HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - R-13-007 - 03/18/2013 - CMAP ServicesDepartment of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us RESOLUTION NO. R-13-007 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PLANNING STAFF ASSISTANCE SERVICES DELIVERED BY THE CHICAGO METROPOLITAN AGENCY FOR PLANNING WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Resolution constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry ("the City"), through the Silver &Sleepy Hollow Creeks Watershed Coalition, has applied for staff assistance services through the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning ("CMAP"), to review land development regulations and outline specific amendments to implement the recommendations of the Silver & Sleepy Hollow Creeks Watershed Action Plan; and WHEREAS, the City's request for such assistance has been recommended by CMAP as a priority project; and WHEREAS, CMAP has adopted the GO TO 2040 Plan as the long-range regional comprehensive plan for the seven -county Chicago region, encompassing Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall. Lake, Oakwood Hills and Will counties, and is providing staff assistance as a means of advancing the plan's implementation; and WHEREAS, the City and CMAP have agreed on the general contents of a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") and a Scope of Services that will guide staff assistance services to be provided by CMAP; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us The City Council supports this project to review land development regulations and outline specific amendments to implement the recommendations ofthe Silver & Sleepy Hollow Creeks Watershed Action Plan. SECTION 2: The City Council accepts the offer of staff assistance services by CMAP. SECTION 3: The City Council authorizes staff as designated by the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with an attached Scope of Services. SECTION 4: The City Council recognizes that provisions that govern the administration of staff assistance services, and, if necessary, the discontinuance of such services, are included in the Memorandum of Understanding. SECTION 5: This resolution shall be effective as of the date of its adoption. DATED at the City of McHenry, this 18th day of March, 2013. f, MAYOR ATTEST: Memorandum of Understanding between the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and the City of McHenry, a Silver & Sleepy Hollow Creeks Watershed Coalition member Local Technical Assistance Program This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") entered on A r-c b i * , 2013 between the Chicago Metropolitan Agency of Planning (CMAP) and the City of McHenry, a member of the Silver &Sleepy Hollow Creeks Watershed Coalition, for planning services related to CMAP's Local Technical Assistance Program (LTA). The MOU will remain in effect until December 31, 2013, unless terminated earlier by either Party upon thirty (30) days notice to the other Party. During this time "LTA staff" means CMAP staff assigned to work with local governments and community groups as part of the Local Technical Assistance program. LTA staff will remain employees of CMAP and will not be considered City employees. LTA staff will be compensated by CMAP during the term of this MOU. The following, along with the attached Scope of Work, further set forth the obligations of the Parties hereunder: I. CMAP / McHenry relationship • Scope of work for LTA staff will be jointly determined by CMAP and the City of McHenry • All work performed by LTA staff must be related to work plan —the majority should be directly referenced within work plan, but some indirectly related activities are also permitted • Within overall scope of work, day-to-day reporting on activities will be to the City of McHenry (who should designate a lead person for this purpose) but LTA staff are CMAP employees and CMAP is responsible for evaluating their performance • Periodic check -ins (frequency to be determined based on need) between the City of McHenry and CMAP management— include discussion J evaluation of staff performance • CMAP will determine which of the relevant LTA staff will be assigned to work on the project (based on availability, skills, familiarity with the applicant community, and applicant preferences) 2. Access to resources • LTA staff will have full access.to CMAP data and other resources, including specialized staff based at CMAP (for advanced mapping, date, outreach, communications, or topic - specific expertise) • The City of McHenry will provide access to relevant municipal staff who will need to be involved in the project, and will ensure that they allocate appropriate time • The City of McHenry will provide access to all relevant internal data, reports, and other information • The City of McHenry's leadership (key staff, planning commissioners, board members, other elected officials, other decision -makers) will commit to participate in the project and allocate sufficient time at meetings (Plan Commission meetings, council meetings; etc) to ensure a successful project 3. Demonstration of local support • The City of McHenry will be required to pass a resolution supporting the project at their governing board before work will begin • The City of McHenry will be responsible for working with CMAP to identify a project steering committee The City of McHenry agrees to participate in public outreach and engagement efforts; including assisting in dissemination of project and meeting information, attending and assisting at public meetings, and providing key stakeholder contact information 4. Project management • Project scope of work (including LTA staff work plans, timelines, public engagement schedules, commitment of other non -staff resources by either CMAP or the City of McHenry, and other elements) will be jointly determined by CMAP and the City of McHenry prior to beginning work • A full project scope of work must be attached to the MOU at the time it is signed • Changes to project scope or timelines must be jointly agreed to be CMAP and the City of McHenry; major expansions of scope may result in discontinuation of project • Allocation of LTA staff to each project will vary over time based on project timeline and work needs CMAP and the City of McHenry hereby agree to the conditions outlined in this Memorandum of Understanding. Derik Morel(eld City Administrant City of McHenry Bob bean Deputy Executive Director, Local Planning Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) 7 R 233 South Wacker Drive{ Suite 800 etropolita 1 Chicago Metropolitan Chtcago,fflinoisf06o6 hk312454dPOd 4e;a �Planningwww.crrra Illinois.g ov t�l4urs1Agency Local Technical Assistance (LTA) project scope: Silver & Sleepy Hollow Creeks Watershed Coalition Comprehensive Plan and Code Assistance The following is a proposed outline of steps to provide recommendations and language to update comprehensive.plans and codes for watershed communities (McHenry, Crystal Lake, Prairie Grove, and Oakwood Hills) as part of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning's. (CMAP) Local Technical Assistance program. Through this program, CMAP will provide staff assistance to develop recommendations for updating municipal comprehensive plans and codes and ordinances to be consistent with watershed plan recommendations for water quality.. Approximate timeline _ The following scope of work is designed to be completed in approximately 12 months; however, the timeline can change as the project progresses. The remainder of this document describes the schedule . . and timeline in more detail. Steering committee _ CMAP recommends that a steering committee or similar oversight group be created to assist in guiding the development of these recommendations. This group could be an existing group like the subset of the watershed coalition's members that applied for the assistance. Throughout this scope of work, this group is referred to as the "steering committee." The exact makeup of this group will be determined early in the planning process. CMAP and a water resources consultant will staff, facilitate, and provide technical assistance to the steering committee. Deliverables The final deliverable of this project will be a narrative 'report' summary of the comprehensive plan review and the code and ordinance assessment and recommendations, as well as a reference table that lists specific code sections and recommended modifications to those codes to better complement the recommendations of the watershed plan. A separate but similar report will be produced for each community. It is anticipated that the individual, community -specific sections of this report will be presented to each community, either to a working committee, the plan commission, or the board of trustees. Proposed tasks Pre -kickoff work Before the project formally kicks off, there are several steps that CMAP will go through with the communities. These include: ® The four participating communities will need to adopt a resolution expressing -support for the project and authorizing staff to participate. o A project steering committee or similar oversight group will be formed. ® A detailed project timeline will be approved. 1 Step 1— Project initiation (month 3) The project will begin in Month 1 with a meeting between CMAP staff and the steering committee to: • Discuss and agree upon the project scope, schedule, steering committee membership, roles and responsibilities, and project expectations. • Collect plans, codes and ordinances from each community and discuss which sections are most important J relevant to review. Preliminary assumptions. are that zoning, subdivision ordinance, and stormwater ordinances will be reviewed. Step 2 — Initial Code and Plan Review (month 2-3) Following the project initiation meeting, CMAP staff and the water resources consultant will review the four community plans and codes to gain an overall understanding of the community policy and . regulatory context, and to draft. an outline 'and approach for developing and presenting plan and code recommendations, i.e., the most critical sections needing attention for each community. CMAP staff will meet with the steering committee to discuss/review the outline and approach, followed by individual meetings with each community separately to discuss findings and specifics. Deliverable: An agreed upon outline and approach, and priority sections needing attention. Roles: • CMAP — manage process and partners; conduct initial plan and code review and prepare outline, approach, and other necessarymaterials for Steering Committee; prepare for and lead Steering Committee and individual meetings as necessary. .. - . • Steering Committee — review materials and provide feedback; participate in meetings;. assist with individual community meetings as needed. • .Water Resources Consultant— provide review and input as necessary on technical code sections and standards; attend meetings as necessary. Step 3 — Draft Recommendations (month.3-6) CMAP staff and the water resources consultant will review comprehensive plan and code and ordinance language in detail to determine consistency with watershed plan recommendations for water quality and to identify potential obstacles to good practice. CMAP staff will provide suggested language modifications to include as well as recommended engineering or performance standards, as appropriate. Comprehensive plan recommendations will likely be handled in narrative format, while code recommendations will be provided in a reference table that lists specific code sections and recommended modifications to better complement the watershed plan. Deliverable: A draft report of recommendations will be presented to the steering committee and to individual communities for review and comment. Roles: CMAP—manage process and partners; conduct detailed plan and code review; prepare draft suggested language modifications to comprehensive plan and relevant code sections; prepare for and lead Steering Committee and individual meetings as necessary. Steering Committee — review draft materials and discuss/provide feedback to CMAP staff; coordinate review of specific sections by relevant.municipal department directors; participate in meetings; assist with individual community meetings as needed. Water Resources Consultant— provide review and input as necessary on technical code sections and standards; attend meetings as necessary. 2 Step 4 — Watershed Workshop CMAP staff and the water resources consultant will organize and host a one -day workshop to discuss and train participants about plan and ordinance updates that would be complimentary to watershed plan recommendations. The draft recommendations developed in step 3 will help inform the discussion. The workshop will be designed for all municipal members of the Silver -Sleepy Creeks Watershed . Coalition as well as the Ferson-Otter Creek Watershed Coalition and will include participation.from , water resource experts. Step S — Review and Revise Recommendations (month 6-8) . Communities will closely review draft recommendations and discuss any issues and concerns with CMAP staff and the water resources consultant. Staff will then revise recommendations reports and present Final Recommendations to the steering committee and communities for final review. The report will likely include the following chapters: 1. Introduction 2. Comprehensive Plan Assessment 3. Subdivision and Zoning Code Assessment (or other sections) and Tables 4. 'Development Review Checklist Threport may also include, as appropriate, previously developed model ordinances conservation design templates or examples, and other supporting resources. Deliverable: A final report of recommendations will be presented to the steering committee and to individual communities for adoption. Roles:. • CMAP —manage process and partners; prepare final recommended plan and code language modifications to comprehensive plan and relevant code sections; prepare for and lead Steering - Committee and individual meetings as necessary. • Steering. Committee - closely review draft and final materials and discuss/provide feedback to CMAP staff; participate in meetings; assist with individual community meetings as needed; assist communities with adoption and incorporation of code language. ® Water Resources. Consultant— provide review and input as necessary on technical. code sections and standards; attend meetings as necessary. Step 6 — Implementation (month 5-12 and beyond) Adoption and incorporation of the code language will be the responsibility of the staff and boards of the individual communities. CMAP staff and the water resources consultant will continue to work with the watershed communities as they move towards adoption and incorporation of recommendations into community plans and ordinances. Deliverable: Quarterly meetings with communities to assist with discussion and adoption of recommendations. Roles: 3 Friday, January 11, 2013 Collectonsibilities development codes y. Initial Code and Plan Nevi w Review relevant development codes Develop o-utline and approach r Review development codes in detail to determine conistency with watershed plz recommendations kshop content Host workshop recommendations CMAP Staff 4w FinalReport Review 8 Implementation ; t Adoption and/or incorporation of the development code language