Roads and Streets, Special Services (Construction Inspection), and Special Services (Surveying). Our proposed team has significant experience with water main, drainage, and construction observation projects throughout Illinois. If the project schedule or scope of work changes, we have additional staff and resources available to ensure that design and construction is still completed on -time. We have included a detailed not -to -exceed fee at the end of this section. We anticipate the following steps needed to complete this project onAime, within budget, and with the least impact to residents: Kick-off Meeting We will conduct akick-off meeting with the City to discuss desired outcomes, potential issues, and schedule. Field Review and Data Collection Data CollectionlUtility Coordination: We will review all available materials, including City provided GIS data, atlases, property ownership/ subdivision documents, etc. These will be the basis for the concept design. We will request design locates from all private utilities within the area which we will include in the base drawings. We will also work with the utility companies to determine if relocation of their services will be necessary with this improvement. Topographic Survey and Boundary Verification: We will provide a topographic survey throughout the project limits. This will include property/easement boundary determination, aboveground and known belowground utilities, centerline, edge of pavement, curb and gutter, shoulder, sidewalk, driveways, landscape items, utilities, and trees, etc. All manholes, catch basins, inlets, and culverts will include rim elevations, invert elevations and direction, and pipe sizes. Design Engineering Finalize Plan and Bid Documents: We will prepare plans and specifications to produce a full bid document. Plans will include Cover Sheet, General Notes, Alignment Ties and Benchmarks, Summary of Quanes, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control, Landscaping Plan, Utility Plan & Profile, Standard Details, and Special Details. Special Provisions (Bid Documents) will be created in accordance with City standards and will include all required forms. Estimate of Probable Cost: A constructability review will be performed to identify any possible challenges and quantity issues that might result in change orders during the construction process. These recommendations will be incorporated into the plans and specifications then an estimate of probable construction cost will be prepared. Permits: We will obtain the necessary permits, including the ]EPA Water main Construction and CCDD 662 permits will include all permits/approvals in the bid documents. Submittal for Review to City /Bid Assistance Submittals: We will submit Pre -Final and Final plans, specifications, and bid documents for City review and approval. Bid Assistance: All questions that are asked by the potential bidders will be addressed via addendum. We will also attend the bid opening, prepare the bid tabulations, check references, and prepare a recommendation to the Council. Project Administration and QA/QC We will perform necessary Project Administration and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) throughout the project. QA/QC will be performed by Quality Assurance Engineer to ensure that there are no errors and project goals are met. This helps prevent field changes, schedule impacts, and material/cost overruns occur. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 5 SECTION IV: KEY TEAM MEMBERS NfkylcHe t9/.l�l%dl, M HLR, we assign staff to a project based on their prior experience and technical expertise in the scope of work anticipated. Once assigned to a particular project, he/she will be involved in that project from beginning to end. By utilizing the same personnel throughout the process, we can maintain continuity with the City and effectively communicate during the improvements. The following organizational chart illustrates our proposed team for these improvements. Resumes will be provided upon request. 1 2! Resident Works f"'j`n; MOT ban or McHen � � ry o®� , Milli of III lox IIY[/ Eric Haglund, PLS ehaglund@hlreng.com Directs survey and layout Crews; GIS specialist; prepares ROW plats andlegal descriptions; coordinates f appraisals and negotiations f j Dirk Yuill dvuill@hlrena.com Lighting design expert; municipal neighborhood sidewalk, asphalt resurfacing design experience; project staging expert Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 6 SECTION V: SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE ,m4 's clitittiq H`�� Now )R1„? { r r �;7 r I 71 Past performance is the best indicator of how a team will perform. The information below highlights our firm's experience in relation to the scope of service items listed in the RFP. We encourage you to contact our references for these projects. We are proud of our contributions to these improvements and their many benefits to the community. Similar •. Replacement of an existing water main in Ms. Abby Wilgreen Country Club Water Main (Phases I, II, & III) City Engineer an older section of town. Directionally City of Crystal Lake City of Crystal Lake drilling technology used. 815-459-2020 Mr. Bill Emmerich Winchester and Midlothian Water Main Replacement of an existing water main. Village Engineer Village of Mundelein Directionally drilling technology used. Village of Mundelein 847-949-3220 Glenwood -Arbor -Ridgewood Roadway reconstruction with new storm, Mr. Bob Minix Reconstruction sanitary, and water main utilities including Retired Engineer Village of Glen Ellyn Village of Glen Ellyn 9 Y service connections 630469-6756 Roadway reconstruction with new storm Ms. Amy Wagner 17th Street and Hamilton Street and water main utilities including service Director of Engineering City of Lockport connections. City of Lockport 815-838-0549 Mr. Tim Holdeman South First Street Water main replacement near downtown Public Works Director City of DeKalb area. City of DeKalb 815-748-2332 Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 7 SECTION VI: PROJECT SCHEDULE lkill,iHr`oil L'Ilv M We have developed a project schedule identifying key milestones associated with this project. We understand that the project has time constraints and is ready to take on this work and improve water mains in the McHenry community. Once the agreement is approved, we anticipate the following schedule to complete engineering for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement improvements: -Task Completion D. te Authorization to Start— Kick -Off Meeting July 17, 2017 Topographic Survey and Data Collection July 19, 2017 Project Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates Development Begins August 1, 2017 i Pre -Final City Review Process Begins October 23, 2017 Project Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates Updated based on comments provided I November 13, 2017 Updated Cost Estimate Delivered to City of FY 18/19 Budgeting November 27, 2017 Final Plan Delivery to City for Bidding December 18, 2017 Bid Opening January 8, 2018 Bid Tabulation, Call References, and Recommendation to Council January 15, 2018 Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 8 ICity of McHenry j2UR Not -To -Exceed Cost Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Wate Main Replacement 2017 Hourly Rates I Employee Classification Task Description E6 E5 E3 E2 T2 T1 INT S1 E2" Al Direct Cost Hours Fee 1, Field Review and Data Collection Prepare and attend kick-off meeting with City Staff I 2 2 I 4 I $ 536,00 Topographic Survey and Boundary Verification -v I 4 4 I $ 432 00 Utility Coordination _ - _ .. _----^__ 20 40 57 I n117 I $ 858700 Geotechnical Services (5 soil borings with pH to determine if stability or corrosive mitigation is needed) 1 $ 21145,00 1 $ 21253,00 I.., 2. Design Engineering _ _y _.—._ . Lill Concept Alignments and Recommendations 1 8 9 ®I $ 1 024 00 Construction Plans -- Cover Sheet General Notes Summary of Quantities, Alignment and Ties I 2 2 I 4 I$ 392.00 =31 Sling. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control 4 4 I 8 I $ 784,00 -�---� Restoration Plan 12 6 18 I $ 1,824.00 Utility Plan & Profile I' � 40 12 152 I $ 5,376.00 Standard Details 2 4 I 6 I$ 568,00 Details I 8 6 14 $ 1,392.00 Quantity Take off and Estimate of Probable Cost I 12 -- 12 $ 1,296.00 Specifications/bid document 32 6 I 38 $ 3 834.00 Permitting (including CCDD & IEPA) I . - CCDD (662) 24 $ �. 400,00 L. 424y .1 .$ 31256,00.. IEPA - Notice of Intent (Assume less than 1 acre of disturbance) -, n.: mow., min IEPA- Watermain Construction 12 12 $ 1,296.00 3. Submittal for Review to City Pre -Final - Prepare and Submit Plans, Bid Documents, and other documents for review I 4 I 4 I $ 432.00 m., jGLMFFLlFFFF :,,:,. �. :.. :m:.. ,,,:m m s ,. 100%- Prepare and Submit Plans, Bid Documents, and other documents for review/approval I 6 6 — I 12— I $ -- 1,176.00 Prepare and Attend Progress Meeting (1) --�— 3 —— 4�=--Y 7� $ 912.00 4. Design Project Administration and QA/GiC Project Administration and QA/QC 10 � $ 1,372.00 Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 9 City of McHenry Not -To -Exceed Cost Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Wate Main Replacement 2017 Hourly Rates I Employee Classification ENV E6 E5 E3 E2 T2 T1 INT S1 Al Direct Cost Hours Fee Task Description 5. Bidding Assistance .,..b. �,,,.,,., �» . b.. ,. m = , Prepare Response and Addenda as needed 2 4 4 8 I $ 13032.00 Request for Information / Shop Drawing Review I _� Sub -Total 6 12 4 157 40 20 40 57 24 6 $ 2,545.00 /66 $ ss5ui4.uu TOTAL NOT -TO -EXCEED COST $ 383074.00 NOTES/ASSUMPTIONS -All permit applications will be paid by client. Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. � 10 PROPOSAL TO CITY OF MCHENRY Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement J ORIGINAL .r .r r BAXTER WOODMAN Submitted by: Baxter & Woodman, Inc. Consulting Engineers www. baxterwoodman. com June 28, 2017 UXTER° ';1N00DMAN --"��,Consulting Engineers 9678 Ridgefield Road, Crystal Lake, Fllinols 600,.2 • b�axterwoodman.com � ^ June 28, 2017 Mr. Jon M. Schmitt Public Works Director City of McHenry Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subject: City of McHenry -Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Dear Mr. Schmitt: The City of McHenry is requesting proposals for professional engineering services for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project. Baxter & Woodman has assembled a project team with in-depth knowledge of water main planning, design and construction. The City will receive a project completed on schedule and in accordance with City Municipal Code. Mr. Steve Verseman, PE has been assigned as Project Manager. Steve's proficiency with this type of infrastructure design has been developed by completing similar projects for the City of McHenry and many of your surrounding communities for the past twenty-five years. We have included our understanding and scope ofthe project, schedule and fee. Responsive service delivered by a local team of professionals will ensure that your schedule will be met and the project will be successfully bid in Spring, 2018. Please contact me directly (lhaussmann@baxterwoodman.com or 708-878-9859) should you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you for the opportunity to work with the City on this important infrastructure project. Sincerely, BARTER &WOODMAN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS A6P^�� Louis D. Haussmann, PE, PTOE Vice President/COO LDH:df CITY OF MCHENRY Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement a 170691.10 CONTENTS Project Understanding....................................................................4 Final Proposed Scope of Services.........................................................5 Compensation............................................................................8 ProjectSchedule. 0 a V * 4 M 9 V b 0 0 he 0 4 a a a 4 9 A a b 4 M 0 6 w a a 0 6 0 a a 4 9 N 0 4 0 w 6 4 1 6 a * M 4 0 a a 9 0 0 S a 0 * V a 49 ProjectTeam............................................................................10 Proposal Certification Form.............................................................13 cityotMcHenry BAXTER�:WOODMAN Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Q 170691.10 �coos� ups e r�eo �.' PROTECT UNDERSTANDING Project Site -Residential neighborhood with a history of water main breaks The existing 4" ductile iron water mains on Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue are in need of replacement. The water mains have a history of various breaks as the existing mains have been subjected to external and/or internal corrosion, age, settlement, external loads, etc. Additionally the 4" diameter water mains do not meet current standards for size and capacity. Approximately 2,4501ineal feet of new 8" water main is to be installed. The new water main pipe could be either Ductile Iron (D.I.) pipe with polyethylene wrapping or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe to prevent external pipe corrosion. Consideration could also be given to using zinc -coated D.I. pipe to further increase the expected life of the new water main pipe. The new water mains would include new fire hydrants with auxiliary valves and valve boxes; gate valves in vaults, unless valve boxes would be acceptable; and complete flushing, disinfection, sampling, testing, and acceptance of the new water main and appurtenances. After the new water main has been approved for use by the City; new corporation and curb stops, water service lines, service boxes, and connections to existing residential water service lines would be installed in accordance with the City current standards. The final portion of the project would include removal of all previously installed soil erosion and sedimentation controls, removal of traffic control devices and signage, final restoration of pavements and parkways, and clean-up. Residents will have access to their driveways at the end of each workday, and restoration will be completed to result in conditions equal to or better than existing conditions. Costs of restoration will be minimized by establishing maximum trench widths and requiring the Contractor to pay for any and all restoration outside the allowable limits of the project. City of McHenry BAXTER` '�-:WOODMAN Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.10 `-''\.,consu�eing Engineers FINAL PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES DESIGN Project Management - Plan, schedule and control activities to complete the project. These activities include but are not limitedto budgeting, scheduling, and monitoringthe scope ofservices. Conduct Project Kickoff Meeting - A project kick-off meeting with City staff and the project team will be held for the Water Main Replacement Project. The purposes of the meeting are to establish clear lines of communication, introduce the City staff to the team members, and establish the City 's detailed needs, objectives, and goals for the project. The meeting will also be utilized to obtain information, plans, atlases, and other data to be supplied by the City, and confirm schedules and guidelines for future design meetings. Site Investigation -Review existing plans, atlases, plats, and reports. We will also visit the project site to assess existing conditions, location of utilities, and potential locations for the new water mains. Topographic Survey -Perform topographic survey of natural and man-made features along the proposed water main routes to develop preliminary drawing sheets. Utility Coordination - Perform a JULIE Design Stage Request, which consists of obtaining names and telephone numbers of utilities located within the work area. Contact utilities, obtain atlases where available, and provide preliminary drawings to utility companies for their markup and return. Site Visits -Conduct site visit by designers) of the water mains to clarify discrepancies on the drawings, select routes and locations for pipe, and investigate pipe installation methods. Design Plan -Prepare recommendation for City staff review and approval, and meet with City staff to review the "red line" drawings prior to finalizing the water main routes. Peer and Constructability Reviews - We will conduct QA/QC peer reviews of drawings and specifications and call upon our Construction Departmentpersonneltoprovide a constructability review of drawings and specifications. Prepare Bidding Documents -Prepare construction Drawings and the project manual for Or r 0 The drawing preparation will include pre -final submittal, review ofpre-final submittal by City Staff, and responses to City review comments. • Prepare Drawings showing the general scope, extent and character of construction work to be furnished and performed by the Contractor selected by the OWNER. • Provide CAD Plan and Profile drawings of water main and appurtenance locations and construction requirements. • Profiles will be used to show depth of water main and any conflicts / separation issues with sanitary and/or storm sewers or with other utilities. City of McHenry BAXTER�����r`�VOODMAN Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.10 -1*1 n� Enn ncc s • Indicate location of existing utilities from best available records. • Create legends, general notes, and instructions to contractors, to create a final set of construction drawings. • Prepare for review and approval by the Owner and its legal counsel the forms of Construction Contract Documents consisting Advertisement for Bids, Bidder Instructions, Bid Form, Agreement, Performance Bond Form, Payment Bond Form, General Conditions, and Supplementary Conditions, where appropriate, based upon documents prepared by the Engineers joint Contract Document Committee (EJCDC). PEER AND CONSTRUCTABILITY RENEWS • Conduct QA/QC peer reviews of drawings and specifications. • Consult with Construction Department personnel to provide a review of drawings and specifications. • Make revisions to Drawings and Specifications based on comments from both engineering and construction departments. Opinions of Probable Cost -Prepare an opinion of probable construction cost prior to bidding. The opinion ofprobable total project costwill include costs for construction ofthe improvements, contingencies, construction engineering, and legal/administrative fees. PERMITS Prepare Permit Applications- Prepare and send permit application to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for a permit to construct the project. BIDDING Provide Assistance to Bidders -Provide assistance to City Staff with Set bid dates with City, create Advertisement for Bids (AFB), provide AFB to City for publication, and mail advertisement to selected prospective bidders. We will also answer bidders' questions during bid period and issue necessary addenda to all plan holders as necessary. CONSTRUCTION Provide Construction Support - We will provide responses to contractor requests for information and review shop drawings if necessary. Our Scope of Services does not include Resident Engineering Services. ADDITIONAL/OPTIONAL WORK Meetings with City Staff - We are available to meet with City Staff throughout the design and construction of the project to clarify staff requirements, answer design questions, or provide project updates. Design meetings will normally consist of one preliminary design meeting where the initial layout of the water main and a final meeting at 95% of completion. The design meetings are included in the above Scope of Services. Meetings during construction can be scheduled as required by the City staff. City of McHenry Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.10 BAXTER:`�y00DMAN s "S' Cons ulitng Enn:neers GPS Data Collection & GIS Development Document the location (vertically and horizontally) of under drains, pipe drains, field tiles, and exposed sewer and water services with the use of a hand held GPS device. • Collect utility infrastructure information, including water and sewer features and services connection locations. • Create ESRI GIS data layers with the newly collected features and populate associated databases with pertinent information. • All GIS data created as part of this project shall be delivered to the City in ESRI version 10.x Geodatabase format. Site Investigation • We will utilize the services of a qualified geotechnical sub consultant to obtain eight (8) soil borings. • We will work with a Subsurface Utility Engineering sub consultant (if necessary) to locate and expose potential conflicting utilities. • We will prepare an LPC 662 form and have necessary sampling performed to complete the form. If an LPC 663 form is required, we will perform the required work as a change order to the Professional Services Contract. As an option, we will work with the City to include specifications and pay items for CCDD work at no addition to the Professional Services Contract. City of McHenry ;`,,y, BAXTE�',;�'WOODMAN Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.10 �;; c��si��, F�y����s COMPENSATION CM DM/PM PE/Eng. Crew PM TOTAL Water Water CAD/GIS SURV. SECT. CONST. MILES SUBDEL DELIV Scope of Services $ 180 $ 160 $ 95 $ 120 $ 105 $ 75 $ 160 $0.535 HOURS COST COST Kick Off Meeting 2 3 20 5 $ 616 Meeting with City Staff (2) 6 40 6 $ 591 Survey and Existing Conditions 56 80 56 $ 5,923 CAD for Topo 16 16 $ 1,g20 Site Visits for designers 6 20 6 $ 581 Utilities 2 2 4 $ 340 CAD for details/standards 2 10 12 $ 11390 Drawings 48 50 98 $ 10,560 Specifications 4 32 4 40 $ 3,980 Peer and Constructability Reviews 6 6 12 $ 11920 OoPCC 4 2 6 $ 700 GIS 2 2 $ 240 Project Management 1 8 1 10 $ 1,565 $ 30,326 IEPA/DPWS 6 1 20 7 $ 656 $ 656 Assistance to Bidders 2 2 $ 190 Addendums 2 2 2 6 $ 580 $ 770 RFI 2 2 $ 320 Shop Drawings 2 1 3 $ 350 Meeting with City Staff (2) 4 2 60 6 $ 732 $ 1,402 Subtotal -Hours 0 20 119 80 57 0 13F77i071299 $ 33,153 Subtotal -Costs $ 180 $ 3,200 $ 11,305 $ 9,600 $ 5,985 $ 675 $ 2,080 $ 33,025 Expenses F 0 128 Design Fee 1 $ 33,153 Geotechnical - 8 Soil Borings �0000001�0 r$� $ 6,500 $ 31200 SUE Locates - 2 holes + surface mark CCDD - LPC 662 and sampling work �F � $ 41000 Total Amount with subconsultants for Geotechnical, SUE locates, and CCDD Duid000 $ 46,800 without soil borings, SUE Locates, or CCDD work $ 33,100 City Of McHenry BAXTER !1NOODMAN Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.10 Cor5ult,n9 Enr,nue., PROTECT SCHEDULE This schedule will meet your goal of going out for bids with a construction start in Spring, 2018. .- . ,__ City of McHenry Timothy Lane &. Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement o 170691.10 BAXTER 1NOODMAN - �� Ccn�ul: u•� Engin cr.rs City of McHenry Timothy Lane &. Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement o 170691.10 BAXTER 1NOODMAN - �� Ccn�ul: u•� Engin cr.rs PROTECT TEAM Baxter & Woodman is committed to serving the City of McHenry. We understand the importance of meeting your project timetable, and we have considered the impact this project will have on the workload of our staff. Workload responsibilities of all proposed team members have been reviewed, and we believe that the team presented in this statement can fully accept the responsibility of your project. We are happy to provide additional detailed workload information on specific team members at your request. McHenr Principal in Charge I STEVE VERSEMAN, PE Project Manager ALEXIS SHOTTON, EIT Project Engineer TONY BIANCHIN, PE, PLS Survey CAROLYN GRIEVES, PE QA/QC Reviewer SUPPORT SERVICES Administrative •CAD • GIS •Construction City of McHenry Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170b91.10 BAXTER� ��,"WOODMAN .', Cc nsulting Engineers Steve verseman, PE, Steve is a senior infrastructure engineer who provides design services for numerous water main projects. He specializes in the design of water distribution systems, stormwater and sanitary sewage pumping stations, water booster stations, and large diameter storm sewer and sanitary interceptor sewer projects. Steve is a native of McHenry County, having grown up in Crystal Lake. His experience is built upon designing water mains fora number of your neighbors including Crystal Lake, Island Lake, Marengo, and Huntley. Steve is very familiar with the regulatory permitting process, land survey and the topographic makeup of the area, and residential concerns. WORK FOR MCHENRY Steve has worked on several water main projects for the City including the design of 2,600 feet of &inch water main replacement in the Millstream Park Subdivision, and the Bull Valley Road Water Main and Sanitary Sewer Extension. Through these assignments Steve has working knowledge of the City's infrastructure, which means efficiencies in design, permitting and construction. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE • 39+years of planning and design of infrastructure (water, sewer, storm) engineering expertise • B.S., Civil Engineering, Purdue University • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin • Has performed infrastructure design engineering for numerous communities, including Bull Valley, Fox River Grove, Glenview, Grayslake, LaGrange, Shorewood, LieKalb, Rolling Meadows, and Palatine • Proven in-depth knowledge of the requirements of various permitting agencies including the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. • Accomplished with public or municipal official interaction • Strong client service philosophy -phone calls and emails will be returned promptly and will be available for on -site meetings with short notice City of McHenry BAXTEt�"��WOODMAN Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.10 - -' �, Consulting Cngincers LOU HAUSSMANN, PE, PTOE - PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE Lou serves as Principal in Charge and will oversee the delivery of the needed engineering services to the City. As our Chief Operating Officer and an Executive Vice President of the firm, he has the authority to commit staffing and other resources as required for completion of this project. CAROLYN GRIEVES, PE - QA/QC • 20 years of water/wastewater engineering experience • Specializes in the study and design of water supply, treatment, and distribution systems and wastewater conveyance and treatment • 2017 Water Professional of the Year from Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association • 2017 Kenneth J. Miller Founders' Award Recipient -Water for People Kenneth J. Miller Founders' Award • Served as Project Manager for the City's Water System Vulnerability Assessment project and River Road Corridor Sanitary Sewer Study TONY BIANCH[N, PE, PLS -Survey • 24 years of land surveying and design engineering experience • B.S., Civil Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology • Licensed Professional Engineer: Illinois • Licensed Professional Land Surveyor: Illinois, Wisconsin • Teaches several surveying courses at the College of Lake County • Proficient in the preparation of right-of-way acquisition, plat, and legal description documents ALEXIS SHOTTON, EIT -Project Engineer • B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign • Water/Wastewater Infrastructure Department • Assists Senior Engineering staff • Currently assisting on City of Joliet Water Main Improvements; Village of Palatine Water Pressure Zone Revisions. City of McHenry BAXTER` ;�iN00DMAN Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.10 =- *._consu�tfny e�9��«�s PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION FORM Cit of McHenr E� y y BAXTE ��rW00DMAN Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement • 170691.1D �-�^`. Consulting Engin ecrs i Certification I hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Signature: Title: Firm: Date: Louis D. Haussmann Executive Vice President/COO Baxter &Woodman, Inc. June 28, 2017 ADDENDUM The purpose of this addendum is to transmit "Questions and Answers Set #1". All other terms and conditions of the original RFP Notice are unchanged. June 21, 2017 Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Request for Proposal (RFP) Addendum #1 Questions and Answers Set # 1 Question # 1 Question: �Is CCDD paperwork to be provided? Response: he selected firm shall be responsible for preparing LPC 662 and performing necessary sampling to complete the form. Should an LPC 663 be required, the associated costs hall be considered an addition to the original scope of work and an engineering services change order shall be prepared. Question # 2 Question: Ils profile information required in the plan set or is plan view sufficient. City Response: Plan sheets are to include profile view along the alignment of the proposed water main Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Request for Proposal (RFP) Addendum #1 upon Receipt of this addendum please sign and return a signed copy of the addendum via email to tstrange a(�ci.mchenry.il.us. Firm: 5A>(116e� Q/ WA �ji ��c . Contact: Signature: Date: n01�« r 1 1 Timothy an and Clover Avenue Water Main AM Replacement STRAND ASSOCIATES® Strand Associates, Inc. 1170 South Houbolt Road Joliet, IL 60431 (P)B15-744-4200 (F) 815-744-4215 June 289 2017 Mr. Jon Schmitt Public Works Director Public Works Department City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Re: Request for Proposal (RFP) —Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Dear Mr. Schmitt: On behalf of Strand Associates, Inc.°, thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal to the City of McHenry (City) for the Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement project. By selecting our firm, the City will gain a responsive and highly qualified team to deliver a successful project. We offer the following: • A strong understanding of the City's goals, which is essential to a successful project. A comprehensive scope that addresses the City's project needs. Effective project management and considerable experience that will keep the project on schedule and within budget. An experienced and committed team that will deliver outstanding service and attention. We agree in principle with the terms and conditions in the sample agreement included in the RFP. However, if selected, we would request the opportunity to discuss some specific agreement language. We acknowledge receipt of Addendum No. 1. We are excited to work with the City of McHenry. Should there be any questions or if additional information is needed, please call. Sincerely, STRAND ASSOCIATES, Matthew S. Richards Corporate Secretary Anthony J. Spinelli, P.E., CFM Project Manager Arizona I Illinois I Indiana I Kentucky I Ohio I Texas I Wisconsin www.strand.com "A STRAND ASSOCIATES" Table of Contents section Page No. Project Understanding Understanding of City's Needs is Essential to Successful Project..................................1 Scope of Services Compensation Experienced, Available Team Results in a Quality and Cost -Effective Project..............1 Project Schedule Effective Project Management and Considerable Firm Experience Keeps Project onSchedule and within Budget. . M 9 9 * 6 * 9 0 * M 6 * a 0 V 0 S o 0 0 0 M M 6 0 a a 0 a V 0 V I V 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 9 9 0 0 P 4 0 & M 0 b a 0 * 0 0 0 9 V 0 4 * a 0 a 0 * 0 9 4 9 V 6 0 0 0 0 0 M a 0 1 d a I Project Team Experienced and Committed Team Delivers Outstanding Service and Successful Infrastructure Improvements...........................................................................................01 Resumes City of Mct=lenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement 07�, STRAND ASSOCIATES Project Understanding Understanding of % iRy's Needs is Essential to a Successful Project The City of McHenry is looking for professional engineering design services for water main replacement along West Timothy Lane and West Clover Avenue. To support our project approach, following is a brief discussion of our understanding of the project. The City indicates in the Request for Proposal (RFP) that design and bidding of the water main improvements shall be completed by April 30, 2018. Also indicated in the UP, the existing 44nch water main is non -compliant for size and capacity. It is anticipated that the City is considering water main installation primarily by open cut. However, we have had a lot of experience in the past few years using horizontal directional drilling (EDD) of ductile iron water main, where corridors are tight and surface disturbance is undesirable. Our Illinois American Water Company (ILAWC) projects, in particular, all used HDD installation methods to avoid existing features and minimize surface disturbance. Timothy Lane is a residential roadway with an open corridor. The project corridor is within a residential area with potentially moderate traffic. Our review of the City's water main project reveals that most of the corridor has relatively wide roadways that would enable open cut roadway installation of the new water main, similar to how we designed our Rolling Meadows water main project on Apollo Drive last year. This will require traffic control and maintenance of accessibility to neighboring properties, but certainly appears reasonable. In general, open cut installation is anticipated for this project; however, during design we will call on our experience to determine if there are locations where HDD installation may be the most appropriate and cost-effective method. Our understanding of the conditions facilitates a proper approach for a successful project. Design of water service replacement can be as challenging as design of the replacement main. Proximity of existing water main to new water main will require careful construction to avoid damage to existing main, which needs to remain in service during construction. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project Understanding —Page 1 A, STRAND ASSOCIAfF9 scope of Services Comprehensive Scope Addresses the City's Project Needs As demonstrated, we have a strong understanding of the City's water main project. Our Project research and approach provides an experienced and dependable perspective that will meet the City's understanding leads overall water system improvement goals. to streamlined Scope of Services to meet Design Services City's needs. We will provide the following tasks during the design phase. Our design will identify the ideal route and installation methodology for the replacement main. Our primary goal will be to minimize costs while meeting the City's overall purpose and goals for the project. • Coordinate and attend initial project kickoff meeting with City staff. An agenda and a listing of data required to initiate the project will be provided to Our experience with the City prior to the kickoff meeting. Data to be provided by the City includes similar water main utility maps, prior studies supporting the project, and specific design requirements. projects is the Our goal for the kickoff meeting will be to establish with City staff a foundation to our communication plan, anticipated deliverables, a progression of tasks, and proven project confirmation of the project schedule so that there is a clear understanding of the approach. project. The meeting will be used as a springboard to discuss first-hand information concerning the current water system and corridor issues, and to further discuss options for water main routing. We value the City's time and will seek to make the entire process as efficient as possible by appropriately planning and organizing the project from the start. • Provide topographic survey and field investigation of the corridor. It is anticipated that we will survey the entire project corridor. The survey will Each survey will include the entire right of way and 20 feet beyond the right of way, as well as include the entire each intersection to the extended right of way lines. right of way and 20 feet beyond, as well We will schedule a JULIE design utility locate and provide our base survey as each intersection documents to the appropriate entities for markup, as requested. The topographic to the extended right survey, utility locate information, county plat mapping, and other mapping layers of way lines. will be used to create an existing conditions base map for use in development of engineering plans for the project. • Perform preliminary corridor routing analysis for water main route. The existing conditions base. map for the project corridor will be used to identify and consider potential routes for placement of the water main. Potential routes will be documented and evaluated to narrow down to a recommended routing plan. Recommended routing plans will include connection points to existing water main, construction phasing concepts, and preliminary maintenance of traffic plans. Preliminary drawings will be developed and provided to the City for review and consideration. • Meet with City to discuss preliminary corridor routing. During this meeting, we will discuss the results of the corridor analysis and the basis for our recommendations. In coordination with the City, we will determine the final design parameters for the project corridor and obtain agreement to proceed with engineering design. Also in coordination with the City, we will determine the location of soil borings and geotechnical investigations. We often use this meeting to temporarily "stake" the proposed route in the field and identify on -site modifications that are needed. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Scope of Services —Page 1 �d�, STRAND ASSOCIATES Address geotechnical investigation services. The quantity and locations of soil borings is currently unknown. Therefore, we recommend the City contract separately with a geotechnical consultant during the design phase. The geotechnical consultant will also prepare the CCDD documentation. We will assist the City in determining the quantity and locations for borings and will provide the City with specifications for soliciting proposals from geotechnical firms. Provide engineering drawings, technical specifications, and opinion of probable cost. Development of engineering drawings, technical specifications, and opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) anticipates the City's water main project will be included in a single bid set. Technical specifications will be based on the Standard Specifications for Sewer and Water Main Construction in Illinois, current AWWA Standards, and the City of McHenry standards. We further understand that we will assist the City with project bidding and establishing contractor insurance requirements that include our firm and the City of McHenry as additional insured. The engineering plan set is anticipated to include the following: o Cover sheet and location map o Legend, notes, alignment ties, benchmarks, and typical sections o Schedule of quantities o Construction staging and maintenance of traffic o Plan and profile drawings o Restoration plans, as necessary o Construction details o Stormwater pollution prevention plan Submit documents for City review. Drawings, technical specifications, and OPCCs will be submitted to the City at 75 and 100 W percent completion stages. e will meet with City staff at the 75 percent complete stage to review the plans and discuss any modifications requested by the City. Drawings, technical specificationsI and OPCCs will be submitted to the City at 75 and 100 percent Submit permit applications. completion stages. Upon addressing 75 percent completion comments, we will submit permit applications on behalf of the City. It is anticipated permitting will be with the IEPA for a Permit to Construct will be required. It is not anticipated that the project will meet any of the criteria requiring a stormwater permit in McHenry County. The City's has a stormwater permit requirement for 100 cubic yards of cut or fill, which the project is anticipated to exceed. The project design will meet the City's stormwater management requirements, but it is anticipated that an actual permit will not be necessary. Prepare final documents for bidding. Upon receipt of all permit agency comments, plans, specifications, and OPCC and provide bid opening, we will create final (100 percent) to the City for advertising, bidding, and Provide bidding assistance. Bidding assistance will include responding to bidder questions during the bid period and preparing addenda, if needed. If desired, we can certainly assist the City with distribution of the bidding documents. We utilize QuestCDN to electronically distribute bidding documents. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Scope of Services —Page 2 ®, STRANDASSOCIATES Meeting attendance. We will attend up to two (2) meetings in addition to the meetings listed above. If we are requested to attend recurring progress meetings, we will provide the City with an estimate of fee. Construction -Related Services We will provide the following tasks during the construction phase. Communicate with project contractor. We will provide responses to contractor requests for information. Review shop drawings. Review contractor -provided submittals and resubmittals for conformance to the contract documents. We will prepare and maintain a submittal log for all items requiring a submittal. We will provide the log to the contractor and use it to track the status of submittals, including the name of the submittal, date(s) received by engineer, date(s) returned to the contractor, and approval status. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Scope of Services —Page 3 k, STRANDASSOC I ATE S Compensation Experienced, Available Team Resuits in a Quality and Cost -Effective Project Our fees for the services associated with this project are detailed in the table below. Our experienced team will efficiently provide the services and technical expertise required to successfully complete the project while delivering a high quality product. The costs shown are `not to exceed costs' and are subject to negotiation with the City to meet the City's needs. Scope I em- Project kickoff and data collection 32 $5,400 Topographic survey, base mapping, and field investigation 146 $16,200 Preliminary engineering route assessment 20 $2,800 75-percent complete drawings, specifications, and OPCC 140 $17,800 Final drawings, specifications, and OPCC for bidding 48 $73200 Bidding and construction -related assistance 24 $2,600 Totals 410 $52,000 Fees for services provided are based on actual time spent and in accordance with the current standard fee schedule, which is revised each July I. This project is not subject to a fee schedule increase until July 2018. Expenses incurred on a project are billed at actual cost, plus 10 percent to cover processing costs. City of Mcklenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Compensation —Page 1 th%4TV STRAND Project Schedule Effective Project Management and Considerable Firm Experience Keeps Project on Schedule and within Budget Our team has ample availability to execute this project within the City's desired timeline. Following is a proposed project schedule based on the City's stated desire to complete design and bidding by April 30, 2018. r AnticipatedProject Task Date dL . - Project Kickoff Meeting Week of July 24, 2017 Data Collection, Topographic Survey, and Project August 2017 to September Corridor Field Investigation 2017 Preliminary Engineering Corridor Routing Analysis Week of September 18, 2017 Submit Preliminary Drawings and Technical Week of September 25, 2017 Specifications to City for Review Meet with City Staff to Discuss Preliminary Week of October 2, 2017 Corridor Routing Submit 75% Complete Drawings, Technical Week of November 13, 2017 Specifications, and OPCC to City for Review Submit ]EPA Permit Applications Week of December 4, 2017 (anticipate 60-dayreview time Submit Final Drawings and Technical Week of February 12, 2018 Specifications for Bidding However, we feel we could expedite this schedule with delivery of final documents for City bidding by the end of December. This would enable the City to advertise and bid in January, in a potentially better bidding environment when contractors are usually more hungry for work, and still set construction to start later in the year, if desired by the City. Available Staff and Thorough Understanding of Village's Needs Yields Smooth and Successful Project Our record of meeting agreed -upon project schedules is excellent, and we can provide the extra effort necessary to meet tight and unanticipated time frames and funding deadlines. We have a computerized, corporate -wide scheduling system that gives us upAo-date status reports on the schedule of every staff member. Based on this system, the following graph indicates our team's availability for this project. 1(70%a 800/0 :C � 60% ro 40% > 0 20% 0% Jul-97 Project Team Availability Oct•17 Jan-78 Apr-18 Our team's availability, relevant experience, and expertise will help us to maintain and meet the project schedule. Integrated computerized, corporate -wide scheduling system gives us up-to-date status reports on the schedule of every staff member. Month _� Team's percentage of availability leads to responsive service. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project Schedule — Page 1 `�` All STRANDASSOCIATES Project Team Experienced and Committed Team Delivers Outstanding Service and Successful Infrastructure Improvements We have assembled a project team that has worked together for many years, delivering quality planning, design, and construction engineering services on a wide range of projects, but in particular, water main and water distribution projects. This team includes individuals who will be responsive to the City's needs, provide smooth and effective communications, and capitalize on the talents of both in-house and client -team members. The graphic below outlines the organization of our proposed team. Full-length resumes are located at the end of the section. McHenryq& Mike Ott, P.E. ClientContact Tony Spinelli, P.E., CFM Project Manager Chris Ulm, P.E. Quality Control Engineer Tim Scholz, P.E. Project Engineer Support Staff (as needed) Additional 380+ Engineering and Technical Support Staff Available Client Contact Michael G. Ott, P.E., is our Client Contact for the City of McHenry. As such, Mike will track the project team and stay informed on project status. He will be available for the City to answer questions and will periodically check in with City staff to be sure the City's needs are being met. Mike will not play a technical part in the project, but will provide his experience and understanding of City standards and expectations to help keep the project on track. Our project team has the combination of experience, knowledge, and credentials to make this project a success. Mike has 9 years of experience and will serve as the contact for McHenry. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project Team -Page 1 a Project Manager Anthony J. Spinelli, P.E., CFM, will serve as the Project Manager. Throughout the project, Tony will be responsible for coordination of our team, tracking project progress and keeping the City informed of the project status as well as answering questions. Tony has 23 years of experience with general municipal utility design and construction. Prior to joining our firm, Tony spent the majority of his career in site development for residential, commercial, and industrial development clients. In this role, he designed many miles of water, sanitary, and storm sewer utilities ranging from simple local lines to significant transmission and trunk lines. Tony is very knowledgeable about agency permitting, including the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and various local and county -level agencies. Most recently, Tony was the Lead Engineer overseeing three separate design teams for our Indiana American Water Obsolete Water Main Replacement Program. Quality Control Engineer Chris J. Ulm, P.E., Senior Associate, will perform quality control review for the entire project and also provide technical assistance and oversight, as needed. Cluis has been with our firm since 1996 and serves as a leader in our Joliet office's Water Department. Chris has been project manager or key quality control engineer on most of our water main work in Illinois. Chris is also recognized in Illinois as one of the top water engineering experts, having experience in the study and design of water system components for Joliet, Wheaton, Schaumburg, Highland Park, Downers Grove, Channahon, Northbrook, Lockport, Crest Hill, Lisle, Oak Park, Monee, and Romeoville, Illinois; Clinton, Iowa; and private water companies. Chris managed award -winning, major infrastructure improvement projects for the City of Joliet, the Village of Romeoville, and the Village of Schaumburg, Illinois. Project Engineer Timothy J. Scholz, P.E., will serve as Lead Project Engineer for this project. Tim has been with our firm for more than 11 years and has considerable experience in reviewing existing water system components and designing water system production, storage, and distribution improvements for various projects in numerous communities across Illinois. Tim will lead the other technical staff in design development and plan and specification development. Tnn's recent experience with water system studies and water main design includes projects with Lockport, Joliet, Schaumburg, and Rolling Meadows. Tony's 23 years of engineering experience includes water, sanitary, and storm sewer utilities. With 20 years of experience, Chris will provide technical quality control of concepts and planSR Tim will draw on his extensive water system study and design experience to provide an excellent project. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project Team —Page 2 A, STRAN D _-1 ASSOCIATES!' Resumes Client Contact Michael G. Ott, P.E. Project Manager Anthony J. Spinelli, P.E., CFM Quality Control Engineer Chris J. Ulm, P.E., Senior Associate Project Engineer Timothy J. Scholz, P.E. City of McHenry Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Michael G. Ott, P.E. AREAS OF EXPERTISE • Wastewater Treatment Unit Processes PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Wastewater Treatment experience includes facility planning, design, construction, and project management. Mike has served as Project Manager for a wide variety of projects, most recently for the Village of Cary wastewater treatment plant Phase I Improvements, a biological phosphorus removal project. He has provided engineering services on many wastewater treatment plant projects, including Deerfield, Kankakee River Metropolitan Agency, Utilities Incorporated, Elmhurst, Mokena, Cary, Crest Hill, and several other communities in the state of Illinois. Experience also includes permit and regulatory issues, watershed and water quality issues, and operator training and system startup. Collection Systems experience includes dynamic hydraulic modeling of combined sewer systems (CSS) systems with XPSWMM, flow metering and monitoring, first flush sampling, and alternative analysis for long-term control plans for the City of Aurora, Fox River Water Reclamation District, Illinois American Water Company, Highland Park, and others. SSES and CMOM experience includes installation, maintenance, and analysis of flow meters and the data collected. Developing and implementing investigative strategies including manhole inspections, smoke testing, and televising. Mike has managed or been lead project engineer for Carol Stream, Winnetka, Illinois American Water Company, Aurora, Wilmington, Wilmette, Libertyville, Indian Head Park, and the North Shore Sanitary District. Project and Construction Management • Hydraulics Engineering Construction Observation experience includes extensive observation of installation of sanitary anI storm sewer, water main, curb and gutter, local roadways for newly developing subdivisions, and treatment processes at wastewater treatment plants. Survey experience includes site and route surveys for municipal facilities, roads, bridges, and utilities using electronic data collection and electronic base mapping for various municipalities. Experience includes use of electronic survey layout and staking for construction of roads, utilities, and facilities. D PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ANRECOGNITION American Society of Civil Engineers • • American Public Works Association, Illinois • Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honorary • Illinois Association of Wastewater Agencies PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS • "CMOM: An Introduction", 2016 Illinois Collection Systems Conference Sponsored by APWA, IAWA, and IWEA, June 2016 • "CMOM -How Municipalities and Districts are Addressing Permit Requirements", 2017 Government Affairs Conference Sponsored by IWEA, January 2017 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 0 YEARS WITH FIRM Ei EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering — Bradley University, Illinois, 2008 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer in Illinois (No. 062065210) AND AS5�3GIATES' Anthony J. Spinelli, P.E., CFM AREAS OF EXPERTISE • Municipal and General Civil • Stormwater Management • Engineering • Water Supply and Distribution • Facilities Engineering PROFESSIONAL EXPE6�I�V��E Municipal Engineering experience includes representation of municipalities as Village Engineer; municipal infrastructure studies, planning, and budgeting; residential, commercial, and industrial subdivision design and platting; construction inspection and administration; utility mapping, land planning; site development plans; and infrastructure design for water main, storm sewer and sanitary sewer: ADA accessible route compliance. Stormwater Management experience includes stormwater management design; stormwater runoff and conveyance analysis; implementation of Best Management Practices; soil erosion and sediment control design, management and monitoring; stormwater permitting with Kane, Kendall, and Will Counties, IDNR, IEPA, and USACE. Facilities Engineering experience includes commercial and industrial site planning and design, including stormwater management, parking lot configuration, sewer and water services, and site grading. Water Supply and Distribution experience includes planning, design, and construction of water transmission and distribution mains; trenchless water main rehabilitation and installation methods; system evaluations; and capital improvement planning. Local Transportation and Pavement Management experience includes pavement evaluation and administration of extended maintenance and improvement programs; local, collector, and arterial roadway design; roadway and streetscape enhancement design; traffic studies and warrants. Local Transportation and Pavement Management Village Engineering Construction Observation experience includes managing multidiscipline projects including water main, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, force main, mass grading, and roadway construction. PR06�ESSIONAL� AFFILIATIONS • American Society of Civil Engineers • Illinois Society of Professional Engineers • Illinois Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management • Illinois Association of Environmental Professionals YEARS OF EXPERIENCE z2 YEARS WITH FIRM 2 EDUCATION B.S. Engineering —Northern Illinois University, Illinois, 1993 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer in Illinois Certified Floodplain Manager AND ASSQGIATES3 Chris J. Ulm, Senior Associate AREAS OF EXPERTISE • Water Supply Studies • • Storage Facilities • PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ground and Surface Water Supply and Treatment including feasibility studies, design studies, pilot studies, design and construction administration for iron and manganese removal, zeolite softening, aeration, VOC removal, radon removal, radium removal, corrosion control, taste and odor control, chemical room renovations, chemical and UV disinfection, and intake structures. Design and Construction Services for • Pumping Stations Wells and Surface Water Groundwater wellhead protection plans, aquifer analysis, design, construction, administration, testing, and evaluations for sand and gravel, limestone, and sandstone wells. Lake Michigan and river supply surface water plant intakes, renovation and expansion studies, chemical room rehabilitation, metering and pumping studies, surge protection studies, and piping modification. Water Treatment Water System Studies including computer analysis, demand and trend analysis, supply and storage evaluations, facility evaluation, efficiency analysis, alternative development cost impact evaluation, and critical improvement program development. Systems include surface water and groundwater supplies with and without elevated storage facilities. Certified Vulnerability Assessor using AWWA Sandia Labs RAM-W methodology. Pump Facility Design including design studies for new and existing facilities, equipment layout, and evaluation, preparation of drawings and specifications. Storage Facility Design including design studies, material selection, layout, and preparation of drawings and specifications for new facilities and rehabilitation of existing facilities. Facilities include elevated and ground • Supervisory Control and Water Distribution Systems storage, constructed of steel, concrete, and precast materials. Supervisory Control Systems for groundwater and surface water supply systems, and water treatment plants. Services include feasibility and cost studies, specification development and project administration. Metering Analysis including studies on meter accuracy, impacts on unaccounted-for flows, and improvement analyses for automated meter reading implementation. Rate and Financing Studies including project - specific impacts to rate structure, comprehensive rate studies and recommendations, and analyses of possible funding mechanisms. PRESENTATIONS The Art of the Start —Cons • iderations to Avoid Start-up Issues • Arsenic: Problems and Solutions in Illinois Waters • Radium in Drinking Water and Wastewater • Computerized Maintenance Management Systems • Secondary Effects of Radium Treatment Systems • Why Pay the Markup? Contract Equipment Procurement Prior to Construction Contracting • Water System Studies —Matching Your Budget to Your Needs YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 20 YEARS WITH FIRM 20 EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering — Bradley University, Illinois, 1996 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer in Illinois AND A55C%GIATES- Chris J s Ulm 1 • L • Senior Associate • Energy Efficiency in Your Water System • Ultraviolet Disinfection for Groundwater Supplies PROFESSIONAL AFV�I�I��'IONS • American Water Works Association o Recipient of Illinois Section American Water Works Association 2008 Volunteer Appreciation Award o Education Committee Chair 2006 — 2011 o ACE 2010 Facility Tours Committee Chair 2007 — 2010 • Illinois Potable Water Supply Operators Association STRAND ASSOCIATES' Timothy J. Scholz, P.E. AREAS OF EXPERTISE ■ Water and Wastewater Treatment ■ Storage Design Facilities Design ■ Construction Engineering ■ Pumping Station Design PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Water Supply Engineering experience includes water tank and tower inspection procedures; water tower design; well design, testing, and production investigation; emergency interconnect siting and design; treatment plant analysis and design including hydrous manganese oxide (HMO), conventional surface water treatment plant and groundwater pressure filtration analysis and design; distribution system modeling, testing, and analysis; comprehensive system studies; water quality reports; funding (SRF loan and grant) acquisition and construction observation, Water System Studies for communities have included comprehensive analysis for distribution systems, demand analysis, storage capacity and supply capacity analysis of groundwater and lake water supplied water systems, water quality, interconnect siting and sizing, and incorporation of water models into community GIS systems. Computer analysis of water distribution systems has included data collection, creation and calibration of water system models, fire flow and C-factor tests, water main sizing, water age and chemical, dispersion analysis, surge analysis, well, interconnect and elevated tank siting using WaterCAD, and LIQT computer modeling programs. Experience includes steady state and extended period modeling of distribution systems. ■ Hydraulics and System Analysis sewer, storm sewer, deep rock wells, force main;. Water storage experience has included climbing and inspecting elevated tanks, reservoirs and hydropneumatic storage tanks prior to during and post construction, repaint/repair, cellular antenna installation and construction projects. Wastewater Treatment experience includes aiding with facilities plans for wastewater treatment plants and development, research and design of algae prevention treatments for Nestle Industrial wastewater facility at Morton, Illinois, during 2004 internship. ter Conveyance experience includes Wastewa transfer facilities, force main design, pumping station design and large diameter trunk line routing studies and preliminary design. Flow Metering and Data Analysis experience includes installation, maintenance, removal, and data analysis of area velocity flow meters in sanitary sewer and combined sewer applications. Data analysis includes quality control and characterization of dry weather flows and wet weather flows. PRESENTATIONS ■ WaterGEMS and GIS — How to Streamline Your Model, Chicago Metro Chapter APWA Annual Meeting, Schaumburg, Illinois, June 2010 Construction Engineering experience includes surveying staking, observation, and project ■ Monitoring the Health of your well and administration for water treatment plants, well Pumps, ISAWWA Annual Convention, and well house projects, water main, sanitary Springfield, March 2015 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE I1 YEARS WITH FIRM EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering — Bradley University, Illinois, 2005 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer in Illinois AND ASSQCIATES' Timothy J. Scholz, P.E. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIA�O©��� AND RECOGNITION ■ American Society of Civil Engineers ■ American Water Works Association ■ Mid -Central Water Works Association ■ 2013 Illinois Section American Water Works Award E.D.U.C.A.T.E. Award SPECIAL TRAINI4�JG AND CERTIFICATES ■ Fall Protection Training, May 2006 ■ Confined Space Awareness Training, May 2006 STRAND ASSOCIATES" - V j 0= -i June 28, 2017 , Proposal For CITY OF McNENRY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Certcation hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Timothy J. Hartnett Signature: Title: V.P. Governmental Services Midwest Firm: HR Green, Inc. Date: June 28, 2017 C 420 North Front Street i Suite 100 1 McHenry, IL 60050 Main 815.385.1778 + Fax 815.385.1781 HRGreen June 28, 2017 City of McHenry Public Works Department Jon M. Schmitt, Public Works Director City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 NRGREEN.1301U1 Re: Proposal for Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Engineering Services Dear Mr. Schmitt: HR Green, Inc. (HR Green) is pleased to submit a proposal for the Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Engineering Services opportunity. This project directly aligns with our years of municipal experience and civil engineering services. Our firm has a long history of successful Water Main Replacement Projects of varying degree of difficulty, including most recently: • 2017 Water Main Improvements, Lake In The Hills, IL: Year 18 of a Multi -Year program in which aging water mains were replaced throughout the older residential section of town. Each year, approximately $1 million dollars was invested to replace aging water main ranging in size from 6" diameter to 12" diameter and to complete restoration of the affected areas. These projects involved replacement of valves, fire hydrants, services and main, and restoration of yards, roadways, curb and gutter, storm sewers and culverts, sidewalks, driveways, and various landscaping items. These projects utilized open cut and horizontal directional drilling construction methods. • 2015 Water Main Project, Marengo, IL: Replacement of approximately 20,900 linear feet of 12" water main. The project included the installation of new water mains, valves, fire hydrant services and railroad crossing. Restoration of this project included yards, roadways, curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveways, culverts and various landscape items. • Route 71 Water Main Relocation, Oswego, IL: Design and installation of approximately 10,000 feet of 12-inch and smaller diameter water main via trenchless and open cut methods with new hydrants and valve vaults. HR Green would be honored to further our relationship and address this imperative need efficiently and in accordance with your budget limitations. If you have questions about our proposal or would like additional information about HR Green, please contact Chad Pieper at 815.759,8346 or Tim Hartnett at 815.759.8328. Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. We look forward to continuing our work with the City. Sincerely, HR GREEN, INC. J. Chad Pieper, PE Municipal Services Manager Governmental Services: Midwest Pri Practice Leader —Governmental Services: Midwest Project Understanding The City of McHenry is looking to replace a piece of aging water main infrastructure in an older, residential section of town. The project consists of replacing the existing 4" water main on Clover Avenue and Timothy Lane with both streets' easterly limit being Green Street and the westerly limit being Dale Avenue. • A new 8" water main, meeting the City's standards as specified in the City of McHenry's Municipal Code, will be installed and the existing watermain will be abandoned in place. • The existing valves and fire hydrants will be removed and replaced with new items again conforming to the City's specifications. • Existing water service lines to the residential houses will be replaced from the new main to the property line and a new shut-off (B-Box) will be provided. • The new service line will be reconnected to the existing line at the right-of-way/property line. HR Green, Inc. (COMPANY) will be providing Phase II design services with limited bidding assistance and construction services for this project, as specified in the request for proposals (RFP). Permitting for this project will consist of obtaining an IEPA construction permit and providing the necessary CCDD paperwork. The CCDD procedure will consist of soil pH testing and completion of the LPC-662 form, as this project is located entirely within a residential area. COMPANY will utilize a specialty sub -consultant firm to complete this work. A storm water permit application will .be necessary, however it is anticipated that this project will fall under the no permit necessary' qualification. As indicated in the RFP, the City requests that the project's design be finalized with all permits obtained by April 30, 2018. This will coincide with the City's Fiscal year, allowing the construction phase to be bid out with the approval of the new budget. Professional Engineering Services PTimothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement HRGreen PROJECT UNDERSTANDING � 1 Proposed Scope of Services HR Green (COMPANY) will prepare Construction documents for the replacement of an existing water main serving a residential section of town on Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue. These documents will include Final Engineering Plans, Project Specifications Manual, IEPA Construction Permit Application, executed CCDD forms, City Stormwater Permit Application and an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs. 1. Data Gathering, Survey and Preliminary Project Coordination COMPANY will coordinate a project kick-off meeting with the City upon receipt of the notice to proceed. COMPANY Nil] review the City's preferences.for materials, proposed main locations and anticipated project schedule. COMPANY will provide meeting minutes. The COMPANY will perform a supplemental topographic survey for approximately 2,400 feet of Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue. Topographic survey will be performed to supplement City GIS data including driveway culvert invert elevations, edge of driveways, edge of pavement elevations approximately 200 feet apart, and existing utilities will be surveyed from observed evidence and visible flags or markings. Storm and sanitary sewer and watermain structures will be surveyed including rim elevation, pipe invert elevations, pipe size, pipe material and direction as observed at manholes. COMPANY will survey sufficient right of way monuments to use City GIS right of way lines. Survey will reference Illinois State Plane Coordinates — East Zone (NAD83-2011) and North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). A topographic base map will be completed in AutoCAD Civil 3D to be incorporated in the COMPANY'S Final Engineering Plans. It is anticipated that the City will provide locations and connection type for all sanitary sewer services located within the project limits. It is assumed that there are no existing lead services. City shall provide confirmation of the existing service material. COMPANY will coordinate with utility Companies to obtain maps of utilities within the project limits and place this information on the Final Engineering Plans. COMPANY will coordinate with asub-consultant to collect soils information to be used for the design of the project and preparation of the IEPA Certification Report. This will include six (6) watermain alignment soils borings to be scanned with a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) and selecting and submitting two (2) samples to an analytical laboratory for completing a LPC-662 form. Items not included as part of the survey scope, but available under a separate contract include: Topographical Survey cross sections; any Plats of Survey; ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey; Boundary Surveys; Right -of -Way Surveys. 2. Design Guidelines The engineering and contract documents will be developed according to current AWWA Standards, the City of McHenry Municipal Code requirements, and all applicable local requirements. These include the following: a. Standard Specification for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois; b. McHenry County Storm Water Ordinance as adopted by the City; and c. Recommended Standards For Water Works (10 states standards) Professional Engineering Services � Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement SCOPE OF SERVICES � 2 HRGreen PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES CONTINUED 3, Design Engineering COMPANY will prepare preliminary and final engineering plans and specifications for the City to use for bidding purposes for the project. It is anticipated that the set of contract plans and specification will contain the following information: 1. Title Sheet/Plan Notes 2. Summary of Quantities 3. Material & Project Specifications 4. Plan and Profile Sheets 5. Construction Details Engineering plans will provide proposed line and grade of the proposed water main, recommended locations for valves, fire hydrants, reconnections to existing water services, and reconnections to the existing water main. Recommended restoration limits will be shown for both paved and un-paved areas. Material specifications, based on the codes and ordinances, will be provided for all materials used in the project. COMPANY will provide a project manual that will include all necessary bidding documents, agreement forms, insurance requirements, material specifications, special provisions and construction forms. COMPANY will provide internal QA/QC during this phase ensuring that the project is on schedule and budget, and that all proper design guidelines are being followed. A design review meeting will beheld at both the preliminary submittal stage and the final submittal stage. COMPANY will review the plans, specifications and opinion of probable construction costs (EOPC) with City staff. Each submittal will consist of three (3) full size (22"x34") plan sets, three (3) project specifications manuals, and three (3) copies of the EOPC. A PDF copy of each document will be provided as well. COMPANY will provide one (1) staff member at each meeting. COMPANY will provide meeting minutes. COMPANY requests that the City staff review the documents and provide any written comments in a timely manner. An exact timeline for review will be set at each design review meeting. 4. Permitting COMPANY will provide completed IEPA Construction permits with schedule A and B for the City's signature. COMPANY will submit applications to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for review and approval. It is currently anticipated that the IEPA requires 60 days for review and processing of each permit submittal. COMPANY will provide a Storm Water Permit Application in accordance with the City's Storm Water Management Ordinance. It is anticipated that this project will qualify as `no permit needed.' Professional Engineering Services P Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement HRGreen SCOPE OF SERVICES � 3 PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES CONTINUED 5. Bidding Assistance and Construction Support During the bidding process, COMPANY will assist the City staff in responding to contractors' requests for information and will assist with the issuance of addenda, as required. It is understood from the RFP that the City will provide all other bidding services. During the construction phase, COMPANY will provide shop drawing review, as necessary. It is anticipated that the shop drawings will consist of material cut sheets. COMPANY will assist the City staff with providing answers to contractors' requests for information during the construction phase. COMPANY staff will be available to review unforeseen field conditions as this project is less than one -quarter of a mile from the HR Green office. As indicated in the RFP, the City will be providing all other construction engineering services using in-house staff. COMPANY will attend meetings, as necessary, during the construction phase, anticipating two (2) meetings for project coordination. COMPANY will provide one (1) staff member for each meeting anticipating one (1) hour for each meeting. COMPANY will provide meeting minutes for attended meetings. Project Schedule Notice to Proceed7 July 17, 2017 Project Kick -Off July 19, 2017 Survey Complete August 31, 2017 Soil Investigations Complete August/September 2017 Preliminary Design Review Meeting November 15, 2017 Preliminary Submittal December 1, 2017 IEPA Permit Submittal December 20, 2017 IEPA Anticipated Approval February 23, 2018 Final Design Review Meeting March 14, 2018 Final Project Submittal April 13, 2018 Professional Engineering Services V Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement SCOPE OF SERVICES AND PROJECT SCHEDULE � 4 HRGreen Compensation COMPANY offers the following man-hour estimate and Time and Material, Not to Exceed project cost. Task Hours Data Gathering, Survey and Preliminary Project Coordination Cost Survey/Base Plan Development 62 $65924,00 Soil Boring/CCDD Direct Cost $3,600,00 Project Administration & Coordination 6 $928.00 Design Engineering Utility Design 32 $3,722,40 CADD 100 $111250.00 Quantities/EOPC 12 $1,242.00 QA/QC 8 $11238.40 Project Administration & Coordination 6 $928,00 Permitting 10 $1,240.20 Bidding Assistance and Construction Support 8 $1,238 040Not to Exceed Project Total. 244 $32,311 n40 Project Team Chart Our proposed staff are available to provide the required scope of professional engineering services needed to support the Timothy Lane & Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement. All of the staff proposed operate out of our McHenry office, located just one mile from the City of McHenry's City Hall and even closer to the project site. Chad Pieper, PE HR Green, Inc. PROJECT ENGINEER Erik Negri, EIT HR Green, Inc. Mike Fischer, PLS Mike Lewis Midland Standard HR Green, Inc. HR Green, Inc. Engineering 8 Testing,lnc. Professional Engineering Services Geotechnical HR Green utilizes sub -consultants for Geotechnical Engineering and will be utilizing Midland Standard Engineering & Testing, Inc. for the geotechnical requirements of this project. Midland Standard Engineering &Testing, Inc. is a Geotechnical Engineering firm with additional specialization in Construction Materials Testing. They are located in the greater Chicago Area in East Dundee, Illinois, and provide a full range of geotechnical and construction inspection services to clients in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana, including site exploration (boring) programs, laboratory testing and written recommendations for design and construction of roadways and underground utilities. All Laboratory Testing is conducted in East Dundee. The laboratory is operated by a full time, NICET Certified Manager and is inspected annually. �> Timothy Lane &Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement HRGreen COMPENSATION AND TEAM CHART � 5 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Professional Services Contract Between The City Of McHenry And HR Green, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services For Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Professional Services Contract Between The City of McHenry And HR Green, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services For Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE1. THE SERVICES........................................................................................................ l 1.1 Intent........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Services. . 0 6 * 6 a 0 a a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 a 8 0 0 6 a a 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4 6 0 a a 0 a 0 0 9 4 0 a a 4 a a 0 4 * 0 0 6 0 0 1 1.3 Project Time............................................................................................................ l 1.4 Term; Extensions.....................................................................................................1 1.5 Other Contracts........................................................................................................1 1.6 Responsibility of Consultant to Perform.................................................................1 1.7 Financial Ability to Perform.................................................................................... 2 ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT......................................................................2 2.1 Pricing Schedule...................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Monthly Payment; Invoices..................................................................................... 2 2.3 Taxes........................................................................................................................2 2.4 Final Payment..........................................................................................................2 2.5 Deductions............................................................................................................... 3 2.6 Use of Deducted Funds........................................................................................... 3 2.7 Keeping Books and Accounts................................................................................0 3 ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES............................................................................ 3 3.1 Standard of Performance......................................................................................... 3 3.2 Correction of Defects............................................................................................... 3 3.3 Risk of Loss............................................................................................................. 3 3.4 Opinions of Probable Cost.......................................................................................4 Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 3.5 City Responsibilities................................................................................................4 3.6 Time of the Essence. 5 3.7 Suspension of Services...........................................................................................0 5 ARTICLE 4. SERVICES CHANGE ORDERS; DELAYS............................................................ 5 4.1 Services Change Orders..........................................................................................5 4.2 Revision Notices...................................................................................................... 5 4.3 No Change in Absence of Services Change Order .................................................. 5 4.4 Delays................................................................:..................................................... 5 ARTICLE5. INSURANCE............................................................................................................ 6 5.1 Insurance.................................................................................................................. 6 5.2 Scope of Coverage; Minimum Limits of Coverage ................................................. 6 5.3 Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions................................................................ 6 5.4 Additional Requirements........................................................................................ 0 6 5.5 Verification of Coverage......................................................................................... 7 5.6 Sub -Consultants and Suppliers............... 0 6 0 & a 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 0 6 a * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 a & * 0 0 a 4 9 0 0 a * & & 0 & 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 & 6 & a & 0 * 0 0 0 0 * * 08 ARTICLE6. INDEMNIFICATION............................................................................................... 8 6.1 Agreement to Indemnify.......................................................................................... 8 6.2 No Limit Based on Insurance.................................................................................. 8 6.3 Withholding Payment.............................................................................................. 8 6A Limit on Duty to Indemni 8 ARTICLE7. ARBITRATION........................................................................................................ 8 7.1 Arbitration............................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE8. TERMINATION........................................................................................................ 9 8.1 Contract is At -Will. 9 8.2 Termination by City for Breach. 9 8.3 City Remedies.........................................................................................................9 9 8.4 Termination by Consultant for Breach. 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 a a 0 & 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 * 9 a 6 0 a * 0 6 0 9 ARTICLE 9. LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................... 9 9.1 Consultant as Independent Consultant.................................................................... 9 9.2 Compliance with Laws; Communications with Regulators ................................... a 9 9.3 Permits and Licenses.............................................................................................10 9A Safety; Hazardous Materials..................................................................................10 9.5 Ownership of Data and Documents.......................................................................10 9.6 Notices...................................................................................................................10 Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 9.7 No Waiver by City* 1 U 9.8 No Third -Party Beneficiaries.................................................................................11 9.9 Survival of Terms..................................................................................................11 9.10 Assignments. 9.11 Amendments..........................................................................................................11 9.12 Governing Law. ......................................................................................................11 9.13 Compliance with Laws, Grant Regulations...........................................................11 9.14 Representation of No Conflicts.............................................................................11 9.15 No Collusion... Revised 5/22/17 City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Professional Services Contract Between The City of McHenry And HR Green, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services For Timothy Lane and Clover Avenue Water Main Replacement Project This contract (the "Contract") is dated as of July 17th9 2017 (the "Effective Date") and is by and between the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation, (the "City") and HR Green, Inc. (the "Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.1 parties. 1.2 "Services"): ARTICLE 1. THE SERVICES Intent. It is the intent of the parties that this Contract govern the relationship of the Services. The Consultant will perform for the City the following services (the Proposed Scope of Services "Services" is identified on Pages 2-4 of HR Green, Inc. attached Proposal. 1.3 Project Time. The Services will be performed according to the following schedule ("Project Schedule"): "Project Schedule" is identified on Page 4 of HR Green, Inc. attached Proposal. The Services will be completed on or before April 30, 2018 (the "Completion Date"). The Completion Date shall be effective for substantial completion all design services. Bidding Services and Construction Support shall be completed after the date of substantial completion in coordination with construction of the project. 1.4 Term; Extensions. This Contract commences on the Effective Date and terminates on Apri130, 2019 unless terminated earlier pursuant to Article 8 of this Contract (the "Term"). All terms of this Contract, including without limitation pricing terms, are firm during the Term, unless as embodied in an amendment to this Contract in accordance with Section 9.15. The Parties may extend this Contract for two additional one-year periods (each an "Extended Term"). Pricing terms may be adjusted by written agreement at the beginning of an Extended Term. 1.5 Other Contracts. The City may enter into agreements with other consultants, pursuant to which the City may award work from time to time at the City's discretion. -1- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 1.6 Responsibility of Consultant to Perform. The Consultant must provide all personnel necessary to complete the Services. The Consultant must perform the Services with its own personnel and under the management, supervision, and control of its own organization unless otherwise approved by the City in writing. All sub -consultants and supplies used by the Consultant in the performance of Services must be acceptable to, and approved in advance by, the City. The City's approval of any sub -consultant or supplier will not relieve the Consultant of full responsibility and liability for the provision, performance, and completion of the Services in full compliance with, and as required by or pursuant to, this Contract. All Services performed by any sub -consultant or supplier are subject to all of the provisions of this Contract in the same manner as if performed directly by the Consultant. If any sub -consultant or supplier fails to properly perform any Services undertaken by it in compliance with this Contract, then the Consultant, immediately on notice from the City, must remove that sub -consultant or supplier and undertake the Services itself or replace the sub - consultant or supplier with a sub -consultant or supplier acceptable to the City. The Consultant will have no claim for damages, for compensation in excess of the Compensation, or for delay or extension of the Project Schedule as a result of any such removal or replacement. 1.7 Financial Ability to Perform. When executing this Contract, the Consultant represents and declares that it is financially solvent, has the financial resources necessary, has sufficient experience and competence, and has the necessary capital, facilities, organization, and staff necessary to provide, perform, and complete the Services set forth in this Contract in full compliance with, and as required by or pursuant to, this Contract. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT 2.1 Pricing Schedule. As compensation for the performance of the Services ("Compensation"), the City will pay the Consultant the following amounts and in the following manner: Proposed Pricing is identified in HR Green, Inc. "Compensation" section included on Page 5 of attached Proposal. Except for the Compensation, the City will have no liability for any expenses or costs incurred by the Consultant. 2.2 Monthl�ayment; Invoices. The Compensation will be paid in monthly installments. The Consultant must submit to the City, on a monthly basis, a written invoice for payment for completed work. The City may specify the specific day of the month on or before which invoices must be filed. Each invoice must be accompanied by receipts, vouchers, and other documents as necessary to reasonably establish the Consultant's right to payment of the Compensation stated in the invoice. In addition, each invoice must include (a) employee classifications, rates per hour, and hours worked by each classification and, if the Services are to be performed in separate phases, for each phase, (b) total amount billed in the current period and total amount billed to date and, if the Services are to be performed in separate phases, for each phase, and (c) the estimated percent completion of the Services and, if the Services are to be performed in separate phases, for each phase. -2- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 23 Taxes. The Compensation includes applicable federal, State of Illinois, and local taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the services provided by the Consultant and all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or other similar benefits. The Consultant will never have a claim or right to claim additional compensation by reason of the payment of any such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees. 2.4 Final Payment. The Services will be considered complete on the date of final written acceptance by the City of the Services or the relevant phase of the Services. Services related to a submission of the Consultant will be deemed accepted by the City if the City does not object to those Services in writing within 30 days after the submission by the Consultant of an invoice for final acceptance and payment The City will make final payment to the Consultant within 30 days after final acceptance of the Services, after deducting therefrom charges, if any, as provided in this Contract ("Final Payment"). The acceptance by the Consultant of Final Payment will operate as a full and complete release of the City by the Consultant of and from any and all lawsuits, claims, or demands for further payment of any kind for the Services encompassed by the Final Payment, 2.5 Deductions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the City may deduct and withhold from any payment or from Final Payment such amounts as may reasonably appear necessary to compensate the City for any loss due to (1) Services that are defective, nonconforming, or incomplete, (2) liens or claims of lien, (3) claims against the Consultant or the City made by any of the Consultant's sub -consultants or suppliers or by other persons about the Services, regardless of merit, (4) delay by the Consultant in the completion of the Services, the cost to the City, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, of enforcing the terms of this Contract. The City will notify the Consultant in writing of the City's determination to deduct and withhold funds, which notice will state with specificity the amount of, and reason or reasons for, such deduction and withholding. 2.6 Use of Deducted Funds. The City will be entitled to retain any and all amounts withheld pursuant to Section 2.5 above until the Consultant either has performed the obligations in question or has furnished security for that performance satisfactory to the City. The City will be entitled to apply any money withheld or any other money due to the Consultant to reimburse itself for any and all costs, expenses, losses, damages, liabilities, suits, judgments, awards, and reasonable attorneys' fees (collectively "Costs") incurred, suffered, or sustained by the City and chargeable to the Consultant under this Contract. 2.7 Keeping Books and Accounts. The Consultant must keep accounts, books, and other records of all its billable charges and costs incurred in performing Services in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, consistently applied, and in such manner as to permit verification of all entries. The Consultant must make all such material available for inspection by the City, at the office of the Consultant during normal business hours during the Term and for a period of five years after termination of this Contract. Copies of such material must be furnished to the City at the City's request and expense. ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES 3.1 Standard of Performance. The Consultant must perform the Services in a manner consistent with the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances in the Chicago Metropolitan Region ("Standard of -3- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Performance"). The Consultant is fully and solely responsible for the quality, technical accuracy, completeness, and coordination of all Services. All plans and other documents furnished by the Consultant shall be endorsed and stamped with professional seals when such seals are required by law. 3�z Correction of Defects. The Consultant must provide, for no additional Compensation and at no separate expense to the City, all work required to correct any defects or deficiencies in the performance of Services, regardless of whether the defect or deficiency relates to the work of the Consultant or of the Consultant's sub -consultants or suppliers. 33 Risk of Loss. The Consultant bears the risk of loss in providing all Services. The Consultant is responsible for any and all damages to property or persons arising from any Consultant error, omission, or negligent act and for any losses or costs to repair or remedy any work undertaken by the City based on the Services as a result of any such error, omission, or negligent act. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the Consultant's obligations under this Section 3.3 exist without regard to, and may not be construed to be waived by, the availability or unavailability of any insurance, either of the City or the Consultant, to indemnify, hold harmless, or reimburse the Consultant for damages, losses, or costs. 3.4 Opinions of Probable Cost. The Parties recognize that neither the Consultant nor the City has control over the costs of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished by others or over competitive bidding, market or negotiating conditions, or construction contractors' methods of determining their prices. Accordingly, any opinions of probable costs provided under this Contract are considered to be estimates only, made on the basis of the Consultant's experience and qualifications, and those opinions represent the Consultant's best judgment as an experienced and qualified professional, familiar with the industry. The Consultant does not guaranty that proposals, bids, or actual costs will not vary from the opinions prepared by the Consultant. 3S City Responsibilities. The City, at its sole cost and expense, will have the following responsibilities: (a) To designate in writing a person with authority to act as the City's representative with respect to the Services. In the absence of a written designation, the City's representative will be the City Administrator. The City's representative will have the authority to act on behalf of the City except on matters that require approval of the City Council. (b) To provide to the Consultant all criteria and information about the requirements for the Services, including, as relevant, the City's objectives and constraints, schedule, space, capacity and performance requirements, and budgetary limitations. (c) To provide to the Consultant existing studies, reports, and other available data relevant to the Services. (d) To arrange for access to, and make provisions for the Consultant to enter on, public and private property as reasonably required for the Services. (e) To provide, as relevant, surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations, and utility locations for the Services and the services of other consultants when the services of other consultants are requested by the Consultant and are necessary for the performance of the Services. -4- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract ( To provide structural, mechanical, chemical, air and water tests, tests for hazardous materials, and other laboratory and environmental tests, inspections, and reports required by law to be provided by the City in connection with the Services, except the extent such tests, inspections, or reports are part of the Services. (g) To review reports, documents, data, and all other information presented by the Consultant as appropriate. (h) To provide approvals from all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Services when requested by the Consultant, except the extent such approvals are part of the Services. � To provide, except as provided under Article 5 and Article 6 of this Contract, all accounting, insurance, and legal services as may be necessary from time to time in the judgment of the City to protect the City's interests with respect to the Services. � To attend meetings related to the Services. (k) To give prompt written notice to the Consultant whenever the City observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of Services, except that the inability or failure of the City to give any such a notice will not relieve the Consultant of any of its responsibilities under this Contract. 3.6 Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence for the Services and all activities with regard to the performance of the Services. 3.7 Suspension of Services. The City, at any time and for any reason, may suspend work on any or all Services by issuing a written work suspension notice to the Consultant. The Consultant must stop the performance of all Services within the scope of the suspension notice until the City directs the Consultant in writing to resume performance. ARTICLE 4. SERVICES CHANGE ORDERS; DELAYS 4.1 Services Change Orders. The City, from time to time, may issue a written order modifying or otherwise changing the scope of the Services included in a Services Change Order (a "Services Change Order"). Any Services Change Order in an amount exceeding $10,000 must be approved by the City Council. The Services Change Order will be generally in the form attached to and by this reference incorporated into this Contract as Attachment A. The Consultant may request a Services Change Order based on a claimed material change to any Services performed under this Contract. A Services Change Order may include additions to and deletions from the Services and will include requested equitable increases or decreases to the Compensation. 42 Revision Notices. Within three (3) days after the date of a Services Change Order, and in any event before the Consultant begins work on any changed Services, the Consultant must notify the City in writing if the Consultant desires a revision to the Services Change Order (a "Revision Notice"). The Revision Notice must clearly state the Consultant's requested revisions and the reasons for the revisions. If the City agrees to any revision, then the City will issue a revised Services Change Order in a form acceptable to the Parties. If the Consultant does not submit a Revision Notice within the (3) -day period, then the Consultant will be deemed to have accepted the Services Change Order and the Services Change Order will be final. -5- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 43 No Change in Absence of Services Change Order. No claim for an adjustment in Compensation or Project Schedule will be made or allowed unless it is embodied in a Services Change Order signed by the City and the Consultant. If the Consultant believes it is entitled to an adjustment in the Compensation or Project Schedule terms that has not been included, or fully included, in a Services Change Order, then the Consultant may submit to the City a written request for the issuance of, or revision of, a Services Change Order including the desired adjustment. The Consultant's request must be submitted before the Consultant proceeds with any Services for which an adjustment is desired. 44 Delays. If a delay in providing Services results from one or more causes that could not be avoided or controlled by the Consultant, then the Consultant may be entitled to an extension of the Project Schedule for a period of time equal to that delay, or an adjustment in Compensation for extra costs related to the delay, or both. The Consultant must notify the City in writing within 3 days after the start of the delay and again in writing within 3 days after the delay has ended (the 'Delay Period"). The first notice must state the cause or causes of the delay and the impact of the delay on providing Services. The second notice must state the cause or causes of the delay, the length of the day, the reasons why the delay disrupted performance of the Services and the Consultant's request, if any, for a change in Compensation or Project Schedule. If the Consultant fails to submit notices as provided in this Section 4.5, then the Consultant will be deemed to have waived any right to an adjustment in Compensation for the Services. ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE 5.1 Insurance. The Consultant must procure and maintain, for the duration of this Contract, insurance as provided in this Article 5. 5.2 Scope of Coverage• Minimum Limits of Coverage. (a) Commercial General Liability. Insurance Services Office ("ISO"), or reasonable equivalent, Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001, with the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents named as additional insured on Insurance Service Office (ISO) Additional Insured Endorsement CG 2010 (Exhibit A) or CG 2026 (Exhibit B). Coverage must beat least $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and for property damage and $1,000,000 per occurrence for personal injury. The general aggregate must be twice the required occurrence limit. Minimum General Aggregate must be no less than $2,000,000 or a project- contract specific aggregate of $1,000,000. (b) Automobile Liability. Insurance Service Office Business Auto Liability coverage form number CA 0001, Symbol O1 "Any Auto." Coverage must be at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (c) Professional Liability. Indemnification and for injury or damage arising out of negligent acts, errors, or omissions in providing professional services, including without limitation: (i) preparing, approving, or failure to prepare or approve maps, drawings, opinions, report, surveys, designs or specifications and (ii) providing direction, instruction, supervision, inspection, or engineering services or failing to provide them, if that is the primary cause of injury or damage. Coverage must be at least $1,000,000 each claim with respect to negligent acts, errors, and omissions in connection with all professional services to be provided under this Contract. -6- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract (d) Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability. Workers' Compensation as required by the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Illinois and Employers' Liability insurance. Coverage must be at least Workers' Compensation Coverage with statutory limits and Employers' Liability limits of $500,000 per accident. 53 Deductibles and Se Insure Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either the insurer must reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self -insured retentions with respect to the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents or the Consultant must procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration, and Consultant defense expenses. 5.4 Additional Requirements. The insurance policies must contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (a) Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage. The City and its officials, officers, employees must be covered as additional insured as respects: liability arising out of the Consultant's work, including without limitation activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and automobiles owned, leased, hired, or borrowed by the Consultant. Coverage must contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City or its officials, officers, employees, and agents. (b) Primary Coverage. The insurance coverage must be primary with respect to the City and its officials, officers and employees. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents will be excess of the Consultant's insurance and will not contribute with it. (c) Severability of Interests/Cross Liability. The insurance must contain a Severability of Interests/Cross Liability clause or language stating that the insurance will apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's ability. (c� Umbrella Policies. If any commercial general liability insurance is being provided under an excess or umbrella liability policy that does not "follow form," then the Consultant must name the City and its officials, officers and employees, as additional insured under the umbrella policy. (e) Occurrence Form. All general liability coverage must be provided on an occurrence policy form. Claims -made general liability policies are not acceptable. (t} Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Coverage. The insurer must agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents for losses arising from work performed by the Consultant. (g) Professional Liability. If the policy is written on a claims -made form, the retroactive date must be equal to or preceding the effective date of this Contract. If the policy is cancelled, non - renewed, or switched to an occurrence form, then the Consultant must purchase supplemental extending reporting period coverage for a period of not less than three years after the date of substantial completion. -7- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract (h) All Coverage. Each insurance policy required must have the City expressly endorsed onto the policy as a Cancellation Notice Recipient. If a policy is canceled before the expiration date A that policy, then notice must be delivered to the City in accordance with the policy provisions prior to the expiration date. 0 Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance must be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A-, VII and licensed to do business in the State of Illinois. U) Waiver of Limitation. The Consultant hereby agrees to waive any limitation as to the amount of contribution recoverable against it by the City. This specifically includes any limitation imposed by any state statute, regulation, or case law including any Workers' Compensation Act provision that applies a limitation to the amount recoverable in contribution, such as Kotecki v. Cyclops Welding. Each sub -consultant also must agree to this waiver. SS Verification of Coverage. The Consultant must furnish the City with certificates of insurance naming the City and its officials, officers, employees, and agents as additional insured and with original endorsements affecting coverage required by this Article 5. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy must be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements may be on forms provided by the City or may be ISO Additional Insured Endorsements CG 2010 or CG 2026, or reasonable equivalent, and in any event must be received and approved by the City before any work commences. The City reserves the right to request a full certified copy of each insurance policy and endorsement. 5.6 Sub -Consultants and Suppliers. The Consultant must include all sub -consultants as insured under its policies or must furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each sub - consultant. All coverage for sub -consultants are subject to all of the requirements stated in this Article 5. ARTICLE 6. INDEMNIFICATION 6.1 Agreement to Indemnify. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Consultant hereby agrees to indemnify and, at the Citys request, defend the City and its officials, employees, agents, and representatives (collectively the "Indemnified Parties") against all injuries, deaths, loss, damages, claims, patent claims, lawsuits, liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses, including attorney fees incurred by the City (collectively "Claims"), that may in any way accrue against the Indemnified Parties or any one of them arising in whole, or in part, or in consequence of the negligent or intentionally tortious performance of any services by the Consultant or its employees or sub - consultants or that may in any way result therefrom, except only Claims arising out of the sole legal cause of the City. In addition, Consultant hereby agrees to indemnify the City with regard to any damages, costs and expenses, including attorney fees incurred by the City for any failure by the Consultant to comply with insurance reporting provisions of any Consultant insurance policy adversely affecting coverage provided to the indemnified parties. 62 No Limit Based on Insurance. The Consultant expressly acknowledges and agrees that any performance bond or insurance policy required by this Contract, or otherwise provided by the Consultant, will in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify and defend the Indemnified Parties or any one of them. -8- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 63 Withholding_ Payment. To the extent that any payment is due to the Consultant under this Contract, the City may withhold that payment to protect itself against any Indemnified Claims until all claims, suits, or judgments have been settled or discharged and evidence to that effect has been furnished to the satisfaction of the City. 64 Limit on Duty to Indemnify. The Consultant is not required to indemnify an Indemnified Party to the extent a Claim resulted solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Party. ARTICLE 7. ARBITRATION 7.1 Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Construction Industry Arbitration Rules or JAMS Dispute Resolution, as determined in the exclusive discretion of the City, at 333 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The parties agree that an arbitration award by default may be entered upon the party failing to appear or defend itself in any arbitration proceeding. In the event of any arbitration or litigation of this Contract, the non -prevailing party, as determined by the arbiter or court, shall pay all expenses incurred by the prevailing party, including, but not limited to (a) attorney's fees, (b) filing costs, (c) witness fees, and (d) other general expenses of arbitration or litigation. ARTICLE 8. TERMINATION 8.1 Contract is At -Will. This Contract is at -will and may be terminated by the City at any time at the City's convenience, without reason or cause. If the City terminates this Contract without reason or cause, then the Consultant will be entitled to Compensation for all Service performed by the Consultant up to the date of termination. The Consultant is not entitled to any consequential damages, including without limitation for lost profit, for any Services not performed by the Consultant. 82 Termination by City for Breach. The City at any time, by written notice providing Consultant with 10 days' to cure any alleged breach hereof, may terminate this Contract of breach by the Consultant and of one or more terms of this agreement. "Breach" by the Consultant includes (a) failure of the Consultant to adhere to any terms or conditions of this Contract, (b) failure of the Consultant to properly perform Services, (c) or failure of the Consultant to maintain progress in the performance of Services so as to endanger proper performance of the Services within the Project Schedule, (d) failure of the Consultant to have or maintain adequate resources to complete any Services. 83 City Remedies. If the City terminates this Contract for Breach by the Consultant, then the City will have the right, at its election and without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law or equity, to pursue any one or more of the following remedies: (a) The City may recover from the Consultant any and all costs, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the City as the result of any Breach or as a result of actions taken by the City in response to any Breach. -9- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract (b) The City may withhold any or all outstanding Compensation to reimburse itself or pay for any and all costs, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the City as the result of any Breach or as a result of actions taken by the City in response to any Breach. In that event, the City will pay any excess funds to the Consultant, if any, after all of the City's costs are reimbursed or paid. If the Compensation withheld by the City is insufficient to reimburse the City For, or pay, all costs, then the City will has the right to recover directly from the Consultant a sum of money sufficient to reimburse itself, or pay, all remaining costs. Nt Termination by Consultant for Breach. The Consultant at any time, by written notice, terminate this Contract on account of failure by the City to properly pay the Consultant and failure of the City to cure the breach within 10 days after that written notice or such further time as the Consultant may agree, in the Consultant's sole discretion, in response to a written notice from the City seeking additional time to cure. ARTICLE 9. LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Consultant as Independent Consultant. For purposes of this Contract, the Consultant is an independent consultant and is not, and may not be construed or deemed to be an employee, agent, or joint venturer of the City. 9.2 Communications with Re ulg ators. Any written communication by Consultant directly with applicable governmental regulatory agencies with regard to Services shall be copied to the City. 9.3 Permits and Licenses. The Consultant must obtain and pay for all permits and licenses, registrations, qualifications, and other governmental authorizations required by law that are associated with the Consultant's performance of Services. 9.4 Safety Hazardous Materials. (a) Protection of Health, Environment. The Consultant's personnel must be experienced and properly trained to perfoi*rn the Services and must take adequate precautions to protect human health and the environment in the performance of Services. (b) Notice of Hazardous Conditions. If the Consultant observes a potentially hazardous condition relating to the Services, then the Consultant must bring that condition to the attention of the City. (c) Hazardous Materials. The Consultant acknowledges that there may be hazardous substances, wastes, or materials as defined by applicable Law ("Hazardous Materials") at a project site or otherwise associated with Services, and the Consultant under those circumstances must take appropriate precautions to protect its employees, sub -consultants, and suppliers. 9.5 Ownership of Data and Documents. All data and information, regardless of its format, developed or obtained under this Contract (collectively "Data"), other than the Consultant's confidential information, will be and remain the sole property of the City. The Consultant must promptly deliver all Data to the City at the City's request. The Consultant is responsible for the care and protection of the Data until that delivery. The Consultant may retain one copy of the Data for the -10- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract Consultant's records subject to the Consultant's continued compliance with the provisions of this Article. The City hereby indemnifies the Consultant for damages caused by the City's misuse or reuse of Data not originally intended. 9.6 Notices. Any notice or communication required by this Contract will be deemed sufficiently given if in writing and when delivered personally or upon receipt of registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, with the U.S. Postal Service and addressed as follows: If to the City: City Administrator City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 If to the Consultant: with a copv to: Public Works Director Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 with a copv to: or to such other address as the party to whom notice is to be given has furnished in writing. 9.7 No Waiver b�City. No act, order, approval, acceptance, or payment by the City, nor any delay by the City in exercising any right under this Contract, will constitute or be deemed to be an acceptance of any defective, damaged, flawed, unsuitable, nonconforming, or incomplete Services or operate to waive any requirement or provision of this Contract or any remedy, power, or right of the City. 9.8 No TM, rd-Part�Beneficiaries. This Contract is for the benefit of the City and the Consultant only and there can be no valid claim made or held against the City or the Consultant by any third party to be a beneficiary under this Contract. 9.9 Survival of Terms. The following sections will survive the termination of this Contract: 2.7, 3.2, 6.1, 8.4, 9.75 9.8, and 9.9. 9.10 Assignments. The Consultant may not assign or transfer any term, obligation, right, oI other aspect of this Contract without the prior express written consent of the City. If any aspect of this Contract is assigned or transferred, then the Consultant will remain responsible to the City for the proper performance of the Consultant's obligations under this Contract. The terms and conditions of any agreement by the Consultant to assign or transfer this Contract must include terms requiring the assignee or transferee to fully comply with this Contract unless otherwise authorized in writing by the City. 9.11 Amendments. This Contract may be amended only in writing executed by the City and the Consultant. 9.12 Governing Law. The validity, construction, and performance of this Contract and all disputes between the parties arising out of or related to this Contract will be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to choice or conflict of law rules or regulations. -11- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract 9.13 Compliance with Laws, Grant Regulations. All Services must be provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all applicable governmental permits, licenses, or other approvals and authorizations, and with applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Consultant also must comply with applicable conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by the City with respect to this Contract. The Consultant will be solely responsible for any fines or penalties that may be imposed or incurred by a governmental agency with jurisdiction over the Services as a result of the Consultant's improper performance of, or failure to properly perform, any Services. 9.14 Representation of No Conflicts. The Consultant represents that, to the best of its knowledge, (1) no City employee or agent is financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the business of the Consultant or this Contract, (2) as of the Effective Date neither the Consultant nor any person employed by the Consultant has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Contract, and (3) neither the Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with the Consultant may at any time during the Term obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Contract. 9.15 No Collusion. The Consultant represents that the Consultant is not barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of (1) a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Consultant is properly contesting its liability for the tax or the amount of the tax or (2) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E4 or Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/22E4 et seq. The Consultant represents that the only persons, firms, or corporations interested in this Agreement as principals are those disclosed to the City prior to the execution of this Contract and that this Contract is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation. WHEREFORE, the City and the Consultant have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date. CITY OF MCHENRY By: Name: Title: RR Green, Inc. By: Name: Title: -12- City of McHenry Professional Services Contract ATTACHMENT A SERVICES CHANGE ORDER NO. In accordance with Section 4.1 of the Contract dated , 20I Consultant, the Parties agree to the following Services Change Order: 1. Change in Services: Z. Change in Project Schedule (attach schedule ifappropriate): 3. 20 4. between I and the Change in Completion Date: All Services must be completed on or before: Change in Compensation: ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT REMAIN UNCHANGED. CITY CONSULTANT [City's project representative] Signature Name (Printed or Typed) 20 _ 20 Date Date If compensation change greater than $3 500 then City Administrator signature required. City Administrator Date If compensation change greater than $10 000 then City Council approval and Ma��nature required. Mayor Date 20 -1- Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us EXECUTIVE SESSION DATE: July 17, 2017 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Collective Bargaining (IUOE 150 Contract) ATT: Collective Bargaining Agreement between IUOE, Local 150 and City of McHenry AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider approval of the attached Collective Bargaining Agreement between the International Union of Operating Engineers (IOUE), Local 150, Public Employees Division and the City of McHenry with a motion in open session to authorize the execution of said agreement. IOUE 150 members ratified the contract on June 29, 2017. BACKGROUND: The existing contract the City of McHenry and the International Union of Operating Engineers (IOUE)I Local 150, Public Employees Division expired on April 30th1 2016. The contract covers thirty-eight employees within the Administration Department; Parks Department; Public Works Street, Water, Utility and Wastewater Divisions. The parties held five bargaining sessions (February 8, 2017; March 6, 2017; March 29, 2017; April 26, 2017; June 14, 2017) focusing on the length of contract, uniform allowance, wages, insurance, job classifications/pay grades, vacation scheduling, job postings and minimum/maximum hours worked. At the February 20, 2017 City Council Meeting, Council provided the City Administration with direction regarding target terms for the purpose of negotiating the Health Insurance and Wages sections of the IOUE Local 150 Contract. City Council was provided .an update on negotiations at the June 19, 2017 City Council Meeting. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. ANALYSIS: The following terms of the collective bargaining agreement have been negotiated between City Administration and the International Union of Operating Engineers (IOUE), Local 150, Public Employees Division: • Wages: 2.25% on May 1, 2016; 2.50% on May 1, 20171 2.50% on May 1, 2018; 2.50% on May 1, 2019; and 2.75% on May 1, 2020 with retroactive pay to May 1, 2016. • Health Insurance: From May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017, the premium rates shall be as established under the prior bargaining agreement. Effective at ratification of contract, the Employer agrees to paythe following towards the Union's health and dental insurance benefit for eligible bargaining unit employees for any month in which the employee performs any work covered by this agreement after he or she becomes eligible to participate in the Midwest Engineers' Welfare Fund. $1,921 per month per employee for family coverage or $1,260 per month per employee for single +1 coverage or $630 per month per employee for single coverage Effective on May 1, 2018, May 1, 2019, and May 1, 2020, premiums will increase at a rate of up to 5.0% (maximum). Effective the first of the month after the signed contract and May 1, 2018, May 1, 2019, May 1, 2020, any premium increases greater than 5.0% (actual) shall result in a dollar -for -dollar reduction in the employee's hourly wage. • Term of Contract: Five years; May 1, 2016 thru April 30, 2021 • Uniform Allowances: All wastewater treatment operators, wastewater maintenance workers, mechanics, maintenance mechanics, and bung and grounds custodians will receive One Hundred Seventy Five ($175.00) per fiscal year allowance for the purchase of class 75 or better work boots. Fleet maintenance mechanics in the Street Division will receive a winter coat every three years at the city's expense. • Minimum and Maximum Hours: Except in extreme emergency or by mutual agreement with the employee, no employee shall be required to work more than sixteen (16) hours in a twenty-four hour period. No employee shall be required to drive a vehicle requiring a commercial driver's license (CDL) for more than twelve (12) consecutive hours. Individual bargaining unit members will track their hours worked with in a twenty-four hour period and will notify their supervisor if they have worked sixteen (16) hours in a twenty-four hour period. • Job Posting: The City will post, on the Union bulletin boards all city job openings. Union openings will not be filled until seven days after posting. • Vacation Scheduling and Accrual: An employee's vacation shall be considered to commence at the conclusion of his last scheduled pre -vacation workday, and will end at the start of the first scheduled post -vacation workday. During the "snow removal months" an employee must use eight (8) hours of vacation, compensatory or personal time on a Friday or Monday to receive contiguous time off through the weekend, only a total of three (3) Street Division employees may utilize contiguous time per weekend during snow removal months. • Job Classifications and Pay Grades: Additional pay grade created (Grade C) for Public Works Utility Division Employees who receive an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Class D Water License or Sanitary Sewer Collection Certification. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended a motion be made to approve the execution of the attached Collective Bargaining Agreement between the International Union of Operating Engineers (IOUE), Local 150, Public Employees Division and the City of McHenry. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS, LOCAL 150, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DIVISION AND CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS May 1, 2016 through Apri130, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preamble..................................................................................................................................5 ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION..........................................................................................5 Section1.1 Recognition..................................................................................................5 Section 1.2 Duty of Fair Representation.........................................................................6 Section 1.3 New Classifications.....................................................................................6 ARTICLE II UNION SECURITY AND RIGHTS...........................................................6 Section 2.1 Dues and Fair Share Check-off ....................................................................6 Section2.2 Fair Share.....................................................................................................7 Section 2.3 Bulletin Board..............................................................................................8 Section 2.4 Union Indemnification.................................................................................8 Section 2.5 Union Officials.............................................................................................8 ARTICLE III MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.........................................................................8 ARTICLE IV LABOR-MANAGEMENT MEETINGS.....................................................9 Section 4.1 Meeting Request..........................................................................................9 Section4.2 Content.........................................................................................................9 Section4.3 Attendance...................................................................................................9 ARTICLE V HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME...................................................10 Section 5.1 General Provisions.....................................................................................10 Section 5.2 Normal Work Period, Workday and Work Schedule................................10 Section 5.3 Changes in Normal Work Period, Workday and Work Schedule.............. 10 Section5.4 Overtime Pay..............................................................................................11 Section 5.5 Call -Back Pay............................................................................................I I Section 5.6 Required Overtime.....................................................................................I 1 Section 5.7 Minimum and Maximum Hours................................................................12 Section 5.8 Compensatory Time...................................................................................13 Section5.9 On -Call Pay................................................................................................13 1 ARTICLE VI SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL...................................................14 Section 6A Definition of Seniority...............................................................................14 Section 6.2 Probationary Period....................................................................................14 Section 6.3 Seniority List..............................................................................................14 Section6.4 Layoff........:................................................................................................14 Section6.5 Recall.........................................................................................................15 Section 6.6 Termination of Seniority............................................................................15 Section6.7 Job Posting.................................................................................................16 ARTICLE VII GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE....................................................................16 Section7.1 Definition...................................................................................................16 Section7.2 Procedure...................................................................................................16 Section7.3 Arbitration..................................................................................................17 Section 7.4 Limitations on Authority of Arbitrator......................................................18 Section 7.5 Time Limit for Filing.................................................................................19 Section 7.6 Miscellaneous............................................................................................19 ARTICLE VIII NO STRIKE -NO LOCKOUT....................................................................19 Section 8.1 Strikes Prohibited.......................................................................................19 Section 8.2 Violations of This Article..........................................................................19 Section 8.3 Union Notification of Employees..............................................................19 Section8.4 No Lockout................................................................................................20 Section8.5 Judicial Relief............................................................................................20 ARTICLE IX HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL LEAVE BUSINESS LEAVE.......................................................................................................20 Section9.1 Holidays.....................................................................................................20 Section 9.2 Eligibility Requirements............................................................................20 Section9.3 Holiday Pay................................................................................................20 Section 9.4 Personal Business Leave............................................................................20 ARTICLE X VACATIONS.............................................................................................21 Section 10.1 Eligibility and Allowance..........................................................................21 Section 10.2 Vacation Pay..............................................................................................22 Section 10.3 Scheduling and Accrual.............................................................................22 2 Section9.1 Holidays.....................................................................................................20 Section 9.2 Eligibility Requirements............................................................................20 Section9.3 Holiday Pay................................................................................................20 Section 9.4 Personal Business Leave............................................................................20 ARTICLE X VACATIONS.............................................................................................21 Section 10.1 Eligibility and Allowance..........................................................................21 Section 10.2 Vacation Pay..............................................................................................22 Section 10.3 Scheduling and Accrual.............................................................................22 2 ARTICLEAl SICK LEAVE............................................................................................23 Section 11.1 Purpose and Allowances . 0 a 0 & a 0 a & a a 6 & 6 a 0 & 6 a & 0 & a 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 a a 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 a 6 & /L Section 11.2 Days Earned in Accumulation...................................................................24 Section 11.3 Notification................................................................................................24 Section 11.4 Medical Examination.................................................................................24 Section 11.5 Sick Leave Utilization................................................................................24 Section 11.6 Unused Sick Leave.....................................................................................24 ARTICLE XII ADDITIONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE.................................................25 Section 12.1 Unpaid Discretionary Leaves.....................................................................25 Section 12.2 Military Leave............................................................................................25 Section 12.3 Funeral Leave............................................................................................025 Section12.4 Jury Leave..................................................................................................26 Section 12.5 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Leave.........................................26 Section 12.6 Application for Leave................................................................................26 Section 12.7 Benefits While on Unpaid Discretionary Leave........................................26 Section 12.8 Non -Employment Elsewhere.....................................................................27 ARTICLEXIII WAGES.....................................................................................................27 Section13.1 Base Wages................................................................................................27 Section 13.2 Wage Rates for Working Out of Classification.........................................27 Section 13.3 Military Service Compensation.................................................................27 ARTICLE XN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE.......................................................................28 Section 14.1 Uniform Allowances..................................................................................28 Section 14.2 Return %J Uniforms and Equipment...........................................................28 Section14.3 Tool Allowance..........................................................................................28 ARTICLE XV INSURANCE.............................................................................................28 Section 15.1 Union Health Plan......................................................................................28 Section 15.2 Waiver of Insurance...................................................................................29 Section 15.3 Insurance for Injured Employees...............................................................29 Section 15.4 Life Insurance, . 9 2 9 Section 15.5 Hepatitis Vaccine.......................................................................................29 Section 15.6 Unsafe Conditions......................................................................................29 ARTICLE AI DISCIPLINE..............................................................................................29 Section16.1 Discipline...................................................................................................29 Section 16.2 Removal of Disciplinary Records..............................................................30 Section 16.3 Access to Arbitration.................................................................................30 ARTICLE XVII GENERAL PROVISIONS.........................................................................30 Section17.1 Gender........................................................................................................30 Section 17.2 Ratification and Amendment.....................................................................30 Section 17.3 Fitness Examinations.................................................................................30 Section 17.4 Physical Fitness Requirements. a 6 0 a * & * 0 a & a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 030 Section 17.5 Drug and Alcohol Testing and Policies.....................................................30 Section 17.6 Outside Employment..................................................................................31 Section 17.7 Rules and Regulations................................................................................31 Section 17.8 Maintenance of Specific Working Conditions...........................................31 Section 17.9 Use of Electronic Communication Devices...............................................31 Section 17.10 Evaluation Copy..................................................................31 Section 17.11 Opportunity Lists................................................................ 31 Section 17.12 On Call and Snow Opportunity Lists..........................................31 Section 17.13 Water and Wastewater Licensing...............................................31 ARTICLE XVIII SUBCONTRACTING...............................................................................31 ARTICLE XIX SAVINGS CLAUSE..................................................................................32 ARTICLE XX ENTIRE AGREEMENT............................................................................32 APPENDIX A CORRELATION OF JOB CLASSIFICATIONS TOPAY GRADES....................................................................................34 APPENDIX B WAGE SCHEDULE..................................................................................35 APPENDIX C LIST OF CURRENT EMPLOYEES AND JOB CLASSIFICATION ...................................................................................36 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS AND IUOE LOCAL 150 May 1, 2016 through Apri1305 2021 PREAMBLE THIS AGREEMENT entered into by the CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS (hereinafter referred to as the "City" or the "Employer") and the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 150 (hereinafter referred to as the "Union") is in recognition of the Union's status as the representative of certain specified full-time employees of the City's Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Administration Departments, and has as its intent and purpose the establishment of an entire agreement covering all rates of pay, hours of work and conditions of employment applicable to bargaining unit employees during the term of this Agreement; the promotion of good working relations between the Employer and the Union; to encourage and improve efficiency and productivity; to prevent interruptions of work and interference with the operation of the City; and the establishment of an orderly procedure for the resolution of grievances as provided herein. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained in this Agreement, the Employer and the Union do mutually promise and agree as follows: ARTICLE I RECOGNITION Section 1.1. Recognition. The City recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining representative for all full-time employees of the Cny's Department of Public Works and Department of Parks and Recreation in the following classifications: Building and Grounds Custodian, Water Meter Maintenance Worker, Maintenance Worker (Streets, Parks, Water, and Wastewater), Operator I (Water, and Wastewater), Operator II (Water and Wastewater) and Mechanic. Excluded from the bargaining unit are all other employees, including, but not limited to, any employee holding the positions of Director of Public Works, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Crew Leader, Engineering Inspector, Administrative Assistant, Office Assistant, Finance Specialist, or summer help; all part-time employees; all full or part-time seasonal or temporary employees; all Public Works and Parks administrative employees; all non -Public Works Department and Parks and Recreation Department employees; and all other managerial, supervisory, confidential, professional and short-term employees, as defined by the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act (IPLRA) (as it existed January 1, 1995). 5 Section 1l. Duty of Fair Representation. The Union recognizes its responsibility as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement, and Union agrees to fulfill its duty to fairly represent all employees in the bargaining unit, whether or not they are members of the Union. Section 1.3. New Classifications. The Employer shall promptly notify the Union of its decision to implement any new classifications pertaining to work of a nature performed by employees in the bargaining unit. If the new classification is a successor title to a classification covered by the Agreement and the job duties are not significantly altered or changed, the new classification shall automatically become a part of this Agreement. If the new classification contains a significant part of the work now being done by any of the classifications covered by this Agreement, or whose functions are similar to employees in this bargaining unit, the parties will then meet within thirty (30) days to review the proposed classification and, if unable to reach agreement as to its inclusion or exclusion from the unit, the Union may petition the ISLRB to seek the necessary unit clarification. The Employer shall be free to implement its decision pending the outcome of the unit clarification petition and/or negotiations. If the inclusion of the proposed classification is agreed to by the parties or found appropriate under the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, the parties shall then negotiate as to the proper pay grade for the classification, provided, however, that (i) the City may establish a temporary pay grade pending the outcome of such negotiations, and (ii) the provisions of Article VIII (No Strike -No Lockout) shall remain in effect during such negotiations and in the event of an impasse in such negotiations. ARTICLE II UNION SECURITY AND RIGHTS Section 2.1. Dues and Fair Share Check -off. While this Agreement is in effect, the City will deduct the appropriate biweekly amount %J dues or fair share fees from each employee in the bargaining unit who has filed with the City a lawful, voluntary, effective check -off authorization form. Check -off authorization forms shall be supplied by the Union. The City will honor all executed check -off authorization forms received not later than ten (10) working days (i.e., days the City's administrative offices are open) prior to the next deduction date. If a conflict exists between the check -off authorization form and this Article, the terms of this Article and Agreement control. Total deductions collected for each month shall be remitted by the City to the Union by the tenth (1 Oth) of the following month, together with a list of employees for whom deductions have been made. Dues and fair share fees deducted shall be sent to the official address designated in writing to the Employer by the Union. The Union agrees to refund to the employee any amounts paid to the Union in error on account of this dues deduction provision. Dues or fair share shall be withheld and remitted to the Union unless or until such time as the City receives ten (10) working days written notice a revocation of dues and fair share check -off from an an employee, or other timely notice of an employee's death, transfer from covered employment, termination of covered employment, or when there are insufficient funds available tin the employee's earnings after withholding all other legal and required deductions. Information concerning dues and fair share not deducted under this Article shall be forwarded to the Union, and this action will discharge the City's only responsibility with regard to such cases. The City shall provide the Union with a copy of any revocation of dues deduction authorization within seven (7) calendar days of the date the revocation is received by the City. Semiannually, the City shall provide the Union with a list of all employees in the bargaining unit, their fair share/dues status, and the amount paid in the previous six-month period. Deductions shall cease at such time as a strike or work stoppage occurs in violation of Article VIII (No Strike -No Lockout). The actual dues and fair share amounts to be deducted shall be certified in writing to the City by the Union. Dues and fair share fees shall each be uniform in dollar amount for all employees in order to ease the Employer's burden of administering this provision. The Union may charge the fixed uniform dollar amounts of its regular monthly dues and fair share fees once each calendar year during the life of this Agreement. The Union will give the City thirty (30) calendar days' notice of any such change in the mount of uniform dues or fair share fees to be deducted. Section 2.2. Fair Share. (a) During the term of this Agreement, bargaining unit members who are not members of the Union shall, commencing thirty (30) days after their employment or thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later, pay a uniform fair share fee to the Union for collective bargaining and contract administration services rendered by the Union, provided that the fair share fee shall not exceed the dues attributable for being a member of the Union. A checkoff authorization card will not be required for the withholding of fair share fees. The Union shall periodically submit to the City a list of employees covered by the Agreement who are not members of the Union. The fair share fee shall not include contributions related to the election or support of any candidate for political office, or for any member only benefit. (b) The Union agreed to assume full responsibility to insure full compliance with the requirements set forth by the United States Supreme Court in Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson, 106 U.S. 1066 (1986), with respect to the constitutional rights of fair share payers as well as all applicable provisions of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder relating to fair share fees. It is specifically agreed that any dispute a fair share fee payer may have with the Union concerning the amount of the fair share fee and/or the responsibilities of the Union with respect to fair share payers shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure set forth in this Agreement. (c) Non-members who object to this fair share fee based upon bona fide religious tenets or teachings shall direct the Union to pay an amount equal to such fair share fee to anon -religious charitable organization mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Union. If the affected non- member and the Union are unable to reach agreement on the organization, the organization shall be 7 selected by the affected non-member from an approved list of charitable organizations established by the Illinois State Labor Relations Board and the payment shall be made to said organization. Section 2.3. Bulletin Board. The City will provide a 3' x 4' bulletin board or will make available space on a bulletin board (size — 3' x 4') in each of the following locations for the posting of official Union business which is germane to its role as the exclusive bargaining representative and which is not political, defamatory or derogatory in nature; Municipal Center, Public Works Facili South Wastewater Treatment Plant, Parks Maintenance. The Union will limit the posting of Union business to such bulletin boards. Section 2.4. Union Indemnification. The Union shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its officials, representatives and agents against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability (monetary or otherwise) and for all legal costs that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the City in complying with the provisions of this Article. Section 2.5. Union Officials. The Union shall advise the City Administrator of the names of the Union Stewards. It is expressly understood that the Stewards do not have authority to modify, alter, amend, etc. this collective bargaining agreement. ARTICLE III MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Except as specifically limited by the express provisions of this Agreement, the City retains all traditional rights to manage and direct the affairs of the City in all of its various aspects and to manage and direct its employees, to make and implement decisions with respect to the operation and management of its operations in all respects, including all rights and authority possessed or exercised by the City prior to the recognition of the Union as the bargaining agent for the employees covered by this Agreement. These rights and authority include, but are not limited to, the following: to plan, direct, control and determine all the operations and services of the City; to determine the City's mission, policies, procedures, and to set all standards of service offered in the community; to determine the budget, and to allocate budgetary priorities; to utilize and select suppliers and subcontractors; to supervise and direct the working forces; to establish the qualifications for hire and conditions for continued employment; to determine reasonable standards of conduct, both on and off duty, to the extent permitted by federal and state law; to select, hire, train, evaluate, promote, demote and transfer employees; to discipline and discharge employees for just cause (probationary employees without cause); to schedule and assign work and work duties; to assign overtime; to establish and enforce reasonable work, productivity and performance standards and, from time to time, to change those standards; to determine the methods, means, organization and number of personnel by which City operations and services shall be provided or purchased; to determine whether services are to be provided by employees covered by this Agreement or by other employees or non -employees not covered by this Agreement; to make, alter and enforce reasonable rules, regulations, orders and policies; to change or eliminate existing methods, equipment or facilities; to layoff or otherwise relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or for other reasons; and to take any and all actions as may be necessary to carry out the mission, duties and responsibilities of the City in situations of local disaster or civil emergencies as may be formally declared by the Mayor or his designee to declare that a local disaster or civil emergency condition exists. In the event of E such emergency action, the provisions of this Agreement may be suspended, except for rates of pay. A local disaster or civil emergency shall include, but is not limited to, riots, civil disorder, and natural or manmade disaster conditions. For the purposes of this Agreement, an "emergency" is defined as a sudden, unexpected state of affairs requiring the immediate use of City resources. ARTICLE IV LABOR-MANAGEMENT MEETINGS Section 4.1. Meeting Request. The Union and the City agree that, in the interest of efficient management and harmonious employee relations, meetings to be held up to once quarterly at the request of either party or at other times mutually agreed between Union representatives and the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation and/or the City Administrator. Such meetings may be requested by either party at least seven (7) days in advance by placing in writing a request to the other for a "labor-management meeting" and expressly providing the agenda for such meeting. Such meetings and locations, if mutually agreed upon, shall be limited to: (a) discussion on the implementation and general administration of this Agreement; (b) a sharing of general information of interest to the parties; (c) notifying the Union of changes in conditions of employment contemplated by the Employer which may affect employees; (d) issues or concerns involving safety. Section 4.2. Content. It is expressly understood and agreed that such meetings shall be exclusive of the grievance procedure. Specific grievances being processed under the grievance procedure shall not be considered at "labor-management meetings" nor shall negotiations for the purpose of adding to or altering ay of the terms of this Agreement be carried on at such meetings. Section 4.3. Attendance. Attendance atlabor-management meetings shall be voluntary on the employee's part, and attendance by off -duty personnel during such meetings shall not be considered time worked for compensation purposes. If the labor management meetings are scheduled at the request or consent of the City during the regularly scheduled duty hours of one or two employee Union representatives, and if it is mutually agreed between the Director of Public Works or his designee and the Union, such employee Union representative(s) shall be released from duty without loss of pay, provided they shall remain available to return to duty if needed. Normally, up to three (3) persons from each side shall attend these meetings, schedules permitting. ARTICLE V HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME Section 5A. General Provisions. A. Purpose of Article. The sole purpose of this article is to provide a basis for the calculation of straight time and overtime wage rates. The Employer's pay records, practices, policies and other procedures shall govern the payment of all wages. This Article is intended only as a basis for computing overtime consistent with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This Article is not intended to establish a right to compensation in any form for time not worked except as specifically provided for in this Agreement. B. No Pyramiding. Compensation shall not be paid more than once for the same hours under any provision of this Agreement. Section 5.2. Normal Work Period, Workday and Work Schedule. Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the current normal work period shall be seven (7) days (normally starting at 12:01 a.m. Monday), and shall include 40 hours of work based on five consecutive 8-hour workdays (which may be scheduled Monday - Saturday) per week. A. Employees shall be granted one fifteen (15) minute paid morning break and a ten (10) minute paid break during the second half of the workday. Employees will take their breaks at their work site or as determined by the Supervisor overseeing the operation. In the event that employees are allowed to leave the work site during break, travel time will be included within the break period. No additional allowance for travel time outside the scope of the break period will be allowed. B. Employees shall be granted aone-half hour unpaid lunch near the midpoint of each day or as determined by the Supervisor overseeing the operation. Employees shall be permitted up to ten (10) minutes of drive/wash time in addition to the half hour lunch period. Additionally, where the requirements of the j ob dictate that employees work through their lunch period, employees shall be allowed to take their lunch break later in the shift as determined by the Supervisor overseeing the operation. Employees shall be on the work site ready to work up to the beginning of the drive/wash time and at the end of the lunch period. Employees will be allowed reasonable use of City vehicles during their lunch period. The employees shall receive a fifteen (15) minute clean/pick-up time at the end of their shift. Section 5.3. Changes In Normal Work Period, Workday and Work Schedule. The shifts, workdays and hours to which employees are assigned shall be stated on the Departmental work schedule. Should it be necessary in the interest of efficient operations to temporarily alter or reassign the regular and normal workday, work period, work shift or work schedule, absent unexpected circumstances or an emergency, the City shall give at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the individuals affected by any such change. 10 If the City desires to permanently alter the normal scheduling arrangement as set forth in Section 5.2, the City shall (1) inform the Union of any such change thirty (30) days before it is implemented and (2) if requested, allow the Union an opportunity to comment on same through a labor-management meeting in accordance with Article IV. In either case (temporary or permanent) the City shall solicit volunteers and select the most qualified, senior volunteer. If an insufficient number of bargaining unit members volunteer, then the City shall assign the shift according to reverse seniority (least senior first). Section 5.4. Overtime Pay. When an employee works -more than forty (40) hours in a 7- day work period, he shall be paid at a rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times his regular straight -time hourly rate of pay for each overtime hour worked beyond forty (40) hours in a 7-day work period. Overtime pay shall be received in fifteen (15) minute segments as provided by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). For purposes of this Article, time worked shall include that time spent on duty as provided by the FLSA, plus any paid leave of absence (vacation, holidays, sick leave, etc.), but shall not include any unpaid leave of absence other than a worker's compensation leave. All overtime shall be paid on the basis of a regular straight -time hourly rate calculated by dividing an employee's annual salary by 2080. Section 5.5. Callback Pay. A. A call-back is defined as a work assignment which does not immediately follow an employee's regularly scheduled working hours. An employee called back to work after having left work shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at overtime rates, unless the individual is called back by his supervisor to rectify his own error. Once the employee completes the task for which he was called back, he shall be released unless additional work arises resulting in additional call-back situations prior to the employee completing the original call-back duties. For the purposes of this section, call-back duties will have concluded after the employee has completed the tasks assigned to the call-back situation and the employee departs from the city's facilities. B. Employees, who respond to SCADA calls, during non -working hours, will receive a single two-hour call-back minimum per day upon the first occurrence, even if the employee is not required to leave home. Multiple SCADA calls, including nuisance calls, where an employee can respond via telecommunications, computer or internet, will not constitute an additional two-hour call-back minimum. SCADA calls requiring a field response will be handled as any other call-back as specified in paragraph A above and will open a two-hour window that will cover subsequent call- backs. Section 5.6. Required Overtime. The Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or their designees) shall have the right to require overtime work and employees may not refuse overtime assignments. Overtime will be assigned as follows: 11 A. In non -emergency situations, the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or their designee as a general rule shall take reasonable steps to obtain volunteers for overtime assignments before assigning required overtime work. However, volunteers will not necessarily be selected for work in progress. Also, specific employees may be selected for assignments based upon specific skills, ability and experience they possess. Bargaining unit will be offered overtime before asking non -bargaining unit individuals to work. This will not affect the use of summer help. The Director Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or their designee will endeavor to equalize overtime opportunities among employees who share the same general duties and work schedule each calendar year. Each month, the City shall post a listing indicating the number of overtime hours an employee has worked. B. In the event of a non -snow or ice control emergency which occurs on a weekend, holiday or after the end of a normal shift, overtime opportunities will be offered on the basis of seniority until the required number of employees accept the overtime assignment. If the required number of employees do not accept the overtime assignment on a voluntary seniority -based basis, the assignment becomes a mandatory overtime assignment. Mandatory overtime assignments will then be filled on the basis of reverse seniority. In the event of a callout, supervisors will begin the callout in the Street Department at the point where the assignment was filled in the prior callout. C. For snow and ice control emergencies, overtime assignments will be based on two pre -scheduled shifts. Unit members will be assigned to one of the two shifts prior to the snow removal season using the reverse seniority process. During a snow or ice control event falling on a Saturday, Sunday, holiday, before a normal work day begins or after it ends, the Supervisor will notify the employees as they are needed for the mandatory shift. If the employee does not arrive at the City garage within thirty (30) minutes, they will not be paid from the time they were called, but rather from the time they arrive at work, but in no event shall the response time take longer than one (1) hour. Section 5.7. Minimum and Maximum Hours. Absent a mutual agreement between the City and Union to the contrary, the employees shall be provided a 40-hou1 work week. This 40 hours shall include all actual work time plus all paid and unpaid leaves of absence. Except in extreme emergency or by mutual agreement with the employee, no employee shall be required to work more than sixteen (16) hours in a twenty-four hour period. No employee shall be required to drive a vehicle requiring a commercial driver's license (CDL) for more than twelve (12) consecutive hours. Individual bargaining unit members will track their hours worked with in a twenty-four hour period and will notify their supervisor if they have worked sixteen (16) hours in a twenty-four hour period. Section 5.8. Compensatory Time. Where requested by the affected employee and agreed to by the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation, Director of the Department or their designee, the City shall grant compensatory time for all overtime hours worked, up to a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours of compensatory time per employee in any given calendar year. 12 An employee may carry up to twenty-four (24) hours of compensatory time into the following calendar year. All other unused compensatory time will be paid out at the end of the calendar year at the employee's then current straight -time rate of pay. Employees requesting the use of compensatory time shall submit the request two (2) days in advance of the time -off requested. Compensatory time off shall be taken at such times and in such time blocks as are established or agreed to by the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or their designee. An employee who utilizes four (4) hours of compensatory time (or personal business leave as set forth in Section 9.4) on a Friday afternoon or a Monday morning will not be required to work on the contiguous Saturday or Sunday, except during snow removal season as stated in section 10.3. Section 5.9. On -Call Pay. Employees on -call according to the on -call rotation in the Sewer and Water Divisions of Public Works and in the Parks Maintenance Division of the Parks and Recreation Department shall receive four (4) hours time -off (at straight pay) for every week they are scheduled to be on -call. This on -call time -off must be used within thirty (30) days after the call period ends. The four (4) hours on -call time -off shall constitute the sole compensation attributable to being on -call for the week. The provisions of this Section are not applicable to snow removal duties. During snow removal months (December 1" through March 31 S), bargaining unit employees may request to use on -call time -off on a Friday or Monday if the maximum number of persons who will be permitted to be on vacation at any time has not been reached pursuant to Section 10.3. The granting or denial of on -call time -off shall be up to the City Administrator, Department Head, or supervisor. On -call time -off requests must be made no later than noon on the day preceding the requested time -off. If an employee fails to report when directed or cannot be reached within a reasonable amount oI time when on -call, the employee will lose the supplemental on -call time -off provided by this Section for the on -call period and may be subject to appropriate discipline. ARTICLE VI SENIORITY, LAYOFF RECALL, AND JOB POSTING Section 6.1. Definition of Seniority. For purposes of this Agreement, seniority shall be defined as an employee's length of continuous service from the last date of beginning continuous fu114ime employment in a position covered by this Agreement. Seniority shall accumulate during all authorized paid leaves of absence and during authorized unpaid leaves of absence, suspensions or lay offs of thirty (30) days or less. Seniority shall not accumulate from the first day of an authorized unpaid leave of absence, suspension or lay off of thirty (30) calendar days or more. Conflicts of seniority shall be determined on the basis of the alphabetical order of the employee's last name. 13 Section 6.2. Probationary Period. All new employees and those hired after loss of seniority shall be considered probationary employees until they have completed a probationary period of nine (9) months of work. The probationary period may be extended up to three (3) months by the Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation. Should the Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation determine to extend the probation of an employee, he shall provide a written notice to the employee of the extension and the reasons for the extension. Time absent from duty or not served for any reason (such as, including but not limited to, unpaid leave of absence (including duty -related injury or illness), jury duty, military leave, etc.) shall not apply toward satisfaction of the probationary period, except for holidays, vacation and paid sick leave. Probationary employees shall be entitled to all rights, privileges and benefits provided for in this Agreement, except that during an employee's probationary period, the employee may be terminated without cause. Such probationary employee shall have no recourse to the grievance procedure to contest a layoff, termination or extension of probation. Furthermore, there shall be no seniority among probationary employees for purpose of layoffs. Upon successful completion of the probationary period, an employee shall acquire seniority which shall be retroactive to his last date of hire with the City in a position covered by this Agreement. Section 6.3. Seniority List. On or about November 15 of each year, the City will provide the Union with a seniority list of all employees in the bargaining until setting forth each employee's seniority date and job classification. The City shall not be responsible for any errors in the seniority list unless such errors are brought to the attention of the City in writing within fourteen (14) days after the Union's receipt of the list. Upon requesting in writing to the Director of Public Works, an updated seniority list will be provided to the Union during the course of the year. Section 6.4. Layoff. The City, in its discretion, shall determine whether layoffs are necessary. If it is determined that layoffs are necessary, employees covered by this Agreement in the affected job classification(s) will be laid off in accordance with their length of service, provided, however, that (1) probationary employees shall be selected for layoff based on relative skill and ability as determined by the Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation and not based on their seniority, and (2) the remaining employees must be qualified to do the remaining work without further training. If a non -probationary employee is laid off from their job classification, he may bump another less senior employee in an equal or lower -rated job classification in the bargaining unit if the City determines in its sole judgment that the employee to be bumped does not have greater skill and ability to carry out the duties of his job than the more senior employee. In the event a non -probationary employee is laid off pursuant to this Section 6.4 ahead of a probationary employee who possesses skills or qualifications not possessed by any non - probationary employee, said non -probationary employee(s) shall be given an additional six (6) months (up to a total of twenty-four (24) months) for purposes of recall pursuant to Section 6.5. Section 6.5. Recall. Employees (including probationary employees) who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list, in the reverse order of their layoff, for a period of eighteen (18) months. If there is a recall, employees who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the inverse order of their layoff, provided they meet the City's medical, physical fitness, and mental standards and are 14 fully qualified to perform the work to which they are recalled without further training. An employee who is recalled and fails to meet such standards at the time of recall shall be passed over and returned to the top of the recall list; such an employee will be eligible for a second recall for a future vacancy so long as he remains on the recall list. An employee's seniority will be terminated if he fails such standards upon a second recall. Employees who are eligible for recall shall be given at least fourteen (14) calendar days' notice of recall (with the first of the fourteen (14) days being the date the notice to the employee is postmarked). The notice of recall shall be sent to the employee by certified mail, return receipt requested, with a copy similarly mailed or personally delivered to a designated representative of the Union. The employee must notify the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or his designee of his intention to return to work within three (3) calendar days after receiving notice of recall (but in no event later than fourteen (14) days from the date of postmark of the notice of recall). The City shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligations by mailing the recall notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the mailing address last provided by the employee, it being the obligation and responsibility of each employee to provide the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or his designee with his latest mailing address. If an employee fails to timely respond to a recall notice or if an employee either declines the recall or does not report to work as scheduled, his name shall be removed from the recall list. If the City has not heard from the employee within fourteen (14) calendar days of mailing a properly addressed notice of recall, or if the notice is returned as undeliverable by the United States Postal Service, whichever occurs first, the employee's name shall be removed from the recall list. Section 6.6. Termination of Seniority. Seniority for all purposes and the employment relationship shall be terminated if the employee: (a) quits; (b) is discharged; (c) retires or is retired; (d) falsifies the reason for a leave of absence or is found to be working during a leave of absence without prior written approval of the Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation. (e) fails to report to work at the conclusion of an authorized leave of absence, layoff or vacation; (f) is laid off and fails to respond to a notice of recall within three (3) calendar days after receiving notice of recall or to report for work at the time prescribed in the notice of 15 recall or otherwise does not timely respond to a notice of recall as provided in Section 6.5 of this Agreement; (g) is laid off or otherwise does not perform bargaining unit work for the City for a period in excess of twelve (12) months; or (h) is absent for three (3) consecutive working days without notification to or authorization from the City, except for good cause shown due to circumstances beyond the control of the employee. Section 6.7. Job Posting. The City will post, on the Union bulletin boards all city job openings. Union openings will not be filled until seven days after posting. ARTICLE VII GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 7.1. Definition. "Grievance" is defined as a dispute or difference of opinion raised under and during the term of this Agreement by an employee or Union against the City involving an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of an express written provision of this Agreement. Section 7.2. Procedure. A grievance filed against the City will be processed in the following manner. The parties may bypass one or more steps of the following procedure by written mutual agreement: Step 1: The Union or an employee may file a grievance by submitting it in writing to the appropriate Superintendent within fourteen (14) calendar days after the occurrence or after the employee knew or should have known of the occurrence. The grievance shall specifically state the facts, relevant dates, provision violated and relief requested. The Superintendent shall meet to discuss the grievance with the grievant, the Steward and a Union Official at a mutually agreeable time within fourteen (14) calendar days of his receipt of the grievance. The Superintendent may have present other persons whom he deems appropriate. If no settlement of the grievance is reached, the Superintendent will provide a written answer within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting, or if no meeting is held, within seven (7) calendar days after his receipt of the grievance. Step 2: If the grievance is not settled at Step 1 and the grievant wishes to appeal to Step 2 of the grievance procedure, it shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Public Works or Director of Parks and Recreation within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the City's answer in Step 1 or within fourteen 16 (14) calendar days of when the City's answer in Step 1 was due. The grievance shall specifically state the basis upon which the grievant believes the grievance was improperly denied at the previous step of the grievance procedure. The Department Director shall meet to discuss the grievance with the grievant, the Steward and the Union Official at a mutually agreeable time within fourteen (14) calendar days of his receipt of the grievance. The Department Director will provide a written answer within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting or, if no meeting is held, within seven (7) calendar days after his receipt of the grievance. Step 3: If the grievance is not settled at Step 2 and the grievant wishes to appeal the grievance to Step 3 of the grievance procedure, it shall be submitted in writing to the City Administrator within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the City's answer in Step 2 or within fourteen (14) calendar days of when the City's answer in Step 2 was due. The grievance shall specifically state the basis upon which the grievant believes the grievance was improperly denied at the previous step of the grievance procedure. The City Administrator or his designee shall investigate the grievance and, in the course of such investigation, shall meet to discuss the grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days with the grievant, the Steward and a Union Official. The City Administrator may have present other persons whom he deems appropriate. If no settlement of the grievance is reached, the City Administrator or his designee shall provide a written answer to the grievant and a designated Union Official within seven (7) calendar days following the meeting or, if no meeting is held, within seven (7) calendar days after his receipt of the appeal. Section 7.3. Arbitration. If the grievance is not settled in Step 3 and the Union wishes to appeal the grievance from Step 3 of the grievance procedure, the Union may refer the grievance to arbitration, as described below, within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the City's written answer as provided to the Union in Step 3 or within fourteen (14) calendar days of when the City's answer in Step 3 was due: (a) The parties shall attempt to agree upon an arbitrator within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the notice of referral. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the arbitrator within said seven (7) day period, the parties shall jointly request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service or American Arbitration Association (AAA) to submit a panel of seven (7) arbitrators. Each parry retains the right to reject one panel in its entirety and request that a new panel be submitted. Both the City and the Union shall have the right to alternately strike names from the panel, with the Union striking first. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator. 17 (b) The arbitrator shall be notified jointly by the parties of his/her selection and shall be requested to set a time and place for the hearing, subject to the availability of Union and City representatives. (c) The City and the Union shall have the right to request the arbitrator to require the presence of witnesses or documents. The City and the Union retain the right to employ legal counsel. (d) The arbitrator shall submit his/her decision in writing within thirty (30) calendar days following the close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever is later. (e) More than one grievance may be submitted to the same arbitrator only if both parties mutually agree to do so in writing. (f) The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be divided equally between the City and the Union; provided, however, that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. The cost of a court reporter shall be borne on the party requesting the court reporter with a copy sent to the arbitrator, unless the other party requests a copy in which case the parties shall split the cost. Section 7.4. Limitations on Authority of Arbitrator. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the question of fact as to whether there has been a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the specific provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall be empowered to determine the issue raised by the grievance as submitted in writing Step 2. The arbitrator shall have no authority to make a decision on any issue not so submitted or raised. The arbitrator shall be without power to make any decision or award which is contrary to or inconsistent with, in any way, applicable laws or court decisions, or rules and regulations of administrative bodies that have the force and effect of law. The arbitrator shall not in any way limit or interfere with the powers, duties and responsibilities of the City under law and applicable court decisions. Any decision or award of the arbitrator rendered within the limitations of this Section 7.4 shall be final and binding upon the City, Union and the employees covered by this Agreement. Section 7.5. Time Limit For Filing. No grievance shall be entertained or processed unless it is submitted at Step 1 within fourteen (14) calendar days after the employee or Union through the use of reasonable diligence, could have obtained knowledge of the occurrence of the first event giving rise to the grievance. If a grievance is not presented by the employee within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered "waived" and cannot be pursued further. If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the City's last answer. If the City does not hold a meeting or answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the aggrieved employee may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and immediately appeal the time limits set forth in this Article. Section 7A Miscellaneous. No member of any bargaining unit shall have any authority to respond to a grievance being processed in accordance with the grievance procedure set forth in this Article. Moreover, no action, statement, agreement, settlement, or representations made by any member of any bargaining unit or other City employee represented by any Union shall impose any obligation or duty or be considered to be authorized by or binding upon the City unless and until the City has agreed thereto in writing. ARTICLE VIII NO STRIKE -NO LOCKOUT Section 8.1. Strikes Prohibited. During the term of this Agreement, neither the Union nor any of its officers or agents, nor any employees covered by this Agreement will, for any reason, instigate, promote, sponsor, aid, condone or engage in any strike, sympathy strike, boycott, secondary boycott, residential picketing or handbilling, work slowdown, speed-up, sit-down, concerted disobedience of lawful orders of a superior, concerted stoppage of work, concerted refusal to perform overtime, deliberate absenteeism, picketing of any kind or any other intentional interruption or disruption of the operations of the City. Section 8.2. Violations of This Article. Any or all employees who violate any of the provisions of this Article may be discharged or otherwise disciplined by the City, and the only issue that may be raised in any proceeding in which such discipline or discharge is challenged is whether or not he employee actually engaged in such prohibited conduct. Such discipline may include any, some or all of the employees involved. The failure to confer a penalty in any instance is not a waiver A such right in any instance nor is it a precedent. Any disciplinary action taken by the City for employee activities prohibited by this Article shall not be considered a violation of this Agreement and shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures of this Agreement. Section 8.3. Union Notification of Employees. The Union agrees to notify all Union Officials and agents of their obligations and responsibility for maintaining compliance with this Article, including their responsibility to abide by the provisions of this Article by remaining at work (that is, those who are employees of the City) during any interruption as outlined above. In addition, in the event of a violation of this Article, the Union agrees to inform its members of their obligations under this Agreement and to encourage and direct them to return to work by all means available under its Constitution, By -Laws, or otherwise. Section 8.4. No Lockout. The City will not lock out any employees during the term of this Agreement as a result of an actual or anticipated labor dispute with the Union so long as there is good faith compliance by the Union with this Article. 19 Section 8.5. Judicial Relief. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Employer from obtaining a temporary restraining order, damages and other judicial relief as determined appropriate by the Court in the event the Union or any employees covered by this Agreement violate this Article. ARTICLE IX HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE Section 9.1. Holidays. The following are recognized as holidays for eligible employees: New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day Section 9.2. Eligibility Requirements. Employees shall work all holidays when scheduled as part of their normal Departmental work schedule. To be eligible to receive pay in recognition of a holiday, an employee must work the full scheduled day before and after the holiday, in addition to the full holiday when scheduled as part of their normal Departmental work schedule. The Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation in his discretion may permit an employee who was ill to verify his illness so as to qualify for holiday pay, and such qualification will not be unreasonable withheld. Section 9.3. Holiday Pay. Employees who satisfy the eligibility requirements of Section 9.2 shall be given the holidays on or, if they are required to work on the holiday, a regular day s pay (eight (8) hours of pay at straight -time rates) as holiday pay plus double time for all hours actually worked. Section 9.4. Personal Business Leave. Effective January 1, 2000, employees, with prior approval of the Department Head, may request to use up to thirty-two (32) hours (four 8-hour days) per calendar year to attend to personal business. Newly hired regular full-time employees will receive the following number of personal leave days in their first calendar year: Hiring Date Prior to April 1 Between April 1 and June 30 Between July 1 and October 31 20 Number of Personal Business Leave Days 4 3 2 November 1 or later 1 Personal business leave shall be used in one (1) hour increments for the first hour of such leave. The second and subsequent hours may be used in fifteen minute increments. In no event shall personal leave be converted to cash compensation or carried over into subsequent years. Personal business leave requests shall be made with as much advance notice as possible. The Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or his designee may approve or deny such requests, but such approval shall not be unreasonably denied. In a case where a denial has occurred, the employee may advance the request with his/her union steward to the next level of management. Under no circumstances will such requests be approved if, at the time of the request, the absence, in the judgment of the Director of Public Works or the Director of Parks and Recreation, would cause another employee to be held over or called back to work. ARTICLE X VACATIONS Section 10.1. Eligibility and Allowance. Every employee shall be eligible to take paid vacation time after the completion of one (1) year of continuous full-time employment with the City in a position covered by this Agreement. Employees shall start to earn vacation allowance as of their date of hire. Vacation allowances shall be earned monthly, based on the following schedule: Length of Completed Continuous Service After completion of one (1) year After completion of six (6) years After completion of thirteen (13) years After completion of twenty (20) yearn Number of 8-Hour Work Dates (Hours)Per Year 10 days (80 hours) 15 days (120 hours) 20 days (160 hours) 25 days (200 hours) Employees shall earn vacation allowances for any month in which they receive compensation for more than one hundred twenty (120) "hours of work." For purpose of this section only, actual work time plus paid vacations, compensatory time, sick time and personal days shall be considered "hours of work"; no other paid or unpaid absence from duty shall be counted as "hours of work." Section 10.2. Vacation Pay. The rate of vacation pay shall be the employee's regular straight -time rate of pay in effect for the employee's regular job assignment. Section 10.3. Scheduling and Accrual. Bargaining unit employees shall be awarded vacation time by the City in accordance with City service needs and, if possible, the employee's desires. On or before November lst, the employer will post anticipated, accrued vacation time for each employee for the following calendar year (as of January 1 St). On or before November 1st, the 21 Director of the Department or his designee shall post a schedule of days available for vacation during the upcoming calendar year. The bargaining unit employees shall then select their vacation preferences in the order of their seniority, with the most senior employee having first choice, the next most senior having second choice, and so on. Bargaining unit employees must make an initial first choice vacation selection of no more than two calendar weeks (to be taken in amounts of no less than one week), consecutive or separate, if eligible, during the initial sign up. After the initial sign-up, bargaining unit employees may be required to schedule any other vacation days in half -day increments on a first -come first served basis. The Director of the Department may limit the number of employees who will be allowed to take vacation at any one time. The vacation periods requested pursuant to this procedure shall be submitted to the Director of the Department or his designee for approval no later than December I" of each year. The Department Director or his designee shall review the requests and post a vacation schedule on or before January 1 st. If a designee denies a vacation request, the employee can appeal the denial to the Director of the Department, whose approval of a request shall not be unreasonably withheld. After the vacation schedule has been posted, employees can, with two (2) workday advanced request, trade or reschedule vacation days, only with the approval of the Department Director or his designee. Employees can request to schedule additional vacation days after the vacation schedule has been posted with two (2) days advanced notice only with the approval of the Department Director or his designee. The employee requesting the addition or modification to vacation leave will be notified of the approval or denial of such as soon as a decision has been made but in no case less than twenty- four (24) hours prior to the requested vacation time. Vacation allowances are earned on a calendar year basis with the following exceptions. First, new hires will not receive vacation time until the anniversary of their first year of employment, upon which they will receive ten shifts of vacation time (provided they meet the requirements of Section10.1) which must be used prior to the end of the calendar year. Beginning the following January 1 and every January 1 thereafter, such employees will receive the vacation time they accrued during the prior calendar year for use in the calendar year in which they are given. Second, on an employee's anniversary date of employment in a year (after his first) in which he becomes eligible to earn additional vacation time (the employee's sixth, thirteenth, and twentieth anniversaries), the employee will receive the additional time on his anniversary for use during the remainder of the calendar year. On the following January 1, the employee will receive the vacation time he accrued during the prior calendar year based upon the new rate of vacation accrual. Vacations to be scheduled and taken during a given calendar year are vacation allowances earned during the previous calendar year or provided the employee on his anniversary date of employment for use during the remainder of the calendar year. Employees are encouraged to utilize their accrued vacation time within a year from the time it is posted. However, a maximum of five (5) days may be carried over into the following calendar year. 22 The period of time from December 1 st through March 31 St is considered "snow removal months." During snow removal months, the maximum number of persons who will be permitted to be on vacation, compensatory time, or personal time at any one time shall be as follows: Division Maximum Street Two Waste Water One Water One Utility One Parks One Should an employee who is considered a primary driver during the snow removal months take vacation, compensatory, or personal leave during the snow removal months, the City shall have the right to assign a replacement primary driver. If an employee signs the Employee Absence Request and agrees to be available for snowplowing for the contiguous hours of the request, at the supervisor's sole discretion, additional employees may be granted requested time off. The Director of the Department or his designee reserves the right to cancel any or all approved vacation leaves in advance of their being taken and/or recall any employees from vacations in progress. Such cancellations and revocations shall not be unreasonable. An employee's vacation shall be considered to commence at the conclusion of his last scheduled pre -vacation workday, and will end at the start of the first scheduled post -vacation workday. During the "snow removal months" an employee must use four (8) hours of vacation, compensatory or personal time on a Friday or Monday to receive contiguous time off through the weekend, only a total of three (3) Street Division employees may utilize contiguous time per weekend during snow removal months. ARTICLE XI SICK LEAVE Section 11.1. Purpose and Allowance. Sick leave with pay is provided as a benefit in recognition that employees and their immediate family members do contract various illnesses from timeAo-time and that their financial resources may be diminished in such instances if pay is discontinued, and that it may not be in the best interest or health of the employee or fellow employees to work while sick. Any employee contracting or incurring any non -service connected sickness or disability (except where the injury or illness is incurred while the employee is performing compensated service outside of his employment with the City where compensation for such injury or illness is provided by the outside employer, i.e., workers' compensation, sick leave, etc.) or for the illness of an immediate family member shall receive sick leave with pay as set forth in this Article. 23 The City, at its discretion, may require an employee to produce a physician's verification of illness as specified in Section 11.4 for the illness of the employee or the illness of a family member. Section 11.2. Days Earned in Accumulation. Employees shall be allowed one day of sick leave for each month of service (which equals a total accumulation of twelve workdays per year). Sick leave shall be earned by an employee for any month in which the employee is compensated for more than eighty (80) "hours of work." For purposes of this section only, actual work time plus paid vacations, personal days, use of sick time, workers compensation status and FMLA time (while in pay status) is actual "hours of work"; no other paid or unpaid absence from duty shall be counted as "hours of work." Sick leave cannot be taken before it is actually earned. Section 11.3. Notification. Notification of absence due to sickness shall be given to an individual designated by the Director of Public Works or Director of Parks and Recreation (normally the employee's Superintendent) as soon as possible on the first day of such absence and every day thereafter (unless this requirement is waived by the Director of Public Works in writing), but no later than the start of the employee's work shift. Failure to properly report an illness without good cause may be considered as absence without pay and may subject the employee to discipline. Section 11.4. Medical Examination. The City may, at its discretion, require an employee to submit a physician's verification of illness, and such verification normally will be required for sick leave of three (3) consecutive duty shifts or more. The City also may require a physician's verification that the employee is well enough to return to work. Falsification of any verification of illness shall be grounds to subject the employee to disciplinary action, which may include reimbursement by the employee to the City for sick leave benefits wrongfully obtained. The City, at iIS option, may require an employee to submit to an examination by a physician or other medical professional chosen by the City; if the City requires an employee to submit to an examination by a physician designated by the City, the City will pay the expenses to the extent they are not covered by insurance (i.e., the employee shall not be responsible for such costs). Section 11.5. Sick Leave Utilization. Sick leave shall be used in no less than one hour increments. Sick leave may be utilized only for the purposes specified in Section 11.1. For purposes of Section 11.6(b), sick leave may accrue to a maximum of 800 hours (the equivalent of one hundred (100) eight -hour shifts) of sick leave as of the end of each fiscal year. There shall be no maximum accumulation or cap on sick days for use in accordance with Section 11.1. To the extent permitted by law, employees on sick leave are required to remain at home unless hospitalized, visiting their doctor, or acting pursuant to reasonable instructions for care. Section 11.6. Unused Sick Leave. (a) An employee who has used less than (3) sick days during any calendar year may elect to receive a sick leave cash payment for the difference between three days and the number of sick leave days actually used (3 days maximum). The number of days for which such employee elects cash compensation shall be deducted from such employee's accumulated sick leave. 24 (b) An employee (i) who has been placed on permanent disability pension, or (ii) who has at least twelve (12) years of service on the Department as a full-time employee, is eligible to retire and who elects to retire, or (iii) who dies while still employed after twelve (12) years of service shall be paid (or their designated beneficiary shall be paid) for unused sick leave days at the rate of fifty percent (50%) of his regular rate of pay in effect on the 1 st day of May immediately preceding his last Jay of active work for the City for all accrued and unused sick leave time as of his last day of active work for the City, up to a maximum of eight hundred (800) hours (100 days), provided the employee has accumulated at least forty days (320 hours) of unused sick leave. In other words, the employee retiring or dying with at least forty days of sick leave will be paid fifty percent (50%) for all sick leave hours up to eight hundred (800), for a maximum of four hundred (400) hours of pay. In no event shall any employee be entitled to the benefits set forth in Section 12.6(b) if the employee is discharged. ARTICLE XII ADDITIONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Section 12.1. Unuaid Discretionary Leaves. The City may grant leaves of absence, without pay or salary, to employees for j ob-related reasons (such as further training or study), which will enable employees to perform their usual and customary duties with greater efficiency and expertise, or other valid reasons (such as prolonged illness of the employee, his spouse, or his child or children or childbirth). No leave, if granted, shall be for a period exceeding three hundred sixty- five (365) consecutive calendar days. The denial of discretionary leaves shall not be subject to the dispute resolution and grievance procedure of this Agreement. Section 12.2. Military Leave. Military leave shall be granted in accordance with applicable law. Employees must apply for such leave as soon as they are aware of the need for such leave. Section 12.3. Funeral Leave. In the event of the death of an immediate family member, an employee maybe permitted to be absent from his job for an appropriate number of days up to three (3) consecutive work days off within ten (10) days following the death with the City's approval and receive regular straight -time pay. For purposes of this Section, immediate family shall include only the following persons related by blood, marriage or law to the employee; parents, spouse, children, siblings, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, spouse's child, spouse's grandparent, grandparents, and grandchildren. In the event of the death of an extended family member, an employee may be permitted to be absent from his job for one(1) workday with the City's approval and receive regular straight -time pay. For purposes ofthis Section, "extended family" shall include a daughter-in-law, son-in-law, aunts, uncles and cousins. Any absence to attend the funeral of anyone who is not a member of an employee's immediate or extended family maybe arranged with the City, without pay, but previously accrued and unused vacation leave may be utilized in such case with the consent of the City. 25 An employee shall provide satisfactory evidence of the death and the employee's attendance at the funeral if so requested by the City. At the City's discretion, an employee may be permitted to use accrued sick leave up to a maximum of five (5) additional days, in connection with funeral leave days to extend funeral leave. Section 12.4. Jury Leave. An employee required to report for jury duty (including service on a grand jury) shall be excused from work without loss of pay for jury duty which occurs on the employee's scheduled duty days and during the employee's scheduled duty hours. An employee shall immediately notify the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or his designee as soon as he receives a notice to appear as a juror, and must provide the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or his designee with a copy of the jury summons prior to reporting for jury duty. In order for employees to receive compensation from the City for such jury duty, the employee must sign over to the City any compensation he receives for serving as a juror on days for which he was scheduled to be on duty, provided the employee may keep travel reimbursement he receives from the court for jury duty. Section 12.5. Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") Leave. A leave of absence for reasons covered by the FMLA shall be granted in accordance with the City's published Family and Medical Leave Act policy. Section 12.6. Application for Leave. Unless otherwise required by law, any request for a leave of absence other than funeral leave under this Article shall be submitted in writing by the employee to the City or its designee as far in advance as practicable. The request shall state the reason for the leave of absence and the approximate length of time off the employee desires. Authorization for a leave of absence, if granted, will be furnished to the employee and Union by the City and it shall be in writing. Section 12.7. Benefits While on Unpaid Discretionary Leave. (a) Unless otherwise required by law, and consistent with Sections 6.1, 10.1, and 11.2, length of service and other benefits shall not accrue for an employee who is on a worker's compensation leave or other approved unpaid leave. Accumulated length of service shall remain in place during that leave and shall begin to accrue again when the employee returns to work on a pay status. Upon return from leave the City shall place the employee in his or her previous assignment, if vacant. If not vacant, an employee returning from leave will be placed in the first available assignment according to the employee's seniority, where skill and ability to perform the work without additional training is equal. (b) If, upon the expiration of a leave of absence, there is no work available for the employee, he shall go directly on layoff. (c) During an approved unpaid leave of absence or layoff under this Agreement, an employee shall be entitled to coverage under applicable group medical and life insurance plans to the extent provided in such plan(s), provided the employee makes arrangements for the change and 26 arrangements to pay the entire insurance premium involved, including the amount of the premium previously paid by the City. Section 12.8. Non -Employment Elsewhere. A leave of absence will not be granted to enable an employee to try for or accept employment elsewhere or for self-employment without prior written approval of the Director of Public Works or Director of Parks and Recreation. Employees who engage in employment elsewhere during such leave without such prior written approval may immediately be terminated by the City. ARTICLE XIII WAGES Section 13.1. Base Wages. Employees covered by this Agreement shall be compensated in accordance with the wage schedule attached hereto and incorporated herein as Appendix B, with increases retroactive to May 1, 2016. Retroactive compensation will be paid within 60 days of the ratification of this Agreement by both parties. The wage schedule reflects general wage increases 2.25% on May 1, 2016, 2.50% on May 1, 2017, and 2.50% on May 1, 2018, 2.50% on May 1, 2019 and 2.75% on May 1, 2020. Appendix A specifies the employees' job classifications and their corresponding pay grades. Appendix C includes a list of all current employees and their job classifications. The City's ten -step pay plan will remain in effect for all employees. New employees shall progress through the wage schedule at the rate of one (1) step per year of service, with the step adjustments awarded at the start of the fiscal year after completion of the requisite year(s) of service. An employee hired prior to November 1 will receive a step increase on the next May 1 St; an employee hired on or after November 1 will not receive a step increase on the next May 1st, but will wait instead to the start of the following fiscal year to progress to step 2 in their pay grade. Section 13.2. Wage Rates for Working Out of Classification. When an employee is required to assume the duties and responsibilities of a position that is compensated at a higher pay grade for more than three (3) consecutive workdays, he shall be paid at his same step in the higher pay grade for all hours actually worked in the higher rated job retroactive to the start of the assignment to the higher -rated job. Section 13.3. Military Service Compensation. Upon presentation of pay stubs evidencing an employee's compensation for performing military reserve service, the City shall pay the employee the difference between the gross amount of such compensation and the employee's regular compensation (excluding overtime) less withholding for a period not to exceed two weeks per calendar year. ARTICLE XIV UNIFORM ALLOWANCE Section 14.1. Uniform Allowances. The mechanics, maintenance mechanics, wastewater treatment operators, wastewater maintenance workers and building & grounds custodians will be provided with specified uniforms by the City. All other employees shall receive an annual uniform allowance of up to Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00) per fiscal year against which the purchase of City -approved uniforms and boots (including safety shoes) from City -approved vendors will be charged. Employees may use the annual uniform allowance to purchase any seasonal or other workwear approved by the Department Director or City Administrator in addition to the normal complement of clothing paid by the City. The uniform allowance account shall not be carried over from year to year. All wastewater treatment operators, wastewater maintenance workers, mechanics, maintenance mechanics, and building and grounds custodians will receive One Hundred Seventy - Five Dollars ($175.00) per fiscal year allowance for the purchase of class 75 or better work boots. The allowance will be paid upon presentation of a paid receipt for the boots purchased. The City reserves the right to specify the work boot and vendors used. The City shall purchase and clean (at the City's expense) winter coats for fleet maintenance and wastewater divisions' employees every three years. The winter coats shall be considered, and will remain, the City's property. Section 14.2. Return of Uniforms and Equipment. Upon separation from employment by the City, employees will be responsible for the return of uniforms and equipment purchased with City funds or issued directly by the City in good condition, less normal depreciation and destruction in the course of employment. Section 14.3. Tool Allowance. A $350.00 per year tool allowance will be paid to Street sion mechanics. ARTICLE XV INSURANCE AND HEALTH Section 15.1. Union Health Plan. A. All bargaining unit employees will participate in the Midwest Operating Engineers' Welfare Fund. A bargaining unit employee becomes covered and otherwise eligible to participate in the Midwest Operating Engineer's Welfare Fund on first day of the month, thirty (30) days following the bargaining unit employee's date of hire. All bargaining unit employees will be removed from the City's health plan and enrolled in the Midwest Operating Engineer's Welfare Fund no later than April 1, 2010. B. From May 1, 2016 through Apri130, 2017, the premium rates shall be as established under the prior bargaining agreement. Effective at ratification of contract, the Employer agrees to pay the following towards the Union's health and dental insurance benefit for eligible bargaining unit employees for any month in which the employee performs any work covered by this agreement after he or she becomes eligible to participate in the Midwest Engineers' Welfare Fund. • $1,921 per month per employee for family coverage or • $1,260 per month per employee for single +1 coverage or • $630 per month per employee for single coverage Effective on May 1, 2018, May 1, 2019, and May 1, 2020, premiums will increase at a rate of up to 5.0% (maximum). Effective the first of the month after the signed contract and May 1, 2018, May 1, 2019, May 1, 2020, any premium increases greater than 5.0% (actual) shall result in a dollar -for -dollar reduction in the employee's hourly wage. Example: If premiums increase by 5% on 5/1/2018, they will be $661.50 single; $1323 single +1; $2017.05 family. Thus, for example, if premiums go up by 7% on 5/1/2018 instead of 5%, then the premiums would be as follows: 674.1 single; $1348.20; single +1; $2055.47 family. The 204 differential between "maximum" and "actual" is $12.60/mon1h, $151.20/year for single coverage; $25.20/month, $302.40/year for single +1; and $38.42/month, $46LU4/year for family. The hourly wage rate of a person with single coverage would be reduced by $151.20/2080 = $0.08 per hour; for single +1 coverage it would be reduced by $302.40/2080 = $0.15 per hour; for family it would be reduced by $461.04/2080 = $0.22 per hour and the difference would be put towards the City's Insurance payments to the Fund. C. Section 125 Pre -Tax Participation. Employees may continue to participate in the City's Health Care Benefits Salary Reduction plan, in which they may pay their share of insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket medical costs with pre-tax dollars to the extent allowable by law. Section 15.2. Waiver of Insurance. Any employee shall have the option to waive the right to receive medical, dental and/or vision insurance coverage under the terms of this Section. If an employee waives any such insurance coverage but thereafter chooses to reverse his decision, the reinstatement of each such insurance shall be contingent upon the employee's insurability and shall also be subject to such conditions, limitations and restrictions as the City's insurers may prescribe as a consequence of the employee's prior waiver and non -coverage. 29 Section 15.3. Insurance for Injured Employees. The City shall pay the insurance premiums for employees unable to work because of an on -the job injury for a period not to exceed six months subsequent to the injury. Section 15.4. Life Insurance. The current City coverage of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) for life insurance for each employee covered by this Agreement in effect at the time of the signing of this Agreement shall continue for the life of the agreement, at no cost to the employee. Section 15.5. Hepatitis Vaccine. The City shall, at its expense, provide hepatitis vaccine inoculations to any employee whose job responsibilities bring him in contact with raw sewage. Section 15.6. Unsafe Conditions. Employees who reasonably and justifiably believe that their safety and health are in danger due to an alleged unsafe working condition or equipment, shall immediately inform their supervisor who shall have the responsibility to determine what action, if any, should be taken, including whether or not the job should be discontinued. ARTICLE XVI DISCIPLINE Section 16.1. Discipline. As a matter of policy, the City recognizes the principles of progressive and corrective discipline, where applicable. Nothing, however, shall foreclose the City from seeking discipline commensurate with the offense. The City also acknowledges that non - probationary employees may only be disciplined for just cause. Section 16.2. Removal of Discipline. Verbal written reprimands shall be removed from an employee's file after sixty (60) months from the occurrence, provided the conduct which led to the reprimand has not reoccurred during that time period. Section 16.3. Access to Arbitration. The parties agree that an alleged violation of Section 16.1 above may not be taken to arbitration under the grievance procedure in Article VII, absent a specific, voluntary binding legal waiver of the employee's right to sue in court over the same incident. ARTICLE XVII GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 17.1. Gender. Unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise, words used in this Agreement denoting gender shall be deemed to refer to both the masculine and feminine. 30 Section 11.2. Ratification and Amendment. This Agreement shall become effective when ratified by the Union and the City Council and signed by authorized representatives thereof and may be amended or modified during its term only with mutual written consent of both parties. Section 17.3. Fitness Examinations. The City may require, at its expense (to the extent not covered by insurance), that the employee have an examination by a qualified and licensed physician or other appropriate medical professional selected by the City if there is any question concerning an employee's fitness for duty or fitness to return to duty. The City may also require any or all employees to take a complete physical exam as often as once a year. All physical examinations may include employee drug or alcohol testing when testing for fitness to return to duty or when appropriate under applicable policies (see Section 17.5). Section 17.4. Physical Fitness Examinations. In order to maintain and improve efficiency in the Public Works and Parks Departments, to best protect the public and to reduce insurance costs and risks, the City may establish reasonable physical fitness requirements for employees, which my include individualized goals and minimum fitness standards. All employees may be required to participate in any such program. Employees who fail to meet minimum fitness standards or who fail to make a good faith effort to achieve individualized goals shall be subject to progressive discipline up to and including discharge. The City will meet with Union representatives in accordance with Article IV to discuss reasonable physical fitness requirements prior to their implementation or alteration. Section 17.5. Drug and Alcohol Testing Policies. The City shall implement a drug and alcohol testing policy for employees with commercial drivers licenses (CDL's) consistent with applicable federal law. Other drug and alcohol testing shall be administered in accordance with applicable City policies. Section 17.6. Outside Employment. It is understood that the City is the employee's primary employer and hours and schedule flexibility of any outside employment must be secondary to their obligations to the City, including response to call-backs. Employees may hold outside jobs, including self-employment, which will not result in a conflict of interest, infringe on their ability to do their job for the City, negatively reflect upon the City or be prohibited by law. Employees shall notify the Director of Public Works or Director of Parks and Recreation of any ongoing outside employment (name, address, phone number) where they can be contacted when necessary for callbacks. Section 17.7. Rules and Regulations. The Union acknowledges the right of the City to make, alter, interpret and enforce rules, orders and policies as it deems appropriate, consistent with the Management Rights Article of this Agreement. Other than in an emergency situation, where the City seeks to add to, modify, alter, change, delete, or otherwise amend or supplement the existing written policies, procedures, rules, regulations, orders or directives of the City or the Public Works and Parks Departments which directly relate to and significantly affect terms and conditions of employment for employees covered by this Agreement, the City shall notify the Union in writing of the proposed change(s), at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of the modification, and shall 31 provide a reasonable opportunity to the Union during the 10-day notice period to meet and discuss with the City the proposed modification. Any meeting that occurs pursuant to this Section shall be in the form of a labor-management conference pursuant to Article IV of this Agreement. Section 17.8. Maintenance of Specific Workinr Conditions. During the term of this Agreement, the City will continue to follow existing Personnel Policy Manual provisions (as last amended May, 2004) relative to (1) pool passes (Section 36.1 of The Manual) and (2) payment for commercial driver's licenses (Section 36.2 of The Manual). Section 17.9. Use of Electronic Communication Devices. At no time shall an employee covered by this collective bargaining agreement operate heavy equipment or vehicles while using a personal electronic communication device. Section 17.10. Evaluation Copy. Employees shall be provided a copy of their evaluation at the time they are evaluated. Section 17.11. Opportunity Lists. Employees from the street department who are qualified to run and/or assist on the Aqua Tech work will be given the opportunity to be placed on that opportunity list, in a secondary capacity, on if no Sewer Department employees are available on a ,all out. Section 17.12. On Call and Snow Opportunity Lists. The lists shall start using the seniority list with the most senior employee. Section 17.13 Water/Wastewater Licensing. Employees eligible to take a Water or Wastewater license shall be allowed to test during his/her normal shift. The Employer shall reimburse all test related costs to the employee after successful completion of the test. The Employer reserves the right to limit the number of employees in the job classification of Water Operator II and Wastewater Operator II. ARTICLE XVIII SUBCONTRACTING It is the general policy of the Employer to continue to utilize employees to perform work they are qualified to perform. However, the Employer reserves the right to contract out any work it deems necessary in the interests of efficiency, economy, improved work product or emergency as long as such subcontracting does not result in a layoff of any bargaining unit position or a reduction in normal hours of work without first providing the Union thirty (30) days notice and the opportunity to discuss alternatives to the layoffs or reduction of hours with the City. 32 ARTICLE XIX SAVINGS CLAUSE In the event any Article, section or portion of this Agreement should be held invalid as unenforceable by any board, agency or court of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any subsequently enacted legislation, then such provision shall not be applicable or performed or enforced, except to the extent permitted or authorized by law, and such provision shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to conform to law; provided that in such event all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If there is any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any legal obligations or affirmative action requirements imposed on the City by federal or state law, such legal obligations or affirmative action requirements thus imposed shall be controlling. ARTICLE XX ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no verbal statements shall supersede any of its provisions. Any amendment supplemental hereto shall not be binding upon either parry unless executed in writing by the parties hereto. The Employer and Union Representative, for the life of this agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waive the right, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to: (1) any subject or matter specifically referred to or covered in this agreement; and (2) subjects or matters that arose as a result of the parties' proposals during bargaining, but which were not agreed to. 33 ARTICLES XXI DURATION AND TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective the day after the contract is executed by both parties, and shall remain in full force and effect until 11:59 p.m. on the 30th day of April, 2021. It shall be automatically renewed from year to year thereafter unless either parry shall notify the other in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the anniversary date that it desires to modify this Agreement. In the event that such notice is given, negotiations shall begin no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration date. Notwithstanding any provision of this Article or Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the expiration date and until a new agreement is reached unless either party gives at least ten (10) days' written notice to the other party of its desire to terminate this Agreement, provided such termination date shall not be before the anniversary date set forth in the preceding paragraph. Executed this CITY OF MCHENRY: day of , 2017. NOE LOCAL 150: 34 Appendix A Job Classifications and Pay Grades IUOE Local #150 May 1, 2016 — Lvprii 30, 2021 Job Classification Building &Grounds Custodian Maintenance Worker Parks, Streets, Water, Utility, Wastewater Utility Division Operator 1 IEPA Class D Water License or IEPA Sanitary Sewer Collection System Operator Cert. Operator I (Water /Wastewater) Utility Div. Operator II (Class D Water License and Sanitary Sewer Collection Cert.) Operator II (Water /Wastewater) Mechanic (Streets / Wastewater) 35 Grade Cr. May 1, 2016 -April 30, 2017 Grade 1 2 Appendix B IUOE Local #150 Wage Schedule 2.25% 3 4 5 6 A Bldg. & Grounds $42,328 $44,027 $45,793 $47,628 $49,538 $51,525 $53,590 $55,738 $57,974 $60,299 B Maintenance Worker Parks, Streets, Water, Utility, Wastewater $47,301 $49,198 $51,492 $53,223 $55,357 $57,575 $59,884 $62,286 $64,784 $67,383 C Utility Div. Operator 1 $49,539 $51,526 $53,753 $55,742 $57,977 $60,302 $62,719 $65,235 $67,851 $70,573 D Operator 1 Wastewater Utility Div. Operator II $51,776 $53,855 $56,015 $58,261 $60,598 $63,028 $65,554 $68,183 $70,918 $73,762 E Operator II Wastewater Mechanic (Streets, Wastewater) $56,693 $5%967 $61,332 $63,789 $66,346 $69,008 $71,775 $74,653 $77,646 $80,760 May 1, 2017 -April 30, 2018 Grade 1 2.50% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A Bldg. &Grounds $43,387 $45,127 $46,937 $48,819 $50,777 $52,813 $54,930 $57,132 $59,423 $61,807 B Maintenance Worker Parks, Streets, Water, Utility, Wastewater $48,483 $50,428 $52,779 $54,554 $56,741 $59,015 $61,381 $63,843 $66,404 $69,068 C Utility Div. Operator 1 $50,777 $52,814 $55,097 $57,136 $59,427 $61,809 $64,287 $66,866 $69,547 $72,337 D Operator 1 Wastewater Utility Div. Operator 11 $53,071 $55,201 $57,415 $59,718 $62,113 $64,604 $67,193 $69,888 $72,691 $75,606 E Operator II Wastewater Mechanic (Streets, Wastewater) $58,110 $6%441 $62,865 $65,383 $68,005 $70,734 $73,570 $76,519 $79,588 $82,779 36 May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019 2.50% Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A Bldg. & Grounds $44,471 $46,256 $48,111 $5%039 $52,046 $54,133 $56,303 $5%S60 $60,908 $63,352 B Maintenance Worker Parks, Streets, Water, Utility, Wastewater $49,695 $51,688 $54,099 $55,918 $58,159 $60,490 $62,916 $65,439 $68,064 $70p794 C Utility Div. Operator 1 $52,046 $54,135 $56,475 $58,564 $60,912 $63,354 $65,895 $68,537 $71,286 $74,145 D Operator 1 Wastewater Utility Div, Operator II $54,398 $56,581 $58,850 $61,210 $63,665 $66,219 $68,873 $71,635 $74,508 $77,496 E Operator II Wastewater Mechanic (Streets, Wastewater) $59,563 $61,952 $64,437 $67,018 $69,705 $72,502 $75,409 1 $78,432 $81,577 $84,849 May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020 2.50% Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Bldg. &Grounds $45,583 $47,412 $49,314 $51,290 4t53,347 $55,486 $57,710 660,024 $62,431 $64,936 B Maintenance Worker Parks, Streets, Water, Utility, Wastewater $50,938 $52,980 $55,451 $57,316 $59,613 $62,002 $64,489 $67,075 $69,765 $72,564 C Utility Div. Operator 1 $53,348 $55,488 $57,886 $60,028 $62,435 $64,938 $67,542 $70,251 $73,068 $75,999 D Operator 1 Wastewater Utility Div. Operator II $55,757 $57,996 $60,322 $62,741 $65,257 $67,874 $70,595 $73,426 $76,371 $791434 E Operator II Wastewater Mechanic (Streets, Wastewater) $61,052 $63,501 $66,047 $68,693 $71,448 $74,315 $77,294 $80,393 $83,617 $86,970 My 1, 2020 -April 30, 2021 Grade 2.75% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A Bldg. &Grounds $46,837 $48,716 $50,670 $52,701 $54,814 $57,012 $59,297 $61,675 $64,148 $66,721 B Maintenance Worker Parks, Streets, Water, Utility, Wastewater $52,339 $54,437 $56,976 $5%892 $61,252 $63,707 $66,262 $68,920 $71,684 $74,560 C Utility Div. Operator 1 $54,815 $57,014 $59,478 $61,679 $64,152 $66,724 $69,399 $72,182 $75,077 $78,089 D Operator 1 Wastewater Utility Div, Operator 11 $57,291 $59,591 $61,980 $64,466 $67,052 $69,741 $72,536 $75,445 $78,471 $81,618 E Operator II Wastewater Mechanic (Streets, Wastewater) $62,731 $65,247 $67,864 $70,582 $73,413 $76,358 $79,420 $82,603 $85,916 $89,362 37 Appendix C IUOE Local #150 Current Employees and Job Classifications (as of 07/01/2017) Dept/Division Employee Name Job Classification Administration Dept. Dorann Maldonado Custodian Parks Department Tracy Crowder Maintenance Worker Christopher Etten Maintenance Worker John Dillon Maintenance Worker Robert Zimmerman Maintenance Worker Street Division Nathaniel Banwart Maintenance Worker Ronald Barta Maintenance Worker Salvatore Burrafato Maintenance Worker David Christopher Maintenance Worker Paul Clements Maintenance Worker Nicholas Goettsche Maintenance Worker Timothy Lechner Maintenance Worker Richard Leisten Maintenance Worker Jason McMahon Maintenance Worker Gary Mertz Maintenance Worker Pedro Padro Maintenance Worker Jacob Reilly Maintenance Worker Michael Turner Maintenance Worker Michael Owsley Mechanic Matthew Rogers Mechanic Utility Division Ryan Cheney Maintenance Worker Clinton Greve Maintenance Worker Michael Lange Maintenance Worker Sean Johnson Operator I Patrick Maher Maintenance Worker Todd Sasak Maintenance Worker Esteban Ramirez Operator I Water Division Douglas Mace Operator II Greg Oliver Maintenance Worker Bryan Scheel Water Operator II Christopher Sandoz Maintenance Worker Waste Water Division David Fees Maintenance Worker Kevin Beggs Mechanic Jeffrey Lisafeld Wastewater Operator I Daniel Duffy Wastewater Operator II Mike Fruend Maintenance Worker John Kuhl Wastewater Operator II Bryan Thome Wastewater Operator II