HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 04/09/2019 - Public Works CommitteePublic Works Committee Municipal Center 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 April 9, 2019 — 6:00 PM Meeting Agenda Call to Order 2. Roll Call. 3. Public Comment: People rvishhrg to address the Cmnnlittee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorurn shall be maintained at all public meetings, 4. Motion to approve the January 15, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. 5. Annual Summary of National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) .StOrmwater Discharge Permit, 6. Review and possible recommendation to present to full City Council the 2019 Road Resurfacing Program for authorization to publicly bid. Staff Reports. 8. Other Business, 9. Motion to Adjourn. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, Gnsinessesy and visi(ors with the dighest qunlity of pragrnms and services in n aistonrer-oriented, efficient, and fiscnlly respanaible mm�ner. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes January 15, 2019 Call to Order/Roll Call Alderman Santi called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deputy Clerk Meadows proceeded to call the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderman Curry, Alderman Mihevc and Alderman Santi. Others present: Director of Public Works Schmitt. Public Comment There were no audience members present to offer any comments. Motion to approve the December 11, 2018 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. Alderman Santi asked if any of the Committee Members had any questions or concerns with respect to the December 11, 2018 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes. The Committee Members offered no comments. A Motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded bV Alderman Curry to approve the December 11th Committee Meeting Minutes as presented. Roll call: 3-ayes: Alderman Curry, Alderman Mihevc and Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Annual review of request submitted for Honorary Street Sign Designation and if recommended, direction to forward the application to the full City Council for consideration. Director Schmitt commented on the Honorary Street Sign Designation Policy. He noted that the policy states that applications received January 151, through December 31, of the current calendar year be reviewed by the Public Works Committee within the first quarter of the following year. In addition, no more than three (3) honorary designations will be awarded in a calendar year. Director Schmitt continued on to report that Public Works has received one application in the 2018 calendar year from Mr. Brian Arnold nominating Mr. Jerry Eiserman. Alderman Curry noted that the Mr. Arnold's criteria for designation narrative was not written in such a way that would justify worthiness. However, he is aware of the positive impact Mr. Eiserman's has had on the community throughout the years. In addition, he also is aware that Mr. Eiserman served as teacher at Parkland School for many years. Alderman Santi spoke of his personal relationship with Mr. Eiserman. He reported while growing up Mr. Eiserman had coached his football and basketball teams. In addition, Mr. Eiserman volunteered his time assisting with many of the local youth organizations. Alderman Santi also noted that Mr. Eiserman was bestowed a large honor as he was chosen to officiate in one of the Down State Championship football games. There was some discussion on the placement of the honorary street sign. Director Schmitt reported that Mr. Arnold had requested that the sign be placed at the intersection of Route 120 and Ringwood Road, which is in close proximity to Parkland School. A Motion was made by Alderman Curry and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to present the Honorary Street Sign Designation Application to the full City Council. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Curry, Alderman Devine and Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Staff Reports Director Schmitt reported that currently the Public Works Department has two Request for Qualifications notices posted. One of which is for the Curran Road Safety Improvements Program and the other is for Pearl Street ITEP Project. Director Schmitt commented on the Boone Creek Dredging Project. He reported that the bid packets which will be available sometime next week. Director Schmitt reported that the repairs to the street sweeper have been completed and the street sweeper will be back in service in the spring. Alderman Curry reported that during the Meyer Material negotiations, Meyer had expressed interest in hauling the spoils from Boone Creek. He recommended that Staff contact Meyer and see if they were still interested in doing so. Other Business Alderman Santi commented on the Downtown Business District's sidewalk snow removal policy. Director Schmitt reported that the City Code once required all Downtown businesses to remove the snow on the sidewalks adjacent to their businesses. However, this ordinance has since been rescinded due to liability concerns. He reported that the City Attorneys had advised Staff that if business owners were to remove the snow this action could result in liability issue. A lengthy discussion ensued with respect to snow removal on downtown businesses sidewalks. Staff will discuss this matter with Director Martin as he would be more familiar with what transpired in the past. Motion to Adjourn There being no further public business to discuss, a Motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Curry to adjourn from the public meeting at 6:45 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3- ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Curry and Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Debra Meadows Approved this day 2019 Alderman Santi Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 9, 2019 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Annual Summary of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit Wastewater and stormwater discharges are governed under the Nation Pollution Elimination Discharge System (NPDES) and overseen by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The NPDES has its origins in the Federal Clean Water Act of 1972, The stormwater requirements of the NPDES are administered under the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (]EPA) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program for the State of Illinois. Phase I of the NPDES Stormwater program began in 1990 which required medium and large municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4S) to obtain a NPDES permit. The expanded Phase II program began in March 2003 and required small MS4s to obtain an NPDES permit for stormwater discharge. The City of McHenry received its MS4 permit in 2003. The permit requirements are as follows: Develop a storm water management program comprised of best management practices (BMPs) and measurable goals for each of the following six minimum control measures: o Public education and outreach on storm water impacts o Public involvement and participation o Illicit discharge detection and elimination o Construction site storm water runoff control o Post construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment o Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations 2. Submit a completed Notice of Intent. 3. The permittee must submit annual reports to the Agency by June 1 for each year that the permit is in effect. The Ci[y of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. As a requirement of the City of McHenry's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEAP) an annual update of the current stormwater program must be given to the Public Works Committee. Public Works Wastewater Division Superintendent Ruzicka administers the NPDES stormwater program and will be in attendance at the Public Works Committee Meeting to provide an update. Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 9, 2019 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: 2019 Proposed Road Program ATT: Proposed Road Program Location Map Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost Master Street Ranking Listing BACKGROUND: The City has approximately 125 centerline miles of roadway under their jurisdictional responsibility. To establish the priority list of street improvements, staff visits each street to verify and inspect the current condition of the pavement in order to rank streets for improvement. Street ranking was performed during 2018 and is based on a 10 point system, with the ranking of #1 being equivalent to a gravel road and a ranking of 410 being equivalent to a newly paved road. Additionally the City has over 100,000 square yards of parking lots and facility access roads for which it is responsible for maintenance. Most City lots and access roads are constructed of hot - mix asphalt and are ranked in a similar fashion. ANALYSIS: In anticipation of the City Council adoption of the FY 19/20 Budget, staff is recommending the following street with alternate streets to be included in the 2019 Road Resurfacing Program: Base bid: • Chickaloon Drive Alternate bid: • Curran Road • Katmai Trail • Denali Trail • Illiamna Trail The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if the Public Works Committee concurs with StafYs recommendation, it is recommended to present to full City Council the 2019 Road Resurfacing Program as presented for authorization to publicly bid. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Location "D" Denali Trai ,.t41r` It `�...� Alternate OFF t+. ` IN %41of SAr " FroM •' t�� :.t' of IN _emsdo Location "E" Illiamna Tra ' �� ,N. Alternate i i tfIF I }r jam/gas { .,r Y' i 1k ,,. F Y /yi if Ili No r� ^I m 11)Aefr.tAll "` 4x f 'No ocation "A" Chickaloon F AJ i „,Base IF Location "C" Katmai Trail Alternate �� Ili 4s` t�.'„4 i' f }..a 1 V fie, t �. %,, y, ? I t;1i; r. �IN 1ob � 'fir r /— Coo . ¢' liE L'+Y1-4 (C4 0.. IF 3 FoI-� .r,)i7' i i+ _.•5 { ito 'o.M ( `_fir Tt )jj 4 ., (f , filfl (` P • Ei fly r n'� ' t t 3 AoI ta r f i " II i I 'WF Sri �. f.i i« E {t' is � Location B Curran Road k. fA if ; • i �� � � 'r AlternatesIF WL - s 1 i �,or , di A le p 0 rIf 2019 Road Program, Project Locations LOUtIOn LengN (LF) W dth (LF) Area (SO YD) 2019 Road Program Estimate of Quantities ease Bid Quantities Alternate location Quantities "A'Chickaloon "B" "C" "O" "E" Drive Curran Road Katmal Trail Denali Trail Illlamna Trail Pro111 Totals 5,100 4,250 470 915 320 11, 055 22-24 Varies 22-36 22.0 2.2.0 22.0 73,367 73,800 li­1,830 2,304 1.370 32,771 I[sm Unit puan puanthy puantl puanti puantlry Item Totals 1 BIT MA I LS'TACK CT I POUND 6,015 12,510 824 1,0371 617 21,002 2 BIT MATLS PR CT I POUND 18,045 26471 31110 1 1,850 25,476 3 HMA BC IL 19.0 N50 TON 1,517 1,775 208 261 155 3,917 4 HMA SC IL 9.5 N50 TON 936 7,168 128 161 98 21489 5 HMA SURF REM 3-1/2"SPL SO YD 13,367 13,900 1,830 2,304 1,370 32,771 6 PREP OF BASE (SPL) 50 YD 13,367 1,630 2.304 1,370 18,871 7 REM & DISP UNS MATL CU YDiiiiiiiii 4a8 81 77 46 629 8 AGG SUBGRADE IMPROVE CU YD 446 81 77 48 629 9 AGG BASE REPAIR TON 134 18 23 14 189 30 CLASS D PATCHING SO YD 685 695 31 COMB CURB GUTTER REM FOOT 765 765 12 COM CC&G TM6.12 FOOT 765 765 13 CONC DRV R&R SPL Sp YD 134 18 23 14 189 14 AGG BASE CSE B 4 SO YD 128 18 23 14 283 15 AGG SHLDR TON 567 567 16 RESTORATION (SPECIAL) SO YD 255 255 17 THPL PVT MKG LINE 4. LF 18,500 18,500 18 THPL PVT MKG LINE 6 LF 200 200 19 THPL PVT MKG LINE 12 LF 500 500 20 THPL PVT MKG LINE 24 LF 15 20 12 12 12 71 21 THPL PVT MKG LTR & SYM SF 200 200 22 TRAF CONT B PROT SPL L5UM 0.41 0.42 0.06 0.07 0.04 1 Total $ 311,648.66 $ 311,60].60 $ 38,705.28 $ 46,730.12 $ 28,991,17 Contingency (70%) $ 31,164.87 $ 31, 160.76 $ 3,870.53 $ 4,871.01 $ 2,899.12 Phase III Engineering (5%) $ 15,S82.43 $ 15,570.38 $ 11935,26 $ 2,435.51 $ 1,449.56 Location Total $ 3584395,96 $ 358,118,74 $ 44*511,08 $ 56,016,64 $ 33,339,84 Base Bid EOPC Item Cost $ 3,007.59 $ 9o022.73 $ 94,822.16 $ 65,49830 $ 46,784.50 $ 6,683.50 $ 17,822.67 $ 17,822.67 $ 3,341.75 $ 3,825.00 $ 22,950.00 $ 3,020.20 $ 637.50 5 2,550.00 S $ 75.00 $ 8,785.12 $ 311,648.66 $ 31,164.87 $ 15,582.43 $ 358,395.96 Aiternat¢ EOPC tem Goat $ 7,493.35 $ %715.04 $ 349,970,86 $ 108,700,46 $ 67,913.19 $ 2,751.88 $ 7,338.36 $ 7,338.36 $ 1,375.94 $ 20,850.00 5 5 3,302.26 $ 275.19 $ 16,716.67 S $ 34,800.00 $ 240.00 $ 10000.00 $ 280.00 $ 10000,00 $ 12,752.63 $ 427,814.17 $ 42,781.42 5 21,390.71 $ 491,986.30 Total EOPC Base &Alt Item Cost $ 1%500.92 $ 12,737.77 $ 244,793.02 $ 174,198.76 $ 114,697.68 $ 9,435.38 $ 25,261.02 $ 250161.02 $ 4,717.69 $ 20,850.00 $ 3,825.00 $ 22,950.00 $ 11,322.46 $ 912,69 $ 16,716.67 $ 2,550.00 5 14,800.00 $ 240,00 $ 11000,00 $ 355.00 S 1,000.00 $ 21,537.75 $ 739,462.83 $ 73,946.28 $ 36*973.14 $ 850*382.26