HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 04/17/2017 - Public Works CommitteePublic Works Committee Municipal Center 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 April 17, 2017 — 5:30 PM Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at all public meetings. 3. Motion to approve the December 19, 2016 Public Works Committee meeting report 4. Annual Summary of National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) StormWater Discharge Permit. 5. Review list of roads included in the 2017 proposed Road Program and recommendation to direct staff to present the program to the full City Council. 6. Annual review of requests submitted for Honorary Street Sign Designations and if recommended, the applications will be presented to the full City Council for consideration. 7. Motion to Adjourn. The City of McHenry is ded/enter/ to providing its citizens, businesses, nnrl visitors w/th the highest qurr//tJ� of progrnms mid services in acustomer-oriented, effrc/ent, and frscnlly responsible ntmurer. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT December 19, 2016 McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers 1. Call to Order: Chairman Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM with the following Committee Members Present: Chairman Alderman Schaefer, and Alderman Glab. Absent: Alderman Wimmer. Also in Attendance: Director of Public Works Schmitt, Project Engineer Strange, Police Chief Jones, and Deputy City Clerk Geraghty. 2. Public Input: Public Signed -In to Comment on Agenda Item #4: Bill Brogan, 412 Kensington Drive, McHenry, IL; Scott Siman, 4901 Pyndale, McHenry, IL; Shirley Roach, 406 Kensington Drive, McHenry, IL; Tom Roach, 406 Kensington Drive, McHenry, IL; William Verstege, 4906 Pyndale, McHenry, IL; Carrie Willemarck, 918 Donnelly, McHenry, IL; and Ray Welsh, 5004 Bromley, McHenry, IL. 3. Motion to approve the October 3, 2016 Public Works Committee Meeting Report. Motion by Glab, second by Schaefer to approve the October 3, 2016 Public Works Committee meeting report as presented. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer Voting Nay: IN Absent: Wimmer Motion carried. 4. Staff recommendation to present an Ordinance to the full City Council amending Chapter 13 Traffic and Motor Vehicles of the City of McHenry Municipal Code establishing No Parking or Standing between the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on School Days on both sides of Kensington Drive from Crystal Lake Road to Bromley Drive. Chairman Schaefer asked the residents in attendance to express their comments regarding Agenda Item #4. Mr. Brogan stated he was in favor of the Ordinance amendment as proposed. Jr. Siman suggested the proposed parking restriction be limited to one side of the street and added the school's parking fee should be eliminated. Mrs. Roach stated she is in favor of the parking restrictions as presented. Parked cars on Kensington block the parkway making it difficult during leaf pickup, garbage day, and mail delivery. However she is not opposed to parents picking up their students on Kensington or students walking through her yard from the school to Kensington. Public Works Committee Meeting Report December 19, 2016 Page 2 Mr. Roach stated he is in favor of a parking ban on one side of the street and added the school's parking fee should be eliminated. He also said he is not opposed to parents picking up their students on Kensington. Mr. Verstege stated he does not want parking restrictions in front of his house as it would be difficult for Comcast and other services that may be called to access his property. He suggested a four-hour parking ban. Ms. Willemarck stated she no longer lives on Kensington however she visits family who live on the street. She cited her safety concerns when backing out of her family's driveway. She also noticed city snowplows cannot plow the street when students are parked on both sides of the road and said the parking limitations enforced in the area of East Campus seem to work. She added the high school should address this issue. Mr. Welsh spoke in favor of limiting parking to one side of Kensington and certain sections of Bromley and Pyndale. He expressed concern that to ban parking only on Kensington would shift the problem to nearby streets. Responding to a question posed by members of the public in attendance, Director Sclmnitt stated parking restrictions are enforced on city streets during snow events over two - inches. Responding to comments made by members of the public in attendance, Chief Jones stated the city does not have an Ordinance that bans parking in front of mailboxes and therefore, police cannot issue citations for this action. Chief Jones suggested atwo-hour AM parking ban on Kensington would be effective in deterring students from parking on the street and still provide residents with the ability to park in front of their homes. Chairman Schaefer asked how many vehicles are usually parked on Kensington during school hours and Chief Jones answered 10-12 and one or two on Bromley. Chairman Schaefer reiterated the Ordinance proposed is no parking from 800 AM to 4:00 PM on school days and asked the Committee and residents present if they would agree to a two-hour parking ban. Alderman Glab stated he would prefer imposing a no parking ban on both sides of Kensington to eliminate the possibility of interfering with snow removal and refuse, leaf, and branch pickup programs. Alderman Glab added a four-hour parking ban would encroach on the residents in the area and suggested a two-hour AM and two-hour PM restriction might have less impact on the neighborhood. After further discussion of proposed parking ban scenarios: Alderman Glab made a motion, seconded by Chairman Schaefer to direct staff to develop an ordinance creating no parking on Kensington Drive from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM on school days and to include approximately 1504eet, or an area to be determined by staff, on portions of Bromley and Pyndale. Public Works Committee Meeting Report December 19, 2016 Page 3 Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer Voting Nay: None Absent: Wimmer Motion carried. 5. Presentation of Lakeland Park Draina e SOU wr dated December 2016 by City Engineer HR Green Inc. Chairman Schaefer asked Director Schmitt to begin the discussion. Director Schmitt introduced HR Green Project Engineer Chad Pieper, PE who in turn introduced Project Engineer Sylwia Kokoszka, EIT and Project Manager Logan Gilbertsen, PE, CFM. Director Schmitt reported on May 16t1i, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with HR Green, Inc. to perform the Lakeland Park Drainage Study. The completed study is included in the Committee's meeting packet and will be highlighted via PowerPoint presentation by Project Manager Logan Gilbertsen. The presentation included the history, stream assessment, watershed characteristics and hydrology, existing conditions, and identified improvements for Lakeland Park drainage. Identified Improvements: Detention: A regional detention basin was proposed. The basin can double as a stream enhancement and wetland restoration site. The results would be a 38.2% reduction in peak 100 year flow; remove 88 homes from the 10 year floodplain; and remove 68 homes from the 100 year floodplain. The anticipated cost is $3.3M and is eligible for grant funding. Conveyance: Every culvert along the drainage ditch is restrictive. HR Green looked at two culvert sizing options. Option A was recommended to improve 10 culverts. Assuming construction of the basin, an additional 112 homes would be removed from the 100-year floodplain and reduce the frequency of roadway flooding. The anticipated cost is $4.OM obtained through SRF Loans. Mr. Gilbertsen informed the Committee that on the south side of Route 120, there are 389 acres that drain from the gravel pit, parts of the subdivision north of Curran Road, and through a wetland in the agricultural area and finally on to Route 120. Chairman Schaefer asked if any of the watershed area drains into McCullom Lake. Mr. Gilbertsen answered no; McCullom Lake's watershed is actually to the northwest. Alderman Glab asked if the Chesapeake Hills subdivision was in this watershed. Mr. Gilbertsen answered yes; the area across from Parkland School is in the watershed. He Public Works Committee Meeting Report December 19, 2016 Page 4 also added that much of this area was constructed prior to development of the watershed ordinance. Detention basins are included in structures built since this time. Storm Sewer Improvements: • Home & Ramble. The existing intersection is low and relies on storm sewer to drain with 22.3 acre tributary to an existing 124nch storm sewer. HR Green proposes the construction of a 1.25 ac-ft detention basin on adjacent vacant parcels and replacement of 1800-feet of storm sewer. This would result in no homes flooding during a 10-year event. The anticipated cost is $464,000. • Central Avenue: The existing area is low laying and susceptible to frequent nuisance flooding. It is also at risk of flooding from the drainage ditch. Proposed improvement is to construct approximately 1,4754eet of storm sewer to reduce nuisance flooding for residents. The anticipated cost is $262,000. Total cost for storm sewers is $726,000 obtained through SRF Loans. Maintenance: Mr. Gilbertsen noted that throughout the years, Public Works has regularly removed woody plants and trees from the drainage ditch. HR Green recommends continuing this maintenance in addition to mowing the vegetation in the ditch one or two times per year at a blade height of six -feet or higher; educating residents not to mow to the edge of the water, and spot bank stabilization where necessary. The anticipated cost is $490,000 and is eligible for grant funding. Recommendation: HR Green recommended completing the project in phases: 1) Regional Detention Basin; 2) Culvert Replacements; 3) Construction of Storm Sewers to alleviate nuisance flooding; and 4) Ongoing Stream Maintenance. Total cost for all phases is $8.5M and would result in a total of 99 homes removed from the 10-year floodplain and 180 homes from the 100-year floodplain. Overall, total cost to complete all phases is approximately $8:SM; stream maintenance and detention basin phases are eligible for 60%-40% grant fiulding. Alderman Glab asked if the height of the Fox River versus Boone Creek was taken into consideration when completing the study and Mr. Gilbertsen answered yes; they used the 10-year tail water model assuming Boone Creek was at the 10-year flood elevation. Alderman Glab said at least two times that he is aware of, Boone Creek has actually flowed in the opposite direction due to the height of the river. Alderman Glab asked about the area behind Parkland School. Mr. Gilbertsen stated proposed in the report is a nine -acre detention basin on that site with an anticipated cost of approximately $600,000. However, HR Green is of the opinion the city would benefit more from constructing the basin discussed previously. Alderman Glab suggested applying for grant money to construct both basins. Public Works Committee Meeting Report December 19, 2016 Page 5 Chairman Schaefer thanked HR Green for the presentation and stated it was time to adjourn as the City Council meeting was set to begin. 6. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, motion by Glab, seconded by Schaefer to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 PM. Voting Aye: Wimmer, Glab, Schaefer Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Reviewed and Approved: Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer, Chairman Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 17, 2017 TO: Public Worl<s Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Annual Summary of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit Wastewater and stormwater discharges are governed under the Nation Pollution Elimination Discharge System (NPDES) and overseen by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The NPDES has its origins in the Federal Clean Water Act of 1972. The stormwater requirements of the NPDES are administered under the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program for the State of Illinois. Phase I of the NPDES Stormwater program began in 1990 which required medium and large municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4S) to obtain a NPDES permit. The expanded Phase II program began in March 2003 and required small MS4s to obtain an NPDES permit for stormwater discharge. The City of McHenry received its MS4 permit in 2003. The permit requirements are as follows: 1. Develop a storm water management program comprised of best management practices (BMPs) and measurable goals for each of the following six minimum control measures: o Public education and outreach on storm water impacts o Public involvement and participation o Illicit discharge detection and elimination o Construction site storm water runoff control o Post construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment o Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations 2. Submit a completed Notice of Intent. 3. The permittee must submit annual reports to the Agency by June 1 for each year that the permit is in effect. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. As a requirement of the City of McHenry's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEAP) an annual update of the current stormwater program must be given to the Public Works Committee, Public Works Wastewater Division Superintendent Ruzicka administers the NPDES stormwater program and will be in attendance at the Public Works Committee Meeting to provide an update. Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 17, 2017 T0: Public Works Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: 2017 Road Program ATT: Street and parking lot condition rankings; Street resurfacing scenarios The City has approximately 125 centerline miles of roadway under its jurisdictional responsibility. To establish the priority list of street improvements, staff visits each street to verify and inspect the current condition of the pavement in order to rank streets for improvement. Street ranking is based on a 10 point system, with the ranking of #1 being equivalent to a gravel road and a ranking of #10 being equivalent to a newly paved road. Dependent on City Council approval, the 2017/18 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $1,015,000 for pavement resurfacing and maintenance. Staff estimates 5100,000 will be required for pavement maintenance. Attached for committee discussion are the streets with a ranking of #3 broken up into different scenarios with estimated construction costs. Staff seeks direction from the Public Works Committee for a recommendation to City Council foI streets to be included in the 2017 Road Program. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Functional Classification Asset Replacement Value Asset Major Rehabilitation Cost Year Resurf Crack Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes MedicalBull Valle i�r i a sbn� Prime P West E �3 24.0 . 00 "7 1 N N 3 Laca� a� < MINEMRd. ^ ' _ Collector $ 613,125 IL Rte 31 25 !31200 N N 3 $ 179,850 Curran Rd, Dartmoor Dr. South End 81175 27.0 Dartmoor Dr. Curran Rd. Dartmoor Drive Bridge 11,378 32.0 Y Y 3 Collector $ 853,333 $ 364,089 Pebble Crk. Green St. Amberwood PI. 2,500 25.0 00 Y Y 3 Collector $ 250,000 $ 80,000 Brighton PI. Donnelly PI. Amberwood PI. 21583 25.0 930 Y Y 3 Local $ 258,333 $ 82,667 Westminster Pl. Donnelly PI. Amberwood PI. 21389 25.0 860 Y Y 3 Local $ 238,889 $ 763444 Amberwood PI. Dorchester PI. Biscayne Rd. 51044 25.0 11816 Y Y 3 Local $ 5043444 $ 161,422 Dorchester PI. Amberwood PI. Donnelly PI. 2,875 25.0 11035 Y Y 3 Local $ 287,500 $ 92,000 Geneva PI, Amberwood Pl. Donnelly PI. 2,500 25.0 900 Y Y 3 Local $ 2503000 $ 80,000 Ronda Dr, Turnberry Dr. Loch Glen Ln. 20224 24.0 834 Y Y 3 Local $ 2222400 $ 71,168 Loch Glen Ln. Turnberry Dr. Ronda Rd. 51569 25.0 2,005 Y Y 3 Local $ 5563944 $ 178,222 Valley Rd. Turnberry Dr. South End 3,142 25.0 1,131 Y Y 3 Local $ 314,167 $ 100,533 Katie Ln. Ronda Rd. Turnberry Dr. 2,083 25.0 750 Y Y 3 Local $ 208,333 $ 663667 Olde Mill Ln. Leonard Ave. McCullom Lake Rd. 81097 25.0 21915 Y Y 3 Collector $ 8093722 $ 259,111 Blake Blvd. McCullom Lake Rd. E. of Evergreen Cir. 2,964 38.0 702 Y Y 3 Industrial $ 296,400 $ 94,848 Settlers Ct. Olde Mill Ln. Cul-De-Sac 500 25.0 180 Y Y 3 Local $ 50,000 $ 16,000 Graue Mill Ct. Spring Creek Ln. Cul-De-Sac 931 25.0 335 Y Y 3 Local $ 93,056 $ 29,778 2002 Landings Ct, Olde Mill Ln, East End 625 25.0 225 Y Y 3 Local $ 62,500 $ 200000 Boone Creek Cir. Olde Mill Ln. I Leonard St. 4,342 25.0 13563 Y Y 3 Local $ 434,167 $ 138,933 Crooked Tree Ct, Olde Mill Ln. North End 847 25.0 305 Y Y 3 Local $ 84,722 $ 27,111 2004 Springcreek Ln. Olde Mill Ln. Olde Mill Ln. 31097 25.0 11115 Y Y 3 Local $ 309,722 $ 99,111 McCullom Lake Rd. Riverside Dr. Richmond Rd. 81044 40.0 13810 Y Y 3 Collector $ 804,444 $ 2570422 2002 Glenbrook Tr. Crystal Lake Rd. Dartmoor Dr. 15,577 28.0 5,007 2,235 Y Y 3 3 Collector $ 1$57,733 $ 498,475 Abbey Dr. Winding Creek Dr. Brookwood Tr. 5,960 24.0 Y Y Local $ 596,000 $ 190,720 Brookwood Tr, Abbey Dr, Bull Valley Rd, 4,042 25,0 1,455 Y Y 3 _ Local $ 404,167 $ 129,333 Deerwood Tr. Ridge Rd. Dead End 91456 310 2,579 N N 3 Collector $ 709,225 $ 208,039 April Ave, Whiteoak Dr. Dead End 21204 32.0 620 N N 3 Local $ 165,333 $ 48,498 2003 Ridgeway Tr. Deerwood Tr. North End 51373 28.0 11727 N N 3 Local $ 402,967 $ 118,204 Woodridge Tr. Deerwood Tr, Ridgeway Tr, 82700 27.0 21900 N N 3 Local $ 6523500 $ 191,400 2004 White Oak Ct. Whiteoak Dr, South End 858 27.0 286 N N 3 Local $ 64,350 $ 18,876 Timber Tr, Dead End West End 71392 27.0 21464 N N 3 Local $ 554,400 $ 162,624 Venice Ave, Court St. East End 13000 2090 450 N N 3 Local $ 75,000 $ 22,000 Lake St. River Rd. City Limit 11535 22,0 628 N N 3 Local $ 115,133 $ 33,772 2003 Clover Ave, Green St. Dale Ave. 31714 25,0 19337 N N 3 Local $ 278,542 $ 81,706 Somerset Mall Front Royal Dr. Cul-De-Sac 11067 2090 480 Y N 3 Local $ 106,667 $ 34,133 2002 Amherst Ct, Bennington Dr. Cul-De-Sac 21709 2400 1,016 Y N 3 Local $ 270,933 $ 73,152 2002 Radcliff Ct, Bennington Dr. East End 11849 32,0 520 Y N 3 Local $ 184,889 $ 4%920 Cherryhill Ct. Whiting Dr. South End 11286 25,0 463 Y N 3 Local $ 128,611 $ 34,725 2002 White Oak Dr, Tomlinson Dr, West End 63269 28,0 21015 Y N 3 Local $ 626,889 $ 169,260 Leonard Ave. Dead End Olde Mill Ln. 31803 24.0 12426 Y N 3 Local $ 380,267 $ 1213685 Chickaloon Dr. Curran Rd. Dead End 13,483 2400 51056 Y N 3 Collector $ 11348,267 $ 364,032 2002 Young St. Dale Ave. Green St. 31833 30,0 11150 Y Y 3 Local $ 3833333 $ 103,500 Timothy Ln. Dale Ave. Young St. 61477 28,0 21082 Y Y 3 Local $ 647,733 $ 174,888 2002 Pearl St. Richmond Rd. Riverside Dr. 49720 36.0 11180 Y Y 3 - Collector $ 472,000 $ 151 J040 Canterbury Dr, Greenbrier Dr. Augusta Dr, 41160 2460 1,560 Y Y 3 Local $ 416,000 $ 133,120 Third St. Elm St, James St. 41458 25,0 11605 Y Y 3 Local $ 445,833 $ 1423667 Cross Tr. Kensington Dr. Joyce Ln. 41564 31.0 1,325 Y Y 3 Local $ 456,389 $ 1463044 Fairfax Dr, Winding Creek Dr. Abbey Dr. 627 24.0 235 Y Y 4 Local $ 62,667 $ 20,053 2002 Windhaven Tr. Brookwood Tr, Dead End 867 24.0 325 Y Y 4 Local $ 867667 $ 27,733 Colony Ct. Glenbrook Tr, Dead End 514 25.0 185 Y Y 4 Local $ 51,389 $ 16,444 2002 Winhaven Ct. Wimbleton Tr. North End 573 24,0 215 Y Y 4 Local $ 57,333 $ 183347 Curran Rd. Lincoln Rd. Dartmoor Dr. River Rd. IL Rte 120 Chapel Hill Rd. 14,000 17,508 24.0 32.0 59250 41924 N N N N 4 4 Collector Collector $ 19050,000 $ 153133067 $ 308,000 $ 3852166 Rating Varies 3-4, Trending Downward EL Beldon St, Dayton St. Albany St. 2,500 25.0 900 N N 4 Industrial $ 187,500 $ 55,000 2002 Dot St. Elm St. Hill St, 11789 35.0 460 N N 4 Industrial $ 134,167 $ 39,356 Gregg Dr. Bull Valley Rd, Bally Rd. 1,577 22.0 645 N N 4 Local $ 1180250 $ 34,687 Shore Hill Drive Sunset Ave. Beach Rd, 21498 20.0 1,124 N N 4 Local $ 187,333 $ 54,951 Vista Terr, Hilltop Blvd. Broadway St, 1,650 22.0 675 N N 4 Local $ 123,750 $ 36,300 Lincoln Ave. Freund Ave. Church St. 946 16.0 532 N N 4 Local $ 70,933 $ 20,807 Page 1 of 8 City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Functional Classification Asset Replacement Value Asset Major Rehabilitation Cost Year Resurf Crack Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes Country Club Dr. Charlotte Ave. City Limit 2,491 20.0 11121 N N 4 Local $ 186,833 $ 542804 Charlotte Ave. John St. Country Club Dr. 11590 18.0 795 N N 4 Local $ 119,250 $ 34,980 Logan St. Sioux Ln. Crestwood Ln, 11820 21.0 780 N N 4 Local $ 136,500 $ 40,040 Maple Ct. Maple Ave. Dead End 384 2060 173 N N 4 Local $ 28,833 $ 8,458 2002 Grove Ave. Front St, East End 11956 20.0 880 N N 4 Local $ 146,667 $ 43,022 Willow Ln. Sunset Ave. Flower St. 103083 22.0 42125 N N 4 Local $ 7563250 $ 221,833 Vine St, Green St, Hollywood Blvd, 11544 20.0 695 N N 4 Local $ 1159833 $ 33,978 2006 Knoll Ave. Shore Dr. Home Ave. 31127 21.0 1,340 N N 4 Local $ 234,500 $ 68,787 Ponca St. Logan St. Lillian St. 31151 2200 11289 N N 4 Local $ 236,317 $ 693320 Meadow Rd. Bull Valley Rd, Miller Dr, 11218 20.0 548 N N 4 Local $ 91,333 $ 26,791 2002 Orchid Path Bull Valley Rd. Miller Dr. 1,309 21.0 561 N N 4 Local $ 989175 $ 28,798 Katmai Tr, Chickaloon Dr. North End 1,137 22.0 465 N N 4 Local $ 85,250 $ 25,007 Prairie Ave. Beach Rd, Oak Dr, 11,227 23.0 43393 N N 4 Local $ 841,992 $ 246,984 Parkway Ave. Eastern Ave. Oak Dr. 31754 21.0 1,609 N N 4 Local $ 2812575 $ 82,595 Flower St. Willow Ln. Prairie Ave. 51189 21.0 21224 N N 4 Local $ 3895200 $ 114,165 Central Ave. Shore Dr, Prairie St, 21078 20.0 935 N N 4 Local $ 155,833 $ 45,711 Kinley Blvd, Hilltop Blvd. Riverside Dr. 31967 21.0 11700 N N 4 Local $ 2979500 $ 872267 Court St. Venice Ave. ILRte 120 11750 50.0 315 N N 4 Local $ 131,250 $ 38,500 Lakewood Ave. Home Ave. Shore Dr. 41422 22.0 19809 N N 4 Local $ 331,650 $ 97,284 Eastern Ave. Prairie Ave. Shore Dr. 20147 21.0 920 N N 4 Local $ 161,000 $ 47,227 Callista St. Crestwood Dr. Sioux Ln. 2,564 20.0 1,154 N N 4 Local $ 192,333 $ 56,418 McHenry Ave. Bull Valley Rd. Stillhill Dr. 31016 23.0 19180 N N 4 Local $ 226,167 $ 665342 Sunset Ave. Shore Dr, Willow Ln, 31178 22.0 1,300 N N 4 Local $ 238,333 $ 69,911 Barreville Rd. Charles Miller Rd, South City Limit 19,680 24.0 73380 N Y 4 Collector $ 11476,000 $ 531,360 Fourth St. Main St. James St. 11516 22.0 620 N Y 4 Local $ 113,667 $ 40,920 2016 River Rd. Elm St. Lincoln Rd. 11913 3200 538 Y N 4 Collector $ 191,289 $ 51,648 River Rd. Elm St. South St. 19357 37.0 330 Y N 4 Collector $ 135,667 $ 36,630 2010 Industrial Dr. Oak Dr. Althoff Park Entrance 4,113 30.0 1,234 Y N 4 Industrial $ 411,333 $ 111,060 Miller Pkwy. North End Dead End 31634 32.0 11022 Y N 4 Industrial $ 363,378 $ 98,112 Matanuska Tr. Chickaloon Dr, Dead End 89194 25.0 2,950 Y N 4 Local $ 8199444 $ 221,250 Allen Ave. Green St, John St, 21219 24.0 832 Y N 4 Local $ 2213867 $ 59,904 Biscayne Rd, Green St, Broadway St, 5,436 22.0 2,224 Y Y 4 Collector $ 543,644 $ 173,966 Green St, Waukegan Ave. Charles Miller Rd, 24,876 29.0 7,720 Y Y 4 Collector $ 22487,556 $ 796,018 Park St. Venice Ave. City Limit 31952 24.0 11482 Y Y 4 Collector $ 395,200 $ 126,464 Dartmoor Dr. Dartmoor Drive Bridge Crystal Lake Rd. 11,680 32.0 31285 Y Y 4 Collector $ 1,1683000 $ 3733760 Kensington Dr. Waters Edge Dr, Crystal Lake Rd. 8,956 31.0 21600 Y Y 4 Collector $ 895,556 $ 286,578 Farmstead Dr, Draper Rd, Draper Rd. 21,190 31.0 61152 Y Y 4 Collector $ 2/1193022 $ 678,087 Green St, Washington St, Elm St, 41483 30.0 11345 Y Y 4 Collector $ 448,333 $ 143,467 2010 2010 Resurface - IL 120 to Pearl St. only Millstream Dr. IL Rte 120 Front St. 23594 25.0 934 Y Y 4 Collector $ 259,444 $ 83,022 Washington St. Riverside Dr. Richmond Rd. 61627 31.0 11924 Y Y 4 Collector $ 662,711 $ 212,068 2004 Shore Dr, Oak Dr. Ringwood Rd, 19,742 25.0 7,107 Y Y 4 Collector $ 1,974,167 $ 631,733 Green St. Elm St. Waukegan Ave. 5,720 52.0 990 Y Y 4 Collector $ 572,000 $ 183,040 Maple Ave. Richmond Rd. West End 8,935 29.0 21773 Y Y 4 Collector $ 893,522 $ 2852927 Blake Blvd, Richmond Rd, East End 41160 40.0 936 Y Y 4 Industrial $ 4163000 $ 1333120 Shamrock Ln. Front St. West End 3,107 24.0 11165 Y Y 4 Industrial $ 310,667 $ 99,413 2002 Walnut Ln. Pine Dr. Birch Ln. 900 25.0 324 Y Y 4 Local $ 90,000 $ 28,800 2002 Ashland Dr, Abbington Dr, Cambridge Dr, 21560 24.0 960 Y Y 4 Local $ 256,000 $ 81,920 Hampton Ct, Chesterfield Dr, Chesterfield Dr. 31227 24.0 11210 Y Y 4 Local $ 322,667 $ 103,253 Court St. Pine Dr. City Limit 833 25.0 300 Y Y 4 Local $ 83,333 $ 26,667 Chasefield Cir. Creekside Tr, Creekside Tr, 31829 24.0 11436 Y Y 4 Local $ 382,933 $ 1223539 Bradley Ct. Orleans St, CukDe-Sac 11480 24.0 555 Y Y 4 Local $ 148,000 $ 473360 2002 Lauren Ct, Orleans St. CukDe-Sac 11243 24.0 466 Y Y 4 Local $ 124,267 $ 39,765 CarriageTr.(E) Winding Creek. Cul-De-Sac 11013 24.0 380 Y Y 4 Local $ 1019333 $ 32,427 Chestnut Dr. Pine Dr. Dead End 4,058 25.0 12461 Y Y 4 Local $ 4053833 $ 129,867 Birch Ln. Walnut Ln, Dead End 2,181 25.0 785 Y Y 4 Local $ 218,056 $ 69,778 Courtland Tr. Cross Tr. Driftwood Tr. 21373 24.0 890 Y Y 4 Local $ 237,333 $ 75,947 Cornell Cot, Orleans St. East End 12227 24.0 460 Y Y 4 Local $ 1229667 $ 39,253 Drake Ct. Orleans St. East End 11227 24.0 460 Y Y 4 Local $ 122,667 $ 39,253 Court St. IL Rte 120 First Ave. 51064 25.0 11823 Y Y 4 Local $ 506,389 $ 1623044 Village Tr. Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr, 2,867 25.0 1,032 Y Y 4 Local $ 286,667 $ 91,733 Pyndale Dr. Bromley Dr, Kensington Dr, 33093 24.0 1,160 Y Y 4 Local $ 309,333 $ 98,987 Jennifer Ln. Prestwick St, Leonard Ave. 3,093 24.0 1,160 Y Y 4 Local $ 309,333 $ 98,987 Page 2 of 8 Clty of McHenry Street Asset Inventory Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Functional Classification Asset Replacement Value Asset Major Rehabilitation Cost Year Resurf Crack Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes Wiltshire Ct, Wiltshire Dr. North End 309 24.0 116 Y Y 8 Local $ 30,933 $ 91899 2008 & 2010 Hazelwood Dr. Almond Ln. Riverside Dr, 31753 25.0 13351 Y Y 8 Local $ 3759278 $ 1205089 Bennington Ln. Martin Rd, Tomlinson Dr. 6,036 28.0 1,940 Y Y 8 Local $ 6039556 $ 193,138 2016 Donegal Dr, Cork Ln. Tralee Ln. 23267 24.0 850 Y Y 8 Local $ 226,667 $ 72,533 2008 2013 Bush Ter. Regan Blvd. Tyler Tr. 11289 25.0 464 Y Y 8 Local $ 128,889 $ 41,244 2016 Thornwood Dr, Dartmoor Dr. Waters Edge Dr. 49352 24.0 11632 Y Y 8 Local $ 435,200 $ 1393264 2010 2016 Doolin Ave. No Final Lift No Final lift 49920 24.0 19845 8 Local $ 492,000 $ 157,440 2010 2016 Freund Ave. Maple Ave. Elm St. 41608 21.0 11975 N N 9 Collector $ 345,625 $ 1013383 2004 2016 Ramble Rd, North Ave. Elm St, 51036 22.0 2,060 N N 9 Collector $ 377,667 $ 110,782 2010 2012 Draper Rd, Farmstead Dr, Shannon Dr. 7,534 22.0 31082 N N 9 Collector $ 565,033 $ 165,743 2014 2016 John St, Green St, Virginia St. %040 24.0 3,390 N N 9 Collector $ 678,000 $ 198,880 2010 2016 Fairway Dr. Dead End Green St, 61319 22.0 21585 N N 9 Local $ 473,917 $ 139,016 2010 Victor Dr. Sunset Ave. Parklane Ave. 800 18.0 400 N N 9 Local $ 603000 $ 179600 2010 Northside Ave. IL Rte 120 Plymouth Ave. 11375 25.0 495 N N 9 Local $ 103,125 $ 30,250 2010 High St. Timothy Ln. Front St, 5,010 30.0 11503 Y N 9 Collector $ 501,000 $ 135,270 2010 2016 Prime Pkwy, IL Rte 31 Miller Pkwy. 14,088 31.0 4,090 Y N 9 Industrial $ 11408,778 $ 380,370 Ojibwa Ln. Matanuska Tr, Draper Rd, 91396 28.0 33020 Y N 9 Local $ 93%556 $ 2533680 2010 2016 Charmar Dr. Veterans Pkwy. Murphy Rd, 669 28.0 215 Y N 9 Local $ 66,889 $ 18,060 2016 Florence Blvd. Whiting Dr, Ringwood Rd. 11640 24.0 615 Y N 9 Local $ 164,000 $ 443280 Lee St, Dale Ave. Timothy Ln, 21500 30.0 750 Y N 9 Local $ 250,000 $ 67,500 2015 Rose Ave. Whiting Dr. Tomlinson Dr, 51667 25.0 21040 Y N 9 Local $ 566,667 $ 153,000 Crystal Lake Rd. IL Rte 120 Bull Valley Rd, 49,778 40.0 11,200 Y Y 9 Collector $ 4,9771778 $ 10592,889 2013 Veterans Pkwy. IL Rte 31 East End 11,000 18.0 5,500 Y Y 9 Collector $ 11100,000 $ 352,000 2016 Main St. Crystal Lake Rd. Front St, 53600 42.0 11200 Y Y 9 Collector $ 5602000 $ 1793200 2015 2016 Orleans St. McCullom Lake Rd. Industrial Dr, 16,858 35.0 41335 Y Y 9 Collector $ 1/6859833 $ 539,467 2005 Meadow Ln. Shore Dr, IL Rte 120 79442 28.0 22392 Y Y 9 Collector $ 7443178 $ 238,137 2016 Huntington Dr, Greenbrier Dr, Dartmoor Dr. 31933 24.0 13475 Y Y 9 Local $ 393,333 $ 1252867 Conway Cir. Doolin Ln. Doolin Ln, 11253 24.0 470 Y Y 9 Local $ 125,333 $ 403107 2014 2016 Murphy Dr. Doolin Ln. Flynn St, 41533 24.0 11700 Y Y 9 Local $ 453,333 $ 145,067 2014 2016 Crescent Ave. John St. Golfview Ave. 12838 22.0 752 Y Y 9 Local $ 183,822 $ 583823 2012 2016 Malibu Ct, Crystal Lake Rd. Heritage Dr, 4,533 24.0 11700 Y Y 9 Local $ 453,333 $ 1453067 2010 2016 Ayre Dr, Homestead Dr. Homestead Dr, 4,667 24.0 1,750 Y Y 9 Local $ 466,667 $ 149,333 2010 Cashel Lan. Doolin Ln. Murphy Rd, 31200 24.0 1,200 Y Y 9 Local $ 320,000 $ 102,400 2014 2016 Chesterfield Dr. Front Royal Dr, Oakwood Dr. 31200 24.0 19200 Y Y 9 Local $ 320,000 $ 102,400 Bretons Dr. Green St, Ronda Rd. 81991 34.0 21380 Y Y 9 Local $ 8999111 $ 287,716 2014 2016 Heritage Dr, Greenbrier Dr. Winding Creek Dr, 11461 24.0 548 Y Y 9 Local $ 146,133 $ 46,763 2016 Hi -Point Rd, IL Rte 31 Cul-De-Sac 21285 23.0 894 N N 10 Industrial $ 171,350 $ 50,263 Bull Valley Rd. (W) East End Charles Miller Rd. 2,476 23.0 969 N N 10 Local $ 185,725 $ 54)479 2010 2016 Prairie St. Bally Rd. Dead End 11073 21.0 460 N N 10 Local $ 80,500 $ 23,613 2015 & 2010 Silver Glen Rd. Burning Tree Dr. Deerwood Tr. 61987 32.0 13965 N N 10 Local $ 524,000 $ 153,707 2016 Crescent Ave. Country Club Dr. John St. 1,564 20.0 704 N N 10 Local $ 1171333 $ 343418 2004 2016 Baly Rd, Gregg St. Prairie St. 11452 23.0 568 N N 10 Local $ 108,867 $ 31,934 Skyway Dr. Bauer Rd. Ronda Rd, 41835 22.0 1,978 N N 10 Local $ 362,633 $ 106,372 Deer Run Tr. Deerwood Tr, Silver Glen Dr. 21489 28.0 800 N N 10 Local $ 186,667 $ 54,756 2016 Linda Rd, Fairway Dr. Skyway Dr, 714 21.0 306 N N 10 Local $ 539550 $ 15,708 Ponca St. Lillian St, South End 311 14.0 200 N N 10 Local $ 23,333 $ 61844 2016 Colony Tr. Deerwood Tr, Timber Tr. 21669 26.0 924 N N 10 Local $ 200o200 $ 58,725 Bull Valley Rd. (E) Bally Rd. West End 81604 22.0 3,520 N N 10 Local $ 645,333 $ 189,298 2016 Mead St. Crystal Lake Rd. West End 533 24.0 200 N N 10 Local $ 409000 $ 119733 2016 Cunat Dr, Crystal Lake Rd. Bull Valley Rd. 91867 30.0 2,960 Y N 10 Collector $ 986,667 $ 266,400 Knox Dr, Municipal Dr, Charles Miller Rd. 11681 25.0 605 Y N 10 Local $ 168,056 $ 45,375 Whiting Ct. Whiting Dr. South End 825 25.0 297 Y N 10 Local $ 820500 $ 22,275 2016 Biscayne Rd. Green St. Amberwood PI, 31333 25.0 11200 Y Y 10 Collector $ 333,333 $ 1063667 McCullom Lake Rd. Richmond Rd. Blake Ave. 183044 58.0 20800 Y Y 10 Collector $ 11804,444 $ 577,422 Front Royal Dr. IL Rte 120 Chesterfield Dr. 12,032 36.0 3,008 Y Y 10 Collector $ 112039200 $ 3853024 2016 McCullom Lake Rd. Blake Ave. City Limit 12,800 3200 31600 Y Y 10 Collector $ 11280,000 $ 409,600 Main St, Front St. Green St. 51289 28.0 12700 Y Y 10 Collector $ 5282889 $ 169,244 2016 Kane Ave. Front St. West End 11719 26.0 595 Y Y 10 Collector $ 171,889 $ 55,004 Sussex Dr. Front Royal Dr. Ashley Dr, 51389 24.0 2,021 Y Y 10 Local $ 5389933 $ 1729459 2016 Lorient Dr, Ronda Rd. Bauer Rd. 50499 24.0 2,062 Y Y 10 Local $ 54%867 $ 175,957 2016 Bauer Rd. Skyway Dr, Bretons Dr. 11573 24.0 590 1 Y Y 10 Local $ 157,333 $ 50,347 2016 Donnelly PI, Dorchester PI, Brighton PI. 31389 25.0 1,220 1 Y Y 10 Local $ 338,889 $ 108,444 2016 City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory C enry Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Functional Classification Asset Replacement Value Asset Major Rehabilitation Cost Year Resurf Crack Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes Sarasota Dr. Augusta Dr. Creekside Tr. 2,240 24.0 840 Y Y 10 Local $ 224,000 $ 71,680 2016 Barnwood Tr, Courtland Tr. Cul-De-Sac 3,472 25.0 1,250 Y Y 10 Local $ 347,222 $ 111,111 2016 Carter Ct. Tyler Tr, Cul-De-Sac 900 27.0 300 Y Y 10 Local $ 90,000 $ 28,800 Wicklow Dr. Cork Ln, Dead End 450 27.0 150 Y Y 10 Local $ 45,000 $ 14,400 Bode Ln. Cunat Dr. East End 12500 27.0 500 Y Y 10 Local $ 150,000 $ 48,000 Ashley Dr, Sussex Dr. Front Royal Dr. 8,163 31.0 2,370 Y Y 10 Local $ 816,333 $ 261,227 2016 Monroe Ave. Cunat Dr. Madison Ave. 3,889 25.0 11400 Y Y 10 Local $ 388,889 $ 124,444 Manchester Mall Front Royal Dr. Manchester Dr. 31246 23.0 1,270 Y Y 10 Local $ 324,556 $ 103,858 2016 Madison Ave. Cunat Dr. Monroe Ave. - Y Y 10 Local $ - $ - Turnberry Dr. Green St. Ronda Rd. 81149 32.0 21292 Y Y 10 Local $ 814,933 $ 260,779 2016 Essex Ct. Chesterfield Dr. South End 604 2000 272 Y Y 10 Local $ 60,444 $ 1%342 2016 Ronda Dr. Fairway Dr. Turnberry Dr. 31485 24.0 1,307 Y Y 10 Local $ 3489533 $ 111,531 2016 Valley Rd, Fairway Dr, ITurnberry Dr. 31736 25.0 11345 Y Y 10 Local $ 3739611 $ 11%556 2016 Camden St. Cunat Dr. I York Town St. 1,365 24.0 512 Y Y 10 Local $ 136,533 $ 43,691 Lexington St, Cunat Dr. lYork Town St. 1 1,419 1 24.0 1 532 1 Y I Y I 10 I Local 1 $ 141,867 1 $ 45,397 Pavement Roadway Roadway Area Length Length (SQ YD) (Mile) (FT) System Totals 11894,705 122.0 643,930 System Asset System Major Replacement Cost Rehabilitation Cost System Totals $ 175,605,306 $ 643307,610 City of McHenry Parks and Downtown Facilities Parking Lot Inventory Facility Area (SQ YD) Condition Rating Resurfacing Cost Year Resurfaced Knox Park Barn (Lot B) 41444 1 $ 111,100200 Knox Park Barn (Lot C) 51777 1 $ 144,425000 Miller River Front Park 61666 1 $ 166,650.00 Fox Ridge Park 51833 1 $ 145,825,00 Lakeland Park Boat Launch 460 1 $ 11,500,00 Petersen Park, Picnic Area Parking 31888 1 $ 97,200.00 West Beach Park 11239 2 $ 30,975.00 Parks Department Maintenance Building 35888 2 $ 97,200.00 Main Street South Lot (Lot B) 744 2 $ 18,600000 East Beach Park 723 3 $ 18,075.00 Knox Park (Lot A) 61607 3 $ 165,175,00 Court Street North Lot (Lot A) 21222 3 $ 55,550,00 Hickory Farm 21222 4 $ 55,550.00 Petersen Park (Lot A) 41720 5 $ 118,000.00 Main Street North (Lot A) 11044 5 $ 26,100.0O Public Works Facility Lot 71555 6 $ 188,875.00 Althoff Park 51785 6 $ 144,625600 Petersen Park Back Lot (Lot B) 13777 6 $ 44,425.00 Petersen Park Beach 7,000 7 $ 175,000.00 Shamrock Park 41111 7 $ 102,775.00 Municipal Center 81888 7 $ 222,200.00 Riverside Alley 23444 7 $ 61,100.00 Freund Field 11833 7 $ 45,825.00 Petersen Park Oak Lot (Lot C) 2,333 9 $ 58,325.00 2014 Green Street Lot 51000 9 $ 125,000.00 2015 Court Street South Lot (Lot B) 888 9 Concrete Surface 2009 Lakeland Park Community Center Lot 11166 10 $ 29,150.00 2016 Recreation Center 31333 10 $ 83,325600 2015 Facilities condition rated at "1" are currently maintained as gravel lots and/or access roads. Resurfacing Cost Estimated at $25/SQ YD Page 1 of 1 City of McHenry 2017 Road Program Location Scenarios Ootion 2 -Curran Road &Dartmoor Road West of Bridge Option 1 Total $ 951,067 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Con rtion Rating Cost Curran Rd. Dartmoor Dr. South End 8, 175 27,0 22725 N N 3 $ 179,850 Dartmoor Dr. Curran Rd. Dartmoor Drive Bridge 11,378 32.0 3,200 Y Y 3 $ 364,089 Curran Rd. I Dartmoor Dr. IL Rte 120 14,000 24.0 5,250 N N 4 $ 308,000 Option 2 Total $ 851,939 Option 3 -Pebble Creek &Green Valley Subdivisions Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Con rtion Rating Cost Pebble Crk. Green St. Amberwood PI. 21500 25,0 900 Y Y 3 $ 80,000 Brighton PI. Donnelly PI. Amberwood PI. 21583 25.0 930 Y Y 3 $ 8207 Westminster PI. Donnelly PI, Amberwood PI. 21389 25,0 860 Y Y 3 $ 76,444 Amberwood PI, Dorchester PI. Biscayne Rd. 51044 25.0 13816 Y Y 3 $ 161,422 Dorchester PI. Amberwood PI. Donnelly PI, 21875 25.0 11035 Y Y 3 $ 921000 Geneva Pl. Amberwood PI. Donnelly Pl. 21500 25.0 900 Y Y 3 $ 80,000 Ronda Dr, Turnberry Dr, Loch Glen Ln. 21224 24.0 834 Y Y 3 $ 71,168 Loch Glen Ln. Turnberry Dr, Ronda Rd. 5,569 25.0 2 Y Y 3 $ 178,222 Valley Rd, Turnberry Dr. South End 3, 142 25.0 1,131,005 Y Y 3 $ 1001533 Katie Ln. IRonda Rd. Turnberry Dr. 21083 25.0 750 Y Y 3 $ 66,667 Option 3 Total $ 989,124 Option 4 - Olde Mill Pond, Blake Boulevard, McCullom Lake Road Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Con ition Rating Cost Olde Mill Ln. Leonard Ave. IMcCullom Lake Rd. 6,097 25,0 21915 Y Y 3 $ 259,111 Blake Blvd, McCullom Lake Rd. E. of Evergreen Cir. 2,964 38.0 702 Y Y 3 $ 94,848 Settlers CL Olde Mill Ln. Cul-De-Sac 500 25.0 180 Y Y 3 $ 161000 Graue Mill Cl. Spring Creek Ln. Cul-De-Sac 931 25.0 335 Y Y 3 $ 291778 Landings Cl. Olde Mill Ln. East End 625 25,0 225 Y Y 3 $ 201000 Boone Creek Cir. Olde Mill Ln. Leonard St. 41342 25,0 11563 Y Y 3 $ 138,933 Crooked Tree Ct. Olde Mill Ln. North End 847 25,0 305 Y Y 3 $ 27:111 McCullom Lake Rd. Riverside Dr, Richmond Rd. 8,044 40,0 1,8lo Y Y 3 $ 257,422 Springcreek Ln. Olde Mill Ln. Olde Mill Ln. 3,097 25,0 _1„115 ___y aX.__ �,� _ 3__, $.�`>9�B111. Option 4 Total $ 942,315 Option 5 - tMndino Creek &Trails of Winding Creek Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Glenbrook Tr. Crystal Lake Rd. Dartmoor Dr. 15,577 28.0 5,007 Y Y 3 $ 498,475 Abbey Dr. Winding Creek. Brookwood Tr. 51960 24.0 21235 Y Y 3 $ 1902720 Brookwood Tr. Abbey Dr. Bull Valley Rd. 41042 25.0 1,455 Y Y 3 $ 129,333 Fairfax Dr. Winding Creek. Abbey Dr, 627 24.0 235 Y Y 4 $ 20,053 Windhaven Tr. Brookwood Tr, Dead End 867 24.0 325 Y Y 4 $ 27,733 Colony CL Glenbrook Tr, Dead End 514 25.0 185 Y Y 4 $ 16,444 Winhaven CL Wimbleton Tr. North End 573 24.0 215 Y Y 4 $ 181347 Option 5 Total $ 901,106 Cost Estimates are generated based upon $22/SQ YD for non curb/gutter/sidewalk sections and $32/SQ YD for curb/gutter/sidewalk sections. For each scenario, the contract special provisions shall identify locations which the city shall reserve the right to remove from the contract in order to bring contract costs within the budget appropriation. Page 1 of 1 Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 17, 2017 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Honorary Street Sign Applications Review ATT: 1) Honorary Street Sign Policy 2) Honorary Street Sign Applications At the November 7, 2016 City Council Meeting, City Council approved the attached revised Honorary Street Sign Policy. As part of the review process the Public Works Committee reviews the applications and makes a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. As the Public Works Committee is aware only one Honorary Street Sign will be awarded during calendar year 2017. Also for calendar year 2017, City Council approved the Public Works Committee's recommendation that all applications on file up to March 31, 2017 will be reviewed by the Public Works Committee. The following Honorary Street Sign Applications (attached) were submitted for consideration: • Leroy J. Welter submitted by Linda Schoen (Welter) • Donald Howard submitted by Terence Howard • Susan E. Low submitted by Bethany Murgatroyd The Honorary Street Sign program provides citizens of the City of McHenry with an opportunity to honor people and/or family members who have made significant contributions to the City. To be considered, the proposed honoree is required to meet the following criteria: historical and or cultural influence on the City; proof of significant association to the City; clear geographical relationship of street to the area of interest of the candidate; known to be of good moral character and clearly defined community or public contribution made by the honoree. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Staff seeks a recommendation from the Public Works Committee for an Honorary Street Sign designation from the attached applications to be presented to the full City Council for consideration. MC' CITY OF MCHENRY HONORARY STREET SIGN POLICY POLICY: The City of McHenry has established a policy for the administration of requests for honorary street designations. There is no fee associated with this program. Applications received January 1st, through December 31St, of the current calendar year will be reviewed by the Public Works Committee within the first quarter of the following year. No more than three (3) honorary designations will be awarded in a calendar year. Honorary street signs will be displayed for ten (10) years, with no eligibility for renewal. The program is administered by the Administration and Public Works Departments. All supporting documentation is required at the time of application submittal. Following the Public Works Committee recommendation, applications will be brought to the City Council for consideration. PURPOSE OF PROGRAM: The Honorary Street Sign program provides citizens of the City of McHenry with an opportunity to honor people and/or family members who have made significant contributions to the City. REVIEW PROCESS: 1. Applicant completes attached Honorary Street Designation Application. 2. Application is submitted to the Administration Department and transmitted and reviewed by the Public Works Committee who makes a recommendation to the full City Council. 3. Request is considered by the City Council and if found acceptable, a formal resolution is passed designating a street or a portion thereof an honorary street. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW: 1. Historical and/or cultural influence of the applicant on the City. 2. Proof of significant association to the City. 3. Clear geographical relationship of street to the area of interest of applicant. 4. Known to be of good moral character. 5. Clearly defined community or public contribution made by the honoree. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. HONORARY STREET APPLICATION Please complete the application and return it to the City's Administration Department. APPLICANT NAME: EMAIL: PHONE NO.: ADDRESS: NAME OF HONOREE: -------------------- (As it would appear on sign) (Maximum 20 characters including spaces) EXISTING STREET NAME: REQUESTED SIGN LOCATION (intersection): CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION Please complete the following criteria that will be used in the evaluation of your request. Use/attached additional paper/documents if required. Honoree must be of good moral character. HISTORICAL AND/OR CULTURAL INFLUENCE OF THE HONOREE ON THE CITY: PROVIDE PROOF OF SIGNIFICANT ASSOCIATION OR FAMILY TIES TO THE CITY: REV:11/07/16 ESTABLISH CLEAR GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIP OF STREET TO THE AREA OF INTEREST OF THE APPLICANT: CLEARLY DEFINED COMMUNITY OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION MADE BY THE HONOREE: Date Received: Public Works Committee: City Council: REV:11/07/16 Please complete Department; the application heloup and return h to the City's Aclr1Tinistration APPLICANT NAME: 4� 11'J , 410,/V Lwr// -1:1? PHONE NO.. �J05''&7 ( ADDRESS: 9 ;A5 �q ye NAME OF HONOREE: (as it would appear on sign) EXISTING STREET NAME: 6Pdyz A OE` REQUESTED SIGN LOCATION (intersection)* . ��" �� Av CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, WHICH ARE USED IN THE EVALUATION FOR EACH REQUEST FOR AN HONORARY STREET SIGN, USE ADDITIONAL PAPER IF REQUIRED. IN ADDITION, HONOREE MUST BE OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. ...... HISTORICAL AND/OR CULTURAL INFLUENCE OF THE HONOREE ON THE CITY. PROVIDE PROOF OF SIGNIFICANT LINEAGE OR FAMILY TIES TO THE CITY: ESTABLISH CLEAR GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIP OF STREET TO THE AREA OF INTEREST OF THE APPLICANT. r HISTORICAL and/or cultural influence: Member of McHenry Community High School District 156 school board from 1949-1957. Board President from 195-57, While president; provided primary leadership for condemnation of land, and then construction of MacCracken Field,Also led board effort to construct major wing on Fast campus addition in 1955-57. Proof of significant family ties to city: Graduated far M.C.H.S. in 1932, Walked from Ringwood to attend. Had part-time Law Practice in McHenry from 1946-57. Opened full-time Law Office in Jan,1958 on Richmond Rd near present Fire Station. Baptized, and buried, from St. Mary Catholic Church where he was a member for 92 years. Establish geographical rela#ionship of street: Moved to Grove Ave. in 1946. A# that time there was only ono other house on that street, He owned three separate homes on Grove Ave, 3815 Grove,3813 Grove, and 3907 Grove until his death. Clearly define community or public contributions; Again, made significant contributions to district 156 while on school board. Also was a charter member of Kiwanis club of Mchenry. . Moreover, was on original board of directors for Mch. Savings and Loan, and was also responsible for the purchase of the Knights of Columbus hall from the Illinois Bell Telephone Company. CLEARLY DEFINED COMMUNITY OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION MADE BY THE HONOREE. Please complete the application be it, ana return it to the City's z1an iltis"w"ora )eparlment. APPLICANT NAME: PHONE NO.: .S" ADDRESS: tv,t; � E � 4 NAME OF HONOREE: (as it would appear on sign) a �0 F+ Q n A c� EXISTING STREET NAME: REQUESTED SIGN LOCATION (intersection): K ; o a j� 91 c� & (J P► 4, 1) R 0 n c� PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, WHICH ARE USED IN THE EVALUATION FOR EACH REQUEST FOR AN HONORARY STREET SIGN. USE ADDITIONAL PAPER IF REQUIRED. IN ADDITION, HONOREE MUST BE OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. HISTORICAL AND/OR CULTURAL INFLUENCE OF THE HONOREE ON THE CITY: ! Sc.Q.a�� t PROVIDE PROOF OF SIGNIFICANT LINEAGE OR FAMILY TIES TO THE ESTABLISH CLEAR GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIP OF STREET TO THL AREA OF INTEREST OF THE APPLICANT: CLEARLY DEFINED COl�Il1'IUNITY OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION MADE BY THE HONOREE. t !i 11i/NLjjIj n,.rW -3SUl .� pxganized and managed [iHenry Comop Basketball team for three yearn in the mid forties, Managed Pony I.ie3$ue teams a.n the midi'�ties. - Served seven years on McHenry GhaFtbvr of Commerce Board and also served three years as Ghat roan of Fiesta 1?ays rater Ski Shozer on the Fox River . - Served on klcHenry High School. Boaxd of Education Dist, 156 for eighteen years, Sixteen as Secretary. was Police nagsstxate, City of itoHenxy fox eight years. Served -three years as m0laber of McHenry Police Copmssion. -» Served fourayear term as City of lJoRenry Alderman, representing third ward. - Served ti�ae ��eax term on McHenry banclmaxk CormaS.ssipn. , Member a McHenry Andre-r Sisters Show that has entertained in the area for local fund raisers sponsored by chiWohes, organi zations; Private groups, for years. I . a,ative � Feed the I3ueks pxo�am for ai.ght years. �r�d r»any Mare, d Active in the I13.ittoi.s State Fa�icare Association. for fifteen years, serving as Board member, Secretary, Treasurer, and presently as President of the 75p drycleanang owners. a Served two years as Governor of the McHenry Moose LQdge.- As first Governor, iras responsible for organizing and at McHenry°s first neeting hall and club house, which was looated on Rain Street in the Wattles building. a Aative member and. past president of McHenxy Rotary Club. rile' 16::�e�r�s as a hoard member on the McHenry Haspita'i - ltorthern Illinois Medical Center. rtr4r �� r �i �'��itt r �gjtfE'i�" cJ Cc�:rt Ort��r^c� W'r 7+� unk l a wand Ux Dfl$ Qn Was Dose p �� %�Rra�e i�rrrsl7�/f.c�f 1. J bruevv, 181 1986 A_5 or. William Busse ` City of McHenry 1111 N. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 ..Dear Mayor -Busse- and- City Council Members: We would like to take this opportunity to give you some background on Webers Park. Our grandfather, Mathias Weber, . was born in Johnsburg on October 8, 185G' He. married Gertrude Adams o£ Hirten German on .�anuar 15 1880. He work ed as a carpenter - on : ' ,irat is now Landmark School. On March 9, 1884, he bought the property on Riverside thrive, mots 1; 2 and 3, Block 17 on the east side of the street And'•l.,ots 1, 4. and. 5., Block i6 on the west side_af the street. He -built his home on Lot 4.: lie then went: into theecontracting business: He `built his shop on the .north end of Lot 1, Block 17. 'Some of the landmarks he built are the Gooney/Ekroth building (once, Riverside refts Outlet), the Schultz Fuller building (Old,Bridge Tavern, Pin Curl, Smiths Ghil' ., Shop),. the Michael Justen home (matures Cornucopia) 3402 1•i, Elms. He also w9rk+ed on St:^:iarys and St. Patricks churches. In 1925, he retired from business and. opened Webers Park. It was a beautiful little picnic grove ;with parking spaces, picnic tables -and boats for,rent and bait for sale. As kids we remember taking care of the lawn; etc., for boat priveleges. Our grandfather passed away in March of 1943. .Our Uncle.Henry Weber bought the homestead and Joe and Laura Weber bought the small house tchich noco belongs to Tam Za�ason. In 1945 the* family sold the property known as Ndbers Park to the City of McHenry, mainly to insure that it would remain a park. We are asking the city. to rename the park to its original name of "Webers Park" as it had been known for many years* our grandparents, Matt and Gertrude Weberrehad ten children. The two surviving living; .3n ,14cHenry. They are our mothers, Mrs. Anna -Weber 11oward children are still Thennes and Mrs. Emily Weber Lawson Broeker. We would all appreciate your consider ation in this matter. wo SiRCerel y, . tom✓ Wit.-.3::x,-;�.;=•.Gfa. ..�YiZ_.VY j//�^.f,�.rfp�/FjSf//' Lee '`" .;` =4' s�� ` fi /Don Ilavtard and Tom Tlawson IL _ftv s f.e d` e xr Ve s Re Pictured is Uncle John Veber and his grandson Jack Freund taken October 11,- 1936 in Webers Park (See Hunter Boat. Co.'in-background) cc: yTilliam J. Bolger. - . Gary W. Lieder, Frank McClatchey- Elizabeth Nolan Cecilia-Serritel.la Raymond Smith Gary E: Snell Michael R'. Teta. Thus photo of the Mathias Weber residence was taken in the summer of 1897. Mrs. Mathias Weber is holding her babies, Anna (Howard) and Helen {Heuser). Christine, who drowned at age 16, is standing in the yard with her sister, Mary, who died at the age of 19. The two boys on the porch are Toe and Henry Weber, Elizabeth Weber (Krause) is standing on the sidewalk. RESOLUTION WHEREAS,. in 1985 the City of McHenry created the McHenry Historic Landmark Commission to identify and draw the public's attention to historic structures within the City as well as to promote the preservation of landmarks whenever possible; and WHEREAS,, Ron Howard was appointed to that first Landmark Commission and has given generously of his time and efforts; and WHEREAS he has chosen to retire from the'Commission wherein he had served with purpose -and dedication; and WHEREAS his ability and civic interest in the City of McHenry has contributed greatly to the success of the Landmark �olTlmission and his contributions are hereby noted. hiOW, `THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVER that the City Council of the City of McHenry go on record as recognizing these accomplishments and expresses its appreciation on, behalf of the citizens of McHenry. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVER that this Resolution be incorporated i nto the mi nutes of this meeting . and that a copy be presented to Don Howard. Dated this 4th day of May, 10051 w-r�rrnr_ IF mm Im III mm - - - - - - -=ter - - - --- ----- - s alt = rI m It It ltr� It- __ IF - - It•:Y3 _ IL 17 E_4 _ - It Ir It - -- -_--_ - - -_ -- - - - - - - - - s - - - - - ._•' V .. }A,- ram•-'" ' `vim Jy" {':.o ty alk jr met 4 et 4 eft "e~m. arm Please complete the application betoiv and return it to the City's Adrrrirrish anon )epartrnent: APPLICANT NAME:C" YiG��`- !"bid PHONE NO.: ' `� 6 L' 7 ADDRESS: 3%1 11 py� UVJ`!� GU NAME OF HONOREE* (as if would appear on sign) r sat) �. LQtA.) EXISTING STREET NAME: _� K REQUESTED SIGN LOCATION {intersection): CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, 'WHICH ARE USED IN THE EVALUATION FOR EACH REQUEST FOR AN HONORARY STREET SIGN. USE ADDITIONAL PAPER IF REQUIRED. IN ADDITION, HONOREE MUST BE OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. HISTORICAL AND/OR CULTURAL Il\'FLUENCE OF THE HONOREE ON PROVIDE PROOF OF SIGNIFICANT LINEAGE OR FAMILY TIES TO THE CITY:D1Q, ESTABLISH CLEAR GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIP OF STREET TO THE AREA OF INTEREST OF THE APPLICANT: CLEARLY DEFINED COMIYXUNITY OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION NIAUE SX THE HONOREE. ' H151ORICAL/CULTURAL INFLUENCE ON THE U1", Sue Low has lived, worked, and played in the City %J McHenry for her entire life. She loves McHenry and everything that it represents in her life. She comes by her love for this city. Naturally, her Grandfather, William Althoff, as well as her Father Harry Conway, both served as Alderman of the City of McHenry, Sue couldn't help but follow In their footsteps when she became the Alderman of Ward 3 in 2001, and then taking the position of Mayor in 2003 where she will serve proudly until May of 2017. PRDVIDE PROOF OF 51GNlF[GANT LINEAGE OR FAMILY TIES TO THE CITY: Sue has many ties to the Veteran community. Her Grandfather William Althoff served in World War 1, her father FormerAlderman Harry Conway served in World War 11, and her late husband Thomas Low, served in the Air Force from 19664970. They attended all the Veteran's Day and Memorial Day events, Tom playingtaps on his horn. The corner of Park and Pearl holds significance for Sue, because of her continued work with the Warriors Watch In McHenry, and she supported the placement of the monument on the corner. She is proud of her work with Veterans, and it would mean a great deal to her to have a sign in her honor placed there. Sue has used her time as Mayor to make Veteran's Parka focal point of the community and a community gathering place. One of the things that she loves most about McHenry, is that it has kept its small town feel, while growing into a gathering place for more / than just the citizens of McHenry and the residents of the surrounding communities. +CLEARLY DEFINED COMMUNITY OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUT[ON MADE BY THE HONOREE. -Sue has served as Mayor since 2003 -Served as the Chairman of Fiesta Days far 10 years _Served on the McHenry Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Home of the Sparrow Board of Directors, McHenry Area Youth Comri3ission Board, and the Character Cauntsl Coalition Board. -Four-time shave for Saint Baldrtck's Day, helping the community to raise over $1,000,000 for Pediatric Cancer Research in 8 years. -Honored for community service with the Frank E. Low award in 1996