HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 02/11/2019 - Community Development CommitteeCommunity Development Committee McHenry Municipal Center 333 S Green Sheet McHenry, IL 60050 February 11, 2019 7:00 PM AGENDA Call to Order 2. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. Approval of the December 10, 2018 Committee Meeting Minutes. 4. Discussion on 2019 Committee Topics 5. Department updates G. Motion to adjourn the meeting. T/re City ojh9eHerrr7.� is Aerlicn[erl to provir/iug its citizens, busLresses, and visliors udtl� the Gtghest gnrdilp ofprogrrnns muJservices in n cnslonrer-arietrted, efficient, nnrl frscrrliv responsiG/e nnuwer. Community Development Committee Meeting Minutes December 10, 2018 Call to Order/Roll Call Alderwoman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Devine and Alderwoman Condon. Others present: Director Polerecky and Deputy Clerk Meadows, Public Comment None. Motion to approve the October 22, 2018 Community Development Meeting Minutes Alderwoman Condon asked if any of the Committee Members had any questions or comments on the October 22, 2018 meeting minutes. The Committee Members offered no comments. There being no further discussion on the motion, A Motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Devine to approve the October 22, 2018 Community Development Meetins Minutes as presented. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes by unanimous voice vote. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Review of 2018 Director Polerecky discussed the dramatic spark in building and development within the City limits. He continued on to note that all though the building permit revenues were slightly higher in 2017. The 2018 building permits issued were for much larger scaled projects which will have a significant positive economic impact on the community. Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with a summary of the changes in contractual service expenses. He reported that the mowing expenses had decrease from $32,118.00 in 2014 to $1,759.50 in 2018. He commended his Staff for taking a proactive approach in educating property owners on the Municipal Code sections relative to property maintenance, which also included a personalized door-to-door campaign. In addition, Staff's efforts to utilize social media outlets to educate the public on property maintenance regulations. Director Polerecky also noted that the decrease in property maintenance violations also alleviated a workload demand on the Finance Department Staff as filing and tracking the property liens with the County is time consuming and takes away from the Finance Department's primary duties. Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with a summary of the Community Development Committee topics and the outcome of those topics for the calendar year 2018. He reported that in January 2018 the Committee had reviewed the department's minor building permit fees and in a motion, the Committee had recommended bringing the fee amendments to the full City Council for consideration. He reported that amending the fee schedule is a major project and he has been working on this matter as time has allowed. He reported that he will be placing this matter on an upcoming January 2019 Council agenda for consideration. Director Polerecky reported in March 2018 the Committee had discussed amendments to the recreational burning ordinance and recommended this matter be placed on a City Council agenda as presented by Staff. The City Council went on to approved the recreational burning code amendments which amended the size of the fireplace, length of the time the fire may burn and the proximity of the fireplace relative to other structures. Director Polerecky continued on to report that in June of 2018 the Community Development Committee along with Public Affairs Officer Polidori discussed implementing a community involvement group. Director Polerecky noted that this matter is still on the table. However, it is difficult to find residents or organizations that are interested in participating. Director Polerecky commented on the codification process. He reported that during the codification process the section of the code referencing political signs will need to be amended to mirror the state statues. Director Polerecky concluded his discussion on the 2018 accomplishments by thanking the Council Members for concurring with Staff's recommendation to reduce the impact fees. By amending the impact fees the City has seen a tremendous increase in residential development. Various developers have stepped forward and committed to complete the remaining subdivisions that had been idle for years. in addition, there has been a renewed interest in building new homes on various single family lots throughout the City. In his opinion, the fee reduction will have a positive economic impact for years to come. The Committee Members discussed the proposed Community Development Committee's draft 2019 meeting schedule. Alderwoman Condon suggested reviewing the schedule at the first meeting in February. In addition, she suggested including a list of discussion items. The Committee Members concurred with Alderwoman Condon's recommendations. Department Updates Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with an update on the various projects under construction. He reported that Jexal's has passed all the City required inspection and isjust waiting for the Health Department's inspection and approval. They should open by the end of the week. Director Polerecky reported that JA Frate's facility addition is on schedule and should be completed in the near future. Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with an update on the Jessup watermain project. He reported that all easements had been acquired and the project is moving forward. Director Polerecky continued on to report that Centegra Hospital expansion is proceeding as planned. He noted that this is a huge expansion project with many hours spent conducting inspections. There was some discussion with respect to the delay with the opening of Hidden Peari (coffee shop). Director Polerecky reported that he is anticipating receiving an email from owner of the property, which he will share with the Committee Members, Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with an update on the BP and Speedway gas stations progress. He noted that both have submitted their engineering plans and have received comments. They continue to move forward. Director Polerecky commented on Ricky Rockets, he noted that they are looking to secure a corporate name. Director Polerecky discussed Starbuck's progress with respect to what once was the Twisted Burger location. He noted that the IDNR's concerns have been addressed and the majority of their improvements will be interior in nature. Director Polerecky commented on School District 15 improvement plans to update Hilltop, Edgebrook and Valleyview's drop-off and pick-up lanes. Director Polerecky commented on the recent Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) investigation which uncovered Legionella bacteria and structural issues with the plumbing system at the McHenry Villa Senior Living facility. He reported that they have hired a licensed plumber who will remediate the situation. In addition, they have chlorinated the water system and installed filters on all the water taps. The Committee Members collectively discussed the VFW renovations that are currently in progress. In addition, to the parking lot improvements, they will updating the restroomsI constructing a beer garden and installing fire suppression sprinklers. Motion to adjourn the meeting There being no further public business to discuss, a Motion was made by Alderman Sant! and seconded by Alderman Devine to adjourn from the public meeting at 8:00 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes by unanimous voice vote. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Debra Meadows Approved this day of . 2018 Alderwoman Condon Department of Community & Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2182 Fax: (815) 363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us Community Development Committee Agenda Supplement DATE: February 11, 2019 TO: Community Development Committee FROM: Ross Polerecky, Director of Community Development RE: 2019 Community Development Committee topics Attachments: A list of 2019 Community Development Committee dates was provided at the December 2018 CDC meeting, a reminder of those dates is below: February 11th, 2019 April 8th, 2019 June loth, 2019 August 12th, 2019 October 14th, 2019 December 91h, 2019 Historically the committee has been provided with a list of topics to be discussed throughout the year, this is sometimes tough to commit to with topics often times being juggled around to best tackle items that come up unexpectedly. The following list are topics identified by Community Development for discussion in the 2019 Calendar year. April 8, 2019- Snow shoveling discussion, this is a topic that comes up every year and a few council members have asked that this topic be revisited a discussion. Ttte City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the crtizerts, busrhesses artd vrsrtcr's oI McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and/isca((y responsible manner. Department of Community & Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2182 Fax: (815) 363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us • June 10, 2019- Taxi Cab licensing, Community Development along with the police department each play a role in the licensing process for taxi cabs. A full review of these processes will be brought before the committee. • August 12, 2019-Backyard Chickens, in August of 2016 the committee recommended that the city's ordinance on backyard chickens remains the same. A recommendation to bring it back to the committee in three years was made. • October 14, 2019-Vacant Structure Ordinance, many communities have initiated vacant structure ordinances to encourage property owners for both commercial and residential to fill their vacant buildings. • December 9, 2019- Review of 2019 calendar year including building and code enforcement. If the committee has other requests these can be added, other items that could potentially be brought to the committee in 2019 include a capital development fee study as well as changes to impact fees.