HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 01/11/2021 - Public Works Committee The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Public Works Committee January 11, 2021 – 6:00 PM In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, this meeting will be held remotely only. The public can observe and participate by connecting online via Zoom at https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/96379442936?pwd=c1BwM0ZOaE5wUXM4MmNYU1AxNHNwUT09 Meeting ID: 963 7944 2936, Passcode: 552727, or by phone at: +13126266799 Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public Comment may be restricted to three minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at all public meetings. 3. Motion to approve the September 28, 2020 Public Works Committee Meeting minutes. 4. Annual Summary of National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit 5. Staff Presentation on 2021 Public Works Operations Reforms 6. Discussion of Potential 2021 Supplemental Road Resurfacing Program 7. Wastewater Dryer Feed Pump Replacement Request for Committee Approval 8. Staff Reports 9. Other Business 10. Motion to Adjourn Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 1 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2020 Call to Order Alderman Santi called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was in compliance with the Open Meetings Act per guidelines by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. Roll Call Deputy Clerk Johnson called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc. Others present: Public Works Director Troy Strange, Staff Engineer Greg Gruen, Field Operations Manager Steve Wirch. Public Comment Kent Kruckenburg stated his concern about the condition of Riverside Drive, from McCullom Lake Road to the City Limits. He asks that this section of the road be moved up on the priority list. Director Strange discussed the condition of that road compared to others in the City. Members of the Committee discussed funding issues for this road, what could be done, and what the timetable could look like for the project. Approve August 24, 2020 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to approve the minutes of the August 24, 2020, Public Works Committee meeting. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Review of request submitted for Honorary Street Sign designation of Manchester Mall in honor of Don & Judith Porter and if recommended, direction to forward the application to the full City Council for consideration Directory Strange invited Nancy Fike to give details of the application and an explanation of the community service provided by the Porters. They were active in their church, engaged citizens, active in the Historical Society, gave City walking tours, and were on committees for various boards. Although they were not born and raised here, they did choose to make McHenry their home. Don passed away in 2005, and Judy continues to work for the Conservation District with pioneer events. Alderman Glab thanked Ms. Fike for bringing this application forward and for the chance to approve a recommendation for somebody who moved into McHenry. A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to forward the application for an Honorable Street Sign for Don & Judith Porter at Manchester Mall to the full Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 2 City Council for consideration. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Presentation by City Staff regarding 2021 Motor Fuel Tax Funded Road Resurfacing Program. Director Strange shared his screen and explained the 2021 MFT Program. Topics of discussion included a recap of last year’s program, an updated map of the last 11 years of work, a history of annual spending on road work, a cost comparison of the City of McHenry against similar municipalities, a projected cash flow for 2021, and a 5 year projected program. He is confident that we will be able to run a $2 million program for 2021, which will allow us to finish the streets on year one and all of year two of the 5 year program. The focus of 2021 will be asphalt from cub to curb. There will be some ancillary items on the curb and gutter, as well as the required ADA ramps. Small single cracks in curbs will not cause a curb to be replaced, but large displaced curbs would be. Alternative methods to fixing curbs have been researched. Director Strange explained how shockrete works and that it would save a lot of money. The work is not MFT eligible and would need to be funded as a general fund capital item. Alderman Glab brought up the issue of weeds and how they are bad for not only appearance but also for the road. The rough brush that was used to kill weeds was not good for the poor roads, and a spraying program is more expensive than anticipated. Alderman Santi asked if there were any questions from the audience. One attendee asked about the possibility of a sidewalk program behind Jewel and around Petersen Park. It was explained that this part of town was not designed for sidewalks, that storm sewers would have to be built, that the ground is not in the proper condition to hold a sidewalk, and that there is probably not room in the right of way for sidewalks. Even if those issues could be addressed, the cost of such a project would be so tremendous that it could never be funded. Terry Locke was present at the meeting and expressed his concern that no road work has been done in his neighborhood since at least 2009. He believes the roads in that area are just as bad as the roads on the five year program. Alderman Glab brought up the point that roads at Olde Mill subdivision are only 20 years old and they are already in bad shape. There are roads that are much older but aren’t torn up as much. Dartmoor also deteriorated less than five years after we accepted it. We need to make sure they are up to standards and figure out why they aren’t lasting and make sure the problem doesn’t happen in the future. A discussion was had regarding funding and how $2 million a year won’t even get us caught up on the roads that need fixed. More funds are needed and this issue needs to be brought before the Council. Director Strange explained the steps that have already been taken to maximize the money that is spent from MFT. The way budgeting and expenditures were handled has been Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 3 changed to keep the most money on repaving. Alderman Glab suggested that we check to see how much money the City receives from the taxes through McHenry/Nunda Township sharing and where that money is going. Alderwoman Miller was present as an audience member and further discussed the need for more funding for the road program. There was a discussion about how roads are selected for the five year program, the rating system used, and other factors into those decisions. A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Glab to present to the full City Council the 2021 Road Program as presented for authorization to proceed with engineering and bidding. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Alderman Sani asked for specifics about the changes to snow plowing. Some in the community read the newsletter and are worried about big delays in plowing. Director Strange explained that the changes made should not be significant. Alderman Glab questioned having the Park Department employees being pulled off the routes, and how things could possibly be done quicker with them as part of the plan. Field Operations Manager Steve Wirch explained that he reworked the routes for this year, and believes the new routes may make plowing even more efficient. Two major routes were created to take care of the highly travelled roads, and drivers won’t be pulled from neighborhood routes to help do those. Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) Grant Director Strange explained that this grant is for 100% funding. There could be some engineering costs but they would be minor and could be paid for out of park impact fees. City Engineer Greg Gruen explained that this is an opportunity to have the parking lot repaved and striped to make parking more efficient. This could potentially double the boat capacity. Alderman Glab pointed out that we might be able to qualify for the grant with better scores by showing that we have an agreement with Johnsburg and Lakemoor for the resident rates. A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to submit the BAAD Grant Application for the proposed Miller Riverfront Parking Lot Improvements to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for funding. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Adjournment A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 4 __________________________ ______________________________ Alderman Santi Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: January 11, 2021 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works Russell Ruzicka, Treatment Operations Manager RE: Annual Public Summary of the City Of McHenry’s MS4 Permit Program Activities ATT: Summary of 2020 MS4 Activities AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Annual update and progress report on the City Of McHenry’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) BACKGROUND: Stormwater discharges are governed under the National Pollution Elimination Discharge System (NPDES) and overseen by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). The NPDES has its origins in the Federal Clean Water Act of 1972. As a requirement of the City of McHenry’s MS4 Stormwater Discharge Permit issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), an annual update of the current stormwater program must be given to the Public Works Committee. The City’s current MS4 Permit will be renewed in 2021 and staff are anticipating significant changes which will include new regulations that will impact the City’s obligations with regard to public outreach, funding for stormwater management facilities, and stormwater monitoring. The Public Works Department Treatment Operations Manager Russell Ruzicka administers the NPDES stormwater program and will be in attendance at the Public Works Committee Meeting to provide an update on the past years activities. Public Works Committee MS4 Status Update 1-11-2021 Illicit Discharge May 20, 2020 • At approximately 8:30 PM while removing used motor oil from the auto repair shop at 3610 W. Elm St. (Butch’s Auto Service) the contractor accidently punctured a 500 gallon storage tank and left the scene. P.D., F.D. and Public Works were called. Approximately 400 gallons were discharged. • Upon arriving at the scene, barriers were put in place to contain the spill and prevent any more oil from entering the storm water drainage system. • Absorbent and sand were put down to soak up the spill. The storm drain was cleaned out. The sand and absorbent was picked up, sampled and disposed of. • The owner of the repair shop contacted a hazardous materials remediation company to complete the clean-up. Compliance Audit June 26, 2020 The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency conducted a virtual audit of the City Of McHenry’s MS4 Program. After reviewing the City of McHenry’s annual MS4 report and internet presence (City website), the City Of McHenry was found to be in compliance with all requirements of the MS4 permit. However, the IEPA did request two things from the City Of McHenry: Due to the retirement of the City’s former qualified stormwater inspector Ryan Schwalenberg, the IEPA requested the name of the City’s qualified stormwater inspector for construction projects. David Watkins. The City Of McHenry needs to work toward improving its Green Infrastructure Initiative. One example would be a rain barrel program which would be cost shared between the residents and the City. Staff is exploring several options to improve McHenry’s Green Infrastructure Initiative Summary of Operations In 2020, the City of McHenry Public Works Department spent 1060.5 man-hours on storm sewer cleaning and repair. Additionally, the City Of McHenry began the televising of storm sewer piping. This will help identify potential problems in the drainage system that can be addressed before the drainage lines plug and back up sections of the storm sewer system. Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: January 11, 2021 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: 2021 Public Works Operations Reform Update ATT: PowerPoint Presentation Slides GIS Maps for Various Public Works Operations AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Public Works Staff is presenting an update to the Public Works Committee summarizing ongoing operations reforms within the Street Division and Utility Division. BACKGROUND: For the past year the Public Works Department has been reforming its operations and means of delivering services in order to improve customer service, efficiently utilize personnel & financial resources, and to adjust to reduced staffing levels as the Department undergoes a staff attrition process. Staff have also been reviewing the existing service request history in order to determine that maintenance and customer service operations have been applied consistently and efficiently. This information has been utilized to reform divisional operating budgets and to develop a baseline set of fundamental maintenance operations, schedules, and resources. This information has additionally been utilized in order to determine a standard of care to apply to different types of operations which can be universally applied. This standard of care will allow staff to be consistent in the services provided, quantify and apply resources, and to standardize a level of service that the Public can hold the City accountable to. Staff have prepared a presentation for the Public Works Committee to summarize the status of Departmental operations and to update the Committee with regard to the results of operational reforms. HAS THE AMOUNT OF ROAD RESURFACING COMPLETED IN RECENT HISTORY IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY BEEN ACCEPTABLE? WOULD YOU CONSIDER THE CITY’S STREET INFRASTRUCTURE TO BE IN A STATE OF DECLINE? CURRENT FINANCIAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE CHALLENGES •LACK OF CAPITAL RESOURCES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS •ESCALATING OPERATING COSTS •LACK OF FOCUS ON FUNDAMENTAL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS LACK OF CAPITAL RESOURCES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS •TO MAINTAIN EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE, VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT (GENERAL FUNDED) •FLEET/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ($200,000 ANNUAL CAPITAL) •ROAD RESURFACING ($2,000,000 ANNUAL CAPITAL) •SIDEWALKS ($170,000 ANNUAL CAPITAL) •MOST RECENT PURCHASE OF A SNOW PLOW TRUCK WAS 2012 •AVERAGE HMA RESURFACING BUDGET FOR THE LAST 11 YEARS: $681,646 •THIS AVERAGE INCLUDES $3,000,000 OF BONDED COSTS (2010 PROGRAM) ESCALATING OPERATING COSTS •STREET DIVISION OPERATING BUDGET •FY16/17 ACTUAL $2,729,628•FY20/21 APPROVED $3,363,817 (5.3% AVG ANNUAL INCREASE) (1.7% AVG ANNUAL INFLATION OVER SAME PERIOD) HTTPS://WWW.BLS.GOV/DATA/INFLATION_CALCULATOR.HTM •HOW DOES THE CITY OVERCOME A 3.6% ANNUAL DIFFERENTIAL? LACK OF FOCUS ON FUNDAMENTAL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS •PUBLIC WORKS STAFF HAVE BEEN MORE AND MORE FREQUENTLY COMPLETING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WHICH WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS “CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT” •WHAT IS MAINTENANCE? •THE UPKEEP OF PROPERTY OR EQUIPMENT (MERRIAM WEBSTER DEFINITION) •TYPES OF MAINTENANCE •CORRECTIVE•PREVENTATIVE SOLUTIONS TO FINANCIAL & INFRASTRUCTURE CHALLENGES •STAFF ATTRITION PROCESS = LOWER OPERATING BUDGET COSTS = SHIFTING OF OPERATIONAL COSTS INTO CAPITAL RESOURCES •NARROWER SET OF OBJECTIVES AND PRIORITIES WHICH FIT NEW AND REDUCED STAFFING LEVELS •SHIFT BACK TO OPERATIONS & SERVICES FUNDAMENTALS•“HAVE TO DO OPERATIONS”•OPERATIONS PROGRAMMING AND SCHEDULING•MAPPING, ASSET, & GIS BASED APPROACH STAFF ATTRITION PROCESS •6 PUBLIC WORKS STAFF POSITIONS HAVE BEEN REDUCED SINCE MAY OF 2019 •3 FRONT LINE MAINTENANCE WORKERS, 2 MANAGERS, 1 OFFICE STAFF •SALARY AND BENEFITS HAVE BEEN SHIFTED INTO CONTRACTUAL COSTS TO MAKE UP OPERATIONAL SHORTFALLS AND SLOW THE ESCALATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES •THIS TOTAL IS NOW SIGNIFICANT ENOUGH AND OPERATIONS SHORTFALLS HAVE BEEN MADE UP SUCH THAT THE TOTALS CAN BEGIN TO BE ROLLED INTO PROJECTS PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS OBJECTIVES •RESPOND TO EMERGENCIES •PERFORM FUNDAMENTAL “NON-CAPITAL” MAINTENANCE OF CITY INFRASTRUCTURE AS NECESSARY AND ON A RELIABLE SCHEDULE •PROVIDE PROMPT AND REASONABLE CUSTOMER SERVICE FOR ITEMS AND OPERATIONS THAT ARE BEYOND FUNDAMENTAL OPERATIONS •PERFORM ANNUAL OPERATIONS AND PROVIDE SERVICES FOR ANNUAL PROGRAMS •COMPLETE SPECIAL PROJECTS AND ASSIST OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS AS NECESSARY AND PROVIDED OTHER FUNDAMENTAL OPERATIONS ARE STILL SERVED PUBLIC WORKS FUNDAMENTAL OPERATIONS & SERVICES STREET DIVISION SERVICES •SNOW PLOWING •EMERGENCY RESPONSE •STREET SWEEPING AS NEEDED •ROW MOWING •POTHOLE PATCHING •SAWCUT PATCHING FOR ISOLATED EARLY PAVEMENT FAILURES •DITCHING AS NEEDED •BRUSH PICKUP UTILITY DIVISION SERVICES •SNOW PLOWING •EMERGENCY WORK INCLUDING WATER MAIN BREAK RESPONSE •HYDRANT FLUSHING •SEWER CLEANING & TELEVISING •VALVE MAINTENANCE •HYDRANT MAINTENANCE & INSTALLATION •RESTORATION WORK FROM UTILITY REPAIRS •HYDRANT FLAGS END STATE OF PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET •MAINTENANCE AND CAPITAL NEEDS MATCH HUMAN, EQUIPMENT, AND CAPITAL RESOURCES •INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT, REPAIR, AND REHABILITATION ARE FUNDED ON A FEASIBLE AND RELIABLE SCHEDULE •OPERATING COSTS AND STAFFING LEVELS ARE MATCHED TO WORKLOAD WHICH IS GENERATED BY THE CITY’S FUNDAMENTAL MAINTENANCE NEEDS •MORE FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE FOR CAPITAL ITEMS DARTMOORDRIVE TRALEELANENFRONTSTREETDORCHESTER PLACE BRIGHTON PLACE BUSHTERRACE NJOHNSTREET ELMSTREET HIPOINT ROAD LIAM LANE HOME A V E N U E RIVERSIDE DRIVEBISCAYNEROAD CASTLEWOODTRAI L REMMINGTONTRAIL WHIGHSTREETNRIDGEROADCHESTERF I E L DDRIVE SHERMAN ROAD WLINCOLNROAD GALWAYDRIVE SCULLY DRIVEFRONTR OYALDRIVE WBULLVALLEYROAD TYLERTRAI LWSHOR EDRIVE CHARLESSTREETCRYSTAL LAKE ROADOAKDRIVECHESAPEAKEDRIVE LILLIANSTREET CYPRESSCOURT SDRAPERROADBELD ENSTREETNDRAPERRO AD NGREENSTREETWILTSHIREDRIVECHICK A L OONDRIVE NORLEANSSTR E E T STILL HILL DRIVE KENNEDYD RIVE EAGLEWOOD TRAIL WILLOW LANE SCULLY DRIVE TIMOTHY LANE KINSALE LANE W CUMBER LANDCIRCLEWINDRIDGEDRIVESBROADWAYSTREETWVENICEAVENUE PINESTREET WSUNRISEVIEWNRICHMONDROAD NRIVERLANEWBEACH PLACE W LIN CO LN R O ADNRINGWOODROAD WFAIRWAYDRIVE WGREENBRIERDRIVE WINDINGCREEKDRIVE W LINCOLNROA D HEMLO CKDRIVESHERRY STREETBONITA LANELAWNCOURTPOLK TRAIL WICKLOWDRIVECUN A T D R I V E MEADOW LANEMURPHY DRIVELEGENDLANEDONOVANSTRE E T SHAMROCK LANE KINLEY BOULEVARD SRIVERSIDEDRIVEWHITMORE TRAILW ATERSEDGED R IVE SGREENSTREETOAKTONCOURTNNEWPORTTRAILSHILLTOPBOULEVARDBALTIMORE STREETW A B B E Y DRIVE POLK TRAIL WEDGEWOOD TRAILNCUMBERLANDCIRCLEKNOX DRIVESGREENSTREETWA S H I N G T O N S T R E E T VALLEYROADLIAMLANE WOOD M A R COURT RIVE R B I R C H COU R T C O L O N Y C O U R T BARNWOOD COURTEAGLEPOINT SPRINGBROOKCOURTCARRICKLANEWIN S L OW CI R C L E LOGAN STREETERIN STREETMAPLECOURTW 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NBROWNSTREETKRESS WOODDRIVEHIGHVIEW AVENUEHA R T L A N D T R A I L WATERFORD DR IV E EIS E NHOWER B O ULEVARDNCURRANROADCLOVER AVENUE RADCLIFFCOURT RYAN STREETILLINOISROUTE120 TAMARA C KCOURTSBULLVALLEYROADNSOMERSETMALL METALMAST ERWAY SPRUCE LANE CENTURYCOURTNSUNSETAVENUEDUBLIN COURTCONWA Y CIRCLELINCOLN AVENUE RIDGEVIEW DRIVENOAKW O ODCOURT BRADLEYCOURTDOTSTREETROGERS AVESILLINOISROUTE31WIMBLETON TRAILCAPRITERRACELONDON TRAILARM IS TEADLANEHAYWARDCOURT SARASOTADRIVE WE MI L Y L A NE SYCAMORECOURT BONNIE BRAE DRIVESIOU X L A N E CHESAPEA KEDRIVE W P O N C A S T R E E T GRAND AVENUE CLEARBROOK STREET SOUT H S T R E E T SORCHIDPATHSBROADWAYSTREETMEADOW ROADOJIBWALANE LOCHGLENLANE APRI L A VENUE ROYALDRIVEFLORENCEBOULEVARD GLADSTONE DRIVENCR O SSTRAILNORTH AVENUEN O R T H S ID E A V E N U EMOURIN E L AN E BURNINGTREEDRIVE JAMES S T R E E T OAK W OOD DRI VE WANNESTREET BETSYLA NE NORTHAVENUECHESAPEAKE DRIVEME DI C A L C ENTERDRIVEGLENMOORCOURT N S HEPHERDHILLLANECRESCENTAVENUEBORDENSTREET JUDY L A N E MAR Y L AN E 4TH AVENUE PLUMR O S E L A N EGOLFV I E WROAD WWESTAVENUE PRIMEPARKWAY LARKIN LANE MCHENRY AVENUELAWRENCE PARKWAYMERCYDRIVELAKELAND AVENUEREDWOODLANEWPARKWAYAVENUE N CROSS TRAILNJENNIFERLANE VICTORIA AVE N U E WDARTMOOR DRIVE WBEACHDRIVE TERRACE DRIVE WVISTATERRACE HUNTER PATH ILLINOIS ROUTE 120 BARNEY COURT CRESCENT AVENUE VINE STREET LEE STREETFLOWERSTREET BIRCH LANEADAMS DRIVEWAUKE G A N R O A D KATIELANE LEXINGTONSTREETCLEARVIEW DRIVE TANGL EWOODTRAIL CHARLOTT E A V E N U E SSHA MROCKLANE JEFFER SO N AVEN U ECLOVERAVENUE ALLEN AVENUEROGERS AVENUEK E L T E R S T R E E TDEERRUNTRAIL D U N D A LK L A N E WGOLFVIEWTERRAC EOAKTONSTREETRI VERSTREAMDRIVE CAREYDRIVEWALLSTREET SFRONTSTREETMELROSECOURTGENEVA PLACE WESTMINSTER PLACE L I MERICKLAN EHIGHVIEW AVENUENORMANDR IVECOLONYTRAILASHLANDDRIVESTRATFORDCOURT LORIENT DRIVEWCREEKSIDELANE HANS O N AVE N UE S SCULLYDRI VEA M HERSTCOURT DOHERTYLANE PETERSE N P A R K R O A D NKNOLLAVENUEWVIRGINIAAVENUE W N O R T H FOXLANESANDBURGDRIVE CRYSTALTRAIL SILB URYCOURTPLEASANT AVENUEA L BERTDRIVESTONEBR I DGETRAIL ALM O N D L A NEPYNDALEDRIVE BRITTANY DRIVE COMM E R C I A L A V E N U E ARGYLELANE CASHEL L A NEHAMPTON C O U R T WSTPAULAVENUE SGREENSTREETOREGON TRAIL MUNICIPAL DRIVE MADIS O N AVE N UE KILLALALANE WLAKEWOODROADI L L I NOI S ROU T E 1 2 0 WDAYTONSTREET WCHA SEFIELDCIRCLEMARTINROADCORPORATEDRIVETHORNWOODDRIVEENFI ELD D R IV EMALIBU COURT CONCORD DRIVEW LAKEWOODROAD ILLI NOI S ROUTE120F IE L D S T ON E T R A I LBENNINGTONLANE ALBANY STREET SUSSEXDRIVEROS E AVE NUEWBULLVALLEYROAD MI D L E T O N L A N E AYRE DRI V E EVERGREE NCIRCLELEGENDLANEN WOODLAWNPARKAVENUE BURNINGTREECIRCLE ILLINOIS ROUTE 120 WGREGGDRIVE Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Snow Route 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Other McHenry Roads 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10.13 Miles TRALEELANEDORCHESTER PLACE BRIGHTON PLACE BUSH TERRACE HI POINT ROAD LIAM LANE HOME A V E N U E RIVERSIDE DRIVECORKLANE CASTLEWOODTRAIL REMMINGTONTRAIL W HIGH STREETN RIDGE ROADSHERMAN ROAD W LINCOLN ROAD GALWAYDRIVE SCULLY DRIVEFRONT R O Y A L D R I V E TYLERTRAI L CHARLESSTREETCHESTERF IE LDDRIVE BALLYDRIVECYPR ESSCOU RTSDRAPERROADBELDENSTREETWILTSHIREDRIVEE WONDERLAKE ROADW BULL VALLEY ROADCHICKALOONDRIVELILLIANSTREETN ORLEANS STREETSTILL HILL DRIVE KENNEDY DRIVEW LINC OL N ROAD EAGLEWOOD TRAIL SCULLY DRIVE KINSALE LANE SETTLERSCOURTW H I L L S I D E DRI V E PINE STREET COB BLERSCROS SINGNRIVERLANEBELDEN STREET W BEACH PLACE W LINC OL N ROAD W FAIRWAY DRIVE SCHROEDERLANENORTHDRIVEN RINGWOOD ROADHEMLOCKDRIVESHERRY STREETBONITA LANELAWNCOURTPOLK TRAIL DONEGALCOURTWICKLOWDRIVELANDINGS COURT LEGENDLANEDONOVANSTREETSHAMROCK LANE WATERSEDGE DRIVESRIVERSIDEDRIVEOAKTONCOURTNORTHDRIVEN NEWPORT TRAILS HILLTOP BOULEVARDWABBEYDRIVE POLK TRAIL WEDGEWOOD TRAILKNOX DRIVEW GREENBRIER DRIVE S GREEN STREETKATM AIT RAILWOOD M A R COURT C O L O N Y C O U R T BARNWOOD COURT WLINCOLN ROAD EAGLEPOINTSPRINGBROOK COURTCARRICKLANEWIN S L O W CI R C L E LOGAN STREETERIN STREETCAMDENSTREETMAPLECOURTTRAPPERSCOURTN CHURCHSTREETBODELANE PEBBLE CREEKMC CU L LOM L A K E RO AD HIGHVIEWAVENUEW CHESTNUT DRIVE GLENNCOURTMEADOW LANECLINTONCOURTMEADSTREETINVERNESS TRAILW GOLFVIEWROADKENSI NGT O NDRI V E WINDING CREEK DRIVE TRUMANTRAIL HUNTINGTONDRIVECREEKSIDE COURT HOOVERTRAILCORK LANECARTERCOURTMATANUSKATRAILW PON C A S T R E E T PINE DRIVECOTTONWOODC OU RTWVENICEAVENUESCHAIDCOURT REAGAN BOULEVARDHOMESTEA D DRIVE VILLAGETRAILN JOHN STREET FOXVIEW HIGHLAND DRIVE S DRIF T W O O D TRAIL C O U R T W JA M E S STREE T W BEACH DRIVEKRESSWOODDRIVEJORDAN COURT N RIVER ROADN RIDGE ROADJOYCE COURT BARKLEY COURT CENTEGRA DRIVES CROSS TRAILW ROSEDALE AVENUENGREENSTREET ESSEXCOURTWHITEOAKCOURTFREUND AVENUE W GROVE AVENUE BALLY ROADCUNAT DRIVECHARMAR LAN E HAZELWOODDRIVEEVERGREENCIRCLEBROMLEY DRIVE TIMBERTRAIL DARTMOOR DRIVEWHITINGCOURT W ABBINGTON DRIVECAMBRIDGE DRIVE SKYWAY DRIVEWOODSSTREETWINDRIDGEDRIVESPRINGCREEKLANEWORLEANSSTREET N HERITAGEDRIVEGRAUE MILLCOURTCARTWRI GHTTRAI LDEERWOODTRAIL WHITM O R E T R A I LN RIDGE ROADCRES T W O O D S T R E E T S CARRIAGETRAILN CREEKSIDETRAILW LAKE STREET AMBERWOOD PLACECROOKEDTREE COURTW JOH N S T R E E T NCOURTSTREETS FAIRFAXDRIVEBLUEGRASS TRAIL SHERMAN DRIVE S GREEN STREETHOMEST E A D D R I V E EASTERN AVENUEFARINGTON DRIVE S BROADWAYSTREETMCHENRY AVENUEWALNUT LANE NRONDAROADDALE AVENUEW GLENBROOK TRAIL VALLEYROADN CENTRALSTREETPRAIRIE AVE DONNELLY PLACERIDGEWAYTRAILSAV OYLANE BONITA LANEILLIAM N A TRAIL KENM A R E L A N EN SUNSETAVENUECHARLES J MILLER ROAD PLEASANT VIEW DRIVE WSHOREDRIVE TOMLINSON COURT S BROADWAY STREETCOBBL E S T O N E TRAIL BAUER ROADNPARKLANEAVENUEOAK AVENUEOAK DRIVEDALEAVENUERONDA ROADSARASOTA DRIVE INDUSTRIAL DRIVE DOOLINAVENUEMILL STREET STILL HILL DRIVE M A N C H E S T E R M A L L CRYSTAL LAKE ROADN 3RD STREET3RD STREETBEACH DRIVEN 4THSTREETWASHINGTONSTREET HILLSIDELANEN CENTER STREETN LINDAROADBR O A D S T R E E T PEARLSTREET TIMOTHYLANEYORKTOWN STREET SHORE HILL DRIVE HIGHBRIDGETRAIL4THSTREETBOLGER COURT HOLLYWOODBOULEVARDHILLSIDE LANEW SUNRISE VIEW PRESTWICK STREET N BEACH ROADWILLOW LANE COBBLE R S CROSSIN G FLOWERSTREETCREEKSIDE TRAILN ORCHARD BEACH ROAD DIAMONDDRIVE BISCAYNE ROAD FOREST ROADPINOAKCOURTRAMBLEROAD TOMLINSONDRIVE N CURRAN ROAD PATRIOTDRIVEWI NDHAVENTRAILPE R R Y LA N EFARMSTEADDRIVE TURNBERRY DRIVEPARK STREETMURPHY DRIVELEONARD AVENUEWATER F O R D COUR T N COUNTRYC L UBDRI VEDEPAULCOURTRAMBLEROADBORDENSTREETKNOLLAVENUECALLISTA STREET GREENDALE COURT GRAND AVENUE FARMSTEADCOURTMEADOW LANE AVENUE SHANNONDRIVE MILLSTREAMDRIVEN GLENDRIVEMILLERPARKWAYN CHESTERFIELDCOURTJOYCE LANE KATMAITRAIL MEDICALCENTERDRIVE W HITEO AKD R IV ES DRAPERROADS PEARLAVENUEN CANTERBURYDRIVEHAY STRE E T S RONDAROADBANK DRIVEMARYETTA STREETLAKEWOOD AVENUENHANLEYSTREET LANDCA S T E R CIRCLE ROSSLANEARBO R D RI V E T USTAMENATRAIL OLD DRAPER ROADCONCORDDRIVEW JOH N S T R E E T AMERICANWAYLAUREN COURT ELMSTREET SHERMAN ROAD HILLSTREET N COURT STREETCAROLAVENUEDRAKE COURT CORNELL COURTCHERRYHILL COURTVICTOR DRIVE HUNTER DRIVE MONROE AVENUE W PARK PLACE DAR T M O O R D R I V EN DRAPER R OAD SPRINGDALELANE N GREEN STREET1STAVENUEN BROWNSTREETJENNIFERLANEW PRAIRIE STREETNDENALITRAI L NBEACHROADHIGHVIEWAVENUEASHLEY DRIVE HA R T L A N D TR A I L SGLENBROOKTRAILN CURRAN ROADRADCLIFF COURT CLOVER AVENUERYANSTREET KINLEY BOULEVARD TA M A RACKC O U RTS BULL VALLEY ROADNSOMERSETMALLGALWAYDRIVE METALMASTER WAY DUB LINCOU RTCENTURYCOURTSPRUCE LANE N SUNSETAVENUEC O NWAYCI R CLEW
 SHEPHERD HILL LANE NDEVON S H IRECOURTDONEGAL LANE VERETTACOURTLINCOLN AVENUE RIDGEVIEW DRIVE LONG F O R D D RI V E NOAKWOODCOURTAUGUSTADRIVEOLDE MILL LANEWHITINGDRIVE BRADLEY COURTDOTSTREETROGERS AVECAPRITERRACELONDONTRAILARMISTEADLANEHAYWARD COURT BONNE R D R I V E SARASOTADRIVE MILLER DRIVECHESAPEAKEDRIVE W EM I L Y L AN E SYCAMORECOURT BONNIE BRAE DRIVEOVERLAND TRAIL W PON C A STRE E T CLEARBROOK STREET SOUT H STRE E T SDRIFTW OODTRAILS ORCHIDPATHWCUMBE RLANDCIRCL EMEADOWROADAPR ILAV EN U E BALTIMORE STREETROYAL DR IVE TRALEELANEKANE AVENUE GRAND AVENUE FLORENCE BOULEVARD GLADSTONEDRIVEN CROSS TRAILN O R T H S I DE A V E N U EMOUR IN E L AN E BURNINGTREEDRIVE JAMES S T R E E T BETSYLANENORTHAVENUEV ETER A N SPA R K W A Y ME DI CAL C E N T ER DRIVE GLENMOOR COURT N SHEPHERDHILL LANEW GREGG DRIVEN CUMBERLANDCIRCLEBORDENSTREETCRESCENT AVENUE JUDY L A N E MA R Y L AN E 4TH AVENUE N FRONT STREETPLUM R O S E LANE GOLFVI EW ROAD W WEST AVENUE PRIMEPARKWAYNORTH AVENUELARKIN LANE FLYNN STREET MCHENRY AVENUELAWRENCEPARKWAYMERCY DRIVE LIAM LANE REDWOODLANEN CROSS TRAIL LAKELANDAVENUEMAIN S T R E E T CANTERBURYDRIVESILVERGLENROADNJENNIFERLANE W PARKWAY AVENUE ANDERSON DRIVE VICTORIA AVE N U E W DARTMOOR DRIVE W BEACH DRIVE TERRACE DRIVE W VISTA TERRACE HUNTER PATHSBROOKWOODTRAILYOUNG STREET BARNEYCOURT ILLINOIS ROUTE 120 LOYOLA DRIVE CRESCE N T AVENUE VINE STREET LEE STREET SBARNWOODTRAILFLOWERSTREETWGARDEN QUARTERROAD BIRCHLANEKATIELANE LEXINGTONSTREETTANGLEWOODTRAIL CLEARVIEW DRIVE SSHAMROCKLANE CHARLOTT E A V E N U E EISENHOWER B OULEVARDJEFFERSON AVENUE ADAMS DRIVEALLENAVENUECLOVER AVENUE KRESSWOOD DRIVEROGERS AVENUEK E L T E R S T R E E T DEERRUN TRAIL DUN D A L K L A NE W SHORE DRIVE W GOLFVIEW TERRACE OAKTONSTREETRI VERSTREAM DRI VE PRAIRIE AVENUE CAREYDRIVESIOU X L A N E KEYLANE WALLSTR EETTYLERTRAIL MELROSECOURTSFRONTSTREETBLAKE BOULEVARD RIVERSIDE DRIVEGENEVA PLACE WESTMINSTER PLACE L I MERICK LANE HIGHVIEW AVENUENORMAN DRIVE NMANCHEST ERMALLASHLAND DRIVE STRATFORD COURTCOLONY TRAILLORIENT DRIVE WCREEKSIDELANE ORLEANS STREET HANS O N AVE N UE MAPLEAVENUE S SC U L L Y DRIV E BRETONS DRIVE A M HERSTCOURT DOHERTY LANE PETERSE N P A R K R O A D N KNOLL AVENUEN INDUSTRIAL DRIVEW VIRGINIA AVENUE W NOR T H FOX LA NE SANDBURG DRIVE CRYSTALTRAILWIMBLETON TRAILS ILLINOIS ROUTE 31SILB U R Y COU R TALBERTDRIVE PLEASANT AVENUESTONEBRIDGE TRAIL AL M O N D L A N E PYNDALEDRIVEWOODRIDGE TRAILBRITTANY DRIVE COMM E R C I A L A V E N U E ARGYLELANE C A SH ELLA N E HAMPT O N COURT W ST PAUL AVENUE S GREEN STREETOREGON TRAIL MADIS O N AVE N UE MUNICIPAL DRIVE W ANNE STREET BOONECREEKCIRCLE KILLALALANE W LAKEWOOD ROADI L L INO IS ROUTE 120 LOCH GLEN LANE WBULLVALLEYROAD WILTSHIRE D RIV E N RICHMOND ROADW DAYTON STREET WCHASEFI E L DCIRCLE CORPORATEDRIVEWAU K E G A N R O A DOJIBWALANE THORNWOOD DRIVEENFI EL D DRI VEMARTIN ROADCONCORDDRIVEMALIBU COURT W LAKEWO O D R O A D F IE L D S T O N E T R A I LBENNINGTONLANE ALBANY STREET SUSSEXDRIVEROSEAVENUE W BULL VALLEY ROAD MIDLE T O N L A N E ILLINOIS ROUTE 120 AYRE DRIVEEVERGREENCIRCLELEGENDLANEN WOODLAWN PARK AVENUE OAKWOOD DRIVEW A T E R F O R D D R IV E BURNINGTREECIRCLE ILLINOIS ROUTE 120 Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2022 2024 McHenry Roads 2023 2024 2025 2026 2022 Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: January 11, 2021 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: 2021 Supplemental Road Resurfacing Program ATT: Project Location Map Preliminary Engineer’s Estimate of Costs AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Public Works Staff is presenting for the consideration of the Public Works Committee a supplemental road resurfacing program which will be funded by operating budget personnel reductions which have been transferred to contractual costs within the Street Division Operating Budget. BACKGROUND: As a result of the past two fiscal years of staff attrition and operating budget reforms, the Public Works Department is prepared to run a supplemental road resurfacing program out of the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Street Division Operating Budget. The budget number for this project will be approximately $500,000 out of the contractual services portion of the operating budget. At the October 19, 2020 City Council Meeting staff was given authorization to proceed with the 2021 Road Resurfacing program. However, City Council discussed the possibility of including the resurfacing of local streets in downtown areas specifically in the area of Veterans Park. Council requested that staff provide an estimate of resurfacing costs for streets in these areas which was provided to City Council shortly thereafter. As a result of this request for information and desire to consider these locations, staff is proposing a resurfacing project for the streets surrounding and adjacent to Veterans Park. Staff has The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. prepared project location maps and an estimate of cost for the consideration of the Committee. Should the committee accept the recommendation of staff for this project, the project will be presented to the full City Council for consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if the Public Works Committee concurs, it is recommended to present the proposed project to the full City Council for approval to include in the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Street Division Operating Budget, and present for public bidding. SCHEDULE I - VET PARK AND SURROUNDING ROADS (CONSTRUCTION ONLY) No.Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 Bituminous Surface Removal - 3.75"6128 SY 3.10$ 18,996.80$ 2 Hot Mix Asphalt Surface Course - 1.5"515 TON 64.00$ 32,960.00$ 3 Hot Mix Asphalt Binder Course - 2.5"858 TON 61.00$ 52,338.00$ 4 Hot Mix Asphalt Leveling Binder (Machine Method) - Variable 500 TON 61.00$ 30,500.00$ 5 Prep of Base (Special)6128 SY 1.00$ 6,128.00$ 6 Class D Patch - 4"300 SY 40.00$ 12,000.00$ 7 Conc. Curb and Gutter Removal 1232 LF 15.50$ 19,096.00$ 8 Conc. Curb - 6" Barrier 849 LF 30.00$ 25,470.00$ 9 Conc. Curb and Gutter - B6.12 383 LF 30.00$ 11,490.00$ 10 PCC Sidewalk Removal 5714 SF 4.50$ 25,713.00$ 11 PCC Sidewalk - 5"5714 SF 8.00$ 45,712.00$ 12 Pavement Markings - 4" White 2100 LF 4.00$ 8,400.00$ 13 Pavement Markings - 12" White 480 LF 8.00$ 3,840.00$ 14 Pavement Markings - 24" White 120 LF 12.00$ 1,440.00$ 15 Topsoil Respread, Seed, Blanket 410 SY 24.00$ 9,840.00$ 16 Inlet - 2' Dia 4 EA 2,500.00$ 10,000.00$ 17 Storm Sewer - 10"40 LF 100.00$ 4,000.00$ 18 Storm Connection Wye (Special)4 EA 1,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 19 Trench Backfill (CA-6)58 TON 15.00$ 870.00$ 20 Traffic Control 1 LUMP SUM 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 21 Mobilization 1 LUMP SUM 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I - VET PARK AND SURRONDING ROADS (CONSTRUCTION ONLY)332,793.80$ Pavement Cores and Material Testing 3%9,983.81$ SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I - VET PARK AND SURROUNDING ROADS (ENGINEERING ONLY)9,983.81$ SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I - VET PARK AND SURROUNDING ROADS (CONTINGENCY)10%33,279.38$ TOTAL COST SCHEDULE I - VET PARK AND SURROUNDING ROADS 376,056.99$ Notes: 1)Project costs are in current year dollars. Contingency or cost escallation should be added to reflect projected construction year. 2)EOPC based on engineer's experience and research of other similar projects. Due to circumstances beyond our control such and the bidding environment, labor rates, material costs and ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST (EOPC) 2021 ROAD PROGRAM - VETS PARK 11/24/2020 Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: January 11, 2021 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works Russell Ruzicka, Treatment Operations Manager RE: Dryer Sludge Cake Feed Pump Upgrade ATT: Quote for New Dryer Feed Pump Parts and Installation AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Public Works Staff requests a recommendation from Public Works Committee to replace the current Vogelsang Rotary Lobe Dryer Sludge Cake Feed Pump with a Moyno Progressive Cavity Cake Feed Pump. BACKGROUND: The sludge cake dryer at the Wastewater Treatment Plant was part of the 2016 expansion/consolidation project. The sludge cake dryer reduces the volume of sludge cake sent to the landfill therefore reducing the City’s disposal costs. The use of the dryer has allowed the Wastewater Division to reduce sludge cake disposal costs from $195,000 per year in FY 2018/2019 to approximately $60,000 per year in FY 2020/2021. There are two types of pumps which can be used for the dryer feed operation. One type of pump is a called a progressive cavity pump. This type of pump has a slightly higher initial cost but tends to perform longer without maintenance or rebuilding. The other type of feed pump is a rotary lobe pump. The rotary lobe pump has a lower initial cost but requires replacement of wear items more frequently. The current dryer feed pump design utilizes a rotary lobe pump to feed the sludge cake to the dryer. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Wastewater Division staff routinely rebuild the dryer feed pump three to four times per year at a cost of $3,000 to $4,000 annually. The need to rebuild the feed pump this often reduces the available run time on the dryer and increases the disposal costs due to having to temporarily shut down the dryer for pump repair. During these times the City also incurs the increased cost of taking wet sludge cake to the landfill. In addition to the increased disposal cost, an inconsistent sludge cake feed to the dryer results in the dryer temperature becoming too cold or too hot and thus affecting the dried product. If the sludge cake is not dried sufficiently the City is not realizing all the savings and there is a chance of spontaneous combustion due to the organic material and the moisture content. ANALYSIS: Switching to a Moyno dryer feed pump will reduce the maintenance and operating cost of the dryer and allow for a more consistent operation of the dryer. RECCOMENDATION: Therefore, if the Public Works Committee concurs, it is recommended to present this item to the full City Council for approval and to approve the necessary budget amendment from the Water and Sewer Capitol Development Fund to fund the purchase. LAI, Ltd. QUOTATION SHEET 1 PUMP Moyno EZstrip CAKE Pump Model: W15BC11RMA/E; w/ Vulcan Single Mechanical Seal Type: 147; Std Moyno Seal PN: M055139G; 1 BASEASM Carbon Steel Brake Bent Base; 1 MOTOR PN: 4242453004; Weg 5HP 184TC C-Faced Premium Efficient AC Motor; Weg PN: 00518ET3ER184TC- W22 1 GEAR REDUCER NORD C-Faced Reducer; Model: SK672.1F-184TC-200MM; RPM: 95; Ratio: 18.41:1; Flange Mounted w/ 200mm Flange, 30mm X 80mm Shaft; 11.2mm Cross Drilled Pin Hole;Ref Drw: 157630120; Mount Position: M1; Class: II 1 Std Warranty Moyno Standard Warranty: The warranty period is 18 months from the date of shipment from the factory or 12 months from the date of installation at the customer's facility, which ever period expires first; 1 Hopper Chute with 1/4" SS PLATE as per provided drawings Pump Price: $ 16,776.00 Estimated Delivery 12-14 Weeks from receipt of order, or approval for manufacture. Please verify with factory for actual lead time at time of purchase or release for manufacture. Included Estimated Shipping Included Startup Services as required Clarifications Unless specifically mentioned in our detailed offer for each item listed, the following are NOT included in our price whether specified or not: Anchor Bolts, Gauges, Panels, Seal or Packing Flush Hardware, Controls, Contacts, VFDs, Starters (AC Motors), Tools, Valves, Video Equipment/Taping, Lubricants, Pressure Switches, Special Paint or Paint Preparation, Timers, Taxes and Noise & Vibration Testing. Discharge flange mates to 125# ANSI Flat Face Flange Motor provides 20:1 CT NOTE: Credit Card Orders are subject to 3% CC company charge. Quotation is valid for 60 Days. If you should have any questions or need additional information, please contact me Regards, Peter J. Lynch 5400 Newport Drive • Suite #10 • Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 • 847/392-0990 • FAX 847/392-1095 To: Russell Adams From: Peter J. Lynch City of McHenry – Public Works radams@cityofmchenry.org Phone: 815-578-1303 Date: December 15, 2020 Re: Cake Pump Replacement CC: Job File Hannah Lei Application Engineer 5870 Poe Avenue Dayton, OH 45414 Scope#: MIP027248-02 Phone: Customer: NOV Mono Houston Project: McHenry Komline Dryer Open Throat Email: Hannah.Lei@nov.com Contact: Pete Lynch Date: 12-3-19 Page | 2 Section: Paragraph: Item(s): Pump and Application Details Moyno® W15BC11RMA/E Pump Pump Materials Castings C - Cast Iron Shaft Seal Standard Mechanical Seal Internals 1 - Code 1 Hopper 9.84 x 29.53 inches opening Stator R - Nitrile Rubber (NBR) Discharge 3.00IN 125LB ANSI Flat Faced Flange Rotor Standard Size Mark 1 Speed 95 RPM Conditions of Service Material Description Cake Receiving Viscosity 20000 CP Capacity 8GPM Vap Press PSI Sp Gravity 1 Suct Pressure 0 PSI NPSH Avail PSI Temp 70 F Disch Pressure 100 PSI NPSH Reqd PSIA Abrasives None Diff Pressure 100 PSI pH 7 Solids % 18% Hrs/Day 24 Duty Cycle Solids Size 0.25 Avg. to 0.5 Max IN Mechanical Seal Information Vulcan Single Mechanical Seal Type: 147 Shaft Size: 55mm Rotary Face: Silicon Carbide Stationary Face: Silicon Carbide Elastomer: Fluoroelastomer Gland: 316 Stainless Steel 12/3/2019 Moyno CAPS https://ws.moyno.com/caps/Result.aspx 1/1 Moyno CAPS® Home Help Support Logout Pump Performance Change Pump Model Change Conditions View In Excel Data Sheet ID: 333306 Requirements:Calculated: Rate of Flow:8.000(GPM)Rate Flow:8.00(GPM) Suction Pressure:0(PSI)Diff. Pressure:100.00(PSI) Discharge Pressure:100(PSI)Calculated Speed:83(RPM) Suggested Speed:92(RPM) Fluid Type:Cake Receiving Calculated Power:2.99(HP) Specific Gravity:1 Suggested Power:3.29(HP) Temperature:68(F)Operating Torque:2261.33(In-Lb) Viscosity:20000(CP)Starting Torque:568.36(In-Lb) Abrasion Level:None Slip:0(GPM) Intake Index:73.50 % Solid Content:18 Internal Velocity:1.74( Ft/s ) Max Partical Size:0.5(IN)NPSHR:0.63 (Ft of Water) Avg. Partical Size:0.25(IN)Shear Rate:>48.91 (Inv Sec) Ver: 3.1.0 2017/08/29 | Chrome78 | WinNT REF14.1449.17±.25MOTOR FRAME: 145TCMOTOR MANUFACTURER: BALDOR/RELIANCEMOTOR HP: 2LOOKING AT THE PUMP SHAFT END.PUMP SHAFT ROTATION IS "CCW" WHENMOTOR RPM OUTPUT: 1750MOTOR ASSEMBLY: F1REVISIONSREV DESCRIPTION DATE ECN1 RELEASE FOR SUBMITTAL 10/2/2015 TCB2 RELEASED 12/18/2015 CAC125LB ANSI FLAT FACE FLANGEREDUCER RATIO: 10.37:1REDUCER MODEL: SK672.1FVL-140TC-200MMOPTIONAL: TEMPERATURE PROBEREDUCER MANUFACTURER: NORDDRAIN: 1.00" NPTDISCHARGE: MATES TO 3.00IN STD.SUCTION: 9.84IN X 29.53IN OPENING3.50 REF4.3110.42+-.25.1317.70+-.25.13PDM STATUS : NONEPRIMARY DIMENSIONS IN INCHESNOV upon request. © 2005-2015 National Oilwell Varco, All rights reservedSIZE DWG. NO.REVSCALE: 1:4SHEET 1 OF 100040946391-00FIN WT : 1043.12 #D2MODEL : W15BC11RMB/E412DESC : UNIT ASSEMBLYCHK: BJBDWN: TCBDATE: 10/2/2015DATE: 10/2/2015SECONDARY DIMENSIONS IN [ ] ARE MILLIMETERSTOLERANCES - INCHES : TOLERANCES - mm:2 PLACE +/- .03 1 PLACE +/- .8 3 PLACE +/- .010 2 PLACE +/- .25 ANGLES +/- .5AS CAST TOLERANCES +/- .06 [1.6]UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED :THIRD ANGLE PROJECTIONRa FINISH 125 uin Ra FINISH 3.2 (um)BREAK ALL SHARP EDGES & CORNERS .03 [.8] MAX ANGLES +/- .5NOTICE:NOTICE:NOTICE:NOTICE: This document contains National Oilwell Varco (NOV) proprietary and confidential information protected by applicable laws. It may only be used in accordance with the terms and conditions, license, or other contractual agreement under which it was released or provided by NOV. No reproduction, in whole or in part, distribution, publication, release, or other uses are permitted or authorized without express written authorization from NOV. NOV retains all ownership and intellectual property rights relating to this work and intends to enforce its rights under applicable laws. This document is to be returned to SPRINGFIELD, OHIO8.7517.50±.0619.25.59 TYP81.006.30 TYP32.6816X 84.00 REF96.91 REF.55.59 TYP6.36TYPREF12.993.94REF2.50±.253.0029.0055.00 8X .75