HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - ORD-18-1903 - 12/12/2018 - Amending Annexation Agreement for Legend LakesV'VIIIIIIIIINNniIIIIIIIIIIA JOSEPH J. TIRIO RECORD ER-MCHENRY COUNTY, IL 2018ROO40781 12/03/2018 10.28:54 AM PAGES: 82 RECORDING FEE 183.00 GIS FEE 15.00 AUTOMATION FEE 8.00 This space reserved for Recorder's use only. CERTIFICATION I, Debra Meadows, do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed, acting and qualified Deputy Clerk of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and I do hereby further certify that the attached document is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. ORD-18-1903, An Ordinance Amending the Annexation Agreement with TRC Venture Two LLC for the Legend Lakes Subdivision, relative to the reduction of impact fees through September 24, 2019, adopted by the City Council at its Regularly Schedule Council meeting on November 12, 2018. I do further certify that the original, of which the attached is a true and correct copy, is entrusted to me as the Deputy Clerk of said City for safekeeping, and that I am the lawful custodian and keeper of the same. Given under my hand and corporate seal of the City of McHenry this 28th day of November 2018. Debra Meadows, Deputy City Clerk r!nr 15�%r 71 i'Y t%SEA ! ' City of McHenry, L ►�� ? 3 t'? ; • McHenry County, Illinois Prepared by the Office of the McHenry City Clerk Mail to: Office of the Deputy City Clerk City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street City of McHenry McHenry County State of Illinois ORDINANCE NUMBER ORD-18-1903 An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor's Execution of the Proposed Amendment to the Annexation Agreement with TRC Venture Two LLC for the Legend Lakes Subdivision, relative to the reduction of impact fees through September 24, 2019. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY MCHENRY COUNTY STATE OF ILLINOIS Ucc2&tb i, O, ,2018 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois this a�-day of A % �i J • 2018 This instrument prepared by And after recording return to: Gerald P. Callaghan O'Donnell, Callaghan & Haddad, LLC 28045 Ashley Circle Suite 101 Libertyville, IL 60048 THIRD AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT ("Third Amendment") is dated as of the A day of .d e 2018, and is between the CITY OF MCHENRY, an Illinois municipal corporation ("City') and TRG VENTURE TWO, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("TRG"). Recitals 1. On July 2, 2001, the City entered into the Shamrock Farms Annexation Agreement ("Annexation Agreement") with the owners ("Owners") of certain property in McHenry County, Illinois, (the "Property"). The Annexation Agreement was recorded on September 24, 2001 with the McHenry County Recorder as Document No. 2001R0070359. 2. The Property was annexed to the City pursuant to the provisions of the Annexation Agreement. 3. On July 29, 2002, the City entered into the Shamrock Farms Second Amendment To Annexation Agreement ("First Amendment"), which was recorded with the McHenry County Recorder as Document No. 2002R00766942. In addition to the Owners and the City, Kimball Hill, Inc. ("KH"), as contract purchaser of 427 acres of the Property, was a party to the First Amendment. 4. On December 1, 2003, the City, the Owners and KH entered into the Shamrock Farms Second Amendment To Annexation Agreement ("Second Amendment"), which was recorded with the McHenry County Recorder as Document No. 2006R0017979 on March 15, 2006. 5. The Annexation Agreement, the First Amendment and the Second Amendment are hereinafter referred to as "the Annexation Agreements". 6. As contemplated by the Annexation Agreements, KH commenced development of a portion of the Property with a single-family and townhome residential subdivision known as Legend Lakes (the "Subdivision"). 7. Pursuant to the Annexation Agreements and the City's applicable ordinances, KH was required to install certain public improvements in the Subdivision, including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer and water facilities, roadway improvements, storm sewer systems, storm water detention facilities, sidewalks and parkway landscaping ("Public Improvements"). 8. Pursuant to the Annexation Agreements and the City's applicable ordinances, KH was required to pay certain impact fees, fees in lieu of land donations, annexation fees, municipal consultants' fees, connection fees and other fees ("Fees") and to make certain land donations ("Donations") to the City and other units of government in connection with development of the Subdivision and single-family and townhome residences therein. 9. KH did not complete all of the Public Improvements. 10. On April 23, 2008, KH and its various subsidiary and parent companies filed for Chapter 11 protection with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois in Case No. 08bkl0095 ("Bankruptcy Case"). 11. On or about April 30, 2010, TRG purchased 79 lots in the Subdivision ("TRG Lots") from the trust created in the Bankruptcy Case to liquidate KH's assets. The TRG Lots are legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein. 12. TRG intends to sell the TRG Lots to one or more homebuilders ("Builder or Builders"). 13. Prior to the sale of the TRG Lots, TRG and the City desire to amend the Annexation Agreements in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Third Amendment in order to provide the Builders with guidelines for constructing residences on the TRG Lots and a statement of their obligations to the City in connection therewith. 14. In accordance with the powers granted to the City by the provisions of 65 ILCS 5111-15.1-1 through 15.1-5, inclusive, relating to annexation agreements and amendments to such agreements, the Parties hereto wish to enter into and bind themselves to this Third Amendment with respect to the TRG Lots and to provide for various other matters related directly or indirectly to the development of the TRG Lots in the City as authorized by the provisions of said statutes. 15. Pursuant to due notice and publication in the manner so provided by law, the appropriate authorities of the City have held the necessary public hearing(s) and have taken all further action required by the provisions 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1-3 and the ordinances of the City relating to the procedure for the authorization, approval and execution of this Third Amendment by the City. Page 2 of 14 NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the City and TRG agree as follows: Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals and Effect of Agreement. The above recitals are incorporated as part of this Third Amendment as though fully set forth herein. Section 2. Remaining Public Improvements and Private Improvements. A. The Parties agree that, except as specifically modified within this Third Amendment and the attached exhibits, the TRG Lots shall be developed in compliance with the Annexation Agreements and all applicable ordinances, codes, and regulations in effect at the time of the development. B. The City agrees that, except for the installation of sidewalks and parkway landscaping adjoining the TRG Lots, all of the Public Improvements in connection with development of the Subdivision, as required by the Annexation Agreements and the City's applicable laws and ordinances, have been completed and installed and accepted by the City ("Completed Public Improvements"). The City agrees that TRG and the Builders shall not be required to provide the City with a maintenance bond or other form of security in connection with the Completed Public Improvements. The City agrees that it shall not: (i) file any legal claims against TRG or the Builders for reimbursement of the cost of installation of the Completed Public Improvements; (ii) place or record liens for such cost or part thereof on or against any TRG Lots; or (iii) condition the issuance of any permits necessary for construction on the TRG Lots on reimbursement of such costs by TRG or the Builders. C. The City represents and agrees that: (i) the Completed Public Improvements have adequate remaining capacity and are capable of serving and supporting the residential construction and use anticipated on the TRG Lots without further modification or replacement; and (ii) upon payment of applicable connection fees and securing of required permits, the Builder or Builders, as the case may be, shall be allowed to connect to the Completed Public Improvements. D. The City and TRG agree that: (i) the City will be responsible to complete, or cause to be completed, some or all of the Park Improvements in Neighborhood 6 of the Subdivision, in its sole discretion with regard to plans, specifications and cost, and not necessarily in compliance with those, improvements described on page 2 of 6 of the Legend Lakes Landscape Plan, dated January 27, 2005 and prepared by Pugsley & Lahaie Ltd.; and (ii) TRG or the Builders or Builders are hereby released from any further obligation to provide said Park Improvements. E. The City agrees that it shall not file any legal claims against owners of homes on TRG Lots ("Homeowners") or owners who have purchased TRG Lots ("Lot Owners") for reimbursement of the cost of installation of the Completed Public Improvements. Page 3 of 14 F. The Builder or Builders, as the case may be, shall be responsible for installation of the following Public Improvements: sidewalks and parkway landscaping abutting the TRG Lots ("Remaining Public Improvements"). If the Remaining Public Improvements have not been installed prior to October 31 for applicable TRG Lots, the City shall issue temporary certificates of occupancy during the months of November through April for temporary occupancy. Upon installation of the Remaining Public Improvements thereafter, the City shall issue final certificates of occupancy. Section 3. Fees and Donations. A. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Annexation Agreement to the contrary, the Parties agree that the annexation fees required pursuant to paragraph 32(1) of the Annexation Agreement, and the Cash Donations required pursuant to paragraph 32(2) of the Annexation Agreement for Single Family Detached residential units, all as adjusted for the passage of time in accordance with the Annexation Agreement, shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) for a period beginning November 12, 2018 through September 24, 2019 ("Fee and Donation Discount Period"). The discount shall be calculated based on the amount due as of the date of payment thereof. All of said fees and donations shall be payable at the time of building permit, on a lot by lot basis. All of the foregoing shall remain in effect for the TRG Lots notwithstanding any future fee or donation increases pursuant to City ordinances and further notwithstanding any new fees or donations which may hereafter be adopted by the City. TRG and Builder shall have the right to prepay any fees or donations due or to become due pursuant to the Annexation Agreement (as amended), and such fees and donations shall be at the discounted rates as described herein, provided they are paid to the City within the Fee and Donation Discount Period. B. The City states, that to the best of its knowledge, there are no recapture fees required to be paid by TRG or the Builders in connection with development of the TRG Lots. C. The City represents and agrees that: (i) all land dedications required by the Annexation Agreements have been made, completed and accepted; and (ii) no additional dedications of any land shall be required in connection with development of the TRG Lots and construction of single-family and townhome residences thereon. Section 4. Architecture. If the Builder or Builders submit architectural plans and elevations that are in substantial conformance with the Architectural Standards, which were attached to the Annexation Agreement and are attached hereto as Exhibit B, the City's Director of Community Development shall have authority to and shall approve such architectural plans and elevations submitted by the Builder or Builders. Notwithstanding the foregoing and Exhibit B, the City hereby approves the architectural plans that are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit C. Section 5. Enforcement. The City and TRG agree that each party shall have the right to enforce this Third Amendment in the McHenry County, Illinois Circuit Court. However, prior to commencing such Page 4 of 14 action, each party agrees to give the alleged breaching party ten (10) days written notice of any non-compliance alleged to constitute a violation of this Third Amendment. The alleged breaching party shall have the right to correct such violation within the ten (10)-day period or within such time as the parties may agree in writing, or if such violation cannot be reasonably remedied within the ten (10)-day period, then so long as such party is continuously and diligently pursuing the remedy necessary to cure the alleged violation, such party shall have such additional time as shall be reasonably necessary to remedy such violation. If the violation is not corrected by the alleged breaching parry to the satisfaction of the complaining party, the complaining party may seek any and all appropriate relief by an action at law or equity, including, without limitation, specific performance and, if successful, shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees. Section 6. Building Permits. The City agrees that the limitation on building permits set forth in Section 14 of the Annexation Agreement shall not apply to the TRG Lots. Section 7. Fire Protection Sprinklers. Notwithstanding any provision in the City's Code, including the Building Code, and any future modification to the City's Code, which requires or may require in the future the installation of interior fire suppression or sprinklers for fire protection purposes, the City agrees that such provisions and requirements shall not be applicable to the TRG Lots, which shall be deemed grandfathered and exempt from any such provisions or requirements. Section S. General Provisions. A. Notice. Any notice or communication required or permitted to be given under this Third Amendment shall be in writing and shall be delivered (i), personally, (ii) by a reputable overnight courier, or (iii) by certified mail, return receipt requested, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Third Amendment, notices shall be deemed received upon the earlier of (a) actual receipt; (b) one business day after deposit with an overnight courier as evidenced by a receipt of deposit; or (c) three business days following deposit in the U.S. mail, as evidenced by a return receipt. By notice complying with the requirements of this Section, each party shall have the right to change the address or the addressee, or both, for all future notices and communications to such party, but no notice of a change of addressee or address shall be effective until actually received. Notices and communications to the City shall be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address: City Administrator City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Page 5 of 14 With a copy to: Notices and communications to TRG shall be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address: Peter Kyte TRG Venture Two, LLC c/o The Roanoke Group 22 E. Scranton Ave. Lake Bluff, IL 60044 With a copy to: Gerald P. Callaghan O'Donnell, Callaghan a& Haddad, LLC 28045 Ashley Circle Suite 101 Libertyville, IL 60048 B. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of all terms and provisions of this Third Amendment. C. Rights Cumulative. Unless expressly provided to the contrary in this Third Amendment, each and every one of the rights, remedies, and benefits provided by this Third Amendment shall be cumulative and shall not be exclusive of any other such rights, remedies, and benefits allowed by law. D. Non -Waiver. The parties shall be under no obligation to exercise any of the rights granted to them in this Third Amendment. The failure of the either of the parties to exercise at any time any such right shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver thereof, nor shall such failure void or affect such party's right to enforce such right or any other right. E. Governing Law. This Third Amendment is entered into pursuant to the provisions of 65 ILCS 5111-15.1 et seq. and shall be governed by, and enforced in accordance with, the internal laws, but not the conflicts of laws rules, of the State of Illinois. Any legal proceedings of any kind arising from this Third Amendment shall be filed in the Circuit Court for the Twenty Second Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois. F. Severability. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Third Amendment is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the entire remainder of this Third Amendment shall not be impaired thereby, but the remaining provisions shall be interpreted, applied, and enforced so as to achieve, as near as may be, the purpose and intent of this Third Amendment to the greatest extent permitted by law. Page 6 of 14 G. Continuation of Annexation Agreement and 15t Amendment. Except as specifically modified herein, all remaining provisions of the Annexation Agreement and the 1 st Amendment shall remain in full force and effect and are reconfirmed and restated by TRG and the City. H. Amendments and Modifications. No amendment or modification to this Third Amendment shall be effective unless and until it is reduced to writing and approved and executed by all parties to this Third Amendment in accordance with all applicable statutory procedures. I. Third Party Beneficiaries. The City and TRG agree that the Builders are intended to be and are third party beneficiaries under this Third Amendment. J. Counterparts. This Third Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original document, which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. K. Binding Effect and Term. The Effective Date of this Third Amendment shall be the date on which this Third Amendment is first recorded. The Parties intend that the terms and conditions of this Third Amendment shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be recorded against the title of the Property and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto, grantees, successors in interest, assignees, heirs, executors, or lessees, and upon any successor to the City for a period of Ten (10) years from the Effective Date of this Third Amendment. (Signature page follows) Page 7 of 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Third Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized officials and officers and the City has affixed its corporate seal on the date first above written. ATTEST: ti City Clerk CITY OF MCHENRY, an Illinois municipal corporation By: Name: Its: Mayor TRG VENTURE TWO, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: / Name: Its: ��—Manager Page 8 of 14 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF LAKE ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY thatm; � 1i1 �4_ and ,% , personally known by me to be the and of TRG Venture two, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and who are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as such and , appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed and delivered the said instrument as their own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. -�r GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this 07 day of Ax, jlzrI,, bo(, OFFICIAL SEAL, DEBRA MEADOWS Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 12/23/21 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Count , in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that �i and , personally known by me to be the Mayor and Clerk ofithe City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation, and who are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instruments as such Mayor and Clerk, respectively, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed and delivered the said instrument as their own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of said City, for the uses and purposes therein set forth; and the said Clerk then and there acknowledged that: as custodian of the records of the City, did affix the corporate seal of said City to said instrument as his own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of said City, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. r GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this X day of q ------------------------ OFFICIAL E DEBRA MEADOWS [NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 12/23/21---------------- otary Public Page 9of14 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY Lots 26, 27, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 64 in the Final Plat of Shamrock Farms Subdivision - Neighborhood 4, being a subdivision of part of the South Half of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded September 29, 2004 as Document No. 2004R0087609, in McHenry County, Illinois. Lots 1, 4, 5, 43, 44, 45 and 46 in the Final Plat of Shamrock Farms Subdivision - Neighborhood 5, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded September 29, 2004 as Document No. 2004R0087611, as amended by Certificate of Amendment recorded December 21, 2004 as Document No. 2004RO112593, in McHenry County, Illinois. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63 and 66 in the Final Plat of Shamrock Farms Subdivision - Neighborhood 6, being a subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 19, 2006 as Document No. 2006R0077168, in McHenry County, Illinois. Lots 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 in the Final Plat of Shamrock Farms - Neighborhood 7, being a subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 19, 2006 as Document No. 2006R0077164, in McHenry County, Illinois. Lots 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the Final Plat of Shamrock Farms Subdivision - Neighborhood 8, being a subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 19, 2006 as Document No. 2006R0077166, in McHenry County, Illinois. Lots/Addresses/PINS Page 10 of 14 26 6602 Dark. Karat - McHenry, IL 09-32-45240 27 6606 Cork Lane - McHenry, IL 04-32-452-008 41 313 Tralee Lane - McHenry, IL 09-32-453-017 42 317 Trralte Lame -McHenry, IL 09-32-453.018 43 321 Tralee Lane - McHeny, IL 09.324$3-019 44 325 Tralat Lane - McHenry, IL 09-32453-020 45 329 T% alee Lane - McHenry. IL 09-32-453-021 46 328 Tralea La t - MoHtnry, IL 09-32.454-001 64 312 Tralee Lane - McHenry, IL i19-3245" 19 1 6601 A.yre DrW - McHenry, IL 09-32-37"02 4 6613 Ayre Drive: - McHenry, IL 09-32-378-0M 5 6617 Ayre Drive - McHenry, IL 09-32-378-i}06 43 6618 Iiomratcasl Dtiv+e - McHenry, IL 09.32-376-025 44 6614 Homestead Drive - McHairyt, III 09-32-376-024 45 6610 Homestead Drive = McHenry, IL 09-32-176-023 46 6606 Homestead Drive - McHenry, IL. 09-32-376-022 3 6613 Galway drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-130-0 4 6611 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05.130-005 5 6621 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05+130-006 6 6625 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05.130-007 7 6629 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14 05-130-008 9 6637 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-152-007 1.2: 6711 Galway Drive - McHenry, EL 14-05-152-004 1.3. 6715 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05452-003 14 6719 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14.05-152.002 15 6723 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-152-001 16 6801 Galway Drive - McHenry. IL 14-05-151-01 � 17 6905 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05451-017 19 69U Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14.05=151-015 20, 6-917 Galway give - McHenry, IL 14.05-151-014 21 6821 Galway Drive - McHcary, IL 14.05-151-013 22 6.833 Galway []rive - McHenry, IL 14-05-104-026 23 6837 Calway Drive = McHcnry, IL 14.05-104-025 24 6841 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-104-024 25 6903 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL W05-104-023 26 6907 Galway Drive - McHenry, 14-05-104-022 27 6911 Galway Drive - McHern3+, IL 14-05-104-021 29 6915 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-1 19 29 6919 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-12:8-002 3t1 6826 Killala Drive - McHcnry, IL 14-05-129-003 31 6822 Killala Drive - McHenry, IL 1445-128-004 33 6814 Killala Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-128-W6 34 6810 Kille.la Drivc - McHenry, IL 14-05-128-007 35 68G6 Killala Drive - McHetuy, IL 14-05=128-009 41 6706 Killala Drive - McHcnry, IL 14-05-128.014 44 6622 Galway Drive - McHenry, 1L 14-05-129-015 45 6630 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-129-014 49 6718 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-1.29-0.10 Page 11 of 14 50 6804 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14--05429-008 51 6808 Galway Drive • McHenry, IL 14-05=129-007 52 681.2 Galwa7yr give - McHenry, IL 14-05-129-006 53 6816 Galway Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-129-005 54 6820 Galway Drive - Metlenry. IL 14-05-129-004 5.5 6824 Galway Drive -McHenry, IL I"5429-003 56 6828 GaTuray Drives - Mr-Menry, IL 14-45-129402 57 3927 Killala Drive = McHemy, IL 14-05-129.001 58 6823 Killala Drive - McHewyr, IL 14-05-129-025 59 6919 Ki11ah drive - Mc14enc7, IL 14-0-129 024 61 6811 Killata Drive - McHettry, IL 14=05-129-022 62 6807 Killala Drive -14 diem- yr. IL 14-05-129-M1 63 6721 Killala. Drive - Mol-le-my, IL 1445-129-020 66 6709 Killala Drive - McHenry, IL 14-05-12M I 7 1 6932 Calaway Drive - I~+1cHenry, IL U-05.10d 4p6 2 7012 Liam Lanes - McHenry, IL 14-05404-005 5 7024 Liam Lane - Mc1'lenry, IL 14-05.104•(1 7 7041 Liana Lane - McHenry, IL 14-45-151.002 9 7033 Liam Lane - McHffry, IL 14-45-151.-W4 11 7025 `Liam l ane - McHenry, IL 14-05-151-W6; 12 70,21 Liam Lane - McHenry, IL 14-115-151-007 1-1 '7019Lianaa.alte- McHenry, IL 14-05-1S1=001~ 14 7015 Liam Larrc=McHenry, IL 14-05-151-009 1s 7011 Liam Lane - McNerwy+, IL 14.05 151-010 17 7007 Llama Law � McHenry, IL 14-05-151-012- 1 1.04 Farmstead COUrt - McHenry, IL 14-0--104-a16. 4 106 .Faffnsecad COUrt - McHenry, IL 14-05-104-013 5 116 Famrstead Court - McHenry, IL 14-05-104-012 6 115 Farmstead Court - McHenry, IL 14-0.5-10"11 7 111 Famuteod trnurt - McHenry, IL 14-05-104-014 8 107 Farmstead Court - McHenry, IL 1445-104-009 Page 12 of 14 EXHIBIT B ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS SHAMROCK FARMS Page 13 of 14 EXHIBIT C ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS LENNAR CORPORATION Page 14 of 14 I-KUNF ELEVATIONS "II" GLG° I I"I" REAR ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION RALEIGH LEGEND LADES 9.18.2018 LN1829. FRONT ELEVATIONS ELEVATION C JIUt tLtVATION REAR ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION WESTBURY LEGEND LAKES 9-18-2018 LN1829 LEN,NAR Al LEGEND LAKES (aka SHAMROCK FARMS, NH4, 5, 6, 7, 8) ARCHITECTURAL SUBMITTAL CITY OF McHENRY September 6, 2018 SF requirements: 1 Story.- 1,800 SF 2 Story: 2, 000 SF Proposed Models: *Siena 1 Story, 1,866 SF *Ontario 2 Story, 2,016-2,027 SF *Ridgefield 1 Story 2,171 SF Victoria 2 Story Z282 SF *Galveston 2 Story 2,612 SF *Raleigh 2 Story 2,907 SF *Westbury 2 Story 3,146 SF 1t 0,'83®®®CCDv!� f �� VicinityMap 02 RIONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION seas. —.6 OS.�.'. _.rr r�rS�f�Gl 01 FRONT ELEVATION A OPT. BRICK FRONT — 04 LEFT ELEVATION erx6 an .1— ilY�2�.�iiLY� �r 05 ROOF PLAN wae� w• . r-� orm® o� Rum o� 01 f� RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATIONp + 02 v.,.. »r. rs 03 — . r-r QI- ROOF PLAN 05LU mram � L ~ O 1 i�C g�p OO U E31D ®®®®®®IL 09 E �❑❑❑o ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ U _m a. @ 01 FRONT ELEVATION B MERV W 2 aW I � 3 i 02 RIGHT ELEVATION OSr., REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION vn• . re »r . row.ecu.m var.rr � it p .� �I o r ..�. L r�ures�iaiVI 05 ROOF PLAN �� ww m. xata w•. rs• LU r (N R � u O C 5E ' h 00 ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ a ,arm ❑❑❑❑ N Z V Flfr1b ❑ ❑❑❑ 6MERIOrt TRPI f@Y OCgUIIvl CRb21! �.pr naM Q 01FRONT ELEVATION B OPT. BRICK FRONT vv.r-cN �W bah 0 02lGLLB Y!9• . rY .1RIGHT ELEVATION 03 REaARr VA ELEON �, p� ATOCRIt WlW) 130 00 00 01 FRONT ELEVATION C 04 LEFT ELEVATION rxe OS ROOF PLAN — w•.rr a ncatrc� o® o® o�¢a� C RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 02 .,. --r- 03 04 LEFT ELEVATION rxs vn•.re r." inr.r�• rrr•�.r.-*-Tvn-.--r� s*-.-;.�..'-=-r-ram ROOF PLAN 05 ewa w• . — FRONT ELEVATION C OPT. BRICK FRONT 01 � va . rr j a � 02 RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION - 03 M.,. „� .r� 04 - pi#igs i --------------- w_ --------- -- ' I 1�I _l I I I �y Dueti C0. I I + I vt%n�a ox iwr"� I I w r�wxiw EL•rry � �� CPLIamM I I �' '-4• I O 6.. a 'vi ICI _ I•I W u oao I I �---- i•i U I I )N•wwalL cl �i� I I I I rer rm+a.w F 1' I ss xlttxP O • et rnosror I I I I mac lames -�•� 1YI•n4x etas • �-+ a min eue oea wa m*� I I I• I u ales �rW I i � � m t l u 01 PARTIAL GARDEN BASEMENT FNDTN. PLAN g� 10 w• . r-r 11 2 s a ; 0 RIGHT ELEVATION 03 REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION a 9'd . TC Y4 n• I y �ti_Lll ltr W )n .i oa ®� I : m.e n- In• • • t I »�.4b�l Mn�InK a �'�'p Mares � I I I i I � I I neae'C n... -• • I I � 3 I r I N•wBlLoct �at�� xp erxs✓xr• I I WALKOUTrL�G Rro1W CFnI•N!w B31"IT. fn LLJ WAT W G I I � �— —I I I I I nil. •u'®iti � 6 uFe• ®i Yiro I I �____ I•I � I I n•ola. en_a w.r•�� I I 6 � jI leOb'®aPze�• en l.00ar uV I O aMc'w'raG O � PDA6IIffiB1.A@ Iw•wn m�.� j • � lento '- i�Yi a i I oraeoaneaw. saes N°n-� - I. I I PARTIAL WALKOUT BASEMENT FNDTN. PLAN O1 •u, �,,•,� 05 WALL DETAIL I � g c a 04 LEFT ELEVATION G ...,. Fa a 0 05 ROOF PLAN ecu e. - .r.r 01 FRONT ELEVATION 0 OPT. BRICK FRONT ME OZ RIOHT ELEVATION acua am•. r-r ^ 03 REAR ELEVATION 04 LET ELEVATION E OS ROOF PLAN .r•,• w•.r-s 01 FRONT ELEVATION C o 02 RIGHT ELEVATION OS REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION ecua am• . rw eras. vs• . rs• �•, • — — C 01 FRONT ELEVATION C OPT. BRICK FRONT w• . r.o• i OS ROOF PLAN eeu,e. w•.re ■ 02 RIGHT ELEVATION 03 REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION ...,. va.r-.• Mr - O1 PARTIAL GARDEN BASEMENT FNDTN. PLAN — �• . ,. law 02 RIGHT ELEVATION 05 WALL DETAIL eeeaa vr.r•r OS REAR ELEVATION - 1 PARTIAL WALKOUT BASEMENT FNDTN. PLAN RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION+ - rus yr . r.r ._•, _ vw . r•� r s •.n•. ry �.am rem ro s .suuJm .xe �acr ona...rnw.e zwnea ro x r.ua e ro enrn•reie �p RIDGEFlELD rwatr am:aa roeec waa OPTIGN ELEVATIGN 'A• B. •C' • �� roar rzoae zrn x zrn w em.r TMAL m 0. xn �• xn 1 dMiW me DAMS ins ROOF FLAN cwe® ra.cN .w.r .w s .w s --•, it . rr kLit" mTgillON MRI iP6,M w �6%TAE Q J C 1G1�� 1 (TTrJ MJ w LU ro.rt6x m u ra.r� O L 4 U 00 ®®® ®®®®®®® . pp . ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ A Q p ,ate ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ •= L • �;®, U ; a C4 p�w� FRONT ELEVATION A � @ s RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION .�,,. .,,,•..• .gym ,9•.-. .�,. .�...• Exrewax mm 04Mr M�gwwr_l � �wwr vem m s wryy� lYptY OIIR RYlL AT N1111m icune.e ro s r wo cca�eruun m x ra• iecrruare amR � �T� wMa��w1 n�l.e YQ E rwavr as: Aa ro s v o rss� • mom m d� ROOF PLAN .�.m-- FRONT ELEVATION A OPT. BRICK FRONT a R RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION L:m vev, N W M A s�ar ona..•ne .rrw�m I 192 , m e=caMrave >wr•.rs a gym„ n.wa nn:, •� • M.­ ROOF PLAN v v v � • � W o r wvva n vs• O1 U z _ EM ®®®®®®®e a < . ❑❑❑❑ s m kL. ❑❑❑ 000000001 o JU rn 1AL ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ m.rw1 U W Q FRONT ELEVATION B � p � � s RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION EXTERIOR TRM ICY �a1nr QF MAN NQTr& DiAK m�erMBV us aN��tom ism 1 .110S �i lm[. e.Gv.Y Ma i� MQYgD ISM-�Rl li! War. gtlllt ll.CV..YFMYlW �Q q•Y.. u� • w m 1� ROOF PLAN FRONT ELEVATION B OPT. BRICK FRONT CNL W • N rM 9 RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION EXTERIOR TRLM PMY "�"••�''• ■•.ner m,ee rwra wt wu ua zanmr ro s r ao oawercum ro a ru• Rcunu.re z.rae wrw.,.w. nave w,. rosvw.o.�c. na nwrmn..ui rox o• e _ � n _ ROOF PLAN v I Y C � � � 1 ? � 1�:�+i� lY IY � C I�E'lia� r ■ ■ ■ ■ _.�..�. FRONT ELEVATION C kH• W • M grill ° HIM! W m 0 u I1 t 02 RRIIOHT ELEVATION 03 REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION t4LMTTJ I I AYM� I I a��4 ML�cL �a]lDY tcc I VI•Ne!®eipL• � a ID•DM l3 C0. -' D4IIWl Wtl� (M. QaIL 10) • ou �rL cct roomlat �a ov a+•. ay.wa x rm rlu Y VMCR p4A! NIeY MASH. M! DatM r8U 01 PARTIAL GARDEN BASEMENT FNDTN. PLAN -. re s 0 RIGHT ELEVATION 03 AR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION i1�66� i 4• lD.p--- J-t aY tYbr yam__ d I IWT areua� � i P� �n„amm' I Ivlr'nlo%v . n IDW. I I ; I¢,.I'aw ei. +-. i i� cc � � s I n• Ww®ma reclm�e Ia � � 1 I ! V!• DLL �R 01 I IIo�N�il lmr yam, � 6A ,�� I I I I uYm I L_ __________________ I j ___ � .YiO. I I• a I alm oLL �n coL vW rwlesy4.L - li _ mx6r. I rea®Isa'a HL• a-r. a n• oLL SIL [vL � � .' I • e+ • WALKOUT rM ..e�Y Q o S I i egrrt. a d-C I c01L rID I•IG '� � pypyy�• I I I ` ry l 1 aW enoe I I o cwc rm ome C I I Ian 3 s�rrwL Vi I 5 �j gn•�dn4axv rnGuoArpN � � a I Iv c� �i i mLr /v oG Er, w`b• = 6 I I n•vLL nL cct n•yLLDL e4. I 1 _ � II _ � eo:lo •` vdc ��.nv� I I • ,r. Wa.+.ar, � O I yYiY I I YYaY Y)aY YYxY I - PWL rR-N ------------ Lu ram'+ •• $ � PARTIAL WALKOUT BASEMENT FNDTN. PLAN 01 w .ram 05 WALL DETAIL QQ xua n•. r-o• �� �3 9 •� �'• fit A A A 4 + RIGHT ELEV. REAR ELEV. LEFT ELEY. N 03— ».� 04d. _... 05LE FF P Y r_aP --------------- --------- I arW aa«Mw aaww � }�g e --------------------- i i 4 tf I t I i i i • S3:iL i L I I fi I I IL, I I laa✓®LLS N1� I I aao�t. •w � ma � yawl , I awaK I •d' I WR•.9•.M6 YD CwAIC yIDalf lLt I I i I ext.ae•rt, XR1 AT � 1 mcr. �' �A�'l — /�atwmlaaN� I I P _X ! a• I� u I agN uI I ama. iL{,I mlc r Plums• a ymy j' P S 6 ___.I I I I L rt I H J 01 OPT, SUNROOM FOUNDATION PLAN 02 OPT. SUNROOM FLOOR PLAN o U gig lie ! 02 RIGHT ELEVATION etas enr•rr n®c--ter'—ram o�® o�® 01 FRONT ELEVATION A 04 LEFT ELEVATION — vn•. we• 'S ROOF FLAN C4B Vi• • 1'4 L i MUM o®®� ra•T�r�*.-+_-v�+-*--ors*-T-T-rs*-*-rrr+-+-,.,.sue C : MWdSiP— gavra— ROOF PLAN nw.c w• . rs• i FRONT ELEVATION A O■ — w• . r-r ■ O2 RIONT ELEVATION � am•.re 01 FRONT ELEVATION B w•.rr 04 LEFT ELEVATION rru, vn• . r-�• 05 ROOF FLAN — w•.r-s• V "I d 03 REAR ELEVATION rota air• . r-r Otis rz^rs_rr*-•--irs.—�-�-ns*-*R-�rR-t-�-r oME� C 01 FRONT ELEVATION B OPT. BRICK FRONT ., ELEVATION O4 LEFT ELON rC.LL!• vu• • - OS ROOF PLAN I ur• . r r ril offir 04 LEFT ELEVATION scan vy. r-e• A® �[TT�I[r�*_�]Ii'^�"�Ii'^�"'rfr^�F^,II"�'�3��➢ C -m -M 05 ROOF PLAN rxc w•— 01 FRONT ELEVATION C � w. i 02 RIGHT ELEVATION rcxc vs•. r� ncatr� i.u_ - ®� sae©ems^ FRONT ELEVATION C OPT. BRICK FRONT 04 LEFT ELEVATION eeLLs vy.re OS ROOF PLAN acxa M i fula= RIGHT ELEVATION 'A' EAR ELEVATION 'A' 04- / 06 -EEj ELEVATION 'A' o® Q® ROOF PLAN 07- -' I I i l.l..-.. l.l■1:: ■1 1 . I I •I I I i-1.1■LI. ■■ ; .. I ]F1�1� I I I� I J■Lfl■1 1■ : I I LLJ� 11J■�_L�Ij■I■ � f-.�_����__�1_[__11�1�.1■L_ - t�„y_J■1■L__�LI■LLI.UI�_ -. r:7_■1.1 I�__�1.1.L11.1■J�_ / - r. 1 ELEVu3RICKI 1 02 RIGHT ELEVATION 03 REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATIONt + 9 ---------- - --------------- -------- ----- r--- -------------------- i i i J i I I 0 I I � � � ilirru�ite�uaame pRp � I I will I ouraeAML wbe M I I I _ I jI � VY DLL mL flt � I' rp® rClm. bl )MDk AIL t I •I MWw�wtL WWaY•tWd laG.m. bl I __ mlG nu rla iVY DLI �n I I I I I d a.•a dl I e W o jaeau•atl•d J o�icli�u D 'I i • I w_ j I � r.. w• Wli m�TOMCrrn �� E i�� U BE=R Y R•ASR I. u twee I jy J I- ATJr OG _ ______________� r-----------_ ------ I I m�� J � tw�•an�rnNY�Wl �DR�wRr1�Ri � i �/ � yW u g� V >�E PARTIAL GARDEN BASEMENT PLAN 01 �...�. �.. s s a � 0e1 RIGHT ELEVATION 03 REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION 9 , I I tang SgtC�$ai I • ' I ALtlN YIN T/ll�G f49D ° I 1 � T.4N fl.R 6 I I g�¢ naee rau i ' 61 rrrwa I li I I �r ®� � svr ola �n eaL i I mrr. .I wilN.ui"m waa•. JV.wa (xrm.+w WALKOUT i i �sxJr-rL I I dla`• •• al 13311T. I. I n2_0 OATI—AT!)RMIL 1 � 0. Mumr I 4• rolJeN I I nlnrere�—J� � I V:P '• _Q I— L* �wew+www _� ' Tw°1Jv nmtN�'T'wu �e°�ivlce w�ersrr�wl I � � O 01 PARTIAL WALKOUT BASEMENT FNDTN. PLAN 05 WALL DETAIL I I _ o _4Lnn . NE I -PM! 11 O Q �I m �� � lill • t ^ ■■■ -_- 1 I7��_=nuuunninnnwn7nininn�i�ninuinininnuninmini___: i � ________ ��•��,�_ �__ ncm • >1� ..cY.wtga aW 4 � 02 RIGHT ELEVATION 03 REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION 04 xxa m• . rb• ^ rr WWII! ---------- ------------ Ir ------ ---------- Nirrw ---------�-------'- a � �...rLLW..D. ..�,...o I I IppTlW rp 6 rt:Wir ~rz - I I srMn �' � I• i I - Wf. cxnpeeD ' f I I I I WxWxrd ��� M1'p ' I m.xrb rlli 6 I.I I �r•mxrvmcrra_ �.I � I I V1•DLL.n CA MOLL pII CZ I I ____ oxW afl•x p•d Q1 N'x a•a r'6 , , CRlG rb Fl6 fLlL rb /!3 I !I C I� I' - r -, r- i •' W e 4 1 ros xnu w• , 1 I oom x �v_r� I ' � ■ aa I I I SL � L__J s• rxpvs•a � I. I - L___J ply, IppO{.WN• I• � 2 �\, i fVi•DLL en vx �� Tn•I I I I �I ���D tfii O � BM11l1WiN l�i f I•I 78 Y _�� ,•f � J 0 - I Q F I y �I___________J I ______________Ij • f , o�wo'ixix wu InRAODrtKNK .sorwywl f W Ww 1 R..r YD pLLVAyaA I '____J U J EIC b O1 PARTIAL GARDEN BASEMENT FDN. PLAN k,l.r .aat�saT 02 RIGHT ELEVATION 03 AR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION 4 ^^ + N96 ��xr eano v IDX oloRs® emra Q I I — -----air w --- c» aae w¢ +I IVfr R1To ��� a•naaX..em .�oic�e�uee DDD?< i i$ rn•a.,ue. IQa•Nr. '1 r"�w T .aLaYl unl T, ¢Ia I" p.qa Ly� d• • I 3g as �.mw.�w I I' �- I i 9pg«« r°�on..aarL i .• I a I I �neYa I I i oDaT. as•. as•. xw uL«r. ra.0 uw.LY rcec ¢..s o.te _ I COIG •AD Ap etbs AT W OG W D4. o.�e i a�w�N1� WALKOUT r•¢xrDC011G Fl6. n[ar rrw BSMi. I_ fVY DIA NL DaL fIR•DIAMLC0. �•I Yt'R-O` o • I I - cotK rb sl4 c�arC rb iR•`� mTi aML jn I . r- -I •T ter. s•, �'� LaC I rA Vi•L r �____—_—_ L___J i_ WI %r_N•L _ I.�XY T ♦TKN L---I .• X r x. w 6 � 1 I — I `\ • � • W%• ��r�•G O �Al1rL TIT. U .- I.I I I S s, I I a• - I---- ------------ I I �I �' v rtrwu. awowuTmn L1 T(�?IWMIaLLL lm 6TMDNOItlIWATIDN -- I I.I I I RMr /aD 6lv4TIR! i I I U -1 �� O1 PARTIAL WALKOUT BASEMENT FDN. PLAN 05 WALL DETAIL y . ,.C• ecaE ID• . I'b• I � S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0 ■:::■:I::: utl. — III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� I. ��,,,, p :::I::: :m: Will. �innunnuw nnu I ° � � Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhi�� I' _.11111�1-1,,11= 71 'lllllllllld�� o ��� ■ ■ ��I .. I � ��JII ` O ■ ■ (� �■ �r ■ I' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII O IIII ■ ■ � •• ° lii ii � � iIIIIIIIIIViu lli�� �' ■ ■ �■ :: �_' �_� II, imiimiii IIIIIIIIIII ■�inuuuu I h °�II 11 Ili A i ■■. 11111111111=l1 � I liimiomu IIIIIIIIIII ■ ■1:: ` �I III�III�IIIII�IIII f'I� ■ ■ :: 1�11 IIIIINEIII ■ ■ :: �:. II II ■ E III�II i i i I��I muiiuuuiiii II IIIIIllllll 8O 88�0 �000000co •; t� S � � � ,' ' iii ::III " �o AN . Ilaaalo . mms� .: 17ac�m um� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,,� I:::O ::: :_:l, (I� - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� ' � ' ' I��. WOO WIN� � 11111111111111111111111111111111111116; ■�Will ��� IIIIIIII III ■ ■ E■ �� ° l i� ■ ■ �■ :: ° �� �� � II� I�ul�u Illllllllq ° ����� I Illlllullll IIIIIIIIIII. �1111111111101 I �'1111111111�I�i (lunmll=ll r' IIIIP°:°°°:°IIIIIIII li'. .. Ih M O O � imiieur��� �) � ". �luuu���i II IIIIIIIIIII ° ■ ■ ■ •• IIIIIIIIIII j; lllhlll 12 a 11111 Egg - A of inu ° ■■ ICI — _ Ili ��l 11 ■■ �e ;vas iw.d""am— Ors".00F PLAN EXTERIOR TRRI KEY 0i FRONT ELEVATION B OPT. BRICK FRONT !C'W6 W'•M1I' IMMI in -- .r °�• �F#.� r g o MAE i Z ai 6 w g � w �m }0iewun aww roles aerr. cl W LL! 01 RIGHT ELEVATION W/ FIREPLACE 02 REAR ELEVATION W/ FIREPLACE ���LL -rL a ; Ali 02WR M"AATMKMAT� MMAT A03`04� I ggggl4!4 pp�a 9f. ----------- - - - - - - - - - T-- -- -------- I I xr.uaa ut>o I 1 I ur sw xl✓O auur I -I IM>'r ro.T Y•OLxppL Nr'x.. I I Sx• n rrr. w.e n.wc L L______1��9� ____ I I I raaw rxw I I _ I I i I I _ I dM°:v IY�d N•Ou.6n. COl. — •04 eIL eoL I • I CGC rn am —1 f G �R6d r— �cQ�>'at ADF66 1 I rx U-I FF I u>xax4-P 1 I I I•I - I ? Ii Intl®. U a I �__ ___ I �� � ___ _i.lowxrrwu ••wr F Alouu.r IeZ mlc.m I �rmxr-r� I�j_� w•o ps nn I I__-_-_-_- ___ W I I � I- I i �T>oaa��iLiD Iwl[a I• I I � � � .I aYl•el. stL m� ' I I 1 J N ^� ------------- /C�.� � w l i I i � mn ron Ra n [ •ii' ertir�®. �•r®r rp�'•• � j I l� ❑❑ JQ � � a�a I I I I 4R a175 PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN 01AM w..5 02 :�,°Ni may -AM 03 �.�'"� 04 - m ev no� i° -- - ~ r, - I Davvlarar aT I - 1 i alID.6 DlIEaDrop YTPa'i TDI L____W ______ -------------- I �$¢ • I i � � �l i �i la ioLs n°'... wre I I _ T.fM M I y I 1 lxae � I I- I 1 N•OM ML Cx. N•DLL an C0. fN'DK aTL 6L I I I al aa•aw.Wa � I cx nwm -T r�" bnun r- - I way,"raioad' j W 1• e I1I•lII O IWmx- I11 I#s II11I g _ IfLr`_-_-JlI —_—_--1-1L_-L�-Xt.IL _- 1 -�Gyirel t Pp �CyS i� ��_-p_-_- _� -- I� . I�I �` t/ W4L l• WALKOUT 6 ------5-AMT. ------------ AT 4a66 YI.LL Ir N• DLL X r TAW'IDpIIRI Z • I WI w _____ILI' Ir ry Er — — — I asmxr-TL L - i daDWgwD I I a 1 L aLb bDlNs I • I I aN•DLLan ca _J ' I I I ble. I I i y I _� I T•Ma1D� Q� _ 1 I I I I N•oLL a1Lm �IIS 1 1 � U � 0 I .i i GX ]ac••rbXr�md tl'�.DRrWul uaalsm� f'�'aViulaol 11 - w Y Dla� r YY 4tM]N• ]NC I aeMr.xuemev I 1 r��`•i' �ppQJQ J�p{ l I � I � TYI•!'x'RTT. CD. DPET.rlD] cRCIlIE IID. I I 4 K �� 01 PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN 05 WALL DETAIL AU .Duow•.r� er.,. N•.re 23 @ '�_ I RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION 02 - 03- 04 _.,.. .�..,.� FRONT ELEVATION B 01 - w. RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 02 — 03 i FRONT ELEVATION B OPT. BRICK FRONT LEFT ELEVATION iunaunnm � cawroim,u ■ -_ - _■ ■ ■ ■= 1111 RIGHT ELEVATION 02REAR ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION 02 RIGHT ELEVATION M 03 REAR ELEVATION 04 LEFT ELEVATION` ii3��� i 73 W tit 4 2 z� W d w a a m W C<x �wp 01 PARTIAL BASEMENT FOUNDATION PLAN [ALL) ¢ 4 I I I I® I 1 I eE T Ml) I rzeae Ml! MIe �rtIQlLL Na°ut1oN � I - I I I I I � I�t�y Mo�vAT�AJG�, S S �ynpyypx%xagyxl +r. arrow I I arry rr. bv. I o.>oa s•oRArn e°�iee oRz rna new rau m,r. cne ♦ev. I I I I I I � —I' I I I J I I I I , I I I YiO�x A•OL I F�• I I xia+ 1 Ixsa+ I I xD0° I IxBa°%n•d•L I I 1 � •. I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I•I I � I I. P I I I I Q I r--------------------------------------- I I I p I I I I I I I I i I I 1 1 I I rr 9Ey3 3tl� �g 02 ".te r m16AM ELM 03'�""��LQ°:•'-"r" 04 : E � !Es RNRLIt Te.aa w 51 Ruli� carer. WALKMT 85Mr. Qpp var'r• m Ld ie� caw-n � 2 6 atr rtat = oa TwtICH Z w J Q W F _ e''eLL.rIR•.R � � � QI � PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN O -WALL SECTION Q 01 All. anua w•. r-r .G77 eu¢a m•. r.r I n i nrMasn`.�AW A I II I ___ ♦ � I I I � � o • I taRytrins�r,�eo anti Raffia Mn p!R P W.�6 RRAt neee rLU r ' •�el.otia io AUMr cR Rr�. MM v �% I I 4 I l I I I 1 I I I I i I i•I I I Annrt10%RL NMIRRATCN � RRRv RROIIm Ra1RIDATW 5 I I I I_ usax We I I I I I = I _ _ I I R�eyR i _ I _ RLRe I� eRD _ � _ nedpl _ I I I • ,� L I I j I ---- — i r. � pp � � � I ________ ___________ oRvrnnRAaeew u�•mw I nw+ror o. noRX u I "— DRGr T/WY.Lr At I W �aRReµ�nWh. Mow !@l'ArJ! LRt OrliM I �n rAa I I I I YmN x e� R• l i _ _ I I RRoae I I I Rental Housing Support Program (RHSP) State Surcharge Exemption Declaration Illinois law (55 ILCS 5/3-5018) requires that the Recorder collect a Rental Housing Support Program State surcharge for the recordation of any real estate -related document unless the entity recording the document is any State agency, any unit of local government or any school district. ❑ By checking this box and affixing my signature below, I hereby claim that the entity recording this document is a State agency, a unit of local government or a school district and thus claiming to be exempt from the Rental Housing Support Program State surcharge. Name of State agency, unit of local government or school of person presenting this of person presenting this declaration this document (Please Print) Date RHSP Exemption Declaration Form 20170327-1.docx