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Ordinances - 19-1197-A - 07/20/2020 - Amendment for video gaming terminals
Ordinances - 20-1 - 01/06/2020 - Complete Streets Policy
Ordinances - 20-10 - 03/02/2020 - Non-Highway Vehicles
Ordinances - 20-11 - 03/16/2020 - Drug Paraphernalia, Cannabis
Ordinances - 20-12 - 03/16/2020 - Heidner Subdivision
Ordinances - 20-13 - 03/16/2020 - Local State of Emergency
Ordinances - 20-14 - 04/06/2020 - RR McHenry Development Agreement
Ordinances - 20-15 - 05/04/2020 - Police Renovation Bid Process
Ordinances - 20-16 - 05/04/2020 - 5313 W Shore Variance
Ordinances - 20-17 - 05/04/2020 - 1610 N Court Variance
Ordinances - 20-18 - 05/04/2020 - CUP for Assisted Living at Blake/Richmond
Ordinances - 20-19 - 05/04/2020 - CUP for Cannabis at 4610 Prime Parkway
Ordinances - 20-2 - 01/06/2020 - Budget Amendment - Oakwood Drive Bridge
Ordinances - 20-20 - 05/04/2020 - Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
Ordinances - 20-21 - 06/01/2020 - Budget Amemdment - MFT
Ordinances - 20-22 - 06/01/2020 - Budget Amendment - MFT
Ordinances - 20-23 - 06/15/2020 - Class A Liquor Licenses
Ordinances - 20-24 - 04/20/2020 - Change Liquor License Numbers for A,B,C
Ordinances - 20-25 - 07/20/2020 - CLass B Liquor Licenses
Ordinances - 20-26 - 07/20/2020 - Budget Amendment - Sewer Plant Demo
Ordinances - 20-27 - 07/20/2020 - Budget Amendment - Wastewater Platn CLOMR
Ordinances - 20-28 - 08/03/2020 - Budget Amendment - Knox Park Lights
Ordinances - 20-29 - 08/03/2020 - Class B Liquor Licenses
Ordinances - 20-3 - 01/06/2020 - Budget Amendment - Boone Creek Dredging
Ordinances - 20-30 - 08/03/2020 - Zoning/Variance for 1208 N River Road
Ordinances - 20-31 - 08/03/2020 - Municipal Motor Fuel Tax
Ordinances - 20-32 - 08/17/2020 - Text Amendments - Fence Variances
Ordinances - 20-33 - 09/08/2020 - CURE Program
Ordinances - 20-34 - 09/08/2020 - Annexing 202 Barreville Road
Ordinances - 20-35 - 09/08/2020 - CUP at 1302 Borden St
Ordinances - 20-36 - 10/05/2020 - Pension Bonds
Ordinances - 20-37 - 10/05/2020 - General Obligation Bond Refinance
Ordinances - 20-38 - 11/02/2020 - Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee
Ordinances - 20-39 - 11/02/2020 - Variance at 808 S Carol Ave
Ordinances - 20-4 - 01/20/2020 - Development Agreement with RR McHenry LLC
Ordinances - 20-40 - 11/02/2020 - Budget Amendment - D's Marine Sewer
Ordinances - 20-41 - 11/02/2020 - Budget Amendment - Central Plant Hazardous Material
Ordinances - 20-42 - 11/16/2020 - Budget Amendment - CWWTP Demo Engineering
Ordinances - 20-43 - 11/16/2020 - CWWTP Demo
Ordinances - 20-44 - 12/07/2020 - Annexing 09-26-482-009
Ordinances - 20-45 - 12/07/2020 - Zoning Map Amendment 09-26-482-009
Ordinances - 20-46 - 12/07/2020 - Annexing 223 Barreville Road
Ordinances - 20-47 - 12/07/2020 - Annexing 3108 Bull Valley Road
Ordinances - 20-48 - 12/07/2020 - Annexing 3104 Bull Valley Road
Ordinances - 20-49 - 12/07/2020 - Annexing 3220 Bull Valley Road
Ordinances - 20-5 - 01/20/2020 - Annexing 1208 Charles St
Ordinances - 20-50 - 12/07/2020 - Annexing 1119 S Barreville
Ordinances - 20-51 - 12/07/2020 - Annexing 3110 Bull Valley Road
Ordinances - 20-52 - 12/07/2020 - Budget Amendment - Rebuild Illinois Bonds
Ordinances - 20-53 - 12/21/2020 - 2020 Tax Levy
Ordinances - 20-54 - 12/21/2020 - Abatement of Taxes - Series 2020A
Ordinances - 20-55 - 12/21/2020 - Abatement of Taxes - Series 2012 Bonds
Ordinances - 20-56 - 12/21/2020 - Abatement of Taxes- Series 2013
Ordinances - 20-57 - 12/21/2020 - Abatement of Taxes - Series 2015
Ordinances - 20-58 - 12/20/2020 - Not passed - Ordinance 20-58 does not exist.
Ordinances - 20-59 - 12/22/2020 - Not pasesed - 20-59 does not exist
Ordinances - 20-6 - 01/20/2020 - Zoning Map Amendment for 1208 Charles St
Ordinances - 20-60 - 12/21/2020 - Budget Amendment -Park
Ordinances - 20-7 - 02/03/2020 - Reimbursement of Costs - Officers and Employees
Ordinances - 20-8 - 03/02/2020 - Annexing 3816 W Bull Valley Road
Ordinances - 20-9 - 03/02/2020 - Zoning Map Amendment - 3816 W Bull Valley Road